
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

amc80|1335805945|3184076 said:
The baby has been crazy active. He is getting really strong. DH put his ear up to my belly to see what he could hear, and the baby immediately kicked him in the face. So funny!
Bahahaha! That image is just hilarious to me! Sorry you can't more sleep though. I tossed from midnight on last night. I'm exhausted today.

Missy, good luck at your appointment! Glad you had a good fruitful shower!

MP, hello! I don't mind showers - I'll take all the freebies I can get! LOL. I'm also getting impatient to feel movement, but I guess I'll have to wait a few more weeks. I'm starting to grow from just under my boobs now, things are getting out of control! Oh and of course my boobs are WAY out of control. DH and I had a belly jiggle off this weekend. I won. Sucker! :cheeky:

Lliang, I'm forwarding your post to DH, hopefully he will remember it in 6 months!

Hi everyone else! 15w4d today. My back has been killing me this weekend! Sitting on the floor all day Saturday doing crafts was probably a bad idea, but it was fun, at least! My sciatica is on hiatus for now, hopefully it will stay away for good! That's about next appointment is Wednesday, and I think we'll be able to schedule the anatomy scan after this! Woohoo!!
Hey pregnant people! I'm 36 weeks today, feeling pretty good. I planted almost all the seedlings I started between yesterday and today (which reminds me we need to start a gardening thread again somewhere), and it didn't kill my back too much. I've been sleeping pretty well but still getting mad heartburn some nights even after taking a Zantac. It's totally my fault for eating things like ice cream sundaes at midnight, though. Oops. I've been having crazy dreams, too! Nothing ever about babies or birth, but random weird stuff like bomb shelters and stuff out of movies like Terminator. I don't even want to try to analyze that, ha ha.

Hmm, what else. Oh, someone else said the 1st tri fatigue is back--same here. Last Friday I came home and laid down after work so I could take a nap and be refreshed to go to a function for my husband, but when he woke me up at 6:30 he took one look at me and told me to sit this one out! After being on my feet for the better part of 8 hours and not just standing but being very active (up and down stairs a lot, carrying up to 20 lbs, etc.) I am DONE these days. My boss took me off the schedule for the last two weeks of May and tells me we'll play it by ear and that I can just work when I want to as I feel able. We've also worked out the breast pumping situation--he's just going to make me a sign for the large office area upstairs so I can use that space whenever I need to. I feel much more relaxed about work now that those two things have been taken care of. My only issues during leave will be having to go to some line viewings--a couple of my reps will be in town showing things while I'm off, but I will just have to meet up with them and probably bring baby.

Looking at Chariot Carriers for a stroller at this point--I can get a pro deal so even though I won't be pulling it behind me on a bike or putting it on skis I can use it like a jogging stroller and the resale will be great.

Here are a few super exciting bump pics from my debut into the 9th month!



Ppm- hope everything checks out okay with the midwives. Keep us updated please!

AMC- my doctor switches to 3D every ultrasound (so, each month). It's been really cool to see our little one growing! She hides her face EVERYTIME, so even though we get a 3D view we can never see her face clearly. It definitely makes it more real to realize there is a human in there when I see the 3D version. I don't think getting a sneak peak will change my feelings when she is born, so I think it's worth the extra look!

Monarch- you look great!

AFM- 32 weeks tomorrow! LO has been digging into my ribs and I am uncomfortable about 90% of the time. Standing is the most comfortable belly wise, but the fatigue kicks in too quickly for that to last long. I've been experiencing the heart racing that many of you were talking about a while back. It's like my body isn't getting enough blood throughout and is ultra fatigued, even typing this makes my arms tired!!

I have an appointment Wednesday. I'm really curious to see how big she has grown and what position she is in. She is running out of space so I feel every movement and they feel huge, so I worry she has flipped on me. Her movements are big like the ones one you tube. I always thought those were fake! Haha. I must be huge now because everyone I see is surprised I still have two months. I'm up 25ish lbs already, so I guess I can understand why they think that.
PilsnPinkysMom said:
I'm 28 weeks and some odd days... time is going by quickly! I'm experiencing some major pain in my upper right abdomen, just below my ribs, and it's starting to worry me. I change positions and get out of bed VERY slowly, or else I feel like I'm being stabbed/cut in that area. When the pain isn't severe, it's a persistent, dull ache. It even feels tender when I touch the skin over the affected area. DH is afraid it might be related to my gallbladder. I'm going to call the midwives tomorrow and see what they think. Cross your fingers that it's no big deal!

