
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks for the kind words. I've been on an IV & monitors since about 6:30pm ET. I had a couple of episodes when I almost passed out & my heartrate & baby's dropped. They paged everyone & there was this mass of people surrounding my bed. I was afraid for a sec they were going to try to take her out! The drama has largely passed now but they're keeping me overnight for observation. They may pull in a cardiologist too.
They're still concerned that baby's heartrate has been dipping. The u/s measurements of baby's growth, movement & amniotic fluid were good though.
She's likely about 5.5 lbs now. If you have any dust or prayers, please send them my way.
Oh dear Bright I hope everything is okay. I just had a friend who delivered her baby at 35 weeks because of HELLP syndrome and her baby was perfectly healthy. No breathing problems, no NICU stay, and weighed somewhere around 5 pounds. I hope your baby stays put for longer, but if not I'm sure everything will be okay.

Niel Is it by chance a subchorionic hematoma? I don't know if that's the same as a uterus bleed but I had that at 11 weeks with my first and I did bed rest and it resolved on it's own pretty quickly. I know you are farther along than I was, but hopefully it's similar and you will have a good outcome too. I know it's scary, but try to just focus on the bed rest and staying calm. There are a lot of bed rest support groups online. I lurked on them for ideas on ways to occupy my time and they had some great suggestions. I read books, got addicted to games on my phone and watched lots of Netflix. Good luck! When is the next check up?

Hello everyone else! I'll try my best to get caught up and address the rest of you too!

AFM, Hi guys! :wavey: Sorry I have been MIA, but that is my name, you know! So much going on here. My mother is very ill. My aunt passed away, my husband's friend's wife passed away, my friend had a rare complication from pregnancy and had her baby delivered early (baby is fine but mom is still recovering weeks later), we had my cousin and her family staying with us this week. Just so much happening. But my baby and I are doing just fine at 31w6d.

Some happy news: I don't know if anyone remembers that my brother and his wife lost a baby at 21 weeks due to Trisomy 13. Well they are pregnant again and their genetic testing revealed that they are having a boy with none of the syndromes that they tested for! I am just so happy for them!

I promise to get back in here more often. Not too much pregnancy-wise to report. My pelvic pain has almost subsided. I wonder if it's all the swimming I do. Interestingly, while my cousins were in town, we gave them the bed and slept on the couch. Rolling over on the couch is so much less painful! I wish I could sleep on the couch from now on but I would get scared in the living room by myself. I'm actually looking forward to when our friends from Germany stay with us in September because we will get to sleep on the couch again!

Oh, and I get a growth ultrasound next week! I'm so excited! I didn't think I'd get one, but I guess I did last time too. I completely forgot!

Lastly, I scheduled my C-section for 10/10, my due date! I'm really really excited about that. I am still hoping for a VBAC but I only want to try if baby comes before then. It's really cool to know that I will definitely have a baby by 10/11! Do you guys think it's weird that I opted to take that date even though my OBGYN is not available to do it? I am instead scheduled with her partner who I have met twice and like very much. She is very similarly-minded to my OB, and I trust her. I have a feeling my OB is going to be surprised, since I have a great relationship with her. I feel like I'm cheating on her and I will admit that half of the reason is because I really like the birthdate. But it's also because it is my due date and we already discussed not going past my due date. If we aren't going to pass my due date then I at least want until then to see if I go into labor. Plus, if I do go into labor, I am hoping my regular OB will be there for my VBAC. We'll see! Either way, I am so excited and feel like I have a win/win situation here. I feel like having a c-section plan that I am excited about will help curb any disappointment about not having a successful VBAC. I have to get to the hospital at 6:15am though. That's fine, right? I figure it will be good because I won't have to fast during the day, and DD will still be sleeping and unaware that I'm leaving, but the receptionist kept apologizing that it was the only time available. Won't it be good to have the day to recover and not be exhausted like last time?
Bright, what do they think the problem is? In any case, 35 weeks is great and your little girl will do just fine if they have to deliver. Obviously it's not what you WANT, but if it's necessary then I think they will be frank with you about the risk-benefit side of things and nobody delivers a baby early unless it's really felt to be needed. I'm thinking of you and hoping for the best outcome!

