
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Yeah the name thing...people are weird about it, aren't they! I have a friend who called and asked me two weeks ago what we were thinking of naming the baby because she was worried that she might have the same name in mind. I was like whaaaa??? We aren't close friends and we don't see each other often so it wouldn't even be a big deal. Maybe she's hoping to find a name that NO ONE has ever or will ever use in this town? Because it's kind of a small town.

I would like to reveal the name (we think) we've chosen here, but my husband is weird about telling ANYONE before the birth. He apparently has some sort of superstition about it? Anyway, we agreed on a first and middle name almost right away and I am so thankful. Although I wonder if we will change our minds at all when she is born. The first name we chose is kind of classic and serious (if there is such a thing as a serious name), but I really love the name Violet! However, after some discussion about using Violet, we decided that later in life she might not be taken as seriously with that first name so we vetoed it. Her middle name is fun, though, and we actually came up with it on our second date! I already call her "mon petit chou chou" which is a French term of endearment, so she will have to put up with hearing that from me when she's a teenager. I know it sounds slightly pretentious, but it was hysterical to me when I was 14 years old in French class. A rough translation is "my little cabbage" although it can mean a little pastry as well.
Ugh. Why am I awake between 4 and 5am every single morning and cannot get back to sleep!?! This is day 14 of waking up around these hours and stayign awake. :nono: ;( :angryfire:

It is starting to wear on me and I am getting cranky and exhausted. I wake up to pee (for the second or third time), but then cannot fall back to sleep. Any suggestions??? We go to bed around 9:30/10 and I normally would sleep until 7, so I am definitely not getting enough zzz's. Ugh. Sorry to whine.
megumic I feel your pain!!! I have had insomnia now for going on five years, and it is miserable ;(

Add in the pregnancy constantly-needing-to-wee and my current nighttime schedule looks like:
- go to bed at 10:30pm,
- listen to spoken word podcasts or relaxation meditations until I fall asleep, usually around midnight,
- wake up at 1:30am to pee,
- wake up at 2:30am to pee,
- wake up at 4:00am to pee and then can never get back to sleep.
- DH has breakfast at 7:00am so usually I get up and eat with him and then I go back to bed. I don't know what I'd do if I had to be in an office for 9:00am, I'd be a zombie!

The night before last I got about an hour's sleep, two at the most. I kept looking at the clock thinking 'I dropped of, didn't I? Didn't I? I just got some sleep, right?!?' and then discovering it was only half an hour since the last time I looked at the clock :nono:

These are my tips, although going on the basis of my description of my nights above you could be well justified in considering anything I have to say totally useless...

- Have some quiet time and wind down for an hour before bed. No TV especially. DH and I turn off the TV and either read to each other or chat about the day. Even go to bed earlier and chat for an hour in bed before saying night-night.
- I sometimes have a small cup of warm milk before bed, or a mug of cocoa. I've no idea if they help or not but it was a nighttime ritual I shared with my mother when I was a child so sometimes I do it. In the Winter I put cinnamon in the warm milk. On really bad days I may have a wee sip of brandy before bed!
- Oftentimes I turn on an electric blanket just for fifteen minutes before I get in the bed - something about the sheets being toasty warm when I slide in seems to help me drift off quicker. Of course if it's scorching hot outside I don't bother with this!
- If your mind is racing when you go to bed, sit back up and make a to-do list of all the stuff you're running over in your head, and then resolve to tackle them in the morning. If this is a regular issue, head it off at the pass by making the to-do list last thing before you lie down.
- As I mentioned above I listen to spoken word podcasts or guided sleep/pregnancy relaxations. I read somewhere once that it's easier to drift off to the sound of someone's voice than to music. I do find the podcasts/meditations helpful. If I have a really bad night, and am very upset the next day, DH often volunteers to read aloud until I fall asleep, so I don't have two very bad nights in a row (yes, he's a saint).
- If I really can't sleep I don't push it. I sit up and read - best thing is to get one of those nightlight bookmarkers and read a book. Reading off a smartphone or an iPad will wake you back up because of the glare off the screen. I regularly fail to take my own advice on this point but I know in my heart of hearts it's probably actually the most important thing.

