
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

MerryMary, I can guarantee you that you will love the name "Evan Thomas". :bigsmile: We do! Sometimes I find myself calling him "Ev" or when he is in trouble "Ev Thomas" Much luck to you!
puppmom|1338819168|3208819 said:
Whoah! Baby boom up in here!

China. congrats! I can't wait to hear the name you chose.

Monarch, thanks for sharing. I love reading birth stories. Am I crazy or does Alexandra look like you? Usually, I see no resemblance between newborns and their parents but I swear I see it! She's a doll. :love:

Kunzite! My toddler mama friend! Congratulations!!! I hope you're recovering well and those kiddies are thriving. I have a special request to see a pic of all three kids together...when you have a free moment of course. :naughty:

I really can't tell that she looks like either of us yet! I think her dark hair makes her look more similar to me at times; my mom says she looks just like my husband. But they change every day...I don't have a good gauge because I see her all the time I guess! Thank you for the compliment!

Here are a couple pics from the weekend. The off white silk flower is the one I wore in my hair for our wedding last fall!


I apologize in advance for not having any pictures with this post, I have them here on my iPad but PS is too dumb to let me post them!

5/31 - We went in for our routine growth u/s to check on the boys. They were sitting with their heads together and it was obvious immediately that one was bigger than the other. The u/s estimated that Miles was now 5 lbs 11 oz (over 2 lb growth since the last u/s) and that Elliot was 3 lbs 9 oz (only a gain of 3 oz in a month). So everyone panics that Elliot either has a growth restriction or we have twin to twin transfusion. The plan is to check into a room and monitor Elliot for awhile to make sure he's not in distress. After a great NST we get our first round of steroids. I continue on the monitor the entire night because I'm having a lot of contractions.

6/1 - Today's plan is to get the second round of steroids in the evening and schedule my c-section for 6/2. The babies have other plans. At 7:30 in the morning Elliot's water breaks. Everyone panics and the room becomes chaos, they throw me on Magnesium and start talking about a 9:00 c-section. The on call OB comes in and calms everyone down and explains that we're still going to try to stall labor so I can get the second round of steroids. My contractions are more frequent and are starting to become painful. At 11:30 I'm 4 cm, at 12:30 I'm 5 cm, and at 2:00 I'm a 7+. I'm really starting to panic that we're running out of time at this point and I keep envisioning Elliot coming out booty first if we don't do something soon! Not to mention I'm nearly at the end of my pain threshold with my contractions. Finally, at 2:30 they rush me to the OR to start the spinal (which worked!) and the c-section. Elliot was born at 3:13 and really was a tiny peanut, 4 lbs 0.69 oz. He cried immediately and didn't need any assistance breathing at all!! Miles was born at 3:15 at 4 lbs 10.53 oz. He didn't do as well breathing. They got to the point where they were starting to intubate him, but he kept biting the tube. They decided to give him a CPAP instead.

And that's really it! I was released from the hospital last night, which in hindsight was probably too early. I didn't make it up to the NICU this morning because it was physically too much. The pain is much better every day though so it should be better in no time. Miles was able to come off the CPAP after about a day. They switched him to a vaporizer but he kept pulling it out, so they left it out and he's been breathing fine. Today they're under the bili lights. They hadn't started feeds yet because their Magnesium levels were really high. Today they should be able to start taking 2mL per 12 hours in their NG tubes. Good thing they're starting small because I'm only pumping about 10mL right now!

I promise to post pictures when I'm at a real computer.
Monnie - She really is beautiful! You must be so proud!

Mary - I might beeeeat you! Or maybe not, because I just saw that your bp was elevated! Let us know what happens!!!

So, I had my normal NST in L&D today, but then was immediately switched to an "observation" patient when I got upstairs which meant I would be monitored longer. Ended up being there from 9:45am - 1:30pm. Baby looked great on the NST, moving a lot, good heartrate excels and decels and even a round of hiccups! I had over a handful of contractions while I was there too, nothing too painful. Bp started out okay, but not great. It was 141/86. Once the doc got in I was to be checked internally to see how things were going. I was 0 dilated, 60% effaced, anterior, a little soft but still rigid, and -2 station. So that was some progress from last week. I was 0 dilated and 0% effaced, and -3 station last week, so baby moved down some too. Anyway, he said with still having slightly elevated bp and my fluid levels still low as of last week, we started inducing today. I got the prostin gel injection which is supposed to soften and ripen the cervix. I'm going in tomorrow morning at 8am for another round of it, and possibly a 3rd round if needed. I've been having minor cramping since the injection, but nothing too bad which they said is normal. So that's it for now. I have finally made progression and finally had a doctor that was willing to make some decisions rather than giving me what ifs and maybes! I will update tomorrow if I have anything to add.
Missy, well then, I'll be thinking about you these next couple of days. Hopefully things progress smoothly, and you have that little boy or girl safely in your arms very soon.