mia - so nice to see you, I have been thinking of you and wondering how your mother has been going. What wonderful news about your brother and SIL - they must be overjoyed and relieved, and hopefully this will be a big step in helping them heal from their earlier loss. I'm glad that you and baby are going along well despite the chaos and ill health around you.
Hi All! Dipping my toes in here even though I'm a little late (currently 20 weeks pregnant).

Bright - please keep us updated! I know your little girl will be fine if they choose to deliver today, but I also totally understand wanting to go to full term.

Mia - I don't think it's weird to have another OB perform your c-section. You've already met him and like him, and he's part of the same practice. At my OB practice, I rotate between all the different providers and whoever is on call when I have the baby will deliver. Does yours work the same way? If so, it's very possible that another doctor would deliver your baby/perform your c-section even if you went into labor naturally.

AFM, just trucking along. This is our first, and we've found out that we're on team pink! I've already bought her way too many clothes, but I can't seem to clothes are too adorable to pass up!

I have one concern. I'm really petite and short (5'0"), and even though this is my first baby, I started showing really early and people started outright asking me if I was pregnant when I was about 9 weeks along. Now I'm 20 weeks, and I'm already big! I feel like I look about 30 weeks, and when people ask my due date, they seem shocked to find out that it's so far away. I've even had a few comments that I'm not going to make it, which really stresses me out.

Of course I will ask my OB at my next appointment, but what do you guys think? I'm doubly nervous because I was a really small baby even though I came when my mom was 39 weeks - I was only 4 lbs 12 oz and 13 inches long! I don't think I could go too early and have a healthy baby, because I think she's already measuring small.

She was right on target during my dating scan and my NT scan, but fell behind almost a week for my anatomy scan. It looked like parts of her were measuring right on target, but overall she was getting a smaller measurement, which I'm hoping isn't surprising given my size. I was also told that she was about 7 ounces in weight (she was measuring 18w2d but I was really 19w), which seems smaller than other babies. My OB didn't seem concerned, but I just feel like I need to keep her baking up to full term!
Niel, sending you tons of dust. I hope a little bed rest is all you need to get back on track.

Bright, I totally forgot that you were so close as well. How stressful for the problems to arrive so late. I hope they find out what is wrong soon. In any case I know you will have that healthy bubba in your arms soon. Good luck, lady! (And thank you for thinking of me).
Thinking of you both, brightspot and niell!! I hope the issues are resolved soon.

Shihtzulover - Every woman grows and carries differently in pregnancy. I'm a petite woman too, 5'1" and size 6, and people looooove to ask me if I sure I'm not having twins. :rolleyes: My first was even on the smaller side at 7lbs (10%), but I'd heard comments about big babies and twins throughout. People are silly like that. Don't let their comments get to you, who are they to be able to tell if you'll make it to you due date or not? If your bub is measuring on track, try to stop worrying and listening to the busybodies' silliness.

Mia - Nice to see you! I'm really sorry about all the drama. Take care!

AFM - 37 weeks, full term! :appl: *throws confetti*
Oh Bright, I really hope everything ok ok!!! You and baby girl are in my prayers!!

Tbaus- great to see you here. I think about you often, and hope that you are doing well.

Mia, great to hear from you!!! I'm so sorry you have so much going on in your life that is so stressful. Prayers and hugs for you, lady.

