
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congratulations, bb!! I bet he is gorgeous like his mamma!!

Thinking of you JGator, good luck!!!!
Thanks for all of the well wishes! Baby Kareena was born on Monday around noon via scheduled c-section. We named her 5 minutes before the c-section - we still need to come up with a middle name before we leave! We got to the hospital before the bad weather from the hurricane set in. She weighed 7lbs even and was 20.5 inches long. She has a full head of dark hair as I suspected with all the heart burn I had. I will come back and post pictures soon. We'll be in the hospital until Thursday, and I'm doing fine so far other than the c-section pain which makes standing/walking difficult. Also, the baby has done great with breast feeding so far, but doesn't seem to like to sleep or be away from us (ie, in her bassinet in the room) so we are adjusting to the lack of sleep and she seems to like to nap on me in the hospital bed.
JGator, a big congratulations to you and you family! So happy she made it here safely. Hope your recovery is going smoothly.
Lulu, sorry you feel like you're having to be the doc! I remember during labor I ended up having to send my husband out to fetch a nurse to come ratchet up my pitocin and I felt like i should NOT have to do that! Sometimes you just have to step in and advocate for yourself, though.


JGator--congrats! the name Kareena is just beautiful. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Sorry for butting in. See you gals in the newborn-12 months thread!
Jgator, congrats momma!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
Congrats JGator and blondebunny!!! :) :) :)
Congrats Blonde Bunny and JGator! Welcome to the world baby boy and baby girl!
congrats, jgator!! so glad you popped in to update. i was a bit worried about you b/c you mentioned you're in the northeast, right? i love the name, kareena :D focus on recovering and that little baby!!
Hi ladies! I have been a terrible PSer lately... we've been working on plans for moving, and it feels like every spare minute I have has been taken up between working during the days and coming home and doing house stuff at night. I haven't been on the computer or internet, we've been putting off watching our TV shows... it's been busy for sure.

So much has been happening around here!!
blondebunny - Congratulations to you on the early arrival!! :appl: Your pictures are beautiful too - looks like you did them just in time!
Jgator - Congratulations to you too!! :appl: So glad everything went well for you. I love her name!
lulu - So glad to hear about you passing your glucose test!! :appl: Haha your comment to Haven about your ab muscles is EXACTLY how I'm already feeling - it's like I've just lost the ability to raise myself up from that are of the body - it's so weird!
Haven - I'm late to the party, but so glad you didn't take down your picture. Don't you dare be depressed - you are gorgeous, lady! So tall and lean! Which makes for one beautiful baby bump too! And ps, I love your dark hair. :)) Your sequential pictures are so fun to see - I've been taking pics too, but haven't put them together into anything yet. I hope you have seen at least some improvement in your sickness. I'm like you - looking forward and thankful to be getting larger in the cooler months ahead!
DandiAndi - Glad to hear you're doing well after your accident. You made me giggle about perfecting your waddle. ::)
mlk - Hoping your results come back clear for you!

Things have been chugging along for me lately. I'm really starting to notice the growth now - people aren't kidding when they talk about how the growth amps up the further along you go. The belly just feels tighter than it was now, and I feel fairly good most of the time except for just getting really annoyed at feeling very "full" sometimes. It's hard to explain, but I just feel like my posture already stinks, and if I sit anywhere that doesn't help it, I just feel like I'm slumped over and squished all in the midsection, and it's harder to breath, and just overall uncomfortable. Not a huge deal, I know, just an annoyance. Oh, and the heartburn has seriously kicked up a couple notches - from none to almost every day, in a matter of weeks. Other than that, I've been plenty distracted by all this moving/house stuff. I have quite a list of things to do, including looking into and signing up for birth classes. I've been trying to work on registry details, and figure out some plans for nursery items. Shower plans with the family have finally been finalized (after I got dragged into the planning, with it changing and being up in the air 2-3 different times), which was accompanied with its fair share of frustrations. Just glad to have the plans made and behind me. Other than that, I had my 24 week appointment last week - all seems well - I love these quick appointments with no exams and just some talking, measuring, and heartbeats - good stuff. Guess I should enjoy it while I can, haha.

