
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hi all! I've been lurking but I figured I'll start posting again!
VL, did you get your appointment? What a pain!

AMC, neat 3D picture! Did you get a DVD too? My friend did two sessions, but the baby was asleep for both.

Katamari, YAY, so glad to see you here! I'm guessing girl for you :p Only because all of my friends who's tech weren't sure ended up being girls. Congratulations on the house! How are you going to handle moving? I can't imagine doing that pregnant...

China, hope you're doing well!

Steph and MuffDog, homestretch baby! Who wants to go first? :lol:

AFM, 37W, full term today! I'm so busy with schooling that I haven't had time to worry about anything. We clearly don't have enough diapers and our house is like a robbery scene. But we have our infant car seat and at least one set of swaddle blankets, so at least we can take him home :D Once gradings are done I'm sure I'll panic.
I'm so used to cramps and other stuff that was worrying me earlier that I don't even flinch. I have BH contractions every day now, but the baby is just going to have to wait at least another two weeks because that's when I give finals.
My midwife was not happy with my lack of weight gain, so she ordered a STAT ultrasound. Gaby is measuring 2.3kg at 35W. I'm not concerned as long as he's 2.5kg when he comes out. For some reason DH is convinced that he's coming early, so he started all the laundry and built the stroller. I don't think we're using the stroller for at least another 1.5 months though :rolleyes: She's having me write food journals which is a royal pain.
I'm waddling more than jogging now, and added lap swimming to my exercise. I've only swam twice so far, and I had better swim more because I paid for that darn maternity swim suit! Oh, but I met another pregnant lady at the pool who was clearly further along than I was. She was swimming in her normal bikini with her belly sticking out. Kudos to her, but I don't have that courage...

Hi to everyone!! Wishing you all a smooth pregnancy!
Katamari- congrats on the house! That should keep you busy. :)

Choro- Congrats on full term! I'm counting down the days until I'm 37 weeks. Then I'm all set for baby to be here, so can we skip muff and steph and let me go first? :cheeky: I also bought a maternity swimsuit. Best 30€ I've spent, even though I've only used it once! It felt great to be in the water. No gravity!

AMC- great bump pic!

Mayerling. That's too bad that you didn't get any good pics. Even with getting them monthly my dr can't ever manage to get a good pic of the face. Only side shots. I always have DH film the screen so I can watch after though. Cute bump pic too! re: hospital bag- I have mine mostly packed, minus baby clothes. I had it prepared a week or two ago, just in case. I kept picturing myself waddling around the store, in labor, trying to collect things last minute... It helped ease my mind getting it done. Now it's just tucked under the bed, open, and I just take out the daily stuff as needed. I also have a list on top in case I go into labor, so DH can get everything.

Muff- I'm glad your shower was fun! I'm supposed to have one next week, but I'm a little nervous about it. Great bump pic!

AFM- 36w2d- We are finalizing our shopping list for the hospital and getting everything on Sunday. The weekend after is supposed to be my shower. I hate me centered things, so I'm quite nervous. On top of that it will be a whole event in French, which makes me uncomfortable, especially since it's for us. I've already requested it be coed, so DH and I can be there together and the other wives with their spouses. I'm thinking more of a barbecue, vs a normal shower, since they aren't common here. Baby is moving like crazy. She stretches what I hope are her legs and pushes out on my side or digs under my ribs. Fun to watch, but doesn't feel nice. I think my nesting instinct is slowly kicking in. I'm ready to prepare, but feel it's too early so I stop myself. Also, I don't know if I'm having BH or not. I was hoping I was before, but I really can't tell. My stomach is hard feeling all of the time, so I cant notice a change...
Everyone is looking lovely as always. I'll get around to taking and posting an updated bump picture one of these days.

Katamari, hi! Good to see an update from you. I don't know how it is that you and Dani are still not showing, because I'm definitely looking quite pregnant these days at 20w5d. Too bad the little one didn't cooperate, but I'm glad to hear everything is looking good otherwise. Maybe you are just meant to have a surprise....

