
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

BrightSpot, my boobs never grew during any of my pregnancies ( ;( ), but I had a TON of milk! Like major oversupply. I nursed both of my kids for 18-19 months. So I don't think breast growth necessarily has anything to do with it. Hopefully that will reassure you a bit. :)
I'm so late in reporting in! Our baby girl arrived on her due date July 6 via successful unmedicated VBAC! Short version....I labored all day Saturday and Sunday around 2 pm we went to the hospital. I was 7cm. Continued labor ing and at 5 I was still at 7 so I asked them to break my water - I was exhausted by this point. Within 20 minutes I was complete and ready to push and 15 minutes later baby giRl arrived! It took us two days to name her - Sadie. I am so grateful it was a girl and I am so so so grateful for a wonderful and empowering birth experience. It went as well as it possibly could have and we are so thankful!
Congrats Meg!!! That's amazing!! Congrats on baby her name!!! Hope you are feeling well!!! :appl:
megumic, congrats!! I'm so glad you had a great birth experience & hope you're enjoying your time with your lovely little Sadie. Thanks for popping in to update us.

Dani, good to see you too! How are you feeling?

Aah, where would I be without my PS sisters? Thanks ladies for all of the reassurance & kind words.

Laila, thanks for the reassurance that breast growth during pregnancy doesn't necessarily indicate future milk supply. I wonder if you'll get some added size this time with the twins. How are you feeling?

anchor, congrats on a great interview & fingers crossed that you land the contract! When will you know? My feet are definitely swelling too, especially if I'm on them for a long time in the summer heat.
And thanks for the reassurance about PCOS/breastfeeding. I guess I should know if it's working or not within the first 2 weeks.

LC, you're right, I'm totally psyching myself out! I tend to have a hard time with the unknown & can often fear the worst.
I'm sorry you had such a rough go getting E established with breastfeeding. That must've been so stressful! And LOL about your DH offering solutions. I know they want to help formulate a plan, but sometimes just a hug is best. ;)

pancake, I hope your trip hope was as smooth as possible & that you had a wonderful reunion with your family. (And that renovations have progressed seamlessly in your absence!) How was your presentation?
And thank you so much for the reassurance. I'm definitely getting nervous about little girl's arrival. That said, I often find that things are not as difficult as I'd feared they'd be (and I'm more resilient than I think I am!)
And, aside from doing research & trying my best, there's probably not much I can do to affect the breastfeeding outcome, especially at this moment. ;) (Trying to relax a bit...)

dragonfly, thanks for the pep talk! And I can't wait to see Wyatt's mobile!
I hope the acupuncture helps him to drop further. And enjoy the boredom while you can because I don't think it'll be here for much longer!

Bella, thanks so much for checking on me! That's great that you had so much milk! I definitely need to drop you an email as I'd love to hear your lactation consultant recommendations & if you have any NYC parenting tips too, I'd love to hear them!
Thanks for the tips. I have to say I'm really afraid of the pain involved too. TMI, but the girls don't like much stimulation as it is, so I don't imagine breastfeeding will be pleasant.
Coconut oil is a great idea--so much cheaper than lanolin & smells great!

C-tek, I'm sure you'll do fine on the baby care front. And that'll be super helpful to have your mom with you. (Assuming you two get along well... :naughty:) You're really smart to get Christmas gifts taken care of now while you have time. What kind of ceramics do you make? Very cool!
How did you like your birth class? I'm a bit nervous that we're not taking one, but I have a bunch of library DVDs & hope they'll be helpful. I'm totally with you on the C-section issue! I tried to read the chapter on that in my Mayo Clinic pregnancy book & got light headed & had to stop each time. :rolleyes:
Have fun at your shower (how wonderful that it'll be hosted by PS ladies!) Will baby be getting some early bling?

afm, the weather has heated up here & I'm not a fan. From the increased cramps to swelling & hurting feet, I'm hoping it cools down soon! It's just really hard to get comfortable these days, especially in the evenings. DH & I are going away for a night this weekend to one of those cheesy Pocono resorts with the champagne tub. Hopefully it'll be fun, or at least we'll have a lot of laughs!

Has anyone made holiday plans yet? I'm not sure how traveling with a 2 month old will be for Thanksgiving, not to mention that we'll be around a lot of family including 3 little ones ranging in age from 5 months-3 years.
Quick post to congratulate Meg on her delivery! So excited that you got the birth experience you were hoping for!!!!
Oh such joy to read your stories ladies!! Happy this thread just goes on and on. Brightspot..... 31 weeks or more.. OMG so thrilled for you... Makes me smile big!!!

