
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Ltl, sending dust your way!! I'm thrilled you were able to get in both steroid shots. I hope you can hold out for a bit longer but if not, as you know, 32 weeks is a great milestone! Huge hugs!!
Ltl, add me to the list of ladies that are happy to hear that you're still baking! It sounds like you're in good hands and hopefully you can hold out for at least another day or two. So glad to hear that your waters haven't broken yet too, that's great! Big hugs to you, your DH and the babies. ::)
Ltl, still keeping my fingers crossed and sending dust. As Kunzite said, 32 weeks is a big milestone, but I also know that every day counts. The bed rest and liquid diet are no fun, but I'm sure you're in that "whatever it takes" zone.
Ltl F, 32 weeks is great and every hour with the steroids makes such a difference. Plus I think I recall your babes were a good weight? My little guy was born at 30+6 weighing 3p2oz and only had the steroids for a couple of hours. He is almost 9 months now and is doing great, no breathing issues whatsoever. I also have a friend who had her twins at 28w and they too are doing great. My thoughts and prayers are being sent your way!
Thinking of you, your husband, and your twinnies, ltlfirecracker! xx
Thinking of you and hoping those babies stay put for a little bit longer!!

Had a Dr's. appointment today--2cm and 30% effaced.
Ltf--hope that your babies have not yet made their debut (though 32 weeks is a great milestone, and the steriods are so helpful!). Keep us posted when you can.

Tao-almost here:-) can't wait to find out what you are having!

AFM-just got back from the Dr. Got another prescription for Zofran (and he doubled the dose which I am not thrilled about but didn't notice until I was out of the office). Roo is measuring 2 weeks ahead!!! The Dr was all "um...I think that you should gear up for having a big baby." :eek: DH had a niece who was basically 12 lbs at birth and some others in the 8-10 lb range, so I am a little nervous! I was 6lbs 13 oz and my brothers were each 8lbs something. Dh is a twin and he was almost 7 lbs, so I guess we'll see.

Also, I had a brief chat with my Dr re labor and I am not sure that he and I are on the same page. So I am exploring some other options, but I feel weird about changing midway through my pregnancy, especially since I would still want him to be my regular OBGYN. Has anyone else changed Drs to have a different labor experience?
Ltl, still keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hoping no news is good news.

Bella, sorry you're still so sick and that you had to get the Zofran refill. Does your insurance cover it all? Mine only covers a pill/day, so when I take more it's out of pocket. I was hoping I wouldn't need anymore so I stopped taking it yesterday, then woke up vomiting today. I guess I'll get another refill.

If you switch doctors, would it be in the same practice? I made the switch between my last pregnancy and this one. My original OB was very gung-ho about going the C-section route and my new doctor is much more open to a VBAC. Plus I just clicked with her more. For me, it wasn't uncomfortable at all and I'm happy with the switch. I will say that switching docs within my practice was really easy--if I had to switch practices, I don't know if I'd have been as motivated. I haven't decided who I'll keep as my gyn in the future.
Thank you everyone for all the kind words!

Bella, it sounds like you do have a big baby! I am so sorry about the nausea, and I am not sure the details of the birth you want, but hope you are able to work it out.

ATM - the good news is still that I am at 4 cm! The bad news is that the doctors were just planning on stopping my tocolytics after the 24 hour point after my steriod shot! So we had a nice discussion, I am glad I was we'll read on twins because I was able to counter his arguments pretty well. We basically agreed there is a only a small chance of them working, and that I may not tolerate them (my Bp islow and without the steroids it may get too low), but that I needed to know I tried everything. So that is where I am at. I am on a regular diet and am able to shower. So life is a little better.
Ltlf-way to be a great advocate for yourself and the babies! Hope that it buys you/them a little more time. So glad that you can eat and shower, that must be a huge relief!

AFM-Basically I want a homebirth experience (ability to walk around, eat, no heploc, labor in whatever position I want, doula, use a tub/ball/etc. whatever helps and whatever I feel like) but in a hospital setting (due to my extreme bleeding issues I am at risk for postpartum hemmorrage and at the end of the day--healthy mom and healthy baby is most important to me).

My Dr welcomes doulas and is known for being fairly minimally invasive, but he doesn't deliver at the birth center only in regular l&d AND he said the helploc is standard hospital protocol in the l&d and there is absolutely no way around it.

There are midwives in his practice that I could switch to who do deliver in the birthing center as well as another Dr, but he caters to celebrities and I am not sure if he would take a new patient at this point, and a doula/birth coach I am interviewing next week said that she has some other delivery options too (based on my research, this hospital is my best bet in all of NYC, so I am interested to hear what she suggests).
It has been so long time I last posted here! Though I have been reading intermittently.. :))

Ltl-- so glad you were able to keep the twins baking long enough to get the steroids on board. I agree it does not make sense to just stop the tocolytics at 32 weeks though :confused: i would think they would be happy with every additional day they can keep those babies where they belong. Thinking of you!

Bella-- Your OB is likely quite right that the hospital's attorneys require laboring patients to have an IV. And given your problems with coagulopathy/bleeding, I would not consider delivering without one in your place. When you are hemorraging, it can be very challenging to place appropriate IVs to give fluids / necessary medications / blood transfusion if required. And placing a central line (big IV in central vein) requires time and special training (most commonly by anesthesiologists and surgeons.)

As for me, I will be 36 weeks with this little girl tomorrow! It is still surreal and strange that there is a child in my big belly, even though this is not my first trip to this rodeo. We are so not ready either! We bought a house and just moved in 4 weeks ago, so life has been crazy. House is err... 5 times the sq footage of our 2 bed apt, so I have been spending most of my free time lately researching furniture. Reeeally hoping to have the nursery finished before the little lady arrives. By u/s today, she is about 6 lbs and looks perfect. 1 cm dilated and cervix quite thin, so all of my work time contractions are helping things along.

Hope the nauseous mamas are feeling better soon! I think I stopped taking zofran around 26 weeks this time around, but I still have my moments. Sigh. At least it is not as annoying as the terrible reflux.

Thinking of you all! Will try to post more often!
Ltl, so glad to hear a positive update!! :bigsmile:

Bella, I switched doctors at about 10 weeks and didn't regret it. I know you're further along though and have already had some important tests ran. I hope you can find a happy medium with your current OB or find an alternative that you're happy with soon! I know it's really stressful.

Ice, thank you for the update! I hear you on it being a surreal time in pregnancy. Big congratulations on the house, that sounds amazing! ::)

NEL & Missy, how are you two doing today? Hopefully well. :)

Tao, exciting to have some progress in the cervical department! Definitely not much longer now.

AFM, I've been trying to come up with a way to not whine but today is the last straw. I need a good vent! ;( Last night I had a sudden onset of excruciating pain in my left upper thigh on the outside. It's so bad that I literally cry out in pain when I move and I strongly considered taking myself to the ER in the middle of the night. Well, apparently my PT says that I have bursitis. :confused: it's quite possibly the most painful thing that I've dealt with that doesn't let up. So my legs were my last source of strength and as of this point, they're pretty useless. I dread changing positions at all and really am struggling to drink water because using the bathroom is so painful. Anyhow, yeah. I'm sure you all get the point. :oops:

I'm so thankful for this baby and wouldn't give her up for the world but I'm just SO over being pregnant. I've already told DH that I'm getting my tubes tied during my cs. Ironic since we had fertility issues but I never want to e pregnant again. :lol:
Ltl - I'm glad those babies are staying put!!! I hope you're feeling a little better.

Bella - Eeeek 2 weeks ahead already! Maybe measurements will even out. With my first pregnancy, baby's head was measuring 4 weeks ahead. I was 35 weeks and his head was measuring 39, everything else was 2 weeks overall. He ended up being a little over 7 lbs, so not too big at all.

Tammy - I guess I can't blame you for feeling like you're done at this point! I hope your pain eases up. What can you do for relief??

AFM, not too much going on. I'm feeling little pokes and pops, not sure if it's baby yet or not. 16 weeks 4 days today. I had my bloodwork for the afp today. Definitely starting to feel pregnant though. My stomach feels more solid and hard and not jiggly :lol:
Hi ladies!

I had my beautiful baby boy at 11:13 pm on August 20th. He weighed in at 7 lbs 3 ounces.

I had a really really tough labor for about 20 hours. The plan was to deliver at the hospital via a waterbirth with my OB. However, my OB told us about 3-4 weeks out from my dd (August 18th) that he was going out of town. He's the only OB that will do waterbirths. So, I decided to switch over to a midwife and have my baby at home. I was checked on the 18th by the midwife and baby was in an awkward sunny side up but facing my right thigh.

On the 20th after being miserable for most of the day and having a big dinner, I woke up at 3:33 am and went to the bathroom to pee. While I was peeing, I heard a loud pop and felt it, my water had broken yay! I called my doula who told me to start timing contractions. After about 15 minutes, my contractions were 3 minutes apart. DH called and had the watertub set up. I couldn't wait to get into it, by this point around 6 am, my doula and midwife arrived. The water definitely helped the intensity of the contractions. I dialated on my own to 6 cm. At this point when I was checked, baby was still in the same awkward position.

My midwife suggested I labor in bed with pillows in between my legs to flip baby. This was when the pain became incredibly excruciating. I realized then that it wasn't a "normal" labor. It really wasn't the contractions that hurt it was pain in my back like I've never experienced. I begged to end home birth or be let back in tub. They agreed to let me back into the tub for some pain relief. However after I failed to progress in two hours, in fact my cervix started to swell, they took me out again for one last try and I begged to transfer. My poor DH assumed that since my contractions were two minutes apart, he thought baby was coming very soon. After 9 hours, I transferred to the hospital.

I was so pissed that the nurses checked me into triage and at this point, I was one of the crazy screaming ladies in labor. No one had really warned me that if baby is in an awkward position, labor pain is so much worse. Eventually, I was admitted and my l&d nurse was fortunately very efficient and understanding. I got my epidural and started to relax. Unfortunately, the nurse kept saying at this point around 3 pm that I felt hot but her thermometer kept reading 99 degrees. I moved from a 5 cm (my cervix had swelled and closed back to 5) to 9 cm. Luckily, the ob on call is familiar with my ob's patients penchant for natural birth so he let me labor as long as I was progressing.

Another nurse took over at 7 pm. She brought out a different thermometer and my temp was 101.7 ack! My doula was annoyed at this point because she felt I had a temp ever since or before checking into hospital and really felt other nurse should have used a different thermometer. I was put on antibiotics and given Tylenol. My temp creeped back down to 100 but immediately began skyrocketing again in an hour (around 10 pm). The ob called in the c-section and I was told by my very nice l&d nurse that there was 90% chance my baby had a fever as well and would have to be taken to nicu.

At this point, I completely lost it and started to have some serious fever chills as well as react to the spinal anethesia. Was pretty gross, I kept throwing up during my c-sect but I would have a few coherent moments, the best one being where they showed me the baby and declared him healthy! He was still taken to nursery for a check up just in case but not to nicu. I didn't get to do skin to skin :( but I happily traded that for a healthy baby.

My temp was still very high when I was wheeled back in from the OR around 104.6. It took another 3 hours for my temp to go back to normal before I was transferred to postpartum and finally got to hold my baby. Recovering from a c-sect is harder than I thought. My DH really had to help out, he became a pro at swaddling and diaper changes.

A week and a half out and baby Theodore (I have been calling him Teddy) has put on 4 ounces up from birth weight. I'm slowly getting the hang of breastfeeding. I had his newborn pics taken yesterday so I will be sure to post some soon!

Ladies, hang in there! I know some of you are getting super close! I'm posting on my phone so I can't address everyone's last post.
Congrats gammygam on the birth of Theodore!!!!!! It sounds like you birth had a lot of unexpected twists and turns, but in the end, I am so glad you both ended up healthy!!!!!!
Good morning everyone,

Bella, I see what the issue is now. I just went to a birthing class last week, and totally see the benefits to going as natural as possible, but I do agree with Icekid about the IV. I had an IV running with fluid for 2 days, and have been hep locked since. I can tell you, having IV fluids running through you sucks. You are tied to a poll, and if you are drinking (like I was), you swell like crazy. But the hep lock is really not that bad. I am able to do all my normal activities. I can even shower if I have the IV wrapped in plastic. A fully natural birth is really not an option for me with how my twins are presenting (they are talking about positioning the second baby internally, which I would like to be numb for), but if I were to do one, I don't think the IV would get in the way. Also, something else to think about is that you have an infant that is measuring large. Hopefully everything will go as planned, but if something were to happen during the delivery, you would need a good NICU team to be right there. I am not saying this will happen to you, but from a pediatrician standpoint, this is something I think about.

Missy - sounds like your pregnancy is coming along nicely

Tammy - I am so sorry you are having leg pain! But hopefully you are hanging in there, you know it will all be worth it in the end.

Icekid - you are almost there!!!! Dealing with work, a new arrival, and a new home sounds like a tough juggling act. I was struggling before I was put on bed rest, and I only had 2 of those things to deal with!

AFM - huge victory today, I am one week from admission, and still pregnant. Today I am 33 weeks, and it is my late mother's birthday. Kind of a special day. I have been having breakthrough contractions about every other day. I had a good round yesterday, and they think I have dilated to 5 cm. My MFM doctor is doing impatient this week which makes me happy. She is trying to leave me alone and will only do something if I am in significant pain or the babies look stressed. If I go into active labor, she is not going to try to speed it up or augment it (unless the babies are not tolerating it). The plan is to hold me one more week, and than send me home if I am still doing well, off my meds. I am happy with this plan. The only thing is that I hit 34 weeks on Sept 10th, so I may have Sept 11th babies. My husband keeps telling me the goal is to keep them healthy and not worry about the actual day they come, I know he is right, but it still bothers me a little. At the same time, if I continue to have breakthrough contractions, it may be a non issue.
Ltl, yay for holding out a full week! I sincerely hope you can make it to at least 34 weeks and one day and then have those littles on the 12th, if that is what would make you feel best. Don't worry though, it's only a date and while it doesn't hold a great history, you'd be making a NEW memory for that day, which will totally be a better way to remember the day anyway.

Gammy, phew, it sounds like Teddy made you work for it! Thankfully it sounds like you both are doing well now, but I'm so sorry you had to change your birth plan so much. But I do so love Theordore as a name and Teddy as a nickname!

Missy, I didn't start to feel little Miss until about 20 weeks and boy, I am LOVING it!! DH was able to feel her this weekend for the first time and while in the beginning I felt just random movement, I'm starting to feel real live kicks in the past couple of days. Woohoo!!

Tammy, well geez! I hope you get a break soon! Are they able to treat the brusitis in any way? You poor thing..I totally understand why this will be the last baby of the bunch, since you're having such trouble. I hope you start getting some relief soon though.

Icekid, it sounds like you have been a busy bee during the pregnancy! I hope you're able to get all the extra work done that you want. I know exactly how it is to be working on house things while pregnant and I'm constantly in a worry that we won't have things completed before baby gets here. DH is almost finished our front room (that will be done this week) and then he will be painting the nursery and the huge project; working on our upstairs bathroom. The downstairs only has a stand-up shower, so we NEED the upstairs bathroom finished before little one gets here. It's a ton of pressure since it's just him doing the work, although we do need his uncle to come help with plumbing (we are moving the layout around) and hopefully his dad will join in as well. The room right now is completely no floor or walls gutted with the sub floor and wall slats showing. Yeah, it's a BIG job!

Gem, how are you feeling?

Things are pretty great my way! I'm feeling her move all around, which I love!! I'm not sleeping well, but that isn't anything new between now and pre-pregnancy. Today I'm meeting with my Mom and two friends to go over baby shower stuff, which I'm super excited about! My Mom is so ready to meet her granddaughter, it's just ridiculous! Oh and I've order some cloth diapers which have finally started to come in and I am sooo happy we're going this route! Some of my friends and family think I'm just nuts, but I really like the idea and DH has never really changed a diaper before, so we're starting fresh with him and he thinks it's a positive thing too. I got a few deals this past weekend and have 4 fabulous little diapers on the way to us now!
FPS, so glad you can feel her move now--it's so much fun. It's just nice to have the constant reminders that she's there. So long as she doesn't kick you in the bladder too much!

Ltl, I was so excited to read your updates. It sounds like you're doing really well and good for you for being able to talk through what you wanted with your doc. Try not to worry too much about what day they are born because you're going to be over the moon to meet them no matter when they come.

Gammygam, congrats on little Teddy! Between the fever and the nausea, you were really put through the ringer. I hope you've been able to get a little rest and I really hope the C-section pain dissipates quickly.

Missy, the first week or so of movement is confusing. If you're feeling the twinges consistently, it probably is movement. So exciting!

Tammy, you poor thing! You aren't whining, the bursitis sounds really painful! Is there anything at all you can do? I feel terrible for you!

Icekid, I can't imagine moving in my third tri--you're a trooper! At least you have all the extra space now, so that has to be really nice. Plus setting everything up in the new house would be fun. Hopefully you get it all done, but if not, that's okay, too.

Bella, the other ladies know more than I do about hospital protocol, but I do think it's worth talking with your doc about. Even with the IV in place, I assume you are not stuck in your room? You could at least walk around and labor on a ball, etc. Do they have to put the hep lock in place as soon as you're there? Our hospital has tubs for laboring, though I'm not sure if that can only be used without an IV.

Who knows, birth plans never go as planned. You may even go so fast that by the time you get the hospital, you won't need any time to labor.

AFM, nothing new at all here. 16 weeks tomorrow. K seems to be noticing that my tummy is bigger. She likes to lift up my shirt and rub it. And a couple of times she's tried jumping on it when I'm lying on the couch. Awesome.
Ltl-That is so great that you have been able to keep those babies baking for so long! Go mama!!!

FPS-Aw, I am so jealous re feeling the baby move. I thought I felt something a few nights ago, but am not really sure.

Ice-Wow, you are so busy! At least you have more space and can take some time getting things set-up if you need to.

NEL-Hope that you are feeling better!

Gammy-it sounds like you had quite a birth! Teddy sounds adorable and you are a trooper!!!

Tammy-You are almost there! Kind of ironic that a year ago you would have thought we were nuts if we said you wanted to get your tubes tied during delivery:-)

I know that I might need a HepLoc, and definitely understand that birth plans can go out the window in a moment, I just would like to avoid a preemptive HepLoc if possible.