I'm sorry your having some pains pilsnpinkysmom :( I hope it's not a big deal and not your gallbladder. It's nice to read about other womens experiences so I can tell what is/isn't normal growing pains.

sugarpie honeybun said:
I’m 31 weeks and chugging along. This pregnancy has totally kicked my a$% from day 1. Dealing with sciatica, Braxton Hicks, and pelvic pain – oh, and my full-of-energy two-and-a-half year old son! Fun, fun! I’ve gained roughly 14 lbs this pregnancy, which the doc seems very happy with and everything else (health-wise) is fine. The baby is just kicking my butt physically. It’s so true that every pregnancy is different – my first was a total breeze.

DH and I are in the midst of buying a new house and closing on June 1. My due date is July 1, so fingers crossed Baby Girl stays put until we get settled. Of course, at this point, nothing would surprise me…

Hope everyone is well. Such an exciting time for all of us! :))

Sugarpie: You're getting close! I hope everything goes smoothly with the house closing experience. We just closed on our first home March 16th (made an offer a month after married-got accepted-found out the closing date was mid-march and found out I was pregnant in early Feb) so I understand what it's like to go though some changes so quickly :) You'll have a new home to nest in for your little one and I'm sure things will all go smoothly. I'm sorry that your dealing with all the "fun" pregnancy things. I had a agf whos first was a breeze and the 2nd was similar to yours. Mine is going-could be better-could be worse. So I just keep chugging along. 14lbs isn't a bad gain at all-you'll probably lose it very quickly too!

Missy0483 said:
Crap, the first tri tiredness is coming back. I literally roll out of bed and if I wasn't pregnant I'd just let myself fall to the floor :lol:

Our last shower was on Saturday. We got a ton of stuff again! I liked being able to just throw it in the closet, but now we really need to start going through all of it sometime soon. I begged my mom to come help because I sat for 2 hours and felt like I got no where and created an organized mess haha. Plus she said whatever else we need, they were planning on buying for us! They are so crazy, but I love them more than they know!!! It's so weird how my parents are compared to DH's parents. We already got the crib and changing table from my parents and a bunch of other misc. things. DH's parents gave us a basket of misc stuff...a pack of crib sheets, diaper rash cream, pacifier wipes, washcloths, bottle brush, and pacifiers. This was after asking us what other big things we needed and I told her the stroller and an extra base, and the baby swing :confused: I don't want to sound greedy, it just seems a little weird that they didn't want to help out their grandchild more than they did. But anyway, it was a fun time with friends. We didn't play any games, which was probably a good thing because they're embarassing sometimes haha. I'm sure my blood pressure was already a little up there with the anxiety of so many people being around. Oh and at one point we thought we lost our cat.

I gave DH another chore...I can no longer sweep the floors. I swept our bathroom Saturday morning and my back is still mad at me for it! I'm not sure why just sweeping hurts so much, I don't feel like bending the wrong way or anything. Oh well! And I think the baby is dropping...getting a lot of pressure down low when walking now. I think I have the official waddling going on now too :tongue: Well that's all for me!

-34 weeks 1 day

HUGS missy! I didn't roll out of bed until 12 this afternoon today! I was awake a lot earlier than that but it was cold and I just didn't feel like getting out of bed. I hope that you get some energy soon-it stinks feeling so drained all the time. I hope your mom comes over and helps with the nursery room and helps you sort though things. I get easily overwhelmed with piles of stuff and currently our nursery is our moving box storage. I have baby stuff piling up next to it all and we really need to get some renovations done in order to get that nursery in order. I know the summer is going to fly with how busy we are and we have a 15 day honeymoon-a wedding and a yard sale and countless family/friends visiting us I hope I can manage to get it all done!

How strange for them to ask about a larger gift and then get you a basket. You don't sound greedy at all-perhaps they just thought it was best to hold off until you get everything and then maybe they'll fill in where you need it most?

I hope your back feels better soon!

Thanks so much :) I don't like taking things if I can help it but I feel so much better. It's not 100% though-I still got sick the other morning. I think I waited a few to many minutes long to get some food in my system since I didn't even make it to the kitchen to get anything together before meeting my dear friend the toilet bowl.