Merry, I'll be thinking of you too!

Kunzite, thanks for the update. Hope you are healing quickly and those little boys are thriving. I'm sure things are crazy for you, so we'll be patient and wait for your pictures :) Take care of yourself and those little guys!

AFM, I meant to ask about this on Friday but I forgot. I was told my placenta is in the front, so that may explain why I haven't felt much movement as of yet. (Although since Friday, I've been feeling weird little popping movements a few times a day, particularly when I'm sitting and leaning forward, so I think that must be the baby.) Does this mean I won't feel as much movement in general during the pregnancy, or just not until later? Also, the baby is breech right now, but I assume this is not a concern until much further down the road, right? I also read that anterior placentas can cause the baby to be born facing up, which makes labor and delivery more difficult, but I'm just going to assume the little guy will get in the right position when the time comes!

MP, I also have an anterior placenta this time around. With my DS I did not. The only big difference I have noticed was in early pregnancy. I didn't start feeling kicks until somewhere around 20-22 weeks along with this pregnancy. With my DS I felt kicks around 18 weeks. But I feel a TON now so no worries you'll get to feel your little one soon! I'm not too worried about the anterior placement regarding labor. I asked my OB a bunch of questions and he didn't seem to think it was going to cause any issues. So I chose not to google up any info so as not to scare myself. :bigsmile:

Missy, good luck sister! Baby will be here before you know it!!!!

Kunzite, glad to hear your little men are thriving. I'm sure you must have been worried sick about them. Take care of yourself and post pics when you can. Thinking of you...

Monarch, Alexandra is so beautiful! I love those big headbands! She is a stylish little lady! How are you feeling?

AFM, 32w3d...getting close, feeling huge!
Argh, CONGRATULATIONS, China and Kunzite! Hope you are recovering well and that your babies are too. See you in the other thread soon, I hope!
Kunzite - I meant to add to my post earlier! Thank you for sharing your birth story with us! That seemed to happen fast! I bet the was a roller coaster of emotions for a while and probably still is I'm sure! Glad to hear that your little boys are functioning well! :bigsmile:
Monnie, she is too too too adorable! I definitely see the resemblance between you and your daughter!

Kunzite, thanks for sharing! It sounds like the babies were closer in weight than the drs thought. Glad it went well and they're here! How are you feeling generally?

Missy, wooo! Hopefully things are moving right along! Can't wait to see if it's a boy or a girl!!!
Congrats to China and Kunzite!! Such an exciting time in the Preggo thread!!

Missy - how far along are you? (I know this is crazy) but can't they just induce? You are full term, right? Seems like all of this testing is getting crazy!

AFM I'm 37w4d and am TIRED. This is my last week of work and I can't WAIT to be off so I can nap during the day. And not commute. Or walk anywhere.

Other than feeling uncomfortable in my lower belly when I first stand up, I haven't felt any changes that would indicate labour. However, I also have no idea what labour signs feel like :-)

Hope everyone is doing well!
I love hearing all these birth stories!! Keep 'em coming!!

I'm 30 weeks today. Part of me wants to say "wow, how did that happen?" and the other part wants to say "ugh, finally." Contractions have definitely settled down over the past few days. They are still there, but irregular and infrequent. What is still here quite often, though, is that low, period-like cramping. That does scare me a bit since that's what started this whole thing, and that's what I felt when I was having contractions every minute and didn't know it. My appointment is tomorrow so I'm sure they'll hook me up to see what's going on.

We have an appointment today with a potential pediatrician. I really hope we like him because 1) he's about a mile from our house and 2 miles from my work, and 2) I haven't set up any other appointments and don't really want to. I mentioned him to my OB and she said he was awesome, so hopefully we feel the same way.

Tonight is our last childbirth class. It's the class in which we go over drugs. Well, next week is technically the last class, but it's just a hospital tour. I was really excited about that one but sort of jumped the gun, seeing how I got to spend 7 hours or so there last week.

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Muffdog - They did begin inducing yesterday with the gel. I'm 39 weeks 2 days today.

