
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Allie-B is very excited about our coming baby (which he is telling EVERYONE is a girl, even though we are team green :lol: ). Even though he's super excited, he keeps saying that he doesn't want to hold the baby b/c that would be SCARY! (and then he giggles and runs away). Other than that, he's super excited, calls it "my baby", loves to cloth diaper his toys and talks about what you can do with your baby "dress it, hug it, show it to your friends, share your toys, etc". but holding the baby, he's adamant is absolutely terrifying...and he's 5!

Kids are weird:-)
Allie- thank you for sharing how your son is with the new baby. I think I'll just try to keep it in my head that she will be terrible with him/her being here and will only be jealous. I highly suspect she will be that way since she is so used to having my attention all day. New babies are scary so I understand your sons fear! Hehe. Once she starts moving on her own he will be able to enjoy her more. Also, I hope I don't have to do the extra glucose test. It made me shaky and dizzy last time. Not fun.

Bella- I can't believe B is already 5! I remember following your journey and it's incredible to think how time flies. I'm glad he's exited for his new baby. I'm sure he will do great!

Afm- 17 weeks tomorrow! I think I'm feeling baby move around in there. It's very cool and selfish that I love being the only one to feel it now. We got our Christmas tree today, and L surprising isn't bothered with it yet. I imagine that will change when the ornaments are on. I'm excited for the holidays this year, especially since it will be our last Christmas/New Years alone with L! Bella, Allie, NEL- were/are the last holidays emotional for you as well before number 2?
Petite and Bella: he isn't jealous just pretty indifferent towards his sister. Before she was born he would talk about all of the things he would do with her but maybe now that she is here he is realizing that she is too small to do those things. He doesn't like her crying he says it's too loud! I hope that with time he will enjoy her more.

I started feeling very emotional when I found out my induction date I think because it was so finite. We had 2 family nights of snuggles in our bed I had some good crying. Through the entire pregnancy I didn't feel emotional because Charlie seemed so excited about his sister...blah!
I am WAY behind. It's just been a rough few weeks with Blake's first "angel day" coming and going on December 6th. But anyway, let's stick with good stuff.

I passed my 1 hour GD test. We have the c-section date set for February 5th so I'll be 39w2d then. I'm up 32 pounds, but didn't gain any weight the last month. Baby girl is lying transverse, which is fine because I'll have a c-section anyway, kinda cool to know how she's positioned though. We have a 3D ultrasound scheduled for this Thursday just for fun! Our friend is an ultrasound tech so she's doing them for free :bigsmile: I'm really excited to see if she has hair like her big brother. Seriously I may cry if they tell me/show me. Blake's hair was one of my favorite things about him!!
Just chiming in on older sibling being indifferent to new baby:

My son was 22 months when his little sister was born. At first, he was so not into her and couldn't care less. Now that he is almost 3 and she is 1, they are the best of friends and he always wants to play with her. So hang in there, there's hope yet.
Oh Missy,

I can't imagine how bittersweet Blake's angel day must have been and the holiday season must be. You are such an amazing and strong mama!!!!

We were due the same time, I can't believe that your C-section is scheduled and you are all set for Feb 5. I am so envious:-) I can't wait for you to meet your little girl :love: Hopefully she changes position, but great that the transverse isn't an issue with your scheduled c-section.

Have fun at your ultrasound!

AFM-I am VERY ready for this pregnancy to be over!!! In addition to the nausea, heartburn, and evil crotch pain-all of which are getting worse-I can't find any comfortable sleeping position so am not sleeping much and keep waking up with numb hipsand a sore back no matter how many pillows I use or what position I try.

I am also very sick of my Dr's office. it's impossible to get through to a person when I call. :angryfire: I have tried at least 5 times over the past week and still can't get anyone. I should have my next appt this Friday, but it's not happening b/c I can't get through to a person to schedule it...

I am interviewing my third midwife option tonight (the one who would do a waterbirth at the small hospital I like, but is not in network for my insurance) and then hopefully I can make a decision.

We have packages arriving daily as a result of my nesting:-) and it is starting to look like our house will actually have a baby in it soon.

