
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Amc- I remember you (or someone else) posting about the ligament pain a while back. That was probably it. I had been lounging on the bed on the computer and got up to walk around and that's when I felt it. It didn't go away by walking or moving- just hurt.

Kunzite- Thanks for the info on contractions. I have been really curious about the hardness that is supposed to happen with them. I've been feeling my stomach like crazy seeing if I have any contractions, but it has never been as hard as when I can feel baby, so I'm glad I now have a comparison because I was starting to think maybe I've just missed them. I love your belly shot! Twin pregnancies are just so exciting! I saw a lady at work today with the Bugaboo Donkey (my dream twin stroller :D). It was the first time seeing it in use and they looked so precious nestled up in it.

Mayerling- Thanks for the info! It's good to know others can feel when it happens too. Now I'll be a crazy lady having DH check my stomach too. haha. From what you've described I don't think I've had any.

Thank you ladies! Always so full of information!
Thanks for the advice, girls.

This is the car seat:

Looks like it goes up to 30 lbs or 30 inches. Only downside to it (aside from potential expiry) is that it is heavier than most at 11lbs.

Kunzite - great belly shot! You look fantastic! Good to know about expiration dates. I just don't want to be dumb about this, you know?

I'm heading out shopping this weekend for "stuff" like baby wash, wash cloths, nail clippers etc. My sister is doing a clothing shower for me so I'm on my own with the non-cute stuff:-)
Hi girls!

Bobbin- Congrats and welcome to Charlotte! :appl: :wavey: Gorgeous name.

S&I- So so so cute. And hook'em! :bigsmile: O had skinny legs like that too.

Muff- Luca is different enough to me than Luke or Lucas. And the car seat should be fine. I promise you will not be carrying him around in that car seat when he is anywhere near 30 lbs! We switched O around 6-8 months (can't remember) and he is little. You can definitely get away with the infant seat for 6 months, and then switch to the bigger car seat.

PP- Braxton Hicks aren't really like contractions. BH is like a tightening and to me feels a lot like what Mayerling described. Contractions feel more like really really really really really intense cramps, that radiate from the inside and all the way out. You will know contractions. But you also don't feel a lot of early contractions.

Weight- Please please please don't worry about weight gain!!! I mean, of course be healthy and mindful, but I think our bodies do what they need to do during pregnancy. There is much more potential harm in dieting than in gaining weight. I posted something awhile back that always helps me- it's a breakdown of the "average" weight gain. Your uterus weighs like 8 lbs, the extra blood weighs a lot, the baby, etc. I think of the "average" 25-30 lbs, only like 8-10 is actual fat/weight gain. And 25-30 lbs is LOW. I think 30-40 lbs is way more likely. Also, your weight gain evens out. I gained a lot more weight a lot faster with this pregnancy, and now at the end- I think I've gained almost exactly the same amount of weight I gained with O and will probably end up b/w 25-30 lbs. I would've thought I would have gained way more by now, but it's just how my body does with pregnancy.

AFM- Just trucking along. Every week appts now, baby is measuring good, fluids good, no longer breech. Not really dilated yet, but I'm good with that. I want her to bake till her due date. Still no names. Finally ordered a glider, but need to get a few other things. At my last u/s, got a pretty decent picture of her face and she looks so much like O. I'm not sure if I'm just seeing it that way, but it makes it so much more real.

Sorry I'm MIA, just don't have a lot to say! For those that were feeling terrible- I have been exhausted this whole pregnancy, but feel GREAT now! Big of course, and can't bend over and have hip pain at night, etc., but I really feel energized and good for a change. Hope it lasts.
Those weight limits on infant car seats are a riot to me! What baby would be in an infant seat at 30 pounds :o
I know Kunzite! I was so concerned over whether to get the Graco Snugride that went up to 35 lbs or whatever, so I could "use it longer". :lol: I had no idea. My O still doesn't weigh 30 lbs and he's well over 2.5! He's a skinny mini, but still. Those infant car seats are HEAVY even with little babies. Speaking of, I guess I better go get mine out of the attic.

PP- Meant to say when I've been sitting a long time, I get total weird pain/cramps in my groin area that don't go away when I walk. I think it's what's unofficially called "Evil Crotch Pain". After awhile it goes away. Round ligament pain is more sharp shooting pain to me, whereas the ECP just feels really tight and makes me waddle. Cute, huh?
Kunzite|1335473855|3181727 said:
Those weight limits on infant car seats are a riot to me! What baby would be in an infant seat at 30 pounds :o
A giant baby? :cheeky:
sunnyd|1335484017|3181874 said:
Kunzite|1335473855|3181727 said:
Those weight limits on infant car seats are a riot to me! What baby would be in an infant seat at 30 pounds :o
A giant baby? :cheeky:

I used to babysit for a little guy who was 22 lbs at 4 months. Ok, maybe not so little guy. His mom had some amazing arms muscles though...

I'm here, reading along. Been traveling on business all this week to train my replacement during leave, so looking forward to getting home tonight. I've developed a terrible case of the evil crotch pain and seriously feel like my pelvis is just going to break in two on me. 32 weeks today! Home stretch, right?
I confuse BH with the baby being in a weird position or stretching out. How can you tell the difference? I get the rock hard feeling and a lot of pressure, but then can also feel the baby move kinda in that area so it confuses me. Oh well I don't need to know about BH, it's the REAL contractions that I need to figure out whenever that occurs!

-33 weeks 5 days
Sorry it took me so long to come back and update you all. It is just so hard to find time at the moment! I am going to apologise in advance for this VERY long post, I was debriefing myself a bit when I wrote it! Feel free to skip to the pictures at the end :tongue:

On Friday 20 April I woke up to find my underwear soaking wet and that I had my bloody show. The bloody show continued until C was born too (more than 48 hours later). I wondered if my waters had broken, but I could not feel any leaking, trickling or gushing so dismissed it.

Contractions started to get stronger and more painful on Friday, but still mild. Friday night they were intense enough to stop me from sleeping through them, but they were not regular at all. Friday night I dozed in between contractions but got very little actual sleep. Saturday they continued to slowly build in intensity but they were still very irregular. At around 11pm Saturday night I started noticing a pattern to them, but the pattern would change every hour. I went to bed at 1am Sunday and tried to sleep, but was up again half an hour later as they were too strong and painful to lie down through. They were coming at least every 7 minutes and most of the time every 3-5 minutes. I called the labour ward at 2am Sunday for the first time, but I was still managing okay. I mentioned that it was possible that my waters may have broken, but they were not concerned as I had not felt any leaking or trickling etc. At 8am I called the ward again as I had been labouring all night, had no sleep and the contractions had become so painful and regular I was struggling to cope at home.

I arrived at hospital at 8:30am. I was checked and I was 5cm, and sure enough, my waters HAD broken. It was just that they were still mostly intact so I was only leaking a little bit. They then broke my waters properly. However, as soon as I arrived at hospital, my contractions just seemed to stop, and they were only coming every ten minutes or so and were milder again.

After 1.5 hours of that, they said they thought I should have a syntocin drip to speed up the labour as I was already exhausted. I wasn’t sure about this but ended up agreeing. A side effect of the drip was that I couldn’t move away from the bed, so my wish for an active labour went out the window. I was using gas, but couldn’t stand lying down through a contraction so I was standing next to the bed. The contractions quickly returned and sped up. They had become extremely painful. The gas wasn’t really working for me as I would become dizzy before I had enough to take the edge off the pain. I laboured like this for several hours before I was checked at 2pm. By that time I wasn’t coping. The contractions were less than a minute apart so I barely had time to catch my breath before the next one hit. I hadn’t slept at all in 36 hours and hadn’t eaten in 24 hours. They checked me and I was 6cm. I had only progressed 1cm in the 5.5 hours I had been there. The OB told me that he would come back at 6pm and if I wasn’t progressing by then I would probably need to have a CS.

I asked for an epidural at that point. I just could not keep going like that for another four hours with the prospect of not progressing. The anaesthetist arrived after about 15 mins (not before I threw up from the pain). It took him 3 goes and about 45 mins to get the epidural in though. Sitting still through contractions for that long is not easy! I was completely off my face on gas though – I had a tough love midwife at that point who made me just keep sucking on it constantly. At one point I told DH that the room was spinning and I could see traffic signs floating around my head in a circle. After the epidural was in it was bliss. I was completely relaxed. After about half an hour I was checked again and I was 8-9cm! I think I just needed to relax, which I wasn’t able to do using gas alone.
I started pushing at about 5:15 and Charlotte was born at 6pm. I had a 2nd degree tear.