Mayerling, too bad about the u/s pictures, but it won't be long before you will get to see the baby in person!

amc, I have no advice for you because um, well, we're not having any adult time these days . . . mainly because DH is completely freaked out by the prospect, and no matter what I tell him, he doesn't believe that we will somehow be putting the baby in danger. And now that the belly is showing, there's no pretending there's no baby. I've given up on even bringing it up because I get nowhere with him. Anyone else have that problem? Or am I the only one with the neurotic DH?

PP, have fun at your shower!

AFM, waiting on Friday for our big ultrasound. Still not feeling any baby movements, although I had a dream last night that when I looked in the mirror, I could see an outline of the baby's face on my belly. It was freaky :) Also, I feel like I've been packing on the pounds since my last appointment. I think I'm up about 6 pounds from 4 weeks ago, and 12 pounds overall. Yikes. Thankfully, I don't see it anywhere but my belly, but I'm worried I'm going to get a lecture about weight gain at my appointment. I'm still walking nearly every day, but I suppose I could cut back a bit on the extra calories if the doctor says anything....
monkeyprincess|1338409924|3206304 said:
Anyone else have that problem? Or am I the only one with the neurotic DH?

It doesn't bother DH too much, but I also make sure to not tell him that the baby kicks mid-action....which sort of freaks me out a little as well. Poor kid..."I just want some freakin' peace and quiet!"
As for the BH, I'm pretty sure I've been feeling them recently. My stomach gets really hard like a rock and I feel lots of pressure, especially at the top of the uterus. It lasts about 30 seconds. These have also showed up on the NST monitor in L&D the last few times.

AMC - DH and I haven't had "adult time" in I can't even remember how long. It's been moooonths. I was tired or he was tired, then the belly got big and we just stopped discussing it.

MP - How exciting, Friday is almost here!!! I hear you on the weight gain, I gained 6 pounds one month and 7 the next. They told me to start exercising, so I started walking in the evenings. Then my high bp issues started and that put a hold on walking, so nothing I could do about weight gain after that! I didn't gain anywhere really besides my belly which had a downside for me. Stretchmarks. I lost the battle around 30ish weeks. Oh well!

Choro - Good to see you posting again! Congrats on full term! That was exciting for me too!

PP - I agree on the baby shower thing...honestly I wish I could have avoided them. They made me anxious and I'm sure my blood pressure was through the roof. I wish it would have been a less me-centric thing too!

Mayerling - Love the dress and you look great wearing it! I wish I would have bought some earlier. I have absolutely no dresses and it's pretty much too late to buy anything now!

Steph - Getting close!!! I've had some swelling in my feet/ankles since it's been hot the last few days. As long as I'm off my feet, it's been ok.

Muffdog - You look great! Glad your shower went well too.

Katamari - Welcome!!! :wavey:

AFM, Everything is put together and ready for the baby, minus the car seat. I keep telling DH to put it in but he somehow keeps putting it off even though he thinks I'm going to have this baby early :rolleyes: I have my appointments tomorrow morning. My cousin is going with me for backup, just in case. I've been by myself the last few times because DH is working and it's been stressful getting an information overload without someone else there!

-38 weeks 3 days today!

Hi everyone!! :wavey:

WOW, all of your pics are so great!!! Looking good, ladies!!! :naughty: I'm not about to post a pic myself because I just don't feel that I have a proper bump yet (just like you Katamari!). I don't me, I still just look chubbier!!! UGH!!!

Glad your shower went well, Muff!! You really look great!!!

Missy! OMG, you're so close!!! I think you really have a good size baby in there!!! Keep up the good work!!!

