
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Haven. Just wanted to chime in and say hey and sorry to hear LO is breech at the moment. I wish I could offer you some advice but almost four months later, I still second guess haing the EcV turned emergency cs. I suppose if I had scheduled it though, I would have second guessed not trying the ecv. From my research, the risks of ecv are terribly low. In my case, I had been leaking fluid for a few days so there was less cushion and C was 8lb 12oz, so that combo along with pressure from the ecv was too much. I was also almost 40 weeks when we did it since that's when he had turned breech. Our plan had been that if the ecv failed, I would wait to go into labor and then have the cs. Our dr was okay with that, but I don't think all drs are that progressive. Sometimes babies turn during labor, so to me that meant we still had a shot up to the very end.

I think you need to make the best decision for you. What you will feel at peace with for the long run. Although I think We made he best decision we could at the time, I've definitely been dealing with leftover emotions from the experience. I think breech is tough because you don't even have the opportunity to try, thanks to lack of skill and malpractice insurers. (Not sure where you are located, but there is a dr in IL who will deliver breech vaginal.)

All I can say is, breech sucks. Of course your health and baby's health are important, but so is your experience and your feelings surrounding your birth. Try to stay positive and excited for your LO to arrive soon. Let me know if I can answer any questions. Hang in there lady.
I just wanted to add, since I just read more of this thread earlier in the day and you were crying, I can literally feel your pain. I too wanted so badly to have a vsginal birth. I wanted that experience. The contractions, labor, everything. I wasn't scared either. And breech feels like you're being robbed of something you're prepared to do, something you've worked hard to have, so I understand those feelings and emotions and ugh. It's almost like grieving something that isn't yet lost. Like just in case. Just know all of that is totally warranted and real in this situation. If anything, it definitely means you're already a mama.
Haven said:
Andi--Wow! You have a date to be induced, that's crazy! Hoping you go into labor naturally before then, of course.
I'm glad to hear that babies turn themselves in your experience, that gives me hope.

Buttons--Thank you so much for sharing your experience and those resources. I've definitely calmed down since this morning, so time to think on it has been a good thing. I really appreciate you reaching out, thank you so much.

LV--Thank you. Your perspective is really important for me to keep in mind. We're going to talk to our doctor tomorrow and ask him a bunch of questions.
(BTW--Frank breech is when the the baby's bottom is aimed at the birth canal with its legs sticking straight up in front of his or her body and the feet near the head. It looks terribly uncomfortably, and I feel kind of awful that my baby is in this position.)

I'm so sorry to monopolize this thread with my freak out, ladies. I'm still upset about the situation, but DH and I have spent a lot of time discussing our options and we feel better about the whole thing.

Now we're struggling with this: Do we try the ECV next week and potentially induce labor before the baby is ready? --or-- Do we schedule the C-section for after my due date and let the baby bake as long as he/she needs?

My biggest concern about the ECV is that it can induce labor or make an emergency C-section necessary. This whole pregnancy I've been very committed to *not* inducing labor until Baby is ready. My biggest hang-ups about scheduling a C-section for after my due date is that with the C-section I won't be involved with the birth, I won't be able to have skin-to-skin time with the baby right after the birth, and I'm just plain against having surgery if avoidable.

Basically, we have no idea what we're going to do yet. Thank you all so much for your input, ideas, and support. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!


Not that this helps but just another voice to say that I'm feeling for you! It's a tough decision. I loved both of my boys' births - but they were so different. My first was utopian - natural, intense but not really painful, quick, exhilarating. Immediately on my chest, nursed about a minute after birth, perfection. My second was the opposite - also natural although so painful I was begging for drugs it was just too fast to get them, emergency forceps, an epidural after the birth because the repair work needed was so extensive, baby whisked up to the NICU so no together time and lots of fear. But it's incredible how for both boys I cherish those memories. For a few weeks following my second birth I was really haunted by it but as everyone says the pain, fear and anger fades and the baby - sweet adorable perfection! - remains. And then the birth is more than just something that happened to you or that you did but it becomes the thrilling introduction to the novel of your baby's life. Which makes it sacred.

For what it's worth, I'd try the version. And my best friend who desperately wanted a natural birth experience was in your situation and opted for a scheduled section (her little one was very high though so it wasn't likely to work). But her next birth was like my first which she really loved getting to experience too. Clearly there's no right or wrong choice just whatever your gut (your huge painful gut) tells you is best.

Keep us posted!
I hope this is allowed, I'm not sure... just wanted to tell Haven also about the Spinning Babies website. I've heard about it before and checked it out, but not in great detail yet. It is about fetal positioning and even has some possible exercises and things to do to try to coax breech babies into turning. Just wanted to throw it out in case it helps. :-)
Lulu, Congrats mama!!! What a beautiful name for I'm sure a beautiful baby! Hope to hear more but I'm sure you're soaking in your gorgeous angel. Enjoy it!