Sending hugs and I really hope it's just a temporary thing for you!!! I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
Hi ladies :wavey:

Hi sunnyd, great to see you over here! Ha ha, dingaling, I love it! :appl:

missy I wonder if your BP is only raised in response to stress could your doctors be risk averse to medicating you as they reckon the majority of the time it's probably fine? I can only imagine thinking about the BP is a stressor in itself though! Definitely adopt a carefree attitude at work, remember 'it will still be there after you', and you and baby are more important than any job. ((Hugs)) Also have to say, the cake at your shower was amazing!!! Wow!

missrachel love your attitude re the weight gain charts, I am definitely adopting that :bigsmile: I was getting the same pains sort of around the area of my left ovary about a week ago, no idea what it is but it went away again so guessing it's perfectly normal.



As I posted to megumic, been having a bad week sleep-wise, but that is par for the course with me. At least nowadays when I can't sleep I can lie awake and feel Wee Button thumping and it feels like I have some company in the wee hours. Yes, I'm a sap, and proud of it ;))

I feel like I've 'popped' this week - I can't suck my stomach in any more! I've been getting a lot of achy pains at the tops of my thighs/bottom of my pelvis, kind of in the pelvic floor region. I'm assuming that's normal and just a function of the relaxin kicking in. I must make a conscious effort to do more Kegels! I've also been getting the odd searing pain right in the front and am praying that is also normal at 19 weeks? Three of the girls in my pregnancy yoga class have symphysis pubic dysfunction and I am seriously hoping I am not heading that way. I am double jointed in my hips (I had to have them X-ray-ed a few years ago as they kept 'popping' and causing me pain) so I am worried I may have a tendency towards overstretching in that general area.

All this name talk is very exciting! You all have great taste in names as far as I'm concerned anyway - in fact, a couple of our contenders have appeared on this thread in the last few days :bigsmile: I also don't understand the name stealing thing, but each to their own I suppose.

We have our boy name pretty much all sorted, definitely have the first name picked and then the middle name we are still deliberating over. We are using family names for our boy name - luckily we have lots of family names we both really like to choose from! For our girl name we are pretty much settled on a name, but we are trying to decide whether to use the English version or our native language version. Our boy name is the native language version of a family name in DH's family. Maybe when we meet her (if Wee Button does turn out to be a her!), then we'll know which version suits her better :)

Hope you are all well, big hi! to anyone I've missed, and take care of yourselves ladies :wavey:

~19 weeks 2 days
Buttons - Yes, I'm thinking my high BP is due to stress (I know for sure it gets high at work because usually when my BP is high, I get splotchy red spots on my upper chest), plus the added weight gain on top of it. That is why I got so upset after my 2nd hospital trip, because I feel like they could control it with medication, so why keep having me run to the hospital just to send me back home again and I miss time at work?? But maybe since it's not high all the time they don't want to put me on it unnecessarily? Also, because I'm further along and the baby would most likely be "ok" if they had to deliver me now. BUT I don't want to deliver now, I want this baby in for a couple more weeks at least!!! I will be asking a ton of questions at my appointment next week on May 1st. Good thing I just switched to appointments every 2 weeks, because I don't think I'd make it a whole month with all these questions unanswered!

Missy, looking good. I can't believe how close you're getting!

Meg and Buttons, I feel for you because I've never been a very good sleeper. I've always slept really lightly and wake up at the slightest sound or disturbance and have a hard time falling back asleep. I haven't noticed much difference since I've been pregnant, so it doesn't bother me that much. I consider myself lucky if I get about 5-6 hours of sleep throughout the night, which is all I seem to need to function, although it has been harder to get up and get moving in the mornings lately. The NP, OB, and perinatalogist all told me that it was safe to take benadryl or unisom if I occassionally needed it to get a good night sleep, so maybe that's something you want to ask your doctor about it. I try not to take anything, but if I've had two or three rought nights in a row, I'll sometimes take one.
Meg, I'm sorry to hear about your sleep issues. I've never been a good sleeper so I'm all too familiar with how frustrating it can get.

Buttons, I'm sorry to hear about the pains and I hear you on the kegels. I've been trying to get myself into gear about kegels for the last few weeks but I keep slipping. I already left it too late as I was already about 24 weeks before I even considered doing them.

Missy, I hope that baby is baking away and stays in there for a while longer.

