
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Dragonfly- Sorry about your shower! Unfortunately, people tend to give gifts like clothes and blankets, we got a lot too. In fact besides gift cards, that's pretty much what we got too! The giftcards saved us though. I agree with most of what Bella said and wanted to add a few suggestions.

1. I also returned clothes or other baby gifts that I knew I wouldn't use. Not something I'm super proud of, but I just felt like it was such a shame to have outfits that I would never want my baby in or certain baby products that I felt were just unnecessary. Luckily, most of the gifts I returned were from friends/family who were out of town. At Babies R Us, you don't need a receipt if the item is on your registry, so I just added things to my registry before returning. Also, don't forget that you will get a coupon from BRU (if you registered with them, but other places do it too) for 20% off whatever is left in your registry. I don't think I needed a receipt for target.

2. I also shopped on craigslist for stuff. I do recommend a glider, although many women are just fine nursing on the couch or bed. We got our newish looking glider for $75 IIRC on CL.

3. Google and see if there is a mass consignment sale going on near you. I just went to one last month and there is another one here in August. I'm talking a whole room full of bouncey seats, swings, high chairs, all for so cheap!

4. We personally did not need a baby swing. I would never buy one that wasn't used because it is hit or miss which babies even care about them. If your baby is really struggling with sleep after a few weeks, try one out, but otherwise I would hold off. The bouncey seat, however, is a must! Get one with a vibrator. You will use it for everything from naps, to just somewhere to put the baby, to baby's first meals. We found the cheapest one possible with a vibrator, no need to pay extra for bells and whistles.

5. Hold off on anything for feeding baby solids until you need them. You do not need a baby food maker!!! Any blender or food processor will do the job just as well (and in larger batches!). No need for a high chair until baby is sitting up. You can (and will want to for convenience and less clutter) use the bouncey seat for that. When it is time to get one, I highly recommend the $15 one from Ikea! Seriously, it is the best! So easy to clean.

6. You might want to hold off on nursing stuff for a little bit. It's great to have everything ready, but some moms do find that it is not for them. If you do nurse, you might hold off on pumping for a few weeks to not confuse baby, breasts, or supply. If you do need to pump right away (baby not latching, milk not coming in) I know it might be a little hassle getting stuff last minute, but your insurance might pay for a pump. Look into it. Get the pads though, you'll need them no matter what.

7. Were you planning on having baby sleep in pack in play now? Or did you want it for future travels? We kept ours in our bedroom and used it right away. If that is what you were thinking, I would put that at the top of priorities. Sleep is most important in the beginning!

8. No bottle warmers, sterilizers or wipe warmers. I fed my daughter cold or room temp breast milk and when I was a nanny I made formula with room temp water. It's great when your baby doesn't expect warm milk! So much more convenient! Do you have a dishwasher with a sterilizer setting? That's what we use. But I don't think having "sterile" bottles every time is that big of a deal.

9. Don't worry about orajel. No teething for a while and even then, I've never had to use it. Get pain relief medicine and a thermometer though. You don't want to have a sick baby at 2am with no supplies.

10. Our crib linens consist of: 1 waterproof mattress cover (~$20), 2 crib sheets, 1 crib sheet protector thingy (~$20). So I put 3 layers on and save the extra sheet for backup. So if she pees/poops/vomits on the top layer, I just unsnap it and take it off and no need to touch the sheet or mattress cover. It also gives you time to wash the top cover without feeling rushed. Then when she wets the sheet and mattress cover or at the end of the week, I just pop those off and put on a clean sheet on with no mattress cover, but the sheet protector (which will have already been cleaned) on top. I don't know if that all makes sense. My system is to not have to be in a situation where all my sheets are dirty and she needs a nap. I also don't want to remake the entire crib every time she wets it. Most mattresses are waterproof too, so you could probably get by with 2 sheets without the mattress pad, or with 2 sheets and just one mattress pad. I just get paranoid if she were to really really wet her bed.

11. Feel free to hold of on anything decorative because unfortunately, it's not a top priority, and your baby might not be using their room right away anyway. I made my own valance curtain, crib skirt, and throw pillow for the glider with some fabric and some no-sew tape. It was really easy and cheap. We did O's whole room cheap/ikea/DIY and I think it came out pretty cute. It's on the nursery thread if you want to check it out.