Haven, Sorry to hear about LO being breech. I'd suggest the acupuncture as well. I went to Lincoln Square Acupuncture ( which is a community acupuncture place. I didn't have a breech baby, but I did go there to help when we were TTC. Anyway, the people there are awesome, so I'd suggest it.
Remind me how many weeks you are? No one can tell you what to do, but if it were me, I'd try acupuncture and the other non-invasive methods before the version. They do wait until the baby is full term 37 wks before attempting the version, so your baby would be fully baked. Perhaps you can ask them to wait until 37+ or 38 weeks if it makes you feel better?
Which hospital will you be going to? Are you delivering @ Prentice? Ethan was born via a c-section at Prentice (failure to progress). Send me your email and I can go through my whole c-section birth experience for you if you're interested. Or if you know Skippy, Mara, Dee*Jay, I think they should be able to give you my email. I will say while I really wanted to have a v-birth, I don't feel cheated with my c-section. I never had really explicit birth plans and in a way, it's great you have the time to think and process this. (I also have 1 tiny baby cloth diapers and 1 cover if you want to use them while your bubs is little)

Haven! Everything will be ok. No one can wish a birth plan into happening no matter how many times or how much we think about or envision it. It just goes the way it goes. As long as the end result is a healthy baby and a healthy mama, it just doesn't matter how that miracle physically came to be.

I am SO rooting for you and your new family. You're going to be amazing.

Lulu, congratulations on Elizabeth Parker! I read through this thread earlier on my phone and almost SQUEALED in delight over what a beautiful name you've chosen! Ok, I might have actually squealed. Hugs! :appl: :wavey:

Congrats to all the mamas, going back to lurking now!
Just a quick from my hospital bed to thank everyone for their support and best wishes. We are still in shock and I'mmback on the drip as they still cannot stabilize my bp. Baby boy is going really well and is tiny but adorable it was definitely love at first sight. So far he has made 72 hours with no issues other than slight jaundice and the drs are hopeful there will be no major issues. He is very active and a feisty little one who likes pulling off his nappy and tubes!

Lulu congrats on your little girl, who would've thought our little ones would come on the same day!

Dandi hope bub hurries up for you so you get the birth you want, but at the end of the day bub will be here safely no matter which way it happens.

Hugs haven I know what it feels like having your plan go out the window but I just wanted to offer my experience. Although my caesar was an emergency I had a few hours to get used to the idea and no part of it was rushed or frantic. They gave me a spinal rather than an epidural as i obviously wasn't in labour and it was a preferable method. I seem to gave come to that conclusion at my birthing class the night before but cannot remember for the life of me why. The most painful experience of the whole lot was having several canulas put in my arms but that was for heaps of other things in addition to the caesar and they had trouble with my veins. The local and spinal
Were not painful but I was a little uncomfortable for a few minutes only. I never even felt the first cut or was aware it had even happened. I was completely focused the whole time and completely in the knowledge of what was happening. All I felt was some movement and pulling. Baby was out within 15 mins and they held him up for us to see immediately. Obviously my baby had to be rushed off but you will be different. I was back in my room within an hour max of him coming out but cos of my bp couldn't see him you will be different. I have had very minimal pain I expect I would be in more pain if I hadve pushed out a full term baby. I had very minimal pain relief other than paracetamol and they had me out of bed within 9 hours. I was able to mi e around have a shower the next morning when they took me off the drip for my bp. 3 days later I feel great, everything healing well no bathroom troubles etc. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you have a Caesar it can be a good experience and if it is planned then can be well controlled and you can make the experience yours. Whichever way it ends up all the best
MLK--It's so nice to hear from you! Thank you so much for sharing your story and for helping me feel better about all of this. I really, really appreciate it, especially considering how busy you must be right now!

Monnie--You are so right, and I so appreciate your awesome support. It really does mean a lot. Thank you. ::)

LC--We're going to check out Lincoln Park Acupuncture today, thank you so much for the referral! I wish I could get in touch with you somehow, but I don't know many PSers offline. Hmmm, I'll work on it. You are so amazing, thank you! I will be delivering at Prentice, yes. I feel very good and safe with Northwestern, here's hoping my hunch is correct about them!

LT--Thank you! I spent a lot of time on that website last night, and then a lot of time on my hands and knees trying to encourage baby to move. :cheeky:

Rosebloom--Thank you for sharing your story, it really helped me put things into perspective. I love the way you frame your memories of both births, it's inspiring really.

Meg--THANK YOU! Your support makes me feel a lot less selfish than I was feeling at the end of the day yesterday. I was worried that all my concerns were too me-focused and I wasn't putting the baby first but worried more about having a surgery *myself* and all that, and you reminded me that my needs and health are important, too, and that it is okay to be upset about this situation. I can't tell you how much I needed that. Breech does suck, doesn't it?

You ladies truly are amazing, can I say that? I know this is going to sound silly, but the last 24 hours have been really tough for me (mentally) and you have made them so much easier. I'm actually tearing up as I write this, I'm so grateful.

We're going to call the doctor in a couple minutes to tell him that we want to skip the ECV and opt for a C-section. He will schedule the C-section for a date after my due date in the hopes that I'll start to labor manually, so that is something I'm very happy about.

Ultimately, we reasoned that while the risks for the baby with the ECV are extremely, extremely low, there are still risks, and my reason for wanting the baby to be head-down is all about my own vision of what kind of birth I hoped for, and not as much about what's best for the baby. (I am upset that with a C-section I won't be able to have immediate bonding time after the birth, which I do think is important.) I know there are risks with a C-section, but we just don't know how the ECV will go, and so the unknowns are weighing too heavily on our minds.

Also, I'm 38w3d, would be at least 39w when we do the ECV, this is my first pregnancy, my fluid is on the low end of normal, baby's butt has already engaged, and baby apparently has a huge head (12.9 cm)--these are all things that make the ECV less likely to be successful. I read so many published studies about ECV last night, and on the whole it seems like a "Why wouldn't you just try it?" situation, but the *chance* that it could cause distress in the baby, as low as that chance is, coupled with all the factors that make me a less-than-desirable candidate for it, helped us come to the conclusion that it's no for us.

I would prefer a vaginal birth, and we're going to try acupuncture and other non-invasive techniques to nudge baby into the correct position, but ultimately if we end up with a C-section I am going to take the time between now and whenever that happens to come to peace with that possibility. I also wonder if there is a reason baby moved to this position--perhaps the cord is too short, or I have an odd-shaped uterus, or something else is going on that we won't know about until birth. We shall see.

I cannot thank you all enough for listening and responding to my fears and anxiety. I really am in awe of how amazing our little community is on PS. Thank you.
Haven - I saw that one of your concerns with the c-section is that you won't be able to do skin-to-skin right away. This is not always the case - some hospitals are moving to a "baby-friendly" or "family centered" model of care where there is skin-to-skin in the OR, no separation for recovery (if baby and mom are healthy and able), and nursing shortly after the c-section is finished.

My c-section was very similar to the one in this video, but in the U.S. and they didn't drop the drape during delivery - This might be something that your doctor is able to do. Or in my case, the hospital's routine c-section care.

Also, I too had a breech baby. I posted a little about my experience a while back to Megumic, on page 1217.

Okay, back to lurking now . . .
Oh Haven!!! Im so sorry, sweetie!!! All I can say is, no matter what the mode of delivery, its still amazing!!!! I can tell you there are HUGE pros and cons of each mode, and in the ultimate end, its the baby and Mommy's health that are the most important!! I had a c/s, and everything went fine, and the recovery was not bad at all. So dont be scared!!!

Also, I will tell you, as I told Meg I believe, that external versions JUST SUCK. I have only seen a couple successful ones out of many in my 13 year career so far as an L&D nurse. I have seen far more emergency c/s's resulting from the procedure because babies dont tolerate it very well, their little heart rates plummet, and then it turns into a scary,crappy emergency situation. Plus, its very painful for the Mom!!! I hate them!!! Also, your baby is a frank breech, which means that that little bum is well nestled into your pelvis. That baby is not going to turn with a version, period.

You're going to be fine!! Even if its a c/s, just ask the nurses to bring the baby to you asap when you're in recovery room. I saw my son and held him right away for about 10 mins as soon as he came out, then he went to the nursery for a bit to get his testing done. But then he was back out to me within the hour. Its such an amazing experience no matter how it happens, girlie!! Trust me!!! :))
Haven you are handling this so well and FWIW I think you've made a really good decision given all of the circumstances and with lots of reflection. I wish when my birth plans started to go awry that I could have been as graceful as you are! :)

Some hospitals will perform 'slower' c-sections that try to more closely mimic a vaginal birth - they wait for labour to start spontaneously; emerge baby very slowly, delay cord clamping, do skin to skin, initiate BF in theatre, and let baby stay with Mum in recovery. It might be something you could ask about? Also if they don't facilitate skin to skin for you, get your DH to do it. After my section DH did skin to skin with T until they brought me up from recovery (he got pooped on and was covered in hickeys from T trying to latch - a little payback I call it!). Some of the theatre staff actually tried to stop him but he just ignored them, and the midwives who came with us from L&D told him afterwards that they were so impressed with him! ; )

You will love the acupuncture, my sessions were the highlight of my week when I was pregnant, and moxa is super relaxing :)

Good luck!!!
Haven, so glad you made your choice - seems like the right one for you. And trying acupuncture and waiting to see if labor will start on its own are excellent ideas. I delivered both boys at Prentice and it's an incredible place. You'll be in very, very good hands. And you can order in from Fox and Obel, just a little tip. :). Another tip - they have great "stuff" - cold packs, blankets, onsies, blue absorbent blankety pads. Each time they come replenish the "stuff," stash whatever you like in your storage locker. Then the next nurse shift will restock everything again. A girlfriend told me to do this and it was so nice to come home with plenty of all the various things we got used to using in the hospital!

I'm going to have to meet this baby someday! And also "meet" your to die for ring... :)
Haven our dr let me Unstrap my arms and hold LO the moment DH brought him into the OR. While I couldn't really do skin to skin in the moment, I did do skin to skin in the recovery room. LO didn't leave our side the entire time at the hospital. Thankfully everything was ok with him so that made it possible for him to stay with me the entire time.

As for the actual csection, the spinal wasn't bad. The IV pain meds I got afterward helped a ton, but literally made me nod off so I asked for something different after a few hours so I could stay awake to enjoy and feed the baby. After the first night, I took Percocet and ibuprofen alternating for two days, then Just ibuprofen for a week and that was it. Although, I couldn't lay in bed because it was uncomfortable so i slept in the recliner glider for the first week or so and DH slept on the floor next to me. A saint.

I think you guys made a decision based on solid information. Feel at peace with that. And who knows, maybe baby will turn! Stay positive and focus on enjoying the last days of your pregnancy. baby will be here before you know it!
Haven, OK I'll try to post EVERYTHING about my c-section @ Prentice here then so you know about it. A lot of stuff was also in my birth story so I'm going to re-post it too. Gimme a sec to put everything together. I figure it'd be helpful for you other preggo mamas, too. **edited by moderator. please don't post such personal information online for your own safety**
OK Haven here's the c-section part of my delivery: **New edits in [] **

About 10AM the doc recommended a c-section. I was kinda bummed but it most important that E was healthy and at that time it was a non-emergent C-section, so the best we could hope for. [Not gonna lie, was really bummed and scared. The doc gave us sometime to discuss it, but we weren't really given any other options besides trying with more Pic. Ultimately we said OK with the c-section]. So they prepped me (shaved pubic area, increased Epi) and told DH to collect our stuff. [The nurses took DH to the OR recovery room, ] Gave DH a gown while they wheeled me off [to the OR]. They set up the OR, gave me bunch of drugs [hung stuff on IV, etc] and hung the drape [below my chest. During this time I was not strapped to the table, but I had my arms out in a T. They covered my chest and arms with sheets/blankets.] DH came in after the drape was hung and the drugs they gave me made me horribly cold and gave me the shakes BIG TIME. Teeth chattering and shivering. Anathesia Doc kept poking me [on the shoulder] with a toothpick maybe to see what I could feel. [Can you feel that? Can you feel that?] And DH kept telling me we were doing great etc. [The midwife would talk us through what they were doing. She stood between the sterile and non-sterile side. She was also hooded up in the gown, mask etc]. We heard Ethan cry, and the first thing the doctor said was like "WOW look how big his head is!!! He's got a HUGE head!" Whereupon DH (who also has a big head) apologized to me, a lot.

Anyway, so C-section, the nurses brought out Ethan to show DH and he was all blue and gooey. [Literally just held him up for him to see], Then they took him to get cleaned up [under the lights/in the infant table.] [Nurses] took DH around the "non-sterile" way to stand by Ethan as they were cleaning him. [DH was taking pictures and video of Ethan getting cleaned up and measured]. My MW stayed with me the whole time while DH was with Ethan. [She held my hand and explained everything that was happening. This is huge. If I didn't have a MW, I would've been shivering on a table with no one, and no knowing what was going on. Also to know, the MW told me, "Ok you're going to feel a lot of pressure." And then I was like OOF! It felt like someone was SITTING on me. My assumption is this was when they're closing me up but I'm not sure.] SO glad I went with the MW's. [If you don't have a midwife, ask for another nurse or resident to stay with you BEFORE they start anything. That way you have someone to keep you calm and walk you through everything while your DH is with the baby]

I was shivering like mad and was SO cold. [Something to note, you're going to shiver like CRAZY. A few reasons, the room is cold, the drugs they give you, and I think mostly because you're cut open, and your body is loosing a lot of body heat from being exposed. So you're going to shiver. A lot] Apparently I lost more blood than expected, 1300 units(?) so they had to keep me under observation in the OR recovery room.

Then they handed Ethan back to DH and he and Ethan were next to me while I was getting patched back up. [I can't remember if Ethan was crying, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't. He was literally being held by DH right next to me]. The nurses took Ethan back to take us to recovery. As I was being wheeled out of the OR, they asked if I wanted to hold Ethan. But I was shaking too much I didn't trust that I'd be able to hold him. [On retrospect I think I would've held him I'm sure the nurses would be there to make sure I didn't drop him or anything and I missed out on that extra holding time.] In OR recovery, it was just me on a gurney, Ethan in a medical bassinet and a few chairs for DH and our stuff. DH stayed with me for that time I still had the shakes, and my shoulders were getting tired from shivering so much. . [Finally when I felt my shivers weren't so bad, I asked to hold Ethan. he was sweet, quiet and stared at me with very wide eyes.] Sis came by around 2:30PM and stayed with me for a while. Then they called to have us transported up to the reguar recovery rooms. We were probably in the OR recovery room for a good few hours, and I had nothing to drink. I was PARCHED!!!! I was finally allowed to have some ice chips but still very thirsty. [Ask for the ice chips when you're recovered from the shivers. THey will not let you drink anything because they don't want you to throw up. I in fact did throw up water when I pounded 1L of water when they took us to the regular recovery room. So when you're finally allowed to drink, only have a few oz at a time, no matter how parched you are]

So in the OR recovery room, we tried to get E to breastfeed [The nurses in fact encourage you to try], but he just unable to do it. And he was crying and screaming so much, he was wearing himself out so we gave him formula. We tried feeding with him again in upstairs (non-OR) recovery and again he was not breast feeding again, the nurses checked his blood glucose and said he'll be OK to just try again later. I was realy discouraged and called one of my friends who BF her son, and who also had trouble getting it started. She talked me off the ledge, it was really helpful. We supplemented with a finger feed, where they tape a tiny capillary tube to your finger and the baby sucks on your finger and gets formula through the tube. So we did that Ethan's first night and most of the next day whenever he had to eat. I still tried to offer the boob, but he'd get so pissed it just wasn't working.
Ladies, you are AMAZING! I'm exhausted from a long day at work (ALL of my final grades are IN! I am officially done, just need to hold conferences next week, woot!) so I'm going to come back and respond to everyone later. Let me just say now that I'm feeling much more at peace with our decision, and I owe a lot of that to you.
Haven, just wanted to chime in that I'm so sorry about the roller coaster of emotions you've had over the past couple of days and I'm very glad you're at peace with your decision. I had to choose between a completely natural birth or a c-section under general anesthesia and I wrestled with it for a very long time. After talking with my doctors several times, I decided to go with the c-section and once the decision was made, I also felt at peace. I admittedly had a little pity party over not being able to experience a vaginal birth (and also for not being able to be conscious for K's birth), but it's okay to have a pity party. Once I laid eyes on K, I could not have cared less how she got here. She'd entered the world and was healthy and I didn't give it a second thought.

I'm thinking of you and while you may not be having a vaginal delivery, you may very well get to experience labor :)
NEL--Thank you so much for your support. I love hearing that once you laid eyes on K nothing else really mattered. I know this is how I'm going to feel, too, (at least I hope!) and I keep trying to remind myself that the baby's birth is just the beginning of a lifetime of important events, not THE important event.

LC--THANK YOU SO MUCH for posting your birth story and all of that information! I am so grateful. It is so nice to have some concrete expectations about what might happen. I'm so relieved to hear that Ethan was able to be with you in the OR recovery room. A friend of mine just had a C-section 11 weeks ago and she wasn't able to hold her baby for five hours after her birth.
How many days were you in the hospital after E's birth?

Meg--I'm so hopeful after learning that you got to hold your baby after your C-section. I'm going to talk to my doctor this Tuesday about what will happen right after surgery, and express our desire to be with the baby as much as possible. We were hoping to have the baby room-in with us at the hospital, so I really hope this is still going to be an option. I love that your baby never left your side! Gosh I hope we can have a similar experience.
I'm a bit nervous about the meds because I took vicodin after my wisdom tooth removal and it made me weepy and sleepy, so I'm not sure how I'll react to other pain meds. I'm so encouraged to hear that you weren't on heavy doses for very long.

Rosebloom--Another Prentice mama! I love it. I wrote down Fox and Obel and told DH he'll have to order in from them when we're there. :cheeky: And now I'm planning on bringing an extra bag so we can filch all the goodies they bring into the room! :cheeky:
We will definitely have to plan a Chicago GTG in 2013, I'd love that!

Buttons--Ha! If I seem graceful it's only because whining and crying doesn't come through in writing! :cheeky: I love the idea of DH doing skin-to-skin if I can't, definitely put that into our plan.
I've never had acupuncture before, so I'm looking forward to it.

Dani--THANK YOU! I copied your post and sent it to DH. Knowing what you shared makes me feel so much better about our decision, I can't even tell you. I love that you got to hold your son right after your surgery, too, I'm so encouraged to hear this.

redline--Thank you for sharing that video! I'm going to ask my doctor about their procedures, hopefully they are baby friendly. I read your experience yesterday when I was going back through the red, thank you so much for sharing it.

Thank you all once again! I've totally monopolized this thread in a very exciting time for our new mamas, so I'm so sorry for doing that. I can't wait to hear more about our newest of the next generation of PSers!

I'm doing much, much better today and I had a surge of energy that helped me actually get some things done. I've been trying the home remedies for getting the baby to turn, no turning yet, but I'll keep at it. Going to get acupuncture next week, I will report on how that goes, too. Now I'm just focusing on being grateful that we have this baby coming, regardless of how he or she makes an entrance into the world. Thank you all again so much for being such an amazing, supportive community.
lliang_chi|1354912363|3325692 said:
OK Haven here's the c-section part of my delivery: **New edits in [] **

About 10AM the doc recommended a c-section. I was kinda bummed but it most important that E was healthy and at that time it was a non-emergent C-section, so the best we could hope for. [Not gonna lie, was really bummed and scared. The doc gave us sometime to discuss it, but we weren't really given any other options besides trying with more Pic. Ultimately we said OK with the c-section]. So they prepped me (shaved pubic area, increased Epi) and told DH to collect our stuff. [The nurses took DH to the OR recovery room, ] Gave DH a gown while they wheeled me off [to the OR]. They set up the OR, gave me bunch of drugs [hung stuff on IV, etc] and hung the drape [below my chest. During this time I was not strapped to the table, but I had my arms out in a T. They covered my chest and arms with sheets/blankets.] DH came in after the drape was hung and the drugs they gave me made me horribly cold and gave me the shakes BIG TIME. Teeth chattering and shivering. Anathesia Doc kept poking me [on the shoulder] with a toothpick maybe to see what I could feel. [Can you feel that? Can you feel that?] And DH kept telling me we were doing great etc. [The midwife would talk us through what they were doing. She stood between the sterile and non-sterile side. She was also hooded up in the gown, mask etc]. We heard Ethan cry, and the first thing the doctor said was like "WOW look how big his head is!!! He's got a HUGE head!" Whereupon DH (who also has a big head) apologized to me, a lot.

Anyway, so C-section, the nurses brought out Ethan to show DH and he was all blue and gooey. [Literally just held him up for him to see], Then they took him to get cleaned up [under the lights/in the infant table.] [Nurses] took DH around the "non-sterile" way to stand by Ethan as they were cleaning him. [DH was taking pictures and video of Ethan getting cleaned up and measured]. My MW stayed with me the whole time while DH was with Ethan. [She held my hand and explained everything that was happening. This is huge. If I didn't have a MW, I would've been shivering on a table with no one, and no knowing what was going on. Also to know, the MW told me, "Ok you're going to feel a lot of pressure." And then I was like OOF! It felt like someone was SITTING on me. My assumption is this was when they're closing me up but I'm not sure.] SO glad I went with the MW's. [If you don't have a midwife, ask for another nurse or resident to stay with you BEFORE they start anything. That way you have someone to keep you calm and walk you through everything while your DH is with the baby]

I was shivering like mad and was SO cold. [Something to note, you're going to shiver like CRAZY. A few reasons, the room is cold, the drugs they give you, and I think mostly because you're cut open, and your body is loosing a lot of body heat from being exposed. So you're going to shiver. A lot] Apparently I lost more blood than expected, 1300 units(?) so they had to keep me under observation in the OR recovery room.

Then they handed Ethan back to DH and he and Ethan were next to me while I was getting patched back up. [I can't remember if Ethan was crying, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't. He was literally being held by DH right next to me]. The nurses took Ethan back to take us to recovery. As I was being wheeled out of the OR, they asked if I wanted to hold Ethan. But I was shaking too much I didn't trust that I'd be able to hold him. [On retrospect I think I would've held him I'm sure the nurses would be there to make sure I didn't drop him or anything and I missed out on that extra holding time.] In OR recovery, it was just me on a gurney, Ethan in a medical bassinet and a few chairs for DH and our stuff. DH stayed with me for that time I still had the shakes, and my shoulders were getting tired from shivering so much. . [Finally when I felt my shivers weren't so bad, I asked to hold Ethan. he was sweet, quiet and stared at me with very wide eyes.] Sis came by around 2:30PM and stayed with me for a while. Then they called to have us transported up to the reguar recovery rooms. We were probably in the OR recovery room for a good few hours, and I had nothing to drink. I was PARCHED!!!! I was finally allowed to have some ice chips but still very thirsty. [Ask for the ice chips when you're recovered from the shivers. THey will not let you drink anything because they don't want you to throw up. I in fact did throw up water when I pounded 1L of water when they took us to the regular recovery room. So when you're finally allowed to drink, only have a few oz at a time, no matter how parched you are]

So in the OR recovery room, we tried to get E to breastfeed [The nurses in fact encourage you to try], but he just unable to do it. And he was crying and screaming so much, he was wearing himself out so we gave him formula. We tried feeding with him again in upstairs (non-OR) recovery and again he was not breast feeding again, the nurses checked his blood glucose and said he'll be OK to just try again later. I was realy discouraged and called one of my friends who BF her son, and who also had trouble getting it started. She talked me off the ledge, it was really helpful. We supplemented with a finger feed, where they tape a tiny capillary tube to your finger and the baby sucks on your finger and gets formula through the tube. So we did that Ethan's first night and most of the next day whenever he had to eat. I still tried to offer the boob, but he'd get so pissed it just wasn't working.

What a wonderful story to share - I learned a ton. May I ask who your midwives are? I was with Ariel/Julie/Eileen etc and wondering if you worked with the same practice group!
Haven, you're welcome my dear!!!! I'm glad I could provide you with some comfort. I just tried to speak honestly about my experiences, and I'm happy it helped you. I know you're going to be fine!!!:)
Wow I can't believe how much has been happening in here! I mostly lurk because I have no energy to post... :sick: after seeing so much discussion about the chicco keyfit30 I actually axed my Britax plan and went with the Chicco system. I actually really prefer the Britax b-agile stroller but the chicco has so much more storage. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that shared their thoughts a few pages back.

Now... My question... Has anyone had to get iron infusions before? I am starting three weeks of infusions on Monday and I am quite honestly petrified. I read that people can die from them. In July when I had my blood work done, my hemoglobin was 10.9. I was put on iron. Problem with that is that I would throw it up or would skip a day or two to um.... Have a BM because they backed me up. Well, had my 1 hr glucose test (failed) and my hemoglobin was 9.4.

I have been feeling like DEATH lately. No energy, sleeping 10-12 hrs a day, black under eye circles. There is not a drop of pregnancy glow on THIS body :) I am hoping the low iron and low ferritin explain this??

I am also super paranoid because when I talked to the nurse that told me I needed the iron infusions she asked when my c-section is scheduled for. I am 27 weeks and don't have one scheduled. She said that usually women will get iron like this before their c-section.... Now I'm thinking that she let it slip that I need one?!?

I have my 3hr glucose Thursday and I am not looking forward to it. I barely made it through the one hour.. Not sure how I'm going to get through 3 hrs. So combined with the iron problem, low BP and IF I have GD... I am looking at a c-section maybe? I don't know what to think. I am really scared. Of course every baby scan/ checkup has been perfect- it's just her host (me) that is withering away.

I am not trying to be overly dramatic, but I feel like I need to prepare myself and my husband if I don't make it through this in one piece.
mlk congrats to you!! hope that you are doing well now & that you are relishing that special baby boy! what name did you choose?

haven just popping in to say, I'm glad you all were able to come to a decision that is best for you all. as others have said, mourn the loss of the labor you imagined but stay focused on the fact that no matter what type of labor you have, it all ends with your baby out in the world with you! once you lay your eyes on baby everything else really doesn't matter.

bean sorry to hear about everything your dealing with...just wanted to give you some solidarity for the 3hr gtt. I failed my one hour too & was just sure that meant I would fail the 3 hr but somehow I survived the test & passed well w/in normal range.

dandiandi baby still happily baking away?? you must just be a really comfortable home :)

thank you to everyone for the congrats!! we are just enjoying our little girl--i keep saying to her, "can you believe you lived in mommys belly?!" she's just the sweetest, most adorable baby ever (not even a little biased)! we've had jaundice concerns and have had to have a blood draw everyday except today but *fingers crossed* all results have come back good so far. I will share my birth story but have not had the energy to write it yet ( and need dh's help w/the timeline--I'm already losing track of days & hours).
I'm going to attempt to attach a pic of "Ellie" if ps cooperates ;) be back soon, ladies. can't wait for all these new arrivals!!

Awww Lulu... She's beautiful! Congrats :appl:
Lulu, what a looker you have! :love:

Ladies, if you're having swelling what kind of shoes are you wearing ? This is my third pregnancy but I've never had swelling before. I have no ankles and my feet are busting out of my flats. I wore sweater boots today and even those made marks on my feet. BP is good at 105/60 so I don't think it's indicative of a problem. I'm just wondering how I'm going to manage this for the next 10 weeks.
Bean, haven't has low iron but that's definitely the most likely cause of you feeling badly. I hope the injections go well. Maybe they can suggest something to help relieve the associated constipation.
Oh m goodness lulu, she is absolutely stunning!! I want one!! :cheeky: You're such a clever mama! :love:

Well the weirdest thing just happened to me. I was innocently brushing my teeth this morning when I felt a gush down below, and a heap of clear fluid tricked out, I thought for sure it was my membranes rupturing! I called the hospital and explained what had happened, and they asked me to come in within the hour. Strangely enough no more fluid seemed to appear, and I had no contractions, jsut the usual BHs. DH and I went to hospital, had a CTG and pelvic examination. I'm not dilated or effaced AT ALL, and baby's head is still high. My OB said he doesn't know what the gush was, but it certainly wasn't my water breaking. What the?! :confused: He's not sure what it was. My bladder was empty so I know it wasn't that, but aside from that I'm baffled!! So at this rate Friday's induction is looking pretty much set in stone, seeing as I've made zero progress thus far. So now I'm sitting at home still completely bamboozled! :cheeky:

40 weeks 4 days.
Dandi- Keep an eye on that, dear. Many times, a patient will be sent home because the tests at the hospital will come back negative for a rupture. However, sometimes at the time they examine you, there is just not enough fluid to collect, but in reality, you can have a small leak or tear in the amniotic sac and be slowly leaking. So, if you continue to have unexplained leakage throughout the day, go back in to be checked, k? Otherwise, if it wasnt urine, it may have just been a heap of discharge that is so lovely and comes towards the end :o
Good luck!!!

Bean- I read your post quickly. Sorry about the iron transfusions. Honestly though, they are a fairly common treatment method for the iron deficiency anemia that so often comes with pregnancy. They are also very safe. Your ob and your hematologist should continue to monitor your CBC's until your hemoglobin rises appropriately. As you get closer to delivery, this is super important, because obviously you will lose blood during that time. Hang in there!!!

Hi to everyone else!! :wavey:
Lulu--Ellie is beautiful!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
You must be over the moon in love with her. I can't wait to hear more, but don't you come back here until you are good and ready, mama!

Andi--Hmmm, that is very strange. I totally would have thought it was your waters breaking. I wonder if Dani is right and it was. Here's hoping, lady! I cannot wait to *meet* your baby . . . I have a feeling it's going to happen soon!

Pupp--My feet have been swelling a lot, too. I've been putting on a pair of Minnetonka boots on as soon as I can in the morning, and I actually find that wearing them keeps the swelling down. They aren't as tight as some of my other shoes, but last week I made it all day at work with minimal swelling in my feet, got home, took the boots off, propped my feet up, and BAM! They looked like stuffed sausages. I wonder if they work like compression hose or something? Anyway, putting shoes on *before* the major swelling begins has been working for me. Good luck, I know how uncomfortable it is.

Bean--Gosh, I don't know anything about the iron, but I can tell you that having to schedule a C-section isn't the end of the world. I definitely posted a saga on here about my breech baby, but now it's only four days after I got the news and I'm feeling 1,000 times better about it. Talking about it, especially here on PS, was amazing. I also keep reminding myself that I could have ended up with a surprise C-section in the end, anyway, so now at least I can be fully prepared (mentally, at least) for it. And I also remind myself how lucky we are that as far as we know baby is healthy. But if they tell you you'll need a C-section, take as much time as you need to mourn the birth experience you won't be able to have, and then seek out support here and IRL, it really will help.
Good luck with your 3-hour glucose. I can't remember if I did a 2- or 3-hour test, but I brought a book to read and that helped me get through it.

Dani--Thank you! You are the best. ::)
Rosebloom, those are half of the names of the midwives, so I'm guessing yes, we had the same practice. Eileen was with me during the night and Meredith was with me during delivery. Really an amazing group of ladies and they did a lot to a first time mama like me. :)
Lulu, Ellie is such a cutie pie I just want to pinch those cheeks. Hope you are settling in well together.

Haven, I think you have made a great plan and knowing the exact procedure of how the csection works would have certainally made it less stressful for me on the day and one less thing to be worried out. Enjoy acupuncture it can do marvelous things.

Dandi, oh I am feeling for you , hopefully Melbourne hasnt been too hot for you. Looking forward to meeting your bub very soon.

Bean, I can't comment on your iron but read my post last week in response to haven about my csection, it really was very smooth and the recovery so far has been amazing for better I imagine than if I hadve pushed out a full term baby.

Pupp, omg the swelling. My swelling got so bad the only shoes I could wear were thongs (I think you guys call them flip flops) into work and I work in a law firm. It got to the stage where even the thongs were getting too tight and i didn't know what I was going to be able to do. The day after delivery my husband said my face changed completely overnight and that he didn't realize how swollen I was!

Hi to everyone else

AFM, still here in hospital a week later as they cannot stabilize my blood pressure. It has been up so consistently that at times I struggle to be allowed to go to the nicu. The good news is that bub is doing well and seems to be in good health, just a little immature in development and sO teeny tiny. I would post a pic but can't seem to do it from my iPhone. Oh and I forgot to say his name is Lucas Jude. Can't believe he's a week old today