I take weekly pictures, so figured I'd post my 25 week one from yesterday. I've put one from every week in a folder, and I flipped through them tonight - it's so funny to scroll and see the "pop" and the growth that ensues after that. ::)

Wow it's been so long since I last posted. Congrats to all the new mamas!

blondbunny please come back and share your birth story.

JGator upload a pic of Kareena please?

strawberries did you buy a house? good luck with everything. And you look great at 25 wks. I feel like my baby bump is much bigger than yours at 25 wks.

Nothing much around here. Just trucking along at 30 wks 6 days. Can't believe we only got 10 more weeks to go! I feel so unprepared as I haven't accomplished anything since I last post. I'm waiting very unpatiently to hear back from the house we put an offer in two weeks ago. Apparently it's a bidding war as there are 4 or 5 other offers on the house. Sighs! The house situation really holds back everything. I haven't purchase anything for the baby yet. I feel like I'm in a limbo. I guess I just need to accept the fact that there're a big chance we won't be moving before the baby is born. I need to be in shopping mode this weekend. Wish me luck!
JGator! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: CONGRATS! What a beautiful name!

Luvthemstrawberries--Look at your bump! I love it. Thank you for your kind words. ::)
Thanks to you too, Lulu, BB, Andi, Jgator, Monnie, you guys are so awesome.

AFM, I'm 33 w 3 d today, but writing it out like that kind of freaks me out. My feet and ankles, and I think my legs, are swelling up a bit at night now. My hands are still normal, but we shall see what next week brings. I'm still sick most mornings, but it either isn't as intense as it was or I'm just getting used to it. Either way, it just feels normal so no biggie. In general I am SO TIRED. I'm feeling really sluggish and mushy, and I want to do more regular walking but I have some lower back pain so I don't want to exacerbate that. Basically, I am feeling like 40 weeks is SO CLOSE, YET SO FAR AWAY! I can't tell which emotion is winning: My desire to be DONE being pregnant, or my fear of having an actual baby to care for. EEEK! I'm excited too, of course, but let's just say these other emotions are winning out at the moment. :cheeky:

Time really feels like it's slipping away from me. We only have three normal weeks left in the semester, then the fourth week my students take their big exit tests, and the week after that I wrap up the class. The end is near!

I have a question for everyone: When people talk about counting kicks, how, exactly, do I count them? I know this sounds stupid, but the kicks happen in clusters, so there will be four or six movements, and then they'll stop. Does each cluster count as one? Or is it each movement that I should be counting?
luvthemstrawberries your 25 wk bump is so cute! we haven't been as diligent as weekly photos (more like every 3-4 weeks) but i scrolled through them in order last week and was so amazed. i remember feeling huge at 18 wks--HAHAHAHAHA--that was a joke. i was barely showing compared to now! yay for getting settled in the new place; so glad that's working out for you all!

bibiloves i'm at 34 wks & i still feel like i've accomplished not much of anything. the in-laws start descending in 3 weeks & i've got to get my house presentable, which seems like such a daunting task. good luck w/the home offer! i can't imagine being in limbo like that. and have fun shopping this weekend--be sure to check in & let us know what goodies you ended up with!

haven i'm right there with you on the "SO CLOSE BUT SO FAR!" feeling!! a friend asked if i thought my pregnancy was going by quickly; my response was, "yes because i can't believe it's almost over but no because i can barely remember not being pregnant!" i'm ready for it to be over but so scared for it to be over too!!

