
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Petite Poire - Congratulations! Your story is so inspiring to me!!! I have been worried about knowing when to go in, and whether I'll have the courage to stay home once they're even 10 mins apart lol! I love that you went and took a bath and wonder how well it helped with your pain?

Not much of interest from me, I am having a hard time being comfortable today. I did decide today that I am going to let my back dictate when I leave work for good. I still have a while of course, but my back has been getting worse, and I now have regular tingling and numbness in my right shoulder blade.

I have found eating healthier to be much easier in late 2nd and early 3rd trimester. Tonight we had a great pork roast with slow cooked potato slices and some beans. I have been inhaling fruit as well!
Thank you! I'm loving being a new mom again! It's the best and I really feel like I appreciate it so much more the second time around since I know just how quickly this time (sleepless nights, frequent feedings, wanting to be held) goes by.

Dragonfly- I hate that I'm saying this because it doesn't explain anything, but you'll just know when you should go in. With DD I went in at 1cm and contractions farther apart and was sent home twice. This time around I knew I would be confined to monitoring/limited to a hospital room if I went in too early, so I pushed through.
While in the bath, I read up on breathing techniques and that's the only thing that got me through. I knew it was time for me to go in when I was no longer getting a break in between and was constantly just holding onto the wall/sink/whatever was near and focusing on breathing and relaxing my body. I knew if I waited any long I might not have wanted to move at all!! My water also didn't break until just before he was born. If it had I would have gone in ASAP as the contractions were already frequent enough.

I hope that all makes sense and helps. I had to mentally count to 3 breathing in and 4 breathing out and tell myself to relax my shoulders through each contraction while focusing on a point on the floor, etc. It really helped! You'll do great.
PP, congrats!! E is a big boy, but it sounds like you had a peaceful labor and delivery, which is fantastic!

I know I should probably wait for you to post on the newborn thread, but just wanted to say that I'm glad you're soaking it all in and enjoying it as much as possible this time. I definitely felt the same way. Knowing how fast everything goes (including the tough phases) really puts everything into perspective. Is E an easy baby so far?
Congratulations PetitePoire! So glad you're enjoying this time, however crazy it may be!
Congrats PetitePoire!!
Congratulations, PP!
I've been meaning to reply to blacksand about the post on fearing having another child after a rough pregnancy. I totally understand. Pregnancy is hard on the body and the mind. You might feel that you don't want another child ever, and that's ok. You might feel like that for a while and then change your mind, and that's ok too. Don't let people pressure you into having another child sooner than you are ready for or at all because they believe "BB1 can't be an only child" or that "they won't get along if the age gap is too big. I hated being pregnant with J (still not a fan tbh) and it took me three years to change my mind and decide I wanted a second one. I like that J is old enough to understand what's going on and seeing him so excited is a joy!

6 months tomorrow (25w5d). It's crazy to think I've been pregnant for half a year...
Thanks, anchor. I really want more kids, but I just don't know if I can or should go through this again. So many risks to my health and the baby's. Will have to take my time and do a lot of thinking and talking with DH. I know I don't even want to think about TTC again until I am at least in better health. Healthy BMI, normal blood sugars, normal blood pressure, at a minimum. That's no guarantee I won't have complications while pregnant, of course, but I have to do whatever I can, for my part.

So the good news is my blood glucose has been good lately. My fasting numbers were driving me insane, but I upped my exercise and cut out carbs after dinner completely, and they have been consistently in range for a week now. I am a member of an online support group for women with GD, and they all kept telling me to eat more carbs with my bedtime snack to reduce my fasting numbers. A number of them actually swear by eating full fat, full sugar ice cream every night at bedtime. Sounds amazing, but...not for me! I finally started eating just cheese at bedtime and my fasting numbers went right down. So my GD has been declared diet controlled for now. Hopefully it stays that way. The not good news is that my nausea seems to have returned after only a few weeks of relief. I vomited three times on Tuesday for no apparent reason. I also noticed a ton of swelling and started looking up symptoms of preeclampsia. Went to the OB yesterday. When they checked my blood pressure, it was 158/92. Insane. I almost started crying right there. But my urine test came back normal, so they had me lie down for 5 mins. or so and checked my blood pressure again. 120/72. The doctor basically said since it came down so fast, and my urine was normal, he's not worried about it. This is not the first time they have had to check my bp twice, and they basically think I just have white coat syndrome. But I don't think I've ever had a first reading that high before. The doctor thought my swelling looked normal and basically says we'll keep an eye on things, but he's not concerned at the moment. He chalked the vomiting up to a bug. I'm really not convinced, but I hope he's right. At least about the blood pressure. I just don't see how such wild fluctuations could be normal.

