I'm laying awake here tonight being punched and kicked...and laughing at it! Two days ago she scared me by being really quiet all day, so I suppose this is her way of letting me know all is well.
In other news, if I hadn't popped before, I certainly have now. Its fun though. We're counting down the weeks, a little over 12 until my projected cs date (if I chicken out on attempting a vba2c or my ob says I can't try it). I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by.
We were watching a movie the other night that had a tough scene in it infertility wise that I remembered just sobbing through a year ago. It made me stop and reflect once again on how very fortunate my DH and I are to have our little healthy miracle baby girl coming soon. It was a hard road but worth every second of the pain.
Anyhow, going to stop gushing like a hormonal pregnant lady! I hope everyone is doing okay, we need some updates ladies! Ltl, did you buy furniture this weekend?!
Tammy - Sheesh you made me tear up just thinking about that movie! I'm so glad that you've been blessed and are growing this little baby girl!
My doctor also gave me the choice to have the idea of a VBAC reviewed, but I'd have to switch doctors and deliver at a different hospital (my local hospital will not attempt VBACs for insurance reasons) much further away and that kinda terrifies me. I love my doctor. They all know my story and everything. I just want to stay where I'm comfortable. I'm also scared that I won't go into labor on my own and will have to be induced again and it'll lead into a c-section anyway. I know all labors are different, but still. I just don't want to relive that birth and start comparing things. I need a fresh experience with this new baby. Anyway, I'm stepping back into JBP
Missy, feel free to stop in here anytime! I've decided to go with the flow regarding the vbac. Honestly, I waffle so much that at this point, it's the only way I can stay sane! I completely understand your desire to avoid a repeated cs after laboring though. Fwiw, I had a pretty easy recovery from my second cs and it was nice to have that plan in place ahead of time!
As a side note, I'm just finishing up my 1 hr GTT. I think it's going okay, I feel absolutely fine. So hopefully that's a good sign. My only complaint is the really grouchy lady in the waiting room!
Glad you gave us an update. I have another 3 hour on Monday, and am dreading it. I really hope your 1 hour is normal so you do not have to go though it. Sounds like all and all you are doing well.
Yes I bought the furniture, I am really excited. Everything but the dresser will be here next week, and you are right it is flying.
AS for the babies, they are behaving. I am 25 weeks and their estimated weight is at 26 weeks! While I am happy for them, my doctor had to spend some time assuring me my 27 lb weight gain is right on target for twins, although she did say I can "slow it down a little." But she still wants 40 lbs. my cervix is not changing at all, so I am still working full time. We are on our way to Houston for our last couple trip before pregnancy. I was only allowed to go because they have a great NICU if something were to go wrong. Speaking of "popping" I feel huge and round.
Awww Ltl, what a great update! I am so happy to hear that you're doing well and the babies are growing quite nicely! Isn't it amazing how quickly time passes once the 1st trimester blehs are over? I suspect time will slow down for us again soon though!
I can't wait to see your furniture! I'll have to list a pic of Hannah's nursery sometime soon. It's not fancy and was done on a budget, but I just love her room. Oh! I bought some adorable socks and some matching hat/bootie sets on amazon today. I just love little girl stuff!! You get the best of both worlds, that has to be exiting and fun!!
Hi ladies! I feel bad that I've been pretty MIA. My due date is fast approaching, August 18th yikes! I feel like I have so much to do, finish ordering things off the registry but I have to wait 3 more days, thanks Amazon haha.
Nothing is put together for the baby yet, yikes! But at least we have some essentials like car seat, crib (although he won't be sleeping in it for awhile), swing and stroller. Our baby shower was the week before and I had more MIL drama but at least she's gone for now...I've been so grateful for my mom because I had the flu one week and she was luckily, in town to take care and pamper me!
Tammy and ltl, I'm so happy to see you guys are doing well! I hope you both will post some pictures soon of the nurseries.
Ick, glad you made it through the flu and had your mom's help! Hopefully your LO's nursery comes together easily for you.
AFM: I had my 28 week appt today and it went very well. As much as her busy schedule can annoy me, I do love my OB. I passed my GTT with flying colors, iron is good, no proteins in my urine and whatever else they test went well too. I can't seem to remember it all. My BP today was 112/72, which she was super happy with and she said my weight gain (21 lbs total so far) was good. So all in all, I'm pretty happy!! My pelvis seems to be stable too, yay.
I just have to make it through another 11 weeks and I REALLY hope I can keep my weight gain to 30 lbs or less. I know it's asking a lot but a girl can dream. Considering the fact that I gained 60+ with both of my girls and I was in my 20's, I'm feeling pretty good.
MIL will be coming in on Oct 1st, C/S is tentatively scheduled for Oct 4th and she's here until the morning of the 14th. After that, DH has the following 2 weeks off with me, so the first three weeks are covered. This makes me feel a lot more relaxed about everything. My SIL is also going to try to come visit for a long weekend at some point, which is exciting. She has 3 LO's under 6 at this point, so having her around will be a Godsend too. For all of the stressing out I did worrying about how we'd manage, it's coming together quite nicely and that's a HUGE relief. My parents are completely out of the picture and that's emotionally difficult but we'll get through it.
Anyhow, enough rambling from me. Hope everyone is doing okay and can't wait to hear updates.
Since I'm not really a 'just barely', I'm happy to get posting on this side of things! I'm going to be 16 weeks along on Wednesday and I'm up 3lbs, which I feel is awesome! My midwife was happy with that and I think it helps that my main diet consists of fresh fruits and veggies and not so much processed food. I'm eating every 2-3 hours to keep the queasy at bay, but it's pretty much good for me stuff, so I feel happy about it. The midwife mentioned I should be up around 10lbs by week 20, so we will just have to see. She was glad I haven't treated this as an 'open buffet' (her words), since apparently she deals with that regularly. Thankfully, I'm not feeling so terrible these days, although with the heat, the nausea does flare up, but man, the heartburn is NOT cool! I have never had to deal with that before, so it's not only a new and weird experience, it's terrible!
My next appt is on August 9th and I will be 18 weeks. I'm really hoping we can do the gender scan, but I bet I'll have to wait until 22 weeks...scheesh! We've decided to have the midwife write the sex on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope. Then we're taking both sets of parents out to dinner and will do a gender reveal for all of us at the same time, so everyone feels included. I really like that I'll be finding out what we're having along with all the important people at the same time
FancyPantsSparkles - Welcome, and it sounds like you are doing well. I really hope you are able to find out the gender at 18 weeks, and your plan to share it with family sounds wonderful.
Tammy - Hi, how are things going for you??? It sounds like you are doing well in terms of your health. I am so glad you passed the one hour and will be spared of the 3 hour and that your BP is normal
gammygam - It sounds like you are on the home stretch!!! Have you guys been able to complete your registry?
AFM - 27 weeks today, and things are going well. I am staring to feel the aches and pains, but can deal with them. My doctor has not called me on my 3 hour glucose results, but it looks like they are "technically" normal. My 2 hour was abnormal, and the 3 hour was only 4 away from abnormal, but the test has to have 2 abnormal results to be called GDM. Regardless, I am not happy with those results, and am working on the diet. I had my shower this weekend, and that was a lot of fun. I got to see some of my best friends and my in laws, and really enjoyed the weekend, but going back to work was painful. As for the nursery, we got all the furniture except a night stand and the dresser. I have all the shower stuff on the floor because I have no place to put it. I have to do some work this weekend, but I am hoping to start organizing in the next couple weeks, but I really need the dresser which is not coming for a couple more weeks.
FPS, welcome again! Good luck with finding out the gender at your scan. It's such an exciting stage!
LTL, I'm sorry to hear that the pregnancy is starting to slow you down a bit. I think it's fabulous though that you're doing so well at this stage of the game and carrying twins! I can't wait to see your nursery set up.
AFM: I'm pretty well panicked if I being honest. I had a growth scan yesterday that I was very excited for, but it didn't go quite as expected. LO's tummy/legs/arms are all measuring perfectly at around the 42nd to 45th percentile, but her head is not even close. It's only the 3rd percentile, which is the absolute bottom of what's considered normal. The place where I had the u/s is a perinatal suite, so I'm pretty confident that it's not technician error - at least not to the point where it could be so off that she's on par with the rest of her body. The doctor that reviewed the u/s findings with me also did one measurement of his own. He said that he's confident that everything is fine because she doesn't have any markers for problems and her brain is developing normally...just small. Still, they're having me come back in 4 weeks to keep track of her growth and I'm TERRIFIED that we're going to go back and she will have fallen below that 3% mark. Oh and as I suspected, she's breech like my other two were and her head is jamming into my ribcage already...I hate my weird uterus.
Ever since my appointment yesterday I have been googling like crazy, trying to find answers. Some have been reassuring, some have freaked me out. My OB/GYN called me last night at 6pm and said that she fully trusts the doctor that reviewed my results with me. She said that if they thought there was a problem, he would have called her and we would all be talking together in L&D right now instead of a phone call just from her. Apparently he studied genetics at Stanford, blah blah blah. Still, I can't help but feel like they might be soft peddling the situation because from what I've read nothing can really be done anyhow at this point. It's completely dependent on what happens at subsequent scans/check ups over the next 2 years. That's a really long time to be anxious about something like this.
One of the things I cling to is that DH's side of the family have pretty small head circumferences and one of his nephews in particular has a really small head. His brother is 2 yrs younger and his is bigger! That said, he's very bright and has great coordination, so it's completely benign for him. The doctor also seems to think my head isn't that big either, which added to his lack of concern with the situation. Still...ugh. Neither of my other two girls had huge heads but I know they weren't this close to being abnormal. Different dad though, so maybe that doesn't matter. I don't know, it's overwhelming.
Hey Tammy, just popping in to say I'm thinking of you. I'm guessing you have absolutely nothing to worry about, but I know it would make me anxious too. I really believe we sometimes get too much monitoring/information that causes unnecessary worry, but at the same time, it's nice that we have the ability to get the information when we need it. I just had dinner with a friend the other night, and we were talking about prenatal care because we had the same OB. Anyway, her baby was breach, and she had low amniotic fluid. Consequently, she had additional scanning with the perinatalogist during the last trimester of her pregnancy. She was apparently told that her baby had a small body and a very large head, which of course freaked her out and required additional scanning. In the end, her son was born perfectly proportional and average sized, and he is a perfectly healthy 6 year old. Anyway, I have to agree that the doctors wouldn't be taking chances if they suspected something was wrong. Hope you are feeling more at peace with all of it. Hugs!
Tammy, I'm so sorry to hear about the extra worry, but I totally agree with MP that everything is probably perfectly fine in there. If the doctors were really worried, they would be doing something about it asap and you would be posting a much different post on here. Honestly though, I hate that you're so worried about everything, although I totally understand why you are! Just remember that you still have a good while for baby to keep on growing, so it's totally possible that while it looks a little small now, her head could be perfect in size upon delivery. While it's great to have as much info as possible, it's a shame to make you upset during this while thing! At this point just keep taking care of yourself, so the little one can be taken care of as well. Hopefully you were able to be reassured by your OB's words that if something were really wrong with the little one, you wouldn't be over the phone about the concerns.
AFM, I got in some baby snuggles yesterday for a friend's week old little one. It made me all gushy and maternal and that much more excited to meet our baby! I did end up finding out that since I have a midwife, they will not be doing the gender scan next visit (BOO!) and I will have to either schedule it with a dr at the practice, or they will refer me to a radiologist. I have a friend who works at a radiologists office, so if I have to get a referral, I will be calling her ASAP, as she thinks I should be able to get an appointment the same day. I am so excited to know what we're expecting!! DH and I want to paint the nursery as soon as we find out, so that we can finally start feeling like something is done around the house.
I am so sorry to hear about the US. I could understand why you are freaked out. When ever they are doing my scans, I always make sure I am watching during the head measurements. However, you must keep in mind, even the best US tech is not accurate all the time, and I used to see babies born all the time with measurements that did not match their US. Also, this is your first baby with your husband right? Is their anyway you can ask the mother of the nephew if she has his percentiles when he was an infant in her baby book? I know in our clinic, we hand those to the parents at the end of the visit. That may make you feel better. I personally look at parent/sibling measurements all the time when a measurement is not normal, especially the head. I tend not to do as much of an evaluation if they match their healthy family members.
I really hope you are able to continue to focus on the positive aspects of your pregnancy. AFM, I just called the company for the dresser, and it will not be here until mid August. So I guess the nursery is going to be a mess for while.
Tammy: I agree, if they were worried about it they would let you know. Doctor's aren't there to soft peddle anything. They would let you know everything. Try not to worry (easier said than done I know!)
Nearing 33 weeks over here. Still at 0lbs gained. Had an elective u/s a week ago and the baby is looking super cute! Can't wait to finally meet him or her!
Hey Ladies. I am 22 weeks today. I am carrying so weird this pregnancy. Last time around I plumped up so quickly and was so swollen. This time around I am down 12lbs since the start of my pregnancy (I was waaaay overweight to begin with) and look so un-swollen if you know what I mean. Like almost thin. A few weeks ago I found out that we are having a little girl. YAY! Doctor doesn't seem concerned about the lack of weight gain and is happy with my blood pressure so far. Last pregnancy my BP was elevated all pregnancy long and then went to pre-e at 37 weeks when I was induced. Happy to see everyone preggy and thriving!!!
Thank you all for chiming in about LO's ultrasound. I am more calm about it and am trying to spend less time on google. One reassuring thing is that I did confirm that my own head is pretty darn small...as in, youth size large cap small. Mine with my hair pulled up is 53.5 cm and the 97th percentile for a three year old is 51 cm! It's hard imagine a 3 year old running around with a head almost as big as mine.
Ltl, I am going to ask my SIL about our nephew's head circumference, but I know from pictures that their child that has the smallest head is their middle boy...his brother is 2 yrs younger and has a bigger head than he does. So it definitely runs in the family on both sides and since LO's brain is developing normally I need to trust the "experts". Oh and yes, this is our first (and likely only) child together.
AllieLuv - congrats on the baby girl!!!! They say every pregnancy is difference and I guess you are a case in point, but I am glad that everything is going well, and hope your BP's stay normal!
Tammy - How are you doing this week?
AFM - 28 weeks!!! So excited. My next apt is Monday. The dresser came today, so I can finally start putting the nursery together. My belly is continuing to grow. People who don't see me everyday say I am growing by the week. Just hoping all looks good on Monday. I haven't "seen" the babies in almost a month. This is the longest I have gone since my 1st trimester appointments.
The short version is my ob was rescheduled to tomorrow because I'm sick and more importantly, my 10 yr old is sick. I spent all night last night in the ER with her because we couldn't get her fever under control. It was 104.3 AFTER Motrin. They found out she has strep throat so they dosed her up with a huge lot of antibiotics, some Tylenol and finally at 4 am her fever came down to a reasonable 101. Amazingly, she hasn't had any fever reducer since 7 am and hasn't had a fever. It's 8:30pm so I'm super hopeful that she's really turned the corner. Thank goodness for modern medicine! She'll be on antibiotics for a few more days and she's complaining about that, but when I remind her that the other option is a shot of them, she stops fussing.
Anyhow, that's my update. I'll try to come back soon to update after my appt tomorrow where I get to discuss my us in detail with the ob. I'm looking forward to that.
Ugh, Tammy, that is no good! I hope she is feeling better soon and that it doesn't rub off on you and the baby. Good luck at your appointment tomorrow!
Tammy - I am hoping your daughter is feeling better, and I am sorry you had such a rough couple days. I hope your apt goes well.
FancyPantsSpakes - Congrats on the girl. I am so excited for you!!!
AFM - I had my appointment yesterday, and things have changed. Last visit it appears there was only a 3 oz difference in weight between the twins, and now there is about a 1 pound difference. The doctors are concerned because there is an almost 20% size discrepancy between the babies. But they are both huge!!! I guess these babies did not get the memo that twins are supposed to be smaller. Baby A is in the 75% and Baby B is greater the the 95%. After hearing that, I asked again about my glucose challenge (one value was abnormal) and they said it was fine. On top of it all, I lost 5 lbs and have gone from be 27lbs above pre-pregnancy weight to 22 lbs. Don't asked me how I lost so much weight in 4 weeks! My doctor was not happy with me to say the least. So now I am stuffing myself with food, which is much harder than earlier pregnancy being I have a smaller stomach and reflux.
I am 29 weeks and have 6 1/2 lbs of baby in me when you combine their weights, that is hard to believe. I am just hoping their size does not throw me into labor before the 34-36 week point.
I have a follow up in 2 weeks, but I am not sure I am getting an US. So I hope things continue to go ok. I know there is not much I can do at this point other than eat.
Hello again ladies. I am almost 24 weeks here and on Monday I had some unexplained bleeding. I haven't bled since I had my miscarriage in February so it freaked me out. I rushed to triage and they couldn't find anything wrong with me. My cervix is long (5cm) which they said was much longer than average. They were surprised that I had a vaginal birth with my son for some reason. It is closed and the baby was fine on the monitors. They gave me a rhogam shot since I am B- and sent me home. I was terrified driving there crying in the car since Paul had to stay home with LO. It was also my first time at the hospital that I am supposed to be delivering in and I was so underwhelmed. My heart told me that I should not deliver there. I hated doing it but I switched practices just so I can be at the bigger hospital for my delivery.
I hope everyone is chugging along. I feel like this pregnancy is going to fly by once I go back to work in a week and a half.
Ltl, how crazy is it that the babies are developing so differently? I'm totally fascinated by that, although I hope the bigger one quits hogging all the good stuff!! Also, don't beat yourself up too badly on losing weight. I have found this to be a hard thing with pregnancy myself, although of course I'm sure this has your drs in a tizzy. Hopefully you're chugging milkshakes and eating for all three of you and back to the 'normal' weight gain soon enough. I find it really hard to just gorge myself on food, when that isn't my normal style or behavior. I'm eating what I want and even a little more, but I don't want to feel pressure to put on more weight than my body can handle. So long as I'm feeling good and baby is growing (at the ultrasound last week, she is around 8oz, which the dr said was looking good), then I'm happy. Speaking of possibly going into early labor, did your dr say anything about things you can do to prevent that? Maybe today you can stay home and just eat and lay around the house
Allie, how scary!! I sincerely hope that the drs put you at ease with everything after they checked you out! Hopefully you're able to take it easy and just get in a little more rest than usual until your body calms down. I'm sending positive thoughts to both you and Ltl right now! Also, about the hospital, is there another place you can deliver? My original plan was to deliver at a hospital about 45 minutes away from us because we want a midwife for delivery. I was willing to travel to get one and the hospital is great, so I had no worries about it. Now the midwives can deliver at my local hospital, which is both good and bad. Well, maybe not bad, just different. I've heard mixed reviews about my local hospital, but I think with the fact that I'm having a midwife and not an OB dr, I'm kind of better off. One main thing I didn't want is any sort of intervention with the birth (inducing being a HUGE one and I do NOT want a c-section, unless the baby is breech), which I have found that drs push on you. I do think it'll be different since I have a midwife for delivery. The one great thing about the hospital is that my Aunt is one of the head social workers at the hospital and she will totally regulate things for us lol..she has been amazing anytime anyone in our family is in the hospital, which makes me very happy. Plus, she knows all the people in labor and delivery, so I feel certain that just name dropping or having her in for a visit will help them see that I have someone on staff that has my back.
Tammy, how is your daughter and how did the drs appt go?
AFM, I'm chugging along at 18 weeks and feeling fabulous. We took a front and side picture last night and while the bump is still small, I was kind of surprised how I looked from the side these days! I still don't really look all that pregnant and mostly just look chubby, which is just weird when you know that you're supposed to be getting bigger and gaining weight. I'm having lunch with my Mom today and we're going to chipotle, so I plan on helping the baby get a little fatter lol...Mom and I can eat there about once every 6 months and not feel too gulity with all the calories, so this works out perfectly.
FPS both of these hospitals are about 10 minutes in two opposite directions. One is a huge medical teaching hospital. Very crazy by the books, and has a level 3 nicu. The other is a small local hospital 7000 vs 700 births. I don't doubt that the care would be fine there but they are just so darn laid back. Plus they don't have a nicu so if something happened to baby girl she would be airlifted to the big hospital while I stayed behind or checked myself out. I have a midwife at the current practice that I just moved to. I really want to avoid pit this time and hopefully induction (which I had with my son due to my blood pressures). I am also hoping to hold out on the epi for as long as I can as well as possibly no epi at all if I can labor unplugged.
Ltl, WOW that's a lotta baby! Good job on baking those sweet little twins. I know nothing about genetics really, but maybe one twin is just naturally smaller since they're not identical? The good news is that they're both in the upper percentiles and looking great!
Allie, I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling! I can understand why you're leery of the small hospital. I am not a huge fan of the atmosphere in teaching hospitals (residents don't need to see my hoo-ha when I'm trying to birth a baby!!!) but I definitely see the draw of having a lvl 3 NICU. Our hospital has either a lvl 2 or lvl 3 and I'm comforted by that too.
FPS, you're in such a fun phase of pregnancy, enjoy it!! I loved the 16-27 wks (minus my stupid pelvic issues) because it was obvious that I was pregnant, but I could still get out of bed without sounding like a linebacker!
AFM: I think my appt went as well as can be expected. My OB went over the 28 week us with me and also cross referenced my 21 wk. She seems to think that everything really is fine because all of Hannah's measurements are pretty much following their same pattern as they did at the 21 week u/s. She mentioned that as the babies get bigger, the margin of error is larger as well, so it's likely that the machine was just off by a few mm this time. She didn't say it, but I strongly suspect my weight (I have a higher BMI than I should, sigh...) plays a part in the accuracy as well but I can't be sure. She reiterated that the brain and head structures look perfect, just small. I didn't like seeing the word microcephaly on the report, but she brushed it off as literally just meaning "small head" and pointed to the 3% measurement plus the size of my head for reference. She also confirmed that this coming u/s on the 21st is really going to be the telling measurement. So I'm just trying to put it out of my mind for now. We don't have any chromosomal issues to deal with, her brain looks good and her body is healthy. I need to focus on that and trust that everything will turn out well. It's easier said than done, but it's really not in my control anyhow and stressing myself out about it isn't helpful at all.
Aside from the head circumference report, it was an interesting appointment! When I walked in, she took one look at my bump and said "WOW, you've grown!" Then when I pulled my shirt up for her to check the hb, she really seemed almost shocked, mentioning how she could barely find the top of my uterus before and now...well, it's large and in charge. The next fun bit was she couldn't figure out the baby's position, or find the hb. We weren't concerned really because LO kicked her several times so hard that she commented that she could see my whole belly move. She wanted a visual though, so she quickly did an u/s. Guess what? The stinker is transverse! No wonder my ribs have been killing me! So while she's not breech anymore, I'm afraid things aren't too much better. I'm hopeful though that she'll choose a path and I can rest easier soon.
Oh, a question...does anyone else have a baby that can't seem to stop hiccuping?! I swear this poor girl has days where she's hiccuping 4-5 times a day! Yesterday it was pretty intense, though today she's had less of them. I'm really going to miss the bumps and nudges from within. I can't believe I only have 8 weeks and 1 day to go. How the heck did that happen?!?!
FancyPantsSparkles - funny you say that about me laying around. I took 3 days off from work (it was planned well before the weight loss thing happened). So I have been laying round the last 2 days. I have been doing some baby stuff. But I am in South Texas, and it is August, so leaving the house and going out in 100+ degree weather is not my idea of a good time right now. I have been doing LOTS of online ordering for the babies. And just so you know, don't feel bad at eating at Chipotle every 6 months. I have been going there weekly! I am going to be so sick of it by the time these babies are born. Don't worry about the belly, it will come in soon enough.
Tammy - I hope you little one finds a position that makes you both comfortable. Baby A loves to hiccup, and Baby B has been starting to join her recently.
AllieLuv - Well, in a way, it is good you got to see the smaller hospital now. I hope you are doing well and your little one is behaving!
AFM - not much to report. Worked on the nursery some more this weekend. It is almost done. Just have to buy some pics for the walls. I have been washing the clothes. It is so hard to figure out what to buy for them. I know if you are having one baby you typically only buy a few newborn clothes, but I bought more because twins tend to be smaller (although if baby B keeps going the way he is, that will not be the case). I also bought a couple premie clothes, but have not opened them or washed them yet. I am going to wait until I see if they are still growing the way they are before I do that. I will be 30 weeks tomorrow, so it is flying!
Hi ladies! It's been so long since I checked in here, there's so much to catch up on!
Ltl, glad things are still going well for you! I can't even imagine south TX heat while pregnant with twins, I'm sure your days off must have been heavenly. I've also eaten more than my share of Chipotle/Qdoba this pregnancy, burritos with plenty of guacamole were one of my only cravings during late 1st tri and early 2nd tri.
Tammy, I'm sorry you've been under stress but I think and hope that it will all turn out fine for your baby girl. Hopefully she wiggles around a bit and gives your ribs some relief soon! How is your older daughter doing, has she bounced back from her fever?
Allie, it stinks that you had to switch practices mid-pregnancy but I think it makes sense if you're feeling more comfortable about things now. I hope you don't have any more Scares!
FPS, yay for a girl! I can't believe you're only a couple weeks behind me, you're so sneaky . I got a poochy little belly around 15-16 weeks and it really started to show by 19 weeks, so I bet you'll start really noticing yours soon!
Well, I have some updates but nothing earth-shattering, mostly just plugging along at 21w2d. We had our anatomy scan last week and everything is looking good, baby was measuring either bang on track or a day or two ahead on all the measurements. Since I think I'm a day ahead of where they have me, that made sense to me. Baby was around 14 oz, which is 65th percentile -- just a teeny bit of a chunky monkey, haha. We are officially on Team Green, and the crazy thing is that the midwives are, too -- apparently radiology doesn't ever tell then the sex unless they specifically ask for it! They usually just hear the news from the parents at the post-US checkup. I've been feeling baby kick and move since 18w3d, although it would sometimes be a day or two in between...but lately I've been feeling lots more and DH was even able to feel some kicks last night! The bad news was that, at least on the US, baby was footling breech. They're not worried about positioning yet because there's lots of time and they still move all around at this stage, but that apparently could explain why I need to pee like every 5 minutes -- somebody is basically having regular dance parties on my bladder. It's so painful when I feel it get stomped!
Anyway, I met with a different midwife last time, one I hadn't ever seen before, and unfortunately I didn't like her that much. She was nice enough but kind of aloof and impersonal, I thought. I was sad because, of the ones I've net so far, I really liked one and LOVED two of them, and this was the first "meh" appointment I've had. It's not enough to make me question my provider choice, but i wont lie, I'm really hoping this one isn't on call when I'm in labor. I have one more MW to meet and then I'll be acquainted with everyone in the practice, so fingers crossed the last one is also great.
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