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: big HELLO to everyone else!
YAYYY!!!!!!!! Congratulations, JGator!!! Kareena is such a pretty name, I just love it!!! Hope your recovery is going smoothly!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Haven|1351888440|3297543 said:
I have a question for everyone: When people talk about counting kicks, how, exactly, do I count them? I know this sounds stupid, but the kicks happen in clusters, so there will be four or six movements, and then they'll stop. Does each cluster count as one? Or is it each movement that I should be counting?

haven, i meant to respond to this yesterday but was running out of work when i logged on. i don't really know the appropriate answer but i know my doctor just wants me to be sure i'm feeling the baby move every 2 hours, not neccessarily count every kick and movement. my kicks & movements happen in clusters too. he said, if i haven't noticed the baby kick in two hours to drink cold water or OJ and lay on my left side, which i haven't had to do because this little one is very active.
lulu66|1351968435|3297992 said:
Haven|1351888440|3297543 said:
I have a question for everyone: When people talk about counting kicks, how, exactly, do I count them? I know this sounds stupid, but the kicks happen in clusters, so there will be four or six movements, and then they'll stop. Does each cluster count as one? Or is it each movement that I should be counting?

haven, i meant to respond to this yesterday but was running out of work when i logged on. i don't really know the appropriate answer but i know my doctor just wants me to be sure i'm feeling the baby move every 2 hours, not neccessarily count every kick and movement. my kicks & movements happen in clusters too. he said, if i haven't noticed the baby kick in two hours to drink cold water or OJ and lay on my left side, which i haven't had to do because this little one is very active.
Thank yo, Lulu! This is exactly the kind of info I was looking for.
I can't tell if our baby isn't very active, or if I just don't notice the movements unless I'm sitting down and relaxing. I was worried baby was too calm, but I think there's movement once every two hours. I'll start paying close attention, though.

I never notice any movement when I'm teaching, but I think that's because I'm so busy moving around and working with students. But just in case, I want to start tracking movement.
Haven, I was never asked to do kick counts. I remember never feeling movement when I was up moving around and being active in general while at work, but when I'd get home at night and lie down HOLY KICKTIME BATMAN! My belief is that the rocking motions of your body moving around lulls baby to sleep, and then when you are still baby wakes up in there and thinks it's time to party! (Think about it: you rock a baby to sleep, you wear a baby in a wrap or sling to keep them calm, put them in a swing to get them to sleep, etc.) So my point is that not feeling a ton of movement isn't necessarily cause for concern. If you weren't feeling movement at the usual times, then it might be time to drink cold water and call the doctor if that doesn't induce activity.

I'm all about kick counts because there has been some research that has shown that decreased movements can be the first indicator of a problem even before the heart rate slows and they can save the baby if you catch it soon enough. They are very easy to do:

At around the same time every night (a time that you usually notice the baby is more active) you drink a cold or sugary drink and sit or lie down and mark down every time you feel a movement. Any movement counts so it could be a kick that you feel on the outside or the inside flutters from the baby turning. Count each movement even if they are very close together or in spurts. If you have less than 10 movements in 2 hours (some doctors say 1) you should call your doctor. It usually only takes me about 2 minutes, to get the 10 movements so it's pretty easy. Some babies just move less in general and I think movements might vary with fetal age, but as long as it is in that 2 hour window, it's fine. 2 hours is a long time. Some women/doctors take a more relaxed approach and prefer not to count but just notice if the baby is not moving for a while, but I think when we are really busy we may not always remember when we last felt a kick. I think they say 28 weeks is when to start but I started way early because my little girl has been moving like crazy since 21 weeks and it's my little time to just hang with her.

I also agree with others that during the day the baby is either rocked to sleep when we move or we are just too busy to notice movements. I'm still pretty early but I think I feel her less when I am standing because there is more room for her.
bibiloves - We haven't bought yet but are heading that way we hope! :)) Hoping you get some good news soon on yours - I have also had to accept that if we go in the direction we're in right now, we'll be moving when the baby is around 4-6 weeks old (assuming it comes on time or a little late). I know that's not ideal, and I really didn't want a baby to have to come back to the place we're renting right now. But just hoping it would go smoothly, and that we can rely on local family to help and just take our time getting everything transitioned over.

Haven - I'm so sorry you're still experiencing some sickness. I guess it is a "bright side" that you're more used to it, but I still hate it for you. At least it sounds like your semester is wrapping up and will be done before you know it!

lulu - Haha I know, I feel like even now it is just such an unusual feeling to have this bump and to see myself in the mirror sometimes, but I have to remind myself and stay in check because I know things are going to keep changing big time from here on out!