12. Unless you find a cheap used Ergo in good condition (I had trouble finding one), what about a cheaper wrap carrier or sling? I liked the moby best in the beginning. I do love the ergo but they are super expensive and you will have to get the newborn insert (although I've heard of women substituting a folded blanket instead). If you have a babywearing group in your area, you could go (while you are still pregnant even) and try out different types. You might even meet some moms who are willing to lend or sell you theirs!

I am so sorry you are having to buy this stuff all on your own. I know it seems like a lot, but there is very few stuff you actually really need. The good news is that you will have less clutter. We are very very minimalist when it comes to DDs baby gear and toys. We've never had a swing, walker, exersaucer... I love that we don't really have anything we don't use. DD has awesome play skills and hits all her milestones so I don't think she has been deprived at all.
Bella_mezzo|1402800118|3693411 said:
oh, and the nosefrida (E got a cold when he was 1 week old ;( )

Totally agree! Make sure you steal the one from the hospital too! We forgot to take ours and I couldn't sleep because of this sound O's nose was making. We bought like 3 different ones that all sucked (not literally, they didn't work AT ALL) including a battery operated one, before finally getting the nose frida. Use it with saline drops, it's a miracle! I swear it is the reason none of O's runny noses have ever turned to a cough! I just suck it all right out!
dragonfly, in truth - you really need very little! I would suggest the following:

Somewhere for baby to sleep (cot/crib/cradle/bassinet/whatever)
A bouncer or swing (but you can always get this if you find you need it later)
Muslin swaddles - get big ones as babies will bust out of small ones before long!
Bunny rugs/blankets
A breast pump - better if you can borrow this as you may not find you need it, or need it much
Bottles and pacifiers you can buy any time in a pinch
Terry or flannel flats - to use as burp cloths etc
Baby paracetamol/acetaminophen
We have a Nose Frida but have never needed to use it. But it's cheap and handy to have.
A stroller/pram
Car capsule
Lanolin - just a small tube just in case of cracked/sore nipples
Breast pads
A playmat or something of that ilk that baby can lie on on the floor - an overhead mobile or playgym is nice to have too
Baby shampoo
Change mat - we didn't get a table, it was just an extra piece of furniture clutter we didn't want or need. We changed bub on a change mat on top of her chest of drawers, just popped a piece of non-slip grip between the mat and the drawer top. Once they start rolling it's better to change them on the floor anyway.

I think that's it for the true essentials, for us anyway. Don't stress - babies really don't NEED much. Pack & Plays seem huge in the States but none of my friends or I here (Australia) had one. We were all fine, haha. Gliders also seem really popular in the States but again, not so much here. Definitely not an essential for me, just a comfortable chair with armrests at the right height for feeding is fine. You might like to get a BFing pillow, but this again wasn't something I used much.

With carriers - ours was definitely an essential BUT you may find you want to try before you buy, so perhaps borrow from friends, or go shopping for one after baby arrives.

I would try to accumulate as little "stuff" as you can and borrow stuff where possible. It all really adds up and it will fill up your house!
megumic - Sorry to hear bb1 was a difficult birth and bb2 is breach again. In this situation I think I would personally err on the side of caution and opt for a scheduled c-section like mia said. I'm not a fan of surgery and I've had more than my share, but I think a vaginal breech birth would scare me even more. It's your choice of course, and the reverse might scare *you* more, which is ok.

brightspot - Boo for the failed 1-hour test. When is the 3-hour test scheduled?

mia and clairitek - You look beautiful! I took a photo last week... I'm definitely enormous. That was 27w4d.

Anchor, c-tek & Mia, you guys look great! Loving those bumps!

Dragonfly, I'm so sorry you didn't get the things you really need at your shower. That must be so stressful to have to buy so many items yourself. I guess baby clothes are fun to buy, but you only need so many. I second (or third?) the idea of returning things you won't use for a credit to buy things you will!

I am, however, really enjoying all of the advice from BTDT moms about what's really necessary. Keep it coming!
And I hope you're able to figure out a way to get your bases covered with a minimum of expense.

Bella, thanks for the great tips! That's interesting about your glider experience. It's my current obsession & I can't figure out if I'll need it & if so, for how long. I keep vacillating between getting something temporary from CL or getting one I really like. Also, any parenting in NYC tips?

Mia, great tips from you too! I especially like the one about adding stuff to your BRU registry so you can return them! Genius! And I'm glad to hear you've been successful at keeping the baby related clutter to a minimum. I'm terrified of all of the stuff that seems to accompany babies as I have very little space to spare.

