
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

About to go to sleep, but just wanted to pop in and say I'm still around too! We did a lot of walking, eating spicy food, etc and nothing! I'm due tomorrow. I'll have monitoring in the morning, so we are hoping to see some progress there at least.

Steph- thanks for checking in! No progress? Why are these babies so comfy?

I'll respond to everyone else in the morning!
Mayerling- I am grateful too for the policy here for suppositories. Like you, I am EXTREMELY private with bathroom related issues--- even with DH. I just cannot go if I think someone is even near the door. It’s terrible. Yay for BH! I wish mine had started much sooner—perhaps I would have had this baby earlier!
MP- You look great. I remember questioning how I could possible get bigger each month. It’s simply amazing and you will get bigger! Mine has grown out, because baby/uterus is very forward. Aside from random mood swings, I’ve enjoyed the belly. The only down side is I have terrible stretch marks on my sides. It was my biggest fear and here I am with them. I’m glad you got to feel some kicks this weekend! Good luck with the crib search. We purchased a cheap one, but in expresso—around $200? I think it will do the job.

AFM- I’m due today. No sign of baby. In fact, I had monitoring this morning and it showed ZERO contractions. I cried and went to my OB for some reassurance and the midwife just said it’s normal and they won’t do an exam unless I want to be induced. So, I cried some more. I just want an exam and perhaps even the sweeping of the membranes. She kept mentioning a gel. Do they use that when they do the sweeping? I couldn’t really understand and couldn’t translate it enough to DH for him to make her understand. The fact that my French due date isn’t until next week made it even more difficult, because everyone keeps saying “you still have a week!” The only thing she said was just to be intimate. I’m probably unlike most people, but that’s the last thing on my mind right now! Ahh I am just so ready. I’m sorry for the pity party (especially to Steph, who is a champ, and is still hanging around!) —I just never thought I would go full term. No reason not to, it was just in my head!
Petite, I think the gel thing is what they use to induce labour. It's a step before using pitocin/syntocinon. From what they told us at the antenatal class, it contains prostaglandins which help induce labour. Having said that, prostaglandins naturally exist in sperm which is probably why they suggested "intimacy".
mayerling|1340714103|3223762 said:
Petite, I think the gel thing is what they use to induce labour. It's a step before using pitocin/syntocinon. From what they told us at the antenatal class, it contains prostaglandins which help induce labour. Having said that, prostaglandins naturally exist in sperm which is probably why they suggested "intimacy".

That actually makes a lot of sense. She said that word a lot, but I wasn't in the mood to listen unless they were going to do something. I guess I've just never heard/ read about it being used in conjunction with stripping the membranes. Perhaps it's obvious. Haha. I had also never considered it to be "inducing!" I mean, I guess if it could provoke labor it's inducing. Hmm decisions.
Question for you ladies- do bigger babies tend to drop earlier than average sized babies? I'm 33 weeks today and I swear he's dropping. Last night I peed, walked about 3 steps, and had to pee again. Then, I got up, walked 5 steps or so, and had to go AGAIN. Sleeping was a joke- I was up 6-7 times in an 8 hour period. And this morning my lower back is killing me.

Here are my week 32 and 33 week pics, for comparison...they don't look all that different to me, but who knows.


mayerling|1340714103|3223762 said:
Petite, I think the gel thing is what they use to induce labour. It's a step before using pitocin/syntocinon. From what they told us at the antenatal class, it contains prostaglandins which help induce labour. Having said that, prostaglandins naturally exist in sperm which is probably why they suggested "intimacy".
Yes, this is the first thing they gave me to start my induction. I got it on a Monday at around 12 noon and by the evening I was having slight contractions. It supposed to ripen and soften the cervix, for some it causes contractions. I went from 0 dilated to about a 1 overnight when they checked the next morning!
Petite, can you go back tomorrow and ask for the gel?

Amc, I'm afraid I can't really tell if the belly is lower. It looks to be further out but I'm not sure about lower.

AFM, 38 weeks tomorrow and I have my weekly appointment. I really hope they do an internal and tell me that I'm dilating! :D
Sorry for being Mia!