We'll have an ultrasound at my next visit to see how big the baby is getting. Hoping all is well. And hoping all is well with all of you also!
Congrats, PP! I'm glad to hear you & your little boy are doing well & that you're savoring every moment.

blacksand, I'm so sorry about all of the troubles you've encountered this pregnancy. Big hugs to you! That's wonderful that you've been able to control your GD with diet & exercise, though. Do you still have to test your blood sugar regularly?
I'm sorry your nausea has returned, though. I hope it makes just as sudden an exit & soon!
And I understand your concerns about going through another pregnancy. My pregnancy has been ok so far (knock on wood), but I had a horrible time with the TTC journey, so the thought of jumping into that pool again is just terrifying. I second anchor's sage advice about trying again (or not) in the future.

dragonfly, I hope your back is feeling better soon, though it might feel worse before it gets better!
How did you like your newborn care/birthing class? That's on my list of things to research next.

mia, congrats on your little boy! How exciting! How are you feeling? I hope your PSD is getting better. The aquafit classes sound awesome! If my gym had those, I'd be all over it, especially this summer.

c-tek, congrats on passing your glucose test! How cool that you're putting your babe in the walk in closet. We have a similar arrangement (2nd "bedroom" is upstairs from our bedroom & used for TV room/guest bedroom & baby will be in a strange alcove-type space outside our bedroom.) Have you found any cool space saving tricks?

PPM, congrats on your boy too! And, hey, boys can wear pink too! (At least when they're young enough not to complain!)

coda, hopefully not much longer for you now! Can you get a second opinion on the going past 40w issue? I wish I could be of more help.

Browneyes, you're almost there too!

dani, welcome & congrats! 2 years sounds like a great gap. I hope you're feeling well.

anchor, your prenatal massage sounds divine! And that is crazy to think of being pregnant for half a year. 6 months down, 3(-ish) to go!

Hi to anyone I may have missed! :wavey:

afm, well, I've recovered from the food poisoning, but now have a cold (I think my 4th this pregnancy--crazy!) Oh, compromised immune system, you vex me! I hope I feel better before I leave on vacation on Sunday.

Belly is growing rapidly now & it's pretty visually clear that I'm pregnant. We haven't decided on a name yet & are at a bit of a standstill. I'd love to name her after my Gran, but DH doesn't seem too sure about this, though when I've brought up other options they haven't led to serious discussion, so maybe he'll come around. :wink2:

In other news, we've started work on our nursery space. We officially have a pink wall & a nearly finished chest of drawers/changing table. We live in NYC & in a pretty small space, so I'm getting nervous about fitting all of baby's things. We're trying to be careful about what we acquire, but for very small creatures, babies seem to require a lot of accessories. :twirl:
23w, 4 d today. I'll take my one hour glucose test after I get home. I'm pretty nervous about that since I know having PCOS puts me at greater risk of developing GD.
26w, just had my 1-hour glucose test this morning. The glucose drink is foul, but I didn't feel ill or anything so it's probably fine. Fingers crossed I don't have to do the 3-hour one! Good luck on your glucose test, Brightspot!

I hope I don't jinx myself saying this, but it looks like I might not need laxatives anymore?! Fingers crossed again...
Hi all!

PP - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hope to see a little squishy pic of your little boy very soon. How is L adjusting?

blacksand, echoing the others - I'm so sorry that this pregnancy has taken such a toll on you. Don't get too far ahead of yourself re the future; SO much will change in the next couple of years, you may find yourself feeling completely differently and be in a different spot to nut out what you really want. I'm glad that your GD is satisfactorily controlled by diet. I don't work with women with GD but a very large part of what I do is looking after diabetics and milk is a terrific, low-GI drink. The lifestyle changes you have been forced to make due to your GD are positive ones even beyond this pregnancy, so perhaps that can be a little of the silver lining in the mess you are currently feeling you're in. Re the BP - yes, white coat syndrome CAN elevate your BP that much! FIngers crossed that is all it is, and that your "true" BP stays down.

anchor - sounds like things might be going quite well for you at the moment? Hope so.

brightspot think of it as getting the cold out of the way before your holiday!! I can't believe you're 23+ weeks already, time really flies. Re "stuff", babies actually NEED very little so my advice to you (which I am completely unable to follow, mind!) is to buy as little as you can and acquire as the need arises. And if you can borrow any gear, all the better as then you can give it back and clear that space when you no longer need it!