Best wishes to all the lovely ladies here.... Gosh to think some are on their third and second or their first.... Such a wonderful blessing!!! :wavey:
Hey all!!
Claritek - Sounds like your baby is making some progress in there. I definitely feel the acupuncture has helped in many ways. This week we focused on calming me and getting my mind and body in sync, and then we did a point to help my cervix soften and begin the opening process. I feel it helped me to zen out a bit.

Anchor - Congrats on the interview, I'll be staying hopeful for you!

Megumic - CONGRATULATIONS!!! And how great that you had such a smooth labor and delivery!

AFM I made a fall sign from letters, scrapbook papers and wood frames from the craft store yesterday lol! I am looking at scrapbooking/life journal ideas and patiently awaiting my first custom planner as well. We did do some very calming acupuncture the other day. Today I am having more BH, just not super strong. TMI moment, but funny - I went to my best friend's last night, who is also my nurse, and she talked about how she wished you could lose your mucous plug and then juts BAM it happens 24 hours on the dot later. Well low and behold it passed this morning. At least this is SOMETHING! I'm pretty achy today through my hips, back and my calves are sore.

To return to the life journal stuff. I have been getting really interested in customized planners and journals. I don't necessarily want some big hefty scrap book, but more of a journal sized something that I can add pages to and create planner sized journals/notebooks to take along with me. I am considering a filo fax but I have already ordered a planner, so I don't necessarily want that. I might go look at an office store. I want one with rings so I can add more pages as I want, and pockets that will allow me to store stickers and labels and cards to be added as I add things in. Any thoughts/suggestions on the right binder for me? I don't want a 3 ring notebook, that's too plain, I want something I can make mine.
Hey all!!
Claritek - Sounds like your baby is making some progress in there. I definitely feel the acupuncture has helped in many ways. This week we focused on calming me and getting my mind and body in sync, and then we did a point to help my cervix soften and begin the opening process. I feel it helped me to zen out a bit.

Anchor - Congrats on the interview, I'll be staying hopeful for you!

Megumic - CONGRATULATIONS!!! And how great that you had such a smooth labor and delivery!

AFM I made a fall sign from letters, scrapbook papers and wood frames from the craft store yesterday lol! I am looking at scrapbooking/life journal ideas and patiently awaiting my first custom planner as well. We did do some very calming acupuncture the other day. Today I am having more BH, just not super strong. TMI moment, but funny - I went to my best friend's last night, who is also my nurse, and she talked about how she wished you could lose your mucous plug and then juts BAM it happens 24 hours on the dot later. Well low and behold it passed this morning. At least this is SOMETHING! I'm pretty achy today through my hips, back and my calves are sore.

To return to the life journal stuff. I have been getting really interested in customized planners and journals. I don't necessarily want some big hefty scrap book, but more of a journal sized something that I can add pages to and create planner sized journals/notebooks to take along with me. I am considering a filo fax but I have already ordered a planner, so I don't necessarily want that. I might go look at an office store. I want one with rings so I can add more pages as I want, and pockets that will allow me to store stickers and labels and cards to be added as I add things in. Any thoughts/suggestions on the right binder for me? I don't want a 3 ring notebook, that's too plain, I want something I can make mine.
Congrats Megumic!!!

34w today and I got the contract! :D
How's everybody?