Sunnyd, welcome and welcome to anyone else I might have missed. :wavey:

AFM, 29 weeks today and just back from my midwife appointment. We heard the baby's heartbeat which was great, and she also measured my belly and said the baby is measuring about 30-31 weeks. She said he's still within the normal range but if he's still measuring bigger at the next appointment which will be in two weeks, she will refer us for a growth scan. DH says these belly measurements are pretty unreliable and that I shouldn't get too alarmed. Also, she felt around my belly and said that they baby is head down. Let's hope he stays that way. I also got the results of the glucose test back and thankfully there's no issue of GD. She also checked my urine and BP and said everything looked good.

Here's a pic from yesterday at 28w6d. Happy hump day bump day!

MP - Thanks!! I know, I've had a couple overwhelming feelings lately since we're getting close to May when I can actually say "I'm due next month!" :eek:

Mayerling - Sounds like you're doing great over there! Glad everything is looking good, including the glucose test! At my appointment I was 32 weeks 3 days and my belly was measuring 33 weeks (growth u/s measuring 34 weeks overall) but they kept my EDD the same. I don't think they'll be changing anything for me. It's really hard to get accurate measurements at this point because it's so tight in there, but the tech did say I'd most likely go early or just have a big baby! Our baby was also head down too! I'm thinking a couple weeks ago that weird pain/uncomfortable feeling I had could have been the baby switching positions and that's why he/she is head down now! But yes, I do agree with you...keep on baking longer baby! I'm not ready for you just yet :bigsmile:
You can add me to the list of crappy sleepers! This week has been rough. I've had trouble falling asleep and trouble staying asleep. One thing that does help is if I work out...I tend to sleep much better that night. Normally...hasn't worked this week though.

All day yesterday I was having a hard time catching my breath. I'm guessing it's just baby further encroaching on my lungs? And my heart rate was really fast as well. I finally took my pulse last night and it was 96...and all I was doing was laying on the couch. I'm going to head over to the work nurse in a few minutes to get my blood pressure checked, just in case. I'm guessing it's just normal though.

Here's my 24 week picture. No doubting that I'm pregnant! I walked by my manager's office yesterday, who hadn't seen me in a few days...she actually shouted "holy belly!". My boss was in there as well, and he said "see, I can't say stuff like that, because I would get fired." Ha!

week24 shirt.JPG
We are such a sad bunch of sleep deprived ladies this week! Really hoping it starts to turn around soon for all of us...

Re the breathlessness, my midwife said that can also be from your lungs working harder to deal with the extra blood they have to oxygenate... I was surprised by that but makes sense! It's hard work, this growing a baby business!

Trying to attach a bump pic, hoping this doesn't come out huuuuge. This is 19 weeks 3 days!

Buttons|1335369600|3180343 said:
We are such a sad bunch of sleep deprived ladies this week! Really hoping it starts to turn around soon for all of us...

This is just training Buttons!! It's your body's way of getting you ready for the sleepless night ;))
Hi ladies! I just wanted to pop in and say you all look great!

I also wanted to applaud PPM (or any other teachers) or anyone working in general! I was asked to sub for these next two weeks and I'm only on day 3 and am exhausted by the end of the day! I am/was a teacher before, so I thought i was used to being on my feet, but going back into a classroom pregnant is a whole new thing! I don't know how any of you ladies are able to make it through a regular work day. Oh goodness, I think I will finish this assignment and gladly enjoy the rest of my pregnancy at home! :cheeky:

question: Is it necessary to go from 2 week appointments to weekly ones? I start my 2 week ones next week, but I have no record or word from the doctor about going weekly. I just read it on baby center, so I am curious.

I also want to apologize for not replying individually a few pages back. It's been bothering me, because I feel so rude. Please know I read all of the responses. I've just been too tired to turn the computer on and have been using the iPad which isn't very friendly

~ 31w2d
PetitePoire|1335381167|3180556 said:
question: Is it necessary to go from 2 week appointments to weekly ones? I start my 2 week ones next week, but I have no record or word from the doctor about going weekly. I just read it on baby center, so I am curious.

I've never heard of it not being this way. My doc starts you with the bi-weekly appointments at 28 weeks and weekly at 36. I think weekly for the last month is pretty normal.
monkeyprincess|1335190512|3178386 said:
S&I, would love to see some of the pictures when you get a chance to post them. Hope you are able to get some good advice. Hearing all of the difficulties you ladies have been having wiht nursing terrifies me, but it's nice to hear that LC was able to overcome them.

