
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

MP... I have been a terrible PSer in general but I just HAD to log in to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! :appl: :love: :appl: :love: :appl:

You have come such a long way to meet your little man and I can't wait to see what he looks like!! :bigsmile:
Fly by post:
Rachel I hope your doing well.

MP: Congratulations!

Baby Richard was due 10-10 all natural at home :twirl: He's adorable-I had to have a small cut but I'll be back with the birth story when I can. No water birth but it was in our room on the floor next to the bed. Here is a picture :appl: He was 8lbs 4oz and came out with his hand by his head (hence the cut) and was 21.5 inches long at 4:30 in the afternoon and the midwives were amazing (as was my husband). Recovery is going well ::)

Good luck ladies-I'll catch up when I can.

Ahhh MP Just got back and saw you're a mama now! CONGRATS!!!! Welcome little Bumby!
Congratulations MP! Can't wait to hear all about Bumpy's birth.

Vintage, congratulations on the birth of Richard!
Aww, Vintage, he is SO cute and sweet!! Congratulations!

Congrats to MP too!
Ahhhh it's a baby boom! Congrats vintage, Richard is gorgeous!!
Monkey, congrats on bumby's safe arrival. Can't wait to see pics and hear your birth story.

Vintage, congrats mama, Richard is absolutely gorgeous. Sounds like your birth was as close to what you wanted as possible.

Yay for the baby boom!
I'm soooooo happy for your Vintage. I FB'd you, but I think you've been a little busy. He is beautiful!
Congratulations Vintage and Mr Vintage and welcome baby Richard!!!
Welcome bean!

Huge congrats to MP and vintage - so excited for you both!! Vintage, Richard is one beautiful baby!

Can I just say... WHOA to these crazy hormones? I generally do ok besides being tired and a little irritable here and there. But I had been feeling like I needed a good cry for a couple days now (and I am generally not an emotional person at all), and it finally all fell out this afternoon/evening after some discussions about other things unrelated. I hate feeling like that, haha - so whiny and not myself. It all goes away of course, but it is so weird to be on this ride of feelings you just plain can't control at times. :sick: Just wanted to commiserate. ::)
luvthemstrawberries, you are not alone. the hormones roller coaster is wacky. especially because, like you, i'm usually pretty calm, cool, and collected. now the littlest thing (or NOTHING) can just set me into a mood. it's insane! hope you're having a better day today :)

AFM, 31 wks. got the nursery cleared out this weekend (used to be DH's office; he's now sharing w/the guest room). closet is organized, but will need to be organized again before baby gets here i'm sure. last night we put the crib up...going to finish ordering the baby bedding today. we decided on a white jenny lind crib, gray and white polka dots sheets and a white crib skirt. no bumper, no crib blanket. couldn't find a full set i loved & didn't see the point in purchasing those items when they are really merely decorative. the glider is done. not sure if i mentioned it here but it's a $15 find that we repainted & had the cushions reupholstered. i died over this one but the cost just didn't make sense for us. total bummer. we also purchased a dresser this weekend at an antique store for a steal of a deal. it has a horrendous paint job right now, but DH will be painting it to match the crib (he's super excited about that...yea right!). working on the nursery is making in really real for us. lol. it's such a neat experience to be making room in our lives for our newest family member!

i posted a separate topic asking for recs for childbirth education dvds. if anyone went this route instead of attending the hospital classes, i'd love some recommendations!

how's everyone else out there today??
MP, congrats! I have actually followed your story since you posted in TTC when I was pregnant and was rooting for you all along, sorry if that sounds stalkerish! Very happy for you! Take care, mama, and enjoy this wonderful brand new experience of having a newborn.

VintageLover, congrats! Richard is beautiful, and it's so nice that you had the natural, home birth you wanted and that it didn't deviate too terribly much from the plan! I look forward to reading your birth story, and I hope your recovery goes well and quickly.
Vintage, Richard is so handsome! I can't believe he's so new in the pic. He looks like he already knows what's going on.

Luvthemstrawberries, I've been meaning to post of my mood of late. The hormones are totally kicking my butt so you are NOT alone. I just want so bad to be happy and bubbly and gushing but it just ain't happening for me at this point.

AFM, I know I haven't posted much in this thread - mostly to avoid being a hormonal downer - but we had our anatomy scan last week and I wanted to share. The tech put the gender pics in a separate envelope and we handed them over to our 17 year old DD when we got home with the plan of her telling us on my birthday. One VERY LONG WEEK LATER my birthday arrived and I unwrapped a cute hand-stamped cuff bracelet that said......

It's a BOY!

...we're very excited that our 2 year old DS will have a little brother. He's not so sure yet...just a small case of denial. :bigsmile: DD is excited to remain the only girl too. This will be my parents' 8th grandchild and the count is now 6 boys and 2 girls. The only other girl lives half way across the country so DD is all alone in a sea of boys here. She loves it!

We also just found out that my SIL is pregnant and due 3.5 months after me. DS and my nephew are only 7 months apart and now we'll have another pair of kids close together. SIL is convinced she's having a girl so, for her sake, I hope it's so!

ETA - name suggestions are welcome. The one downside of having another boy is the difficult time we'll have naming him!
:D glad I stopped by to admire everyone's newborns and little bumps! I'm 35w2d with little Anna :)
puppmom, how exciting!! Another boy! :love: I love that Nolan will get a little brother to play with. We didn't find out what we're having but I'm secretly hoping for another boy too, for my son's sake. Anyway, congrats on the wonderful news! Boy names are hard, we're struggling to come up with another one too.

Here are some suggestions: William, Aiden, Jacob, Daniel, Thomas, Benjamin, Michael, Ryan, Liam, Luke, Patrick, Jack, Jonathan, Henry, Neil, Connor, Carter, Vincent, Matthew.
Vintage, congrats on your gorgeous boy! I love his blond hair!

Pupp, Hooray for boys! I love Laila's name suggestions. The three that I really liked that my husband axed were: Benjamin, Lucas and Gabriel.
Hi Ladies! :wavey: :wavey:

Remember me? LOL

Things were indeed well on their way when I last posted - Hannah Elizabeth was born on October 4 at 5:29 pm! Her Daddy was over the moon with such a great birthday gift!

She was 8 pounds 9 oz and 20 inches long.

Labor was long and slow to progress but I did it and had my waterbirth in the end.

I'm trying to work on my full birth story tonight, will share all the details soon! I also have some info to add to the postpartum care thread.

Miss you all! Congrats to the other new mamas and new preggos on the thread!

MissRachel, look at those chubby cheeks! Love it! Congrats and hope you're enjoying your baby!
Huge congrats to Vintage and Rachel - welcome Richard and Hannah!

Puppmom: how exciting! Our boys' names were Oscar, Lucas, Marcus, Alexander, Elliott - and I loved Gabriel but my hubby didn't :(
CONGRATULATIONS Vintage and MissRachel!!!! What beautiful babies!

One of my sisters is named Hannah and I think it's one of the most beautiful names in the world.
Well let me just add to the baby boom of this week!

Harlowe Annabelle was born 10/13 at 9:48, weighing at 8lbs and 18.5". Labor was quick-ish after my water broke Friday night around 11, and I somehow did it without drugs! (I'm still amazed at myself, haha!)

She's everything we dreamed and we are so in love!

Wow, CONGRATS Sunny! Harlowe is beautiful! Love her name. Welcome to the world, Harlowe Annabelle!
October babies are awesome, if I do say so myself. :cheeky:
Oh my goodness huge congrats to MissRachel and Sunnyd and their respective Mr's! And huge welcomes to Hannah Elizabeth and to Harlowe Annabelle!!

Sunnyd my hospital put the exact same hat on Wee Button when he was born :)
Hi all. Life is crazy right now. Latching issues and mommy suffering insomnia and sleep deprivation, but I wanted to post a couple pics. Hopefully I'll return to posting when life settles down. Here's my little guy E. He's so sweet and it was love at first night. Now we just need to get a routine down. Any advice from others would be greatly appreciated about what you do when baby will only settle in your arms!

Big congrats to the other new moms!


Congratulatoins Sunny!!! Wow talk about a PS Baby Boom! Hope to see all you ladies over at the Newborn thread!

Monkey, can I just say I'm in LOVE! He's so perfect! Don't sweat settling E in your arms. He's a wee baby and still trying to figure out what this world is. If he needs some help by you rocking him to sleep then that's fine. He's too little to form bad habits right. Ethan *loved* swaddling and that always helped getting him settled.
Oh my gosh I am so in love with all these baby pictures!!! :love: It got me all teary eyed. Congrats everyone!! Enjoy it, they grow so fast!!
Congratulations to Sunny and MissRachel! I Love the cheeks on both of your babies!

