
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks, meg and Ltl!

I've resigned myself to the cs tomorrow morning, which is good since it's happening in 12 hours!! :bigsmile: :errrr: :bigsmile: We took the kids to see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 for one last movie as a family before Hannah is old enough to go too. It was nice to spend a little time with them and bittersweet to feel Hannah kicking away. I absolutely can't wait to meet her but the nostalgia is already kicking in! Yes, I'm sure we're done though!! :tongue:

Ltl, it's really great to hear that you're doing well and I'm not surprised in the least that you're busy! I'd love to see a pic of them if you have time. :))
FPS it sounds like the baby's room is going to be your sanctuary until your DH and dad get the rest of the house done! LOL. I hope they get that bathroom put together! Putting on 14 pounds in 26 weeks doesn't sound like too much. They say between 20 and 30 is good. I am at 16 weeks and still haven't gained a pound. :errrr: They didn't say anything to me at the doctor's though when I went yesterday. I really hope my appetite picks up soon.

Missy and FPS both of your baby bumps are adorable! I still don't really have much of one!

Tammy I wish you all the luck today in meeting your new little one!

We just had our 16 week appointment yesterday. We heard the heartbeat on the doppler and everything was normal. Not much of an exciting update I realize now. :lol: Next up is the gender scan in four weeks.
Gem, you're probably right! Thankfully DH is really working his tush off with the house, but some days it just doesn't feel like enough. Scheesh!

As for the weight gain, I didn't really see much happen until around 18 weeks for me. I think I gained 2-3lbs before then, but nothing really afterwards. In the last 8 weeks, that is where I have really noticed the gaining, which is probably why it all feels so weird. I just went to my midwife's this morning and she is really happy with the weight gain (it's 16lbs total, now) and my belly is measuring perfectly. As for the bump, we wanna see it!! Post a small baby bump because in another 4 weeks, you'll totally see a difference!

Also, I think the non-exciting posts are good because dang it, pregnant women don't need craziness in their lives lol
Ahh Tammy, today is the day! I hope everything went well, and you are holding your beautiful little girl in your arms right now!
Holy smokes, Tammy, it's baby day!! I forgot until I saw MP's post..good luck to you and yours and I sincerely hope she comes quickly and is just perfect for you...woohoo!!! :appl:
Tammy=hope all is well! I've been checking this thread compulsively all day until I remembered that you live on the west coast :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tammy, I'm so excited for you!! I hope you have your baby girl in your arms and are getting lots of rest. Happy birthday to her!
Hi all!

Don't have the energy to post much right now but we're all doing well. :) Here's a photo until I can post her story. She was 6lbs 9 oz and so perfect!

Congratulations Tammy! Such a beautiful little baby and so worth the long wait! So happy for you I can hardly stand it!
Congratulations, Tammy!! What an adorable, sleepy girl! I bet you could just watch her for hours. I loved the little yawns.
Tammy! I was trying to catch up this morning and saw your post. I feel like I just read about your BFP. Amazing! Huge congrats to you and your family.

She's absolutely perfect!
Congratulations, Tammy!! What a sweet little pumpkin!
AAAWWWW!!!! Welcome Hannah!!!! Congrats Tammy, she is precious.
Tammy - Awww!! So sweet!! And I love her name! Congratulations!! Enjoy all of the early beautiful moments.
Congratulations Tammy! Hannah is a beautiful baby!
Thank you all for the sweet comments. :) I can't believe she's only been with us for a little over 36 hours! It feels like she's always been with us. So far she's done really well and I'm okay too. Hannah's bf'ing pretty well and hasn't lost too much weight but I hope my milk comes in tomorrow. I can't wait for that! She's quickly learned that sleeping on mommy or daddy is far nicer than the cold bassinet. So lots of skin to skin contact, nursing and sleepy baby snuggles going on. I can't believe this perfect little baby is ours. :love:

Oh speaking of perfect, her pediatrician checked her over and said she looks great! Her head is in the 3rd to 5th percentile and that's just fine. I can't believe I spent so much time worrying about it. She has the sweetest little face and I LOVE her nose. Okay I'm going to stop gushing but I'll leave you with a milk drunk sleeping baby picture. :bigsmile:

OH TAMMY!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: She is so beautiful and squishy and adorable and PERFECT!! I am so, so happy for you my love, it's been such a long road for you, and SHE'S HERE!!! Ahhhhhh I'm so rapt, congratulations!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Congratulations, Tammy, Hannah is so beautiful!! :love:
Tammy, you're 5 days in with 3 little girls in the does it feel?

AFM, DH painted the nursery and we're going with the in-laws to buy the crib this weekend...ahhh!!! I'm so excited that I finally get to start nesting in there! Seriously, I am so happy that I can actually start doing stuff and I'm in LOVE with the minty green color we picked for her walls. Hope she loves it!
Tammy - Hannah is absolutely beautiful!!! I hope you all are doing well. This makes me SO excited for our little girl to arrive!
Tammy, I would also love to hear how the family is doing when you get a chance! I know you have your hands full!

FPS, so exciting that you can start nesting--I know it makes it all feel so real. I'd love to see a pic of the mint green walls, it sounds adorable. And getting the crib will be so much fun!

AFM, I'm in super nesting mode, but can't start working on the nursery since the painters haven't come yet, so I'm directing all of my nesting to non-baby projects (which I really don't have time for). Still haven't found the perfect antique dresser for the nursery (which I plan to paint turquoise), but am on the hunt.

I have resolved the childcare problem, which is wonderful. I'm also feeling her move a lot more these days, which is fun. Not too much stuff to buy, just debating things like whether or not I should get a double stroller or hold off until I'm sure I need it.
Congrats Tammy! SHe is just beautiful! Enjoy these first tiny moments!

I'm still sick and kind of miserable with the puking (it's back :knockout: ), but Roo is moving all the time which is nice. You can feel and sometimes see the kicks from the outside now :eek:

Today I keep having this weird stabbing pain on my left side, almost like when you get a "stitch" when you run. I doubt it is a big deal, but keep debating if I should call my Dr. or not.

We test drove strollers yesterday and I am kind of leaning towards the Uppababy Cruz. DH liked it too...we narrowed it down to CitiMini GT, Bumbleride Indie, and the Cruz before we went to the store. I was surprised how much I loved the reversing seat and how much lighter and easy to maneuver it felt than the Vista (it only weighs like 3 lbs less, but the narrower footprint and smaller wheels make a huge difference)!

I am still trying to find a NYC retailer where he can try out the Indie and then once we decide on our stroller we'll be done with our registry :appl: We have a weird hodgepodge of items b/c we already had some baby stuff and some stuff leftover from our son. It still feels like a ton of items on our list though, so we'll probably try to narrow it down some more before we share with friends and family.

I am also starting to research doulas and birthing classes to see if we can find an affordable Bradley class to take.

I am starting to let go of my visions of a glowy, happy, non-nauseous 2nd trimester and just focus on the third tri since I am almost 23 weeks now...
Hi all! Glad to see more have joined the thread. I have been checking in throughout my pregnancy to see how everyone is doing.

AFM, I am officially overdue. I was due 10/10. I'm feeling pretty good just anxious for the little one to get here. I think I've tried every natural induction suggestion possible and still nothing. Doctor said we will talk about inducing at my apt. On Wednesday. Cross your fingers for me she decides to come before then. I'll keep you posted on the birth.

The past 9 plus months have flown by. We sold our place, bought a new house, started a huge renovation, moved into a rental, and I got promoted. It has been challenging to balance however everything is falling into place. I apologize I haven't been able to connect more with all of you but please know I have been checking in and thinking of everyone. Take care!!
Bella. I have the gt and the vista. The vista was a gift from a friend. While she's not here yet, I put the vista in storage as the gt seems much more versatile for our city living. It's light and it folds so easily. Also, I have an amazing doula. I'll let you know how our birth goes and if you want I can pass you her information. Let me know.
Hi girls!!

I'm sorry that I haven't been back yet to respond. It's been a pretty sleep deprived week, not because she's a fussy baby (she isn't, yet...), but because I'm still adjusting to the nursing schedule. She eats every 2-3 hours, sometimes less. She went one 4.5 hour stretch the other night because bad mommy shut they alarm off without realizing it. That was some great sleep though! :lol:

Life with Hannah in the house is pretty darn awesome so far. She may snap out of this great sleeper/minimal fussy personality, but I hope not! She is just amazing and worth every second of infertility/pregnancy related pain. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. In fact, I told DH he better get the big V done ASAP! LOL

I'm so excited for you all. Enjoy as much of the first week as you can, even though it's tough sleep wise. I can already see that she's started to change physically and looks different than when she was a day or two old. I want to freeze time and just love on her little face. :love: Sorry for gushing. :oops:

Oh, I guess it would be nice to talk a bit about her delivery! My cs was uneventful, which is good. I was pleasantly surprised when they let her stay on my chest while they finished working on me and the nurses helped me bf her in recovery. That was wonderful! I also got some adorable photos of DH holding her when I was in recovery. The nurses took them for us. I have to say that our hospital was just awesome. I'm one week post op now and I'm on just Motrin. They gave me Norco as well, but it made Hannah and I so sleepy that I only took 3-4 total since being home and stopped completely yesterday morning. It's still painful, but I'm able to walk around pretty well and am getting back into the swing of things. I'm hoping by next week I can start walking the kids to school, but I need to figure out the moby wrap first!

Missy, you'll love having a little girl!! :bigsmile: They're so precious and all those little girl out!

Bella, I so hope you do get to have a period of time with no nausea but at least you're over the hump, I suppose? Baby will be worth it, but you know that already! How's B lately?

NEL, hurray for being able to nest!! It's funny, we spent all this time on Hannah's nursery and she's been living in the pack n play in the living area or in her snuggle nest in our bed.

Emerald, I hope that you've been able to go into labor and have your little one already! I'm sure going overdue is no walk in the park. :errrr:

FPS, Have fun with the nursery! Do we get pictures? I was a bad preggo in waiting, I never posted Hannah's! Oops...

Well ladies, I'm going to go try to get some breakfast while little miss takes her after breakfast nap. Take care all and can't wait for more baby announcements!
Hi everyone,

I can't believe how much time has flown. Tammy, Congratulations.

I finally have a few minutes to post about the birth story.

As you all know, I went into labor at 35 weeks. I started having cramping that was worse than usual. I was put on the monitor in the morning, and was not contracting. At mid afternoon, I could not do anything because the pelvic pain was too much. The nurse called a resident, who kind of blew it off to the weight of the babies. Than the attending came in (the same one who admitted me), and checked me. She put me back on the monitor, and it was going crazy with contractions and my cervix was still at 5 cm, but 90% effaced.

I was transferred to L&D, and 2 hours later I was at 7 cm. I asked for an epidural, and the anesthesiologist told me it was too early!!! I waited a few more hours, and than demanded it. At that point he was in a c-section and could not do it. So my husband threw a fit, and they brought someone from another floor to do it. After the epidural I fell asleep. The next morning I was still at 7 cm. The senior resident came in with a bunch of other residents and said I was at the point of no return, and suggested augmentation by breaking my water. I agreed. After my membranes were ruptured, things went pretty quickly, and my epidural was not working, so I full on felt the contractions. The day time anesthesiologist was much better than the night time one and said my infusion was too low, and turned it up. That worked. In 2 hours I was complete, and they moved me to the OR. About an hour after pushing, Clara was born, and the delivery seemed like a breeze. Looking back, I remember the senior resident and attending looking concerned as they were doing a move to guard from tearing.

Than the trouble started. My uterus thought it was done! My contractions went from 2 minutes to 10 minutes apart. They started pitocin.
I was able to push the head about 2 cm. An hour went by. Than the baby started having changes in his heart rate and decels. The attending and resident said there were 2 options, forceps or c-section. I elected to do forceps. Grant came right out with the forceps, but was depressed from a respiratory standpoint and was rushed to the NICU. My epidural did not work with the forceps. They than told me I had a 3rd degree laceration that might cause me long term problems and needed to be repaired. I can tell you the laceration repair was worse than actually giving birth. So they decided to put morphine in my epidural. It took over an hour to do the repair. I asked them if I should have gone for the c-section, and they could not answer saying both would have had complications. I later found out, I had the laceration with the first one, who had a very small head (10% for 35 weeks), not with the forceps which is more typical for lacerations to happen.

I went to the PACU to recover, and the nurse was not told I had morphine in my epidural. An hour after recovery, she attempted to put me in a wheel chair to transport me back. That did not go well, I passed out. The resident thought I had lost too much blood, and started me on lots of fluids. It took 2 hours to transport me back to my room, and it took me another 8 hours to be able to sit up and get in a wheel chair to see the babies.

The twins both had respiratory distress, but neither needed to be intubated. By the next day, they were both off oxygen They also had drops in their blood pressure that lasted less than 24 hours, and Clara had a mild apnea spell which bought her a 5 day watch. I started pumping in the PACU, and was able to just give them breast milk for 3 days. But than Grant started blowing his IVs and I had to start formula. They both ended up jaundice, and on phototherapy. By 1 week of life, both babies were able to come home.

As for now, things are busy. I am really trying to breast feed. Grant is just starting to latch and stay on, and Clara is a very weak suck. So I am pumping and feeding, and it is taking all my time. They correct to term this week, so I am hoping they will get better with their suck so they can go to breast. But right now my supply is not where it needs to be. So I am trying all the things you can do to increase supply, including some herbal remedies. But both babies are doing great, gaining weight well. My mother in law has been here for the last 2 weeks, and she is leaving tomorrow, so things are about to get more busy!

As for me, I am healing well. The senior resident has made a point to do all my follow ups. She is sending me to a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor disorders to help with my healing. I just started walking and grocery shopping last week, and hope to start light exercise this week.

Here are the babies :-).


Firecracker! Thanks for checking in. Clara and Grant are just beautiful! Congratulations. You are a rock star for delivering 2 babies vaginally too! Good luck with the breast feeding. I know it's hard and tiring with one so I cannot imagine 2! Hang in there and get some rest when you can.
LtlFirecracker-Wow, you are a rockstar!!!! Congrats on the delivery (and for keeping those babies baking for so long!!!). I really hope that the PT helps and you are back to full activity soon.

Clara and Grant are gorgeous! :love: :love: :love: :love:
Congrats Ltl!! So glad they are both healthy and with only a 1 week NICU stay. You are a rockstar momma, that's for sure! Clara and Grant are so adorable.