I had an OB appointment this morning. My BH contractions have been getting more intense and uncomfortable the last few days and apparently they've been doing something because I'm 1cm dilated. But my cervix is still long and hard, so my OB isn't concerned. B is still head down and very high, so much so that I wake up with sore ribs in the morning if I've been lying on my side because he put pressure on them!
Hi ladies!! Well I am very excited to say that Wyatt made his entrance into the world on July 28, 2014 at 3:45 A.M. and boy what a ride! I began having regular contractions early Saturday morning, and by Saturday afternoon they were steadily 10 minutes apart. Sunday morning I THOUGHT I had a small gush that could have been my water breaking, so Daniel and I loaded up and went to the hospital. In triage, the doctor on call checked and my water had not broken, but what I thought were still 10 min apart contractions were actually every 3-5 minutes and I was 4 cm dilated, so she decided to keep me. I was checked into a room right away and began walking. We walked for about an hour, and the doctor decided to go ahead and break my water. When she did, she did find a small trace of meconium, so we knew to watch that. At this point I progressed relatively quickly, and felt quite blessed. I was 6 cm within an hour, and 7 within two hours. I spent time rolling on the peanut ball and resting between contractions. At a 2 pm check I was 7 cm, and that is where we started to reach our roadblocks. By 5pm I had not progressed any further, so we decided to start pitocin. Pitocin was seriously the greatest agony I have ever experienced. My contractions were long and hard, and at 7 PM I gave in and took an epidural. Let me just tell you, that was the greatest form of relief I've ever experienced. I continued to labor until 10 PM and had to have a refresher epidural. At midnight it was determined that I was ready to push, but the problem at this point was lack of strength to push. We tried pushing until 3 AM with one more epidural and at that point Wyatt had only progressed to a +1. One of the nurses took my temperature at this time and it was 100.4 and I had uncontrollable shakes. I was completely exhausted. Wyatt had also begun to have small dips in his heart rate during my contractions, which were quickly weakening. Despite everything, it was decided at 3:15 that the best and safest option for both myself and Wyatt would be a cesarean. I was immediately rolled in and prepped. Daniel was wonderful and sat and held my hand through the entire procedure. Wyatt arrived at 3:45 weighing 8lb 15 oz. No WONDER he wasn't moving lol! He also had his umbilical wrapped around his body, which may have been a partial cause to our extensive but fruitless efforts. He was 21 3/4 in. long. My cesarean went incredibly smoothly, though I have to say I was DOPED UP afterwards. I don't remember getting back to our room nor do I remember the lactation specialist helping me to nurse. I do remember my beautiful baby boy being on my chest and nursing.

He is an amazing baby. I feel so blessed. He is beautiful, and looks so much like his daddy. Daniel has been such a good dad. He learned to swaddle and diaper change and has been in charge of those through my recovery. He walks Wyatt, talks to him, and even helps with breast feeding. I feel so lucky. Wyatt does not fuss much, and really communicates so far vs. any kind of non stop crying. He has been an amazing baby to feed, and breast feeding has come naturally to both of us thus far. He sleeps well, though we do have to get our schedules straightened out a bit. He is incredibly attentive, and loves to look around him. He also can already lift his head on his own when in certain positions. He does startle quite easily in his sleep, which leaves me both amused and guilty feeling.

We both ended up on 48 hours of antibiotics because of my fever, and made it home at midnight tonight after his last dose and the results came in on his last culture. Right now I am dealing with some post pregnancy leg swelling, and of course recovery from surgery, but we are home and getting settled. Daniel is sleeping right now, and I am up because I am finding myself anxious over sleeping while Wyatt is sleeping. My beautiful boy is sleeping next to me, all swaddled and warm right now, and I could not feel more blessed or happy. I can't believe that this beautiful, miraculous little baby boy came out of me, that this is who was in there making life so hard the past few months. I hope that every single one of you can experience this kind of joy and happiness!!

Hi ladies!! Well I am very excited to say that Wyatt made his entrance into the world on July 28, 2014 at 3:45 A.M. and boy what a ride! I began having regular contractions early Saturday morning, and by Saturday afternoon they were steadily 10 minutes apart. Sunday morning I THOUGHT I had a small gush that could have been my water breaking, so Daniel and I loaded up and went to the hospital. In triage, the doctor on call checked and my water had not broken, but what I thought were still 10 min apart contractions were actually every 3-5 minutes and I was 4 cm dilated, so she decided to keep me. I was checked into a room right away and began walking. We walked for about an hour, and the doctor decided to go ahead and break my water. When she did, she did find a small trace of meconium, so we knew to watch that. At this point I progressed relatively quickly, and felt quite blessed. I was 6 cm within an hour, and 7 within two hours. I spent time rolling on the peanut ball and resting between contractions. At a 2 pm check I was 7 cm, and that is where we started to reach our roadblocks. By 5pm I had not progressed any further, so we decided to start pitocin. Pitocin was seriously the greatest agony I have ever experienced. My contractions were long and hard, and at 7 PM I gave in and took an epidural. Let me just tell you, that was the greatest form of relief I've ever experienced. I continued to labor until 10 PM and had to have a refresher epidural. At midnight it was determined that I was ready to push, but the problem at this point was lack of strength to push. We tried pushing until 3 AM with one more epidural and at that point Wyatt had only progressed to a +1. One of the nurses took my temperature at this time and it was 100.4 and I had uncontrollable shakes. I was completely exhausted. Wyatt had also begun to have small dips in his heart rate during my contractions, which were quickly weakening. Despite everything, it was decided at 3:15 that the best and safest option for both myself and Wyatt would be a cesarean. I was immediately rolled in and prepped. Daniel was wonderful and sat and held my hand through the entire procedure. Wyatt arrived at 3:45 weighing 8lb 15 oz. No WONDER he wasn't moving lol! He also had his umbilical wrapped around his body, which may have been a partial cause to our extensive but fruitless efforts. He was 21 3/4 in. long. My cesarean went incredibly smoothly, though I have to say I was DOPED UP afterwards. I don't remember getting back to our room nor do I remember the lactation specialist helping me to nurse. I do remember my beautiful baby boy being on my chest and nursing.