Pancake, great tips from you too! This is all so helpful as a FTM.

AFM, after a very worried several days, I'm thrilled to report that I passed my 3 hour glucose test! I'm so relieved.

Hope everyone is doing well.
I guess my point of view on accumulating baby stuff is a bit different too because whilst people do have baby showers here, it's a relatively recent thing and we certainly don't have big registries or expect big ticket items to be gifted as the "norm" as it seems to be in the States. I think in some ways though, it's great as a) usually people have recently spent $$$ on a wedding gift for you, lol, and b) (more importantly) it means that you hopefully don't end up with an excess of stuff. Yes, babies are expensive, but there is very little that you actually NEED - and then once you're past the first year or so you will curse yourself for having so much STUFF in your home!!!
We didn't get big ticket items at our shower either. Except for the carseats, we went second-hand for the expensive stuff. You can find some really nice barely-used things in local listings.
First and foremost- BRIGHTSPOT :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: YAY! I knew you'd pass!!!

Thank you ALL for the ideas and recommendations! They were all reassuring and SO helpful!

My big thing about the pack n play - We have a 2 story home. SO will be going back to work after a week and I will need somewhere downstairs for Wyatt to sleep so I don't have to go up and down so much. He cannot sleep on the floor b/c of the dogs walking around. So that is the greater need for that. I had looked at the rock and sleep things but heard about big recalls due to head mis-shaping and mold frequency.

I do agree about feeding solids and the need for those items right now.

We have tons of swaddlers thank goodness, too many clothes, but barely any sleeping garments.

In other news, I had a bad Dr. visit today and I feel awful about it. I am very anemic, 29 where I should be 34 :blackeye: . It's my own fault, I haven't taken the supplements like I should. I was on iron as a middle schooler and just dread the side effects. My sugar was slightly elevated, and I may have a UTI (waiting for results). We also have no answers for my edema in the feet, nor my back spasms. Thankfully my practitioner agrees we should try home remedies such as massage, increased fluid intake, massage, epsom salt baths and essential oils. I enjoyed a HUGE smoothie today made from mangoes, a bit of pineapple, apple, kale, spinach and spirulina. :lickout:

I thought I'd also say a happy late Father's day to all of the expectant dads on the board. I hope you all enjoyed the weekend!
Bright, I'm so glad you passed your 3 hour Glucose test. We love our rocker/recliner (not a glider), and we still use it every day with our 20-month old as part of her night time routine and to read books in. We plan to use it later in the family room as it doesn't have a baby print - there were tons of options on fabrics. I think we paid around $500 for a new one. If you look into used chairs on Craigslist ask if they squeak or creak as that's a common issue, and some of the sellers on Craigslist were up front about that when I was looking. We got a Best Chairs chair.

Dragonfly, you might consider a bouncy seat or just a blanket on the floor or activity center with blanket for your baby on the main level of the house. We did that and had a pack n play for our daughter to sleep in at night using the bassinet attachment until she was about 3 months old when we transferred her to the crib. We never used the pack n play after she stopped sleeping in it. Ours was a hand me down from my sister in law.
BrightSpot- YAAAAAAAY for passing your 3 hour test!!!! :appl: :appl:
So far I haven’t really made any headway in the organization department with our tiny nursery. Since we are renting and likely won’t be in this home for long I think I’m going to scavenge in my collection of baskets, clear plastic sets of drawers, and like items for ways to store the baby’s clothes and diapers. I need to hit up Pinterest for unique storage ideas. I promise to let you know what I figure out. I do have one possible space-saving idea. I’ve really been on the fence about getting a glider. I have a boppy and plenty of couch/stationary chair space to feed but I was wondering if I would be missing having a way to sit and rock/bounce the baby to soothe him. My friends have one of those exercise balls inflated and their son LOVES being held and bounced in it. It puts soothes him really well and I love how it can be moved from room to room. I think I’m just going to blow ours up and see if we can get by without a glider or rocking chair that takes up a lot more space.

Dragonfly- Glad to hear your trip to West Palm went well and that people weren’t rude about your figure. Sorry to hear about the edema, anemia, UTI, and elevated blood sugar. Dealing with anemia certainly does suck. Like you I wasn’t really taking iron either. I found some prenatal vitamins at the natural food drugstore that have iron and a digestive aid to keep things moving. They are Rainbow brand. Maybe those might help you deal with the side effects? Sorry that your shower was a let-down. I think you’ve received some great advice about what you really need from the BTDT moms here. I know I’ve learned a lot from their lists! I scored a pack n play for free on a local moms forum. I’ve seen a lot of them listed fairly cheaply on second hand sites, too. Hopefully you can have the same luck. As for curtains- I’ve made cheap ones with iron hem tape and clip ring to attach it to the rod. No sewing! I also am a member of a babywearing on a budget swap on Facebook. Do a search and join one or two. I see all sorts of baby carriers on the daily for a discount.