I posted these in the newborn thread, but I thought I'd post them here too, since you asked.
S&I :love: How cuuuute! Love the little...Texas uniform is it?
S&I, yay! Thanks for posting your pics. OMG! Alex is such a beautiful little baby. I bet you can't take your eyes off of him! Love the hand in the mouth and the tiny little feet!

Buttons, you're looking really good and almost ready to pop. Interesting information about the oxygen. My office is on the 5th floor of our 11-story law firm, and I've always taken the stairs (used to jog them), but lately, I've been so out of breath by the time I get up the stairs and have to catch my breath before I talk to anyone. Maybe that's why!

PP, maybe the appointment schedule is just different in France (that's where you are, right?). And I agree that it would be tough to have a job where you're on your feet all day when you get to the later stages. I wouldn't know as I'm stuck on the computer at my desk most days.

amc, you've definitely got a respectable bump going now! Looking good. Funny about your co-worker's/boss's comments. I've been wearing more flowy, less form-fitting tops this week, and today, while I was talking to my secretary I smoothed out my shirt or something, and she was like, is that a bump starting?! Yikes. I don't want people staring at my beer belly just yet!

Mayerling, you look awesome as well. And you're still rocking the heels! I agree that I wouldn't get too bent out of shape about measuring a little bit ahead because it can't be that precise and they can't all be perfectly average-sized anyway!
MP, and all you other mama to be: I only bring up the breast feeding thing because, TBH, breast feeding is hard, and no one told me how difficult it was. I felt like I was the ONLY mother struggling with it, so I just wanted to let you guys know if you have trouble: You're not alone! AFTER I told people that Ethan and I were struggling, I started getting stories from my mommy friends that were like, "Oh yeah it took us weeks, etc." So the bottom line is: Have faith. If it's something you really want to do, keep trying and don't beat yourself up. They say it can take babies as long as 2 months to learn now to nurse, it did for Ethan. And if you need to supplement with formula etc, it's OKAY! It's so easy to get worked up and feel like it's never going to happen. Every day is a new day though.

See you guys on the flip side soon :)

Missy0483|1335387330|3180711 said:
S&I :love: How cuuuute! Love the little...Texas uniform is it?

Thanks Missy! Yup, DH and I both went to UT, so we had to have the LO in UT- gear, of course!

Re: your blood pressure, I'm sure it sucks that the docs just keep telling you to monitor it and send you home without actually trying to fix it, but I'm wondering if maybe there aren't any blood pressure medications that are safe for pregnant ladies? That plus the fact that you are only weeks away from being full-term, like you said, might be why they're just letting you go home. I would really try to emphasize to your coworkers and manager that you just can't be stressed out or you'll end up in the hospital with a premature baby. One of my friends always gets hypertension the last few weeks of her pregnancies, and has to go on complete bed rest at the end. Hang in there!

MP, thanks! I do find myself standing over his crib just staring at him while he's sleeping (when I should be sleeping too). He's starting to half-smile in his sleep, and it's just too darn cute!
Buttons|1335369600|3180343 said:
Re the breathlessness, my midwife said that can also be from your lungs working harder to deal with the extra blood they have to oxygenate... I was surprised by that but makes sense! It's hard work, this growing a baby business!
I just had a DUH moment, thank you Buttons!! I've been so out of breath since becoming pregnant. Just walking up the stairs leaves me practically panting! I thought it was asthma kicking up for unknown reasons (it usually does only if I'm around smokers) but DUH! That makes so much sense. YAY!!

You all look great! I love bump day!
monkeyprincess|1335387594|3180716 said:
Mayerling, you look awesome as well. And you're still rocking the heels! I agree that I wouldn't get too bent out of shape about measuring a little bit ahead because it can't be that precise and they can't all be perfectly average-sized anyway!

MP, it's not really that I'm rocking heels. It's just that I got a couple of new pairs recently and I've been wearing them around the house to break them in! :lol:
S&I - oh my gosh - he is such a cutie patootie!! Love the pictures!

Mayerling - repeat after me "yes thank you, I AM still rocking the heels!" :-) You look fantastic lady!

Lliang - I'm glad you are posting about that. I've heard quite a few stories about how difficult BFing can be and I think it is important for us preggos to know. If you thought it was for sure going to be easy and it wasn't, I think it would cause a lot of anxiety and panic. So knowing that it may not be easy will prepare us for whatever happens. Good for you for sticking with it!

