
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tammy - Are you sure the weight is not fluid? One pound overnight seems like a lot. My weight goes up and down based on the day, time of day, which is why I try to only weigh myself once a week. It is just too confusing if I am one lb up one day, than 2 lb down the next (which happened last week, but my net weight gain over the week was on track). I am sorry your plans got cancelled, that is always a bummer, but I am sure in the long run, it was a good decision.

gammygam - I am so sorry the MS is fading, but can't believe it is lasting so long. The PB stuff is super cute, I have been looking at that site a lot.

blackpolkadot - I am glad you are home, and you are right, your first job is to keep that baby inside you. Don't worry about the other stuff, it will all come together when it does, even if it is after the baby. 34 weeks is closer than you think.

CrulySue - I hope you are doing well, and maybe getting a tad of rest.

AFM - the good news is the toenail figured itself out at the last min. I was almost pain free when I went in Friday afternoon, so we decided not to cause more pain by taking it out. I am now wearing wide soled tennis shoes at work, and still soaking it. I will keep it up as long as I can reach my feat. My doc just told me if it becomes a problem to e-mail her. I can't get the time off for the 3 hour until next Thrusday. I could do it at my own clinic, but I don't want to see patients while fasting, than given a sugar, and having my blood drawn every hour, I would be one grouchy doc. Plus I am a hard stick, so I know it may take a bit to get the blood. I am still not sure how they are going to get my blood 4 times in one morning. I changed my diet a little, cut out the sweets and juices. It looks like I am still gaining weight. Otherwise not much else going on.
Hi all! Sorry I couldn't update sooner...busy busy busy.

BPD, I'm so glad to hear you're still pregnant!! That's awesome that they were able to slow/stop the progress and that your little one gets a few weeks longer to bake. I'm sure bedrest is no fun, but hang in there! I'll keep my fingers crossed for 34 weeks and beyond.

Ltl, great news that your toenail resolved itself. That sounded painful! Good luck on the 3-hour when you go in, I hope the results are in the right range this time!

Gammy, cute nursery decor!

Tammy, I hear you on family not being around for the birth. My parents both work full-time (they were pretty young when they had me, so retirement is a ways off for them still) and the chances either of them could get the time off to sit around here waiting for the baby to make its appearance are virtually nil. And since they live on the opposite coast, it's not like they can just pop down for a visit the next weekend or something. Anyway, we don't even have kids yet, so I can imagine it's extra stressful knowing that you have to make arrangements for your girls, as well. But I'm sure it will work out fine when the time comes.

As for me, well, my appointment was fine but a bit of a letdown. The midwife warned me that it might be too early to pick up a heartbeat on the Doppler, and she also said that my uterus tilts toward the back a bit. Between those two things, we didn't manage to hear the heartbeat, which I was really looking forward to. And, as I suspected, no ultrasound. The midwife said there's absolutely no reason to worry, and I'm really not, but I was hoping it would make all this feel more real. I know I should thank my lucky stars that I haven't had terrible morning sickness or any other yucky symptoms, but most of the time I don't even really feel pregnant. On the bright side, my urine cultures came back totally normal, so that's a good sign. And I can't complain too much because DH and I are off to Maui for almost a week, starting tomorrow, for an early babymoon. It's not likely that we'll be able to do one in late summer or early fall, when I'm further along, so we're seizing the opportunity now! Looking forward to (virgin) blender drinks on the beach, haha. :bigsmile:
Thank you for all the congratulations. We are so blessed and thrilled with our little one. She's the best; better than I dreamed of! :)
It's so lovely to hear from you fisher, I've been thinking about you and wondering how your gorgeous new family is going! I hope you're recovering well too!
Ltl, I'm happy to hear that the toenail decided to cooperate and that you're hanging in there okay. :)

Octavia, I'm sorry about the letdown appointment! I'm not surprised at all that they couldn't find your LO's hb with the doppler yet though, it's very early! It's too bad you're so sure about your ovulation/conception date, they would HAVE to do a dating ultrasound if not. ;))

Fisher, thanks for popping in to say hi! I look forward to some baby pictures from you again soon. :love:

AFM: Well things took an interesting turn today. I've been feeling a LOT of pelvic pressure so I went in to see my OB this morning. As it turns out, I'm not imagining things or being a baby. She did an exam and said that my pelvis is separating way too early. In fact, I'm out on disability either tomorrow or Friday. :errrr: On one hand, I'm relieved because I've been having a really rough time with working. On the other hand, holy crap what am I going to do with myself for the next 20 weeks before she comes?! Apparently I'm not even supposed to bring in groceries or haul laundry. Plus we are supposed to go to New York in June and I had all of these plans for summer camps for the older girls but they have to be canceled if I'm not working. So I feel like I'm letting everyone down. :(sad

So that's my update. Thankfully LO's bouncing around like crazy in there and had a strong heartbeat this morning. I love this little lady and she's worth every second of the pain but I'm DONE having kids! :tongue:
Tammy -

I am so sorry things got a bit complicated for you!!! I was not expected you to be restricted so early!! But I know you will do what it takes to keep your little baby healthy and baking until she is well cooked. I honestly think it is weird that in a way we are going through the same thing. First the infertility, and than getting pregnant at the same time. I am just waiting for the day I get restricted. I have no idea when it is going to happen, but with twins, I know there is a good chance. In fact, I just called my OB (my MIL wanted us to fly to AZ), and was told I can only fly for the next 2-3 weeks, which I pretty much knew from my reading about twins, but for some reason shocked my husband. So me and you will be staying near our respective homes together. Just try to stay positive, you are at the half way point, and it is flying!!

Fisher - So happy for you!!!

Octavia - That is a bummer, my practice is like that too, the only reason I got an US is that doppler is not that great for twins. Honestly, it did not feel real to me during the first US. The babies still kind of look like bean. But the second one at the end of the first trimester when they look like "babies" makes it very real. Are they offering you the NT scan? Have fun on your babymoon.

AFM - not much to report. I am going to spend the weekend with a friend who lives on the coast for the holiday weekend. It will be nice to get away for a few days. The belly is growing fast, and the belly button is starting to pop.
Quick update: 24 weeks today. Feeling great, my husband felt the baby move for the first time yesterday so that was nice. Go in for a 3 hour glucola in 2 1/2 weeks (hopefully I pass it, again.) Finally have settled on two name choices for each sex (Ivy Rae/Lila Rae or Xander Cruz/Sawyer Something we haven't decided on yet.

Hoping that all you pregnant ladies are doing well also!
Drive by post to let you all know Cooper was born Monday morning at 33w5d. He weighed 5 lbs 1 oz and was 17.5 in long. He is in the nicu and doing well. Will share more later!
BPD, congratulations!!! I can't wait to see pics of baby Cooper and I hope he's out of NICU very soon. From what I've read, 32-33 weekers aren't in long. You did a fantastic job keeping him in there as long as you could! :praise:

Tao, I'm happy to hear that all is well with you! Good luck with your 3 hr glucose. You reminded me that I haven't taken it at all yet, I'm off to google that after I finish this post. :lol:

Ltl, I hadn't thought about it too much but you have a point about similarities between us! Being off work is an adjustment, but the much bigger adjustment is not being able to do normal everyday tasks. It really stinks to not be able to do things that I normally do around the house and with the kids. I don't want to burden DH with those things on top of his 50+ hr work weeks but I also don't want to live in clutter either. Add being in pain all the time and worried to the mix and I'm not that fun for anyone to be around. :(sad Truthfully, I'm finding it hard not to get a little depressed and I am pretty sure I will need to find a counselor to talk to about it since the usual people that I'd lean on like my mom are out of the picture. Maybe it's just me being overly sensitive or prone to those feelings though? Anyhow, on to less downer thoughts!

I guess a bit of unsolicited advice would be to plan ahead so your adjustment goes smoothly when it does happen and to try to get what you can done now to prepare for their arrival. I'm sure I'd be a complete train wreck if we didn't already have 95% of Hannah's preparations done! :wacko:One thing that's been a life saver is bringing a comfy Lazy Boy recliner into our bedroom. It's a bit cramped, but at 4 am when I can't lay down (like this morning...) it feels so much less alienating to have the option of (sort of) sitting up in the same room at least as DH. I suppose I should ask my OB if this is okay.
blackpolkadot|1369826048|3455581 said:
Drive by post to let you all know Cooper was born Monday morning at 33w5d. He weighed 5 lbs 1 oz and was 17.5 in long. He is in the nicu and doing well. Will share more later!