You're not to far behind me-I'm 17w1d today and I can feel the baby (or my uterus) but it's not sticking out much at all and I *might* have felt some movement but it's really hard to tell for sure. I'm really excited to have the baby move-I think it will make it that much more real!

mayerling: I hope you have safe travels! You're closing in on 30 weeks (if not there already) and on the home stretch of things. You'll be meeting your little one in no time! How exciting!!!

Amc80: I hope you had a fun trip :) I was at the midwife appt on Tuesday and saw the flier for 3D US and I will admit they look pretty cool. I've been doing research from the beginning of my pregnancy though with regards to ultrasounds and cell mutation and the longer that the cells are exposes (actually anything over 3 minutes according to my midwife) does indeed cause cell mutation. To what extent they don't really know since the research is only being done on mice/rats currently but since she knows my concerns she just said that don't get any unnecessary ones done and ones that are over long peroids of time (most US are around 10 minutes exposure or so). Don't want to freak you out-just want you to be aware so you can do your own research before making that decision for you and your baby.

Sunny: We are really close with how far we are along. I sat on the floor the other day in church and needed a bit of help getting up. I felt a bit silly but I didn't really care :D

I FINALLY got around to taking another bump picture-still mostly cookies and chips. Here is 17w1d

Monarch: You posted just before mine and I just wanted to say you're looking awesome! Not to much longer and you'll get to meet your little one! HOW EXCITING!!!

I also wanted to add I'm knitting my baby an owl sleeper sack with matching hat. I just learned to knit-this is project #2-my first was a scarf. I also bought a cute custom dyed baby sweater at the knitter show this weekend. A gf of mine knows the lady who's leaving the business of custom dying yarn (to do her other business full time) and she was selling off everything. Usually you can never buy samples-just the yarn/pattern to make it. She usually sells this yarn for 25.00 and I got the cute sweater for 20.00!




Oh, wanted to share this belly mapping thing I found last night--how you can tell what position baby is in!

And VL--thanks for the compliment and also for reminding me that I need to knit a couple blankets. Even if I don't use them, I want to have them as keepsakes someday. "Look what your awesome mother made for you when you were a baby!" Hahaha.
Month 9, home stretch Monnie! You look great!

VL, you look great too, I don't see cookies anywhere. Haha. And your crafts are so cute!

Shows you how much a long torso makes the difference, check out this thing! Baboom! It's almost embarassing telling people I'm 15 weeks, because I think they expect me to say...25. Oh well! I'll carry my truckload of baby with pride! And pain. ::) :sick:

VL, I agree with Sunnyd, I don't think you've got anything to worry about weight-wise. You're tiny, and I'm guessing you would actually be one of the people advised to gain weight in the upper range of the suggested levels. Are you sure you even need maternity clothes? ;)

Sunnyd, I'm right there with you on the short torso thing, and my bump has nowhere to hide! I can look much more pregnant than I am depending on the time of day and how bloated I am!

Monarch, I agree that you are looking really good!

Okay, I'll play along. Here's a pic I took over the weekend at just over 16 weeks. Bye bye waist!

Sunnyd and MP - GO short torsos! I'm a fellow short torso myself. You will pop out fast, I'm sure. I did! Now that baby has dropped some, I have some space between my boobs and belly again haha.

Here's me at 16 weeks and today at 34w1d

And wow do I feel big today! :lol: Baby has been pushing around my belly button all day which happens to be at the biggest area of my bump and it's been sticking out more!


Hey ladies! Sorry I've been so MIA. Between moving my mom, moving ourselves, the home renovation and going away tomorrow, things have been insane. (Right, and we work full time...)

BUT I am so grateful for you ladies and the support around here. I always read everyone's posts, even if I don't have a chance to respond.

