
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

17 weeks today for me, tomorrow is 4 months sharp. Still only feeling occasional flutters.
Tbaus, I woke up thinking about you three. Wishing you peace in the coming times.
Tbaus, I'm continuing to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. It's so heartbreaking to even imagine what you and DH are going through, and I hope you are able to find comfort in one another and cherish those little kicks from William this weekend. Prayers for peace and comfort for you all.
Tbaus, prayers for your family. I hope you and Mr. Tbaus find strength from each other.
Tbaus, my heart aches for you. You are incredibly strong and it sounds like your DH is very supportive. Tuesday must feel so far away, but I hope the time passes as fast as possible so you can get a definitive answer.
Tbaus- I'm so sorry. I wish I had more words to comfort you, but please know you will be in my thoughts.
Oh tbaus, I'm so sorry to read your news. You and your family are in my thoughts. What a heartbreaking position to be in. I'm so sorry.
tbaus, thinking of you guys today.

How is everyone going? I am just over 17 weeks now and am uncomfortable today - feels like everything is stretching. I had a Pilates class this morning and was shocked to catch a glimpse of myself in the (floor-to-ceiling) mirrors and find myself looking "pregnant" rather than just "fat"! Other than that, I have an appointment this afternoon, no formal scan although I am hoping that my obstetrician will have a look with his little scanner. I would LOVE to find out the sex but not sure if that option will be offered...

We are going to Vietnam for almost 3 weeks, leaving Thursday week. I am excited but also have a vague sense of dread about the flight - partly because my feet will blow up like balloons, but also because we need to keep S occupied for an 8 hour day flight!

Thinking of you, tbaus.

Pancake- I take a gym class and I remember hitting that 17 weekish time and being glad that I looked distinctly pregnant. Sorry that you are uncomfortable. That uterine stretching is a little freaky at first. It just felt... heavy to me. Like someone placed a weight in my gut and my muscles were slowly giving way. I hope your doc gave you a little peak today like you were hoping! Good luck preparing for your trip to Vietnam.

Just passed the 20w mark. I was at home in Rhode Island visiting my parents the last four days. We had a small baby shower which was fun. One simple passive game (match up prices of baby items, win a potted plant) and good food. Saw some family members I hadn't seen since my Papa's funeral a few years ago. I also got to spend two days with one of my best friends and her new son (he is 7 weeks old). Got to change diapers, put him down for naps, watch her feed, play on the playmat. It is really neat seeing someone that I've known for 12 years (since she was 18 and joining my sorority) be a mom. I was in the same degree program as her husband (I introduced them!) and he's a natural at the dad thing. Really great to catch up.

I've been really poor at drinking enough water and my body has way of letting me know in the night with some gnarly leg cramps. Still taking me a bit to learn to drink more though at least the cramps are not as surprising as they were the first one or two times. I am feeling very consistent movement and can feel it from the outside starting this weekend. Since I was away without DH he hasn't felt the baby kick yet but hopefully he will tonight. He's very excited.

I think I have a calm week at work so hopefully I can participate more.
Tbaus, I'm devastated to hear your news & am crying on the other side of the world for you & your family.
Sending all of my thoughts & prayers your way during this tremendously difficult time. I hope you get some good news today, or at least news that helps you make the best decision for you, your husband & William.
I wish I could do something to help.
Thinking of tbaus today.

Pancake - I feel heavy and achy too these days. Have a good trip!

Nothing much to report... Mostly achy belly and legs. No new appointments until next weeks, scan on the 16th.
Tbaus, thinking of you, sweetie & sending uou a huge cyber hug.

And good wishes to the rest of you lovely ladies.
Tbaus- I am so so so sorry to hear your news. We will be thinking of you and your family. Will is so lucky to have you for parents! Hugs!
Thinking of you tbaus.
Today is a rare day that I am up and awake before the LO, so I'll post an update... assuming she doesn't decide now is the perfect time to wake up!

Tbaus- Still thinking of you. I hope you are doing well.