Dani - hello and welcome!!! So happy to hear your news. 2 years' gap will be great, don't trouble yourself about it for a second. I know the feeling, though, of it all happening before you expect ;)

coda I am suspicious of your silence and hope to hear very happy news from your corner soon!

PPM, wow, a boy! How exciting!

clairitek - nice to have the GCT out of the way. Iron deficiency and anaemia are so common towards the end of pregnancy, the babies really suck all that good stuff out of us!

dragonfly - you can't be that far off now either? I remember you got pregnant the cycle before me so you must be around 30 or 32 weeks now?

brown eyes - anxiously awaiting your news too!

Mia - you should see my newborn stash, lol. You would think that already having a little girl would "save" me from shopping, but noooooo. #2 has an almost entirely new wardrobe :roll:

I hope I haven't missed anyone! I'm sorry if I have!

AFM, I'm rolling along at 26 weeks tomorrow. Main issues are still pelvic instability and reflux, although I've gone onto omeprazole for the reflux (it is now considered safe in pregnancy, hooray!) and it has worked miracles. SIJs are still the pits but I'm doing what I can. My abdominal separation has opened up in the last week, which I expected it would (as I had it first time around too and I don't think anyone's body is ever quite the same again!) but hopefully it will not cause problems with my back etc. We'll see how we go. Other than that, I am well, sleeping well, eating well, etc. Will do the GCT in about 2-3 weeks but apart from that it's a quiet time (hopefully) in this pregnancy. My obstetrician is happy not to see me again until the week before I leave for the States, so that's not for another 6 weeks.
Pancake - Omeprazole is great, right?!
Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well!

Pancake - I am officially 32 almost 33 weeks. CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nesting and little freak outs are starting to set in. :wacko: I am doing Wyatt's laundry, cleaned out his dresser (which I'll share details of shortly), and every day is a fun mail day. Yesterday I got his tummy time mat and a huge similac sample that I won't be using for a while, but Daniel agrees that once he cuts teeth and is eating baby food we should start a transition so we will be keeping hold of it. But yes, we're getting close lol!

Anchor - Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Brightspot - Our hospital does a package of the classes and so far I have really enjoyed them. FI works late most days so has only been able to the birthing classes since he'll be in the room. My mom went with me to Newborn class and we really learned a lot. Things have changed since I was a baby for sure. We learned to swaddle, different baby hold positioning, diaper changing, and learned about early care when they get home. We also learned about the procedures in our hospital and safety precautions. It is so reassuring to know that our hospital goes to some huge extra lengths to ensure our babies are safe!!! They've never had an issue either, they're just very cautious anyways. It was also great to learn how the process will work for the birth, skin to skin and nursing, how much I get to dictate what happens, and the relaxation tools they have available and/or recommend. They go over lactation consultation, umbilical cord care, circumcision care, and normal baby behavior vs. things to watch out for too. I loved it! Birthing class is also great and FI has learned a TON and been very involved in learning ideas to help comfort me and offer me support and relaxation. We are building a playlist to figure out how to play it in the room, getting heat pads, taking an exercise ball and he is going to get some massage tools and oils. Definitely recommend the classes if you can go. P.S. I am sorry you've been ill! Hang in there, and Vicks Vapo Rub is totally safe to use during a cold. I have stayed pretty congested through my third trimester and use it almost nightly.

PP - I hope you and baby are doing well, and thank you for the reply!!! I'll definitely be reading everything I can to help prepare for the big day.

AFM - I am feeling ok today, which is amazing considering my work situation. I work for the radiology department at a mid sized medical grouping. I do check in and check out for 5 divisions of radiology. This week the two people who do our insurance authorizations left. Yesterday was the guy's last day. The girl left Tuesday. Yesterday, my coworker who does check in and check out next to me for the lab called in, and our office manager STILL took the day off. We had no extra coverage, which meant I got no lunch break and because S (the guy) had phone calls from movers coming in he was back and forth from the lab side. This left me covering both departments of check in through various parts of the day and we. were. SLAMMED. Our radiologist had also been out all week so we had an outside facility doing our readings and they were two days behind, so our phones were ringing off the hook with Dr.'s wanting results, wanting to know about authorizations, wanting to know why patients hadn't been scheduled yet, wanting to know if we could take add ons for the day, wanting to know why we were scheduling MRI's so far out (our machine was down earlier this week so we are now scheduled out for a week and a half). I was so incredibly frazzled, stressed and worn out by mid day. I didn't get to take a lunch break, just snuck behind some shelves to take bites of my salad as I could. I was SO MAD. The radiology technicians were all upset and wanted to go up to human resources for me to complain because they didn't call in ANY PRN people and they have not hired any extra help to replace the two people who just left. They only JUST posted ONE of their positions. I was, and still am really upset. The coworker who called in does so at least once every two weeks and nothing gets done or said about it, but they give me a hard time if I go to a Dr.'s appt. and am an hour late.
I did go to my OB this week, and he asked me if I've considered that this kind of stress might be the reason I've gained a little more than I wanted to, and that I am having such major back issues. I told him absolutely, and we are just trying to figure out what is feasible for me in terms of leave. He said he worried about me leaving early and its affects of my leave time after, but I informed him I will not be returning to this workplace (which I won't, my family and I have agreed, they only pay me 9.00 an hour to put up with all of that plus some). So he has informed me that he will be ready to write a Dr.'s recommendation for me to stay home whenever we are ready, because he is worried about the back issues and he does not want me to go into early labor from the stress.

That being said I am taking time to relax this weekend and enjoy washing baby clothes. My mom and I found a BEAUTIFUL early 1900's dresser last weekend at a "yard sale" (actually probably a store they don't want to have to pay taxes on but who cares right?). It matches the crib, and offers me a spot for the diaper caddy. We got it for $60 and it is in mint condition!!!! We also went to her friend's store that has a ton of really cool eclectic knick knacks and I found this beautiful mirror that stands up. The frame is made to look like wood branches and at the bottom there are two owls looking in at themselves. It was so pretty I had to buy it, and it is on the dresser. We also got three more little animals for his mobile, so now we just have to find some kind of branch (hopefully artificial) to hang them from. So I am enjoying all of that, goodies in the mail and some classic music today.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!!
26w3d, prenatal appointment this morning. Passed the glucose test (w00t), thyroid levels ok (yay), but very slight anemia (meh). I'll try taking 2 half-caplets of supplements a day. Fundal height had a pretty big jump since last month, so she scheduled a growth u/s for 30w.

Jacob threw a huge tantrum leaving the clinic, hopefully the rest of the day will be better...
Just a quick stop to let everyone know that I'm still pregnant. If the baby doesn't decide to make her appearance before then, I will be induced on June 10. I'm still hoping she will be here this week. At my NST the nurse did note that I am having contractions, and the baby's head seemed lower than it has been, so hopefully those are good signs that she will be here soon.
Coda - you're 39w now, right? The last few weeks are pretty hard. I'm sending you labour vibes so she shows up on her own by her due date!
Hi ladies :wavey:

Just checking in... Thank you for all of your congrats!!!! How is everyone doing? I see a few of you are almost exciting!!! Best of luck to you!!!

Afm, just chugging along at 18 wks. Had my AFP test on Monday, so that is pending, and scheduled my anatomy ultrasound for the end of the month.I still don't even feel pregnant, it's so weird. I remember feeling the same way with L's pregnancy though.....until I exploded around 28 wks, lol!!! I wonder if it will be the same, not sure. Still haven't felt movement yet, I have an anterior placenta again, so I'm thinking it won't be for another 2-4 wks.

Hope everyone is doing well!!! :appl:
Dani|1401914102|3686561 said:
Hi ladies :wavey:

Just checking in... Thank you for all of your congrats!!!! How is everyone doing? I see a few of you are almost exciting!!! Best of luck to you!!!

Afm, just chugging along at 18 wks. Had my AFP test on Monday, so that is pending, and scheduled my anatomy ultrasound for the end of the month.I still don't even feel pregnant, it's so weird. I remember feeling the same way with L's pregnancy though.....until I exploded around 28 wks, lol!!! I wonder if it will be the same, not sure. Still haven't felt movement yet, I have an anterior placenta again, so I'm thinking it won't be for another 2-4 wks.

Hope everyone is doing well!!! :appl:
Does an anterior placenta mean that you show later and your bump is smaller because stuff is pressed in the other way?
SMC|1401914706|3686565 said:
Dani|1401914102|3686561 said:
Hi ladies :wavey:

Just checking in... Thank you for all of your congrats!!!! How is everyone doing? I see a few of you are almost exciting!!! Best of luck to you!!!

Afm, just chugging along at 18 wks. Had my AFP test on Monday, so that is pending, and scheduled my anatomy ultrasound for the end of the month.I still don't even feel pregnant, it's so weird. I remember feeling the same way with L's pregnancy though.....until I exploded around 28 wks, lol!!! I wonder if it will be the same, not sure. Still haven't felt movement yet, I have an anterior placenta again, so I'm thinking it won't be for another 2-4 wks.

Hope everyone is doing well!!! :appl:
Does an anterior placenta mean that you show later and your bump is smaller because stuff is pressed in the other way?

No, just means that you usually feel the baby later because you have an extra cushion on the front of your uterus ;))
SMC|1401914706|3686565 said:
Does an anterior placenta mean that you show later and your bump is smaller because stuff is pressed in the other way?

I wish! I have an anterior placenta and I'm huge! I even measure 3 weeks ahead.

Good news: I found a pediatrician for both boys!!! Family doctors and pediatricians are a rare commodity in Quebec, so I'm a bit stunned. Jacob, the 4yo, was seen by the doctor who delivered him for the last 4 years, but she kinda sucks and is an hour late to work every morning and wasn't going to see him anymore once he started school next year anyway, so... It's such a relief! J had severe kidney reflux until 3 and it's common for that issue to be present in siblings, so I'm glad we'll be able to have a doctor to stay on top of that and avoid surprises like with J. J has an appointment to see the new one 6 weeks before my EDD, so I'll also be able to ask her any questions I might have for bébé Benjamin. Yay!
Interesting article, but I can't say I can relate. We have less apointments and very little tests in Canada as a standard. First appointment at 11w, first tri testing is optional, one u/s at 20w, 2 glucose tests (12 and 26w). This pregnancy I had a fetal cardiac u/s at 22w because I take SSRIs and I'll have a growth u/s at 28w because I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead, but it's not standard.
anchor31 said:
Interesting article, but I can't say I can relate. We have less apointments and very little tests in Canada as a standard. First appointment at 11w, first tri testing is optional, one u/s at 20w, 2 glucose tests (12 and 26w). This pregnancy I had a fetal cardiac u/s at 22w because I take SSRIs and I'll have a growth u/s at 28w because I'm measuring 3 weeks ahead, but it's not standard.

Though I'm in the US my experience is the same (except my glucose was one with a follow up if necessary). We chose to do the first tri stuff and ended up with an additional test (Harmony, like Materni21) because of a suspicious result in the standard first tri testing. I'm personally glad that we have the option to know more about what's going on in there or nothing at all.
coda, can't wait for your news! Hope to hear good news very soon!

anchor, thanks for the reminder that I really need to find a pediatrician. I have no idea how to go about that. But I'm 35 weeks today. Better get on top of it.

SMC, interesting blog. I can definitely relate. I get so nervous about every test. It wasn't so bad in the beginning, but once I failed my glucose test, it was all downhill from there. Now I panic about everything and expect bad news at every appointment. This is definitely not good for my blood pressure. It's also my own fault. It's my own attitude that needs an adjustment. I just never expected pregnancy to be like this. My friends and relatives have all [apparently] had such happy, healthy pregnancies, and I do kind of feel like my pregnancy is being treated like a 9-month illness, at times. Actually, more than 9 months, since my endocrinologist is pretty much convinced that I need to stay on a strict low carb diet forever and I'll probably end up with Type II diabetes regardless, but at least we can stave it off for a little while. I mean, I appreciate her being realistic about the risks for the future, and I do intend to lose weight and be as healthy as I can after my child is born, but I also had hoped I could have a freaking second to relax after giving birth to a human being. But nope. Not so much. All that being said, I'm still grateful for the advances in medicine that allow doctors to save so many babies and mothers today who would not have made it years ago. There are definite pros and cons.