Mia- I hope that belt is helping you out! That is the funniest story about O and looking for the baby. She’s going to be so surprised when you do bring home an actual baby one day. One that cries, poops, and eats! Great news that she’s settling into your altered routine well with errands and activity and then rest. Promising that she has been adaptable to the new lifestyle. That maxi dress looks fabulous on you and your little baby boy bump! Sorely tempted to get another maxi (the only one I have is the black one in the photo) because they are so forgiving and comfortable.

Pancake- I wouldn’t expect (or really want) big ticket items from a shower, either. We are going to buy our stroller with smaller contributions made by many people. Most of what I’ve received from friends has been the smaller but much needed items and some clothes. It really does seem like you can get away with very few things for baby. We don’t have a crib mattress yet (or stroller) but I feel like he could be born tomorrow and we would be just fine for necessities.

Anchor- Congrats on getting to the third trimester and you do NOT look huge! You look lovely!

AFM- Busy weekend with volunteering to help little kids plant sunflower seeds for 3 hours on Saturday, hospital tour, and nursery work. I chose colors on Friday afternoon and then started painting on Sunday. We went with Behr Ice Cube as a base and then I will be putting on criss-crossing diagonal stripes (not really in a pattern) of varying widths on the wall behind the crib in a color 2 shades darker on the color card (color is called Balmy Seas). I did the cutting in (with two huge fans blowing air in) and DH did the rolling. We had another fan in our bedorom window on exhaust so it was pulling stuff out of the room. I was surprised at how little I could smell once the paint dried (and don't worry, I cleared out of there while he was rolling). DH and I cleared out our storage lockers in the garage so we can now clear out our guest room closet (mostly filled with my craft items and fabric) and we are now renting a small storage locker for long term storage. We realized that while we fit into our space now we had no spare room. All in all a very productive few days preparing for the baby.
dragonfly, just a quick note. I was super anemic during pregnancy (and probably for a few years before) but I didn't find out until delivery and my numbers were in the single digits. I almost wasn't allowed to leave the hospital after delivery and then had to have 5 weeks of IV iron therapy. Definitely try to get your iron levels up and don't be afraid to see a hematologist. I can't believe how much better I feel now and wonder if the hyperemesis I had during pregnancy was maybe partially from the anemia...
Anchor- Cute bump! Yay for the third trimester! Homestretch!

Bright (and anyone else curious about gliders): Gliders are one of those baby products that people either love or never used. I remember a bunch of moms here on PS, saying that they preferred sitting on the couch or bed to nurse rather than going into the nursery for every feeding. I personally think if you have the space and the budget, consider it. I nannied for families that had them and some that didn't and I always knew I wanted one because I was more comfortable using them. I have 2 friends that have wooden rocking chairs and they both wish they had gliders (although neither has gone out and bought one, so maybe not that badly).

You could also get a regular cushy arm chair and ottoman that does not "glide." This way you could use it longer and even move it to the living room later on. O is just now letting me rock her in the glider at 15 months. She hated being rocked as a baby. So we used our glider as just a regular chair for feedings. It was really comfortable for me and I never had back pain from nursing or letting her sleep on me for hours. We still use it all the time for books and cuddling. It's definitely not a top priority, but it's a nice luxury for us. We bought ours used on craigslist and about a month later it started squeaking, DH sprayed it with a lubricant and it's been like new ever since!

Clairetek- Blow up the ball and give it a try! If it makes your SPD (I think I have been abbreviating that wrong? I'm not sure if it's PSD?) worse, then maybe not. I was most comfortable on my ball last time (even though I think I had mild SPD). It's supposed to help baby get into the right position or whatever, but I was definitely more comfortable on my ball than the couch at the end of my pregnancy. And then O did not liked to be rocked as a newborn. We had to bounce her on the ball! There was some speculation that maybe she was just used to all the bouncing I did when I was pregnant, but who knows! I've found a lot of babies like that up/down motion. I used to do squats with other babies and it really works! DH and his friend swear by the "baby elevator" where they hold the baby with one hand on the butt and the other supporting the neck and they lift the baby up and down repeatedly. It totally works but I don't have the arm strength for that!