Anchor, congrats on making it to ft! What a milestone!! Won't be long now!!! :appl:
Praying for you and baby girl, Brightspot! I hope everything is okay!
Thanks everyone for your concern & kind words. I was on the monitors all night but they didn't notice any more fetal heart rate deceleration. And my EKG was normal & I didn't faint again, so that's good. I've been having a lot of contractions (not painful) so my doc checked to see if something was going on but my cervix is still closed, so I'm not in labor. And baby's head is down & she's in a good position, so hopefully she'll stay that way for when the time comes, which, fortunately, is not today. They don't really know what caused the heart rate deceleration earlier (they think maybe she just grabbed her cord or something) but they aren't concerned it will be an ongoing problem. And I'm getting discharged. Yay!

SL, welcome & congrats on team pink! As for baby size, I asked my ultrasound tech about this during some of our scans. She said that babies tend to measure pretty consistently by weeks of gestation until about 13w. After that, babies, like adults, vary in size.
I have the opposite issue as you. I didn't show until later than I expected & even now people seem to comment that my belly is small for how far along I am. (Which you would think would be flattering, but sometimes it gives me a complex that baby isn't growing well enough even though she is.) But I'm tall (5'10") so I guess there's more room for things to spread out.
I'm sure everything is ok with your little girl!

Niel, hope you're feeling better & the bleeding is resolving. (Also that bed rest isn't too uncomfortable.)

Mia, great to see you! I'm sorry there's been so much chaos in your life, but glad to hear you & baby are doing well. That's also wonderful news about your brother & SIL. Congrats to them!

Tbaus, I am so glad to see you back here. I really did & do think of you (& worry about you) a lot. Sending you a big hug.

Anchor, congrats on full term! Yay!

Dani, I'm so sorry about the GD. Even more annoying that you just missed a normal reading. I hope you're able to control it easily but all of the blood sugar testing must really suck. Hugs.

Pancake, Jgator, amc & smc, & MP, thanks, ladies.

Jgator, I'm so glad to hear your procedure went well too. Hope you can get some rest today. Hugs.
AMC, thanks for the info! I saw that a few of the infant seats go to 32" rather than 30", so maybe we'll opt for one of those. I'm toying with the idea of just using a convertible seat from the beginning as well, but the infant seats do seem really convenient. Plus, since we're hoping to have 2 kids relatively close together (2-3 years apart, ideally), we may be able to use the same seat for a second child.

Taus, I read your story. *hugs* I'm glad to see you posting again.

Niel, how scary! Glad the baby is ok, but I'm sorry about the bed rest. I'll be thinking about you guys.

BrightSpot, yikes! Glad she's staying put--it sounds like you have a great care team. I hope the next five weeks are uneventful!

Mia, sorry you've had so much going on--that must be really stressful, especially while you're pregnant! Glad to hear the news about your nephew--how fun that the cousins will be so close in age. Exciting about knowing when the baby will be here! Libras are the best (but I might be a little biased :P)

ShihtzuLover, welcome and congrats on team pink! People can be so rude--I think you'll be just fine making it to full term. Everyone carries differently and people should really learn to just keep their traps shut. As far as the weight, I think she sounds right on target, especially given your petite size.

Anchor, congrats on full term! Yay!

AFM, today is my last day at my current job! I'll be working vintage at another winery through November and then potentially doing some freelance stuff for my current employer and helping get a new winery off the ground for a couple months after that until the baby comes. It's exciting because I'm working toward what I want to be doing (and what I got my degree in), but also stressful because it's jumping from a safe place into the unknown.

Baby seems to be doing well, but I'm really looking forward to being able to feel it! I thought I had flutters the other night, but I think it may have been gas. Start thumping, baby! DH said he'd remind me of that when the baby was using my ribcage for a xylophone in the third trimester. Ha!
Mia, looks like things are going well for you, baby-wise. Sorry about your mom!

Shitzulover, I think people with experience love to tell you that you that you're measuring big/small - no one ever tells you that you're just right. If your OB is not concerned, you shouldn't be either.

Bright, I'm glad that things are ok and you and your little girl are hanging in there!