B is amazing, getting bigger and more talkative every day. Sometimes I just want to freeze time with our little family. Even though I know my love and attention will multiply when the baby arrives, it makes me sad to think about sharing my time with B with the baby. As a working mom I already feel like my time with him is so limited, and he's just such an amazing little boy :love: ;( :love: I think that's mostly pregnancy hormones talking, and I keep telling myself when I am home on maternity leave I'll actually get to see him more b/c I'll be there when he gets home from school...
Allie, your daughter is absolutely beautiful!! Also, thanks for sharing how hard it was for you when you found out your induction date. I am going through something similar. And the indifference seems very, very normal. I'm preparing myself for K being withdrawn and the thought makes my eyes water a little.

Missy, I've been thinking about you--this month has to be very hard for you. You are definitely a strong woman and hopefully your DD gives you even more strength. Yay for passing the GT and have fun at your ultrasound tomorrow!

PP, I am also employing the set-your-expectations-low strategy when it comes to K getting used to the new baby. DH thinks she'll enjoy the baby, but I think she'll probably become withdrawn the way Allie's DS was. K loves babies, but when the baby is with us all the time and K doesn't have my attention the way she does now, I think she'll get jealous. And yes, the holidays are a little more emotional for me this year. With K being a little older, my pregnancy hormones, and knowing it's the last Christmas we have as a family of 3, I'm overly sentimental.

Bella, I feel like a broken record going on about how hard it's been for me to think of sharing time with K and the new baby, but I definitely relate to what you are saying. I am LOVING this stage with K and I really would freeze time and just enjoy it if I could. At least there are a few of us who are in the same boat--I feel like being able to relate helps me.

FPS, I'm so glad the shower went well and you're feeling prepared! You really are in the final stretch!

I can also relate to wanting to freeze time, but also feeling done with pregnancy. The discomfort is really frustrating, right? I can't even comfortably sit down on the couch. Last night I was trying to watch a show and ended up sitting on the floor in a weird position. And yes, sleep is severely disrupted. If I don't take the Zantac in time, then the heartburn keeps me up. Then when I wake up in the middle of the night from discomfort, I have to pee. Then it's hard going back to sleep because the baby is moving. K was a great sleeper from the beginning and I used to joke that I got more sleep after she was born than before. But it really wasn't a joke.

AFM, I am going to stop talking about how sad I am at the thought of having to share my time with K. Granted, I won't stop BEING sad about it, but I feel like I talk about it so much with my husband that he questions why we're having another.

Yesterday at daycare I watched K play with 2 of the younger kids. She was having so much fun running around with the 14-month-old and she was super attentive and sweet with the 6-month-old. When the 6-month-old would drop her paci, K would (gently) put it back in her mouth. And at one point the 6-month-old had a runny nose, so K got a Kleenex. She wiped the baby's nose, then patted her on the back. It made me really happy to see how sweet she was with the baby and helped ease my fears a fraction.

Overall things are good. K is in her new room and loves it, I finished painting the nursery furniture yesterday, so I just need to get it moved in. I'm dedicating January as the month of final preparations, but really only think there are a handful of things I need.
FYI-great sales and coupons on and Old Navy today:-)

nesty mcnesterson
Thanks girls! We got over the one hump in December....on to the next, Christmas Day. We're not really "into" it this year, so no tree for us. Next year will hopefully be a little better!

So we had the ultrasound last night. I'm gonna go with little miss being really CALM and not stubborn :lol: it took over an hour to get one decent picture of her. She was moving around, but wouldn't get into a good position for 3D pics even with moving around, drinking water, eating chocolate. She has a full head of hair already and I swear she looks like her brother! :love: She's estimated at 4lbs 2oz at 31 weeks.

Missy- what a great picture of your little girl!! DD was a mover for us too; always hiding her face, so that's very cool that you have such a clear shot. I hope you and your DH are able to enjoy your holidays. I have no doubt baby Blake is watching over you both and his baby sister, from above.

Hi to everyone else! My inlaws are in town until after the New Year, so I'm busy playing hostess. I try to read along as I can. Nothing exciting here going on though to post. I hope you all are enjoying nesting and counting down the days until your little ones are here. It looks like *only* 2-3 months left for most of you!
Over the weekend we seemed to have warmed up a little bit to baby sister. He was even asking to hold her :shock: this would be the first time in 3 weeks so I definitely rolled with it.

Missy: Great shot of your little miss. We were never able to see DD face because hers was always covered and I had level 2 ultrasounds monthly!

I feel like people really made me nervous about life with 2 kids but it has been surprisingly easy. This weekend I ran errands just with the baby and it was SO AMAZINGLY luxurious! I didn't have a little one yelling "Mommy" every 2 minutes!