Beforehand I was sure I did not want an epidural, I wanted an active birth and to use baths/showers/walking and swaying to relieve pain along with the gas. However, getting the epidural was the best thing that I could have done. I honestly think it prevented me from ending up with a CS. I was also terrified of tearing and requiring stitches. After the birth the OB told me I had torn and I barely took any notice of him while he was stitching me up, I was just so caught up in staring at my beautiful daughter and having cuddles. Since then, I have been a bit uncomfortable when sitting down for too long, but other than that it hasn’t bothered me at all.

The last few days have been a bit of a rollercoaster. Like LC, I have been having issues with getting Charlotte to attach and have been pumping, and like LC, I have been thinking that I am the only one facing these issues. I actually only remembered today that a few of the recent moms on PS have had issues and that made me feel a lot better as they overcame them! Charlotte also is on what I think is called a ‘reverse cycle’ – she sleeps ALL day and I actually have to wake her up to feed her, and then is unsettled ALL night. Last night and tonight I had a bit of a cry and felt really down. But then so often I look at her and she is just so amazingly beautiful and the love I feel for her makes me giddily happy for a while.


Final bump picture taken when I was already in labour:





bobbin! She is gorgeous! Congratulations!

S&I congratulations as well! I hadn't realized that 9 months had passed so quickly. :o
Bobbin!!! She is so beautiful! I can see why looking at her would make you giddily happy :love:

So all these babies being born makes my emotions go crazy! I'd probably be a full blown crying mess if I wasn't at work right now! I seriously can't believe how close I am to having my own baby soon. We decided not to do childbirth classes, mostly because DH was laid off and we truly had no extra money for anything. Our hospital does offer a free "Ready & Waiting" 60 minute class that covers:

•A brief tour of the Maternity Center
•Completing an extensive medical history and physical
•Admission and cell phone policies
•The visitation policy for before and after birth
•Safety & Security procedures
•Pain relief methods
•Breast vs. bottle feeding
•The importance and safe use of baby car seats
•Preventing shaken-baby syndrome

Oh and I don't think I told you ladies here...DH went back to work this week!!! :) So back to a normal routine thankfully. I'm sure that didn't help with my bp issues (which seem to be leveling out now, another thing I'm thankful for!). My appt on Tuesday is first thing in the morning so I won't be at work first, which should help to keep my bp on the lower side.
Congratulations, Bobbin! :appl:

Missy, I'm glad to hear that your husband's back at work!
Oh boy-I'm going to try hard to include everyone in this-but if I missed you I'm so sorry!

Everyone's bumps are looking great! I'm terrible-I haven't taken one in quite a few weeks. I should have taken one last Sunday at 4months but I didn't-so I'm taking one at 17w this coming Sunday :)

I'm glad to hear that everyone and their babies are doing well :appl: :appl:

SOOOO BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for sharing your labor/delivery story with us. She is precious!

In regards to baby sizing: We have a couple friend who had their daughter a while ago (over 6 months now-she's probably 8 at this point) and at 6 months she weighed 20lbs. She's a cute little chunky baby and they are formula feeding which I do believe has something to do with the weight gain. She's not even using her infant car seat anymore since she's to big for it!

Midwife appt went well. Had my annual (yay) but it wasn't terrible. She's pleased with my weight gain-told me the same thing all of you wonderful ladies did-so I feel better about that. Although my DH grabbed my love handles last night and was like where did THESE come from with a smile on his face and yanked on them pretty good. I think he's pleased with the baby body too-hasn't seemed to turn him off at all :D

I got prescribed diclectin for nausea which is helping a lot (for all you expecting mammas in the USA you can't get this there-they won't allow it for some reason. It's a B6 with something else added to it to help with morning sickness) I already take their preg-vit for my pernatal and like those a lot too.
Buttons, thanks so much for all of the sleep tips! Lo and behold - I had a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night! Not even to wee! It was incredible. That said, I've still been feeling super cranky lately. I think it's a boy with lots of boy hormones making me feel nutty adn not like my usual pleasant self!

