
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Bobbin, Congrats!!!! What a beautiful name - I love both of those names. Can't wait to see pics!

Sarah, yes, I had lots of creamy/lotiony CM right before my first BFP. My second not so much, but definitely the first was a noticeable difference. Good luck!
Bobbin! CONGRATS!!!! Welcome to the world Charlotte!!!

S&I, hope you'll start posting over in the NB thread, but latching issues: I hear ya! Ethan FINALLY breastfed at 5 wks, that's with the nipple shield. Then at 7 wks, he was consistently nursing without the shield. On occasion he still wants the shield when he's feeling lazy and doesn't want to "work" with the squishy/fleshy nipple. So moral of the story is, have faith and keep trying. I promise you, there were times where I was frustrated, he was frustrated, we were both crying, and I was ready to throw in the towel and go exclusive pumping route.
Congrats Bobbin!!!!! Hope the both of you are doing well. I can't wait to see pictures!

On the name thing...another name on our list is Haley/Hailey. Possibly Haley/Hailey Marie? Marie is a family name (my mom, cousin, and her daughter all share this as their middle name!) I told DH I kinda like the idea of a more unique first name and a more traditional middle name. It flows pretty well with our last name too. We are really stuck on boy names. There's so many we like, but just can't picture any of them fitting our kid when he's a grown up. We want two full girl names and two full boy names and we can't even decide on ONE yet! haha.
Congratulations Bobbin on Charlotte's arrival! Glad to hear you are both doing well, and I can't wait to see pictures and hear more!

S&I, would love to see some of the pictures when you get a chance to post them. Hope you are able to get some good advice. Hearing all of the difficulties you ladies have been having wiht nursing terrifies me, but it's nice to hear that LC was able to overcome them.

Missy, Haley/Hailey Marie has a nice flow. Hopefully you and DH will settle on a few names you both like. It's harder than I thought it would be! How did your work shower go?

Has anyone experienced round ligament pain? I kept having weird little pains this weekend at random times in my right groin area, and after doing a little research, it sounds like that is what I was experiencing. It goes away as quickly as it comes, but ouch!
MP, I had bad round ligament pain around week 17 I think (I might be wrong; I should go back on this thread and check). I was calling it 'cramps' for the longest time until I discovered what it was. It was pretty bad, would last for HOURS and I would only feel better if I lay on my back. I think it was on and off for a couple of weeks and then disappeared completely.
Thanks Mayerling, what you experienced sounds much worse than mine. Mine is more like a quick stabbing pain or a series of them when I'm walking or stand up or blow my noise and then it is gone. Glad to hear yours only lasted a few weeks!
Congratulations Bobbin! Pretty name!!!
Congratulations bobbin! I can't wait to see pictures and hear your story! What a beautiful name too!

All you wonderful ladies are in my thoughts and prayers and I can't wait to see new baby pictures and bump progress pictures :) We meet with the mid-wife again tomorrow and I'm only 16w and I've gained 9lbs already. BUT we finally got a stove and a washer and dryer and so I'll be able to cook and not eat processed garbage anymore-which should help with everything.
Vintage, there might be language barrier issue here (I'm not a native speaker of English) but I'm not sure I understand why what she said was rude.
Congrats Bobbin and S&I!! :appl:

VL- I'm sorry about your mom's comment. I can see how it was rude when you take into account your life with them, etc. I'm not sure if it's the same feelings, but I grew up outside of my bio parents home and never really felt like I had a *home* like everyone else. I now feel like home is where the people who raised me live, but i definitely have my moments where I take comments to heart or don't feel truly a part of the family like I should, which leads me to over analyze everything. Often times after I say it out loud to DH and he doesn't understand why I'm hurt I can see the big picture. My life isnt the same as their bio kid's life, it never will be, so I can't compare my life to theirs. Ahh, I don't know where I am going with this, I guess my point was to say I can understand to some extent. Also, I had a weird fear of telling my family too because I feel like, in their eyes, I'm still the young teenager they took in. Hopefully as your pregnancy progresses their joy for you will too. Sorry for the rambling. I hope it made some sense...
Bobbin, CONGRATS!!! Love the name Charlotte Elizabeth, just beautiful, can't wait to see pics!

Missy, I love Hailey/Haley Marie!!!! That is my favorite name you've posted so far! My niece is named Heather Haley, I think it's so pretty.
Missy- Haley is on my girl name list (as is Hallie)...but DH vetoed both. Good thing we're having a boy!

monkeyprincess said:
Has anyone experienced round ligament pain? I kept having weird little pains this weekend at random times in my right groin area, and after doing a little research, it sounds like that is what I was experiencing. It goes away as quickly as it comes, but ouch!

Yep! Mine started early, around 13 weeks. I was bending over and lifting my leg and bam! I still get it, but not nearly as much as I used to.
Ahhh good, glad people like the name! :bigsmile:

Forgot to let you all know how the work shower went. It was really nice and fun! One of the ladies here handmade the cake! I'm posting pictures of 3 of the things that were made for the shower. I got the baby monitors, baby books, memory/brag books, handprint keepsake, onesies, little outfits, pacifiers, bottles, toys, safety stuff, washcloths, some other misc things, and a few gift cards. Sorry the pictures are a little big!!



bobbin|1335153082|3178192 said:
Hi ladies. Just a quick post to say that Charlotte Elizabeth arrived yesterday, 22 April at 6pm exactly, weighing 8lb5oz and measuring 54.5cm long. We are both healthy and doing well. I will come back to post my birth story and photos when i am home from hospital on Wed.

Congratulations bobbin and Mr bobbin! I love the name you chose :love: :love: Hoping you are both well and enjoying getting to know one another :appl: :appl: :appl:
Welcome Charlotte!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Big Congrats Bobbin! LOVE her name!

RLP - is this a pain in the lower section of the belly, or more in the leg? I've been getting some intermittent left side lower belly aches (almost feels like it wold be near my ovary) and wondering if it's stretching or RLP.

VL - Don't stress on the weight, you never know how the gaining will go. I had gained almost 10 pounds before my first appointment at 8 weeks (main initial symptom was raging hunger!) and in the next 8 weeks - up until today I've only gained about another 3. It will likely come in fits and starts and be unpredictable. I read one time to stay far away from the 'recommend weight gain' graph tracker on babycenter, it's jsut a recipe to upset yourself if you're gaining below or above the 'ideal' curve. Healthy Moms and babies can have a huge variance in weight gains so I'm jsut trying to eat helthfully, stay happy, and not worry, while keeping one eye on staying within a reasonable gain (I'm aiming for no more than 40# total, don't think 35 will be doable).

I've also read that it's really a bad decsion to start restricting your food intake due to weight gain (unless it's really EXESSIVE gain to be unhealthy ie GD) in the third trimester. Baby's brain gains a lot of mass in the final weeks of the pregnancy and nutrients are really crucial in those last weeks. Many moms and Dr's are misguided about wanting to stay within an arbitrary weight gain rather than focusing on the development of the baby. I fully understand that it's easier to put it on than to take it off, but I'd rather feel sure I nourished my baby well the entire time rather than feeling lke I was focused on my weight.

T-Minus one day till DH and I are homeowners! Closing is tomorrow and we're both off work so we'll start moving some of the more delicate stuff we don't want in the moving truck like framed art.
MissRach - I love your post about the weight gain. I try to think that way and explain it to my friends. 25-30 is an arbitrary "ideal" based on ease of weight loss after the fact. It has nothing to do with what is "normal" nor what is "best for baby".

Good luck with closing today!! Before you start taking your stuff in...go in and walk around and really take it in before you start filling it with stuff. Next time you see it like that will be when you move! Plus it will give you some good "before" pics :-)

In our news, we have recently started focusing on LUCA as the name. Only potential downside is a) my sister's sister-in-law (figure that one out) has a Luke that they call Lukie; and (b) a friend of mine has a Lucas.

Granted, Luca is a totally different name...not some random spelling of Lucas or anything. My other friends say I shouldn't care - what do you think?
Muffdog - Personally I would just go with it if you like it! It's not like you're totally stealing their names or anything!

I had another trip to the hospital yesterday with 2 high blood pressure readings at home. I was there for about 30 minutes and was sent home again with basically the same instructions as last time. I'm supposed to call my OB if any readings over 140/90 and they will tell me what to do next. So I wouldn't be suprised if this happens frequently. They told me to take my resting blood pressure after relaxing for about 30 minutes. That's fine and all, but what about the other times like when I'm at work and I KNOW it's high because this place stresses me out. How is that truly accurate? When I took it yesterday I was home on my hour lunch break so I figured it would be at a more normal range then. They said they won't take me out of work just yet because I have a desk job (even though I'm pretty sure this is why my blood pressure gets high). After my appointment on May 1st I will most likely have to go to the hospital for weekly NST scans (fetal heartbeat monitoring, blood pressure testing, and checking for contractions). Thankfully since our deductible is high, my work pays for all these hospital bills or we'd financially be in BIG trouble!! I just don't understand why they don't try to regulate my blood pressure with medication. I guess because I'm so close to the end, they'd just let me have the baby early if need be. Hopefully they know what they're doing! :errrr:
Muffdog, I thought Luca was the Italian version of Lucas - i.e. same name different language :confused:
Having said that, if you like the name go for it! Just because other people have named their kids something similar is no reason for you not to use the name. For what it's worth, DH and I have settled on a very common name for our son and we know tons of other people named that. But it doesn't matter; the child is unique even though they might have a common name.

Missy, I'm sorry to hear about the blood pressure issue. Remind me how far along you are...
Missy, hang in there. I'm glad you're being monitored. Have they been able to determine what might be causing your higher blood pressure. Take care of yourself and stay as stress-free as you can! That was sweet of your co-workers to throw you such a nice shower and to put so much effort in.

Muff, I think Luca is different enough from Luke or Lucas. Sure, they have the same origin, but they are completely different styles of names, and I think you should go with your favorite. It might be different if it were actually your sister or SIL who had a Luke, but a SIL's sister is pretty tenuous.

Rachel, good luck with the closing and moving in! So exciting! I live in the house my DH owned before we met, and it is a nice house, but it is starting to feel cramped, and it will be even more so once Junior arrives. We probably won't move for a few years though. As far as the weight gain, I think you're right, as long as you are not completely overdoing it and putting yourself and baby at risk, then a few pounds more or less isn't a problem and not a cause to stress. The only reason, I'm really going to try be careful and only gain the weight necessary for a healthy baby is because I really don't want to feel bad about myself or let myself go after giving birth as I've seen several people do. But if I do gain an extra few pounds, I'm definitely not going to beat myself up about it.

Hi to everyone else!
Mayer - yes I guess that is right. I guess it is the equivalent of the English "Tony" and the Italian "Antonio". Which I would say are different enough.

It is different enough not to be a 'stealing' issue, right?

WHO KNEW naming would be so tough!?
Mayer - yes I guess that is right. I guess it is the equivalent of the English "Tony" and the Italian "Antonio". Which I would say are different enough.

It is different enough not to be a 'stealing' issue, right?

WHO KNEW naming would be so tough!?
Mayerling - I'm 33 weeks now.

MP - They didn't really say what they thought may be causing it. I'm up 32 pounds right now and they keep telling me to watch it, but I haven't been eating any differently now than I had been during the whole pregnancy. I'm not having any other symptoms of pre-e (swelling, headaches, etc) so I guess that's why they aren't extremely concerned at the moment. I think they'd be worried if my resting blood pressure was high. Mine seems to get high based on my environment and what I've been doing that day. I don't feel any different. So I'm just taking it day by day for now! I think I need to get a "who cares" attitude for these next few weeks when dealing with work if they aren't going to help me out with everything I have to get done. They'll just have to get over it! :bigsmile:
MuffDog|1335280046|3179387 said:
Mayer - yes I guess that is right. I guess it is the equivalent of the English "Tony" and the Italian "Antonio". Which I would say are different enough.

It is different enough not to be a 'stealing' issue, right?

WHO KNEW naming would be so tough!?
Yes, though I would say that Tony started out as a nickname for Anthony which is the english language version of Antonio.
Having said that, I'm one of those people who don't get the whole stealing a name issue. A name, especially one that wasnt made up yesterday, isn't anyone's property so how can it be stealing. Like I said, we're going with a common name so would people think we're stealing it because they chose the same name for their kid?
mayerling|1335281375|3179406 said:
MuffDog|1335280046|3179387 said:
Mayer - yes I guess that is right. I guess it is the equivalent of the English "Tony" and the Italian "Antonio". Which I would say are different enough.

It is different enough not to be a 'stealing' issue, right?

WHO KNEW naming would be so tough!?
Yes, though I would say that Tony started out as a nickname for Anthony which is the english language version of Antonio.
Having said that, I'm one of those people who don't get the whole stealing a name issue. A name, especially one that wasnt made up yesterday, isn't anyone's property so how can it be stealing. Like I said, we're going with a common name so would people think we're stealing it because they chose the same name for their kid?

Ahh...I see. I forgot about Anthony :-)

So the bottom line is I should chill out, right? haha
Popping in with a hello to all the new mamas and the soon to be mamas. :appl: If you are planning to nurse your baby, there is a one day promotion on udder covers dot com today. You will get a free cover by entering the code "motherhood" at check out. :bigsmile:
MuffDog|1335284548|3179452 said:
mayerling|1335281375|3179406 said:
MuffDog|1335280046|3179387 said:
Mayer - yes I guess that is right. I guess it is the equivalent of the English "Tony" and the Italian "Antonio". Which I would say are different enough.

It is different enough not to be a 'stealing' issue, right?

WHO KNEW naming would be so tough!?
Yes, though I would say that Tony started out as a nickname for Anthony which is the english language version of Antonio.
Having said that, I'm one of those people who don't get the whole stealing a name issue. A name, especially one that wasnt made up yesterday, isn't anyone's property so how can it be stealing. Like I said, we're going with a common name so would people think we're stealing it because they chose the same name for their kid?

Ahh...I see. I forgot about Anthony :-)

So the bottom line is I should chill out, right? haha

Yup. Your baby's name will be unique because your baby will be unique, and the people that called their kids Lucas and Luke didn't come up with the name Lucas and Luke so they certainly can't accuse you of stealing it. :D
I think the whole name stealing concept is somewhat ridiculous. Nobody owns the right to a name. I mean, if I tell you that I'm going to name my baby something, and you go and name your baby that exact name, well, that's kinda crappy. But perhaps I should have kept my mouth shut! I also think it's odd when someone won't use a name because some random person has already used it- a coworker, neighbor, friend, etc. Personally, if I loved a name, I'd use it. That kid is going to be my kid longer than I'm going to have a person as a coworker or neighbor or whatever. How many times is the name thing really going to be an issue?

I also feel the same way about popular names. Lots of people refuse to use a name because it's too popular. Well, it's popular because it's a good name that people like! What's wrong with that?

Our boy name is uncommon, but our girl name is trendy. And I'm okay with it!!
amc, our names are the same way! We have an uncommon boy name picked - Joel - which is DH's middle name. We picked that out before we got married, even! The girl name is DEFINITELY trendy/celebrity, but we like it! Well, it's not 100% decided yet, but it might be the one. Depends on whether bebe has a dingaling or not!

Hi, btw! I'm 14w5d today, so I'm jumping in here!

Rachel, good luck with closing! How exciting! DH and I just moved into our first house 2 months ago and it's been fun (for me decorating) and less fun (for DH, who has to do all the yard work now). :bigsmile: I agree about the weight thing. I'm eating a little more and little crappier than I would have if not pregnant, giving into some indulgences, etc. But I'm not too worried about it. My scale at home says I haven't gained anything, but I know it's lying because I have to peer over my belly to see the number! LOL.

Missy, good call on taking it easy at work! Your coworkers can pick up your slack, they'll have to in a few weeks anyway, right?! :cheeky:
Welcome sunnyd!! I love that you used the word "dingaling". Hilarious!!! I'm up 32 pounds so far and they told me 25 - 30 was a good range for me. I still have around 6 - 7 weeks left too. Oops!