Allie-they look so cute together and Charlie looks so proud:-)

I am 32/33 weeks (I've kind of lost count, plus the baby has been measuring ahead the whole pregnancy so I have no clue what to say).

I just threw up 5 times in my office and peed on myself a little (b/c you know no bladder control+violent vomiting=not a good pee situation).

I hadn't thrown up in about a month and was praying that was behind me...I still had constant nausea and heartburn, but at least was done vomiting...please let this be a one time thing...I can't go back to being sick all the time :errrr: .
TMI- but at the end of my pregnancy I was still vomiting daily... but could hardly hold anything in my bladder because of where she was... so I totally started wearing those pad thingys that are made for when you pee yourself :lol: Whatever, works right? :bigsmile:
Missy, such a great pic of your daughter! I think I can see the hair on the top of her little head. I'm so glad she was cooperating for you! Must have been nice to have that u/s after going through so much over the past couple of weeks.

PP, I hope you're enjoying your time with your in-laws!

Bella, UGH! Vomiting again?? You poor thing! With all of the 3rd tri discomfort, it would be nice if you weren't still having to deal with 1st tri issues. Are all of you classes/finals done, at least? How did the last midwife interview go?

Allie, such a cute pic of Charlie and his baby sis! It's refreshing to hear that you're finding life with two to be completely manageable. I feel like I'm preparing for the worst, though K is in daycare during the day, so I think that will help.

AFM, I'm flying this weekend and know it's going to be uncomfortable. I flew at 30+ weeks when I was pregnant with K and it was no fun. This time I'll be 32 weeks and have a toddler, so fun times!

Spent the entire day organizing clothes, setting up nursery, etc. yesterday and still didn't finish. My list of January projects is growing.

Looking forward to spending some time away from work--once Christmas is over, I'll feel like I can really concentrate on the final prep for this baby. Next dr.'s appt. is tomorrow, where we will finalize the c-section time/date
Bean-I am totally going to look into those! b/c this vomiting seems to be back to stay ;(

NEL-Good luck with the flying! Do you have compression socks? They help so much!

Re the, I really liked the midwife who delivers at the little hospital. It wouldn't be a home birth, but all the rooms are private, there are only like 8 delivery rooms and they are never all full, there is a level 2 NICU that can treat babies from approx. 32 weeks onward, delivering with the midwife I could eat/drink/walk around/labor and possibly deliver in the water tub, have no Heploc/IV, etc. AND she said that she could work it out for B to spend the night with us so we could all be together. It's like the perfect compromise between home birth and hospital birth for me (and it is exactly the same distance from our house as the hospital I am currently scheduled to deliver in) what's the catch...? The hospital where she delivers is in-network for our insurance, but she is not and we have a PPO so out of network coverage is only like 110% of medicare reimbursement which is not much. So, we have to convince our insurance company to grant an out of network exception which can be difficult. So, we'll see.

Yes, I am done with classes and my MBA (yay!). Can not wait for some time off next week!!!
Ahh Bella you just reminded me that I actually need to find out if my chosen hospital is in-network with my 2014 insurance! Thanks for the reminder!

I am about 100% sure I'm going with a midwife. I like the privacy aspect and the more personal attention you can get from a midwife. She said I can get an epidural if I find it necessary too.

DH and I are getting the nursery painted and ready this weekend as our shower is in like 3 weeks. I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!
Happy New Year everyone!!!!

FPS-Hope to hear great news from you soon:-)

Everyone else, we are one week closer!!!

I had a great break, mostly slept and ate antacids :knockout: but it was so nice not to have to get dressed and go to work. I am back at work today and it is hitting me like a ton of bricks.

B had a wonderful Christmas and we spent great time with family--grandparents, cousins, etc.

I am so ready to be done! Still dealing with insurance issues, still nauseous, still have horrible pelvic pain/pressure, still not sleeping well...can't wait to meet this kid and not be pregnant any more!

Good news is, I think that we are all set for baby with clothes, gear, etc. AND I found a doula that I like that we can afford. Small steps:-)
Hey, ladies! Hope everyone had a fabulous winter break and enjoyed a wonderful holiday season :) I've been MIA since I don't have too much to report on, but figured I would hop over and check in on all my other pregnant ladies.

Bella, you have struggled something serious with this pregnancy and I sincerely hope it finishes up quickly for you! You deserve to enjoy a sweet little baby AND feel great, so I'm hoping that is coming to you shortly. Also, despite being back at work, I hope you're able to cut your pace down a little and get in some relaxation before your new little one arrives!

Gem, I'm glad to hear that you'll probably end up with a midwife. I just love how personalized my weekly appointments are with ours and really feel like I'm FPS and not just patient # 34178. I don't know if it's been asked, but have you considered a doula? I've had a few friends/acquaintances offer to be mine (they are actually licensed), but since taking Bradley classes with the hubs and getting fully educated on everything, I really feel like we don't 'need' one. That said, several have said to call mid-labor if something changes, which is a nice back up.

NEL, Missy, how are you both feeling?

AFN, well, I'm sick right now. Starting on Saturday, I had horrible flu symptoms (all over body aches, sore throat, sinus issues with stuffy/runny nose, chest congestion, fever etc) and to make matters worse, the hubs had started feeling badly on Friday, so we were both out of commission. My Mom ended up dropping off some drinks with electrolytes, cough drops and some soup, which was nice because seriously, neither of us could leave the house. Fast forward to Tuesday (hey NYE!) and while most of the other stuff had cleared up, my throat is/was still on fire and I just didn't see that getting better in a timely manner. I went to Urgent Care and they gave me an antibiotic and explained that the infection, whatever it was, had moved up into my ears, which is why I was having trouble popping them and I just needed meds. 2 days full of meds and I don't really feel like my throat is getting better, so I may go visit them again tomorrow (they did say they don't think it's strep..swab was negative, but the dr explained that is about 70% accurate, so he checked a bunch of other stuff). Other than that though, things are looking good! We had another sonogram last week and they re-meassured the baby and said that they think she'll end up being around 8lbs plus/minus, but that everything looks good with her and her growth. My Mom was really worried about the baby's size, so this was good news, more to comfort my Mom lol...the midwife wasn't worried, so I wasn't all that worried either. Being sick, the house is a complete wreck, which I'm going to try and fix a little of today. I need to get all the laundry done, so that is one thing I won't have to worry about when she comes and I'd like to organize the front room a little more and fully set up the mini crib that we're going to attach to our bed so we can co-sleep with less issues. Oh and my due date is MONDAY!!! YIKES!! I still can't believe that we could have our little one any day now. At our last midwife appointment, I asked for an exam and they said that while I'm still not dilated, I'm at least 50% effaced and baby is in -1 station, so she is LOW and ready to go. The midwife was happy about that and said it will help me dilate when I actually go into labor. My belly is huge and sleep is becoming impossible (especially since I'm still sick), but I'm hoping to get in a little more rest and have this whole sick business cleared up before I go into labor...I DO NOT want to be sick and deal with delivering a baby at the same time...not cool! Other than being a little worried about not being prepared for our little Miss to come (which I think is normal), things are going pretty well my way. :) I'm excited, nervous, a little scared and really freaking happy that we'll get to meet our baby soon!
FPS wow sorry to hear about your illness! I actually had that ear thing going on the beginning of December. I was told that everything drained to my left ear, so it was full of fluid! Sudafed worked for me. You are SO close to your due date!!!

I am doing well! Except I have a cold that on top of the normal pregnancy congestion and sinus junk is gross! This girl is proving to be different than her brother. She likes to hang out on my bladder at times, kick my ribs, or push out at my already outie belly button (that's a new one too, it didn't pop before!) and the lovely lightning crotch lol but I love every minute of it! Just counting down the days now, 33 left as of today! :eek:
Missy and FPS, sorry both of you are feeling under the weather. Being sick while pregnant is the worst--you're tired enough as it is and not being able to take anything just makes it harder.

And FPS, I can't believe your due date is Monday, that's so exciting! Don't sweat the chores, there will be plenty of time to do them later. I'd planned to spend a couple of days deep cleaning before my scheduled C-section with K, but went into labor before I could. I remember being in labor and telling DH that I would never be able to get the cleaning done with a newborn. Turns out I had a ton of time--newborns sleep a lot. So try not to stress.

Bella, sounds like you have a lot going on, but are making strides. So glad you found a doula. And hopefully everything works out with your insurance.

Gem, how did the nursery turn out? Happy with it?

AFM, the whole family is sick here, too. DH has a sinus and ear infection. K has a double ear infection. We had to fly over Christmas and I think that just did everybody in. At least the timing was good since DH and I had time off of work. Hopefully by Monday everybody will be back to normal.

So my C-section has been scheduled. It's 2/12 at 8am. My preferred date was 2/18, but that date didn't work for the staff. So 2/12 it is. That is at 39 weeks on the nose (same as last time), so we'll see if I make it to the 12th!
Sorry to just pop in, but I have a concern/question and need advice.

Last night I woke up with a weird worry for the baby. It kept me up all night checking for movement and I wasn't feeling anything. Today it feels like I am much smaller and it has me thinking the baby has moved backwards towards my back vs near my belly button. It's quite bizarre and has me worried. I believe I am feeling movement this afternoon, but it's completely different than before. It feels like it's IN my uterus vs outside kicks like normal. Has anyone experienced this? Is it normal? Could the baby just have moved into a weird position to where I no longer feel it as much?

My stomach feels squashy now, whereas before it was solid where the baby always was. I'm 20.5 weeks and this is number 2, so you would think I would know these things... Thank you in advance! Sorry again to just pop in- I do read along!
I'd say normal PP. 20 weeks is still early for regular movement I believe and baby is still small enough to move into an area where you can't feel movement as well.

NEL - Our dates are pretty close! I hope all of you start feeling better! I've been on the couch the last 4 out of 5 nights! It gets so stuffy for me upstairs with the heat on and all my sinus stuff going on, I've been snoring up a storm haha.
NEL - that is a great date! It's my birthday :P
PP-I had a massive freak out around 23ish weeks where I couldn't feel the baby moving as much. I went to the Dr, had an ultrasound, burst into tears on the table, and saw the baby moving all over the place even though I couldn't feel it. I was so grateful to just be able to walk into the Drs office and have that done.

Between the hormones, the incredible amount of faith it takes to be confident this little bean inside you is growing, and the irregular sensation of fetal movement during that time, it can be really hard!

If possible, I would totally recommend going to see your provider and seeing if they can do an ultrasound/exam to put your mind at ease.

Huge hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Missy and NEL-I am so excited (and jealous) that you both know when your babies are coming and that they will probably arrive before mine! We are in the home stretch!!!

Is anyone else totally exhausted? All.the.time? I could happily stay in bed 24/7 I think. I used to read Victorian novels and think that the concept of confinement was horrible, now I am like "spend my time in bed with people waiting on me...yes please!"

FPS-Hope all is well and your little lady is about to make her debut!

Gem-post some nursery pics:-)
FPS I hope you are hanging in there and maybe even have met your little girl by now!

Missy I am also feeling the weirdest stuff from my belly and getting internal organs stomped on including bladder. :knockout: But I wouldn't change it for the world!

NEL just about 5 weeks to go! You can do it!

Bella I agree that it would be nice to know when we get to meet our little ones. We will get our turn soon enough :D

Healthy dust to everyone that is sick, or I hope by now you and your families are feeling better! :(

PP I hope you got a chance to get an u/s or hear the heartbeat. Let us know how you are!

So we got the painting done in the room. The color is a little off from what I wanted, but I think I always manage to screw it up when I choose colors. :knockout: I would not make a great interior decorator! Oh well :rodent: We also got the crib, but the room is still empty and the crib is still in the box. We need to clean the carpet in his room, put together the crib, move in his other furniture and have my shower before the nursery will be ready, ready. Haha. So no pics yet! :) We start childbirth/child care classes this week. Woo hoo!
Bella - I could definitely stay in bed! With my first pregnancy I was on bed rest for about a week now. No wonder I feel so done at work!!

I have 3 1/2 vacation days that need to be used so I have the next 3 Fridays off, and the 31st will be a 1/2 day! Figures the way it fell and my c-section is on 2/5 (Wednesday) I have to work Monday and Tuesday that week since I can't carry over the vacation days and need to keep 2014 vacation/sick days for maternity leave. So at the moment I have enough money in savings for 8 weeks off plus vacation/sick time which adds up to about 11ish weeks and I still have some time to save. I think I'm safe to take off for 12 weeks. Funny thing work hasn't asked me how long I plan on being off? Previously they came to me at 20 weeks to plan for my time off (which really all they did was tell me that they didn't offer paid maternity leave at all so I'd have to use my vacation/sick days first and the rest unpaid), but didn't actually figure out who was covering me while I was out until the day I went on bed rest at 34 weeks :confused: I sent an email on Friday to HR to find out who I'm supposed to speak with. You'd think they'd want to plan this out? What if I wasn't coming back?!?!

Today is THIRTY days until my c-section. Eeek! :eek: :bigsmile: :love: :o :shock: :bigsmile: :love: <---This is how my emotions are currently!

Oh the rest of the nursery isn't completely finished, but we did get Blake's wall done :halo:

Oh, that is just beautiful Missy! :love: How incredibly sweet and heartfelt. Love that she will always have her big brother watching over her.
Thank you Laila!! I tried searching for a poem or some kind of wording for a big brother angel watching over his sister but I couldn't find anything online. But that's exactly what that wall is for, so he can watch over her :love:

Some days I feel like this girl is going to fall out when I get up and walk around. Such a weird feeling, the end of this pregnancy is so different!
Missy, That is such a lovely wall!!! What a special way to include Blake in the nursery!

I feel like my baby is going to fall out when I stand up too (and when I go to the toilet). Sometimes I am like, "just come on out and save us both the trouble of a long labor" :lol: . I think Roo is just resting really low and pressing on all those muscles but it feels really weird.

Has anyone used to find a regular babysitter? I just posted our job on there as none of my contacts have panned out yet...I am a little nervous about possibly hiring someone that I don't know or at least know people that know...even though I'll have references, background check, etc.

Still tons of OB/midwife/insurance drama, the latest being that I had to cancel my OB appt on Friday b/c I couldn't leave the house (it was like 11 degrees and everything was covered in a sheet of ice so people and cars could not get up our hill, plus it was a NY state of emergency). I've called 5 times and left 3 messages (one each on Friday, Monday, and today) and have not heard back from my OBs office to reschedule. Really, I am 35 weeks pregnant and you can't call me back?
Missy, I absolutely love the Blake wall, it turned out beautifully. What a lovely way to incorporate his memory into the nursery.

I definitely remember that uncomfortable this-baby-is-going-to-fall out feeling. I haven't had it with this baby yet, but hated the feeling when I was pregnant with K. It felt like her head would peek out when I'd squat. Hopefully it just means your baby girl is head-down and that will make the c-section as smooth as possible.

Bella, so sorry about your uncommunicative OB office--it has to be really frustrating. Do your weekly appts. start at 35 weeks (they do at my practice)? Anyway, I just find it odd that if you couldn't make last week's appt., that they wouldn't be trying to get back to you to fit you in ASAP. At this point it's not even a reschedule, you just need to book this week's appt.!

I have no experience with, but we found our daycare provider through a local network and I have to say that it really just came down with how we felt about her during the interview process. I think when you meet them face-to-face, you'll get a feeling as to whether the babysitter is a good fit or not.

FPS, thinking about you tons as your due date was yesterday!! Update when you can!

Gem, yay for the painting being done, even if the color wasn't quite what you were envisioning. That happens to me all the time, even when I paint large swatches. It just always looks different once the whole room is painted. Anyway, hopefully you still like it and maybe you'll notice less when everything is in the room. Oh, and enjoy the childbirth/child care classes!

Pancake, I didn't know your b-day was the 12th!! When is S's? It has to be really, really close to yours! Also, I've been meaning to congratulate you on #2 either in the TTC thread or the toddler thread, but just haven't posted. A huge congrats to you and I hope you're feeling okay!

PP, everybody beat me to it, but I completely agree about irregular movement at 20 weeks. At that stage I would go days without really feeling anything. Were you able to talk about it with your doc?

AFM, a few things:
1. Still sick! I'm on week #3 now of feeling bad and the congestion is getting worse. Talked with my doc and she told me to take Tylenol Sinus. I took some about an hour ago, but haven't noticed any changes.

2. D and I test drove some double strollers over the weekend. We have a Bumbleride Indie (single), so I figured we'd go for the Bumbleride again, but we both actually like the City Mini GT Double better. I just need to order it now.

3. I'm feeling the same kind of constant exhaustion that Bella is. Part of it is likely the congestion. And part of it is that I'm back at work after having 2 weeks off. And heck, part of it is probably the weather. But it's all I can do to get through the work day, get home and get food on the table. All I want to do is lie down. And I'm not sure why because once I lie down, I'm constantly shifting positions trying to get comfy.