Amc, just wanted to say I know what you mean! I keep peeing myself and feel baby is moving down too. But he/she always seems to bounce back up at night and get all in my rib cage. I can hardly sleep lately since baby is moving so much, but hopefully it means baby is trying to get in launch position.

A proper update to come later....
AMC- It just looks more out to me. A bigger baby though is going to reds more on your bladder... Well, any baby as time goes on. I'm up about that many times per night now, so I understand. It's annoying.

Missy- did you have to be in the hospital for the gel? That's my only hesitation. I have no real need to be induced... Just ready for some kind of start!

Mayerling- I believe she said for me to go home and think about it. I'll have to double check with DH. She also mentioned something about going to the maternity, so I'm not sure if I would have to stay there until I give birth? I'll ask though. I'm just terrified of LO getting to big to come out naturally. I over analyze everything.

Hey Meg!
PP - Not sure if it's the same in France, but here (or perhaps I should say, at my hospital, since my knowledge is limited), if they use Cervidil or a foley catheter (which is what I had at 40 wks 9 days), then you are inpatient until baby is born. It's possible that it's different there, or that your doctor was referring to a different gel, but I would tend to think that baby needs to be monitored if you receive Cervidel. Waiting becomes so hard. I know you mentioned it before, but how long did your dr say they would wait before an induction?
PetitePoire|1340730826|3223880 said:
AMC- It just looks more out to me. A bigger baby though is going to reds more on your bladder... Well, any baby as time goes on. I'm up about that many times per night now, so I understand. It's annoying.

I think you're right...he probably hasn't dropped but just the fact that he's big is enough to cause the fun. He's measuring right about 37.5 weeks at this point...
Hi, ladies! I'm popping in from the JBP thread. :wavey: Mayerling and AMC gave me the little push I need to feel comfortable moving over here. Thanks, ladies!

I'm 15 weeks today, but feeling like I'm just barely pregnant because my MS is still so terrible.

I've been lurking in this thread for a while, mostly to look at all of your bumps! :cheeky: Off to do some catching up!
Hi ladies!

Steph hope you are doing OK, whether that is with your gorgeous babe in your arms or still baking :bigsmile:

PetitePoire I have no advice on the gel/sweep stuff but I would have thought they would try a sweep first before moving on to the gel? I can completely understand being impatient at this stage and wanting to get the show on the road!!!

monkey I have been wondering the same thing about another 3 months growth and where is it going to go!? I feel really big when I'm just walking around but then when I look in the mirror in the evening it doesn't seem that bad. Still 12 weeks to go though! :cheeky: You look amazing in your 24 week pic, your outfit is gorgeous :love:

amc to be honest I can't see a difference in terms of height in your bump shots but I am sending my sympathy with the sleepless nights! I was up six times last night to pee and it was no fun :nono: You look great, you are all bump. Your back and legs and bum look so toned and trim still! I don't look like that at all any more ::)

Haven welcome!!! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: So happy to see you over here :appl: :appl: :appl: I was sick up until 16 weeks, I got a viral infection at about 7 weeks and didn't shake it for two months and they couldn't give me anything for it. I seriously clung to the sofa for those two months and just waited to feel better, it was horrible! I'm sending you lots of feel better vibes, hope you turn a corner really soon.

AFM 28 weeks yesterday, feeling more tired in the evenings but otherwise doing really well! I have an appointment tomorrow morning with my GP, hopefully that will go well. Nothing very exciting to report, which I guess is a good thing at this stage :bigsmile:
Buttons, 28 weeks already? That puts you in the third trimester, right? Hope your appointment goes well!

Haven, yay, you made the jump. A lot of ladies have pending due dates and will be leaving us soon, so it's nice to have some more newly pregnant ladies.

amc, I can't tell anything from the picture either, but maybe it was a subtle drop. Thanks for posting your picture progression video. That was cool to see how far you've come. I wish I had been more diligent about taking weekly pictures in the same orientation. Hoping you don't keep waking up so often for the rest of the pregnancy.