Today, they decided to skip to the foley balloon. I dilated to 1cm overnight. The balloon is inserted in the cervix to help dilate it to 3 or 4cm. If that happens it falls out on it's own, otherwise they remove it after 12 hours. If I need additional help to get me to 10cm they'll give me oral meds. Doc says baby tomorrow most likely. I've had a rollercoaster of emotions today! Update when I can!!!! No turning back now!
Good luck, Missy!
Kunzite, Congratulations x 2!! So happy for you! Rest up and keep us posted!

Missy, So exciting!!!

Monarch, Adorable photos! Congratulations on your little girl!

ChinaCat, Congratulations!! We need a name!!
Missy, sending you dust that things progress quickly and you'll be holding your son or daughter by tomorrow. So exciting!

Lizzy, thanks for the info. I was a little bummed when I found out about the anterior placenta, but I'm glad to hear I should be feeling the baby move regularly later on. I'm so excited for you that you are getting closer and closer to meeting that much awaited second baby!

amc, glad to hear things seemed to have slowed down a bit. Keep taking it easy, so you can keep that little one inside as long as possible. Good luck with the ped meeting. Do you have to pay for an appointment to do that or how does it work? We've gotten a few recommendations, but most of them are on the opposite side of the city from where we live...

Hi to everyone else! I can't believe how close many of you are to meeting your babies!
Good luck Missy! Keep us updated if you can, can't wait to find out what you've got in there...I'm feeling team Blue for you!

Kunzite, thanks for sharing your birth story, I'm thinking of your guys and hope they are growing and thriving.

MP, I have an anterior placenta and I still feel a ton of movement. I think the difference is you miss some of those earlier movements, and you also don't have the obvious body parts poking out - but you definitely can still see the alien-esque movements from outside the belly when baby is moving around. Congratulations on team blue!

Monnie, your little girl is so cute! Hope you are recovering well, thanks for starting the pp thread, I am taking notes!

MerryMary glad you are doing well! Hope the BP issues stay in check and baby decides to show up soon!

PPM, my midwife group is more laid back about PROM as well, they don't have a hard timeline, just as long as you are progressing and showing no signs of infection they will let you keep going rather than setting a clock and automatically augmenting. It's funny because I have heard so many stories of labor starting that way and am scared of it happening to me but they said it's not that common...less than 10% of labors in their experience.

Hi to everyone else!

AFM not much new. Getting close to feeling like I am in a good place work wise, which is good because it has been causing me a lot of anxiety. I wish I had a hard date to stop work but I want to save my paid time off for after baby is here, so just trying to get to a place where I leave every day well documented so my replacement can step in and have wrapped up most of my bigger projects. Been having loads of contractions but no rhyme or reason to them and they are more uncomfortable than painful, so I guess still just BH. DH and I both had dreams last night that I gave birth (in our driveway and our bedroom respectively). Maybe it's a sign? But I'm only 37w4d so it would still be early, I'm not going to get my hopes up. Just in the waiting game for now...maybe I'll have more info after my midwife appt tonight.
Missy- Yay! I'm so excited for you!!!

monkeyprincess|1338916273|3209694 said:
amc, glad to hear things seemed to have slowed down a bit. Keep taking it easy, so you can keep that little one inside as long as possible. Good luck with the ped meeting. Do you have to pay for an appointment to do that or how does it work? We've gotten a few recommendations, but most of them are on the opposite side of the city from where we live...

Nope, it's free. My recommendation though is to make appointments soon! This doc only does these appointments one day a week. I made it back in March and this was the first available opening.
Amc- Congrats on 30 weeks. I hope the contractions stay away. Good luck with the pediatrician appointment!
Monarch- Love the cute pictures ! I love that she is wearing the flower from your wedding day. So precious. Also, thanks so much for starting the PP thread ! Just in time. I’ll be keeping a close eye on that thread.

Kunzite- Thank you for sharing your birth story. It’s amazing how different the u/s estimated their weight vs their actual weight! I’m glad to hear the babies are doing well.

Missy- I can’t wait to hear your birth story soon! It sounds like you’ve had a pretty eventful (and indecisive) few weeks! I’m so excited for you!

MP- I think my placenta is in the front too. I’m not sure, I just know it’s always covering the baby’s face. Later on you will feel movement either way. Rest assured the movements will come!

Lizzy- Congrats on 32 weeks!

Muffdog- I feel exactly the way you do now! Overly exhausted and uncomfortable upon standing. Perhaps it’s just the perks of gravity? I keep hoping it’s the start of labor, but so far nothing! How are you still working feeling like this? Are you sleeping at night? If so, how? Any tips?

Hello to everyone else! I only looked on this last page, so I’m sorry if I missed anyone.

