
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hi ladies! I finally got around to typing out my birth story. It maybe isn't the most coherent piece I've ever written but I think I got most of it down. Overall I was very happy with our experience. Alexandra did have to have a course of antibiotics after birth since my water was broken for almost 25 hours before birth, resulting in an extra day at the hospital for us but everything else went pretty well. We are, of course, super in love with her.

I am posting several pics, one the night we went to the hospital, one 4 days postpartum so you can see how much the belly goes down and how quickly (I lost about 15 lbs right off the bat which is baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, etc. plus fluids from the IV), one of her immediately after birth, one 3 days old (mittens) and one 4 days old (bouncy seat). First, the story:

Monnie's birth story!

Last time I posted was last Friday and we were talking about epidurals here! I had woken that morning feeling fine. I went to work and spent a couple hours there doing some paperwork, catching up on emails and phone calls, and giving some direction to those who will be doing parts of my job during my leave. I went home and started feeling antsy--I had planned to wait until Saturday to start really getting some things organized and ready for baby's arrival but for whatever reason I was feeling irritated that it wasn't already done and I just dove in to several projects. My husband was working on getting the patio he started last summer finished. I made him install the carseat instead. I finally lay down around 9 p.m. and was tooling around the internet when I felt a small gush of fluid come out of me. From that point on I experienced a series of those every few minutes and 20 minutes later told my husband I thought I had better call the doctor. He ran to the store to pick up some things we needed as well as snacks for the delivery room while I called the doctor who told me to go to the hospital, and then I drank a glass of red wine and took a shower. My hospital bag was already packed so we grabbed that and drove off. I stepped out of the car in the parking garage and although I had an overnight maxi pad on, my pants were totally soaked. Driving over bumps must've knocked a lot more water out of me! That kind of ticked me off.

Got settled in to the delivery room (which was quite posh) and the nurse started monitoring me for contractions. I was contracting every 2-3 minutes but not strongly enough to have any effect. This continued for an hour or two. My doctor showed up at 3 a.m., checked my cervix, declared me 2-3 cm and pretty much told me my options were to start Pitocin or start thinking about a c-section because if I did not start progressing that's what we were looking at. It took me until 7 a.m. to make the decision to finally get the Pitocin started. I was disappointed but ok with it because I was starting to worry that my labor wasn't progressing. Started Pitocin, then my nurse got pulled away to two emergency c-sections. For about an hour and a half, no one came back to turn up my drip. I finally asked my husband to get someone in there STAT because I knew I was falling behind the 8 ball. They apologized profusely, turned me up, then the doctor came to visit and told them to bump me up by twos every half hour. Things started to get a little hairy then. I had had NO sleep since the previous night (Thursday) and hadn't slept well for that matter. I had been eating and drinking, but not much and not enough to really keep up my stamina. I started contracting HARD and labored for about 2.5 hours with no pain meds. Finally my legs started shaking uncontrollably in every position we tried and I hit a wall both physically and mentally. I was tied to the IV pole which made it even harder to work through the contractions in the positions we'd practiced. I asked for Nebune, a narcotic that can take the edge off. (The difference between Pitocin contrax and natural contrax is not that Pit ones are worse than natural. The difference is that with Pitocin your brain doesn't produce the natural endorphins that it normally would that act as painkillers. Also, after the waters are broken there is no more "cushion" for baby's head between the pelvic bones--the head is just right there against them making it more painful.) The Nebune really didn't do much at all. I had another cervical check and had gone from 4 cm to 8 cm in about 1.5 hours. I was scared at this point. Scared of not being able to labor anymore and not having enough energy to push. Scared of getting an epidural although it was becoming increasingly obvious that I was going to need one. And angry! Mainly because of the way things had worked out--that I had been left without being turned up for too long resulting in having to dial up the Pitocin too much too fast. So at that point I did the smart thing and asked for the epidural. It was overall a good experience but still upsetting when I think about it.