BPD, congrats :appl: :appl: My boys were born at 33/5 too and had such a short NICU stay compared to their brother (he was 30/5). Just know there are a lot of PS NICU mamas around if you need anything! 5lbs is amazing :appl:
BPD, congratulations! I hope both you and Cooper are doing well, and that he will be able to go home very soon!

Tammy, I'm sorry to hear about your restrictions and the pain you're in. Hugs to you.

Ltl, I hope you had a nice relaxing weekend!

Tao, glad you're doing well and good luck on the glucose test.

AFM, we had a wonderful trip but it was so hard to come back! Things at work are crazy right now so that didn't make it easier -- I'm essentially handling 75% of another person's job in addition to my own because she retired and we haven't been able to hire a replacement yet. And it involves a lot of stuff I'm not really trained or equipped to handle, so I keep getting questions about things I know nothing about and feel like I'm doing half the stuff wrong because I was kind of thrown into this and nobody has bothered to tell me what the rules and procedures are. It's really frustrating under the best of circumstances, but I could tolerate it with being tired all the time and more emotional than usual, though, I just feel like I'm cracking. It was so nice to get away from it for a couple days, but of course things just piled up while I was out, so this week sucks. I'm glad it's short. Also, I've been getting this nasty pain near my tailbone for the past week or so -- at first I thought it was from the seat on the plane when we flew to Maui but its not going away (or rather, it comes and goes randomly) so I'm wondering if either a) it's pregnancy-related or b) I did something worse than I imagined to it somehow.

Baby-wise, we have the NT scan coming up on the 14th of June...I'll be almost 13 weeks by that time, which I know is within the right timeframe but it seems so late! They're doing integrated testing, so they'll take blood at the same time and then again a couple weeks later to combine with the NT results. I'm looking forward to finally seeing our little one! Also, I'm getting antsy to tell people so maybe we will start doing that this weekend. I'll be 11 weeks, which is close enough to the end of my first trimester for me to feel comfortable spilling the beans to family and friends. Yay!
Blackpolkadot - contrats. I hope Cooper sails through the NICU and is home with you soon!

taovandel - You names sound great, and it is wonderful that your DH felt your baby move

Octavia - I am glad you got the NT scan scheduled. It sounds like you are getting the same procedure I am. I had mine at 13 weeks and the results were still reliable. I really enjoyed watching the babies during that scan, so I hope you do too. I think at this point, you can start telling people whenever you are ready. I announced at 12 weeks, but a lot of my friends announce at 10.

Tammy - I will tell you what I have read in my twin books. Your number one job is to keep that baby inside you. There is no better incubator than you. I spent 6 months in a NICU, and I can tell you it can be a rough experience. For me, I know there is a good chance my babies may end up there, but I can tell you my NICU memories are my motivation for my lifestyle changes (Blackpolkadot, if you are reading this, it is not a situation like yours that gets me worried). I know it must be harder thinking you would have a normal pregnancy, and than have the course change, than my situation, where I am thankful for everyday I get a normal life, but hopefully you are taking things day by day. It is a good thing you prepared early. At least you don't have that to worry about the nursery.

AFM - I am finally feeling the babies move at least a couple times a day! They can't kick hard enough to wake me up out of my sleep, but it is so cool. A few days ago I had a crazy pregnancy dream that my babies were born at 24 weeks in my NICU at residency (I did not personally like the way that NICU operated, so I was very upset about this in my dream), and I woke up and felt them moving around. Very reassuring. I have my 3 hour GTT tomorrow, so not looking forward to that. Not much else going on.
The Just barely pregnant thread is a little I'll add myself here. I can't believe I'm here though. Even though were were trying, it was so unexpected! The only symptoms I have are a little bloating and tired. This is exactly how I felt with my last pregnancy. :halo: Our little angel sent us a gift. His 1st birthday is coming up next week, I think he knew we needed this. My EDD is 2/7/14
Yaaaay, Missy!! I'm so happy to see you here! I also jumped in here pretty early on -- I don't think there are a ton of us who are preggo right now, so we have to stick together. :bigsmile: Huge amounts of sticky dust are coming your way!
I'm here. :wavey: I'm 12 weeks today and will be checking in regularly. I have my NT scan scheduled for 13.5 weeks, Octavia.
We've told our family and close friends. I don't know about any other ladies, but it still doesn't seem real sometimes. I have minor symptoms, but for the most part, I forget that I'm pregnant. Looking forward to more updates from the small crew we have here on PS.
Missy - Welcome, so happy to see you over here. Congrats again!!!

tigian - Welcome as well!

AFM - I had my 3 hour glucose challenge today. Boy that was not fun. It was actually a 4 hour test because I had to have a normal fasting glucose before they would give me the orange stuff. I got the stuff down, but than got nauseated and dizzy. The babies thought it was the best thing ever, about 45 minutes after the drink, they were moving like mad! Not even out of the womb yet, and already loving sugar. I am in trouble. The lab techs let me lay down, they had a table with the head of the bed and feet elevated, so it was perfect. I was able to get through the test without a problem. The numbers look ok to me, but I will probably not talk to the doctor until next week. So I am just assuming it is normal until told otherwise.
Thanks ladies! So excited to be here! I guess I'm going to give my doctor a call in the morning. I have a checkup appointment scheduled for July for my irregular cycles, but I'm sure she'll want to see me earlier. At least I hope! I ovulated late so my dates wont match my LMP.
Ltl, I'm sorry your 3 hr test wasn't any fun at all but very glad to hear that it looks like you passed!

Missy, I was going to suggest hopping on in over here when I read your BFP posts in the TTC thread. I'm so glad to see you here and love that you're pregnant! :))

Tigian, welcome!!

It's nice to see our little troupe of preggies expanding and not just around the middle. :tongue:

AFM: Things are going a bit better as I settle into my new norm. For now, I plan to enjoy what mobility I do have and take advantage of being able to be home with the girls before Hannah is born. This morning was actually really wonderful with them and after I dropped them off at school I was able to focus enough to work for a bit on my laptop. Woohoo! I've also (at least for now) gotten past a lot of my frustration and anxiety that surrounded the situation with my parents. We have a plan in place that will work out regardless of if they even make it up here so taking control of the situation is a HUGE relief. We also canceled our trip to NY because I definitely can't go (doctor's orders) but luckily we booked with Southwest so we were able to pull the full airfare towards new tickets. We're super excited about it because we're going to be there for Christmas! I'm nervous about taking a 10 week old baby on a 7 hour flight in December, but at least she'll still be sleeping quite a bit and I can nurse her on take off/landing so hopefully the fussiness will be minimal. I'm sure she'll love being able to sleep on mommy and daddy the whole time. :)) My only real fear is that she might catch a cold/flu but hopefully nursing and common sense keeps her healthy.

In other news, we had our 21 week anatomy scan yesterday and it went really well! Baby Hannah is still a girl, phew! :lol: She's also simply perfect and we're even more in love with her. :love: Apparently she's about 13 ounces and already has long legs. Lucky girl! :bigsmile:

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Hi I don't have much time but just wanted to say congrats to the new moms and newly expecting moms. I read along when I can and am so thrilled with all of the good news here! Feeling super blessed today instead of super stressed so I'm really trying to savor it. Will post a couple pics when I can! Hugs and dust to everyone.
So what happens when you mix a woman who the Dr's have told her for decades that it would be impossible for her to get pregnant with a man who was told decades ago that their was a 50% chance he was sterile - and nothing in the last few decades would indicate otherwise (and it should have happened once). Then add the fact that one of the drugs the man is now taking is known for suppressing sperm production and causing infertility...

So what do you all think happens in a case like that?

Have a great day,

perry|1370172229|3457646 said:
So what happens when you mix a woman who the Dr's have told her for decades that it would be impossible for her to get pregnant with a man who was told decades ago that their was a 50% chance he was sterile - and nothing in the last few decades would indicate otherwise (and it should have happened once). Then add the fact that one of the drugs the man is now taking is known for suppressing sperm production and causing infertility...

So what do you all think happens in a case like that?

Have a great day,


Perry, unconfuse us here. Are you posting this question because you and your wife are thinking about trying to have a baby together? I'm just trying to understand the intention of your query.

Without knowing exactly what you're getting at, I would guess that for the two of you to try to conceive a child would be difficult at best. I would, however, encourage you both to first visit your GP's, and discuss any and all health concerns that might be involved in fertility. It's possible that your GP's could refer you both to fertility specialists who could then help you through the process.

Lastly, I do believe that where there's a will, there's a way. If you truly want to parent a child with your spouse, you may be able to do so naturally (although it sounds like both of you have already heard discouragement), or you could explore other options. Why not start your own thread here in the Family, Home, and Health subforum to discuss the matter? You may get more responses by doing so. Hope you and your princess are otherwise well.
Since it is in this thread, I am guessing that they got a surprise BFP...
monarch64|1370203764|3457781 said:
perry|1370172229|3457646 said:
So what happens when you mix a woman who the Dr's have told her for decades that it would be impossible for her to get pregnant with a man who was told decades ago that their was a 50% chance he was sterile - and nothing in the last few decades would indicate otherwise (and it should have happened once). Then add the fact that one of the drugs the man is now taking is known for suppressing sperm production and causing infertility...

So what do you all think happens in a case like that?

Have a great day,


Perry, unconfuse us here. Are you posting this question because you and your wife are thinking about trying to have a baby together? I'm just trying to understand the intention of your query.

Without knowing exactly what you're getting at, I would guess that for the two of you to try to conceive a child would be difficult at best. I would, however, encourage you both to first visit your GP's, and discuss any and all health concerns that might be involved in fertility. It's possible that your GP's could refer you both to fertility specialists who could then help you through the process.

Lastly, I do believe that where there's a will, there's a way. If you truly want to parent a child with your spouse, you may be able to do so naturally (although it sounds like both of you have already heard discouragement), or you could explore other options. Why not start your own thread here in the Family, Home, and Health subforum to discuss the matter? You may get more responses by doing so. Hope you and your princess are otherwise well.

Monarch: I picked this tread for a reason: Neither of us ever planned it or expected it.... But, we also took no other precautions to prevent it either (and given the above described situation why would anyone use other forms of birth control). The above situation adds up to.... Princess Zhanna is pregnant. Given our history and ages that is rather... unexpected. We are taking it as a blessing - and know that the statistics are not good for our ages - but are focusing on the fact that if the impossible happened (as it has) - then we should make it through all the other issues fine and beat the odds.

So I will probably be doing a fair amount of reading on this thread for a while.

Have a great day,

Congratulations Perry! :appl:
Congratulations Perry! What wonderful news!! :appl:
:appl: :appl: :appl: congrats!
Ha! Well Perry, why didn't you just SAY THAT?!!!! Congratulations! Very happy for you and Princess Z. I hope things continue to go well and that you have a healthy pregnancy. Wow, I'm kind of shocked, can't imagine how you guys must have felt! Lots of love and hugs to you both.
Thanks Skippy, Loves Vintage, Bella_mezzo, Monarch64: I did tell Princess last night that the Ladies of Pricescope said "congratulations"

Shocked is not the exact words for it...

Actually, I told Princess a week+ ago (Sat AM May 25) that I thought she was pregnant (several days before her period was due) and she did not believe that it was even possible (she has never used birth control in her life and has led a more sexually active life than I since her teenage years); and then I have my own issues and history too - and how could I tell? To quote one of our favorite movies: Inconceivable... But of course everything that was inconceivable in that movie did in fact happen :)

By this past weekend she believed it was possible due to missing her period and changes in her body and we ran the test early Sunday AM. She still cannot believe that I could sense the changes - connect the dots - and tell a week prior.

Yes, we are both happy about this (and she is very happy as its a dream she never ever thought was possible - to be able to get pregnant and have a child).

Now we move to a stage of working to ensure that it is a healthy pregnancy. Neither of us is young (most people our ages are grandparents) - but some woman her age have delivered healthy babies (and we are well aware that only about 1 out of 3 pregnancies at this age results in a healthy baby).

Have a great day,

Congratulations, Perry! Please feel free to post as much as you like and ask any questions you might have. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you two that her pregnancy is healthy and uneventful!
I'm bored at work and just happened to venture over to this part of PS (usually I just look at the jewelry sections). Anyways, I'm 15 weeks today so I thought I would post! This will be mine and DH's first and we find out the gender in about a month or so. We're very excited! :appl: