
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congrats Kunzite and Merry! Welcome to the new babies!
MerryMary, CONGRATS! Love her name, can't wait to see her!

Congrats again Kunzite, your boys are gorgeous!
Merry, congratulations on your little girl! Beautiful name! Can't wait for pics!

Kunzite, your little men are so beautiful! I'd love to see a pic with their big brother at some point to see if they look similar!
KUNZITE, they are precious!!!! awww, they look a lot like Oliver when he was born! Darling! Congrats!! It looks like they are doing well; I don't see any breathing gear, that is great. such beautiful twins!!

MONNIE, awww so adorable, congrats!!!

Merry, Many congrats

what an exciting week :appl:
Congrats Merry!!! :appl: :appl:

Thanks ladies! We're taking Oliver up to see them this weekend so maybe we can get a picture with them together. I'm torn on whether I see a resemblence, but O doesn't really resemble his own baby pictures anymore so we'll see! I wish I could get a shot of them together, the size difference is much more obvious IRL. My placenta was sent out for pathology so we should know in a few weeks if it was one or two. One and we'll know for sure that they're identical, two and we'll have to send out for a DNA test to know for sure! :read:
Congratulations, Mary!
Congrats Merry!!!

Kunzite- you're babies are just too precious! I had no idea they calculated body weight based just on the head size! I thought it was a combination of factors. So interesting!
So we have ourselves a new baby BOY!!!! Blake Robert was born via c-section on June 6th at 9:49pm. He was 7lbs 9oz and 21in long. My induction took FOREVER. It started Monday morning and after a gel injection, foley balloon, oral meds, and finally pitocin I was at 9.5cm and 100% effaced, but Blake had other ideas. He didn't want to move down enough after all that time. Close to 9pm the doc told me that we could wait a few hours and see, but he really didn't think we'd make anymore progress. Blake was face up and at -1 station and should have been at least +2/+3 at that point. So off to c-section we went. He said we made the best choice for both of us because his head was stuck behind my pubic bone and never would have moved into position because of his head. So after that 3 day process Blake arrived healthy. My recovery has been a little rough. My incision hurts! We were both discharged home yesterday and are enjoying our time together. DH got his little boy and we're so in love with him. Here's his coming home outfit.

Missy, congrats on your baby boy! :appl:
Yay Missy! He is beautiful! I always had a boy feeling for you! Hope you heal up quickly!
Congrats Missy! Blake is beautiful! I was thinking boy for you all this time too. Hope you have a speedy recovery, I was getting worried about you the past couple days when you hadn't posted but it sounds like things turned out ok. I started a postpartum care thread in case you're interested or have anything you would like to contribute if you ever have time. Congrats again and take care!
Oh my gosh, this thread is hoppin'! Merry, Kunzite and Missy, congrats to all of you. I love seeing the pics of all of these adorable newborns!

MP, I wouldn't sweat not doing too much with the nursery. Are you planning to use it from day 1? We planned to start K in our bedroom when she was up multiple times per night. Long story short, she's never spent a night in her nursery and she'll be 4 months soon.
Congrats Merry! Can we get a pic or two up in here?

Kunzite, holy moly the twins are GORGEOUS! They look totally peaceful and beautiful. I hope you are enjoying these first days with your little men.

Missy, yay boy! I was thinking boy the whole time as well and I love the name Blake! I hope you're feeling good and the healing improves every single day. You must be exhausted after a three day debacle in the hospital - rest up lady!

How is everyone else who is still preggo doing???

30w4d over here. I've come down with a terrible sinus/upper respiratory infection that has kicked my butt the past few days. I'm finally feeling better and trying to get back to real life. We bought a new car today (certified pre-owned Acura RDX) after a week or so of negotiating. We were a one-car family until today, as once we move into our house DH won't be able to walk to transport into NYC any more. House should be ready in about three weeks. Floors were stained over the weekend, paint, kitchen install, and bathroom install all take place this week. We're getting really really excited and more eager than ever to be in our new home and getting settled and prepared for baby. Very much hoping the bean doesn't make an early appearance!