As soon as that kicked in and I was almost completely numb (but could still move--the anesthesiologist did an awesome job), I took about a 20 minute nap. then it was time to push! I had my husband put on the harp CD I'd brought (I love harp music and if anyone recalls had a live harpist at my first baby shower). Sort of ties into her middle name "Celeste" ("celestial" etc.). Even the doctor commented on what peaceful music it was. We had the lights dimmed and it was just the 4 of us, me, my husband, the wonderful nurse, and the doctor who was an excellent pushing coach. I pushed for maybe 30 minutes and she was born, totally perfect, beautiful in every way. I had two 2nd degree tears, one above, one below, which didn't require many stitches. Baby latched on right away (I asked for her to be put on me immediately after birth) and then she had her tests and cleanup, etc. which were all good. Everyone who saw her at this point remarked on her full head of hair and her insanely long eyelashes. She came out gorgeous! I know I am biased but she really came through the birth no worse for the wear.

So that is the story of how Alexandra Celeste came into the world!

I need to write a post on aftercare and what you will go through postpartum in the days right after delivery. I was not prepared for the healing process whatsoever, had no idea it would be so difficult physically. Maybe someone has written about it here somewhere or on the newborn thread but i think it is a topic that deserves much more attention than it gets.




Monarch, congrats on your beautiful litttle girl! And you look amazing in your post-partum pic, you lucky thing. Sorry to hear the labor didn't go as you planned, but the important thing is your little girl made her way into the world safely. Just goes to show you have to be prepared for the unexpected. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thanks MP. Yes, expect the unexpected. It's too bad that my water broke and then nothing of consequence happened but whatever.

I may start a new thread about postpartum care and what to expect but in the meantime I want to offer that it would do everyone good to familiarize themselves with remedies for aftercare before it occurs. Start making ice pads now to have at home if you have a vaginal delivery...(pour witch hazel onto a maxi pad, cut in thirds, wrap in gauze, and freeze).
Monnie, she is gorgeous! I'm glad you are both happy and healthy, even if the birth was a little tense at some points. It sounds like you had a great team helping you through the pushing, which is probably when you needed the most support. I have a feeling every mom looks back at her birth experience and can think of a few things they wish had gone differently (I know I do), but obviously the most important part is that everybody is doing well. You look fab, mama!
Thanks NEL! Oh and thanks to Buttons also, forgot to acknowledge your post upthread.

I am so excited for everyone else here to have their babies now! I have enjoyed getting to know you all and sharing the details of our pregnancies. Hope to see everyone in the Newborn + thread! Best of luck!
Great to hear your birth store Monnie! and such a cutie - big congratulations!

I would LOVE the dish on PP - all the gory details so I can prepare as best as possible. Where do you get straight witch hazel - health food store? Am I the only one crazy and crunchy granola enough to be thinking about 'mom cloth' aka cloth pads? I have read that they are SUPER comfy for PP compared with regular pads.

And just curious - does everyone (or everyone here) plan to go to the hospital / birth location immediately if the water breaks? Funny I was just reading a book about natural hospital birth and it talked at length about waiting to have established ctx before heading in. I suppose that's a very personal decision - go in and labor there, or labor at home and have to face the car ride when things are more in full swing.

Everyone always talks about Mom's labor history as a guide, but mine had 2 c-sections so I have no info there at all. I personally think that even with my less interventionist mddies, I'll stay at home as long as possible before heading in.

Anyone have info to share on Group B Strep? For whatever reason this really scares me / is something I hope to avoid. I personally have really strong opinions about antibiotics and I would really like to avoid them in labor if at all possible. I refused the ones the RE insisted that I take after the HSG because I feel that a healthy gut is so key to overall health. I have a checkup next week so I plan to discuss that with the middies, and see if they have any suggestions to lower the risk of testing positive (I've read that fermented foods can help, and I take strong probiotics daily already) FWIW I already had somewhat of my anti-antibiotics stance before, but after my appendectomy 2 years ago it took me SO LONG to regain my gut health and it was really obvious that the strong antibiotics had set me back - that experience really shaped my opinion. IN a way I still think that my gut is not the same as it was before the surgery and all those strong drugs. I also seem to be really susceptible to bladder infections and yeast infections after I take anti-b's so I would love to avoid one of those lovelies in the PP period.
Monarch, love your birth story!! Especially how your instinct was telling you what was going on :D I'm terrified about water breaking first, and I would be so happy if I ended up with yours. And wow, what a perfect postpartum belly!!! Are you wearing your regular jeans already?