So I'm wondering if any BTDT moms can chime in. My sister gave me her car seat (yes, I know that is a no-no, but I know that she hasn't had any accidents etc). According to the manufacturer, it 'expires' on January 22, 2013. Which means that if baby is born on his due date, he will be 7 months when it expires.

Do you think that makes sense? Or should we just buy a new one? I certainly wouldn't want to use this one for 6 or 7 months and then have to buy another. At 7 months do you still use the car seat on the stroller or do they go in the seat?

Missy - I think you're probably right that they don't see a reason to start you on anything because you're so far along. The medicine I'm taking for contractions (Nifedipine) is actually a blood pressure medication, but I'll stop taking it by 34 weeks. It sounds like they know what causes yours to go up so it's less worrisome than if it was constant. Cute bump!!

S&I - Adorable pictures! I love those long skinny legs :love:

Muff - if it's an infant seat you'll be fine. We moved O out of his by then and he's a little guy. We'd also started putting him straight in the stroller by then too.

I had an appointment yesterday and I failed my one hour GD ;( I'm measuring 42 weeks :o and my OB said it's unlikely that baby A will flip at this point because there's no room (both are breach) :(sad ;( What a depressing visit!!

But.... I'm in my third tri!!! 28w4d to be exact. I'm just so excited that we've made it this far!! :halo:
Well, good BP has been good at home the last couple days! I've did what they said and taken it after work and dinner while relaxing and watching tv and the highest I've gotten is 135/76 so I'm good for now! Last night in was kicking the crap out of my left side! I felt pressure, then a crampy feeling for a second like when you're running and get that cramp in your side and then BAM a huge kick. I actually jumped once and told DH I was getting beat up and he said "I don't feel anything!!" :tongue: Haha.

Kunzite - Yup pretty sure that's it! They mentioned maybe putting me on it earlier, but it was always good at home and only high while at my doctor appointments so they let it go. So yea, I guess they'll just continue to let it go unless it is high at home AND I get other symptoms. I think they're worried I may develop pre-e, but no swelling, headaches or protein in my urine. So back to you...will you have to do the 3 hour GD now? And WOW for measuring 42 weeks!! A lady on one of the other boards I read is having twins, she just hit 34 weeks and is measuring 46 weeks! So are you pretty much set on having to do a c-section now since they're breech? I forgot, are you on bedrest? Yay for 3rd tri!!!!

S&I - We'll do the same thing, but ours will be in Michigan Wolverine outfits :bigsmile: And Orioles, Ravens, and Eagles too I'm sure!
S&I- So precious!! Thanks for updating with pics!

LC- Thanks for chiming in about BFing!

Missy- glad the BP has stayed good recently. My LO has been doing lots of moving and kicking too. It seems like a sudden change, because she used to be more calm! I guess they are just running out of room and thinking kicking their mommy's will provide more? :cheeky:

Kunzite- Yay for third tri!! I am glad you're doing ok. What has your doctor said regarding the GD test? I failed my one our own earlier this month, but have yet to see the doctor, so I don't know his plan...

Muff- What is BTDT? I've seen it on another thread and it stops me every time. I don't know much about infant seats, but I would assume that it would be ok to use your sister's since it is not expired and has not been in an accident. Wouldn't that be the same thing as 1 person using the same seat for babies born close together?

~ 31w3d!
PetitePoire|1335459796|3181482 said:
Muff- What is BTDT? I've seen it on another thread and it stops me every time. I don't know much about infant seats, but I would assume that it would be ok to use your sister's since it is not expired and has not been in an accident. Wouldn't that be the same thing as 1 person using the same seat for babies born close together?

~ 31w3d!

Been there, done that :) Took me a while to figure it out as well.

What's the length maximum on the seat? Ours is (I think) 29 inches, and I wouldn't be surprised if this kid outgrows it by 8-9 months. At which point we'd have to get something else anyway. I say use it and reassess when it "expires." You might be ready to get out of the infant seat by that point anyway.

BTW, are expiration dates on seats firm dates? Or is it like milk where it's more of a sell-by date?
Muff, thanks for the compliment! Also, we're going to be using a friend's car seat. There's a chance it might expire before our son is ready to change to a different car seat but we don't mind shelling out the money for a new one in a few months rather than now with all the other expenses.

S&I, I don't know if I said this before but Alex is a cutie!

Missy, I'm glad the BP is okay.