Hope everyone is doing well! AFM, despite having a good appointment with my endo this week, where it was determined that I am officially diet controlled and will not need insulin (woot!), I am kind of bummed about how negative she is about my risks for the future. I am also concerned about my blood pressure. It's been an ongoing issue (always quite high at the OB, but goes down after a few minutes of relaxation). I bought a home monitor and so far my pressure has been pretty normal as long as I am relaxed, so I'm hoping I can steer clear of pre-eclampsia. Between the GD and the fluctuating blood pressure, my OB has ordered an ultrasound for Monday and non-stress tests will start soon thereafter. I have no clue how big the baby is getting or what's going on in there, really, so I'm eagerly anticipating the ultrasound. I need some information!

My baby shower is this Sunday. I'm excited. It's getting real now. I feel so unprepared for this baby!
Hi ladies. We are off to West Palm for the weekend and I'm hoping it will go well. I plan to stay very hydrated and hopefully eat healthy. I am worried about weight comments. I've gained 40lbs through the whole pregnancy, which I feel guilty about. My first and second trimester were very hard, and I ate a majority of carbs through pasta and bread because there were a great many things I could not eat without severe internal gas pain. So I'm just hoping that I'll get through without too many comments.

I wanted to offer a word of heartfelt advice to all of you who are worrying over tests. Although the tests can be nerve wracking, I highly recommend just bearing in mind that any additional stressing is not helping your little buns. That is something I have reminded myself every time I find worry, or stress, or upset creeping up on me, and it has really helped me to seek out ways to relax myself. Take time to just sit back and rest, and breathe and enjoy this time. The tests will come, and in many cases they will then just go, and you'll have all of that worry for nothing. :wavey:
blacksand, I hope I will not offend you by suggesting this, but I wondered whether you have considered some counselling to try and deal with your grief and adjustment around your pregnancy and GD diagnosis? It sounds like it's pretty pervasive at the moment, and it is colouring your view of pregnancy, babies, family planning general. Just a thought - feel free to ignore of course!

I'm 27 weeks tomorrow and all is going well in general. Stiff back and sore SIJs but nothing remarkable. Will do my GD testing in about a week.
HI EVERYONE! :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:

Well I just can't get on as much I would like! I wish it were easier to post from my phone but I hate trying to reply to everyone on the tiny little screen! So I'm just going to respond to everyone on the last page and try and catch up with anyone else later. Sorry! I know I will be missing a few of you!

PP- Congratulations!!!! Your story makes me want to check with my doc on how long I can stay home for my VBAC. My doc/hospital says to come in when they are 5 minutes apart. I don't know whether or not it would have helped me to stay home longer last time, because they were 3 minutes apart when I got there. But I would like to wait at least that long this time if possible. I really managed labor so so so much better when I was home. I haven't seen if you posted on the newborn thread yet but I will be checking for updates! Hope everything is going well!

Dragonfly- Sorry to hear that you are feeling a little guilty about your weight gain. Try not to beat yourself up about it too much. Just do the best you can to be healthy, but remember the body seems to do what it wants anyway! And it does come off after. I try and stay healthy during my pregnancies. I try to work out as much, and I really really don't feel like I eat more than I did, before pregnancy. But it still surprises me every time I step on the scale. I hope you had a great weekend and didn't get any comments! I don't understand why people think it's fair game to comment on a pregnant woman's body. I am too the point where even compliments annoy me. It still makes me feel like my body is being critiqued.

Black Sand- Hugs! I'm sorry this has been such a difficult pregnancy. I also hope I don't offend, but I agree with Pancake. I think you should definitely look into some counseling. Especially since I remember you were also worried about getting PPD after you have the baby. It would be great to start now so that you will be ready for whatever comes. I am just one of those people that thinks everyone should go to counseling. We all have stuff to think about, talk through and work on. And in your situation, you really have been handed a lot of issues to deal with this pregnancy. It might really help to talk to someone.

I also wanted to say that I know it's hard, especially with the information doctors are giving you, but try not think too far ahead about whether you will end up with diabetes in the future, etc. I can relate, because I am the type of person who once I know some type of statistic or whatever, it's hard for me to not just accept it. But you can deal with any future medical issues when they come up later. Right now your job is to take care of that baby and the best way to do that is to take care of you. I know it's really corny and cliche to say, but it is so true! And when the baby comes "happy mom = happy baby" will take on an even more powerful meaning.

Have fun at your shower!!! You totally deserve it!!!!

SMC- Interesting article. I think it just depend on the type of person. I personally really appreciate each and every little test. I think it is amazing that we have the capability to screen for so many issues in order to prepare ourselves for the outcome or even treat the condition. Each time I pee in a cup, give blood, have an ultrasound, get my blood pressure taken, etc, etc, etc... I do have a little moment of worry and panic that something might be wrong, but that's just the price you have to pay in order to know. And I personally would rather know. I do think many women forget that you can opt out of anything you want. If certain tests are more stress than they are worth, then maybe think about skipping them. That's not a risk I would take, but I guess it frustrates me when people get upset at the medical community as if doctors are trying to make their lives miserable. I also think it's easy for women to complain that there is too much testing when everything ends up okay. I'm sure false alarms suck! But I bet most women who found something that was really wrong on a screening are glad for the technology we have. Okay that kind of look like a rant! I am not directing that at you, just to the article. I do agree that testing is scary. Pregnancy and parenting are terrifying to me when I really think about it! So much stress and worry, and it really never ends!

Clairetek What's up boo? How was Vegas preggo?! I have a feeling we will be going there when I am still pregnant. We are trying to figure out an easy vacation and Vegas is always fun.

Pancake- Tell me about abdominal separation! I saw you mentioned it and I think I have it too. I am not sure if I had it last time. I do remember checking postpartum and being able to barely squeeze in the 2 fingers so I was thinking I was kind of borderline. But this time I am not sure if it is normal or not but there is definitely a gap and when I flex my abs, the center sticks out in a pointed way. Does it do anything? I don't have any back pain or anything but I do have PSD. Anyway are you doing anything for it? I plan to ask my doc about it next time. That's nice you get a long break from appointments. I feel like my appointments are so uneventful. I guess that's a good thing! That's hilarious that you are buying new stuff for #2! I said I wouldn't have because O has so much, but let's face it, I would too! Baby clothes are too much fun!

AFM- Hmmm.... what's going on with me? I'm 22w2d. Baby moving like crazy! I had an appointment a week or two ago. Love my doc as usual! She was very concerned about my PSD and even made a face when I asked is it also normal to hurt in the bones inside my vagina. She told me if it's this bad, this early, it is likely to get worse. She specializes in pelvic pain so she wants to me to try a pregnancy belt thingy and if I don't see improvement wants me to do PT. She okay'd me to sit in the hot tub though so that was good! The hot tub provides instant relief, but the pain comes back as soon as I get out, so oh well. I just feel like I have been coping with it okay. If I have a really bad day (walking a lot, carrying DD, pushing shopping carts), I just rest a lot the next day.

Sleeping has been a struggle. I fall asleep just fine, but I wake up in the middle of the night or the next morning so incredibly stiff and sore. My hip/pelvic bones pop when I turn over or get up. I can't figure out how to sleep either. Last pregnancy, I NEEDED my snoogle very early on and slept mostly on my left side and was fine. This time, the snoogle doesn't do it, so I am back to arranging pillows everywhere. I find myself sleeping on my right side now or on my back with my knees bent and my feet flat on the bed, and a pillow between my legs. Other times I am almost on my stomach. It's just so weird. I am not super paranoid about the whole sleep only on your left thing, but still I wish I had one consistent way to sleep like last time.

Otherwise, I am feeling pretty good. I am still able to swim laps almost every day with almost no pain. I love swimming, especially when pregnant!
Nora Dawn is here, and I'm in love! I'll post the whole story later, but I ended up having her on her due date!
coda72|1402359530|3689781 said:
Nora Dawn is here, and I'm in love! I'll post the whole story later, but I ended up having her on her due date!

Congratulations, coda!! Pretty name for a sweet baby girl. :appl:
coda72|1402359530|3689781 said:
Nora Dawn is here, and I'm in love! I'll post the whole story later, but I ended up having her on her due date!

Congratulations! And what a lovely name.