PP, hoping your little girl just starts to make her way down on her own over the next few days. I can only imagine how frustrating it gets to wait once you've hit that magic due date. Hugs!

Meg, good to see you pop in again. Hope things are going well!

Mayerling, you're getting close! I hope you hear you've made some progress at your appointment. Can't wait for the next round of baby pictures!
Welcome, Haven! :wavey:
Haven, welcome. Can't wait till your MS leaves you alone finally!

PP and Steph, hang in there! You are both so close!

MP and AMC, how are you both handling the heartburn and acid reflux? Acid reflux is here with a vengeance. I'm up to 3 Zantacs a day now. Note to self - don't eat a bag of licorice over 2 days again - resulting in massive acid reflux!

AFM, I had my 20 week anatomy scan last Friday. Everything is fine. At one point, the baby had her arms crossed behind her head which was the same position I was in on the table. That was pretty cool! There was something the technician picked up about the heart which can be a soft marker for Down Syndrome, but my doctor said not to worry at all as we had a CVS test, and we know for sure she does not have Down Syndrome. But, I do wonder in the back of my mind if the baby is going to have a heart defect. My nephew had one, and he had to have surgery when he was one. He is fine now, but I really hope we don't have to go through something similar. She said they would make sure the pediatrician is aware of it, but it is likely nothing to worry about.

Not much else is new here - I feel like there is not much to report these days - a long wait to 40 weeks! I am feeling a bit out of breath more often. My anxiety seems to have disappeared. I have been keeping up with the prenatal yoga.

21 weeks and 2 days
JGator|1340745092|3224032 said:
MP and AMC, how are you both handling the heartburn and acid reflux? Acid reflux is here with a vengeance. I'm up to 3 Zantacs a day now. Note to self - don't eat a bag of licorice over 2 days again - resulting in massive acid reflux!

I'm not. It's horrible, regardless of what I do, eat, or drink. Lately, it's been making an appearance in the middle of the night as well, which is super fun. I'm on Zantac 75 twice a day, plus I take tums a lot...and nothing really helps. I know, not a helpful answer. I think at this point, the only solution is birth.

Haven, welcome! As I said in the JBP thread, my ms just turned off one day. It was followed by a brief period where if I got at all hungry I would start dry heaving, so that was fun. Still better than feeling like crap all the time!
Drive-by to share some cloth diaper cuteness. I finally finished washing and organizing my stash. I laid out the dipes and left the nursery to pee (of course) and in that short time my pup snuck in. Seems that cloth diapers also make good dog-pillows. I could be angry that I have to re-wash 50% of the shells because of dog fur, but it was such a cute moment that any frustration quickly dissipated!

AMC: Hmmm... I think I see just a bit of regular growth. That's enough to cause some serious bladder pressure, though. I'd say that I hope it gets better, but we know it will only get more intense. With a 37.5 week-sized baby, I keep wondering if you may go just a bit earlier than some of us! Your bladder would be thankful!

Haven: Welcome to you! Glad you made the jump! I read a one of your recent posts about general pregnancy challenges, including husbands and MS, and hope these things start to improve as you continue on in this thread. I hope you're able to enjoy the not-so-barely-pregnant phase a bit more and that your MS lifts very, very, VERY soon!

JGator: Yay for a great ultrasound and easing anxieties. I'm sure your baby and her heart are perfectly healthy!

Meg: Hello! Looking forward to a longer update on how you and baby are doing!

PP & Steph: You know, any time you don't post within a 24 hour period we're all going to be reeling with excitement for you! I'm sending labor progression vibes your way. Come on down, babies! Your moms, dads, and all the preggo PSers want to meet you!

MP: Cute bump! I love that shirt and it seems to fit well despite being non-mat. You probably only have a week or two left of wear before your bump peeks out of the bottom hem! Where do you live, if you don't mind my asking? I can't believe you're in long sleeves... it's so hot in my neck of the woods!

Mayerling: Any progress?! Fingers crossed you're somewhat dilated... it will give me hope! Please let us know how the MW appointment went.