He is an amazing baby. I feel so blessed. He is beautiful, and looks so much like his daddy. Daniel has been such a good dad. He learned to swaddle and diaper change and has been in charge of those through my recovery. He walks Wyatt, talks to him, and even helps with breast feeding. I feel so lucky. Wyatt does not fuss much, and really communicates so far vs. any kind of non stop crying. He has been an amazing baby to feed, and breast feeding has come naturally to both of us thus far. He sleeps well, though we do have to get our schedules straightened out a bit. He is incredibly attentive, and loves to look around him. He also can already lift his head on his own when in certain positions. He does startle quite easily in his sleep, which leaves me both amused and guilty feeling.

We both ended up on 48 hours of antibiotics because of my fever, and made it home at midnight tonight after his last dose and the results came in on his last culture. Right now I am dealing with some post pregnancy leg swelling, and of course recovery from surgery, but we are home and getting settled. Daniel is sleeping right now, and I am up because I am finding myself anxious over sleeping while Wyatt is sleeping. My beautiful boy is sleeping next to me, all swaddled and warm right now, and I could not feel more blessed or happy. I can't believe that this beautiful, miraculous little baby boy came out of me, that this is who was in there making life so hard the past few months. I hope that every single one of you can experience this kind of joy and happiness!!

Massive congratulations to you, dragonfly, Daniel, and hello little Wyatt! He is beautiful!
Congratulations, dragonfly!!! I understand that happiness you's the best feeling in the world!!! Wyatt is beautiful!!! Take it easy, and enjoy this beautiful time!!!:)
Congrats dragonfly! Wyatt is beautiful! Newborns are amazing.
Congrats dragonfly!
Dragonfly, congrats to you & Daniel. Wyatt is just beautiful. So very happy for you all!!
Pancake- Are you recovered from your trip yet? I'm still tired just thinking about what you had to do in such a short period of time. I hope the conference was worth your time and effort! How are your renovations going?

BrightSpot- I can't imagine muggy August NYC weather is the most awesome thing while heavily pregnant! I grew up in New England but live in the Bay Area now and it's been pretty damn hot here but at least the humidity is generally down in the 30s or lower most days. How is your small space nursery coming? I'm going to be posting pictures of my nursery over in the nursery thread after I am done over here.

Mia- How are you holding up?

Anchor- Congrats on getting the contract! That's wonderful!

Dani, PPM, Laila- I know there are probably others who have poked their head in here from time to time! Hi!

I feel like we are due for a large influx from the JBP thread. Welcome in advance ladies! Don't be shy!

AFM- Welp, with DF having given birth to Wyatt it looks like I am next in line with a little under 2 weeks to go until my due date. The house is ready save for a very tiny handful of little things. DH has worked his butt off cleaning the house up while I've mostly worked in the nursery. I'm truly astounded and impressed by the amount of stuff he has done without a single complaint (not that he's a complainer, but it's seriously be a TON OF WORK). The nursery is ready for the baby now. The stroller is assembled. The car seat bases are installed (will be getting them checked this weekend). The monitor is charged and his changing station is set up and ready for dirty diapers. My mother is due to fly out here on 8/14 and will be staying for nearly 3 weeks.

The extreme fatigue I felt in the first tri is back. Except I can imagine now it's due to the physical effort of carrying around this child rather than hormone changes. I wake up feeling like I got a good night of rest (despite the fact that I wake up every 1-3 hours or so) and then inevitably by 10 am I am yawning so hard and my eyes are watering. My feet swell (mostly my left) sometimes and my left hand is swelling too. I wonder why its mostly just the one side? I ordered my breast pump (through insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act) and it should arrive any day. I'm getting a Medela Pump in Style.