MP, thanks for posting photos of E. He is adorable! Hope you get your breastfeeding issues sorted out.

AFM...YIKES! With the recent baby boom, I am next on the list! I had an appointment today, and the baby is still breech so we are scheduling a c-section for either 10/29 or 10/30 now. Baby is currently 7lbs 5 oz and was very active during the ultrasound - sucking her hand, hiccuping, and kicking the ultrasound wand. Everything looks good except for her position. So, I think we will finally have our name discussion this weekend - hubby has been procrastinating on this all along. Wish us luck - we have 2 cultures to merge and hopefully we can come up with something both sides of our families can pronounce!
Hi MP - we too had a 'will only settle in someone's arms' baby for the first few days, and it does get better.

If you aren't opposed, what is working for us is cosleeping. What we're doing to keep everyone comfortable and safe is this layout in the king size bed:

DH - me - baby - cosleeper

the cosleeper is pushed right up against the bed on my side so she has nowhere dangerous to go even if she could roll (which she can't!)

Whenever I need to get up to pee or what have you DH slides over and snuggles close to her. We're going to do this until we can get her to sleep in the cosleeper itself, then will transition her to her room and the crib closer to 3 months or so.

Having the baby that close has settled her much better (she still needs to be swaddled and already sleeping when we all tuck in for the night - but resettling after a feeding is usually very easy) and the biggest thing is it makes it easy for me to know when she's hungry again.

For me, the latch issues and injured nipples were solved by using a nipple shield. Also a visit and continued phone support from a great LC. I know some don't recommend the nipple sheilds but it's temporary. I'm not even thinking about trying to get off of it until birth weight has been regained. I know for us we have not only latch problems but a simple - big breast, tiny baby situation and the sheild helps her get more into her mouth. We also had almost 2 days solid where I pumped and gave her bottles of EBM or formula, to let the nipples heal which helped immensely. How old is your baby now? We just turned 2 weeks and the change over the last 2 days has been remarkable, so hang in there mama!

Try your best to relax and don't stress. Be sure DH and family know that all you can do is feed the baby. That, rest and eating enough yourself are key. I know when I wasn't eating enough the first week I also didn't have enough supply and a hungry baby is not a happy camper! Baby gets the adrenaline and stress hormones from you in your milk so do try to stay as relaxed as possible.

More Milk Plus by Motherlove and not doing anything but feeding the baby, eating and sleeping is what has gotten us over the hump. You can get the More Milk PLus at any health food store or Whole Foods.

You can do it!
wow! even more babies are here now :D

vintagelover congrats on the birth of richard! what a strong name!!

missrachelk so glad that you got the birth you planned for and wanted. welcome little hannah!

sunnyd congrats! i love the name harlowe--so adorable!

puppmom YAY on a little boy! when we thought this LO was a boy we had it narrowed down to either nathan or nash with joseph as the middle name. now, we're still searching for that "just right" girl's name!

mp that second pic is beyond adorable....i love it! just take things one day at a time; i'm sure you guys will find your routine soon enough.

jgator sorry your LO isn't wanting to turn around but i'm glad you have the c-section plan in place. as for names, good luck and keep us posted :) dh & i have a few on our list but can't seem to decide on which one is our little girls name. we might just wait till we meet her!
wow what a baby boom around here.

Rachael, welcome little Hannah. Sounds like her arrival went just as planned, hope you are recovering well.

Sunny, congrats and welcome Harlowe. What a pretty name. I just love pretty girly names.

Monkey, what a beautiful boy, I have such a soft spot for little fair baby boys, and he is just too cute.

JGator, hope baby turns just before your c/s but one way or the other you will be fine. I hear you on disagreeing on names too. DH and I come from very different backgrouds, growing up across the other side of he world from each other and even though there is only 8 years of an age gap, where he grew up is quite old fashioned. We cannot agree on any names, and we have to pick one of each. Hope you can find something you both love and the family will just have to deal with it and learn to love it cos they will love their new little girl!

Pupp, yay for a boy! Some names that I love but DH has vetoed are Connor, Liam, Lucas (this one I ma still working on cos DH likes Luke and can't see why it needs to be extended),Thomas, James, Flynn, Lachlan, Dylan, Callum, Oliver. Oh this is going to be so difficult!

Hi to everyone else hope you are all baking away.

AFM, nothing much happening my end. I am just over 24 weeks and wishing time would just hurry on up, i'm getting impatient already!