
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

mlk Lucas Jude? I LOVE it!! really a great name for your little one. just keep getting stronger & healing & watching your guy grow healthy & strong!
Hi Dani, thanks heaps for the advice! I haven't leaked any fluid at all since I was sent home, so weird. Even the pad I wore on the way to the hopsital was dry. So odd. I'll definitely keep an eye on it!

Thanks mlk, we can't wait either! :bigsmile: The weather hasn't been too bad, those few stinking hot days we had, I didn't leave the house once, and spent the majority of the day in a cool bath with a book. Good way to beat the heat! I'm sorry to hear your BP is still playing up, I hope hope hope it resolves very soon. I just adore your little guy's name, I can't wait to 'meet' him!!!

Haven I'm so happy to hear that you're feeling so much better about having a caesarian. You're going to be such an awesome mummy, I just can't wait until your bubba is here! :halo:

Hi bean, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so flat, hon. I hope things turn around for the better super soon for you!

Hello hello pupp, lulu and everyone else dropping by!

Well after my little episode yesterday I haven't leaked any more fluid, so who knows what it was. Although I spent a VERY uncomfortable night in bed with back, pelvic and lower abdo pain on and off, and I just couldn't get comfy. I'm pretty sure I lost my mucous plug, a huge string of yellow mucousy stuff with a red streak all the way along one side. Yes, charming, I know. This morning I had a few really intense tightenings which were boardering on painful, but they seem to have tapered off. I wish I know what on earth my body is doing! Sitting down is quite painful so I'm spending as much time on my feet as I can, which seems to ease the discomfort, so I'm sure it's not the real thing. Yet! Hopefully things might pick up within the next day, how cool would a birth date of 12.12.12 be?! :cheeky: Baby is still grooving around in there.

40 weeks 5 days.
Oh, Andi, I thought for sure you'd be updating us with a BABY IS HERE! post when I saw your name on this thread!

It sounds like your body is doing *something* at least, right? Maybe these are your pre-labor symptoms. Definitely sounds like you lost your mucus plug, which means you're dilating, doesn't it? If you don't go into labor, I hope you can get comfortable tonight, at least.

Labor vibes coming your way, mama!

ETA: 12/12/12 would be a cool birthdate! Maybe baby is holding out for the special day!
Oh gosh Haven I really hope so! I'm so uncomfortable and get alot of pain *down there* so surely it's doing something!?
Andi, if you aren't in labor I'm a Christmas Tree. :confused: :bigsmile: Maybe I'm nuts, but everything you've described sounds like labor signs and then labor, to me! Wishing you the best of luck for a healthy and safe L&D...perhaps I'm way early, but if so at least I got the chance to say it now, I guess!
I'm with Haven and Monnie on this one. I don't see how this isn't early labor. Not to say that it can't last another day, but the loss of fluid, the mucus plug, the pain?? Your baby could very well have a 12.12.12 b-day at this rate.
Just checking in to see how you're doing, Andi!
Haha monarch, it's 2:30am here and I snorted out aloud when I read your Christmas tree comment!! I've been awake since midnight with pretty painful contractions - well that's what I think they are, although they are completely confined to my front lower abdomen, with nasty downwards pressure. They've been about 8 to 12 minutes apart, so fairly irregular, and lasting a minute or so. Gosh I hope this is it! I'll be ticked if it isn't 'cos they are pretty ouchy! :bigsmile:

I've got the giggles now, better head to the spare room so DH doesn't get woken up!
Thanks for checking in on me girls! I'll keep you posted!
Best of luck, Dandi!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Andi, sounds like baby is getting ready come out to me! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
SQUEEEEEEE! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!
Just coming out of lurkdom to say

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: good luck Dandi!!!

haven-just wanted to say that I did moxabustion for incessant uterine bleeding and it worked like a charm (my acupuncturist sent me home with an at home version).