My frustration with my Dr and considering switching providers is way more than just the birthing plan. Things have gone downhill with his office as they have had a lot of front office turn-over and he seems scattered, plus it took me 8 calls over the space of 3 days, plus two calls from the pharmacy to the Drs office, to get my zofran prescription renewed and my last appointment I had a 2 hour wait before I was seen. t's really crazy there now.

He used to at least look at my chart before he came in so he had a clue about me, but now every appointment, he's asked if I was this sick with B (and I have to again remind him-in front of B-that B joined our family through adoption). Sometimes, he'll even ask it more than once in one visit! Also, he wrote me the wrong dosage for Zofran (8mg instead of 4, maybe he meant to increase it but he didn't talk to me about that).

AFM-I am 17 1/2 weeks...still nauseous and vomiting. Still not quite fitting in maternity clothes, but not comfortable in my regular pants/skirts either. When does that "second trimester burst of energy and abatement of morning sickness" start?

P.S. B has decided that we should name the baby "Hundley" after the doorman's dog in Curious George.

P.P.S B has also decided he doesn't like the baby in mommy's tummy b/c it makes mommy feel so sick and not have energy to play with him ;(
WAY overdue congrats to Bella, NEL and Missy! :appl:

Bella, seriously?? I couldn't believe when I read your news! I'm thrilled for you, DH and B. I'm sure he's going to be an excellent big brother! N2 struggled a bit while I was pregnant because of my lack of energy and nausea. Now, he just adores his baby brother...or his "buzzy bee" as he calls him. :love:

NEL, so so so happy for you! You're in for a crazy ride but it's going to be fun! I struggled early on but now that N2 has morphed into a laid back six month old, we're enjoying things a lot more. And thank goodness, N2 is laid back because N1 is HIGH maintenance and so dang moody! :roll:

Missy, I am absolutely tickled that you're expecting. I mean really...I got choked up when I read the news. I am so happy that you and DH will get to celebrate the birth of another baby this winter. I know this pregnancy must be more stressful than the first but I think you have a great attitude and that goes a long way.
Hi girls!

Alright, I've been putting off posting because I am always reading on my phone and I struggle with 1. Not forgetting someone and 2. Rambling/not making any sense! :rolleyes: So if I forget someone or something, please know it's just pregnancy brain and my dumb phone!

LTL, hurray for continuing to bake those little ones!! How are you doing? I'm sure you're probably really tired of being in the hospital, but it's so worth it and you're almost there!! ::)

Bella, I'm sorry that you're struggling with your doctor. It stinks to feel like the person you are relying on to deliver your baby isn't even listening to you! Also, so tough to handle B not liking the baby. :( I really hope you're feeling better soon and he's excited about being a big brother well before your LO is born! I forgot, are you team green or will you be finding out? We'll have to help you find am awesome big brother gift for B to help with a smooth transition. :bigsmile:

FPS, yay for feeling movement and feeling great!!! It's such a sweet time. :halo: I know that I complain, but I absolutely LOVE feeling her kick, it's hands down my favorite thing about being pregnant.

NEL, I hope K doesn't make a habit of using you as a trampoline! I'm sure she doesn't mean anything by it. :)

Missy, any recent movement that's more definitive? How exciting!!

Gammy, it sounds like you had a pretty scary delivery. I'm so glad that you and Teddy are both doing well!

Gem and Ice, hope you're both doing well!

AFM, I am feeling much better in terms of my leg, yay!! I'm so sorry for complaining. :oops: I have exactly 4 weeks left and can't make up my mind. Is it too soon, or not soon enough?! Usually, I'd say both. I love feeling her move (she's rolling around in there now actually) and I'm pretty sure that she's started to drop! So I can breathe better, woohoo!! It means more pelvic pressure but I expected that. I know it's been a hard pregnancy, but I'm going to miss it. Knowing this is the last time in my life that I'll carry a child makes things so much more bittersweet. I can't explain it. Tomorrow I'm sure I'll read this and think I'm NUTS, but that's how I feel right now. :))

My cs is scheduled for Oct 4th, but we don't have a time yet. I'll get that at my next ob appt. Today I washed the last of the baby clothes and organized everything by size. This little girl has so much stuff, I don't think we have to buy anything for her until she's at least 9-12 months old! So that was fun to do today. 8) I'm going to get our hospital bags packed sometime this week, but I have no idea what to brin for her. I'm planning on a few nightgowns in newborn size, a take home outfit, hats/socks and a couple of soft blankets. I know the hospital has everything too, but I want to use our cute ones ASAP! Hehe

Overall, just getting really excited and things feel so much more REAL now. We did the whole "diaper a stuffed animal" routine last weekend and it's like this mommy switch flipped. I'm SO ready to meet our little girl. I can't wait to see what she looks like, her personality, to nurse her and snuggle with her. Roll on, October!!! :bigsmile:
Hi girls!

Alright, I've been putting off posting because I am always reading on my phone and I struggle with 1. Not forgetting someone and 2. Rambling/not making any sense! :rolleyes: So if I forget someone or something, please know it's just pregnancy brain and my dumb phone!

LTL, hurray for continuing to bake those little ones!! How are you doing? I'm sure you're probably really tired of being in the hospital, but it's so worth it and you're almost there!! ::)

Bella, I'm sorry that you're struggling with your doctor. It stinks to feel like the person you are relying on to deliver your baby isn't even listening to you! Also, so tough to handle B not liking the baby. :( I really hope you're feeling better soon and he's excited about being a big brother well before your LO is born! I forgot, are you team green or will you be finding out? We'll have to help you find am awesome big brother gift for B to help with a smooth transition. :bigsmile:

FPS, yay for feeling movement and feeling great!!! It's such a sweet time. :halo: I know that I complain, but I absolutely LOVE feeling her kick, it's hands down my favorite thing about being pregnant.

NEL, I hope K doesn't make a habit of using you as a trampoline! I'm sure she doesn't mean anything by it. :)

Missy, any recent movement that's more definitive? How exciting!!

Gammy, it sounds like you had a pretty scary delivery. I'm so glad that you and Teddy are both doing well!

Gem and Ice, hope you're both doing well!

AFM, I am feeling much better in terms of my leg, yay!! I'm so sorry for complaining. :oops: I have exactly 4 weeks left and can't make up my mind. Is it too soon, or not soon enough?! Usually, I'd say both. I love feeling her move (she's rolling around in there now actually) and I'm pretty sure that she's started to drop! So I can breathe better, woohoo!! It means more pelvic pressure but I expected that. I know it's been a hard pregnancy, but I'm going to miss it. Knowing this is the last time in my life that I'll carry a child makes things so much more bittersweet. I can't explain it. Tomorrow I'm sure I'll read this and think I'm NUTS, but that's how I feel right now. :))

My cs is scheduled for Oct 4th, but we don't have a time yet. I'll get that at my next ob appt. Today I washed the last of the baby clothes and organized everything by size. This little girl has so much stuff, I don't think we have to buy anything for her until she's at least 9-12 months old! So that was fun to do today. 8) I'm going to get our hospital bags packed sometime this week, but I have no idea what to brin for her. I'm planning on a few nightgowns in newborn size, a take home outfit, hats/socks and a couple of soft blankets. I know the hospital has everything too, but I want to use our cute ones ASAP! Hehe

Overall, just getting really excited and things feel so much more REAL now. We did the whole "diaper a stuffed animal" routine last weekend and it's like this mommy switch flipped. I'm SO ready to meet our little girl. I can't wait to see what she looks like, her personality, to nurse her and snuggle with her. Roll on, October!!! :bigsmile:
FPS - Isn't it fun to feel your baby move. I hope you find the right cloth diapers. I know a lot of people who use them who are very happy with them.

NEL - Oh my, I freak out when my heavier cat tries to jump on my belly, I could not imagine a small child!

Bella - I had a doctor like that between the 12-20 week point. It was very clear he never read my chart before walking in the room and had my dates mistaken He thought I was 37 weeks at the 20 week point, and he said this after being in the room with me for 10 minutes. I mean I was not THAT big at 20 weeks! I ended up switching doctors after 3 visits. So I totally know where you are coming from. I think it is super cute that B is already providing input about his future sibling!

Tammy - I can't believe you are so close. I know it has been a tough ride for you, but as you know it will all be worth it in the next few weeks.

AFM - Still pregnant!!! I am 33+5 today. The doctor who admitted came back on service me looked at me dumbfounded as he cannot believe my babies are still inside me. The attending switch who is on service every week. So last week the attending said there is no way she will let me have the tocolytics past 34 weeks. This attending is willing to let me go longer, but cannot promise the next attending (who might be the doctor I referred to above) will be willing to do the same because it is so out of protocol. I have not changed my cervix in several days despite several break through contractions, so I am still at 5 cm. So now the question, do I keep the tocolytics going or not? It is a hard one. The pediatrician in me knows that there is no way I am getting these babies to term and that they are going to be near term babies. All a few days is going to do is buy them less NICU time, but when it comes to long term out comes, a few days or even a week is not all that different at this point. But then the mom in me sees how well they are doing inside, and wants to do everything to minimize their NICU stay. Regardless, I can't go home dilated at 5 cm with twins. They think it is just too risky. So now I am just trying to figure out what to do. I realize that something could change at any minute, but right now things are looking good.
Ladies, it is SUCH a great feeling to have her move around in there! I'm sort of in love :love: I went to see a musical that a friend was in and we had front row seats near the musicians and little miss thing was wiggling around like crazy in there! I think she liked it :)

NEL, is K getting excited about the baby, or is she still trying to figure out why your tummy is getting bigger, hence the jumping? Hopefully she is imagining having good times with her new little sibling :)

Bella, based on what you're saying about the dr, I would have no hesitation to switch out. I mean, why stay if you're already feeling uncomfortable? Do you really want him as your primary person while you're in crazy labor pain? I hope you can get that all sorted out soon and start feeling more like a priority and less like a number at your practice! Also, I'm hoping the sickness goes away soon! I know that eating more often (every 2-3 hours) really helped my nausea.

Tammy, you've been having a rough go of it, so I think complaining a bit is perfectly normal and fine! Get it off your chest! Sometimes just venting about it, makes the issues a little more bearable. I can't even believe you only have 4 weeks to go! How crazy is it that time goes by so differently while pregnant. It seems too quick and too slow, all at once. It;s almost time to meet your little one and with that, hopefully all the crazy body changes go back to normal and you feel back to yourself asap!

Ltl, you are a trooper! I am so happy to hear that the little ones are still hanging out and haven't made their appearances just yet! Seriously, I think you're doing the right thing by trying to keep them in as long as possible, despite knowing they won't be going to full term. heck, you've lasted longer than the original attending thought you would, so maybe if they see you again, a big fat 'I told you so' will maybe make them agree to let you keep waiting a bit with the babies. Regardless, you're doing the best you can by resting and taking care of yourself, so in my book, you totally rock!! I hope you can keep them in another week, or even a few days, because you are so right in any extra time keeping them out of NICU, or lessening their time in NICU. Good luck with that and just know your PS ladies are sending you positive baby baking dust!! ;)

AFM, I have my regular monthly drs appt tomorrow, but I'm assuming it'll be a very chill one like the last. I'm feeling good about everything with my body this far, despite all the weird pregnancy things that come up. The hubs and I signed up for Bradley Birthing classes and had our first one yesterday. It went really well and DH said he can already tell it'll be beneficial to us, but especially for him, since he will be my coach. I'm REALLY happy we signed up and am looking forward to learning everything we possible can about labor and ways to deal with things. My goal is a perfectly natural childbirth with no interventions and I sincerely think this class will help with that (apparently 87% of people who take this class have a natural labor and birth).

Also, house stuff is coming along and I am stoked about how everything is looking! Life just feels good! Oh and I've decided on doing all in one cloth diapers, but may do some prefolds for her newborn-3 months age to make it a little easier with fit and the higher number of changes needed. I can't wait to cloth diaper though! 4 of the 6 that I've ordered have come in and I just love them!! Most of my friends/family think I'm a little nuts, but I really love the fact that we're doing this. Let's just hope people buy some of them off the registry so we have a nice stockpile!
LtF--YAY!!!! I can't believe those babies are still baking either. That is awesome! You may end up with no NICU stay for the babies...many of my friends with 34 week babies didn't need any time in the NICU or just a couple days. That would be incredible!

AFM-I didn't think it could get worse than the awful nausea (at least not until the third tri), but I now have some kind of cold/sinus infection/pregnancy-induced rhinitus and am a miserable mess. Still nauseous (though had been a little better for the past two days) but now I am dropping snot everywhere, keep feeling hot and cold (though my temp is not elevated), am exhausted, and feel extra nauseous thanks to post-nasal drip and mouth breathing. WTF? It's like one thing slightly lets up and BAM something else starts to make it even worse. Right now, I truly don't understand how people voluntarily do this more than once! Pregnancy is hard and mamas are my heros!!!!!!!

DH is thrilled b/c he found the heartbeat with his stethoscope today. It was cool to hear, but really I feel so gross that I was like "yeah, that's great babe, can I go back to bed with my kindle?"
Ltl, I'm so happy that your twins are still baking! I think I would keep up the tocolytics after 34 if they're willing to let you. My guys were about 33/4 (give or take a day, my memory is fuzzy now) and needed a few weeks in the NICU, nothing major obviously. Whereas I've know quite a few 35/0 babies that didn't need the NICU at all. But I suppose that's a personal preference as well. I hate to admit this, but having them in the NICU for a little while made recovery easier because I was able to sleep all night except to pump. So it wasn't allllll bad.
Ltl, so happy to hear that you're holding at 5 cm and the babies are baking away in there! You're doing a fantastic job, momma! ::) any updates on what they're going to let you do in terms of delaying their birth a bit over 34 weeks? I know you didn't want a Sept 11th baby, so hopefully you're still hanging in there!

FPS, isn't it awesome?! Just wait until you can SEE her kicking and rolling! :bigsmile: It's so sweet and special. :halo: I hope you continue to enjoy your Bradley class. I took it with my first and even though I had a cs, I'm still really glad I had the class.

Bella, you poor thing! ;( I so hope that your ms lightens up soon. You need a break!!!!

AFM, well we're 3 weeks from delivery day and we have a time! We're first on her schedule so I have to be at the hospital by 5:30 and she'll be born at 7:30! :appl: In other news, we bought a shiny new van last night since my dh's car decided to give up on us. I've never bought new, always near new but used and oh my I love this thing, haha. I may just have to include a picture of it, hehe! What else? I'm not sure. Oh, I'm going to try to get to a La Leche League meeting tonight. They meet every month on the second Wednesday. If I don't make this one, I won't get to go until after she's born!

Hope everyone is doing well! :))

Bella - I am so sorry the nausea is following into the second trimester and now the pregnancy runny nose seems to be coming too. Not fair! I really hop things get better for you.

Kunzite - Thank you. Believe me, the thought of having them in the NICU for a few days to ease the transition has crossed my mind! You can read below. Right now, I have elected to try and keep them in.

FPS - I herd about that class, and I really hope it helps you achieve the birth you want. As I said, I know a lot of parents who love cloth diapering, and in the long run, you should save money.

Tammy - delivery date and new car??? Sounds like it has been excited for you. I can't believe you only have 3 weeks left!

AFM - I have been in "talks" with the doctors. It sounds like the doctor I "fired" at 20 weeks is coming on service for a couple days on Saturday, so that will be fun (I didn't really fire him, I changed doctors, but he knows about it). I have had a super pushy resident over the last few days who loves to prove she is right at 6 am when she comes in to round, which I really don't appreciate (she was arguing with me over my due date! I mean, really, we know the date of conception). Another very nice senior resident had a slip of the tongue, and implied they all just wanted to get the babies out. Which did not make me happy. So I requested a one on one with the attending. When she found out about it, she did come in and smooth everything over with me, so I am glad we were able to resolve that ourselves.

So the doctors all want to take me off my Procardia, the tocolytic. So I had a long discussion with the attending with no residents in the room. We argued about evidence based medicine, and we agreed there is little evidence to what we are doing, but I did ask him why some other doctors send their patients home on it (the thing about bed rest is I have plenty of time to read). I also pointed out, there is no evidence for bed rest, and that there are some studies to show it can speed labor. The problem is, once he goes off service, the other docs can just take my med off. We agreed something is working, but we don't know what. The attending is worried that with my over distended uterus and the blood pressure med, he could be putting me at risk for bleeding after I deliver. That made me come up with an idea. We are doing a "mini trial." I am trying off the med while he is on service today and tomorrow and seeing what happens. If the contractions start again, he is willing to put me on. Maybe that way I will have a stronger case with the other doctors. Both the senior resident and the attending have suggested I speak with a staff neonatologist about the benefits of delivering now vs later, and are going to look into arranging that. They think since I am a pediatrician, speaking to another pediatrician may help me decide what to do. So that is where I am at right now.

But another victory. I am 34+2 and avoided a 9/11 baby.
Ltl just wanted to pop in and send positive thoughts! I was on Procardia starting at 30 weeks (was on Indocin prior to that), and the doctors were planning to stop them at 34 weeks with bed rest ending at 35 weeks. I am sure you are way more knowledgeable about all this since it is your field, but I know it is common to stop it at 34 weeks for some reason. They didn't really offer me a reason why other than if anyone went into labor past 34 weeks, they didn't try to stop it. I ended up going into labor at 33+5 anyway (not sure if it was because I missed a dose of Procardia when the nurse forgot to bring it to me or if it was just time for baby to come).

Thinking of you! Hope you can keep baking those babies! You have done great so far! :appl:
Ltl, Wow! You are such a great and well informed advocate for you and the babies! I want you to be my advocate in the hospital:-)

The mini trial sounds like a great idea and your residents sound like idiots@!

I really think that these babies are going to surprise you and not need any NICU time!

Tammy-love the van and so exciting that you got date, time, and everything! I know that you are so ready to meet Hannah and be done being pregnant!

AFM-I'll be 19 weeks on Sunday (but baby is measuring 2 weeks ahead). Yesterday was a really tough day with the nausea/vomiting. it's hot again in NYC (96 degrees) and I can not take the heat while pregnant apparently. I worked from home yesterday, but even that was a stretch as I spent a large part of the day being sick and sleeping. I have class all day Fri, Sat, Sun of this week but then just have 3 Sunday classes in Nov and I'll be done with this wretched MBA. Can't wait!!!

Also, just a brief PSA, but ASOS maternity clothes are adorable and comfy and affordable! I can't fit their pants (I'm too tall and too curvy) but their blouses and dresses are amazing!