Anyway, I wanted to see if anyone had any great ideas for grandmas-to-be for mother's day. It's the first grandbaby and first great grandbaby on both sides so I wanted to do something nice or give a small gift to that end. I was poking around on etsy, but haven't found much and I just don't have any great ideas. Anyone else have some gift planned??? Any ideas? I thought a framed ultrasound pic might be cute, but aside from that, I have no ideas...
So after a crazy morning at my OB appointment, then to the hospital, and to work to tie up some things....I have been put on bedrest. My blood pressure was high at my appointment again. After telling her that financially it's going to be hard to not work, she suggested modified hours at work. But then after asking me how I feel when I am at work, she took that back and said I need to be completely out of work. I told her I'm stressed at work, which is true. I couldn't lie, it would only be hurting me and the baby. I guess it's technically modified bedrest because I can still go out to the store or whatever, just not extended periods of time on my feet. When I'm at home I'm to lie down on either my left or right side as much as possible. Doing another 24 hour urine collection today, then weekly NSTs and weekly ultrasounds for the rest of the time. So, here's to only having one paycheck coming in for weeks now. Oh my God. We'll survive somehow!!!
One good thing... I DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH MY STRESSFUL JOB! :bigsmile:
Missy, I'm sorry to hear you've been put on bed rest. Try not to worry about the financial situation; things will work out ok. You have pretty much everything for the baby now, right? Try to focus on that and relaxing and staying healthy, and let yourself look forward to everything that's to come when you meet your little one soon. Deep breath, everything will be ok.
Oh crap, Missy I'm sorry you got put on bedrest! I know financially for us it would be really hard as well. At least you only have a few weeks left, and now you can let yourself be healthy with no high BP from here on out! Everything will be fine!
Bobbin - Congrats again, I love the pictures! You should pop in to the CD thread and let us know how you're liking your diapers!

PPM - Thinking about you!! Let us know how you're doing. I hope the pain is nothing to worry about. I've never had pain that high so I don't have a clue.

sugarpie - It sounds like (for everything I've read and been told) that second pregnancies are just plain HARDER! I wonder if it has something to do with having a LO around or maybe our bodies are just more tired, idk. It certainly seems true though. Good luck with the new house!

MP - If you don't want a shower there's nothing wrong with that. I didn't really want one either and since O was born so early we didn't end up having one. It was fine. The people who really wanted to buy things for LO still made sure to get stuff to us no matter what. There's no reason to have a shower if it will make you uncomfortable!!

PP - Good luck at your appointment tomorrow.

monarch, VL, sunnyd, MP, and Missy - Cute bumps ladies!!

Missy - Sorry to hear you're on modified bed rest! Knowing how much you hate your work it sounds like it's probably for the best though. You're so far along that it shouldn't be for too long at least. It really sucks that your company doesn't have a short term disability plan :knockout:

AFM - I had a growth appointment at MFM this morning. Both babies look fantastic at this point. A is 3lb 2oz and B is 3lb 4oz and they have the same amount of fluid. The U/S tech was awesome and spent a lot of time looking at the placenta(s) and she really thinks there is only one! We've been treating this pregnancy as a mono/di just in case, but it was cool to hear her thoughts on why she doesn't think there are two fused placentas. The risks are higher with mono/di, but it's cool to think the twins are identical. Baby A was still breach though... little bugger!

Missy- Sorry about the bedrest, but honestly sounds like the best thing if work is stressing you out. I got put on modified bed rest last time about 2 weeks before my due date and it was actually kind of nice. ;)) I laid around and read books and went to movies and went swimming and sent my husband to the grocery store. :cheeky: Oh and perfect timing that your DH found another job!!!! :appl:

Bobbin- She's adorable!!!!!! Swooning over here. Thanks for sharing your story.

PPM- I had rib pain last pregnancy. I think he was so high that everything got pushed upwards. Hope it's just that and nothing serious.

Sugarpie- :wavey:

Speaking of Bobbin's birth story- I had a similar experience with the epidural. I wanted to try to go med-free, but got induced. I am sure someone somewhere has an induction story that didn't end up with an epidural, but I think it's rare. You are tied down to the machines so you can't labor in the best ways to get through it. Also, the pitocin contractions (for me) came right on top of each other, so I never had any down time to regroup. So I hear that "normal" contractions come every 2 or 3 minutes, last about a minute or two, like waves. Mine just crashed crashed crashed, I never had any receding time. I was 0% dilated at 7 am. Got the epi at 7:30 am, and was 10 cm by 8:30 or 9 am. Epidural relaxed me, and they turned off the pitocin. Pushed for maybe an hour.