S&I - omg beautiful pics! Adorable!

Bobbin, thansk for sharing your story. She is gorgeous and I love the name Charlotte!

Missy, that is great your DH went back to work! You must feel very relieved.

AFM, we are so busy packing, working on renovation decisions, helping my mom move as she closes on Tuesday and I'm going away for business next week! Ugh, it has been overwhelming to say the least and I'm looking forward to all the moving stuff being over. I'm excited about the reason for my travel next week, but nervous to be away from home and off US soil...I know everything will be just fine with the bean, but I just feel uneasy a little bit, even though it's only three nights. DH is not thrilled either. We're so terrible about being a part!
Congrats Bobbin, she is beautiful!

And hurray Missy's husband going back to work!
Congrats Bobbin! She's gorgeous!
Congratulations Bobbin!!!!!! What a cutiepie!

I sympathize with all of you who are having sleep problems...I've always had trouble sleeping and now I hardly sleep more than 4 hours. I tell myself that I need to train for when the baby comes.
Bobbin, She's beautiful!! All amazing photos you posted!

Thanks for sharing your birth story. I always love reading them. I think it's so important too because it helps all the moms-to-be realize that every birth is different, and they almost never go as we expect them to! I distinctly remember that I recalled a PS birth story (Dreamer's first to be exact) during my DD's birth. I don't know. I think it's really helpful to be exposed to a wide variety of birth stories, not just one genre! lol.

Congrats again and enjoy every moment with your precious baby Charlotte! :love:
BOBBIN, congratulations, you both are beautiful, momma and baby! :love: :appl:

KUNZITE, aww that makes me sooooo happy to see you at 28 weeks taking a pic of your belly!!! hugs beautiful lady!
hawaiianorangetree|1335534862|3182140 said:
bobbin! She is gorgeous! Congratulations!

S&I congratulations as well! I hadn't realized that 9 months had passed so quickly. :o

Bobbin, congrats!!! C is adorable, and looks oh so cuddly! I can't believe you labored at home for so long before going into the hospital. You are one tough momma! Sorry your birth plans changed when you got there, but I'm glad you were able to avoid the c-section like you wanted! Head on over to the newborn thread when you get a chance. I'm also struggling with breast feeding, due to my super low supply, but it's slowly getting better.

HOT, thanks! Time sure does fly by, doesn't it? I don't think I ever told you this, but I love the cad of your 5-stone. Do you have the finished product yet? I should go look through your posts, but I have to finish pumping and get back to sleep before A wakes up for his next feeding.

Kunzite, I'm so happy that you've hit 28 weeks and are still doing well! Keep those babies cooking!
Bobbin, she's beautiful. Feel free to pop over to the NB thread, I gave S&I the low down on my latching/BFing issues there. If BFing is something you really want to do, keep the faith. It's hard, but like labor: things that are hard are usually worth it :)
Oh and most importantly, to all you mamas planning on BFing, tell your husbands you need support, encouragement and a shoulder to cry on. DH was incredible for that especially when I was in my depths of BFing despair. In the thick of this, the LAST thing I needed was someone to make suggestions or try to give me a solution. I needed someone to tell me, I'm doing everything I could, Ethan was healthy, and we'd get through this, and each day is a new day.
Welcome to all the ladies who recently joined us!

Bobbin: She's so darling- what wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing them and also your birth story. I can't believe how quickly you progressed after the epi! :o You are definitely evidence that an epi doesn't always slow things down!

Missy: Keep taking care of yourself. I'm glad your BP is within a normal range right now- phew. Those visits must be stressful. Do whatever you need to do to stay calm and happy. It's great your DH is back to work!!! Hooray!! :appl:

Kunzite: Looking good, mama!

Meg: Hope your time away from DH flies by. You guys need some relaxation-time, it seems... but I bet the home project planning is exciting!

Re: Braxton Hicks- I have no idea what they feel like. I also experience random bouts of tightness, especially when I get out of bed, but I'm not sure what's a cramp/baby moving/mild contraction. I hope I know when the 'real deal' begins :twirl:

I'm 28 weeks and some odd days... time is going by quickly! I'm experiencing some major pain in my upper right abdomen, just below my ribs, and it's starting to worry me. I change positions and get out of bed VERY slowly, or else I feel like I'm being stabbed/cut in that area. When the pain isn't severe, it's a persistent, dull ache. It even feels tender when I touch the skin over the affected area. DH is afraid it might be related to my gallbladder. I'm going to call the midwives tomorrow and see what they think. Cross your fingers that it's no big deal!
Hi Preggies – looong time since I’ve been on PS and this board, but wanted to drop in to say hello and see how everyone is doing.

Bobbin – congrats on your beautiful little girl and thank you for sharing your birth story!

I’m 31 weeks and chugging along. This pregnancy has totally kicked my a$% from day 1. Dealing with sciatica, Braxton Hicks, and pelvic pain – oh, and my full-of-energy two-and-a-half year old son! Fun, fun! I’ve gained roughly 14 lbs this pregnancy, which the doc seems very happy with and everything else (health-wise) is fine. The baby is just kicking my butt physically. It’s so true that every pregnancy is different – my first was a total breeze.

DH and I are in the midst of buying a new house and closing on June 1. My due date is July 1, so fingers crossed Baby Girl stays put until we get settled. Of course, at this point, nothing would surprise me…

Hope everyone is well. Such an exciting time for all of us! :))
Bobbin, a huge congrats to you, she's beautiful!! How is the breastfeeding going? Lordy, it's so much harder than imagined, isn't it? I even knew it would be hard and was still surprised at just how hard it was. It's just an emotional kick to the ovaries--you feel like your boobs are broken and your poor baby is going to starve. But you are absolutely not alone and it does get better! And your baby will be well-fed! I hope it's going better for you!

Hope everybody is well! I love checking in here and seeing all of the adorable bumps.
Thank you all for your congratulations. I am going to try to transition over to the newborn thread now. It is just so hard to find the time to write big posts!

I will be lurking and checking on all of you preggo ladies over the next few months! Good luck with everything.
Crap, the first tri tiredness is coming back. I literally roll out of bed and if I wasn't pregnant I'd just let myself fall to the floor :lol:

Our last shower was on Saturday. We got a ton of stuff again! I liked being able to just throw it in the closet, but now we really need to start going through all of it sometime soon. I begged my mom to come help because I sat for 2 hours and felt like I got no where and created an organized mess haha. Plus she said whatever else we need, they were planning on buying for us! They are so crazy, but I love them more than they know!!! It's so weird how my parents are compared to DH's parents. We already got the crib and changing table from my parents and a bunch of other misc. things. DH's parents gave us a basket of misc stuff...a pack of crib sheets, diaper rash cream, pacifier wipes, washcloths, bottle brush, and pacifiers. This was after asking us what other big things we needed and I told her the stroller and an extra base, and the baby swing :confused: I don't want to sound greedy, it just seems a little weird that they didn't want to help out their grandchild more than they did. But anyway, it was a fun time with friends. We didn't play any games, which was probably a good thing because they're embarassing sometimes haha. I'm sure my blood pressure was already a little up there with the anxiety of so many people being around. Oh and at one point we thought we lost our cat.

I gave DH another chore...I can no longer sweep the floors. I swept our bathroom Saturday morning and my back is still mad at me for it! I'm not sure why just sweeping hurts so much, I don't feel like bending the wrong way or anything. Oh well! And I think the baby is dropping...getting a lot of pressure down low when walking now. I think I have the official waddling going on now too :tongue: Well that's all for me!

-34 weeks 1 day
Bobbin, congratulations on your beautiful little girl!

Megumic, good luck with all the packing and moving. Sounds exhausting! So, where are you traveling? I’d be a little apprehensive about leaving the country as well while pregnant, but I’m sure everything will be just fine!

Vintage, sorry you’re still dealing with nausea. Mine has somewhat returned the past week or so, but nothing serious enough to take medication, just enough to make me have a completely unproductive weekend. My DH loves teasing me too. He jokingly started calling me “big mama” the other day, which I quickly put a stop to! :D He thinks it’s funny how self-conscious I’ve been about my emerging belly.

Sunnyd, how are things going with you?

PPM, sorry to hear about the strange aches and pains you’ve been having. Hopefully your midwife can put your mind at ease. Really hoping it is nothing too serious. 28 weeks already? Wow!