AFM- 37 weeks today! I’m exhausted and insanely uncomfortable. My appetite is pretty non existent. I haven’t been sleeping well the past few weeks and haven’t slept at all the last 2. I just can’t get comfortable and if I do fall asleep it’s only for a few minutes. Not fun. I had a day full of appointments yesterday. I had monitoring done it showed no contractions. I was reallllly hoping for some. We also did the hospital tour. I was excited until I saw it- it’s scary! It’s scary to think I will really be there within the next few weeks. Tomorrow I have some sort of scan to see if my pelvic bones are big enough for the baby to pass through. I’ve never heard of this, but this new doctor makes everyone. Fingers crossed it’s ok! Sorry for the downer post.
Missy, good luck!

Petite, I got a little queasy on the hospital tour. It is SO intimidating!
Good luck Missy!!
Missy- AHHHH!!! Oh gosh. I think it's a boy, not that sex matters- I just hope you have a smooth labor and delivery and a healthy, wonderful babe- which you will. I am so excited for you!!!!

Steph- I'm glad your middies are also relaxed about PROM. I was starting to think mine were a bit wackadoo, since every.other.person has heard that a prompt trip to the hospital is required post-water-breakage. Bottom line is that we have to go with our guts and follow doctors' orders to the extent we're comfortable with them.

How are you mamas coping with the heat? It certainly doesn't help with exhaustion. I'm feeling listless and unmotivated 50% of the time. The rest of the time I'm go-go-go, non-stop cleaning and nesting. Then my body pays for the overexertion.

...So... we had to go to a breastfeeding class tonight. It was not as helpful as I expected, unfortunately. Then, during our break, the IBCLC ordered all of the mamas to the back room and told us we were going to learn to hand-express (the director of the midwifery center wants all center moms to be familiar with the how-tos). And there, in a group of strange women, I had a total stranger order my shirt up, my bra down, and watched her express colostrum from my breast....and then watched her do the same for all the women in the room. I'm not particularly body conscious, but I guess today marked the end of my modesty about body functions and nudity. And it was SO funny walking back into the main room with all the hubbys/partners sitting around, twiddling their thumbs, as they asked, "So... did... did it work?"

Admittedly, it's pretty neat knowing my body is already prepping for BFing. At the same time, I didn't produce as much/as quickly as others, so I'm already wondering, "Ahhh!! Oh no! Will I produce enough for my babe?!" :rolleyes: She actually recommended practicing every few days, as bodies will continue producing colostrum until the release of the placenta from the uterus. In some hospitals diabetic woman are hand expressing pre-labor and storing little vials of colostrum for their LOs! That's pretty wild!
Once again, congrats to Monarch, Kunzite, and China for having their babies! :appl:

Missy, good luck today! I can't wait for updates!

And congrats to Muff and Steph for reaching full term!

PPM, I'm surprised that the midwifes already had you express colostrum. I was under the impression that expressing before the baby is born is no good. :confused:

Petite, I think it's a good idea to get a scan to check whether the pelvis is big enough for the baby. I wish they would do that everywhere. I think it would save a lot of women who end up with caesareans a lot of unnecessary pain.

MP, I wouldn't worry about not feeling any movement yet. With an anterior placenta it does take longer but once it arrives there's no mistaking it for anything else.

Amc, glad the contractions have subsided.

AFM, 35 weeks today. It feels like it's getting closer but it also feels far away. My pelvic pain is a bit better which is good because now I can walk relatively okay. At my appointment on Friday, all they did was use the doppler for the heart and tell me to eat lots of green vegetables - I already do so there's no issue. They also said I should get a full blood count at my next blood test. Apparently I need my blood count to be up to a certain level before they can administer an epidural. Anyway, I'll get the blood drawn some time next week. Other than that, I feel fine and don't feel like this baby is any closer to being born than it was a month ago. I've also just weighed myself and apparently I've gained 10 kg so far. I'm pretty sure I'll gain at least another 2 before the baby is born but overall I'm pretty happy with my weight gain. Lately, I've noticed that my appetite is insatiable, though. Anyway, no other news from me. Keep baking those babies!

Also, happy hump day bump day! Here's me at 35 weeks:
Hi everyone! Thanks for the good wishes! The foley balloon was removed last night at 10:30pm. I only dilated to 2cm then and was given oral meds to produce stronger meds. That got me to 3cm by 7am this morning. They started the pitocin iv at 8am and I'm having pretty strong more regular contractions now. Doc said we're working on fitting this baby delivered today! So that's it for now!
Missy, that's exciting. Really hoping things continue to progress for you and you get to meet your little one today. So funny that everyone thinks it's a boy. We'll find out soon!

Mayerling, looking good!