Pancake- Yeah it must be so weird hearing us Americans talking about showers and all this gear. We definitely have that consumer mentality here. I never thought about it because it's just "what you do" here. But I do agree that you do tend to end up with a lot of stuff you won't use. We didn't get a lot of big ticket items either, but we did get a lot of gift cards. I think the norm where I am is that only close family members give big ticket items and everyone else gives reasonably small gifts.

Dragonfly- I think it sounds logical for you to get a pack and play. We have a small house and it was very convenient for us to have 2 places for O to sleep. Was it absolutely necessary? No, I'm sure we could have managed fine without it. But we did not have room for the crib in my bedroom and it was great to have her right there with me. #2 will have his own crib, and will be in the pack and play with us at night. In your situation with a second story and the dogs, I think the pack and play will really come in handy. Plus you can also use it as a downstairs changing area too. I think you just have to make a list of what you need and rank items on how important they will be when the baby comes. You should be able to find most things second hand though, including the pack and play. Craigslist is awesome!

AFM, 23w4d, well it's been a rough couple of days. Some of you know my mom has stage 4 lung cancer. She has been hospitalized because the cancer spread to her hip and a part of her hip broke, so now she can't walk. She seems to be doing okay besides the pain. And then my Aunt who has had ovarian cancer for 4 years is probably dying. I am on the other side of the country but from what I hear, she is too weak to eat and they will be releasing her into hospice care. I feel really sad about it all. But mostly I think I have decided not to go back to visit my Aunt, and I feel terribly guilty about that. We really can't afford it right now, because I was just home in April. And then DD would not be able to go with me (she won't fit on my lap anymore). And the thought of traveling right now sounds awful with my SPD. And lastly I need to save my trips home for my mother. I just feel like everyone is going to be mad at me for this decision. I haven't really told anyone about my pelvic pain either so I feel like they will think I'm making an excuse. I also have been very nonchalant about losing my mom, but now it is really starting to hit home. :(sad

In other news, I received my SPD belt thing and it seems to really help! I feel pretty good with it. Only issue is I think it's giving me more braxton hicks contractions, or maybe I'm just noticing them more? Will ask doc next time! The other issue is that I still wake up feeling like crap and nights are still hard. I'm wondering if I should sleep in it but that sounds uncomfortable.
Mia- Thanks for the advice on that ball and the baby elevator! I have a feeling we will be bringing it with us to the hospital, too. Glad to hear it worked for you when O was really young. Gah, I'm so on the fence about a glider. We really don't have the space for it unless we cram it into a corner of our bedroom. It may just be something we need to do, I suppose. At least with the internet we can have anything delivered to us within 2 days if we need it. And there's always CL.

I was wondering if I had the PSD vs SPD wrong. Only noticed it recently when I was googling to give the full medical term to a friend who is also pregnant (and a healthcare provider). We were trading war stories of pregnancy. For me the BH contrax let up when I use the belt. Curious to know if it's truly causing more of them for you or they're just more noticeable.

I'm so sorry that your aunt has taken a major turn for the worse. I can see how you're feeling really sad about not going back to visit her. Hopefully your family will respect your decision to not travel right now and save up your money and strength to go back to visit your mom if the immediate need arises. I can't even imagine how you're feeling with this news and your mom's recent developments. It's a ton to deal with at once. Hugs to you.
Brightspot - Yay for passing the 3-hour test! It must be a huge relief.

Mia - I'm really sorry about your aunt. I lost an aunt to lung cancer last fall... it's tough.

Afm - 28w5d, had a growth u/s today. I'm measuring ahead because bébé Benjamin is on the bigger side for now (80th percentile, about 3.5lbs). But everything is a-ok, so no worries. I've started having BH contractions three days ago, those are not so fun.
anchor31|1403139798|3696180 said:
I've started having BH contractions three days ago, those are not so fun.

You are so lucky you made it this far before getting them! Did you have them last time? I've had them since like 18 weeks or so! This time they are so much more uncomfortable, I would almost say bordering on painful. No fun at all! Was the growth ultrasound ordered for a reason or is that standard there in Canada? I don't remember getting one last time. Glad everything is looking good so far! Thanks for the kind words about my aunt, sorry you lost yours to cancer too.

Clairetek- Yeah if space is an issue, I'd say skip the glider for now. See how comfy you are on the couch, etc. Like you said you can always order one later if you feel like you are missing out. I read a lot of reviews that the pregnancy belt would help with braxton hicks, so it was something I was looking forward too. But it definitely hasn't helped. Maybe I'm wearing it too tight or too high? I don't know but I definitely notice them all the time now. I will be asking my doctor at my next appointment. Thanks for the hugs re: my mom and aunt. It's definitely a lot, and just bad timing with my pregnancy, but I'm trying to stay as positive as possible.
JGator|1402974805|3694702 said:
Bright, I'm so glad you passed your 3 hour Glucose test. We love our rocker/recliner (not a glider), and we still use it every day with our 20-month old as part of her night time routine and to read books in. We plan to use it later in the family room as it doesn't have a baby print - there were tons of options on fabrics. I think we paid around $500 for a new one. If you look into used chairs on Craigslist ask if they squeak or creak as that's a common issue, and some of the sellers on Craigslist were up front about that when I was looking. We got a Best Chairs chair.

Dragonfly, you might consider a bouncy seat or just a blanket on the floor or activity center with blanket for your baby on the main level of the house. We did that and had a pack n play for our daughter to sleep in at night using the bassinet attachment until she was about 3 months old when we transferred her to the crib. We never used the pack n play after she stopped sleeping in it. Ours was a hand me down from my sister in law.

We had had this suggestion thrown out, but unfortunately it won't work well with our dogs. Otherwise I'd be all about it. It's not that they'd hurt him, but more that they would end up being curious and then would end up waking him.

Anchor - Awesome that bebe is big and healthy! Get used to those BH, they will be around lol!

NM news here, other than I got my first stretch marks. I heard bio oil is good so I am alternating that twice a day and then a mid day of burt's bees belly butter with coconut oil in it.

OH! My grandmother surprised us and ordered our pack and play!! SWEET RELIEF! LOL!

Our stroller and car seat are put together, we just have to have someone show us how to put it in the vehicles.

Enjoy the day ladies!
Dragonfly, so glad you finally got a pack and play! I was going to tell you to bite the bullet and get one--we also live on two levels and have a pack and play on each level. The one on our main floor was necessary for naps when both my kids were newborns. Even though I don't use the pack and plays for naps anymore, I've left them both up because they come in handy again when your kid starts crawling and you need to pop out for a second, but want them to be contained. Anyway, glad that's taken care of!
Mia - No, the standard here is the 20w anatomy scan and that's it. The growth scan was ordered because I'm mesuring 3w ahead and my OB wanted to make sure there's wasn't something wrong.

I didn't have noticeable BH contractions last time. I did have false labour in the evening for two weeks before the real thing though!
Quick PSA that Amazon has Baby Jogger products on sale right now. Just got my Baby Jogger City Versa for $230 which is $30 less than their previous low price and considerably less than retail at a place like Buy Buy Baby, Babies r Us, etc.
Hi all :wavey:

Quick drive by post....20 + wks here, and all is status quo ( thank goodness)!!! Had my anatomy scan last Fri and baby looks great! We are so thankful.
Hope all of the rest of you are doing well!!!
Sorry about dropping out of sight for a while, but having a newborn is even more demanding than I thought it would be! I read through the posts, and it seems like everyone is doing well with their pregnancies, so I'm glad of that. I didn't tell my birth story yet, so since I have a little time right now, I'll go ahead and do that. On Sunday June 8, I started to get worried about the baby. She was extremely active in utero (and she still is out in the world!), and she did move much at all the entire day. DH was even more worried than I was, so around 8 pm we decided to go to the hospital to make sure everything was ok. I was scheduled to be induced on June 10, so I assumed that they would check on her, and send me home if everything was ok. While I was there, the doctor who was there that night (not one I had met before) told me that since I was scheduled to be induced in less than 2 days, and it seemed unlikely that I would go into labor on my own before then that they could go ahead and induce me that night. My DH and I thought that seemed like a good idea. So, they took us to a room and started the induction process around 10 pm. They decided to use the Foley tube plus a small dose of misoprostol to get me to dilate since I was only 1 cm dilated. The foley tube was removed around 1-1:30 am, and I was around 5 cm dilated. The contractions at this point were not bad at all, just felt like somewhat painful period cramps, but bearable. I decided to go without getting an epidural if I could. Unfortunately around 3:30-4 am the contractions became quite a bit more painful, unbearable really. I decided to go ahead and get the epidural to get some relief. I had to wait until a C-section was done and for another woman to get the epidural before I received mine. By then I was experiencing some intense pain. The epidural took effect around 5 am or so, but the nurse said to me, you still seem uncomfortable. I told her that I was feeling the urge to push so she went to get a doctor. It turns out I was fully dilated, and ready to push around 5:30, so I began that process. I do have to say that DH was wonderful during this whole thing. Originally he told me he barely wanted to be in the room while this was going on, but he ended up taking a pretty active part especially in the hard labor. He held my one leg and a student doctor held the other while the nurse (or doctor) instructed me when to push. At one point it was only 4 of us in the room, me, DH, the student doctor, and the nurse while everyone rushed off to deliver another baby. I pushed for about an hour, then my baby girl Nora Dawn was born at 6:37 am on June 9. She was 6 pounds, 8 ounces and 18.25 inches long. Here's one of her professional pics.

Congratulations, Coda! Nora is a beauty. I love her lips! :love:
Congratulations Coda! Nora is just beautiful! I agree, she has beautiful little lips!

Drop by to say that i haven't slept much the past few days, and am really beginning to "feel it". I've slowed down quite a bit, especially getting up and down. I didn't sleep at all last night, so am going to take a PTO day, as much as I hate to. The dogs seem to notice too, they are staying very close to me. Wyatt's nursery is nearly complete, we need one shelving unit and a glider and I think we'll be set. His bassinet will be ready for our room this week. We received a surprise this week in a new jumper from Daniel's uncle.
Ok, now I am really behind! Let me see…. dragonfly, sorry your shower wasn't all you dreamed of, but it's great you got the pack and play! That will be a great help. I don't think you will end up needing that much, really, but I know, as a FTM myself, it's hard to know what you'll need before the baby actually gets here! I think we probably have way too much stuff. Guess I'll soon find out. megumic, glad to hear from you! Hope all is well and can't wait to hear your news. Should be any day now! Clairitek, anchor, and mia: how cute are your baby bumps? You are all adorable. coda: Nora is perfect! So completely beautiful. Congratulations again!

I'm 37 weeks 5 days now and could go any day. Things are crazy as the doctors are still concerned about my blood pressure. Blood and urine tests keep coming back negative for preeclampsia, but I do have a lot of swelling lately, and though my blood pressure is okay at home, it's always high at the doctor, no matter how hard I try to relax. It goes down if I lie on my left side, but that's the only thing that works. So I have basically moved into my doctor's office for regular monitoring. NSTs, BPPs, more blood and urine tests. I feel like a ticking time bomb. I almost wish they would just schedule an induction and be done with it. But all of my NSTs and BPPs have been great. Baby is "perfect" in my OB's words. So who knows what will happen? I feel like they're just waiting for one of my tests to come back badly so they can rush me off to L&D. I would almost rather they just schedule something. My goal is to make it to July. After that, if they want to induce me, cut me open, or if the baby decides to come on his/her own, bring it on. I was so against being induced, but at this point, I'm just tired of feeling like a medical case all the time and I'd rather be done with it. Between the GD, the blood pressure issues, and the looming threat of possible preeclampsia, I just want a healthy baby and a chance to start recovering myself. In any case, the baby is acing all of his/her tests so far, so that's the most important thing. And hey, I passed my Group B Strep test. Woot! I passed something!
Ugh blacksand, so sorry about all the issues. I completely understand your frustration at their waiting approach, I'd want to be done with it ASAP too, especially since you're full term. Hang in there, darling.

How is everyone? My BH contractions are continuing, but they don't feel uncomfortable anymore so that's a relief. What I've been having a had time with this week is the reflux, despite the omeprazole. There's always something, isn't there? I'm 30w today, which is always a significant milestone for me to reach without signs of labour, because I was born at 30w and had/have all sorts of issues as a results, including CP. So today is a day for gratefulness!

Thinking of all of you!
We are on the same schedule it seems! I'll be 37 weeks at the beginning of next week. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy to think! I'm sorry about your blood pressure. Try this - squeeze the top of your left ear when you feel it getting higher. I know that sounds silly but it is a pressure point that triggers your blood pressure to relax. You can also try squeezing/massaging your ear lobes.

Anchor - I'm glad to hear your BH are not as uncomfortable!