AMC, any signs of contractions returning? I had an NST done before, and I didn't like how it was affecting the baby's movement.

Missy, next week!! So excited for you!

Missralchelk, If my water breaks I'm thinking of staying at home as long as possible. I don't want them to check me, and from what I've read that causes more problems in the first place. The precautions seem intuitive. No baths, be careful when you wipe, drink LOTS of water, no touching, make sure the baby is still kicking, etc. I read about this one woman who didn't go to the hospital until 8 days after her water broke, because that's when things started progressing for her. She delivered a perfectly healthy baby, but personally I'm not that extreme.

Steph, WOW, I cannot wear any of my pre-preggo shirts, no matter how much I stretch them! The seams of my sports-bra are all busted so I need to get new ones postpartum.

PPM, I give the final exam on 6/11, 9 days before I'm due! That should be interesting. This exercise had better help!

MP, about DTD, my friend told me that her baby kicked during the action, and her husband refused to attempt it ever again :p
Rachel, FWIW I didn't go into the hospital until 12 hrs after my waters started leaking. My contractions never progressed or amounted to anything and hte midwives didn't want the baby exposed for too long. All together, from when I noticed my water first leaking 3AM - 10:51AM the next day, I was "in labor" for 31 hrs.
choro72 said:
AMC, any signs of contractions returning? I had an NST done before, and I didn't like how it was affecting the baby's movement.

I've had a handful of them today. I did leave the house briefly with dh to go get an icee, and had a contraction right when we got back. So apparently the walk to the car and back was too much.
ChinaCat welcomed her baby girl on Wednesday May 30th. The name question was such a big one until the end, so I'll let her reveal what they came up with. ;) Mom and baby and big brother O are all doing well!
Can I join the boom? Elliot Alan and Miles Alexander were born 6/1 at 33w5d. Elliot was 4 lbs and Miles was 4 lbs 11 oz.

I'll try to give more details once I've recovered a bit! Congrats Monnie and China!
Oh my goodness, congratulations to ChinaCat and Kunzite! Can't wait to see pictures mamas!

Kunzite, hope your little guys are doing well and growing strong.
AMC- I'm glad the contractions have calmed down. What do the doctors think will happen now? Do they think you will deliver anytime soon?

Monarch- Thank you for sharing your birth story. I've tried to keep a very open "birth plan" because I tend to get upset easily when things don't go how I think they should in my head. However, I think no matter what, like NEL said, everyone will have something they wish went differently. It sounds like you did great though and your daughter is just adorable! Id love if you started a PP thread. It's something I'm worried I wont be prepared enough for.

Chinacat- congrats! I can't wait to hear from you!

Kunzite- congrats! I'm so happy you were able to make it to 33 weeks! I look forward to hearing your birth story!

AFM- 36w4d
Yay! A big congrats to Kunzite and China! Hope your babies and you are doing well!
Congratulations, Monarch, China and Kunzite!
Congrats to all the new momma! Talk about a baby boom!!

Petite- they never really said. My suspicion is that it had something to do with not sleeping for two nights, and then working out. So by the third night of not sleeping my body was just done. But who knows.
Oh my gosh congrats China and Kunzite!!!! That means Mary and I are next. Wow! The pressure is on...are you gonna beat me Mary? :Up_to_something:

Oh and I forget to say congrats on finding out you're definitely having a boy MP!