I was shocked as I had been very skeptical..."really, you light something that looks like a black cigar, wave it over your toenail for 15 minutes twice a day and it will stop the heavy bleeding that's been going on for almost a month?"

Well...the answer for me was yep, 1000% yes indeed!

When I was at the clinic that day they were working to turn two breech babies and induce another. :eek:
Hi all, just dropping in to say hi and check in. Not too much going on here - 31 weeks, feelings tons of movement these days (including what I finally realized are hiccups, hehe :cheeky: ), more braxton hicks, and otherwise just starting to notice the general toll that the extra weight is taking on my joints and muscles. The app on my phone said 63 days left as of yesterday - how in the world?? I'll come back with a 31 week picture tonight if I can remember.

bean - I'm sorry to hear about all that you're going through. I don't know much about that kind of situation, so all I can do is commiserate and say that I hope you feel better and get some good news from the tests!

Lulu - thank you for my daily dose of cuteness overload - Ellie is just gorgeous!! :love:

puppmom - I haven't had swelling yet, but I've often wondered what I'm going to do if/when I do, because it's winter and I obviously can't just go wearing "flip flops and slip on shoes" like all the websites say are easy to do in the last trimester. If you find a good solution, please let me know!

Haven - that makes sense about the swelling and putting on shoes and keeping them on... I'll keep that in mind. I hope you are doing well, and I'm glad to read about how you've come to terms with whatever will happen, and it sounds like your mind and attitude are in a really good place.

mlk - I'm so sorry to hear about your blood pressure still giving you problems. But I love the baby's name, and so glad to hear he's doing well!

DandiAndi - sounds like things are getting exciting over there!! :appl: Thinking of you!!! :wavey:

Hi to everyone else too!
Hello to all!

Lulu She is just BEAUTIFUL! She's the type that you can just stare at all day and be perfectly happy. Congratulations to you!

DandiAndi Are you still hanging in there or have you gone into labor yet? You must be so antsy!

We had an appt yesterday and the Dr. told us that the baby was measuring 2.5 weeks ahead :shock: so we have to have an US on Tuesday to see what is really going on. I've been absolutely exhausted and just in pain, and the swelling is out of control, so my last day of work is tomorrow. :knockout: I'm not happy about it, because I'm only 36 weeks right now, and I'm so scared that I'm going to go to 42 weeks and have wasted all this time off. Most people are of the opinion that I won't make it past the end of the year, but you really just don't know and you can't predict. I'm more nervous about wasting precious time than I am about having a 10lb thunder butt baby :P . My glucose and blood pressure are just fine though, so they aren't worried, just thinking it's a big baby! I have a feeling our US on Tuesday will reveal a perfectly normal sized baby. I'm extremely short waisted so I look HUGE and it's really all belly. But I don't think my stature would have any sort of effect on my measurements, so we will see.

Also had our hospital tour last night! It made us feel like the end was in sight and that this is actually just right around the corner.

I feel ready. I do feel like it's going to be sooner than later, but again, what do I know? This baby is going to do what it wants to do on its own time. I just hope he/she doens't make me wait another 6 weeks!
Dandi, thinking of you and hoping to hear some good news soon!

Haven, you're getting so close to. Now that I'm a couple months out, I'm so excited to hear about the new "batch" of PS babies.

Prana, I had an ultrasound when I was just shy of 40 weeks due to a suspected large baby. He did end up being good-sized at 8 lbs 5 oz and over 21 inches long, but not nearly the gigantaur they were worried about. I will say that late ultrasounds are supposedly pretty imprecise and can overestimate or underestimate by a pound or more. That said, they predicted an 8.5 to 9 lb baby for me, so they were not that far off.

Good luck to everyone! My wish for all of you is that you have easygoing babies who love to sleep! Mine is the opposite :) But I love him to death anyway!
MP Hi! How's mommy life?

Thanks for your input. I have a feeling that everything is A-OK with our baby's size, so I'm not going to fret about it too much. Thanks!!
Just back to update my post from this afternoon with photos... 30 and 31 weeks! I need to quit keeping my cardigans on in the pictures, because I think the 30 week picture actually does it better justice than the 31 week one, haha.


lliang_chi said:
Rosebloom, those are half of the names of the midwives, so I'm guessing yes, we had the same practice. Eileen was with me during the night and Meredith was with me during delivery. Really an amazing group of ladies and they did a lot to a first time mama like me. :)
What a small world!! Eileen was my day person on both my births and Meredith is a dear friend. Love those women.
Andi--How are you, dear?

Luvthem--You are looking GREAT, mama! You have a perfect bump going on there!
I swear, I wore boots all day long--so, several hours at work this morning, then to a funeral, then to the shiva house after. We got home a couple hours ago, I took off the boots, my feet looked normal. Now, they're gigantic sausages! I don't if this is how it goes for everyone, but man oh man I think I need to wear shoes 24/7!
Hiccups feel funny, don't they?

MP--It's so nice to hear from someone on the other side! :cheeky: Even though we're so close, it still feels like a world away. Now I'm starting to get anxious to meet our baby, finally!

Prana--I understand your concerns about stopping work now, but I think you are going to feel SOOOO much better when you get to stay home and rest. Our doctor hasn't been telling us how the baby is measuring up for its gestational age, but we know baby has a big head at 12.9 cm (this was last Thursday, at least)--maybe we're growing a generation of very large PS babies! I hope you feel good staying at home, and I hope baby comes on time so you can enjoy as much time as possible before you go back to work!

Bella Mezzo--I'm so encouraged to hear about your amazing results with the moxibustion! Thank you so much for coming in and sharing. That gives me so much hope!

AFM, I am officially done with the semester today, so HAPPY DANCE! Baby is still frank breech, that big head and those feet are stuck right up under my ribs, but it will be what it will be. We're going to try the moxibustion this week, I'll report back after the appointment. If it works, awesome. If not, I'm totally okay with that.

My doctor originally scheduled the C-section for 12/21, which is only three days after the due date. I asked if he would push it back, just to give me more of a chance of going into labor on my own, so he's checking to see if there's a slot available on 12/24. I really hope we can move it back.

Otherwise, I'm just big and slow and looking forward to getting some rest at home before baby comes!

I hope everyone is doing well! :wavey:

Haven, so glad you're hanging in there. I've been checking this thread every couple days to see if you're here or in labor! I don't know for sure why I'm so concerned; it's not as if we've ever met, but at any rate I am compelled. I guess I like you! You offered some sincere support during my pregnancy on this thread, and I've "known" you on PS for quite some time, so...

My feet swelled terribly from month 8 on (probably before then, but I honestly don't remember.) It was HOT here in southern Indiana back in April/May, though, so I attributed the swelling to heat/humidity. (I delivered on May 26.) Hearing your experience with swelling, though, I am second-guessing myself. I remember reading about all kinds of reasons for swelling in the last trimester but I can't for the life of me recall specifics. You probably won't be able to after delivery, either! I'm so excited for you. Soon after birth, the swelling will go away and you'll be so consumed by other things that you'll notice and be elated for about one minute and then you'll be overtaken by your babe's needs and beautiful face. You're going to be amazing. Oh, and I am jealous that you were fully pregnant during a Chicago fall. I didn't have the luxury of hiding behind any awesome infinity scarves back in the 100 degree nastiness that was May in the Midwest! :cheeky:
Luv, you look AMAZING!!! You ladies make me want to be pregnant again RIGHT NOW! :naughty: :appl:
monarch64|1355382084|3330078 said:
Luv, you look AMAZING!!! You ladies make me want to be pregnant again RIGHT NOW! :naughty: :appl:

Ditto. I so so so miss being preggo. If I didnt have to wait one full year, maybe I would be already! :bigsmile: :o
Meg and Monnie--You ladies are cracking me up about wanting to be pregnant again! I can't wait to see if I ever feel the same way. Right now I'm thinking it ain't gonna happen. :cheeky:

Monnie--Thank you so much. ::) The feeling is mutual, my dear.
I totally think the heat must make swelling so much worse, which is one more reason I am SO grateful to be this pregnant in cool weather. My hands haven't been swelling up, and I am certain they would have had I been in the third trimester during the summer--they swell up in the summer even when I'm not pregnant!
I have definitely enjoyed layering up so late in the pregnancy, that's for sure. My pregnant outfit has become loose-legged pants, a tee or tank, a long sweater open in the front, and a big chunky eternity scarf. I'm basically hiding behind layers and layers of knits, and it feels great. :cheeky:

So does Andi's silence mean she's a MAMA?!?!?! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Still chugging along over here. I am getting super nauseous again, which I'm hoping is just because my hormones are changing because the baby is about to arrive? I threw up Sunday morning, but it was only once and not much. I still feel like it's impossible that I'm ever not going to be nauseous again, it's been so long that it just feels like normal. :cheeky:

Has anyone else read or watched The Happiest Baby on the Block? My good friend gave us the book, she just had her first baby on 9/21, and she swears by the methods in the book. Basically, the author (a pediatrician) came up with five ways to calm a crying baby. I rented the DVD from the library after reading it because I knew DH wasn't going to end up reading the book. :cheeky: I can't say yet whether the techniques work or not, but the results we saw in the video were pretty encouraging. I hope they work!

I'm also reading a really interesting book called Our Babies, Ourselves. It's about ethnopediatrics, and it functions as sort of an introduction to anthropological studies about how various cultures parent new babies. I've never read anything that focuses on the role culture plays in our parenting choices, so it's been pretty fascinating. I recommend it if anyone is looking for something outside of the ordinary parenting books that are out there. It isn't instructional, but it's definitely informative.

On a totally different point--does anyone know how long they'll be staying in the hospital? My hospital has women stay for four nights after a C-section, and sometimes five. I'm surprised, this seems like a long time, is it? Also, do your husbands plan on staying with you in the hospital? I told DH that I want him to go home to sleep, and to just get out during the day. We'll see how I feel, of course, and depending on what time of day the baby is born he may want to stay that first night to be with us, but to stay after that first night seems unnecessary. What are your thoughts on this? We live 35 minutes to an hour away from the hospital, depending on traffic.

AND, one more thing I learned--the hospital has contracted with a professional photographer to have them come in and take photos of us with the baby in the hospital room. On one hand, I'm excited about this because it means we'll have a shot at having great photos from those first few days, but on the other hand it seems kind of, I don't know, icky. Do other hospitals do this? They do look like great photographers:

Okay, can you tell I've been doing some reading now that the baby is coming very soon? :cheeky:
Haven, Hi!! Im cracking up over here because I also bought the Happiest Baby on the Block DVD, but never got to watch it before the baby came because I went early. Anyway, we decided to watch it during Hurricane Sandy,when we were staying at my brother's apartment since we had lost power at our home. My sister (she is 5 years younger than me) was watching it with us, and both MH and I fell asleep and only watched about half of it because we were so darn tired. Sissy watched the whole thing, and even though she totally thinks Dr Karp is "creepy" she does use his techniques on L quite often. I always hear her whispering, "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" in his ear when he's being cranky. LOL!!!!

Most hospitals keep c/s Mom's 4 days/3 nights, but I think if you're itching to go home, you can ask your doc and maybe go home on day 3. That's what I did. Although, this is your first baby, so see how it goes and how you feel. I needed to go home because I did not sleep a wink at the hospital at all. Home wasnt a ton better, but it was a bit, so it was just better for me.