AFM: Slept through my midwife appointment yesterday. Blast! It's rescheduled for tomorrow. I felt like such a dunce calling them to apologize. It's hotter than hades here. We broke a record yesterday: 105 degrees. The hottest recorded temperature since the start of recorded temperatures in the great state of CO. We're having a heat pump (AC, basically) installed as I type. I've been such a scrooge and cheapskate about getting AC installed since we bought this house, but this past week I realized there's no way in heck I can survive more 99+ degree days, especially during labor and with a new baby. The relief will be worth every single penny.

Hi ladies!

Mayerling, I think around that time my BH started to get a little painful too! Hope you get good news at your appt!

MP, I loved that book! I'm a big Teresa Strasser fan and it's nice reading a book that isn't 100% “pregnancy is so wonderful and magical.” You look fantastic!

PP, hugs lady! Do not feel bad about complaining, it is surprisingly hard mentally to get to that due date and not have a baby no matter how many times you tell yourself that women go past it all the time. I've cried to DH many times over the last two weeks or so that I just can't stand being pregnant another day. Hopefully we'll both look back on this from the newborn thread and think that it wasn't all that bad.

Amc, I don't really see a difference, but that point when baby gets big enough to be on your bladder all the time is no fun! I've discovered bathrooms in stores I've never had to use them in before...Home Depot, the grocery store, Home Goods, etc.

Welcome Haven! Hope your ms gets better soon.

Buttons, glad things are mostly uneventful for you!

Jgator, Prilosec was a lifesaver for me when dealing with reflux.

PPM, oh my goodness you poor thing dealing with that heat with no AC! I would die without mine with the heat we've been having! Love that cloth diaper stash!

AFM, still here! Five days overdue, had a midwife appt today. I was 1-2 cm and 50% effaced last week, up to a good 2 cm and 70% today, so decent progress. The midwife swept my membranes to see if that will get anything started. As of right now the plan is for me to have a non-stress test on Thursday, another midwife appt next Monday, and I'm on the books for an induction the following Thursday at 42 weeks even. So 8 more days max, I can survive that long if I have to (but hope I don't have to...)
Petite - For me they inserted the gel in the hospital, I was monitored for about 4 hours there and sent home. I was to come in the next morning for another round of gel, but they inserted the foley balloon/bulb instead and then I was admitted. I was also told that they only sweep your membranes if you're already dilated enough, otherwise the doc won't be able to fit his/her fingers in. So these were my steps: gel, foley balloon, Cytotec pill, and finally Pitocin. I had it all :sick:
Petite, have you given any more thought to the gel?

PPM, I love your stash! :love: You should post on the CD thread.

Steph, you're a trooper. I think if I was 5 days over I'd be going crazy.

JGator, yay for a good anatomy scan!

Buttons, yay for being in the third trimester!

Meg, welcome back. Any updates?

AFM, 38 weeks today and I'm so livid I can hardly type this. I just spent 3 hours in the hospital waiting to be seen and the stupid bastard they had on call today did nothing other than use the doppler. When I asked him to check the baby's position and to check me internally he said "there's no need" and didn't even look at me while I talked to him and kept trying to usher me out of his office. I was so upset I basically told the midwife there's no point in my going to next week's appointment as DH can now find the heartbeat on his own which means there's nothing they can do for me there that we can't do at home. :angryfire:

Anyway, here's a photo from 38 weeks:
Haven- welcome!

Mayerling- no, I haven't given anymore thought to it. I'll take it day by day and see how it goes. Today has been good, so for now I'll wait. I would be livid to at your dr, visit. I kind of feel like that now with my new dr that doesn't do internals. Ughh. Just check me!

Ppm- wow! Look at all of those diapers! Are you CDing from the beginning? I know for sure I'm not the first montH, but I was thinking maybe after 3 months could be doable? At first the idea grossed my out, but I think I'm coming around and it would be more economical... Plus, just look how cute yours are! Also, I wouldn't be mad at the puppy either!

Steph- why does iPad always change your name to Stephan! I never type that name. Anyways, I'm glad your doctors have a plan in place for you. I don't know what mine is, except to go in next week if I haven't delivered by then... From what I've read, many women go into labor after having the sweep, so I hope that's you.

Missy- thanks for the info. I might have DH find out if I'd have to stay in the hospital. If not, it might be good to get started. The dr that I switched to doesn't do internals, so I have no clue if I'm dilated or not. How frustrating.

Jgator- 20 weeks! The half way point-- if you're lucky! :cheeky: I'll keep your little one in my prayers. Just the thought of surgery is scary. Will they do another scan as you progress and be able to tell if the heart us ok?

Buttons- the midwife didn't seem to know of a step before the gel, so I don't know if they do the sweeping here. Who knows. Oh well. I hope your appointment goes well!

AFM- went shopping today. I bought my "diaper bag." it's a longchamp messenger/ across the body bag. When I'm on the laptop I'll find the name and pic. I also got a matching little bag for the diapers and wipes. It will work soooo much better than my la pliage bags, which I planned to use before. DH always ended up holding it because it got too heavy, so this going across will work out better. I'm happy. Plus, I had some contractions today. Doesn't mean anything, but it makes me feel like my body is working somehow.
PetitePoire yay for some contractions! It's a start, right? I would think of it as your body is gearing up to get going :appl:

mayerling sorry to hear about your uninformative doctor's visit! I can completely understand your being frustrated :nono:

Steph hoping that sweep does the job for you!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

PPM love your cloth diapers photo, 'helpful' puppy and all :bigsmile: You must have needed that lie-in badly, don't beat yourself up about it! Hope the new AC works a treat, it sounds like an essential to me, I can't even imagine enduring that kind of heat pregnant. It's 71F where I am and I'm melting and contemplating a trip to the pool...

amc that heartburn sounds so miserable, I feel so sorry for you! I have the teensiest touch of it now and again after a meal but for a me a small sip of milk does the trick. I wish I knew of a solution I could share!

JGator glad to hear your 20 week scan was overall positive, and really hope the marker on the heart is nothing at all. It sounds like your medical team are on top of it but of course it's a Mommy's nature to worry. I've been keeping up with prenatal yoga too, I find it amazing. I sleep so well on the nights I've done yoga! Are you doing a class or using a DVD?

monkey yes, I'm officially third trimester! The time seems to have flown and yet there still seems to be soooo much time left.


AFM had my GP appointment this morning, was in and out in a jiffy, very uneventful! Everything she checked was normal, no proteins or sugars in urine, weight gain fine, baby's heartbeat very strong and baby is head down (for now anyway!). She also said my blood pressure was the best she has ever seen it, and I told her I'd been listening to a hypnobirthing mp3 on my phone in the waiting room and she said that was what kept my BP down. She said she's a big believer in 'mindfulness' and to keep using the mp3 so that was nice to hear!

Baby is crazy active the last while, I read on my weekly updates on an app I have on my phone that this week the baby spends a lot of time sucking its thumbs. I've been feeling all kinds of movement very low down and as I didn't know which was baby was lying I wasn't sure if those were feet or hands I was feeling. Well the doctor said I'm definitely feeling the baby turning its head back and forth, touching its face, and sucking on its thumbs - I just find that adorable :love:
PPM, wow, look at all those diapers, and what a cute puppy. These poor pets of ours are going to have their lives turned upside down soon! Oh, and to answer your question, I actually live not too far from you it seems, and we're also dealing with the heat wave. It's miserable. We had a thunderstorm the night/morning before that picture was taken, so it was only 60 degrees when I went to brunch, but a few hours later, I was wearing shorts and a tank top :)

JGator, yay for 21 weeks! Sorry to hear there was a little concern with the heart. Is there a specialist who can review the pictures or see you to give you more information? Every situation is obviously different, but a good friend of mine also heard her baby had a little irregularity with the heart that could mean downs or a heart defect, and her son was born perfectly healthy. Really hoping that is the case with your little girl too. If not, it is good to be aware, and medicine has come so far. As for the acid reflux, I think I know what triggers it for me. I need to eat smaller meals/snacks and stay standing or sitting upright for quite awhile before lying down. If I don't, I feel the burn at night and the next day! I feel so sorry for you and amc dealing with it all the time because it is miserable.

PP, really hoping those contractions keep on coming! Thinking of you and hope to hear good news very shortly!

You too, Steph! Hoping things are going to start happening now!

Mayerling, darn doctor. I would be so irritated too to be dismissed like that. If it's any consulation, you look wonderful at 38 weeks!

Buttons, that is so sweet about the baby and the head turning. I have no idea what position mine is in right now because when I feel thumps, they are in the middle and on both sides, but then again, he probably still has a lot more room to move at this point.

Hi to everyone else!
Just a quick post to recommend a product to everyone. I've been in flip-flops for a good two months now, because my normal shoes were getting way too tight. Now with the summer heat, the swelling has achieved a new level. I bought some Nike Comfort flip flops and the are awesome. The soles are memory foam and almost make it so my feet don't hurt at the end of the day. They do run small, and that, combined with preggo feet, meant I had to buy an 11 (I'm normally a 9.5). Just thought I'd share!
Okay so I am going to respond to everyone else before i make my post about me so its not too long :-) Sorry if I miss anyone i tried to go thru about 6 pages!

Hi everyone!! Sorry for the long delay in responses! I wanted to post with pics but my hubby has been using our desktop instead of his laptop since we had to rearrange the house for our gender reveal party and he had no where to use his laptop. I will try to catch up with everyone’s posts and then post about our party!

Congrats to Monarch, ChinaCat, Kunzite, Missy, Choro, MuffDog,

Amc- Omg I am terrified of my baby measuring bigger. It has been measuring bigger since the 2nd ultrasound…At my 17w4d he was about a week ahead and like 3 ounces bigger than what my app says haha

PPM- You look great! I want to try to find some of my old gauchos to wear soon! OMG your dog is too cute!! That is exactly like my 16lb cat! Everytime we bring something home for the baby.. he HAS to see it and sniff it and lay on it and most of the time we end up pretending he is the baby and putting it on him haha ☺ What kind of cloth diapers did you get? We are doing cloth diapers and I have some but I might get a few more of different brands as well.

Sunny- Congrats on your little girl!! Like everyone else says she had some perfect timing ☺

Buttons- Sorry about your lousy day last week…and I cant believe what people have been doing to you…Since I don’t look pregnant yet the only person I have to deal with is my hubby… he has always been a worrier with whatever I do but now I cant do anything… gets worried when ive only been out of the house for 2 hours..not looking forward to people trying to tell me what I can and cant do.. Ive never been one to like to hear it before and I definitely wont appreciate it now…

Monkeyprinces- OMG I have been getting heartburn whatever at like 3 & 5amm… and its been bad.. I had a horrible pain in my chest right between my boobs all day and it wouldn’t go away. It hurt to breathe.. turns out it was probably just gas or something well I woke up this morning at 5am same thing again and immediately took 2 tums and a acid pill and tried to go back to sleep and when I woke up again it was gone.. thank goodness because I couldn’t have another day like Monday when I couldn’t move or breathe without it hurting!

PP- I hope you have you go into labor soon!! ;-)

Haven- Hi! Sorry your MS is still so terrible! Are you vomiting or just nauseous?? I was probably still a lil nauseous until 14-15w and then one day it just one went.. although every now and then I don’t feel good but I think its just because I need to eat something ☺ I try to suck on jolly ranchers or a blow pop and that helps.. I would do that when I knew I would be nauseous early on in my pregnancy.

JGator- Glad everything was good at your 20w scan (besides the lil marker they found) My baby did a funny thing like your little girl did at the first ultrasound we had that my hubby could attend.. I was about 13w2d I think and it turned its head and looked at us on the ultrasound.. it was very creepy..but really cool.. it looked like iron man! I had never seen an ultrasound pic like that before!

Steph- I hope you go into labor before your induction!! ☺

Mayerling- OMG you are all bump!!! So cute!! I cant believe how the dr treated you!! I would have been livid!!! Im hoping since my hubby will be doing rotations at the hospital I will give birth in that we get some special treatment but I know he wont put up with that! Do you have a Doppler at home?
Okay now my post! :-)
Okay so we had our gender reveal party on June 10th! It was awesome!! We played a few games.. had only food that I have been craving and had just a wonderful time!! We had about 30-35 people show up and it was just so nice to be able to share it with everyone!! Ill start posting a few pics then post a lil more! :-) We let each of our animals pick a color -blue or pink by using different things that color.. Enzo chose pink and Peekachoo, Kiki and Petey chose blue! I made cute collars for them to wear to the party :-) I wish I could upload all of the pics of the decorations but it would be about 100 pics haha We asked everyone to wear the color they thought the baby was going to be.. so obviously you can tell we thought it was a girl :-)




Ok so apparently only 4 pics at a time...

And its a BOY!!!! :-) We were VERY VERY VERY surprised.. almost everyone thought it was a girl...
I also attached a bump picture from that week too :-)

Forgot to post.. I got the bear in the picture from my MILs BFF who also was the one filled the crown with pink or blue confetti.. she is an ultrasound technician and she recorded the heartbeat for me and put it inside the bear... i love it! its the best present ever :-)




Last post for now I promise!! :-) Okay so Ill post my recent bump pics! So at 17w4d I felt the first kicks!! It was in the AM and hubby thought I was crazy and when I went to my US later that day i asked to show me where his feet where and it definitely were kicks i felt and then that night he kicked 4 more times and hubby got to feel him.. he was surprised that we felt him kick so early since I have an anterior placenta.. I have been feeling him quite a lot.. but hubby hadnt been able to feel him again till 2 nights again when the lil tiny kicks became real kicks! i can see my belly move when he kicks me hard enough time.. he is an active lil bugger and has been since day 1! He is always moving around and i can feel him doing all kinds of stuff in my belly now..sometimes its fun... sometimes not so much! I am 19w4d today.. cant believe i will be 20weeks on Saturday!! Time has been flying by! We have our full anatomy scan on Friday so it will fun to see him again and see how much bigger he is.. I kinda have a feeling he is going to be measuring big again.. but its just so weird because i dont know where he is since im barely showing still.. I have only gained 1lb so far... in my first trimester i lost some weight but i think it was because of my PCOS.. When i went off BC my PCOS flared up really bad and i gained about 5-10lbs so I think when I got pregnant I kinda lost the weight but gained some back.. so i am 1 lb over my pre-pregnancy weight now.. they arent too worried about it now especially since the baby is extremely healthy and considering my PCOS.Im hoping to only gain like 25lbs.. which i think its pretty possible right now :-) I am getting the hiccups alot after i eat and after I get up from laying in the bed i get like one or two.. its very weird but i guess normal.. and the heartburn/gas in my chest is starting to be a PITA... but I am hoping I can get it somewhat under control so I can still be active because Monday it was so horrible I couldnt do anything.. :-( I had a huge DIY weekend and got a lot of stuff done for the baby! I did the crib skirt, 2 crib sheets, I put new trim on our breathable bumpers to match the crib skirt, sewed a boppy pillow cover, burp cloths, changing pad cover and im in the process of working on a few more things. Im just trying to get as much done before our big move next month because i know between the move and getting settled in I will be pretty busy and I have a lot of stuff I want to get accomplished!

So I have a strange question and please dont think Im crazy but.. We are moving to NYC. and we wont have a car...I dont know if we need a carseat or not.. I dont want to spend a ton of money on a carseat that we probably wont use... My ILs and my parents are going to buy carseats for when we come to visit.. so i dont need one for that.. I just see what I need one for.. I looked up the regulations for NYC taxis and it says u dont need one and i read alot of taxis wont even stop to pick u up because they dont want to waste time letting u put the carseat in...We plan to walk alot and use the subway and stuff.. I think it would be rare if we get in a taxi for long periods of time but I just dont know.. Any NYC mommies have any advice??

I posted a pic from my 13w ultrasound because of how strange it was that the baby turned its head.. Hubby thinks it looks like iron man haha