Afm, I had my NST this morning. I already knew I wasn't getting any definite answers as to when/if the induction would be taking place. My doctor called me last night and said my 24 hour urine came back fine. She said an induction at this point would take days for me because my body isn't ready (as of Thursday) no dilation, effacing or anything. Since I'm not ready, it could lead to a unnecessary c-section because we pushed the induction too early. I guess that makes sense now. They could have told me that before. They knew my body wasn't ready, why hold off and tell me "we'll give you a definite answer on Saturday" I told her she told me I'd have a definite answer by the end of Thursday, then the doctor at the hospital said I'd have a definite answer on Saturday". She said "Don't listen to us when we tell you we'll give you a definite answer, because there is no definite answer" :?: Way to make my head spin docs!!! She said "Either way, you'll be having this baby by next week" I said "So you won't let me go past 40 weeks?" She said "Most likely we will not" So what if my body isn't ready for an induction then either...I'm at risk for another c-section if it gets drawn out too long. Ugh! So now I have to go back for an NST again this Monday, they will check me internally again and see what's going on and go from there. She said we're basically going day by day for now. I'm not feeling any strong contractions, so I'm sure nothing will have changed by Monday. I had 2 minor contractions during the 1 hour NST today. Get it together body, I would just love to let this happen by itself!!!!
Congrats Monnie, ChinaCat, and Kunzite! What an exciting baby boom!!!!
Finally have some time at almost 3 a.m. to compose a post of responses I've wanted to make!

MissRachelK: you can get witch hazel in bottles (like peroxide) at pretty much any drugstore or supermarket (or probably health food store). I'd never heard of "mom cloths" before...sounds nicer than synthetic pads. The ice pads given to me in the hospital were handmade by the nurses who said they were a lot cheaper to DIY than to go out and buy them. I AM going to start a thread detailing how to make them.

As far as going in to the hospital as soon as your water breaks: my doctor told me to call him a. when my waters broke, or b. when my contractions were less than 10 minutes apart. My waters broke but I felt no contractions so I called him and he told me to go to the hospital. Although we'd just been through a session of classes in which the resounding thought was to labor at home as long as possible, I chose to heed the advice of my doctor whose been delivering babies for 34 years and get my butt to the hospital. So glad I did. My waters were broken for over 24 hours and my baby was tested for bacteria and "slightly" failed (20 was normal; she tested at 26) so she was given a 48 hour course of antibiotics via IV (the other option was to give her shots every 4 hours.) This was all due to premature rupture of membranes, you would have to read about it more in depth and talk to your doctor or midwife as I am no health expert and have a hard time understanding or explaining it myself, sorry.

Choro: thanks for the compliment! I haven't tried on my jeans yet but I doubt they'd fit already. I did get lucky, I never got stretch marks! My mom had them so I thought for sure I would, but no. So when people say that you are bound to get them if your mom did, that apparently doesn't always hold true. The weight loss...who knows. I've had a lot of people tell me that breast feeding will make the weight melt right off of you, and I am so hoping that is true. I think I lost about 4 lbs. so far this week according to the scale, so now I am down 20. I gained 35+ overall so 15 more to go? Not very concerned about it at this point; it is summer and I have plenty of time and opportunity to exercise and not much time to chow down on junk food, so.

Petite, thank you! Yeah, it's key to stay open minded about l&d. You will do great no matter what.

Missy, just wishing you the best of luck, I feel like you are next! You will be great. Can't wait to find out the gender!

ChinaCat and Kunzite, congrats!
CONGRATS Monarch, China and Kunzite!!! :appl: The June "boom" is in now in full effect! :bigsmile:
MP: Congrats on team blue! Wahoo!

Monnie: Again, many congrats to you, and thanks for sharing your birth story!!!

China & Kunzite: AHH! The babies have arrived! I hope you mamas are doing well and that you'll stop by to share your tales once life settles a little bit. Congrats to you!!!

Re: PROM- It's so interesting how doctors and midwives vary when it comes to this. Our midwife group says that if your bag of waters breaks between 37-42 weeks and you did not test positive for GBS, then you have 48 hours for labor to get started. If you DID test positive for GBS, you have 24 hours for labor to get started, and if it doesn't begin within that time, they'll talk about augmenting labor and will start V antibiotics. And for them, they really mean labor just needs to begin, a mom needn't be in active labor. I really, really want to trust them, but it seems like SO long to wait and I know the potential for infection increases.

Another interesting tidbit from their group: You can still get in a tub or have a waterbirth if your water breaks, but there can't be anything in the water... it must be clean, pure, fresh, etc. They may even use distilled water, but that sounds fishy to me... it would take a lot of containers of distilled water to fill up a birth tub!
Monnie - What a story! It's always nice to hear birth stores. Thanks for sharing with us! I hope I'm close!!!