Sugarpie, sounds like things are going well with you. I can only imagine how much more exhausting this would all be with a toddler to care for. Wow, you’ve done great with the weight gain. I don’t know exactly what I weighed when I first got pregnant, but I think I’ve already gained about 7-8 pounds at 16 weeks!

Missy, congratulations on your DH returning to work. I’m sure that takes a lot of pressure off of both of you. Sounds like you’ve been really lucky to have great showers and to get most of the things you need for the baby.

Speaking of showers, I’ve had a couple people ask about whether I want them to host one, but I’m sort of leaning toward not having one. We have a lot of friends and family members that have already offered to give us things, and showers just make me so uncomfortable when I’m the one being showered. Plus, DH and I very capable of buying what we need for the baby. Maybe I’ll change my mind later if someone is insistent on throwing one, but right now, I’m leaning toward no. Am I the only one that feels that way?

AFM, nothing too exciting to report. I’m 16 weeks, 2 days, and I’m getting really impatient to start feeling our little one move, even though I know it might take a few more weeks. We listened to his (or her) heartbeat a few times this weekend, and it so much louder and easier to find now, so I know the baby is growing. I would just love that extra reassurance and to feel the baby move to make it feel more real! I’m officially wearing maternity pants for the first time today because I didn’t want to deal with the bella band. It feels so strange, but nice!
PPM, I'm sorry for the aches. I get a bit achey some times too.

Missy, it's great that you got so many good things at the shower.

MP, I know how you feel. Between the NT scan and the anatomy scan I felt like I was going crazy not knowing how baby was doing. I hadn't felt him yet and it was killing me. And we don't have our own doppler so we couldn't get reassurance by listening to the heartbeat either. I started feeling him after the anatomy scan and since then it's been okay not seeing him because I can feel him and know he's okay.

Sugarpie, I'm jealous of your weight gain. I've gained 7kg already and am pretty sure that when I weigh myself in a couple of days I'll be a kilo over that since I went a bit crazy with the sugary treats this weekend.

AFM, 29w5d and starting to feel pressure to get things done. I'm having the baby back home and we're due to fly there in a couple of weeks (and are not coming back till the end of the summer) so I'm feeling anxious about sorting everything out before we go. My biggest concern is getting the nursery stuff in order. A friend is lending us all her baby gear and am waiting to hear back from her about when we can pick it up. And we also need to plan some dinners to say goodbye to various friends before we go.
We also finished our antenatal classes yesterday. All in all, I can say they were worth it but I'm a bit disappointed because, even though everyone says you make great friends at these things, we didn't really feel close to anyone. Oh well...
MP - I agree...I honestly didn't really want showers. They stress me out and make me feel anxious being the center of attention. I'd rather people just give us gifts as they felt the need to, than to make a big celebration out of it. Oh well, they're done and over with!! Maybe if they weren't surprises, I would have handled them better! I like to be able to prepare myself haha.

Oh and my ob appointment is tomorrow morning. I'll let you all know how it goes!
Hi guys! DH and I had a little getaway last weekend to San Francisco. It was both a bday trip and a sort of last OB doesn't really want people to travel much in their 3rd trimesters, which I'll be in in another week! (CRAZY) The thing about San Francisco is you end up walking ton. Holy cow did it wear me out! Oh one cool thing though- we were in line to board the boat to Alcatraz and an employee asked if we would like priority boarding in order to get a seat. I declined...but I think that's the first time a stranger has said anything.

The baby has been crazy active. He is getting really strong. DH put his ear up to my belly to see what he could hear, and the baby immediately kicked him in the face. So funny!

Is anybody doing 3D ultrasound? We had decided against it, but DH brought it up over the we're thinking about it. I can't decide if I want a sneak peak or if I'd rather just wait until he's here!

Sleep! Oh, how I want it. The bed at the hotel was horrible, so I barely got any sleep over the weekend. Back at home I slept better, but still got up 2-3 times a night to pee. And I also have very weird dreams, so when I wake up I keep thinking about them, which makes it even harder to go back to sleep. I'm so freaking tired though, all I want is to sleep through the night! I'm coming to the realization that i might be YEARS before I sleep through the night again. Shocking.

Hope everything is well with all of you!