PPM, oh my! I would've died if I had been in your class. It's one thing to be in the privacy of your hospital room doing that when you actually have the baby and need to learn to feed it or even if they had shown you how to do it one on one in a private room, but I think it is really odd and uncomfortable that they would do it like that in a class with other women watching. Maybe I'm a prude, but I probably would've declined and left.

PP, hope your scan goes well today!

amc, thanks for the info. I asked a few other people yesterday, and I finally got a glowing recommendation for a doctor who just switched to a clinic in our area. I'll have to call to schedule a meet and greet.

Steph, hope things are progressing nicely and you don't have too much longer to wait!
Missy- How excited! You're going to have a baby! TODAY!

The meeting with the pediatrician went well. I had list of questions and was satisfied with his answers. He seemed approachable and friendly. I also love that his practice is part of an after-hours clinic, open on evenings and weekends. He also visits babies in the hospital and will perform the circumcision within 24 hours of birth.

I have my OB appointment today. Really curious to see if I'm still having regular contractions and if I'm dilated. Hopefully not. Although I'm pretty sure am having contractions still, mainly because I have that constant period-like cramping.

Here's my pic for the week- 30 weeks.

week30 shirt.jpg
Good Luck Missy! I hope things progress smoothly for you!!! Can't wait to see your little boy! Ha ha!! I totally think it's a boy too!
Missy, still thinking of you! Can't wait to hear an update!

I'm procrastinating right now, so I'm unloading a few cellphone pics of: 1) baby's profile, 2) the flowers DH sent after our ultrasound last Friday (so fun to have something pretty to look at), and 3) my bump as of last night. To be fair, the bump picture was taken after a big meal (and before I worked out), so I think it overrepresents my size a bit. Nevertheless, as of the past couple weeks, I'm large and in charge!




Good luck Missy!!! Hope the rest of your labor goes smoothly!
Go Missy Go!

So many seem to be very close! it's surreal to see people who had just announced their pregnancies when I was TTC having their babies. I guess it will really seem really, really, real when my own baby is almost here.

Baby and I had our checkups this week - fetal heart echo and a regular midwife visit. All went great with the echo and it was really fun to see the baby bigger in there! Everything was as they wanted to see it so unless something comes up I'm done with ultrasounds. Middie visit went great as well, well except for the weigh in. They didn't hassle me of course, and I even asked about their approach to weight gain. Was told they recommend 25-35 lbs but as long as you are seeming healthy and fit and aren't exhibiting signs of a problem, they don't worry about it. I'm hesitant to even admit here how much I've gained, I'm almost caught up to a coworker's gain for her whole pregnancy already and I'm only 22 weks! Aack! Not much I can do about it now but figure out how to get more active and try to cut down on the treats. I did gain 10 pounds basicaly immediately after getting pregnant, I really still don't understand how it happened because I wasn't eating tons. Maybe I was just always going to gain a good amount. I am still sticking with the very realistic goal to keep the number under 50 pounds. I think I can do it, as long as I slow it down a bit here in the next month or two.

Soooooo - we had our gender reveal party over the weekend! It was great, had a great group and a friend who we know from the islands who also moved back here recently was even able to come, which was especially nice. We had a great time and EVERYONE was super antsy to get the food eaten so we could get to the cake! Even the guys were really excited. I'm so glad we did it, I'd wanted to do a gender reveal since before I was preggo, and it really was tons of fun. The cake came out DELISH as well, I ended up making a vanilla / almond flavored cake and dyed it, a cream cheese filling, also dyed, and creamy chocolate frosting. DH and I just finished it up last night :lickout:

Without further ado - here are the pics - I'll try to do them in-post so I can narrate a bit. Hopefully they'll come up nicely like in the preview.

The cake:

One of DH and I


The inside!

It's a GIRL!!!

My new FB profile picture:

DH and I, and our families are overjoyed. I was so convinced it would be a boy since I wasn't very sick, seemed to be carrying low etc. Goes to show you never know! In a way I did want a boy as well, my brother already has 2 girls so it's 3 granddaughters for my parents now! We're planning the nursery to be fairly gender neutral, not super girly, with maybe a few pink accents. Every time DH and I go out shopping we pick up a few peices of cute clothing. I can see how easy it is to overload on NB and 0-3 month clothing it's too cute for words!




MissR: Congrats on your little daughter!!! :love: :love: What a sweet way to share the news. Seems like the party was great. And regarding weight gain, just remind yourself that your body will do exactly what it needs to stay healthy and strong for your LO.

Missy: Thinking of you!!!! There's a chance you could be holding your LO by now!