
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thank you, MP. I am sure that you're right too. They've looked her over so many times and she truly doesn't have any other markers that would indicate true microcephaly. Add to that the fact that it's very rare and I can't help but have a (possibly false, I know) sense of security. It's just that whole not wanting any outliers to pop up feeling, I'm certain that's pretty normal.

Other than her little bean and slightly smaller tummy, everything looks good. Heart rate was 147, she was bouncing all over the place too. I'm really surprised that she was head down and I mean WAY down. No wonder I've been feeling differences in her movements. Anyhow, thanks again. I'm currently crocheting a pretty little lavender blanket for her that is coming skin nicely. After that , I'm going to make photo memory books for my older DDs and by the time those are all done, MIL will be here! She comes in on Oct 1st, Hannah arrived Oct 4th, so 14 more sleeps. I can do this. :))
Name: Isla Rae Marie
DOB: September 18, 2013
Gestational Age: 40 weeks 3 days
Wt: 7lbs 4oz.
Length: 21 inches

I went to my Dr.'s appointment on Wednesday morning at 9am for an ultrasound and NST and a follow up appointment to discuss induction. The ultrasound went great, fluid levels were fine, baby was still head down, everything was great. They then hooked me up to the NST and I knew immediately they were probably going to be sending me in to get induced because the baby started having slight drops in heart rate with the contractions I was having (the same thing happened with my previous pregnancy). They unhooked me from the machine and I had the follow up appointment. I was 4cm and 70% effaced. She told me they were going to send me in for extended monitoring but that she expected the delivery doctor on call to just keep me because I was post term and was already dilated.

At 1:30 they finally came and told me that yes, they were going to keep me and start the induction. I transferred rooms and was hooked up to the Pitocin at 2:20pm.

Around 6:00-6:30pm contractions started to get painful. I was able to just close my eyes and breath through them but it was getting more painful. My guests finally left around 7:00pm. At this point the contractions were really bad and my husband was getting nervous so he had me call for the epidural and thank god he did.

Around 7:30, I asked to use the bathroom because I knew I wouldn't be able to get up once the epidural was inserted. As I'm returning and getting into bed, I feel my water break. Contractions are now even worse.

8:15pm epidural arrives and does absolutely nothing. Nurse checks my cervix and I'm still at 4cm! At this point the contractions are out of control and the nurse keeps asking if I have the urge to push--she thinks I must be dilating quickly and that's why the epidural isn't kicking in. I told her no--I've given birth twice and this feeling wasn't like that at all.

8:45pm-they come in and up the epidural levels. And the nurse checks me again--10cm and baby is down low ready to go!! I went from 4cm to ready to push in 30 minutes! The epidural couldn't keep up with how fast I was dilating and that's why I could feel everything.

Even though I was ready to push, they decided to let me rest and try and get that second dose take effect so that I wouldn't feel anything during pushing. And it worked, as it finally kicked in and I had some relief! We were informed that it was possible the cord was wrapped around her neck and that was why her heart rate was still dipping.

9:45, I start pushing and at 10:08pm, the doctor, nurse and my husband all announced that it was a baby girl! The cord was not around her neck--she was face up and turned at the last push.

Isla Rae Marie came in screaming at 7lbs 4oz and 21 inches. She's absolutely beautiful and her big brother and sister are doing great with her!



Awwww!! Tao, she's BEAUTIFUL!! :love: Congratulations! :appl: I love her name too, just perfect.
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: YAY TAO!!! Welcome baby Isla!

She is so cute! I love her little furrowed brow in the last pic:-)
Congrats Tao!! She is beautiful!!!
Tao, congrats!! Isla is beautiful! And wow--4cm to 10cm in 30 minutes! That is some dilation! Thanks for sharing the birth story, I always love hearing them.

Tammy, I meant to reply last week. So sorry for the stress over her measurements--I know that has to be very hard for you. I totally agree with MP that it's hard to get an accurate measurement when you're this close to delivery and it sounds like your doc is very up-front, so he would be more concerned if he thought there was a real issue. The good news is that in a couple of weeks you'll have your sweet baby in your arms and all of this worry will be a memory.

Ice, are you still hanging in there? I hate it when I'm snippy with K because I'm stressed with life (which happens more often than I'd like to admit). What's worse for me is when my life is insane like that I start thinking "why did I think I could have another baby??" and that just makes it worse. The stress always ebbs and flows and hopefully by the end of this week the focus can just be on family and everything will be more in balance again. At least as in-balance as it gets with a newborn :)
At about 2:30 everyday I just hit a am seriously considering taking a nap at work.
We had a reveal for our family last Tuesday. It turned out perfectly!!! Here's a little collage of some of the pictures. The box opened up completely flat to show the Blake Bear with the pink balloons and confetti. We had the reveal out at the cemetery as planned.

We are friends with ultrasound tech and she told us to give her a call around 28 - 32 weeks and she'll get some more 3D pictures for us!

Missy, aw, so sweet! What was the family reaction?

Bella: my dear! I know what you mean about hitting a wall. Can you get up and walk around outside a little bit to just shake it up a bit?

NEL, how was your vacation? Did K like OBX? How about the boys?
LC we have a pic of my dad's reaction...he had his arms up in the air and tried to "jump for joy" :D Our sitter had a shocked face, she's really happy and excited. She only has one girl she watches right now and I think a girl baby will be a nice change for her! My mom thought it was a boy, but she's happy! She keeps reminding me of how I was growing up haha. My MIL and FIL were late getting there. DH had to call them and they FORGOT about it :shock: they were about to eat dinner. Yup, that happened. At least it wasn't my parents since they're usually the "bad guys". We told close friends shortly after and everyone else found out on Facebook once the photographer posted the reveal.
Missy, that is so sweet! I live how you are keeping Blake's memory alive. And you look great by the way.
Missy, what a great reveal. So sweet and I agree with MP--you look great! I can't believe your ILs forgot about the reveal, they must have been mortified! Sounds like everybody who was there was elated!

LC, I've been meaning to post on the toddler thread about the OBX vacation, but wanted to download some pics first and haven't had a chance to do that. The vacation was SO NICE! And she did so much better in the van than I thought she would. She really didn't fuss much at all despite being strapped in for so long. She is a huge fan of the ocean--here (where the water is cold), I have to drag her out when her lips turn blue, but in NC she could play in the water as long as she wanted.

Bella, are you still able to work from home a couple of times a week? I think sneaking in 1/2 hour nap would be amazing if you can. The worst is hitting a wall at work and struggling to get through it. I usually do what LC suggested and try to get outside for a few minutes (it's chilly here this week and the cooler weather actually helps to wake me up). But when I'm stuck in a meeting I'm in really bad shape.

AFM, I'm happy to report that I no longer need Zofran (and I'm 20 weeks today). I still get waves of nausea, but I haven't dry heaved or vomited in a week. This makes me a very happy woman.

Still way behind on planning. Haven't decided on childcare, haven't decided on a name. I did, however, call the painter who I'm hoping can come and paint the nursery and Katie's new big girl room in the next few weeks. I'm too tired/busy to do it myself. Katie's nursery was mostly done in black and white (with light apple green walls) because I wasn't a big fan of girly pinks or purples. Now Katie's room is going to be a light lavender and the nursery is going to be a very, very light pink. I'm going girly all the way this time!!!

Oh, and I'm buying an unfinished dresser and painting it a pretty aqua blue, so I'm hoping to do that in the next few weeks before the weather gets too cold.

The nursery is seriously the last thing that SHOULD be on my list (we didn't move K to her nursery until she was about 12 weeks old), but a woman has to nest!
Missy-what a sweet reveal! (and I can't believe that your inlaws forgot!!!!)

Nel-I want to hear all about the vacation too! Your nursery and big girl rooms sound so cute. Can't wait to see pics!!! Congrats on being done with zofran and the end of the nausea!!!!!!!

AFM-still dry heaving every morning, all morning. Still having several hours a day in the morning and evening of debilitating nausea. Still having to eat every 2 hours. But...I haven't thrown up in a week. So, baby steps I guess? :rolleyes:

I finished my class and just have 3 Sundays of class in Nov and then I graduate :appl: :appl: :appl: I can't tell you enough how happy I will be to be done with this MBA!

Had my 20 week scan this morning. Still on team green, everything looks great. Baby is just measuring a week and a half ahead now instead of more than 2 weeks ahead (though the measurements are +/- 1 week 6 days so I am going to take it all with a grain of salt:-) The ultrasound this morning lasted over an hour b/c the tech kept trying to get the baby to turn over and this baby does not like to turn in the morning (at night it's like a kung foo fighter, but in the morning it is very chill).
MP - Thank you! Blake is still very much a part of us, just not physically, so we like to go out there to include him the best way we can!

NEL - Um, yeah they felt horrible! I can't understand how you'd forget something like that, but whatever! They're a little kooky though.

We are keeping the nursery green and going with a pink and brown ladybug "theme". The green on our walls is darker than the picture, it's more of a medium green I guess. I found a bedset that has a pink, brown, white, and green in it so it will go with the walls. I've found pink and brown ladybug decals and a quote decal to go above the crib. That's about it...don't wanna go too overboard with the theme. One wall is going to be "Blake's wall" with a picture of him and maybe a little shelf with a few of his things so he can watch over his sister.

So cute missy!!!
FPS, how have you been, lady? How is the remodeling going? DH gave me the go ahead on my plans and budget to redecorate our bedroom. Woo hoo! I'm hoping to start browsing paint colors tonight and DH already ordered us our new headboard. We need to add furniture because all of my clothing is in the room that is going to be the baby's room and now DH and I will have to squeeze into one. We are leaving a lot of the cheaper storage we got for my clothing when we first moved in for the baby and getting a nice bedroom set for us instead. We have been in the house over 3 years now and have done basically nothing to the bedroom aside buying a new bed. It has not been painted, the walls are pretty dingy, and there are some fixes that need done to the walls that we never got to up to this point. I figure it will be nice for us to have a cute sanctuary for the two of us before we introduce the little one to our household. I am of the understanding that once you have a kid everything is all about them, so I would really like to do something nice for just DH and I before that time. :)
Hi gals,

Just popping in to say hi and hope everyone is doing okay. Things are starting to get more interesting over here with some regular contractions! At my last appt my ob said I could try for a vbac if I go into labor before my cs date (so by Friday morning). Unfortunately, no water break or bloody show so I doubt these contractions are doing anything but annoying me! :rolleyes: it's interesting though since I've never had anything other than BH with my other two girls. Is it weird that I like it? It makes me feel like my body is at least trying to do what it's supposed to!

Anyhow, I won't ramble anymore for now. :oops: I'm finding it very hard to focus and concentrate on much! :errrr:
LtlFirecracker|1379412701|3522175 said:
Quick update, I am 35 weeks, today is our wedding anniversary, and I am in labor. My epidural is working great. Looking forward to meeting my little ones soon!

thinking of you and the babies!

Congrats Missy!

Congrats Taov!!!
Tammy, thining of you. Good luck on Friday or sooner if Hannah decides to come before then.
Tammy, wow you're so close! Sending lots of labor dust your way, but so exciting to know that you will be meeting her soon no matter what!
Congrats, Tao and Ltl!! New little bundles of joy are the BEST!!

Missy, LOVED the gender reveal and what a sweet tribute to do it with Blake. And such a cute nursery idea! We're doing a minty green on her walls as well.

Bella, you're at 20 weeks and still having crazy nausea? You poor thing! I always feel so terrible for you when you talk about being sick all the time. Aside from the ridiculously bad heartburn (I mean seriously, who wakes up in the middle of the night to take a tums?!), I'm doing well and really enjoy pregnancy. I can totally see why you're baffled about people having more then one if you're feeling ill all the time. Thank goodness you've at least stopped vomiting.

Gem, thanks for checking on me! Things are a bit chaotic around here and let me tell you, everything takes WAY longer than anticipated when you're doing construction. Ugh. The front room is 98% finished, but it isn't finished (wasn't I saying it would be done 2 weeks ago...yeah), but DH and his dad started the bathroom yesterday, so at least there is that. They moved the window and were supposed to be working on it today during business hours, but that isn't happening. I've decided to just laugh about it now because nothing is getting finished, but I have these men trying to reassure me that it will all be done before baby gets here..uh-huh. We'll see. If we don't have the bathroom done, I really am moving to my mother's's just a pain and I would LOVE to finally have one project completed. The problem is that new projects get started before old ones are finished and it is just a big mess in my house. I'm ready to nest and there is no place finished for me to do so. Boys just don't get it either. Oh well, I'm kind of at their mercy, which sucks. DH assured me that baby's room will be painted in November, so I can at least have all of her stuff in there and pretty before she comes. We needed to push my baby shower out until mid November anyway (my Dad is having surgery tomorrow and it's just easier for my Mom to move it out), so her room will be ready when we have all the goodies from the shower. I envy the bedroom update and hope it goes a little more smoothly than things are going in my house lol :)

Tammy, it's almost baby girl time!! How freaking excited are you?!

AFM, the belly is definitely running things around here. I have a seriously belly rubbing problem, as I'm always touching it lol...DH just laughs at me, but then he'll come over and rub on her too! I can't even help it! I feel pretty good with everything, but having extra weight on me is just not a good feeling, health wise for me. I feel liek I'm not supposed to be this heavy and my body is starting to revolt lol...honestly, it isn't even that bad with the weight gain (I think I'm up to 14lbs now at 26 weeks), but scheesh, I know I don't want to be this weight for very much longer. I still can't even believe that we have 14 weeks to go. It's NUTS! I'm really enjoying our Bradley birthing classes though and I'm learning a lot and I just can't wait to have the labor experience. I'm a little freaked out by it all, but I'm excited about it. I'm looking forward to that bonding time with the hubs and of course, the arrival of our little Miss. In the meantime, I've gotten some Christmas shopping done and now that I'm home all day, I've taken up couponing as a hobby and I enjoy it..weird, huh? It sure does take some work though, so I totally understand why most people don't do it. But for me, it's something to break up the boredom of the day while I'm waiting on DH to get home.
Tammy - EEEEK! You are so close! Sending tons of good thoughts your way!!!!

What happened to bump pics??? I never see them posted anymore!
Hmm I thought I'd already responded to everyone a few days ago to catch up. I feel terrible now that I look back and see that I didn't! :|

Missy, I LOVE the gender reveal and the baby's room. The ladybugs are perfect. Everything is just so sweet and beautiful! Your family is very special and I admire your outlook on life so much. I've thought it many times but realize now that I don't think I've ever said it. Blake and his sister are so blessed to have you and your DH as parents. :))

Bella, how's the sickness treating you these days? Any improvement?

Ltl, thinking of you and the twins! Please update us anytime you have a spare moment to just check in. No need to catch up with the thread, just want to hear how you guys are doing. :bigsmile: You're probably VERY busy!

Tao, I adore that little face!!! Isla is such a sweet thing and her sister is too...also, perfect sized baby. My second was 7 lbs 4 oz too.

NEL, hurray for not needing Zofran anymore! :appl: How's the painting project coming along?

Gem, I have to admit that when you said you were fixing up your room for the two of you, the first thing I thought was about how our room will be taken over by the baby for the first 6 months. :lol: I do think it's a great idea to get it looking nice and exactly how you want it though before LO arrives. I can't wait to see pictures.

Did I miss anyone? I really, REALLY hope not. :oops:
Tammy-I can't believe that you are almost there!!!! (or rather, that Hannah is almost here :love: ) Good luck and keep us posted!!!

Missy-I was thinking the same thing! I don't have a cute bump yet:-( I just look kind of lumpy and dumpy, sometimes pregnant looking but usually just like I ate too much.

Ftp-Sorry about the heartburn! I get it sometimes and it is miserable.

Ltf-Hope all is well and we really, really, really, want to see some pics of the babies:-) I'm sure that you are super exhausted and busy, but we are all thinking of you and sending our love!

Afm-I spoke too soon. The vomiting came back yesterday :knockout: I think I didn't eat enough for lunch and then I had mini cupcakes at for a colleagues birthday in the afternoon and the rest of the day/night was a disaster. Today, I am eating small light meals pretty much non-stop and am feeling better but still not great. My "exciting" news is that I started taking gummy prenatals last night (I figured they couldn't make me any sicker:-) Hopefully they'll stay down and I can at least get some extra vitamins that way...I am 21 weeks now and realized, I guess this is actually happening and I should start thinking more about birth classes/breast feeding/l&d/doulas, etc. Yikes!
I just had to jump in and say Tammy, I'm so excited for you!
Tammy that was so sweet of you!!! :P

I forgot to mention, we have a potential name of Jenna Grace. I've looked up the meanings for each name and love the idea. We've thrown around Gabrielle Faith, or Lily Hope/Faith/Grace also.

Adding my pic, this was from last week!

Here is my baby bump..shit is getting real lol :lol:

Thanks, everyone!!! Yes, as FPS said...this $h!t is getting real! :lol: you two look great!!!

Personally, I'm not sure I can bring myself to post a bump photo. I'll try to work up the courage before I pop. :tongue: I am thinking hard about asking my OB to sweep my membranes tomorrow at my appointment. I don't know if she will, but I'm going to beg and see what happens. Then mil and I are hitting the mall for a good walk. If that doesn't do the trick, I'm resorting to :naughty: tomorrow night. I want my vbac, darnit!

Oh! Missy, I love the name Jenna Grace. :)
tammy77|1380681081|3530527 said:
Thanks, everyone!!! Yes, as FPS said...this $h!t is getting real! :lol: you two look great!!!

Personally, I'm not sure I can bring myself to post a bump photo. I'll try to work up the courage before I pop. :tongue: I am thinking hard about asking my OB to sweep my membranes tomorrow at my appointment. I don't know if she will, but I'm going to beg and see what happens. Then mil and I are hitting the mall for a good walk. If that doesn't do the trick, I'm resorting to :naughty: tomorrow night. I want my vbac, darnit!

Oh! Missy, I love the name Jenna Grace. :)

Hey Tammy -- just popping in to give you vbac encouragement! I haven't kept up here, but I think I read back and your cs is scheduled for tomorrow, right? Is there a medical indication for it? If you're very set on the vbac, I encourage you to talk more with your OB about it, ask for the research to support his/her decision for the scheduled cs on THAT date, etc. Unless there is a danger to mom or baby, is there any reason you cannot wait and give a trial at labor after cesarean (TOLAC)? Depending on what your doc has to say, you could always "forget" about your scheduled cs date...

Since I plan to vbac with my next, I know how it feels to want it oh so bad, so I wanted to encourage you to talk mroe with your dr about it and to not be shy about asking why and why and why. Wishing you lots of luck!!!!

PS - some labor stim tips, walking, spicy food, breast pump, SEX!
Just popping in to wish Tammy luck! I am sure you can't wait to meet Hannah.

And yes I am super busy but doing well.