Re: the hospital photos, they came around and asked us if we wanted them, I wasnt going to do them because I had a professional photographer all set up to take photos of L after delivery. MH convinced me to do it because he wanted some real newborn shots, and Im so glad he did. All of the photos she took in the hospital were gorgeous, especially one where its just me holding the baby- its so precious and I never would have had that if hubs didnt tell me to do it. And they were relatively inexpensive. So, I say do it if you can. Baby will never be that little again!!!! :))
Haven|1355443714|3330669 said:
On a totally different point--does anyone know how long they'll be staying in the hospital? My hospital has women stay for four nights after a C-section, and sometimes five. I'm surprised, this seems like a long time, is it? Also, do your husbands plan on staying with you in the hospital? I told DH that I want him to go home to sleep, and to just get out during the day. We'll see how I feel, of course, and depending on what time of day the baby is born he may want to stay that first night to be with us, but to stay after that first night seems unnecessary. What are your thoughts on this? We live 35 minutes to an hour away from the hospital, depending on traffic.

AND, one more thing I learned--the hospital has contracted with a professional photographer to have them come in and take photos of us with the baby in the hospital room. On one hand, I'm excited about this because it means we'll have a shot at having great photos from those first few days, but on the other hand it seems kind of, I don't know, icky. Do other hospitals do this? They do look like great photographers:

Haven, I didn't have my DH stay at the hospital. All we had in the post partum rooms was a glider and I know he wouldn't have slept a wink. My LO was born just before 7 am, so he had all day with us and then headed home. I do think 3-4 days is pretty standard for a c-section, just making sure you are on the path to recovery post surgery. I hope it will pass quickly for you!

Our hospital had a photog as well but they charged a fortune for the pics, just a warning before you get too excited about the potential! But maybe yours has a better arrangement!

Good luck, I can't wait to see your LO and all the other LOs that are coming soon!
Haven, if you do the hospital photo, make sure you ask her to take a picture of you and the baby. I didn't know about the photo before I was checked in. When the photographer came everything was so chaotic (NOT normal, we had family issues) that I didn't decline. She took a picture of the baby and DH, but NOT ME. I love them but it makes me so sad at the same time. Only consolation I have is that FIL paid for them.
Also, our baby was screaming the entire time. Depends on the baby you have. Other people just say ooh aah at the pictures, but I can totally see the fury and the tears.
Haven, I loved Happiest Baby - worked like a magic pill for us! Also read and loved Our Babies, Ourselves. I read a million parenting books before #1 so let me know if you want any more suggestions to read while waiting!

I too thought the photo thing was a little creepy but a friend recommended we do it and I simply cannot tell you how much I treasure those pictures. They capture such a fantastic moment in our life. And I'm pretty sure she touched them up because we all look remarkably good. You can buy the CD of pics for pretty cheap if I remember correctly. And then you've got Mother's Day covered for the grandmas! :)

You're getting so close! So excited for you!

(Also was reading the savings thread and chuckled to hear that you were a theater major - me too!).
We had Bella Baby too and we loved the pics! They came out great! It depends on how good your individual photographer is though, but I would assume they are all pretty talented.
Haven, I could have stayed three nights at the hospital, but I asked to leave after two and my OB released me. Four seems excessive, but three sounds good. You think youll get rest, but someone is in your room every 10 minutes. It is so annoying. I also felt like i would recover better in my own home, and wanted to stay out of the germy hospital. As for DH going home at night, in order to have baby room in, someone other than me had to be there at all times because for the first 8 hours I was still numb and/or still had a catheter in. After that, I was on pain meds - so someone who was capable had to be there in order for baby to room in. Your hospital policy May be different, but it was hard to get out of bed without help, let alone lift baby out of the bassinet. So I hear you regarding wanting DH to go home and sleep, but it may impact baby rooming in all the time.

I also read happiest baby on the block. We still swaddle for sleeps, and use shushing and swaying when necessary. But overall, we have been fortunate to not need those techniques too frequently.
luvthemstrawberries|1355364097|3329900 said:
Just back to update my post from this afternoon with photos... 30 and 31 weeks! I need to quit keeping my cardigans on in the pictures, because I think the 30 week picture actually does it better justice than the 31 week one, haha.

ohmygosh! Look at that cute bump :)