Wondering if anyone feels baby hiccups several times a day. I'd say I've got them 2-3 x day without fail. Is that normal??? Also, was doing research on circumcision in the event we have a boy and I didn't realize that in the US the circ rate is 54.5%. I assumed it was higher for some reason. I think circ is really a very personal choice I kind of just hate that it has to be controversial. My mom and I got into a spat about it the other day and I just think that women sometimes don't do a good enough job of respecting other women's opinions, KWIM?!
Congrats Missy! Blake is a cutie!! My recovery was really hard the first week too. Remember to cut yourself some slack, being on bed rest before three days of labor will make things a little slower. It took me a few days to realize that was why I was recovering slower than I expected. My body had gotten used to laying in bed over the previous 7 weeks!
Congrats Missy on your son!! He's looking good in blue! ::)
Meg, my baby had hiccups very frequently while I was pregnant and my doctor said it was normal. She has hiccups all the time now too, but they have not been a problem.
Meg, my baby has hiccups all the time, pretty much every day. I have to say I find it an uncomfortable feeling and prefer kicks or swishes over hiccups. Sometimes I get up and move around and that usually gets him to stop.

As for circumcision, I agree that it is a very personal choice. Being from Europe, it's not really an issue at all as men aren't circumcised (with the exception of certain religious groups). DH is from the US, and if he was in favour of circumcising our son I probably would accept his choice, but I'm glad he sees it my way.
Missy yay he's finally here! Congratulations! Hope your recovery goes quickly.
Missy, love the name! Blake is one of my favorites. We probably would have used it but it really doesn't go with our last name. Congrats again!!

AFM- 3D u/s attempt #3 was yesterday. Baby is now head down! So that's a plus. He insisted on covering his face with a hand for most of it, but the tech was eventually able to get him to move. We got some pretty good shots, including one where he's scowling at us...funny because I do that all the time.

Oh, you know how I've been measuring 3 weeks ahead? I was hoping it was something like baby being a week or two ahead and the remainder just me having a lot of fluid. Well, the tech tool some measurements and sure enough, he really is measuring 3 weeks ahead all by himself. Yikes!!
And here's the scowling baby.

Hi everyone
Just wanted to attach a couple of photos of my Lauren :love: Recovery has been a little slow, but we are persevering, Ls first dr appt is this afternoon.

Ok, cant figure out how to attach photos on an iPad? Ugh! Can anyone help?
Hi, everyone :wavey: I am dipping my toe in the big girl thread now that I am 19 weeks. I guess I am beyond Just Barely Pregnant now. We did a CVS test at 12 weeks so we know we are having a girl. I have had a pretty easy pregnancy so far. No morning sickness - just major heart burn on a daily basis which I am taking Zantac for. I have had 2 episodes including last night where I could not sleep at all and felt very anxious about the pregnancy and being uncomfortable with difficulty breathing/relaxing. I was up all night pacing around the house and making trips to the bathroom every 15 mins or so. I just could not relax enough to sleep. I am going to see my OB today, and hopefully she will have some suggestions. I do have a slight cold so I know that is hindering my breathing out of my nose a little bit. But, I am afraid this is more than that. I just couldn't relax thinking I am only 19 weeks pregnant now, and I am going to get a lot bigger and this baby is going to make it even harder to get comfortable/breathe/sleep. My DH travels a lot for work, and I was home alone last night. Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions? I am thinking anti-anxiety medication and/or a therapist to talk about this with.

Congrats to Missy, Merry, Kunzite, and Monarch! Beautiful babies!
JGator, good to see you finally made the jump to this thread! You're almost halfway there with a healthy baby. So exciting! Sorry to hear you're having a rough time though. I think occasional moments of panic are pretty normal because there are so many new things to think about and worry about, but if this is something you are dealing with on a regular basis and you aren't getting much sleep, you should definitely talk to your doctor. A stressed out mama is not good for the baby. Have you asked about taking an occasional mild sleep aid like benadryl or unisom? My doc and the perinatologist who did our NT scan gave me the okay for an occasional sleep aid. Maybe that would help...

Merry, ooh, I can't wait to see pictures of Lauren once you figure it out. I'm sure she's a beauty!

amc, what a cute little scowl. I'm jealous of the 3D pics, they are so sweet. Yikes, sounds like you've got a big baby in there, but at least he's in the right position now! When did he start measuring big? Our little guy was measuring exactly on track for his due date at our 21-week ultrasound, and I'm hoping he stays that way! DH and I were both about 8.5 pounds at birth though, so he probably won't be petite.
monkeyprincess|1339428160|3213767 said:
amc, what a cute little scowl. I'm jealous of the 3D pics, they are so sweet. Yikes, sounds like you've got a big baby in there, but at least he's in the right position now! When did he start measuring big? Our little guy was measuring exactly on track for his due date at our 21-week ultrasound, and I'm hoping he stays that way! DH and I were both about 8.5 pounds at birth though, so he probably won't be petite.

It's been a gradual process. At 7 weeks he was right on track. At my NT scan he was about 4 days ahead. At 20 weeks he was a week ahead. And now, 3 weeks. Hopefully he stays where he is, as far as growth acceleration, and doesn't end up a month ahead. I have no desire to know what it's like to be 44 weeks pregnant!
amc80|1339105503|3211421 said:
Vintage- I don't mind sharing. I've gained a lot- I want to say I'm at 28lbs. I actually lost a pound between my last appointment and this one. I'm 30 weeks but am measuring 33, so that makes me feel a bit better. Except that in the next 10 weeks I think I'm supposed to gain like a pound a week or something? That's sort of scary. But hey, whether I end up gaining 35lbs or 40lbs, I'm still going to have a lot of weight to lose...Oh, and I was about 20lbs heavier than I would have liked when I got yeah, I have some weight loss ahead of me.

Thanks so much for sharing amc80: I'm not TO worried about it but when I see my midwife if she says anything about it (doubtful) I'll know more then. We're trying to get out for walks more and I'm cooking dinner for it to be on the table right when my DH is home-to avoid eating at 9-10pm and that should help it at least a bit :) Love the US picture! So precious!!

I just keep telling myself if it takes 9months to put on-give myself at least 9 months to get it off (probably longer due to recovery time in there as well)

Sunny D: Congratulations on finding out it's a girl! When the baby arrives and if it's a girl we'll be in the same boat. We've both been calling the baby a he (and my DH keeps calling him his name-since he wants a Jr....that is still to be determined although I'll probably give it to him lol) so we'll still be happy if it's a girl but we'll be surprised!

mayerling: Thanks so much for sharing-I'll have to bust out the conversion chart here to figure it out :)

Steph: You're getting close! That baby could come at any time now!!

MerryMary: Congratulations on your baby girl! BEAUTIFUL name! I hope your recovery is coming along well :)

Kunzite: Your babies are SO cute! And you can see the difference in the head size! How funny (in a cute and good way). I hope your recovery progresses smoothly and that the little ones continue to get stronger :)

Missy: CONGRATULATIONS on a beautiful little boy! I love his Michigan clothing-to cute! I'm a U of M fan myself :) Hope your recovery goes a bit smoother. HUGS!

JGator: Welcome!!

My midwife appt is on the 19th-that will mean I haven't seen her since the 2nd to last week in April. I'm not worried though since my baby kicks up a storm. I'm not sure I've felt hiccups? But either way the baby is active about 3 times a day if not more.

Regarding circum. or not to-had I been in the US I probably would have. I just thought that's what was *done* to boys you know? Then I met my DH and he's not-and he's just fine. IMO no reason to snip something away if it's not causing issues-although I have heard stories of those who've had to have it done later due to issues with it. It's a very personal choice but not one I feel I can make for my LO-I mean it's his-I'd hate to find out later when he was a man that he wishes he had it-can't go back once its gone ::)

I did hear from my MIL that she wouldn't let his aunt change his diaper bc she knew she was only trying to see if she did or not. I thought that was a bit weird-I mean-why would she care?

I'm pretty sure I'm 23w 1d today but I've kind of lost track. Terrible I know-but when I was doing our vacation stuff I could have *sworn* that I turned 24 weeks while on our HM-I even wrote it down. Now I think I was a week off-meaning I would be over 6 months on our HM. I think I am 6 months on fathers day...but I'll see the midwife and find out for sure since I can't quite remember :? :shock:
Hi ladies!

I am so far behind there is no use at all me even trying to make individual responses to all the posts I've missed!!!

I do want to say a huge congrats to MerryMary, Kunzite and Missy on your precious new arrivals :) :) :)

And a big welcome to JGator :wavey:

Also I just wanted to give a quick shout out to VintageLover I think it was who mentioned the Mexican bola necklace, I went on Etsy and bought one, it is such a lovely idea, can't wait to receive it now :)


I have been gadding about all over the place and then chasing my tail since we got home... trying to put in the short version of the catch up here...

We went on a little babymoon two weeks ago and managed by complete accident to end up in an area with no Internet and no mobile phone coverage in the wilds of Scotland... there were single track roads and on top of that roadworks which meant the only access to our rented cottage was cut off for four hours a day... it was bliss!!! I came home to a load of work voicemails and you know what every last one of them could wait. It was so good to get away from it all :)

When I got home we had a check up at the hospital, that was my first appointment with my midwives and it went really well. Everything is looking good with me and baby, blood pressure is good, blood tests from my booking in appointment all came back good, no proteins etc in urine. I am measuring a week ahead but they said it wasn't anything to be concerned about. They used the Doppler and got a great lock on the heartbeat which made DH's day :)

Then that afternoon we headed across the country to take my Mum on a trip for her birthday - it was a big one :) We had a lovely time and I got a pregnancy massage in the hotel spa, which was fabulous. DH and I gave Mammy a diamond and emerald necklace for her birthday and my brother gave her the matching earrings - she was delighted (emerald is her birthstone).

Straight after getting back from my Mammy's birthday trip I had to organise a birthday party for DH - it was also a big one! All his friends came out for a nice meal and got him a birthday cake and just made a great fuss of him :) It was my first social outing with our friends since the belly popped. I got a really pretty silk maternity dress on sale and got lots of compliments about how cute I looked so that was lovely :)P

Only other news is that DH's new job is now decided on, and we are going to be moving. They are going to facilitate him working from home until after the baby is born, just going to them a couple of days every few weeks. He is also starting a load of home study courses which will be helpful in the new job. So the upshot of it all is I will have him at home with me during the last month of the pregnancy and for the first month after the baby comes (I always work from home anyway in August and September). Then we are all three of us (!) upping sticks and moving cross country. Big changes ahead for us!

Hope you are all well ladies! :wavey:
AMC- cute ultrasound!

Merry- I've yet to find a way to post from the iPad. I usually email the photo to myself and do it from the computer. It's a big reason I never post belly pics.

Jgator- sorry to hear about the anxiety and uncomfortableness. Unfortunately, it only gets worse. I had anxiety before pregnancy and took meds for it. I completely stopped during the pregnancy, which leads to restlessness, anxiety about the uncomfortableness, etc. not fun, but DH is great when I get unbearable to remind me the reasons I can't take medicine and that he prefers me at my grumpiest than taking medication now. I've found taking walks after dinner to really help relieve any stress of the day and it's been helping me sleep for the past week. Before that I would just find time to myself, even if it was just a warm shower to process the future, the changes, etc. if you have any specific questions for dealing with certain things I'd be happy to at least tell you how I've coped.

Vintagelover- I've gained about 15kg so far at 38 weeks. I'd say I gained that a few weeks ago, but my weight has slowed down. I'm only hungry for sweets, so that doesn't help. I have a difficult time with the actually numbers, but I don't mind my physical appearance at all. It's helped me to just look in the mirror and see the changes and think about the little life inside of me. Sure, I get worried some days when I realize my body will never be the same, but i cant do anything about it now!

Missy- congratulations! My mind is blank so I can't remember if I've said it already.

AFM- 38 weeks tomorrow! I had monitoring today and heart rate was great and I had two tiny contractions. Last week showed zero, so I'm happy with those 2 little ones. No idea what it means as far as labor, but the mid wife said baby wasn't in any hurry to get out. I'm trying hard to cherish these last few weeks. I really love her being so close to me and I'm already terrified of her growing up too fast.
Buttons: I demand bola shots once it arrives :) I really wanted a foot one but I didn't want to go blue/pink and the seller I got a GREAT deal from the gold/silver feet were out. Dolphins fit in well since we're going to Vancouver for 15 days AND I can wear it afterward.

I found a great place to get long sterling silver chains for cheap if your interested :) You have to ask them to add a clasp but it's only like 1.70 more and the chains are like 10.00-I think that's a great deal!

Your babymoon sounds wonderful-when we get back from our trip I'm going to get a massage since I know an airplane ride is going to kill me.

I'd love to see pictures of the gifts you got for your mom-they sound beautiful!

We also have HUGE party coming up in July. We decided to do a second wedding reception/house warming party at our house since we only had 18 guests at our winter wedding. There will be close to 150 ppl coming-but thankfully the Evite has a place you can put a list of things needed to be brought so that should help us on time/effort. I have family coming up and I know they'll help to-which will be nice.

PetitePoire: I haven't had anyone come up and say anything about "when are you due" so I guess I can't have gained/look that bad. I am 23w 1d and I have gained 7.2kg (or 16 lbs) so we'll see what I end up with. I think I was slightly underweight to begin with so my midwife was happy I was gaining (like you I was eating sweets-oreos-my husband brought back dutch and swiss chocolate....omg...amazing). But your weight gain is right on target with what my midwife said is expected to gain-she said between 20-40lbs (your around 30lbs) and your almost full term. You'll lose a good amount (10-15lbs) when the baby is born-so half of it's the kid :)

At 26wks you'd gained about 16lbs-so I'm right around where you were IF I don't gain anymore in the next few weeks (which I'll be hiking/active on our trip so I doubt I will) and your almost full term and have only gained about 20lbs or so-I gained a lot in the beginning and I'm thinking it will tapper off. If not-oh well. Most of it's in my bra and my DH now says I have a bum-neither of which he is complaining about. :rolleyes:
Congratulations again to Mary, Kunzite, and Missy! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :love: :love: :love: :love:

I cannot wait to see pictures of little Lauren!! :appl: :appl:

Kunzite, what great looking little boys!! I love all their hair! And, how fun to learn if they are fraternal or identical! :appl: :appl:

Missy, Blake sure did give you a hard time with labor, huh? But, he does look worth it! As a proud Buckeye, this is the first official time I have oohed and ahhed over a boy in blue. :tongue: I hope you continue to heal and feel better! :appl: :appl:

Sunny: Congratulations on your little girl!! What great news! I am sure the sex switch from your expectation was a shock, but probably a fun one to have to deal wtih. You look great at 20 weeks! :bigsmile:

Dani: I am so glad to hear you had fun in Miami! I am sure you looked wonderful in your bathing suit!

VintageLover: How long until your housewarming/wedding? I hope you are staying sane packing in major transitions into this Spring/Summer. It will be quite a year to remember! And, I LOVE BC! It will be a fantastic trip and the weather should be great (unless you like really hot). As for weight gain, 30 lbs is actually under what my doctor said is average (35). I guess it is a big change to add 25% of your body weight, but remember, most of it is incubator and you will shed it shortly after birth You look smashing in your swim suit! Way better than I did pre-preg!

PetitePoire: That is the oddest but coolest baby pic I have ever seen. I had to show DH who freaked out over it. He so hopes we get one, too. Glad to know your baby fits! I hope you are doing fine in this home stretch.

MP: I like that bedding a lot! Like you said, very nice and baby-ish, but still great colors for a room in your home.

Choro: I hope those grades are in by now! Grading nearly killed me. Strike that, dealing with all the grade complaints nearly killed me. I also don't know how other profs "go 'til they blow." I was at first wishing we had different timing, so that I could have a June baby with a prolonged mat. leave, but now I am glad to be able to take naps and wear whatever fits. Plus, it is nice to get some time while I still feel good to work on some research and course prep before I have to return. I don't think you are being selfish at all. I totally have a pre-parenting bucket list and will be freaking out month 9 to finish whatever is left. Congrats on being down to 6 names!

Stephbolt: Almost there! I hope all is going well on the getting-ready-for-baby front.

Megumic: How much longer until you move? I hope you are feeling better by then. A sinus infection on top of pregnancy discomfort sounds miserable. As for circ'ing, you should be able to find maps with various rates. It is very popular in some areas and less so in others. I would likely not circ if we have a boy, but I also don't understand why it has to be controversial. You do or you don't, IMO.

AMC: Super cute scowling baby!! And, a big baby at that. I am sure that measuring ahead is better than measuring behind. Hopefully he slows down a bit so you don't have to labor a gigantor baby. 44 weeks pregnant does sound like something I would wish on anyone.

JGator: Welcome and congrats on being almost half way!! I have frequent anxiety, too (and have pre-pregnancy). I try to do yoga and other self-calming techniques. The discomfort will get worse, but trillions of women before us made it through, so we will, too. One of my good friend's doctors called pregnancy a rotating series of discomforts. I think that is pretty spot on so far. It helps me realize that they are only temporary and, before we know it, a new one will be upon us. Ah, the joy.

Buttons: What a major update! I am glad you enjoyed your babymoon and your spa outing! A pregnancy massage sounds lovely! The move, not so much. Hopefully you will have movers and the baby will be on time--especially having to up and go a month after the big arrival. Are you going to have to travel for house hunting, too?

AFM: Weight-wise, I am up 15 pounds at nearly 24 weeks and at least half of that has settled in my bra. I kind-of care about it, but I gave myself permission to deal with it after birth so I didn't stress about it while pregnant. Afterall, it isn't like we can diet or anything. I am just trying to be active and say no to my salty and sweet cravings from time to time. I am starting to get a little stressed with all the things we need to do to get ready for this bundle of joy to enter our home, but, at the same time, I am still terrified of doing anything in case something goes wrong. We made our first purchase, a glider, and it threw me for a big ole anxiety fit.

Our other big struggle is childcare. So far, we are on some pre-lists (what even is that?!) and have been told no by at least 60% of the child care centers that provide infant care in our city. We would consider a nanny (or, even better, a nanny share) but they don't seem to book so far in advance, which makes sense. But, I am really starting to have anxiety about not getting daycare. It is just overwhelming. And, even though I realize and value the work childcare providers does, it blow my mind how expensive it is in our area.

On the good news front, my ILs will be out to visit next week (which, at our house, is a joyous occasion). We get the keys to our new house in 10 days. And, in a month, we get to go to Sicily for our babymoon. Yay!
Katarmari- I just had to comment because I am the same way with buying baby things. It turns me into a nervous wreck at times. I have this container I plan to put diapers in, but I'm too scared to open the diaper packs for fear of jinxing something. Seems silly has everyone else plans nurseries, etc. oh well. Also, I'm so surprised at how daycares can book/fill up before babies are even due! Seems extreme.