AFM, things are just chugging along. DH and I are leaving for our babymoon tomorrow to Miami beach, so we're really looking forward to that. Just going for a few days, but we love it down there and try to get there once a year (at least). Sadly, I think this will be the last time we get there before the babe arrives.....Actually, we are both so needing to get away right now, anywhere would be great!!! I got a prenatal massage today and wow! I feel like a whole new woman!!!:) My back has really been giving me some problems the past few wks...I feel like I can't do anything like mop/vacuum anymore without being in agony the next day. But let me tell you, this new therapist that I had today was AWESOME!!! I left the spa feeling like a million bucks!!! I told her I will be seeing her again very soon- probably next month!!!:)

MP!!! Best of luck at your scan!!! I will try to check in when I'm away, I want to see pics and hear about how everything went!!! And, I hear you on the weight gain! All of the weight I had lost before pregnancy came right back on in just a few weeks! I'm already up 18 lbs...which kind of sucks :blackeye: My doc knows I'm very weight conscious and sensitive about the subject, so he most likely wont say anything to me unless he really thinks I have a huge problem. Its so hard.

Have a great rest of the week girls, and I'll talk to you when I get back!!!! :appl: :appl:
Everyone is looking FABULOUS! We have some gorgeous mamas with perfect little bumps. To those who aren't showing yet, I felt like I had a huge growth spurt between 23-25 weeks. One day you'll wake up with a huge belly. I swear it happens overnight.

I can't believe how close many of you are to your due dates. The baby boom is about to begin.

Dani: Have a lovely babymoon in Miami! You don't live in CO, by chance? I need a good massage therapist. Glad your back is feeling better.

Missy: Get that car seat in your car, woman! Baby M could arrive at any moment, it seems. Maybe your DH is in denial (though I know he's excited). I'm sure that driving around with a car seat in the back of the car makes everything seem very, very real.

MP: Tomorrow is the big day! I can't wait to hear the news!!! 12lbs at 20 weeks is within the range of normal for pre-preg normal body weight mamas. No stressing!! There will be weeks where you barely gain, too. I hope your doctors don't say anything, because I think that US docs focus on weight a wee bit too much.

PP: Enjoy the shower, don't be nervous. I hope you have a fabulous time!

Choro: When does the school year end for you?! What age do you teach? Kudos to you for keeping up with regular exercise, it will definitely help you post-partum.

Katamari: Welcome!!! Congrats on the growing babe AND the house. Sorry 'bout the closing nightmares... nobody ever explains just how many things can go wrong at the last minute. Hope it all smoothes out quickly for you guys. I'm in favor of knowing the sex, but then again, I haven't been on the other side ::) I originally didn't want to know, but DH did, and it's been fun bonding with our little girl... though ask Missy or any other Team Green members, and they'll tell you they bond with their babies juuuust fine without knowing the sex. I am no help :knockout:

Mayerling: The one mama with a due date close to mine! You're looking good! Sorry they couldn't get great US photos. Always a bit of a letdown.

Muff: You look fabulous! Hope your bub scores some awesome clothes! I hear ya on swollen feet. Eck. Keep them propped up as much as you possibly can!

Steph: Hello there!! Hard to believe you're term! Sounds like you're ready to go, too! What CDs did you end up with?

HELLO to everyone else! I imagine China HAS to have her LO by now... or I hope so! Hello there, China, if you're lurking! :wavey:

AFM: School is officially over and now it's crazy preparation/family-visit time. I'm feeling decent... doing lots of laundry and building lots of nursery furniture. It's nearly complete, though, aside from a thorough cleaning and some artwork. I'm also interviewing a potential care giver today. $1000/mth for three days of care each week. It's a bit more than we wanted to spend, but lower than most nanny rates. It will be in-home care... The mom has two little girls of her own, she has a Masters in Special Education (elementary), and her husband is completing a medical residency. It's sort of our middle ground between one-on-one nanny & daycare. I think we'll transition to daycare when Eloise is a little bit older.