Pancake- I applaud you for doing Pilates. I wish I would have stuck with it, but stopped well before 17 weeks! How exciting that you are going to Vietnam! That's on our list of places to visit, but the flight from here would be terribly long. How does S do on road trips or other flights in general? Last flight I brought lots of books, toys, and snacks(!) and L did well. She actually wanted to sleep more than play. Enjoy your trip!!

Claritek- Your baby shower sounds wonderful! I love the idea of a smaller baby shower where you can really visit with people and enjoy your day. Regarding water, I bought glass pitchers that I fill up each morning and keep visible throughout the day. It's really helped ensure that I drink enough water. I try to make sure it's empty by dinner time so I'm not up all night peeing!

AFM- 7 weeks to go! I'm feel huge and nothing fits. I'm starting to feel the urge to get things done. DH and I will paint the nursery tonight.... and she's awake! Update later.
It's really quiet around here... How are you all doing? My legs are really sore lately; I'm not dehydrated and I'm taking my supplements so I'm not sure what gives. DH has strep throat so it's pretty miserable in the house.
Hey anchor, sorry to hear it's not fun central around your place lately. We're well - I'm comfortable at the moment, probably the best I've been since I got pregnant! SIJs are playing up but hey, you can't have it all! Currently in headless chook mode as we fly to Vietnam on Thursday morning and we are SO disorganised, ARGH.
PetitePoire, how did the nursery turn out?

pancake, hope all goes well with your packing and safe travels! anchor, sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hope you didn't catch your DH's strep. I caught a little cold from my husband last week…only what was a little cold for him turned out to be a major, debilitating, completely knock-me-off-my-@$$ illness for me. My immune system has turned to utter garbage with this pregnancy. Ugh.

Still coughing, wheezing, vomiting (though that's not unusual for me), and absolutely exhausted and achy. I'm finishing up my student teaching for my master's degree, so I'm on my feet and expected to be my best, most cheerful self surrounded by a bunch of kids all day long. Plus grad classes and a huge paper due this week. I keep asking my DH whose idea it was to get pregnant while student teaching (my dumb@$$ idea, of course). Oh how I want to just get my degree and run away. And sleep for like twelve weeks. I can relax over the summer with my newborn, right? LOL.
PetitePoire- I'll try and put a jug of water out on my desk at work. I've been buying cases of seltzer water from Amazon and I find that if I crack one open I generally finish it so that's 1.5 cups. Now I guess I just need to keep going back to the fridge and taking out another. Not the most earth friendly or cheap way to be hydrated but it's working to some degree. Did you get the nursery painted?

Blacksand- Sorry ot hear that the end of grad school and being heavily pregnant are coinciding. I'm not as far along as you are and there are days where I just want to avoid everyone and not talk. Good luck putting that cheery disposition on for the kids until you're through! I know you can do it!

Anchor- I hope you were able to avoid catching your DHs strep throat. What misery that would be to have while pregnant. It's miserable enough without being pregnant!

Pancake- Enjoy your trip! I hope the plane ride goes better than expected. Glad that your SIJ pain isn't too out of control.

AFM- Lower back and SI joint pain has settled in along with the consistent "I've been recently kicked in the crotch" pain. I also end up with some gnarly hip pain overnight if I don't roll over enough. I ordered a Snoogle and it should be here today, thank God. Did anyone else have problems with restless leg syndrome? I've noticed a major uptick in it since getting pregnant. It started pretty early, too. Annoying on plane rides! Which I've been going on a lot of because I'm trying to visit people before the baby arrives. This weekend I am headed to MN to visit with one of my best friends. I haven't seen her since her second child was born (who is now 13 months old).

Well, from reading everyone's updates, it seems like everyone is about as uncomfortable with pregnancy as I am! I'm about 31 and a half weeks along and hope the next 8 or so weeks pass by quickly. I'm not having any restless leg syndrome, (sorry to hear about that Clairitek), but my lower back is pretty sore. Plus I feel like she's lying directly on top of my bladder because I feel like I have to pee all the time even when I've just gone.