I have been somewhat in denial that I have to do this labor thing again. I mean, in theory it's all good, I've been through it, I know I will get through it, etc. But the closer it gets, the more I'm like, OMG I have to do THAT again? :eek:

Another weekly appt today. All looks good, just waiting for due date. I haven't really gained any weight lately, which is weird b/c I've been eating more and baby is growing. But my OB said that typically the weight gain slows down now b/c you are burning so many calories. Interesting.

Kunzite- Glad the little twinks are growing and doing their thing. Mine was breech until about 34 or 35 weeks, I think, but then flipped right around. Hope Baby A gets his act together for you! Are you holding up ok?
Missy, yikes, sorry you’re having more blood pressure problems. I’m sure you’ve said this before, but what is that you do for a living that is causing you so much stress? I really hope that being off work for your last few weeks will help you keep your blood pressure in check and I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to get by on a little less for awhile. As someone else said, it sounds like you’ve been really fortunate to get a lot of help with baby stuff, so that should help. Take care of yourself.

China, you’re getting close now! Hopefully, you’ll have a little easier time with labor this go around. I’m going to continue to stay in denial that this little alien (as DH calls him) inside of me eventually needs to come out :shock:

Kunzite, so glad to hear things are staying stable for you and that the little guys are growing nicely. Hoping Baby A does a little spin in the next few weeks for you. And that’s exciting that the twins are probably identical. I have identical twin uncles who are nearly 50, and they still have the neatest relationship and are super close.

Megumic, I’m sure your mothers/grandmothers would appreciate an ultrasound pic. Very exciting that it is the first baby for everyone. I remember how exciting it was for all of us when my brother had the first baby in our family. My first nephew still holds a special place in my heart. Our baby is going to be the third on one side and the fifth on the other, so I’m not really planning on doing anything for our moms as they’ve both been grandmas for awhile and the other grandchildren will no doubt be getting them cards, etc.
Just a quick post to say thank you to everyone for thinking about me!

MP - Actually, I only work in the office doing general office duties. But it's on a horse farm and it's extremely busy with the babies being born and then re-breeding horses and I deal with the phone calls and contracts for people who want to breed with horses on our farm. It's just so much to keep up with and they had me doing more work than I was at this time last year. Even after knowing I was having blood pressure issues, my boss didn't ask if I needed help keeping up. So yes, it is for the best at this point. It's actually a huge weight off my shoulders because I dreaded going in there every day! My poor doctor today though, I don't know how she didn't lose it. Before coming in to meet with me she was in with another patient doing a pap exam. The patient passed out! They called the ambulance, but she woke up and was fine. Then my doctor had to come deal with me. She's pregnant also, about 2 weeks ahead of me.

Good news though - We met with a potential babysitter tonight and we LOVE her. So down to earth and normal. She answered all of our questions without hesitation. And she's decently priced at $100 a week. So we've most likely found a babysitter!
Missy- thinking of you!! You'll make it through the next couple of weeks. Just keep reminding yourself that your and your baby's health are most important. Maybe this modified bedrest will make your employer see just how valuable you are!
Missy0483|1335922948|3185258 said:
Just a quick post to say thank you to everyone for thinking about me!

MP - Actually, I only work in the office doing general office duties. But it's on a horse farm and it's extremely busy with the babies being born and then re-breeding horses and I deal with the phone calls and contracts for people who want to breed with horses on our farm. It's just so much to keep up with and they had me doing more work than I was at this time last year. Even after knowing I was having blood pressure issues, my boss didn't ask if I needed help keeping up. So yes, it is for the best at this point. It's actually a huge weight off my shoulders because I dreaded going in there every day! My poor doctor today though, I don't know how she didn't lose it. Before coming in to meet with me she was in with another patient doing a pap exam. The patient passed out! They called the ambulance, but she woke up and was fine. Then my doctor had to come deal with me. She's pregnant also, about 2 weeks ahead of me.

Good news though - We met with a potential babysitter tonight and we LOVE her. So down to earth and normal. She answered all of our questions without hesitation. And she's decently priced at $100 a week. So we've most likely found a babysitter!

Missy, sorry things have been so rough for you. Sounds like you're doing the right thing for you and the baby. Great news about finding a potential babysitter!
Missy, holy moly. It stinks you’re on bed rest, but if that’s the best thing for you and baby, feel good that your doctors are making decisions before it becomes more serious! Plus, if work does stress you out and raise your BP, then it’s just not worth the risks. Take the time to focus on other things before your peanut arrives and don’t worry about finances…everything will pan out and thank goodness your DH is back working again! Also, $100/week is amazing for a babysitter and it’s great to hear that you like her! How did you find her?? We need to find one soon too.

Kunzite, so happy to hear babies are doing well and growing strong! That’s amazing news! Every single day counts for your twinsies and I’ve got my fingers crossed they hang in there for quite a bit longer!

AFM, yesterday I bought a Beco Butterfly off of CL brand new for $80. So excited about it and at about half price! (Now I won’t feel bad registering for a second baby carrier as well…LOL.) Baby has been moving a ton – it’s like king fu panda at 3am waking me up! Havent been getting enough sleep or putting myself first in terms of taking care of myself. So once I am back from this business trip I have decided that I need to put me and baby first. Had an appt w/the endocrinologist yesterday about my Graves disease/Hyperthyroid and my levels were great. Huge relief. That’s all I got for now. Bumping along here at 25w1d (or something close to that…)
Monnie, hooray for 36 weeks! Almost full term! It could be any day now. :appl:

Missy, boo about bedrest. Though it sounds like it might be just what you need.

Kunzite, I'm glad those twins are still baking away.

Meg, I'm glad the test results were good. And hope you can get some rest soon.

China, I'm jealous that you haven't gained any weight!

MP, your bump is tiny!

VL, I'm jealous of how crafty you are. I don't know how to knit but my mom's an expert and she's been knitting up a storm. I can't wait to go home and see what she's made.

To everyone else: :wavey:

AFM, 30 weeks today! :appl: Somehow it feels like a big step. I don't have much to report. Baby has had the hiccups a few times and he kicks all the time. I also managed to gain over a kilo over the past week :roll: Here's a pic for bump day:
Hi! Not much to report here. The night before last I managed to get 6 hours of sleep between pee trips...last night, not so much. Do you guys feel like some days you can barely move and other days you're fine? Yesterday it was a struggle to even get out of a chair. I don't know if baby (and I) are going through a growth spurt or what...I went to the gym last night to "work out." My treadmill pace was the slowest yet, and it still felt tiring. I had to stop a few minutes in to completely loosen my shoes...ahhhh, pregnancy! The little guy is crazy active as I type this. Thump, thump thump. So fun!

Here's my 25 week pic. I feel like the bump looks bigger than 25 weeks, but who knows.

week25 shirt.JPG
Mayerling and amc, you're both looking great!

Mayerling, I'm going to wait to post another picture until at least next week, but I feel like my bump (and bbs) exploded over the past two days. Did it happen that suddenly for anyone else? Last night DH's eyes widened when he saw me after I switched into a tank top before going to bed, so I headed to the mirror, and I nearly started crying because I looked so pregnant (although it was after a big dinner). I think I'm going to get HUGE. Don't get me wrong, this baby was much longed for and is a complete blessing, but it is scary to think of all the changes my body will experience in the next 5.5 months. Guess I just need to embrace them, and it is reassuring to see how great you ladies are looking!
monkeyprincess|1335980312|3185809 said:
Mayerling and amc, you're both looking great!

Mayerling, I'm going to wait to post another picture until at least next week, but I feel like my bump (and bbs) exploded over the past two days. Did it happen that suddenly for anyone else? Last night DH's eyes widened when he saw me after I switched into a tank top before going to bed, so I headed to the mirror, and I nearly started crying because I looked so pregnant (although it was after a big dinner). I think I'm going to get HUGE. Don't get me wrong, this baby was much longed for and is a complete blessing, but it is scary to think of all the changes my body will experience in the next 5.5 months. Guess I just need to embrace them, and it is reassuring to see how great you ladies are looking!

Thanks! And the same thing happened to me...I went to bed looking somewhat normal and woke up with a belly. It's still like that, I'll get much bigger from one day to the next. DH and I both think I'm going to be giant, at least based on how I am so far....
Missy, I'm glad you're on bedrest! Enjoy your time off :D Do you get paid for it? My friend is going through a nightmare with EDD.

MP, you're not alone! I don't post belly pics because I feel gross and hideous. DH is very good at saying how sexy I still am, but once in a while he'll stare at my belly in disbelief and speechless.
You all look fabulous!!! I feel frumpy on the inside but seriously this big belly thing is just a temporary look. I have struggled with body image issues in the past, and for me this is a time that I can just simply celebrate the fact that my body is doing what nature intended it to and that it looks NORMAL! I think it's such a good feeling!

Choro, I wish you would post a pic. I am dying to see what a pregnant lady who is as petite as you looks like--I bet you are tiny and you just feel big!

Last night my husband saw me in just a sports bra and pajama pants, and it was the first time he's seen my unclothed belly in a few weeks (for some reason I have felt like being modest the last couple of months, can't really pinpoint why). He LOVES it. He got tears in his eyes and we hugged and I was kind of crying, too. It was such a nice, sweet moment. I'm really not a mushy person and ordinarily I might've pushed him away but we were both taken aback and caught up in the moment which is such a rare thing once you've been a couple for awhile.
Mayerling- Oh I've gained weight!!! I just didn't gain any in the last WEEK. ;)) You look great, btw.

MonkeyPrincess- Yep I kind of think I've got an alien in there too. ;)) And just don't think about it until you have to. The thing is, it's gotta come out, nothing we can do about it now. :bigsmile:

AFM. 37 weeks. Full term. In denial. No name. Waddling around like a silly person.

I bet Monarch AND Missy have their babies before me. I'm holding out till my due date at least!
:wavey: Hi everyone! I embraced the bedrest thing today...I pretty much only got up to get dressed and to drop off my urine collection at the lab. Tomorrow I have a weekly afi u/s (amniotic fluid index) to check fluid levels. I should have asked why they think I need these now. I'm sure it has something to do with my blood pressure.

Choro - No, I don't believe I will be getting paid. I have 2 weeks paid vacation that I guess will be used at some point while I'm off. We have a short term disability policy at work, but I was told before that maternity leave is not included in our policy. I'm wondering if somehow this bedrest thing could count for something else since it's technically not "maternity leave" since I didn't have the baby yet. And my doctor made it mandatory, not sure if that matters. I have to check with HR at work, because they insurance company that he gave me is not the correct one because when I called they said we have no policy with them. Strange.

Chinacat - Yay for full term! Have they checked if you're dilated/effaced yet? We have no set names picked out yet either! I wouldn't be surprised if I do go early with my recent issues going on. I'd like to wait like 2 - 3 weeks just to make sure the baby is big enough to not need the NICU.

Everyone and their bumps are looking great!!!:bigsmile:
Hi ladies!

Just wanted to check in and share a bump pic - it's been a while if I've posted one at all and I'd say I have an official bump now! It's amazing to me how hard the bump is! Somehow I assumed it would be softer, more squishy. These are also my first (blurry phone) pics in my new house! My self shutter remote needs a new battery, so till then, it's phone in mirror for me.

I'm getting to the point where my body is starting not to cooperate - sometimes I feel weird when I'm trying to tie my shoes etc.

I'm not sure if the pics will show up sideways, they're normal on my computer so I'm not sure what gives.

My anatomy scan is next week - can't believe we're already there!

Hope everyone is trucking along, especially Missy on bedrest! My job is fairly normal office work but is also really stressful and I can't WAIT to be off work. I'm also getting screwed on disability (our policy is being dropped due to non participation) so I feel you there too.

Have a great week!

ETA - one pic is sucked in as far as I can go, the other is normal aka all hanging out! I wonder how long I'll be able to suck in?

17 weeks sucked in.JPG

17 weeks.JPG
Hi girls.

Feeling massive. My small bump has finally caught up with me and now I'm feeling tired, swollen and uncomfortable. Normal, I know but ugh.

Some guy went by me on a bike yesterday and asked if I was having triplets. Thanks.

I had my 32 week appointment on Tuesday and everything seems fine so far. Baby is moving more than he was (thank goodness!) so at least I'm not as stressed about him.

Here is the bump. 32w6d

Iphone Pics 292.jpg
A friend of mine just gave me a fabulous tip, so I thought I'd share it. I mentioned that I am a little concerned that our cats will take a liking to the crib and pack n play (baby will sleep in the pnp in our room for a while). She suggested that once they are set up, and well before the baby comes, put tinfoil in both of them. That way the cats will learn that when they jump in there, there's uncomfortable stuff that makes an unpleasant sound. Great tip!