
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Bella, I'm thrilled for your family! Welcome to the other side, Elias!
Congrats on your little boy Elias, Bella!!! What a labor you had. I'm glad you were able to bypass the c-section though, even though it took some more time. Can't wait to see him!
Congrats, Bella! Even though your labor and delivery wasn't your ideal I am glad you were content with what happened and you got to avoid a C-section and meet your new little man 3 weeks early! Can't wait to see pics!
Bella, Congratulations my love!!!

I'm looking forward to seeing a pic of your new son. I love his name. Wishing you a quick recovery; good job Momma. :appl:
Congratulations FPS and Bella! Welcome to the world Ella and Elias!
Thanks, ladies!! It's crazy how everything worked out, but I'm just so thankful!

Gem, I totally didn't think I'd go with ANY meds, but due to the fact that my body wasn't dilating, I think I made the right decision in regards to getting some meds to rest up. I NEEDED the rest to do all the hard work during the remaining later, so it was the right choice for me. That said, they did nothing for the pain for me, so just be aware that you may feel everything, but at least be able to get rest while you're dealing with it. I'm just hoping you don't have a 31 hours labor like I did lol..I think it's only because I had sucj a big baby inside me that my body wasn't 100% is wanted to deliver that thing :D Talk it over with your midwife or doctor and see what they think. So long as they are supportive of you, then do whatever works best to have your sweet little one!

BELLA!!!! Congratulations, Mama!! How crazy is it that you now have a baby?? Hopefully you're both doing well and the little man B is adjusting to life with a new baby brother. <3
Bella- congratulations!! How exciting! How is B doing with his new brother?! Also, how do you pronounce Elias? It's been a top boy name for us, but I've realized the US way to pronounce it isn't the way we thought, so now I'm curious how others say it. I'm glad your labor turned out to be perfect for you! I wish you all well when you get back home!

FPS- congratulations on your baby girl! She's beautiful! Her name is so pretty and suits her perfectly. How is being home?

NEL- thank you for updating on your career. I'm a sahm and really missing out on having a lack of career. It's interesting to hear others side and read that it's not always greener on the other side.

Missy- that's so awesome your bump friends hosted a shower for you!! Thank you for posting a bump pic- you look great! So close!

Afm- I apologize for the lack of updates. I'm not enjoying being pregnant this time at all. Just feel huge at 24 weeks, which makes me more depressed knowing how far I still have to go. I'm also an emotional wreck. Not fun.

We did find out we are having a boy! I was really hoping for 2 girls, but DH is thrilled that we will have one of each.

Other than all of that, nothing new. Just pushing a long. I can't believe so many of you are due so soon!!
PP, I LOVE being home! We're all adjusting to the sleep changes and such, but it's just amazing having her. Even waking up a zillion times at night to either feed, change or just stare at her to make sure she is ok, well those things are awesome too. I'm still in shock that she is already 2 weeks old. I just don't want this time to speed by and it already is! We have our follow up appointments on Thursday at both the midwife for me and the pediatrician for her and I'm a bit nervous to drive in the car with her for the first time. The hubs has driven every other time we've been in the car..thankfully I'm picking up my Mom and she is going to the appointments with me! Right now the big drama in the household is the fact that little Miss is cluster basically she feeds and then within 25mins to an hour, she feeds again. It has been a little tough on my body to get used to, but we're doing it. She has been sleeping 2-3 hours at night, waking to feed and change and then sleeping again. The other night my boobs were rock solid because they were so full and not used to the long break she was giving me. Phew!

Sorry to hear you're not feeling fabulous this pregnancy. Just realize it isn't forever and you'll get your body back soon enough! I ended up gaining 35lbs according to the scale at the hospital and as of this morning, I am only 7lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. All I've done is eat and eat and sit on my butt, so I'm pretty impressed with the weight loss of 28lbs already! It'll happen for you too!! Hope you feel better soon!
PP, I'm excited that you're having a boy! I really wanted one of each or 2 boys, but we're having 2 girls, so that's that. I genuinely feel that things work out the way they are supposed to and whatever you get is wonderful :) I also feel your pain about not loving pregnancy as much the second time. I feel like I've been pretty vocal about how much harder it's been this time. I will tell you that I gained the vast majority of my weight in the first half of this pregnancy. I was just bigger in general the first half. Then I plateaued. In fact, at my 30 week appt. I was at +21 lbs. and now I'm at +18 lbs,, so I've lost a little (I gained 23 lbs. with K). I actually feel smaller at this stage (almost 37 weeks) than I did the first time. Only saying this because the same thing might happen for you. The only thing is...I still don't FEEL as good as I did the first time. Things hurt more, even if I'm a tiny big smaller. Anyway, I'm going on about myself to try to relate, but I do hope that you start feeling better. And if you don't, that's okay, too. I'm constantly torn between wanting this baby to be here already so I'm out of pain and also wishing I could stall because I want to enjoy our family of 3.

FPS, it sounds like everything is going really well for you!! The cluster feeding can be really taxing/draining and the painful, rock hard bb's are not fun, either, but like you just all goes by so fast. I was looking at K's feeding schedule her first week home and I was like "what?? How did I do this?" and now it's a distant memory. I hope things continue to go well and good luck with the doc appts.!
Just popping in to say huge congratulations, Bella! Wow, Elias was a little boy in a hurry! Looking forward to seeing pics and hoping that you're recovering well.
Congrats Bella!
Thanks ladies!!!! We are home from the hospital now and settling in as a family of 4!

here's a quick hospital pic.

Aww congrats Bella! He's adorable!
FPS- I'm so glad things are going well at home! I remember having random cries out first days home because I knew how fast time would fly by. Those few weeks are so magical and as you said before, you don't know love until you're a parent. It's incredible. I still worry about driving with L at 18m. You are just so much more aware at how precious life is. We bought an SUV during her first year, so I feel so much safer driving with her. Ohh I remember cluster feelings. I was so grateful to be able to BF, but I certainly remember frustration of always feeling like I was feeding her! Showers were my only "me" time during the day and I cherished them!

NEL- I am so grateful to be pregnant at the same time as you! It sounds like we have similar thoughts and worried regarding pregnancy number 2 and caring for our first. I will be keeping up with the newborn thread to see how it goes for you when the new one is born. I also agree that everything works out how it's supposed. I guess it's hard now because I don't feel a connection to this baby. Once he is here I'm sure it will be different- or when we start thinking of names/nesting. I bought new maternity clothes the other day so I'm hoping they help me feel better instead of trying to make non- mat clothes work!

Bella- enjoy your time as a family of 4!! Elias is so adorable!!
Bella, Elias is SO adorable!!!!! I WANT ONE! :P I hope everything continues to go well!
Congratulations, Bella!!! So so thrilled for you and your family!!! E is beautiful!!:)
Bella, Elias is darling! Congrats again!!
Elias is such a cutie!! I hope you're enjoying being home, Bella, and I'm eager to follow you on the newborn thread. Especially interested to hear about the transition from a family of 3 to a family of 4 :)
Thanks!!! Here's a better pic of him sleeping (plus you can see his hair here). He doesn't quite have the shell shocked just entered the world look:-)

I'll move over to the NB thread soon but will definitely be lurking here!

Bella, Elias is GORGEOUS!! Love his sleepy angelic face. GIve him lots of snuggles and kisses!
Oh so beautiful, Bella! She's amazing, and I love those gauze blankets too. Hoping E stays nice and warm during the cold. How has Big Bro B taken to little E?
Congratulations, Bella!!! I am beyond thrilled for you having followed your story, and just in general. Elias is a fantastic name and that baby boy is just beautiful! Best wishes to you and your family. They are so lucky to have you!
Selfish vent: I am 37 weeks as of yesterday and this baby is dropping like a rock. That isn't the bad part--that part is fine. The bad part is the PAIN! At this point, I would welcome labor because the constant ligament pain and pressure in my lady parts is becoming unbearable.

Also, I still have so much to do. Work is crazy and I found out I will have no backfill when I go on mat leave because resources are so scarce right now. So I'm doing everything I can to finish up work for the next three months. And I feel the same way about home--so much still needs to be done, but I just don't have the energy to do it (because being on my feet all the time hurts!) I know that everything will be fine no matter what, but being 2 weeks out from the C-section and having so much to do while feeling so crappy is overwhelming.

Sorry for the vent. I just needed to get it out. I'm off to meet with the anesthesiologist now.
Oh Bella you're making my wait for this little girl to arrive so much harder! :love:

I'm hanging in over here. The nursery is ready. The hospital bag is mostly packed (I need to put last minute things in). Speaking of that, NEL since you're having a c-section again, what types of clothing are you bringing for yourself? Or just planning on using the gowns at the hospital? I was planning on find some loose fitting pants this time (every single pj pant type I have are too tight now!) but not sure if that's best. The gown might be nice because I probably won't be able to move my legs and get them into pants very easily the first few days haha
Missy, I'm actually wearing most of the PJ's that I wore last time in the hospital. I could use one more pair, I just haven't found any I like. I have one gown, one pair of of short-sleeved PJs and one pair of long-sleeved PJs. The key for me is that they are soft/stretchy, that the waist isn't too low (bothers incision) and that they are breasfeeding friendly. I also packed a nursing bra and some nursing tanks. Oh, an the old-lady panties, though I think I wore the mesh underwear they provide for my entire stay. The short-sleeved PJs are perfect for the first couple of days since I had my IV in. The gown is good, too, but mine is knee-length, so I have to shave :) and in order for them to check your incision, the nurses have to lift up the gown instead of just pulling down your pants. For me, the long-sleeved pant PJs are most comfy, but I can only wear them once they take the IV out.

I completely forgot that you're also having a C-section! Even if you just wear the gown the whole time, that's fine, too!

Glad you're hanging in over there--sounds like you're ready to go! I have everything out for my hospital bag, I just need to actually pack it. The key thing for me is making it past my hair appt., haha. I have one scheduled for Saturday and need it badly, so I can't go before then!
NEL and MIssy, You are so close!!! Your little ladies will be here soon!

NEL-I hear you re work. My dept is very short staffed right now (two positions are currently being filled in our 7 person dept) and now I am out on leave with no replacement. I did as much as I could before I left, my boss is super supportive but sounds crazy stressed, I just agreed to have a 30 minute conference call each week I am on mat. leave to try and make sure that nothing falls through the cracks, and then I'll be working from home for 6 weeks. It's not ideal, and I am super stressed that I am going to come back to a hot mess and since most of my work is external facing that's a big deal, but I did everything i could...and right now I am just trying to enjoy being with E and B and figuring out how to breastfeed, etc.
I miss my Ps'ers!!! I am officially 15 weeks and feel like a whale. :rodent: We will be finding out boy or girl on Feb 14 for Valentine's day! I'm finally feeling human again. I am inhaling milk, and eating more normally, though I still have a hard time with vegetables. I have to plan them around times when I won't be disturbing the world with gas. :nono: Bad Boo. I've decided to nick name the baby Boo until we know a sex, since FI didn't like Sharkbait (OOHH HAHA). Boo measured a week ahead of what I calculated at our last visit, which is pretty typical of FI's family. I'm having a hard time with clothes. I buy scrubs for work and they're small on me by the time they arrive. :(( Otherwise things are going great for us. I'll be reading updates and responding later tonight or tomorrow sometime, for now we are off ot an art event.
Bella!!! He is so gorgeous!!!!!!! Enjoy your time with him!! He is just perfect!!!!!! :love: I have not checked this thread in a while. I have to go back and read your birth story!! Amazing!!
Jenna Grace was born via c-section on 1/31. I had my last appt that day and my bp was on the high side and I gained 6 pounds in a week. The doctor decided that it was best to deliver right then rather waiting til 2/5. She was 7lb 1oz, 19 1/4" long, born at 8:21pm. She has a full head of hair! She's perfect!! We found out later that my tube was in backwards haha, but anyway here she is!!!


CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Missy, she is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!