Re: "Adult Time"- Over the last few years sex has been pretty infrequent... not even weekly, sometimes every 6 weeks, even. And the number of times we DTD since getting pregnant is likely under 10. But over the past few weeks we've tried to up the ante and get it on as much as possible. Which is a total comedy of errors. We're both freaked by the belly, and the positions that allow us to avoid baby being front-and-center are not as good for me. So... we use lots of lube, laugh a lot, and know that if each session isn't totally successful and mind blowing, it's okay. There's also a lot more non-penetration foreplay going on, which helps. I always worry about falling into a huge sexual rut, and DH is on anxiety meds that do not help the cause, but we're finding that the more we try, the more we want to try. Sorry if I'm being totally TMI, but me laying at the edge of a bed/couch/whatever with DH standing has worked well for us. My belly flattens a little bit, the position is comfortable enough for me, and our stomachs don't collide that way (and I don't feel like baby is being thrown all about).
And now, a totally me centered vent-

I've been having major sleeping issues in not being able to sleep for the past three nights. Last night I ended up propped up on the couch and managed to get a few hours of sleep. I can't get comfortable, it's too hot, everything that touches my skin irritates it, the baby is bouncing off the walls (well, uterus), I have to pee, my back hurt, weird cramps (see below), etc etc. And to top it off, my brain is going at a million miles a minute and I can't quiet it down. I even read last night before bed rather than watched tv and it didn't do anything. Ugh.

To top it off, I think I had my first BH yesterday (well, the first I've noticed anyway). I went to the gym in an attempt to completely exhaust myself (because surely two nights of no sleep plus a good workout would do the trick, right?) and as soon as I stepped off the elliptical I felt it. I thought it was just lower back pain, but soon felt some (painless) tightening in my belly. It came and went throughout the night. Eventually it stopped and was replaced by AF-like cramps...just a constant, dull ache, that lasted through the night. This morning I can't tell if it's still a crampy feeling or just a "it feels like I did situps all night long" feeling.

Taking all of that information into account, one of the last things I read before bed in What to Expect was the section on "reasons to call your OB." One of the things on the list was "period-like cramps combined with diarrhea." TMI, I wouldn't say I was quite to the diarrhea stage, but things were definitely looser down there than they have been lately (I've been on iron pills, so things have been...firm...). That just added to the "brain in overdrive" thing. Ugh.

Add up all of this and it means I start crying because I'm so damn tired and frustrated.

Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Amc, ugh, sorry you're having a rough week. Did you ask your doctor about the cramps? Maybe it has something to do with you not getting enough sleep. I know I feel a lot more uncomfortable and crampy when I'm exhausted. As far as the sleep issue, my doctor has told me that if I have a few nights of insomnia in a row, it is fine for me to take an occasional benadryl or unisom. Maybe you should ask your doctor about that too. Hope you're feeling better.

PPM, thanks for the reassurance. After redoing my math and stepping on the scale again this morning, I think my total weight gain is more like 14 pounds :shock: I'm pretty sure, I don't have too much to be worried about just yet as long as it holds steady, but I've never had to worry about weight in my entire life, and it is really throwing me for a loop! Enjoy your summer break. It will be nice to have that time to get ready for the baby!

Dani, have a great time on your babymoon. DH and I were hoping to take a phone trip to the beach somewhere, but my grandma is dealing with aggressive skin cancer right now, so I thought it was more important that we go visit her before the baby comes, so we're doing that in two weeks. The only problem is that she lives near Phoenix, which is not exactly the best place to visit in June. Oh well. We're staying at a nice resort, so at least it will be a fun get away.

Missy, hope your appointment goes/went well. It won't be too much longer now!
monkeyprincess|1338486099|3206824 said:
Amc, ugh, sorry you're having a rough week. Did you ask your doctor about the cramps? Maybe it has something to do with you not getting enough sleep. I know I feel a lot more uncomfortable and crampy when I'm exhausted. As far as the sleep issue, my doctor has told me that if I have a few nights of insomnia in a row, it is fine for me to take an occasional benadryl or unisom. Maybe you should ask your doctor about that too. Hope you're feeling better.

Thanks. I'm debating whether or not to call my doctor. I think I'll see how today goes. I did take a benadryl the night before last, which did absolutely nothing...except make me really groggy for work the next morning. I'm hoping this is just a crappy stage and that it will pass soon. I'm trying to relax when I can and drink a lot of water, since those two things seem to be the answer to 90% of issues. I have gone home at lunch the past two days to attempt to take a nap, but haven't been able to fall asleep. But I did feel better just laying down for an hour.
amc80|1338486685|3206826 said:
monkeyprincess|1338486099|3206824 said:
Amc, ugh, sorry you're having a rough week. Did you ask your doctor about the cramps? Maybe it has something to do with you not getting enough sleep. I know I feel a lot more uncomfortable and crampy when I'm exhausted. As far as the sleep issue, my doctor has told me that if I have a few nights of insomnia in a row, it is fine for me to take an occasional benadryl or unisom. Maybe you should ask your doctor about that too. Hope you're feeling better.

Thanks. I'm debating whether or not to call my doctor. I think I'll see how today goes. I did take a benadryl the night before last, which did absolutely nothing...except make me really groggy for work the next morning. I'm hoping this is just a crappy stage and that it will pass soon. I'm trying to relax when I can and drink a lot of water, since those two things seem to be the answer to 90% of issues. I have gone home at lunch the past two days to attempt to take a nap, but haven't been able to fall asleep. But I did feel better just laying down for an hour.

There's absolutely no harm in calling. I'm sure docs get calls about silly things all the time, so your legitimate insomnia/cramping/GI concerns totally warrant a call, if only to ease your mind. I hope you find some relief soon and begin to feel better, and I hope this is just a short bout of blah-ness and not an indication of greater problems. Hugs to you.
PilsnPinkysMom|1338488761|3206840 said:
amc80|1338486685|3206826 said:
monkeyprincess|1338486099|3206824 said:
Amc, ugh, sorry you're having a rough week. Did you ask your doctor about the cramps? Maybe it has something to do with you not getting enough sleep. I know I feel a lot more uncomfortable and crampy when I'm exhausted. As far as the sleep issue, my doctor has told me that if I have a few nights of insomnia in a row, it is fine for me to take an occasional benadryl or unisom. Maybe you should ask your doctor about that too. Hope you're feeling better.

Thanks. I'm debating whether or not to call my doctor. I think I'll see how today goes. I did take a benadryl the night before last, which did absolutely nothing...except make me really groggy for work the next morning. I'm hoping this is just a crappy stage and that it will pass soon. I'm trying to relax when I can and drink a lot of water, since those two things seem to be the answer to 90% of issues. I have gone home at lunch the past two days to attempt to take a nap, but haven't been able to fall asleep. But I did feel better just laying down for an hour.

There's absolutely no harm in calling. I'm sure docs get calls about silly things all the time, so your legitimate insomnia/cramping/GI concerns totally warrant a call, if only to ease your mind. I hope you find some relief soon and begin to feel better, and I hope this is just a short bout of blah-ness and not an indication of greater problems. Hugs to you.

:) Thank you. I found this online-

Warning signs and symptoms of premature labor include:

- A contraction every 10 minutes, or more frequently within one hour (five or more uterine contractions in an hour)
- Watery fluid leaking from your vagina (this could indicate that your bag of water is broken)
- Menstrual like cramps felt in the lower abdomen that may come and go or be constant
- Low dull backache felt below the waistline that may come and go or be constant
- Pelvic pressure that feels like your baby is pushing down
- Abdominal cramps that may occur with or without diarrhea
- Increase or change in vaginal discharge

I definitely have the menstrual like cramps and the low dull backache. I'm tempted to wait until tomorrow to call, hoping I can get a good night sleep seems to all be linked and maybe if I can get some decent rest then everything will calm down. I think part of it may be mental, as well, since my brother and I were both born around 32 weeks. There doesn't seem to be much evidence that prematurity is hereditary, but I'm sure it's in the back of my mind.
Update- I talked to DH who insisted I call the doc. Waiting to be seen now.
Update again. Cervix is closed but apparently I'm having contractions 2-3 minutes apart. Who knew? Off to L&D.
amc, thinking of you. Hope everything is okay!
Hopefully they're just BH AMC! Please let us know!

Afm, so bp was high at my appointment again. I went to L&D for my NST and they kept me a few hours. I was told to come in again Saturday for an NST again and we will discuss induction. She said most likely Monday. But not definite answer until Saturday. They were basically waiting til I hit 39 weeks before inducing unless medically necessary. High bp alone isn't enough. But she said Sunday I hit 39 weeks so the bp is enough of an issue to go ahead and induce then. She said all 5 docs will come up with the plan together. If the decide induction, it will start with gel or the balloon thing. I am not dilated or effaced at all as of today. So basically I COULD have our baby next week. :o I just hope they truly give me a real answer I'm so over this "maybe, we'll see". I feel like I'm stuck in the "boy who cried wolf" story because I've believed them and then things change, now if they tell me this is really happening I might not believe them! Haha. So I will update on Saturday!
Hi Ladies! I took some pics yesterday after I finally set up my tripod and shutter remore after the move yesterday. Funny thing is apparently the battery wasn't dead I jsut forgot how to operate the thing! I figured it out and got some good ones. Then I sent my mom and a faraway friend a progression. It's crazy to look at all the pictures all together.

I'm with MP in the 'looking quite pregnant indeed' at 20-ish weeks. I'm not suprised based on my weight gain, and it's been gradual, I don't feel like I've had any big spurts so far. Funny thing this morning I was much smaller looking than the few days before - baby must have been stretched out! Back to looking about where I was before now, I think. Maybe some bloat has gone down too. I'm somewhat concerned about my weight gain, but I know my middies are super laid back and nobody has said a peep to me about it yet. I'm jsut so dead tired when I get home from work that I've gone on exactly one walk since we moved a month ago. I'm going to try to start going to prenatal yoga on Saturdays, which will at least be something. I really want to get in at least 2 walks a week too, so maybe putting it out there here will help me get motivated.

AMC here's hoping everything is OK and that you can get some rest soon. Missy too how are all those appointments coming?

On the 'adult time' note, DH and I have been trying our best to at least get in some time every other week or so. Beore TTC we were generall about a once a week couple so things aren't that slow now. I know my desire is really high sometimes too! We're only jsut starting to get uncomfortable, but I'm sure there are lots of positions we haven't tried yet.

I'm now waffling on names. The name we had settled on is fairly unusual and I'm jsut not as sure about it now as I was. I still love it but I don't feel ready to decide just yet. Our gender reveal party is this weekend, so I'll share those pics then dish on the name front next week (I love building suspense!)
Oh and the carseat is officially in!!!! *Taps on belly* You're allowed to come now baby, even if they make you come a little early, it's okay now!! :bigsmile:
AMC, hope things are settling down for you and that all is well with you and baby. Keep us posted.

Missy, sorry your plan has changed but it does sound like your doctors are on top of things. You are so close now to meeting your new little one. So excited for you!
amc80|1338504352|3206947 said:
Update again. Cervix is closed but apparently I'm having contractions 2-3 minutes apart. Who knew? Off to L&D.

This was me Monday night. Hope the dr is able to get it under control. Keep us posted.
Hi gals. Apparently the contractions were closer to 1-2 minutes apart. Eventually I started to feel them...not fun! I was given a shot of turb (um can't remember the full name) which called the contractions for all of 20 minutes or so. Then they gave me some pills to take which were supposed to stop the contractions within an hour. Well, an hour later they were as strong and close as ever. Finally after 30 minutes more or so they started calming down. Another check of the cervix (um 3rd one today) showed it was still closed up. Finally got sent home after 7 hours or so...I have to take meds and be on bedrest until Monday, then follow up with my OB on Wednesday.
Amc, glad things did not escalate and that you're home and resting! Look at my BH thread I started earlier this week for a discussion about BH early on and terbutaline. (I'm not sure if that's what they prescribed in pill form to you, but definitely worth checking into considering the recent warnings.) Also, seems that BH without cervical change can be okay...LOL...I think it's kind of funny we have similar due dates, have similarly sized bellies and both have had early strong BH. Delivery twins??? We shall see!!

Rest up and drink lots of water. It did the trick for me to break the pattern of BH, but it took at least 24 hours of literally sitting, laying, eating and peeing only. Feeel good lady!
Hi all!

Drive by posting - have had no internet for the last two weeks, and am crazy busy for the coming weekend (it's DH's birthday, it's a big one, and we have his family staying with us).

Just wanted to say huge congrats to Monnie and Mr Monnie!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: And welcome to Baby Alexandra! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

And AMC hope you are doing OK and hanging in there - that all sounds very scary. Take care of yourself :wavey:
AMC, glad things are ok for now. Take care of yourself!

Just wanted to share a drive-by pic for bump picture Friday! Here's me at 37w, that poor pre-pregancy workout shirt is really hanging on for dear life. Thank goodness I work out at home because I know I look ridiculous when I start walking on the treadmill and it rides up to mid-belly.

Lizzy - My poor doctors just don't know what to do with me. They said I've been sitting right on the edge for a couple weeks now because of the blood pressure, they're scared pre-e might show up fast. But anyway, I'm ready for whatever they need to do. I'm sure the baby is ready too. He/she is starting to hate those monitors and I felt bad yesterday because it kept moving away when they tried putting the heartrate monitor back on after I went to the bathroom. Poor baby :(sad

Amc - I hope the meds continue to work. Did you overwork yourself the other day? Sometimes people say too much moving around/stressing out can make ctx start. Hopefully some bedrest is all you need! How did those lovely cervical checks go?

Steph - I know how you feel about shirts not covering the belly! I'm very limited on clothes that fit right now! You look great! I wish I was still able to do some walking. Well, actually tonight I will do some. We're going to the carnival to get something to eat and play a few games. I'm thinking I'm right at the end of this pregnancy anyway, a little walking can't hurt! DH is pretty good at watching out for me and making sure I'm not overdoing it. I usually rest all day unless I have appointments and then some evenings I'll watch DH's softball games. I just sit in the chair and watch, not moving around too much. Some how even with being on bedrest I've only managed to gain 33 pounds at 38 weeks. They recommended 25 - 30 for me, so I didn't do too bad!
Meg- we are totally pregnancy twins! Ha! Yes, I did read your other thread. The meds they have me on is Procardia. I guess it was originally a blood pressure med but it happens to slow/stop contractions. The plus to all of this is now I know what contractions feel like and know what to look out for. They actually got fairly painful for a while, like period cramps on crack.

The baby hated being monitored and kept moving around as to avoid it. And he would kick the monitor like crazy.

I'm not sure what set off the contractions. I had just gone to the gym, so that could be it, or it could just be random. I'm guessing my doc will ban the gym from here on out though.

As for now, bed rest. My mom was on bedrest for 3 months with me...and I still came two months early. Hopefully my cervix proves to be a bit stronger than hers! DH had to calm me down yesterday when I was a bit emotionally. Even if baby came now (which I really dont think he will) chances are he'd be perfectly healthy. But really, kid, stay in a bit longer.
Btw, I'm not sure of what I had were classified as bh or not. They were painful and regular. But are any contractions that don't change your cervix considered bh? The main concern in getting them to stop was that eventually my cervix would give in. I'll have to ask my doc at my appt.
Well, I'm back from my ultrasound, and it's official - Bumby is a Boy! Yay! And even more important, he and all his parts looked just perfect. We didn't get any great pictures, but she took a DVD of him just chilling and opening and closing his mouth, sticking out his tongue, and flipping us off! :) Feeling very blessed right now and need to seriously start thinking of boy names. Oh, and I also probably need to start thinking about what the heck we are going to do with a newborn once he arrives! Anyone have any good book recommendations on how to get through those first few weeks?

amc, just saw your updates, and I'm happy to hear that you are home and resting. Take it easy this weekend, mama. Hoping he stays put for several more weeks!

Steph, looking good! Ha, ha, looks like your shirt is just barely going to make it to the end :)

Buttons, good to see you pop in! Hope all is well with you!

Meg, you take it easy too! So sorry you and amc are dealing with early contractions, but hopefully, things will slow down.

Missy, not too much longer for you no matter what, so hang in there. Sounds like you and your baby are in good hands. Can't wait to "meet" him or her.

Rachel, you are certainly building up the suspense :) Have fun at your party and be sure to come back with pictures!

Hi to everyone else!
Monkey! Hooray for Team Blue!!!! Boys names: DH couldn't think of any so I suggested he go through baseball hall of fame or something like that has a lot of men's names. He found all the Congressional Medal of Honor winners since the Civil War. Books: I read The Baby Whisperer books which I thought were quite good. DH read Happiest Baby On The Block, which he also said was very good. If you want, I have the HBOTB DVD that we haven't watched at all. I'll try to send it in the mail to you if you want.
Hi Ladies, sorry for being so MIA, I have lurked here and there but haven't had the time to put together a proper post. It looks like maybe I'm up next, (if ChinaCat has in fact had her little girl) although I think Missy might go before I do! Go Team Green, can't wait to find out what we are both having!

I'm 39 weeks today and feeling pretty good. Between 33 weeks and 38 weeks I was having the WORST sciatica pain in my left butt cheek and started seeing a chiropractor once a week with massage and when that didn't improve at all by 35 weeks I started acupuncture 3 times a week. The acupuncture helped a little but finally at 37.5 weeks the baby shifted somehow and I feel like a new woman. I still have a dull achy pain on the left side, but it feels more like a charlie horse than a live nerve being compressed. I am so grateful it is mostly gone, but terrified that it is going to come back! I am still going to the chiro once every two weeks until birth and the acupuncturist once a week as a preventative measure.

My work really suffered during those weeks because it was so hard to focus through the pain so now I am playing catch-up like crazy trying to get things set up for my fellow paralegals for when I am on maternity leave. I don't think that I am going to go into labor until maybe 40-41 weeks so I "think" I still have a little time.

We are pretty much ready for the baby at home, DH needs to install the car seat this weekend and I have to finish getting my bag packed too, other than that we will be ready when baby is ready! So excited to meet this little babe :appl: I think that DH and I have settled on names if it is a boy than it will be Evan Thomas and if it is a girl Lauren Emily, we haven't told anyone our names in case we meet the baby and decide to go with another name on our short list, but for now those are our choices =)

During my weekly appointment yesterday my dr mentioned that I had a slightly elevated blood pressure and that I had +1 protein in my urine. She is not too concerned about it yet, but like Missy she wants me to be aware of additional pre-eclampsia symptoms. I have to go in on Monday to have my bp and urine checked again to be on the safe side. My feet are swelled up now which sucks, I had to go to Target last weekend and buy a new pair of black flats for work since I can't wear any of my other shoes right now! The heartburn has persisted so now my routine is Zantac in the morning, Prilosec OTC in the afternoon and then depending on severity I either take another Zantac or a few tablespoons of Maalox before bed, where I try to sleep in a semi-reclined position. It is not fun but I am hoping I only have another few weeks to deal with it.

Does anyone know if there is any correlation to lots of heartburn/reflux in pregnancy and a baby with the same symptoms? Just curious if I should prepare myself for a baby with reflux?!?

Whew, sorry for the novel, I hope everyone else is doing well!!! I am excited to see the slew of babies that are going to be coming soon!

39 weeks.JPG