Pancake, I'm glad someone feels good during pregnancy!

Blacksand, sorry to hear about all your symptoms, but hopefully everything goes well with getting your master's degree.

Anchor-sorry to hear about your sore legs, hopefully the soreness subsides.

PP-I'm in the same boat as you; I just feel huge. I can't find a comfortable position either sitting or lying down. Sleeping is not easy, that's for sure. Also, I didn't buy really any maternity clothes, and all of my regular shirts are riding up on me. I'll buy a couple of things to get me through the next couple of months I guess. Hope your nursery is going well; we really just started working on ours.

Tbaus-sorry to hear about your devastating news. Please update when you can.

Did gem ever update with her birth story? She must have had her baby by now.

I had my regular appointment yesterday, and everything was fine there. I'm only up 17 pounds (likely due to the GD diet), and baby's heartbeat sounded great. I have a 32 week growth ultrasound scheduled on Monday, and it will be good to see her again since the last time I had an ultrasound was at 20 weeks. I also start twice a week non stress testing next week, so I'll be at the doctor's office a lot from then until the end of the pregnancy!
pancake - Have a good trip!

blacksand - Feel better soon... That sounds miserable.

clairitek - Ugh, Evil Crotch Pain is horrible. I get restless legs too, especially on the bus or sitting quietly in the evening. It's really uncomfortable. The only thing that helps me is massaging my ankles.

coda - 32 weeks! Only 5 weeks until full term! It's nice that you get to see your bub again before the birth.

AFM - 19w tomorrow; I'm just back from the OB and everything is A-OK. She recommended compression socks for my sore legs. My 4-year-old got to hear the heartbeat, the look on his face was so funny! He asked if she was swimming. DH asked him what sound it made and he said it made music. Funny how a child's mind works. Anatomy ultrasound next Wednesday! Now I really have to get going on my final essay... meh.
Hey ladies! I did have my little man on 3/27/14! We are all happy and healthy.
Congrats gem! He's beautiful!
Congratulations gem! Happy birthday little guy!
Anchor- Good luck with your final essay! How fun that your 4 year old was able to listen in on the baby. DD still doesn't care, so I'm sure his age is much more fun about now!

Pancake- I hope you're having fun and staying comfortable on your Vietnam trip!!

Blacksand- Standing up all day sounds miserable. How much longer do you have student teaching? Just until the end of the school year?

Claritek- I've been struggling with what I assume is RLS for the last few weeks. Not very fun when I'm trying to sleep. Hopefully your snoogle helps (and you have a big bed). It takes up a ton of space and keeps me hot, which has been insanely uncomfortable the last week or so with the weather warming up.

Coda- I'm so jealous you're only up 17 lbs! I'm up 40 (!!) and I feel every.single.extra.pound! That's so exciting you are getting another ultrasound!!

Gem- Congratulations!! So so precious!

AFM- End of the 34 weeks. I'm huge and can't stop eating, so I have no excuse. I'm up 40 lbs, but fortunately I know it goes away, so I'm not too concerned, but the number is depressing. Nothing fits and I hate the idea of buying new clothes for only 6 weeks- so I just complain to DH. :D Nursery should be finished getting painted this week, finally. We are huge procrastinators, so I'm really not surprised. DD still doesn't have a new bed, so the nursery will continue to be unfinished for a while anyways.

Have you all chosen your carseats? Anyone have a tandem stroller they like?

I'm pretty set on the Diano Radian RXT. We plan to give that one to DD and let new baby use her Britax. I just need to order
congrats Gem!!!!!!!
Gem, he's absolutely adorable!

PP, we are using Katie's old car seat for Cora (Chicco Keyfit) and Katie has a Radian RXT in our car, but Britax's in the babysitter's car and her grandparent's car. Not sure what we'll get for Cora since there are things I like and dislike about both. We ended up with a BJCM double for a stroller. I like it, I'm just not using it a ton because I wear Cora so much.

You're so close! Try to enjoy the last few weeks!
Congratulations,Gem!!! He's beautiful, and hope you're feeling well!!!
NewEnglandLady|1397388787|3652671 said:
Gem, he's absolutely adorable!

PP, we are using Katie's old car seat for Cora (Chicco Keyfit) and Katie has a Radian RXT in our car, but Britax's in the babysitter's car and her grandparent's car. Not sure what we'll get for Cora since there are things I like and dislike about both. We ended up with a BJCM double for a stroller. I like it, I'm just not using it a ton because I wear Cora so much.

You're so close! Try to enjoy the last few weeks!

What are your cons for the radian? DD is a big 21 month old. She's stayed in the 95-97 percentile for height the entire time and is about 30lbs. Since we can't test the radian, I just have it in my head that it will fit a bigger kid. I know toys r us will take it back in store, so that's stayed in my mind if we do order. I don't know how much safer it is to have those steel bars (like in radian and britax), but it provides us peace of mind- just in case. Thoughts?

I'll look up the stroller now. I plan to wear DS and dd prefers to walk, so part of me wants to reuse dds purple stroller for DS and get a wagon type think for the two. So many decisions.
PP- DD has the Radian RXT and we love it! Are you planning on extended rear facing? We got ours because I wanted something that would last a long time rear facing. The Radian R120 will actually last a little longer though because it doesn't have headwings. Kids usually max out earlier than the stated height limit because their shoulders hit the headwings and it becomes uncomfortable. The R120 is the same seat but without the headwings. I actually went with the RXT because I just think it looks cuter and I think the headwings will come in handy as "pillows" for roadtrips.

The pros to RXT IMO are:
- Long lasting (45 lbs rear facing)
- DD is comfy in it
-It sits low on the seat so she will be able to climb into it easily
-It is super narrow (plenty of room for 2 other people or 2 other carseats in my back seat)
-It doesn't take up much front to back space when used with the angle adjuster (we don't need ours because the seat is so narrow it sits between the two front seat when they are reclined to comfortable positions)
-I like the look of it

-Not any safer than any other approved carseat on the market, so you don't get any more safety for the price
-Heavy (I don't mind this so much because I don't take it out often)
-The way the straps tighten SUCKS. It's a ratchet system so instead of just pulling the bottom strap once to tighten like most other carseats, this seat you have to tug, tug, tug. It's annoying but I'm used to it.
-The cupholder is a joke! It has the ability to hold 4 cupholders which would be awesome except the cupholders just sit inside a little hole. My DD just pulls the cupholder out as soon as I put it in. It has a blunt metal stick part too which I think is dangerous if it was thrown around in an accident. Luckily, I don't let DD eat or drink in the car so I don't even keep it in the car.

I hope that helps. A few other tips if you do go with the RXT:
- BabiesRUs and BuyBuyBuy price match so wait for a low price on Amazon and print it out and bring to the store.
- If you don't like the bulky shoulder/chest pads that come with the seat (most people find them too bulky), call Diono and they will send you smaller shoulder pads for free.
-If you haven't heard Diono is coming out with new models in May. They have a slightly higher weight limit and maybe a few other minor changes, like fabric options (OMG I NEED THE HOUNDSTOOTH!).

As far as double strollers. I've decided on the Baby Jogger City Select. It was the only appealing option for a tandem stroller because all the rest have the lower kid basically sitting underneath the other kid which takes away from the basket storage space. I also love all the different configurations you can put it in (if the kiddos want to face each other they can, if they are fighting you can put them back to back, etc. DD will only be 19 months when DS arrives so although I would love to skip the double, I think she will need it. I considered wearing DS and keeping our single, but I want to have the ability to put him down when necessary. I also love that the City Select can still be used as a single for times when I just have one kiddo. Oh, my friend just bought one and the storage basket is huge too!!! Lastly, I have seen some people get the City Select but just one seat and the car seat adapter. So you just keep the newb in the infant car seat (if you have one) and then by the time the baby outgrows it the older child can either walk or you can get one of those scooter attachments.