Hi mia!! :wavey:

It's a bit comforting to see you ladies also talking about feeling unprepared. I know I'm "only" at 25 weeks, but I feel like I have no idea how I am here already, and it sounds like the weeks are going to keep flying by too. It feels like I have so much I need to be doing to prepare - not that it's overwhelming, but it just takes planning, and decision-making, and time, and making the mental effort to just sit down and get some of it done (or get out and get some of the errands done too).

I love this place for all the advice too - it's so good to read all this info about the kicks. I'm not counting yet, but I do agree about the feeling less when we're up and moving and busy during the day. There have been rare moments at work that I'm standing and talking to someone, and I'll feel significant movements, but I think they must be big turns or something for me to notice them then. Otherwise, I notice them at work when I'm in my chair and leaning forward. The most of all though is sitting back at home once I'm relaxed - the baby seems to go wild then, and it's getting to where I can even see it from the outside. ::) I'd love to see a video of what all the baby is doing in there - my husband jokes that it's practicing its boxing (he likes to box). I sometimes feel like it's just having a little dance party in there.
Well while I have a hand free really quick I thought Id make a post!

Well. the old saying of trying having sex it induces labor.. umm TRUE.. haha well maybe.. I thought Friday night I was losing my mucus plug. Saturday we went to Ikea to get some candles to prepare for the hurricane here in NJ. I had a few contractions there, but thought nothing of it and just thought they were BH again.. not painful just tightening and what not. Well Saturday night we decided to DTD since we had been lacking in that department due to all the pain I had been in for weeks. Well after hubby went to sleep on couch and I went to relax in bed and try to fall asleep and get comfy.. Started having some pressure and some more contractions thought it was nothing again just more BH from having sex. Finally fell asleep at 2:45am.. Woke up at 4am with a really strong contraction and didnt feel good so I asked hubby to come lay in the bed and told him I wasnt feeling good and maybe I should try to time them. I had 3 almost back to back and went to use the restroom and some a little blood in my mucus, and I said "Let's go we are going to the hospital now!" I wasnt sure if I was really in labor, but I was freaked out and wasnt sure what to do, tried to call my MIL (midwife) but didnt answer so I said better to be safe than sorry since storm was coming.. it was a good thing we went when we did. We got there at about 5am, still in denial.. didnt bring half the stuff we needed because we werent thinking i was really in labor at only 37w1d. I got there, finally got back into triage and changed, hooked up to monitors... this all took time like an hour or hour and half.. and i was starting to get some painful contractions at this point. Finally had someone come in and talk to me and she left and right when she did, i thought i felt some leaking, definitely lost my mucus plug but wasnt sure about my water. They did some test but since we just had sex it would be off. They checked me.. I was 1-2cm 50% and -3 station... Well she left for about 30 mins, there was a shift change.. got a new nurse like 7:30am she came in and talked to me and they were deciding if they were going to admit me since they didnt know if my water had broke. Well right when the nurse left. i had a contraction with a lot of pressure and POP my water broke... okay lol guess im in labor.. hubby and i started laughing we just couldnt believe it! Got nurse, they got the attending, he checked me.. so all of like 30 minutes after water broke, I was now 4cm 80% and 0!! I was having serious contractions at this point with little break in between them. I thought i was going to kill someone lol my poor hubby Id tell him to rub my back then to not touch me and not talk and I was just in so much pain and I wasnt even admitted at this point! They finally wheeled me back to my room and im begging them for some sort of sedation before they can get anesthesia down to get my epidural. My contractions were coming every minute.. lasting like 2-3 minutes.. so I was in a lot of pain. Finally got some sedation, helped me a little bit but didnt take any edge off of the pain at all. It was so hard to get through those contractions. I was 5-6cm at this point and was about to kill someone from the pain. Hubby would soak baby blankets in cold water to put on my head and my back but then id freeze from water still coming out, it was rough being hot and cold and shaking from pain. Finally they came down to do my epidural and kicked hubby out. So they told him to come back in 20 mins, well it only took like 5-10 mins to get in and it was rough i had about 5 contractions during that point and couldnt move. They got it in, dr came in and checked me and I was at 9cm!!!!!!! He first said oh youre 10cm you can push and I about told him he's crazy because A my epi hadnt kicked in yet and B my hubby wasnt back yet! But then said i was only 9cm so I was happy. Epi started working and it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! I dont think I can say how happy I was to get it, it seriously was amazing and I got some relief for a little bit, until all of sudden I had a lot of pressure, which meant it was time to PUSH!!! I only pushed for 45 minutes, and the last push was the hardest because my contractions stopped so I just had to wing it and push because he was just there ready to come out just needed one more push!