PPM - I've always heard that it doesn't matter whether you are positive or negative for GBS, if your water breaks you must deliver within 24 hours because of the risk for infection. If you're GBS postive, they want you in quickly to start IV antibiotics...if negative I was told you can labor at home for some time before going in. I know a lot of people go in right away no matter what, because they aren't sure if it was their water that broke or if they just peed themselves! haha.

There's a full moon tonight...that sometimes jump starts labor. Let's hope so! I've been having random BH since Saturday morning. For the longest time I wasn't even sure what they felt like because I wasn't getting them. Let's see where this goes. I've noticed a few today and a few last night while in bed. I told DH "I'm not sure how I'm going to handle real contractions, these "fake" ones don't feel that great either" Haha...he just looks at me and says "Oh boy".
Monnie, you look great! Big congrats again!

Yay for China and Kunzite!!!

Missy, crossing my fingers that this is your week lady!

Merrymary, If you have a boy, the first and middle names you picked out are my 3 year old DS's exact first and middle name! Sounds like great minds think alike! Good Luck!
Kunzite|1338647466|3207786 said:
Can I join the boom? Elliot Alan and Miles Alexander were born 6/1 at 33w5d. Elliot was 4 lbs and Miles was 4 lbs 11 oz.

I'll try to give more details once I've recovered a bit! Congrats Monnie and China!
Kunzite, I am so glad to hear about Elliot and Miles!!! Congrats, how are they doing? how are you doing? awww I bet they are precious; congrats twin momma!!! :appl: I can't wait for pics!

Monnie and China congrats on your baby girls!!! :appl: :appl:
Congratulations China and Kunzite!!
Congrats China and Kunzite!!! Can't wait to hear your birth stories and see pics when you have time!
China & Kunzite! Big congrats!
Whoah! Baby boom up in here!

China. congrats! I can't wait to hear the name you chose.

Monarch, thanks for sharing. I love reading birth stories. Am I crazy or does Alexandra look like you? Usually, I see no resemblance between newborns and their parents but I swear I see it! She's a doll. :love:

Kunzite! My toddler mama friend! Congratulations!!! I hope you're recovering well and those kiddies are thriving. I have a special request to see a pic of all three kids together...when you have a free moment of course. :naughty:
CONGRATULATIONS to Kunzite, ChinaCat and Monnie!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Yay for all the new little squishy babies!!!

Lizzy- that is awesome that our boy name is the same as your DS! Glad to know that it has been "road tested" so to speak. It is strange to say out loud since we have been keeping mum on the name so it is nice to hear that you picked it too!!! :bigsmile:

Missy - Sorry to hear about the confusion from your Doctors, I really hope that your body gets ready and you are able to have that baby without being induced first. I have no idea which one of us is going to go first - wouldn't it be crazy if we ended up going on the same day??? Maybe tonight's full moon will work a little magic for us both :D

PPM, Choro and Missralchelk - thanks for the information about PROM, I have been wondering what to do if my water breaks but contractions haven't started. I am GBS positive, so I need the antibiotics but I am nervous about going to the hospital too soon and ending up with more interventions due to labor not progressing. I am just hoping that contractions are nice and strong before the water breaks! We will see, since we don't have any control over these things! ;)

Amc - I am very happy to hear that your contractions have slowed back down, hopefully you have been able to get more rest at night. Being sleep deprived is no fun at all.

I know that I have missed a few people, but I hope everyone is doing well!!!

AFM - had a repeat BP test this morning and again it was slightly elevated. Gave some blood for pre-e labs and I should get news late tomorrow afternoon if there is any additional cause for concern. Otherwise I will go over my results with my Dr at my 40 week appt on Thursday morning. I haven't had any other signs of pre-e yet, so hopefully things stay in the minor range and my baby decides to come sooner rather than later.
Monnie china and Kunzite congrats on the birth of your babies!! Can we get some more photos up in here puh lease? Need to see squishy babies!!