Anchor, jealous you are so close! Hope the next few weeks are uneventful.

AFM, I met up with an ex-coworker for HH yesterday. She's 20 weeks pregnant (I'm 16w tmw). She's super tall (5'10), ultra-skinny, and looks like a model. If that wasn't enough reason to hate her, she has no visible bump and has had no morning sickness at all. I wish she could have my babies for me!
SMC, LOL! Seriously, though, I'm sure she has her own stuff to deal with. Being ultra skinny isn't always best for babies.
Holy cow this thread is moving. I'm on my phone so I can't read and reply thoroughly but I wanted to say that I'm sorry Niel and Bright had some scary moments. Tbaus I think about you often! Thanks for popping in. I'll come back this weekend and properly read and acknowledge what's going on all around.
Niel, Bright, how are you gals doing?

I had a great weekend. I took Friday off to catch up on sleep. I took a lovely nap and basically laid on the couch all day. I felt so much better and didn't need a Zofran all day. Same with Saturday and Sunday. I figured I was getting over the nausea thing....until I threw up lunch today, at work. I've been SO sick today. I woke up in the middle of the night and felt sick after drinking a few sips of water, so I knew it was going to be a bad day.

Other than that, my belly is really starting to round out. I know that baby is still below the belly button, but everything else is getting pushed up. Sometimes I will be rubbing it and have to remind myself that it's just fat and/or internal organs, haha. My next OB appointment is a week from today. I always look forward to those!
Already annoyed with dealing with this disability s#*t.

But the baby is a kicking, so I'm going to be positive
Niel, sorry this is happening. Looks like the baby is staying strong! Hope you don't have to stay in bed for much longer.

amc, we must be on the same schedule because my next OB appointment is next Monday too. They have me scheduled for only 10 minutes so I assume that I will pee in a cup and then she will tell me how fat I am getting (so fat!).

16w2d today. I finally caved and instead of grappling with the 0.033% that my child will have DS, I went ahead with the Harmony test and got my blood drawn today. It's about $815 out of pocket. I just want to be sure that everything is ok and this information will absolutely influence the outcome of my pregnancy. Should have the results in about 10 biz days!
Niel- So sorry about the bed rest. I can imagine that you’re going out of your mind a little bit. I’m glad to hear that as far as they know the baby is going well. Fingers crossed things continue to stay that way and you can get back to work soon, safely.

SMC- To be 20 weeks with no bump? Holy cow where is she hiding that baby? Some people just carry that way I suppose. I hope the Harmony test sets you at ease. I think I dropped my sample off on a Thursday morning and they had the results a week and a day later. So hopefully you won’t have to wait the full 10 business days. I also hope your OB doesn’t give you crap about weight gain. I honestly braced myself for it every time and never once did they shame me (and I was up 18 lbs by the time I was at your point).

Bright- What a relief that the baby didn’t show any more deceleration during your BH contractions. I’m so so glad that you are at the 35 week mark so if they do need to take her out they can without too much worry about her. Yay that your cervix is still closed (or was 4 days ago… I’m so behind). I hope she doesn’t cause you any more stress from here on out.

ShitzuLover- Congrats on the girl! Totally ignore people trying to diagnose/analyze your pregnancy/fetal size. Not their business/they need to learn how to keep their mouths shut. Remember that the older the baby is the less accurate gestational age (based on size) estimates are at ultrasounds. Some kids just grow faster or slower than others. They told me that my baby was a week ahead of when I KNEW I conceived when he was 11w+ so I know that it is not accurate beyond guessing within a week. My MIL is 4’10” and carried one kid to 40w and one kid to 41w. They were both normal birth weights. I’ll be positive for you and hope that you don’t have a reason to worry!

Mia- I think 10/10 is a pretty cool birthday! I think your plan for possible VBAC with a C-section planned is a good one. You truly have a ton of stressful things happening right now. Wonderful news about your brother and his wife with their new pregnancy! Also great that your SPD has started to subside. That happened with me at about the same time. I still get twinges but then again I didn’t have it quite as a bad as you by the sound of it. Can’t wait until that pain is no longer a problem, that’s for sure. I don’t think you’re nuts for enjoying the early C-section time. I’d want to go in as early as possible as well in order to get rest, not have to fast, and have that whole day for recovery just like you said. You won’t have much waking time ot agonize over it during the morning if its first thing!

LP- Wonderful that your bean (not so bean-ish anymore!) is doing well. I can’t wait to see where your urban winery plans go! Maybe if you’re lucky baby won’t get up to your ribs. Mine never did, but then again I know you and I have very different builds.

Anchor- Yay full term!

Pancake- How are you? How’s the house reno cleaning and finishing touches going?

Dani- So sorry about failing the 3 hours glucose tolerance test. I know you’ll battle through but it doesn’t make it any more fun. I hope the routine doesn’t become too insanely inconvenient for you.

AMC- I used to rub the guts/fat on the top of my belly when I was earlier in pregnancy as affectionately as I rubbed the actual baby so I can totally relate to you on that. Sorry tbat the nausea persists. I really hope you’re past it soon.

AFM- 40w1d now. I’ll be induced on Monday if I make it that far. My next appt is tomorrow. Last one I was 50% effaced and not dilated. I’ve been feeling some cervical pain and twinges in the last few days so I’m hoping that means I’m making progress towards labor. I will have them strip my membranes tomorrow as well. Not looking forward to that pain. I’m still working 5 hours a day (on my own choice, not put on any restriction by my doctor) and bored as hell at home. Lounging isn’t fun because of the size of my belly and compression on my lungs when I sit on the couch so I’ve been trying to stay busy. My mom is out here now and got in on Thursday afternoon. It’s nice to have some quality time with her. They had me do an NST on Wednesday because I had mentioned that the baby wasn’t moving as much as he used to. It was weird and depressing being in L&D by myself. DH was at work and mom wasn’t in CA yet. Baby is fine and was responding to my BH contractions as he was supposed to do. Of course he started kicking/moving the monitor off of my belly as soon as they put it on me.
Hi Everyone!

Pancake- How are you doing? I'm so excited you are almost there!

ShihtzuLover- Yeah I think my practice works the same way. My doc used to have her own practice, so if you didn't get her, it was whoever was on call at the hospital. I think now that she has a partner, they probably split delivery hours, so you are right I could probably end up with her anyway. I have just never been the type to freak out if my doctor wasn't the one. I don't expect my doctor to be available to me 24/7.

What others have said is correct: the further along you get, the less accurate ultrasounds are in estimating baby's size/ due date so I wouldn't worry too much. As for you feeling big, I am right there with you. At 32 weeks I don't want to leave the house any more, because of the comments! I am average sized and I don't gain a lot of weight, but I carry way out and it brings a lot of attention. I am so so so tired of people asking if I am "due any day now" when I have more than 7 weeks left! I think part of it is people just guessing what they think you should look like. Part of is it that you are petite, so baby has no where to go but stick out so it maybe looks a little bigger. Part of it is people are rude and think it's fair game to comment on a pregnant woman's body. Pretty soon your doctor will start measuring your belly and that will put your mind at ease. When people make comments to me, I try and remember they aren't doctors and they aren't holding a measuring tape to my belly, they are just guessing.

Bright- Yay for getting discharged! Hopefully the little scare is over and you have a few more weeks before she comes!

ladypirate- I will chime in and say everyone is different but we really liked the infant car seat. It's just so convenient to leave them in there when they fall asleep in the car. As AMC said, there will be times when you won't have any where to put the baby (grocery store, restaurants, before they can sit up). I say if you can afford it, get one. If money is tight, it's not really a necessity. Some people say they don't want an infant car seat because once baby gets a little bigger, you won't want to lug them around in it. I think that's silly logic, because you can always just leave the seat in the car when that becomes an issue. Your work changes sound so excited! They are going to make your pregnancy fly by! Stay busy and good luck mama!

SMC- Haha about your ex-coworker not showing yet! Sometimes I look up whatever my week is on instagram to compare bellies (i.e. #25weeks, #32weeks). OMG! There are some women who are barely showing and it drives me nuts!

AMC- LOL on rubbing your guts instead of baby! I did that in the beginning too! Haha!

Clairetek- Woo-hoo on getting to your due date! I am so jealous every time you mention how far along you are! How cool is it that you will be a mom in week?! I want you to know I started getting foot and leg cramps every night! For some reason I think of you and blame you for talking about them! I think you cursed me! Anyway, it sounds like you have passed your due date with grace and are still staying busy so good for you! I think it's normal for baby to not move as much at the end because he is running out of room and moving into the birth canal, but glad you checked it out and he is doing okay! Enjoy your time with your mom and you last nights of "at-least-it's-better-than-being-up-with-a-newborn" sleep!

AFM, I'm having a tough couple of days. I am so so so sick of talking to people about my pregnancy. I didn't get this way until after my due date last time. I am only 32w4d! This time I am getting "are you sure it's not twins" and "you look like you are going to pop any day now" comments ALL DAY LONG! I posted a pic on facebook that wasn't even about my belly and both my sisters commented on how huge the baby and I are. I am just so over it. I have gained 20lbs, so I think I will be in the 27-28 pound range when it is over. I think that's good and I was feeling great, but the constant comments have just broken me.

To make matters worse, when I went for my growth scan today, the tech said "so your doctor put on the order that you are measuring big?" What?! I specifically asked my doc how I was measuring last time and she said "perfectly." I am thinking since I have an HMO, they needed some reason to order the US? My doc just acted like it was routine and I had a growth scan last time with DD and even though she ended up being big (9lb2oz) as far as I knew that was a surprise to everyone at her birth.

So then the tech kept asking me lots of questions about my c-section and my daughter being big while she did the measurements. I don't know if she was just making small talk or was curious because her measurements were coming out big. She left the room for a while (as they always do) and then came back and said "everything looks good" and I asked "so what is the size of my baby?" and she said "Oh I can't tell you, you need to speak with your doctor." So I know that is the policy, I get it, but now I am just a little worried that he will be big! I know it's not THAT big of a deal, it sounded like he was otherwise healthy. But I was really hoping he wouldn't be big so I have one less thing to worry about for a potential VBAC. I see my doctor on Thursday so luckily that's not too long to wait to clear this up.

I'm trying to relax. I'm trying to take the advice I gave Shihtzulover above. I know people mean well but I am tired of being treated like a freak because I have a big belly.

I'm going to post the facebook picture. It was at a party where I had to have the "you're huge!" conversation dozens of times!

Oh wow! Just got an email from my doc! It says "You're 32 week ultrasound is showing a healthy pregnancy!"

They tend to send these vague form results after labs or tests, but I'm guessing this probably means that he's measuring okay? Can't wait to find out for sure on Thursday!
Clairitek - I was thinking about you, wondering if you were still pregnant! Congrats on making it to your due date, but I can imagine how impatient you must be! I'm sending you tons of labour dust and vibes.

Mia - I think you look amazing. B had a growth spurt around that time and now my fundal height is back to average, so I wouldn't worry too much.

AFM - 37w5d. I had my appointment this morning and despite the contractions, there is still no progress. At. All. I've been at 1cm dilated, 0% effaced since 34w, and B is still high. I was hoping for some progress, I am so uncomfortable! My feet hurt, my ribs hurt when I'm sitting up and my back has started to hurt when I stand. Oh, the joys of pregnancy. Well, the good news is I don't have strep B.
Anchor- I've heard that it's common with the second pregnancy for the baby to drop at the very last minute so hopefully that's what's going on with you. I think I'm going to have a hard time if I'm not progressing this time because I had a little bit of progress each week after 36 weeks last time! Oh you are so close! So excited for you!!!
Hi ladies, dropping in to say hi! I'm 18.5 weeks along and we're having a boy. (found out at 14w via MaterniT21, i'll be 35 in October) Due date is Januart 16. :wavey:
Clairitek, good luck if your little one hasn't arrived yet! If he has, update us when you can!

Mia, when my bff was pregnant with her first, a gentleman in the elevator asked her "Is it twins?" She said no. He followed with "Triplets?" People are so insensitive. One of my other friends, who is short, had a cashier at the Au Bon Pain ask her when she was due. When she replied "December", the cashier look astonished and said "WOW, you're SO BIG!" I think that asking if it's twins and/or when you're due is as annoying as when people ask if you're pregnant. I am already facing my own issues with dealing with my changing body, I don't need external affirmation regarding how I look.

Anchor, any day now! You're sooo in the home stretch. I am sooo jealous.

ForteKitty, welcome! How are you feeling now that you're firmly in the second trimester?

AFM, one of my best friends from elementary school is currently in the hospital giving birth to her first (a little girl). We haven't been close since I moved away in 6th grade, but we're still friends on FB. She and the baby are sharing a birthday! I'm not sure how I feel about it - yes, it's kind of a cool coincidence, but I always thought of my birthday as MY special day, and I'm a little reluctant to have to spend it pushing out a baby and having her be the center of vacation. (I know, I'm such a good mom already!)

DH and I are heading out to Hong Kong next Wednesday to see family. I guess it counts as our "babymoon" though it doesn't really feel like a vacation. My grandmother just had a stroke this past weekend, so it's good that we already had this trip planned out to see her. I'm hoping she will recover, but I realize that she's almost 90. She was very active up until this weekend though, so I guess going out quickly would not be the worst way to go. Trying to stay positive though.
I was getting a pedicure when pregnant with B. The guy doing it said "oh you must be having the baby any time now!" I was 27 weeks.

In other news, I bought another Snoogle yesterday (since DH took over my old one). Last night was awesome. I was so much more comfortable and slept like a rock. I can't recommend those things highly enough.
Hello all!

Niel how are things now? I'm sorry you're going through this; pregnancy can have its hairy moments even without complications, let alone something like this. Any further progress?

SMC, have a good trip! It's a good time to travel - believe me, having just long-hauled at 33-34 weeks, the 2nd trimester is a FAR nicer time to fly! I am hoping that your grandmother is doing ok. It's hard to know what the best outcome is sometimes in these situations, but I hope it does work out for the best. I'm sure she will be happy to have you there regardless.

Mia - I can't believe I'm almost at the end either! Don't worry about the OMG YOU'RE HUUUUUUUUUGE comments! In both my pregnancies I have had those comments around the gestation you're at, then a few weeks later people started going on about how "compact" I look, etc etc. You can't win!

Anchor - hang in there! Nothing happening at 37+ weeks doesn't mean anything!

Fortekitty - congratulations!

bright - so glad that you were able to go home and that things are looking ok now. Hopefully the remainder of your pregnancy will be less eventful - not long to go now, fingers crossed!

amc I think our bodies just don't "hold it all in" the same way second time around :lol:

ladypirate the first flutters are so exciting! I think once you can definitively "feel it" then you will be able to look back and realise what you were feeling earlier - because you will recognise the sensation.

Dani - how are you going? Sugars all ok still?

SL - so exciting to find out the sex!!! I'll reiterate what I said to Mia about size etc - people think that pregnancy gives them carte blanche to just say whatever, no matter how inappropriate, uneducated, or disinhibited! Just ignore it. As long as things are healthy in there, just zone out ;)

Clairitek I've saved you for last - you're officially at the stage where any silence on this thread of more than 24 hours looks highly suspicious!!! Lots of love and labour luck for you.

I'm sorry if I've missed anyone!

AFM - 37+5 and just finished up work today. My pelvis is SORE but other than that, things are not too bad. We had some last minute hitches with the renovation but they have been ironed out and we had the big handover clean done today. SOOOOOOO nice to come home and find the house cleared of 14 weeks of renovation dust!!! Now there are just odds and ends happening - new blinds are being installed next week and the guy who restored our window frames is coming to touch up and clean up before that happens, too. We ordered a new lounge and along with that I'll redecorate the living room but that will happen gradually as the couches won't arrive until the end of October. We have literally got rid of what I reckon is >50% of our "stuff" during this renovation process and I LOVE the fact that everything we have actually fits within the storage space in our house, haha!

Other than that, I have an obstetrician appointment next Wednesday and plan to just try and rest as much as I can as well as getting bits and pieces sorted around the house. I am excited about meeting this little person!
Happy Friday all!! :wavey:

ForteKitty- congratulations,girlie!! What wonderful news!! Hope you're feeling well!!!

C-tek- thanks!! How are you feeling? Gosh, you're so close!!

Anchor- you're greeting closer!!! Any day now!!

Bright- I'm so glad you and baby girl are well!! Sorry you went through such a scary experience....what we do for these kiddos, huh??

Pancake- you're close too, Mama!!! You must be so happy your reno is almost complete...I hope you'll share pics when it's you know my dream would be to buy a fixer upper and totally renovate it to my liking?? Maybe one day!!!!:)

Afm, I have to say, I feel good ( knock on wood)!!! My sugars have been stable, ranting from 85-100 fasting, and then pretty much under 120 for after meals. I will see the perinatologist today for a growth scan, so we will see what he says. I'm also getting dietary counseling
( fun!!). I know my insulin demands will become greater as the pregnancy goes on, but I'm hoping I can control the sugars through my diet and won't need meds. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed. Just want the baby to be healthy!!!

We leave for vacation to Florida on Sunday, so tomm I will be packing and getting everything together for the trip....need to make a packing list.
Have a great weekend everyone!!! :))
Since pancake called me out I thought I'd poke my head in from my phone and report that I am still pregnant! Induction scheduled for Monday night if I need it.
pancake and clairitek, homestretch FTW! Good luck!

When do people normally go on maternity leave? My company gives 8 weeks paid plus 12 weeks FMLA so I can probably take up to 5 mos off. Not sure how to split time between pre and post baby though. I have a comfortable desk job so I could conceivably work up until the very end though I'm not sure how productive I'll be at 38w.
SMC|1408727130|3737571 said:
pancake and clairitek, homestretch FTW! Good luck!

When do people normally go on maternity leave? My company gives 8 weeks paid plus 12 weeks FMLA so I can probably take up to 5 mos off. Not sure how to split time between pre and post baby though. I have a comfortable desk job so I could conceivably work up until the very end though I'm not sure how productive I'll be at 38w.

That is awesome leave! We get disability through work (no state disability here) so it's either 6 or 8 weeks depending on the delivery type. It's paid at 66% (or maybe 60%) but it's tax free, so it's almost the same as a normal pay check. Anyway, with B, my first day off was the day I was induced. I will probably have my CS on a Monday and will work through the Friday before. I'd rather save my time for once the baby is here.
Hi, ladies! I'm poking my head in to rejoin ... I'm having my second child in February! Right now I'm 14W 1D, and I just got the results of my genetic tests in ... low-risk, and female. My first is a boy, and I would have been happy with either gender, but I have to admit I'm excited to have a little girl on the way. I can't even quite put my finger on why - raising a boy has been awesome! Maybe just because it's an additional aspect of motherhood to experience. I'm psyched to see so many of you on here - congratulations to everybody, and very much looking forward to participating over the course of the next 6 months! :appl: