
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

I have a poo sprayer that I have never even taken out of the wrapping - we use Imse Vimse liners and so have never needed a sprayer. Highly recommend using fleece or flushable liners!
Just back to post "properly"!

anchor that's great that taking the anti-reflux stuff has helped! Hallelujah for SOMETHING that makes you feel better! Have you talked to your 4yo about the pregnancy yet? I haven't broached it with our 2yo although we have been talking a lot about little babies lately. She's a bit young to understand the more abstract aspects of something that's happening that far in the future, much less a baby growing inside me, haha.

brown eyes don't feel guilty for a second! Everything you are doing is to make the biggest transition - to being a big sister - as smooth as possible, and that's the best thing you can possibly do. Bummer on the pelvic pain - did you have it in your first pregnancy? My left SIJ was a bugger last time and is playing up again this time, earlier but not quite as badly as I had expected. That being said, I have definitely struggled with it more this week than previously. Will talk to my physiotherapist about it at Pilates on Saturday.

AFM, fluctuating nausea the last few days, felt a bit discouraged but today has been a bit better. I had my PhD confirmation on Tuesday, it went really really well, lots of positive feedback and enthusiasm about my project, so I am super happy! Meanwhile, have been feeling bubba moving for about a week now, seemed ridiculously early to feel it and it was only intermittent last week, but is becoming more consistent over the days. Busy little person growing in there! I'm just starting to show a little - getting to that weird "thick middle" stage - but as I'm fine with people knowing now, it doesn't really matter :)

Pancake - Congrats on the phd confirmation! It's nice that you feel your little bub move alteady. So far I've only felt little wiggles lying down very still at night. Yes, we have talked to J about the baby. He's very enthousiastic about it, keeps saying he's going to have a little sister and we'll call her Pirouette. Alright then. ;) he has two baby cousins and he adores then. I don't doubt he may have bouts of jealousy on occasion, but right now things are looking good on that front.

Re Velco cloth diapers: Every kid is different, but J never removed them himself.
I'm still here and my little man is still hibernating! Work has been killing me and I have been busy or sleepy in the evenings, so I haven't had as much time as I would like to update here. I have been lurking and following all the upcoming babies though! I will have to respond to everyone at a later time. I'm due tomorrow and hoping for labor to trigger this weekend, but realistically it could be sometime next week. Hang in there ladies!

Thanks for the compliments on my earrings! I love, love, love them! Also brown eyes did you ever post a pic of your wedding set? I would love to see it sometime!
Hello gem_anemone! Sending you peaceful labour vibes!

Should I be concerned over 2nd trimester spotting? It's been two days now.
anchor I think call your obstetrician - that's what they're there for. I would, just for the peace of mind if nothing else.

gem - still here!!! Very exciting times.
Tbaus- How fun that you are feeling real movement now! It’s such an incredible feeling, isn’t it? I’m going to guess girl for you since the HB was so high! Nice find on the rocker. DD didn’t sleep in her crib until 14 months and STILL requires rocking, or some other contact, so I’ve really used her rocker, so I think they are great to have. Congrats on your puppy! I love that DD has animals to grow up with, so I think it will be wonderful for your family

Brown eyes- Thank you for sharing your experience with transitioning your DD. I like that you don’t feel the need to rush and are letting her go at her own pace- I think that’s how it will end up being for us. Ahh, potty training! DD has gone #2 on the potty since 10m, but every few months it occurs to her that she has on option and has needed extra encouragement. I noticed these last few weeks, at 20 months, something has clicked more for her, so now we too need to just jump in 100% to get her to pee in the potty all the time. I’m happy to hear you passed you GD test! What a relief. I’m right here with you on lack of energy. It’s really difficult with a little one to chase after. Have the support belts helped? I’m glad to hear you have mixed feelings about pregnancy being over! Like you, I’m ready, but terrified. Terrified because I’m worried I won’t be able to keep up and scared about the time I’ll lose with DD. I attempted cloth diapering with DD, but really couldn’t keep up with the laundry and outings, so I’m not any help. :/ I still have them and actually plan to use them to help DD potty train. I didn’t realize people started at different times. I attempted when DD was tiny, but it was a lot of work for me.