I was very overwhelmed when I was released on Tuesday. We were not expecting baby to come so early. Add to the fact that my labor from first contraction to holding my baby was 8hrs 27 mins! I just never really got a break to be like holy crap im having my baby now! Then we came home to a house that has partial power, which we were very thankful to have power but not having power in your bathroom when you have to take care of yourself down there and you cant see anything is not fun. The house was also a disaster because we had planned on cleaning the house from head to toe on Sunday but I had the baby instead so we came home to a house with partial power, a disaster, and a baby that didn’t fit into anything we had since he was so tiny. It was a VERY rough first night. Our second feeding home, my milk came in, and for some reason, baby started getting hiccups while feeding which caused him to gag/choke/ spit up and then an hour or 2 later he would spit back up everything he ate, so I was freaking out all night that my baby was going to starve because he couldn’t keep my milk down. Well I started pumping the next day after more failed attempts at him getting the BM from me. He started doing better little by little with me pumping and feeding him it with a bottle. Well I think I kind of have my milk under control now, my boobs were just soooo hard the first few days and now they are softer so its easier for his tiny mouth to get my boob. He finally re-latched to my left boob yesterday for about 7 mins or so, so I was happy because I tried to relatch with him the night before and it didn’t work. I am going to continue to pump because I want to start a nice stash so that hubby can help feed him and other people as well to help me.

Alright well I guess I have to move onto the other thread now.. seems weird… I still cannot believe I am not pregnant anymore….I don’t miss the horrible pain I was in lately, but I do miss the kicks and wiggles from him inside my belly.

So without further ado, here is my little peanut.. Chase Emerson born Oct 28 @ 12:27pm. He was 5lb 7ozs at birth and he is already back at his birth weight (had his first ped appt Sat)!

Oh and our kitty absolutely LOVES the baby.. anytime he cries he has to check on him and always is just so curious and wants to snuggle with him. He also likes to see how the baby is laying and mimic him.. its funny :-)

I am going to come back and let y'all know things that I wish people had told me before I had Chase... :-)




BB, he is adorable! :love:
Hi ladies! I used to post on this thread when I was pregnant with my son back in 2010. Just wanted to update that I had my little girl on November 5th! She was huge at 9 pounds, 6 ounces! Her name is Catherine Emma. Good luck and congrats to all the new moms and moms-to-be!!! It's a wild and fun ride!

Blondebunny, congrats on your little guy!

Blonde Bunny, Chase is adorable. He's exactly one day older than my daughter. She was also born at 1227pm.

Sorry, I have been MIA. Baby Kareena Lucie was born last Monday at 12:27pm by scheduled c-section. We arrived at the hospital at 10am before the storm was too bad. I spent about 2 hours in pre-op, then had the spinal tap in the OR followed by the c-section. She came out with a full head of hair - I was surprised that she was only 7lbs, 0 ounces as the ultrasound tech had predicted she would be over 8 lbs - maybe due to her height - 20.5 inches. We stayed in the hospital until Friday. The baby lost about 12% of her weight in the hospital so they were worried about her and she was borderline with billirubin/jaundice also. We took her home on Friday and went to the pediatrician for her first visit the next day. She maintained her weight at 6lbs 5 oz so the doctor said to keep breast feeding and supplement with formula if needed. I have been breast feeding, pumping and giving her a bottle of formula 1-2 times/day. Yesterday she was up to 6lbs 7 oz. She is very alert. Seems to be generally happy unless she's frustrated by breast feeding/latching on or getting her diaper changed. It breaks my heart to hear her cry, and we are just absolutely head over heels in love with her already. She is the center of our world. My DH has been great and is pretty much in charge of diaper changes and getting her ready to eat. He also insists on carrying her up and down our stairs. Sleep deprivation is difficult - but she is so worth it! Get all the sleep you can now!!!