My BH have picked up immensely today. Heading home now from work to finally relax and do nothing alllllll weekend.
Oh Coda!! She's beautiful!! I'm so thrilled to read your birth story and see that your labor went so well! I've had two friends get c-sections after being induced, so when you started your story I was getting angry that they pushed for induction, because a lot can happen in 2 days. Clearly, it's something I feared. haha.

AFM: Like Coda, I too forgot how demanding a newborn is, so my apologies for being away for so long. Each time I sit down to respond to everyone one of the kids starts to cry (waiting now for the LO too!). I did not realize how challenging 2 under 2 would be, but I'm learning! E is now 5 weeks old! I can't believe how fast time flies. It seems like those last 5 weeks of pregnancy dragged on! Anyways, he is doing well nursing and sleeping. He sleeps well until about 4 am and between 4-6 he's super noisy or wants to eat. I think he has reflux pretty bad- I plan to ask his doctor on the 16th at his appointment. He vomits and/or spits up almost after every feeding. L did not do that, so it's a huge change for me having to make sure we have bibs/burp cloths everywhere. It's also eased my mind having a bassinet next to the bed- just in case he spits up I'm there to check on him. I'll try to go post over in the Newborn thread now. Good luck to all of you! I'm reading along and cheering you all on, even if I can't post!
anchor: congrats on making it to 30 weeks! It is a huge milestone. Hope that baby stays put for a while longer!

dragonfly: I will totally try the ear-squeezing trick. I'll do anything! Not much is working at the moment. The problem is that I really don't feel my blood pressure going up. I don't feel anything. I feel fine. Then I get a crazy reading and I don't understand why. Other times I feel like I'm super nervous and my heart is racing…and my reading will be fine. So I don't know. I've come to accept that I have no control over or understanding of my own body. Oh well. Hope you are enjoying a nice relaxing weekend!

PP, can't believe E is 5 weeks already! That did go by fast. Hope you both get some relief from the reflux soon.

I spent a super fun day in L&D on Thursday after my OB appointment. Had a great NST, measured perfect, doc was happy with my weight and my swelling was actually down to almost nothing. She just wanted to do one more blood pressure check and send me on my way. Of course my bp was 160/90. They had me lie on my left side for a good 10 minutes. I wasn't too worried, because it always comes down when I lie on my side. Also, I had checked it at home earlier that day, and it was a beautiful 117/78. So I figured they'd just check it one more time and all would be well. Nope. It didn't go down at all. I have no explanation for that. It wasn't anxiety. I was feeling quite calm until that point. So instead of going home, I won myself a trip to L&D for monitoring. My OB said she was "certain" my bp would go down and they'd send me home, and not to worry because all my other tests were perfect. So I went off to L&D, and yes, now I was anxious. They ran more urine and blood tests, hooked me up to the monitors, and checked my bp periodically. It stayed around the same. The on call OB (from my practice) came in and reluctantly told me that if it didn't come down, we were going to have to deliver the baby that night. Then he told me to try to relax. Hahaha. My husband, who normally works about 10 mins. away from the hospital, just happened to be in a meeting in the city that day, so it took him over two hours to get there.

The doctor finally asked the nurse to roll me a little more onto my left side, since I was only partially propped up. I didn't have high hopes that that would do much, because it hadn't worked at the OB. But after maybe 15 minutes, I got a reading of 127/78. Then later, another of 134/78. Not bad at all. But I had been there for hours at that point and I had to go to the bathroom. The nurse helped disconnect me from the monitors so I could go. As soon as I got back to bed, she checked my bp again. 160/78. Crap. I mean, I had just been moving around, but wow, that shot up fast. My husband finally arrived and the machine was still beeping a super comforting high blood pressure alert. My husband wanted to know what was going on so I was trying to explain everything while the alarm was beeping and the nurse was trying to get yet another reading, and then a fire alarm went off in the hallway and lights were flashing, and that's when the OB walked back in. With all that going on I thought for sure he was going to say I had to stay. But he said that my blood and urine tests came back good, and since my diastolic number had gone down, they were going to let me go home. I was actually really surprised. I thought we were having a baby that night for sure.

So we're home now and just packing and preparing. Well, I'm mostly lying down on my left side and instructing my husband on packing and preparing. I'm on bed rest and go back to the OB Monday. My home bp readings have been only marginally better, so I expect more of the same on Monday, and possibly another trip to L&D. At this point, I'm over it, I just want them to induce me already. Not worth the stress.
Geez blacksand, I'm not sure how they think all that stress is better than having baby a couple of weeks early...