I was checked at my last doctor appointment and wasn't even a smidge dilated. My next appointment is on Thursday morning and I'm hoping for some progress seeing as I'm approaching the 39th week.

Still working full time. If I hit my due date and haven't gone into labor yet I plan to drop down to 24 hours a week. The latest my practice generally lets women go is 41 weeks so I know my last day of work will be 8/22.
I hit the second trimester today, so I'm dipping my toe in here!

Claritek, thanks for the welcome! I can't believe he's going to be here so soon!
Hi girls :wavey:

Checking in, glad to see all of you doing well, and welcome to the newbies!!! I just can't believe it's the first week of August already...this summer has flown by so far!!! We are going on vacation with my parents the last week of August to Florida....we did it last yr and had fun, but I was hesitant to go this yr because of the pregnancy. MH convinced me to go, so we are going and hopefully all will be good!!! It makes me sad that this will be our last vaca as a family of 3 ( bittersweet). Sometimes I still feel a lot of guilt for having another baby so soon ( why!!). Darn pregnancy hormones.

In other news, I actually failed my 1 hr gtt. I was so surprised, bc with my first pregnancy, I passed with flying colors!! I guess every pregnancy is different though. I've also only gained 14 lbs so far and have been eating so. Much. Less than last time, so it's so weird to me!! Anyway, I take the 3 hr on Saturday ( dreading it), and praying that I pass!!! Don't want to deal with GDM, that's for sure!!!

Hope everyone is doing great and having a fab summer!!! :appl:
Sorry to hear about the failed 1 hr test! I hope the 3 hour one doesn't make you sick. It is really interesting how pregnancies can differ so much, especially when they aren't terribly far apart! I hope your trip is great! Part of me wishes we had booked a long weekend somewhere resorty (which really isn't our thing but some true relaxation would have been a good idea) but here I am at 38w4d and there's no way that's happening!
Hi ladies! :wavey:

I'm 13w5d today, so I'm moving over from the JBP thread. I've been pretty sick so far, and it seems to be getting worse, not better, but I'm hoping it's just the peak before everything calms down. We were told it's likely a boy based on our NT scan (it was REALLY obvious), and the MaterniT21 test confirmed it. We haven't told our parents, though. They are all in town for B's bday (he's two did that happen?) and we are doing an elective u/s on Saturday. So although we know, everyone will find out together. Should be fun!

Also, I can't believe how much sooner I'm showing this time. Right now, I look how I was when I was 20w with B. It's amazing how the body remembers what to do!
amc80|1407430385|3727931 said:
Hi ladies! :wavey:

I'm 13w5d today, so I'm moving over from the JBP thread. I've been pretty sick so far, and it seems to be getting worse, not better, but I'm hoping it's just the peak before everything calms down. We were told it's likely a boy based on our NT scan (it was REALLY obvious), and the MaterniT21 test confirmed it. We haven't told our parents, though. They are all in town for B's bday (he's two did that happen?) and we are doing an elective u/s on Saturday. So although we know, everyone will find out together. Should be fun!

Also, I can't believe how much sooner I'm showing this time. Right now, I look how I was when I was 20w with B. It's amazing how the body remembers what to do!
Sorry you're still not feeling well! I threw up last week but I'm pretty sure that was a fold thing, not a pregnancy thing.

My next apt is on the 15th I'll be 16 w2d at that time. I'm next expecting NY ultrasound to tell the sex until 20 weeks so, next month I guess.

My due date is 2 days before the super bowl. Last time I went over, and my doc said if this baby is as big as M I'll probably get a c section sooooo, I'm expecting to enjoy that in the hospital :(
Niel|1407433415|3727961 said:
amc80|1407430385|3727931 said:
Hi ladies! :wavey:

I'm 13w5d today, so I'm moving over from the JBP thread. I've been pretty sick so far, and it seems to be getting worse, not better, but I'm hoping it's just the peak before everything calms down. We were told it's likely a boy based on our NT scan (it was REALLY obvious), and the MaterniT21 test confirmed it. We haven't told our parents, though. They are all in town for B's bday (he's two did that happen?) and we are doing an elective u/s on Saturday. So although we know, everyone will find out together. Should be fun!

Also, I can't believe how much sooner I'm showing this time. Right now, I look how I was when I was 20w with B. It's amazing how the body remembers what to do!
Sorry you're still not feeling well! I threw up last week but I'm pretty sure that was a fold thing, not a pregnancy thing.

My next apt is on the 15th I'll be 16 w2d at that time. I'm next expecting NY ultrasound to tell the sex until 20 weeks so, next month I guess.

My due date is 2 days before the super bowl. Last time I went over, and my doc said if this baby is as big as M I'll probably get a c section sooooo, I'm expecting to enjoy that in the hospital :(

I am due 2/7 which means my CS would normally be scheduled for Jan 31. I asked my OB if I could wait until that Monday (2/2) because I'd like to be able to watch the Super Bowl at home. C'mon, I'm a niners fan and we've got a great shot this year :)
Guess I should join too! My due date with my first is 1/31, so I'm right there with all you Super Bowl babies! Haven't found out if it's a boy or girl yet, my 20 week ultrasound is scheduled for 9/15.

MS still comes and goes, but I've been trying to motivate myself to workout. I used to go to the gym 3-5x a week before getting pregnant, and now I'm lucky if I go once a week. Pregnancy is just so tiring, I just want to sleep or lie down all the time!
Haha! Of my team wins I'll have to name our baby Megatron, but I do anticipate that. Hahaha.

I'd feel bad for my hubby more than me, I'd probably let him watch it without me and I'd watch it alone, but that would make me sad. He/ahe better stay in there!!!

Seems like we all are in a race! Lord only knows how long I'll go past my due date. Last time they induced me the day after and the birth took 2 days. So I do think she could have stayed in longer od we weren't trying so hard to evict her

My doctor said they would keep the option open for a c section but right now wouldn't say yes because I had a healthy birth last time. And "just because this baby was big doesn't mean the next one will be" :eh:

Yeah because that's how it works. The second child is usually smaller than the first. Lol. But she didn't say no, and we would monitor this baby's size, so I feel OK about it. My last doctor was a s$#% show, and had no idea how big M was, so at least this one will watch it. And I think this one will be just as big if not bigger, so I think shell cave haha
Newbies! Congrats and hello! I apologise in advance, I'm not very good at keeping up with everybody, but I wish you all healthy and comfortable pregnancies.

Clairitek - You're getting closer now! A belated congrats for reaching full term.

Dani - Ugh, sorry about the 1-hour test. Crossing my fingers for the 3-hour one!

AFM - 35w6d, plagued with insomnia and swollen, aching feet. So. Tired. We're almost ready, I just need to stock up on formula, diapers and wipes. My mom and MIL are putting a small dinner together for Benjamin Saturday after next (MIL insists on calling it a shower), and I'm waiting to see if we get some gift cards.
The SuperBowl talk makes me chuckle. I admit to not understanding the American football fever. I like to watch the CFL Grey Cup (Go Alouettes!), but it's really not as big a thing. :D
Distinct changing of the guard happening here - exciting times!

I'm 35+ weeks and getting tired now. Starting to get some pubic symphysis pain as well as the SIJs (which thankfully are no worse than they were) but really, the main thing I'm noticing is just fatigue setting in. Sleep is getting a bit harder too and my ankles and face are swelling slightly - much later than the first pregnancy though. I think being pregnant in winter makes a big difference to the swelling too.

Overall am still well though. Our renovations are tantalisingly close to being finished - there's a day of "odd jobs" scheduled for next week and 1.5 days of tiling (floor patching), after which hopefully all there is to do is get the big half-day clean done (construction company arranging that), after which we will finally be able to "get ready" for this baby. Whatever that means. In my head all it means is putting the bassinet together and installing the capsule in the car, really, but I would like to get #1's stuff all organised in her new room (although she won't be moving in there for a while) so that it's distinctly separate from #2's - just to try and make sure it doesn't all get mixed up together!

Oh and we need to get new blinds installed but that hopefully shouldn't be too disruptive. With that said, after 3 months of renovations, I have severe decision-making fatigue and am finding choosing fabrics a bit overwhelming, lol!
Congrats on the renovations, Pancake!

Anchor, I don't get the football thing either. DH and I watch soccer on occasion and he likes F1, but that's it as far as spectator sports go around here. Have fun at your shower!

Neil, lol about megaton!

SMC, I've been slack about the gym as well. I've been trying to do some hiking to make up for it but getting DH to go is like pulling teeth.