Kunzite, it's a bummer that the babies are breech. Is a caesarean a given now?

Sunnyd, I'm sorry to hear about the breathlessness.

Everyone, where are all the bump pics? We didn't get that many yesterday.

AFM, still on a spending spree. Today I did some shopping for myself: nipple cream, perineal gel (ouch!), disposable underwear, you get the picture. And I also got the Medela Harmony manual breast pump. It was hard getting people's opinions on manual pumps as I guess they're not very common but I'm hoping this one will work out. If not, meh! It only cost £30 anyway.
amc- Thanks! That makes total sense now.

mayerling- I'm a bad contributor to bump pics, but I love seeing them! It's so cool to see how different everyone is. I don't think I've added a pic since my first ultrasound! I can't figure out how to anymore and think I'll do it later then never do.

Another Question-- What do Braxton Hicks feel like for you? I've read a little online and am still not sure. I hadn't had anything that I would consider one until just now. I could feel a pain radiate from the frontish to the back on the left side. I could also feel the pain on my left thigh. I don't really know how to describe the pain as I've never had menstrual cramps and that's what I've read contractions feel like... I'm not sure how long it lasted. I could feel the sharpish pain, then it lightened to a dull ache, then was painful again. On and off for maybe a few minutes? It's been about 15 minutes and nothing more. Does that sound like a BH or just a cramp of some sort? ETA- The pain also made me slightly nauseous.
PetitePoire|1335465071|3181561 said:
Another Question-- What do Braxton Hicks feel like for you? I've read a little online and am still not sure. I hadn't had anything that I would consider one until just now. I could feel a pain radiate from the frontish to the back on the left side. I could also feel the pain on my left thigh. I don't really know how to describe the pain as I've never had menstrual cramps and that's what I've read contractions feel like... I'm not sure how long it lasted. I could feel the sharpish pain, then it lightened to a dull ache, then was painful again. On and off for maybe a few minutes? It's been about 15 minutes and nothing more. Does that sound like a BH or just a cramp of some sort? ETA- The pain also made me slightly nauseous.

If it's in your groin and it's a sharp pain, I'd say it's probably round ligament pain. Does it happen when you are just sitting there, or when you switch positions? I would get it bad when I'd stand up after sitting for a while.

I also got HORRIBLE sharp pains in my belly one night, to the right of my belly button. Lasted for several minutes and was really intense...and then it was achy at that spot for a few days. Never did figure out what it was...other than general growing pains. From what I've read, BH aren't painful, just uncomfortable. And they are supposed to go away when you walk around. I don't think I've had them yet, so I'm not much help.
Missy - Yep, next is the three hour. Boo! I really don't like doing things that involve driving myself because I'm so short that my belly is all up in the steering wheel now. I always have these horrible thoughts of the air bag going off and crushing my babies! They should come to my house to do the test ;)) Yep, I'm on modified bed rest. So I can get up and do things like make lunch and whatnot, but no chores.

PP - I have to take the three hour test now. They want me to do it within the next week in case I really do have GD. BH are usually not painful. For me they feel like the babies pushing out. My stomach gets hard like when you can feel the head or back of the baby, but it's a bigger area than that. When my actual (painful) contractions started last time there was no mistaking what they were. It was an all over pain that came in waves and it wasn't a shooting pain.

amc - Expirations dates aren't firm, it's more of a way to make sure that people are using the latest, safest technology.

mayerling - A c-section is likely but not a given. 100% if Baby A doesn't flip, and 50/50 if A flips but B doesn't since only half of the OB's in my practice will do a breach extraction. I was just really surprised that he didn't think there was time for A to flip, though I guess it makes sense that there's limited space now. In my mind we had time. Congrats on the spending spree! It's always nice to get that stuff out of the way.

I wasn't going to do a picture this week because I'm getting far too lazy, but my sister wanted me to send her one so.... Please forgive the closeness to the mirror, it's only a few feet from the bed so it's a super duper close belly shot! :errrr:

PP, for me BH feel like my belly is going rock hard for a few moments and then relaxes. I can feel that one is happening from the inside, and when I touch my belly on the outside it's definitely rock hard; to the point where if DH's hand is on my belly he goes "you're having a Braxton Hicks". But they're not painful at all. I have them all the time, i.e. more than 20 times a day, and have been having them since week 20. I agree with AMC that what you're experiencing is probably round ligament pain.