I wish you all the best with the rest of your goes by so quickly. You will all be Mommies before you know it!




Laila, Catherine is beautiful! I love her cheeks!! Congrats!
Oh my goodness Laila, Catherine is stunning! What a big girl, you are superwoman! :bigsmile: :appl:

JGator, Kareena is even prettier than her lovely name! Just gorgeous!! :love: :love: :love: :love:
blondebunny what a birth story! so glad everything went well for you :) and, can i just say, i LOVE the name chase adorable & fitting to such a cutie! big congrats to you!!

jgator i knew you guys would compromise on a perfect name. kareena lucie is just lovely :) sounds like you all are settling in perfectly. good luck!! so hard to believe my own pregnancy journey is just weeks from being over; i am taking your advice & sleeping as much as possible :P

laila can't get enough cute baby pics! thanks for sharing catherines :) and congrats on the newest member of your family!

:wavey: :wavey: big HI to all the ladies still baking away!

afm, 36 wks. nearing the end. doc officially changed my due date to dec 4 (from dec 15) and said that he could recommend an induction as early as nov 27 :o (we live over an hour from the hospital & my DH cannot drive). so i'm kinda freaking out about that. he'll start internal checks at next weeks appt & we should know more then. my current feeling is unless it seems like i'm about to "go" nov 27th is too early. it's ultimately our decision and we'd like to be as close to dec 4th as possible unless baby girl is trying to appear on her own. i don't want to force her out early before she's ready, esp since my due date got moved up based on my 32 wk u/s measurements. i'm 99% i'm correct on the date of my last period, which is what my original due date was based on. thoughts??? we're also supposed to decide our preference (in the event that it becomes necessary) between using forceps, vacuum, or emergency c-section. i don't think we feel comfortable w/forceps (dr agreed he wouldn't want them used on his own children) but i'm not sure between trying the vacuum or going straight into the emergency c-section...again, anyone have thoughts or opinions i could chew over??

hormones struck again last night :( i royally pissed dh off by claiming that he was nesting. (for the record, i totally think he is & i think it's totally normal that he also feel urges to prepare our house for the babies arrival.) well, he took offense to the term. he was in a bad mood anyway. and really so was i; plus i stayed up too late watching election coverage. well, it just spiraled a bit from there. i ended up crying (i didn't want to, dammit! but could not control the tears). he ended up sleeping on the couch. we're both feeling better today; he apologized first thing this morning for being in a bad mood & taking it out on my (meaningly innocent) comment. but i think the stress of "only 4 more weeks" is getting to us. family starts arriving in 13 days... :errrr: :errrr: :wacko: :wacko: (originally the in laws were supposed to be here to help BEFORE the baby's arrival and my mother was arriving AFTER the baby's arrival. now, it's seeming like the in laws will be here when the baby comes & overlap w/my mom's stay for about 5 days. so, in our 3 bedroom home it will be 5 adults, a newborn, and 2 dogs. this was not how the plan was supposed to work!) it's about to get crazy in this house...oh, wait, it already is!
Loving all the cute baby pics, keep them coming ladies!

Blonde Bunny, thanks for sharing your brith sotry, sounds like you coped really well with it all and it pretty much went to pla. Chase is such a cutie and I love his name, it really suits that cute face.

Laila, congrats on your little girl, kudos to you for pushing out such a big bubba, but those cheeks are just so worth it.

JGator, Kareena is such a pretty girl and looks so alert already. I think you and your DH, despite the trouble in getting there, have picked a wonderful name and I hope all your families are also happy with your choice. Hope you are recovering well from you C/S.

Lulu, I can't comment on whether the indcution is too early, but my OB has said babies born at 36 weeks are perfectly fine, so I think any time from now on will be fine. Best of luck with all your relatives coming to stay, I hope it is as stress free as possible.

Strawberries, hope you find your perfect house and you can move into it before the baby arrives or soon afterwards (I am not sure how things like that work over in the US). I am the same with you re feeling kicks, normally when I am resting on the lounge is when I get the best kicks or on the weekends in the 15 minutes I lay in bed before I get up. In saying that however, in the last weeks, since hitting 26 weeks I am feeling much more movement and it is now at times of the day and night, but still more at nightime. I do have an anterior placenta though, so not sure if it is the same for everyone.

Mia, hello there stranger, good to see you over here on this thread and congrats on being team pink! Hope to see you here again!

Haven, it must feel so good to be so close to finishing work. I can't believe you are still feeling sick you poor thing, you are such a trooper though and it will all be forgotten when baby comes (I hope).

Dandi, how are you hanging in there? Have you finished up at work yet? It must be getting awfully close.

Bibloves, how are things going with your purchase of the house? I could not imagine not being able to buy anything in advance, you must have such great willpower.

Hi to anyone I missed.

AFM, 27+1 today and can't believe how much things have gone wrong in the last two weeks. My BP has been very high, so my OB has put me on BP medication which has since been increased, but I have now started swelling up quite badly in my feet and legs and in my hands overnight if I am in a certain position. So far my urine and blood tests have been ok, but my uric acid has increased, which my OB has said is a sign of preeclampsia. He has basically said it is a matter of time before it comes out. I may not be able to deliver in my private hospital because they won't take babies before 32 or 34 weeks, so he has prepared me to go toa public hospital where he has rights. He may book me in for a day stay next week for close monitoring but so far has not put me on bed rest. I am now seeing him weekly and having weekly blood and urine tests. My mother had PE with me, so I always knew I was at a higher risk of developing it, I just never thought it would be this early. So I really don't know what is going to happen with my job since I ws planning on working up until 36+2.

To make matters worse, my DH was headhunted by a company 8 weeks ago and left his really stable job where they loved him to go back to this company (he was there for 5 years 4 years ago until he was made redundant), well the new company made his whole team redundant on Tuesday and him only having 5 weeks of service means he basically gets no redundancy pay (or very little) and there is basically a job freeze on this time of year until March, so I have no clue what will happen. I am crossing my fingers he might be able to pick up a short term contract until after christmas, but he has been there before at this time of year (although that time with 28 days to e;lave the country) so we know what its like with the timing.

Oh gosh, sorry for the long sob story.
Laila619|1352260058|3300283 said:
Hi ladies! I used to post on this thread when I was pregnant with my son back in 2010. Just wanted to update that I had my little girl on November 5th! She was huge at 9 pounds, 6 ounces! Her name is Catherine Emma. Good luck and congrats to all the new moms and moms-to-be!!! It's a wild and fun ride!

Blondebunny, congrats on your little guy!

Congrats, she is beautiful!!!! I love the name Catherine Emma! :appl: :love:

JGator, congrats, she is beautiful!!! :love: :appl:
mlk thinking about you & hoping the coming weeks bring nothing but good news. please keep us posted---and feel free to share all complaints & sob stories here. it helps just to get it off your chest sometimes!
Babies, babies, GORGEOUS babies!!! Congratulations everyone :)

Well, I am trucking right along. 22 weeks tomorrow, and we are expecting BOY #2!! So excited!! Here is a recent pic, taken on Monday at the gym.
I have a 5k on Sunday, that is more of a fun run, but I am pretty excited about it :appl:

mlk, I am so sorry to hear about your last few weeks. I really hope the swelling slows down.

My sister had really bad swelling and was put on bed rest. Made it almost the whole pregnancy, but omg, she was so swollen you couldn't even tell it was her. I'll definitely be thinking about you... and how crappy of your dh's new job. ugh.