Anchor- I’m glad the synthroid has been helping with the fatigue. That reminds me that I need to get my bloodwork done! Do your levels stay balanced? Mine are up and down, so it’s been an exhausting pregnancy trying to get the dosage to stay correct for any length of time. March is almost to an end, so soon will be your anatomy scan! Yay! I’m sorry to hear about the nausea. Ugh, how terrible! Regarding spotting- I second pancake. Just call your OB. I call mine often and had some brownish spotting (sorry, I can’t remember how far along I was), but she wasn’t concerned at all. If it had been red though, she might have wanted to see me. Keep us updated!
Black Sand- Welcome over! How exciting that you are letting the gender be a surprise! I think that would be so fun. I’m sorry to hear your MS is so bad. Try not to feel bad about not enjoying pregnancy. I’ve seen a huge difference between this pregnancy and DD (I’m not enjoying it this time), so I think it just depends on people and it doesn’t mean there is anything wrong or that you are ungrateful. Pregnancy does a lot with our hormones.
Pancake- L is doing well. Full of energy and starting to really use her words! I’m glad you are feeling better and I’ll pray the fatigue passes quickly for you. It makes pregnancy miserable- at least in my experience.

Gem- Thanks for checking in!

AFM- 31 weeks! Time is slowly flying by! Some days it feels like I will be pregnant forever and other days it seems too fast. Someone I know, who was due near me, had her baby 10 weeks early. It’s been very frightening seeing the pics of the baby knowing my baby is the same size, but still inside. Fortunately, it’s doing really well though! Anyways, it keeps me pushing along and grateful for all of the kicks, sleepless nights, frequent bathroom trips, and extra weight. Other than all of that, things are going well. I’m enjoying my time with L and we are almost ready to start the babies room! We agreed, from the beginning, not to buy or do anything for him until April since I have a fear of going early. So, I’m pretty excited to start that soon! I think I have decided to give DS L’s crib and get her a new crib with matching dresser. The one I saw is more girly than the one she has now and it wouldn’t force us to push her out of her crib sooner.
Hi, everyone. Sorry for being MIA; it's been a terribly busy couple of weeks. I had to get through St. Patrick's Day weekend, and since I own a bar, that's a big task in itself. Plus I came down with a cold right after, and I'm just starting to feel normal again. It's nice to be in the third trimester! Unfortunately I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, so for the past 2 weeks I've been trying to adjust to a new way of eating. I'm not in love with the diet, but it will help me to keep the weight gain down plus I will probably use some modified form of it once I have the baby in order to lose the baby weight. Other than that, nothing new to report, just the typical pregnancy aches and pains. Only 11 weeks to go! (And since I have gestational diabetes along with advanced maternal age, I was told I won't be allowed to go past my due date.)

I hope everyone's doing well; I will try to catch up with the posts later.
Hi! I'm also in the MIA club with Coda. I just had a few busier than normal weeks at work as well. I've been reading. I'm sorry I haven't taken the time to properly respond to everyone. I'm hoping now that my stats class is done and we are past or our quarterly research review I will be more present.

Not much going on for me. I just hit 19 weeks today. Our anatomy scan is tomorrow afternoon. I still haven't felt a lot of bigger kicks but I do feel a lot of bubbles, gentle pokes, and rolling. I'm still getting used to the feeling of having a belly. I put away the rest of my pre pregnancy clothes today so my closet is nearly barren.

I hope everyone enjoys their Sundays (and Monday for tbaus and Pancake down under).
Joining the MIA club! I read often but have little time to post!

I really came on today to share that Albee Baby has City Mini Double GT Baby Jogger 2013 model on sale for $384.99, which is a TOTAL AND COMPLETE bargain. We've even scoured CL for a used one in nice condition and people are asking $300-400 for USED. So, yeah. If you need a double, this is the one you want.

Anywhoooo. Bouncing along over here at 26 weeks. Getting big. Just ate 8 samoas. Ooops. Things are good so far. GD test tomorrow. Met with a new midwife/OB group that will allow a TOLAC for breech vbac. I am nervous (read: frightened to death) for another breech and do not want to consent to a c/s if all the stars are aligned for a vaginal breech delivery. We are reading all of the studies and doing lots of research to weigh the risks of breech vaginal delivery and risks of repeat c/s and still sorting it out, but I think I may be transferring. My doc will allow me to vbac, but not a breech.

Getting nervous about baby names. I'm finding girl names really tough. Does anyone else feel that way? For those who are having #2, how are you preparing #1? C will be 23 months when #2 is born and we talk about the baby and explain what will happen, but not sure he gets it. Ideas?
Wow, Meg, that's a good deal!!! Did you get it? What color?? Glad to hear you're doing well!
Did you find out the gender??
My son is 4 and has two baby cousins, so he gets the general idea that a baby is growing in my tummy and he will have a baby sister or brother soon. He seems very happy about it for now and is very eager to have a playmate. We'll see what actually happens when Peanut arrives!

Thanks for the advice re: spotting. We think it might not be actual spotting after all since it happened after a constipation episode. It's reassuring.

Is anyone else still experiencing a hightened sense of smell? I didn't have that with my first and it's so weird! It's making me feel super self-conscious too because I'm suddenly aware of my *own* body odour and I keep wondering if people can smell me, kwim? So weird.

In other news, I'm starting to feel tiny kicks and flutters. I'm huge already. Spring isn't even properly here uet and I feel like it's going to be a loooong summer...

megumi, 26 weeks already - wow, that went quickly! I'm glad you have found a practice that you are happy with AND I know you are super-informed and smart and well-read but would urge you to think very long and hard before trialling a breech vaginal delivery of any sort let alone a breech VBAC. What are the medical backups for you if you opt for this practice? This all being said, I would have thought that the chances of your baby being cephalic this time around are still much better than 50-50, although unsure of the stats.

Re the stroller - that is a FANTASTIC deal!!! I still can't get over how much cheaper everything is in the States compared to here (Australia). Fortunately we're not in the market for a double stroller (or any stroller actually) but that is one amazing price you got. Re names - we've actually found it much easier this time around! I think it's because a) we have a "sample" of what our babies look like, haha, and b) because S is already named, it's been easier to think of names that pair well with it, rather than groping around for a "reference point" name like the first time, if that makes sense. How long do you get in the States to lodge the birth certificate? Here we get 60 days - I know a couple of families recently who have taken almost that entire time to name their babies!

anchor I definitely had the heightened sense of smell early on but it is less marked now. It sounds like your spotting was nothing to worry about - isn't it nice once you can feel the baby moving for reassurance!! Hope the constipation stuff is under control, it's the pits!

Clairitek - sounds like you've been incredibly busy! Are you submitting grants this round? Actually, I have no idea what the grants season is in the States, but our first submissions have just gone in for review here. Crazy time of year. Once you get used to the belly I think you will love it, compared to the "just a bit wide/thick" stage of the early 2nd trimester! I still haven't quite popped here but expect it will happen in the next 1-2 weeks and it will be SO much easier to dress nicely once that happens.

coda - sorry to hear you were diagnosed with GD, but I guess the flipside of that it is that it is GREAT that you know and great that there is so much you can do to modify the associated risks. As you point out, some of the diet/lifestyle changes are ones that would be good for anyone to make for life in general, so hopefully you will find dietary solutions that you like, and once you've established the basic changes, it won't be too hard to continue.

AFM - not much news here! I'm mostly "out" now - it's not a secret any more anyway. Waiting to pop properly so I can transition into bump-loving clothes rather than just feeling frumpy. Baby is very active and I feel him/her a lot these days.
Meg, just jumping back in here to chat abut preparing for number 2.

First, great deal on the stroller--we got our City Mini Double GT for less than $400 at Albee as well. We haven't used ours a ton because I wear Cora often, but it's a great stroller.

Also, girl names are so hard. We had a really tough time, especially with our second.

As for preparation, this is what we did:

- gave our older child time to transition to her new room. We kept her in her crib because she loves it and we transitioned her to the new room about 2 months before our due date.

- started adding the baby stuff in every room gradually. Things like the bouncy seat, swing, etc. I wanted for our older one to be used to having them around when the baby came. When I first got them out, K wanted to climb in them, but seemed to understand when I told her they were for the baby. She'd put her dolls in there.

- finished the second baby's nursery and let our older one spend time in there. I wanted our older child to know that the baby was staying and had her own room. When I asked K where the baby was going to sleep, she'd run to the nursery.

- I did the whole "gift from your new sister" thing. I had C (the baby) give K a doll. The doll actually looks just like C. That was luck since its hard to buy a doll that looks like your baby when you haven't had her yet. Anyway, C "gave" her the doll the first time K came to the hospital and K loves the doll. If I'm feeding, C, K feeds the doll. C and the doll do tummy time together. K even has a little Ergo carrier for her doll. All in all, I think it helps for K to play mommy and feel like a big girl.

I figured K was going to have a tough time with a baby in the house, so I wanted everything else as familiar as possible. No other transitions (including potty training, changes in child care, etc.) will happen in the next couple of months.

Most importantly, I had no expectations. I didn't expect K to take it well. I prepared myself for K to be jealous or withdrawn. Luckily, she wasn't. But I think that had everything to do with her personality and nothing to do with my preparation.

Oh, and one last thing. I was worried about my older one seeing me in the hospital. I had a c-section, so I still had an IV and catheter the day of. I wanted to wait another day for her to come, but my husband wanted K to be there on C's birthday. K is a sensitive kid, but she was fine. I just smiled a lot and let her take it in. I didnt want to be holding the baby when she came in, so I had the nurses give us a few minutes. Turns out, she was so excited about seeing the baby that having C there made her happiest. For me, the hospital was tough because I missed K so much.

Okay, I'm going to stop blabbing. I just spent so much time worrying about how K was going to adjust that I feel like I could talk about it forever.
Fantastic post, NEL, thank you so much!
Hi everyone. I have some bad new unfortunately.

I went for my 19 week scan yesterday and they found fluid on baby's brain. I didn't get any measurements (or can't remember them if she did give them to us), but she said it was severe. We have an appointment tomorrow at 1pm for a second opinion, although that is just a technicality apparently. They are rushing things since I am already so far along: if the baby is terminated at 20 weeks in Western Australia it will have to be registered under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Act. We also thought since we had nothing to lose we may as well find out the sex. It's a boy, and we have named him WIlliam.

I'm not sure the timeline for things from here on, all I know is I have another full scan tomorrow to confirm and an amnio, and the Doctor has suggested that after we opt for a post mortem, which will hopefully answer any questions for future pregnancies.
tbaus, I am so, so sorry. It must seem surreal. Times like this I really wish that PS had a private messaging function as I feel that it's hard to say things fully in a public forum all the time. I'm wishing you and your husband all the strength you can muster and sending you my love and support from the east.
Oh Tbaus, how heartbreaking. I'm so very sorry to hear this. Sending you many prayers and much strength and love as you go through this very difficult time. Big hugs.
Tbaus, I am heartbroken for you and your husband. I am so sorry. Sending strength and much love to you both.
Oh Tbaus, I'm so saddened to hear this new. You and your DH will be in my thoughts and prayers as I can only imagine your shock and devastation. I hope you are able to get all the information you need about the baby's diagnosis and prognosis before making any decisions. I wish there was more I could say, but just know I will be thinking of you. Hugs.

Oh gosh, I am so very sorry. All my thoughts and prayers for you, baby, and DH.
Tbaus, sending thoughts, prayers, and hugs your way.
Tbaus- my heart aches for your family. I am so sorry to hear this news. Hugs to you, and positive thoughts for answers and healing.
Tbaus- What a terrible shock for you and your family. I'm so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Tbaus, I'm so so so sorry. My heart goes out to your and your DH and William.
Thank you all for the kind words. The last few days have been very hard, and it does still seem very surreal. I think we both expected something like this to occur at the 12 week scan, but once that was all clear we started to relax. We were not expecting this at all and it has hit us hard. To make it even worse, this week the butterflies in my stomach became thumps, and even DH was able to feel them. Last night we laid in bed with both our hands on my stomach and cried. I can count on one hand the number of times DH has cried in the 13 years we have been together, so it was absolutely heartbreaking for me to see.

We have 2 hours until the appointment. I sent DH to work this morning since he had an important meeting to attend, but he should be home shortly. I have been keeping myself busy entertaining our puppy: we have been out walking and playing at the park most of the morning and he has now crashed on the floor next to me.

I just wanted to thank everyone for being so understanding and supportive. We still have a whole list of questions we want answered before we make any final decisions, but in the end I don't want to drag things out for too long. If saying goodbye to Will is the right thing to do, then we have to be strong enough to make that choice for him. I feel that is our duty as his parents. My current position is working with children with disabilities so I know the pros and cons, and we have done a ton of research over the past 48 hours. This is not a decision we will make lightly.

I do know that even if we never get to hold our precious boy in our arms, he will forever be in our hearts. That does bring me some peace.

I wish you all healthy and happy pregnancies. I will try and follow along when I can.
tbaus, you are a beautiful mum. We are not at all religious, but my husband and I lit a candle for your little family last night. Please look after yourselves - and each other - as best as you can. xxx
pancake|1395982295|3642733 said:
tbaus, you are a beautiful mum. We are not at all religious, but my husband and I lit a candle for your little family last night. Please look after yourselves - and each other - as best as you can. xxx

Thank you pancake. We are not religious either, but that really means a lot to me. This really can be a very special place.

We are home for now, awaiting results from the amnio that should be in by Tuesday.
More hugs to you, your husband and baby William.
Oh, Tbaus, I'm so so sorry, my heart is breaking for you and your husband. You are all in my prayers.