
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Oh my gosh, Missy!! Congratulations! Jenna is absolutely beautiful and look at that full head of hair. Hope you're getting plenty of rest--update us when you can!
Missy she is beautiful!!!
Missy, congratulations! Love her name, and she's just gorgeous!
Congratulations, Missy!!! So happy for you!!!! Jenna is beautiful, and I love her name especially because that's my sister's name too!!!:)
I hope you're feeling well, congrats again!!!! Xo
Congratulations Missy! Jenna has the sweetest little expression on her face. Beautiful mama and baby! Couldn't be happier for you!

Bella, Elias is so handsome. Well done to you and DH!
Missy, tears of joy for you here! So happy for you and your hubby, Jenna is beautiful xxx
Thanks ladies!!! We're all doing well and are home now! Jenna was born with A positive blood type (I'm O+) so they had been watching for jaundice but she seems to be fine. We'll have lab work done tomorrow just to make sure. We've settled in and I sometimes just sit here and stare at her. :love: we're so in love with her.
So we just got some newborn pictures done of Ella and our family..I'm sharing here before I do on the newborn page because I think you'll all appreciate them! <3


Congrats Missy! So glad to hear that your baby girl arrived safely and that you're already home!

FPS- Gorgeous photos! I am so so envious of your hair color, by the way.
I had to pop in to say Missy and Bella, I am so overjoyed by your new arrivals! Congratulations ladies! Enjoy those sweet squishy newborns!

Also, FPS, I just realized I know you IRL, we went to HS together. What a small world! We are friends on FB, bet you can figure out who I am from my name here. :)
Congrats Missy!! Jenna is a doll! I'm happy you're home and doing well. :)

FPS- I love your family pics! What color hair does Ella have? Did your daughter have the same color when she was born? I'm not so secretly hoping our number 2 will have red hair like our dd.

Welcome dragonfly!! 15 weeks is exciting! I was just looking at pics yesterday of my belly around 15 weeks. At 25 weeks it feels like the growth is never ending. Do you have a gender preference or a feeling?
Congratulations Missy! I am thrilled for you and your DH. Jenna is beautiful and she is so lucky to be blessed with you and your DH for parents.
Oh Missy, so happy for you. Congrats!! Jenna is a doll!
Thanks, ladies!!

StephBolt, I actually noticed a year or two that we went to HS together :)

PP, her hair has a slight redish tint to it, but when I was born, I came out with blond hair and blue eyes, so we are waiting it out. I would LOVE a redheaded daughter and my husband actually told me in our first year of dating that he wanted one as well. I am so excited to see what she'll really be!

Clairitek, thank you so much! I actually don't realize how red my hair is until I see photos of myself lol
FPS, Ella is beautiful and it looks like your newborn shoot turned out perfectly! Hope all is going well with you!

AFM, doc thought I was measuring a little small last week, so we had an u/s today. She just wanted to make sure my fluid levels weren't too low. The u/s tech thought everything looked fine.

Had contractions on and off all weekend, so I sort of kicked my preparations into high gear. The downside was that by yesterday, my round ligament pain was so bad that I literally had to sit down and relax. Only a week to go, but I'm not quite sure how I'm going to make it.
Missy, congratulations! Welcome to the world Jenna! Hope you're enjoying your sweet bub.

FPS, great pictures

NEL, OMG you're SO CLOSE! I'm glad you got a lot done, but take it easy from here on out :) I can't wait to meet your little girl! What's your DH going to do surrounded by all these women? Good thing he has The Boys to back him up, LOL.
NEL-You are almost there!!! Don't try and do too much...take it easy mama:-)
NEL - Excited for you!!

Hope everyone is doing well! Last night I had the WORST gas and reflux in the middle of the night. Like, painful! Doing better today after some mild meals. Is anyone else obsessed with pinning baby stuff?
Missy, Jenna is just beautiful! Congrats!!

I love the new pics of Elias and Ella. So cute! Hang in there NEL. It won't be long now!

AFM not much. We got our nursery pretty much done. Our birthing classes are over and next week I'm having a work shower. Can't wait!

Welcome dragonfly! Hope you start to feel better soon.
Wow, it's a baby explosion around here! FPS, Bella, and Missy - Congrats!! You're little ones are absolutely precious.

NEL - you are SO close! Try to take it easy until the baby comes. Trust that everything that needs to get done, will get done. If it doesn't, it's probably not that important.

Dragonfly - welcome! So exciting that you will find out the sex on Valentine's day :)

AFM - We had our anatomy scan on Friday, and all went well. Nothing to follow up on, and everything looked good to the doc. I'm relieved, and also can't believe that we're more than halfway through this pregnancy. I'll be 22 weeks tomorrow, feels so surreal. My regular appointment is scheduled for tomorrow, and then I guess it'll be another 4 weeks until the dreaded GD test :knockout:. I'm feeling the baby regularly now, it is super active just like big sis.

Anyway, to all you lovely pregos out there... Happy baking!

I am switching over to the newborn thread, but am lurking here to keep following all my lovely ladies:-) NEL-you are almost there!!!

Congrats to Bella and FPS!

Missy, I think about you often and am so very very happy for you!
We're all doing well over here, just wanted to show her off again and I'll jump to the other thread :)

Can't wait to see the next round of babies!!!



Missy, she's so beautiful! Look at that hair! I hope all is going well with you! I'll be joining the newborn thread soon enough.
Missy -- I had to come out of lurkdome to congratulate you on your precious baby daughter!! She is absolutely adorable. So very happy for you and your family. :))
Thanks ladies!!

NEL how are you feeling???
I'm feeling like I could go any minute :) Lots of pain and pressure in the nether-regions. Saw my doc today and she did an internal. I'm not dilated, but the head is "very, very low" (I should have asked what station), so she said that the pressure was here to stay and I just need to take it as easy as I can. I'm hoping to make it to next week, but we'll see.

How are you feeling so far??
Just popping in to check up on everyone, and it looks like there was a baby boom

Bella - congrats. It sounds like you had a rough labor, but I am so glad you had a safe delivery, and avoided a c-section! Your LO is super cute.

Missy - Congrats - Jenna is beautiful and I am so happy for you.

FPS - I love the name Ella, and I think it is wonderful that you were able to use a family name and pay tribute to your grandmother. Congrats.

NEL - looks like you are getting close - wishing you a safe and healthy delivery.
Nel-just checking-in....

Ltlfirecracker! How are you?!?!? COme join us in the newborn thread and tell us all about the twins ;)
T - 2 days and then i'll be joining you on the newborn thread, Bella! Had painful contractions for about an hour last night, but drank some water and put my feet up and they went away. I tend to over-do it on the weekends (too much to do!), so by Sunday evenings I'm always really tired. Today is better--it's my last day of work!

Pre-op bloodwork/paperwork tomorrow and then the c-section on Wednesday. I'm more nervous this time around for some reason. Eager (but scared) to be on the other side. We did enjoy our last weekend as a family of 3!