
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

NEL and Bella, thank you for being so lovely and thoughtful! I know that what you have both said is absolutely the way it will also be for us but it's also nice to hear that you had the same apprehensions before meeting your #2s :)
Congratulations Anchor!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: So glad things are going well with little Benjamin!

Pancake and Bright are next! Right? So exciting!

It's great to hear all these comments about going from 1-2. I'm just starting to get nervous about it. I don't find myself feeling sorry for DD. I really think it won't be long before she doesn't even remember it being just the 3 of us, and she's not the super jealous type. But it will be a lot of changes. I do have moments where I am a worried about how it will go. Just certain activities that I suspect will be forever changed, and it makes me a little sad. It makes me sad that DD won't have hours of my full undivided attention, and DS won't ever have me all to himself either. But I think it all will be worth it to be a complete family and for DD and DS to have each other.

DD is 18 months now and is still having lots of tantrums and I am starting to prepare DH that it might be a little tough the first few years with 2 so close in age. But I think it will be a fun adventure and I am really looking forward to all the fun we will have as a family.

AFM, 34w3d. I think DS might be lower than DD ever was pre-labor. I feel pressure down low when I walk and it's getting uncomfortable. I don't think he's engaged or anything yet because if I walk fast I can feel his head bouncing on my bladder. Fun! I had another NST and ultrasound (I think it's called Biophysical Profile when they are combined, right?). Anyway, I had another normal amniotic fluid level. I'm a little annoyed that my doc still wants me to go every 7 days, when the perinatologist thinks it's fine to be finished with the monitoring. I am going to talk to my doc about this at my next appointment, but the nurse said she was pretty insistent on continuing for the rest of my pregnancy, and usually docs start to get more picky about the level at the end. I was pretty upset because it feels like nothing is actually wrong, but if we keep looking, they are going to find a reason that I can't try for the VBAC. But then I remind myself that I am lucky to get extra monitoring and see the baby every week. It's just hard because I can't bring DD to my appointments and have to find someone to watch her.

Other than that everything has gone great! My pelvic pain is pretty much gone! I am having more braxton hicks and some of them are bordering on painful so I am wondering if this guy might actually come a little early. Still need to do a few things to prep for his arrival though. I did wash all of his clothes and baby blankets, etc. I will probably wash everything again if he doesn't come early because of dust, but it makes me feel better to have something done early. I'm half-packed for the hospital too, haha!
SMC|1409073259|3739574 said:
amc80|1409072532|3739566 said:
SMC- Yay for normal results! And a girl! Do you have any names picked?

I had my 16w appointment yesterday. I was really scared about getting weighed because I haven't been watching what I've been eating at all. I am so used to throwing up that I sort of just eat whatever. Well, I only gained 4lbs so all is well (and I think I'm at like 5lbs over all). Everything else was fine. I also found out that my doctor would be on call the weekend of Jan 31/Feb 1 (I will be 39 weeks on Jan 31), so I could pick either of those days, or wait until Feb 3, for my CS. DH and I randomly picked Jan 31 (well, the Superbowl is Feb 1 so I didn't want that day). Come to find out, that is the same bday as my aunt who passed away last year, so that makes me really happy. It's really weird knowing the date in advance. Of course, this assumes that I don't have any issues like I had with B (pre-E, preterm contractions).
Well, we were going to go with Caitlin but I think we are deciding between two other names right now. Of course, I want one and DH wants the other! We had decided on one great boy's name - so we will use it if we have a boy later on.

To be honest, I think that we're both suffering from a little bit of gender disappointment. I did want a girl but our families are traditional Chinese and boys are slightly preferred. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have a girl (and everything is normal!), but a tiny bit of me is let down that we weren't able to have the boy that my DH wanted.

I am proud you can admit the gender disappointment. A lot of people feel like for some reason that means they'll love there kid less, so they won't admit to it. If course that's not the case.

I've had an ultrasound at 12 and 16 weeks, but of course the 12 week one they didn't look and the 16 week one was to spot the bleed so they didn't care too much for fun gender spotting. I have one on sept 17th, they had better tell me then!
Although if I'm still at risk of early labor, part of me doesn't even want to know.

I will admit I want a girl. I have some legitimate and silly reasons as to why I want one over the other. I have girl stuff already, I don't like boys at a certain age (I just don't understand them ) and our boy name starts with an M, as does my DD, DH, and dogs name- and I feel like an idiot having so many M names.

But then I see how much my little dd is a daddy's girl and I think "I wouldn't mine a mama's boy " or "imagine if I had a boy when he gets married" and then I think a boy would be OK.

At this point I just want a healthy peanut. He/she (I really feel like its a she) has been steadily kicking for a few weeks, so I feel good about that.
I think it's normal to want one gender over the other. But, that doesn't mean that either gender wouldn't be love equally. I was really happy that B was a boy. With this kiddo, I was leaning towards girl, for no other reason that we want three kids, and having a girl now would take the pressure off of #3 being a girl. But I'm thrilled that B will have a little brother to play with.

I'm really starting to feel the baby move. It's not kicks as much as big movements...sort of like that feeling of your stomach dropping on a roller coaster. That's the only way I can describe it. It happens throughout the day and I can only feel it from the inside. I'm sure the real kicks will be here soon enough.
Just ducking in. 39+3 weeks, went to obstetrician today. Cervix soft, almost fully effaced, 1cm. Just waiting.
pancake|1409721285|3743873 said:
Just ducking in. 39+3 weeks, went to obstetrician today. Cervix soft, almost fully effaced, 1cm. Just waiting.

Time to walk up and down some stairs :)
I got my labwork back from my second round of blood work (Anyone else use LabCorp? Did you know you can see all of your results online?). The odds of a spinal tube defect is 1/10,000. Good news!
After the initial surprise (for some reason, I was expecting it to be a boy), I'm now excited to have a daughter. My husband is super excited about having a little girl too. I guess there will be some pressure for #2 to be a boy (I only want 2 kids), but we'll worry about that when we get to it. I've spent the last week visiting family in Hong Kong, and am coming back with a whole suitcase full of adorable little girl clothes (hand-me-downs). I don't think that I will have to buy much at all since my niece has so much stuff!

I just found out that another of our friends in the area is expecting a daughter at the end of February, so it's fun to have another person to go through this process with.

I've started to feel the baby move too. It's sort of like little flutters. I thought that I wouldn't feel anything until much later due to my anterior placenta and the fact that it's my first, but I think that my kid is pretty active. The last time I was at the doctor, she had a hard time finding the heartbeat because the baby was moving around so much (she could hear the movements). Haven't had too many problems with nausea in the past week, so I think that phase is behind me.

My bump still isn't noticeable and some relatives have told me that I "look fat, not pregnant." I'll be 19w tmw! Can't believe that I'm almost at the halfway point! We still haven't prepared any baby stuff yet beyond the hand-me-downs. We're still thinking about getting our place ready for sale so we're not buying any new furniture until we've decided where we're going.

DH and I are still in a stalemate regarding baby names. We were set on "Caitlin" for awhile but I realized there's like 25 different ways to spell the name and I don't want my daughter to go through life having to spell her name for everyone. My DH still really loves the name, but I've vetoed it. The other names on our list are Kara (my favorite), Keira (his second favorite), and Peyton (which I am worried is too trendy). There is no name that we mutually love. So we're sort of back to the drawing board - good thing we have 5 more months!

Yay for movement!

Baby names are so hard. Probably in the top of reasons why I don't want a boy is that my husband and I were DEAD SET on Marshall.
He still is, now I'm concerned we have too many Ms. I don't want to have that argument lol. So I'd rather it just be a non issue.

I completely understand why Caitlin would be out for you. I hate having to spell my name for every single person.

Have you been going crazy on name forums? That's what we did our first (and I will probably still do for our second) what's nice fare places like nameberry you can go to their forum and be like "here are names we like and why, can you think of anything in the same vein?" I find the girls on that website really know how to come up with things you'd never think of!

Do you have a middle name already? Sometimes that helps too.

You guys have 3 names with the k sound in them too, that's another place to start..

For some reason baby names stress me out so hard core.
Have you guys checked out Swistle at ? She's an awesome blogger. You can email her your baby naming issue and she will suggest names.

So, I'm huge. I look like I should be well into my 3rd trimester (18w tomorrow!). My husband plays on a coed soft ball team. Last night, I was chatting with one of the guys on the team. He asked me how much longer I had and I told him I wasn't due until February. His response? "Geez, do you have a litter in there?" Um, no, just one. Thanks. I wasn't offended because I know I'm really big, but still, that should be one of the things that you don't say to a pregnant woman.

I have my anatomy scan on Monday, yay! I'm interested to see how big this baby is measuring. B was measuring a full week ahead by this point, and I'm guessing this one will be the same.

B had croup right now. I got the same thing but it's manifesting as more of a normal cold. No fun when I can't take the good stuff!

Due to pregnancy brain, I can't remember if I posted this or just mentioned it. Brain = broken. This is me last week (16w) and the point where I looked the same with 29w.

Pancake , wow, you're so close! I'm glad the renovations are pretty much completed in time for little one's arrival. Thinking of you & hoping all goes smoothly.

Amc, so sorry you're sick! I hope you're feeling better soon. And I understand it's pretty common to show earlier in a 2nd pregnancy than a first. (Though the litter comment was totally inappropriate!)

Niel, how are you doing? Are you still on bed rest? I hope all is well with you & little one.

SMC, I'm glad you're feeling better about the gender (& yay for hand me down clothes!) Also very cool to feel movement.

Mia, I'm glad the pelvic pain is gone! Yay! I'm getting monitored every week too & it's a bit of a pain but I guess good that the docs are on top of things.
I think it's totally normal to have some wistfulness for the way things were/are before a major change, even if the change is anticipated & welcomed. As much as I'm eagerly anticipating baby's arrival, I've found myself getting nostalgic about our years as just a couple & worrying about how my other baby (yeah, the one in my profile pic) will fare in the upcoming transition.

PPM, good to hear from you & glad you're doing well. I hope your move goes smoothly & doesn't make Boo appear early!

Hi to anyone I may have missed & I hope our new mamas & babes are doing well.

AFM, my 38w appointment was today & all looks good. Apparently I'm fingertip dilated & cervix is soft but not effaced. Baby's head is down & low (and my bladder is feeling it!) All looked good on the monitor as well.

When little one is active, it's pretty crazy now (cat in a bag). Sleep has gotten quite difficult lately as I'm up every 3 hours now. I guess that's preparing me for nighttime feedings. At least I'm (mostly) able to get back to sleep after my trips to the bathroom now.

Things are ready for little one's arrival with a few minor exceptions. Just need to finish packing my hospital bag & deal with some family expectations surrounding the birth (wish me luck on that one!)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Niel, we don't have a middle name yet, but it will be a phonetic version of her Chinese name (also TBD). Baby names are hard when DH and I can't agree! The name Mia was probably my #1 name from the very beginning but DH hates it and thinks that it's not strong enough.

AMC, Swistle is a great suggestion. I'm going to email her if we still can't decide going into the third trimester. Also, I think that how you look is completely normal for a 2nd baby. My BF who is 2-3 weeks ahead of me also looks well into her third tri. I think she is not getting very pleasant comments either. People really need to be more tactful when it comes to pregnant women!

Bright, good luck! Have you decided what type of pain medication you will use during birth?

I signed up for a series of hypnobirthing classes. I'm usually the first in line to take Advil (now Tylenol) when it comes to the slightest twinge of pain, but I read "Expecting Better" by Emily Oster (she's actually a prof at one of the schools I attended) and she had good reasons for going medication-free (the benefits of skipping the epi are to the mom, not the baby). I'm not holding myself to a natural childbirth but I do want to learn more about it.

I have my 20w ultrasound next Monday too! I'm less excited about it now that I know gender (and everything is normal), but it'll still be cool to see the baby again!
Just got back from my anatomy scan. Everything looked good! I was a little concerned because the tech seemed to be spending an unusually long time on the heart. But I guess she was just being thorough. He's measuring about 4 days ahead overall (and a week on the head and abdomen), so we will likely have another big baby on our hands. I have to go back at 32 weeks for a growth scan. He's definitely still a he, and not a very shy one at that.

Other than that, the cold from hell is still here. I go to bed each night thinking that surely I'll feel better the next day. Nope! I just feel crappier than the day before. Ugh.
Pancake: Any updates? I also commiserate with feelings about going from a family of three to a family of four. Can't wait to hear news about your new bundle's arrival, though! How well does S understand at this point what's happening?

Bright: Glad things are well- you sound prepared! Mind elaborating on 'dealing with expectations around the birth'? Does it have to do with who gets to be in the room or visit first, second, next, etc? No matter, good luck to you. Family means well, but, yeah, that doesn't mean much ;)) We were pretty stern with family during E's arrival... We invited one close couple/friends to the hospital, and then really restricted family visits. In retrospect I feel kind of bad- I may have been a bit of a 'B' about it- but then again, I felt very strongly about having space during a very personal time.

AMC: I think you look awesome!!! Glad you know to brush off others' comments. I'm big as a house, and it just... is. It's so far out of our hands! How big was B at birth, again?

SMC: The naming thing is a lot of pressure! It'd be nice if there was some "That's it!" feeling that goes along with names, but it's not always so. Good luck to you and your DH on choosing. Awesome that you've picked up great girl hand-me-downs. They're the best- seriously. Kids grow so fast, and they're so messy... Nothing stinks more than purchasing a new top or onesie to see that it's permanently stained after its first wear. :cry: HMD at least take the sting out of it... a bit! Tell us alllllll about your Hypnobirth class! I'm about to order the Hypnobabies home course, myself. I'm really excited!

AFM: Midwife appointment this Wednesday, but they're so, so hands off at this practice that I don't expect to learn anything new :) I had a period of rapid growth but now I think it's slowing down. 32 weeks and 4 days. House still not done. I'm at that point with the pregnancy where it feels like the end is near, and then I realize I could be pregnant for two.more.months :knockout: I'd like to be chill about Boo's birth day, but I know that when 37 weeks hits the anxiety over spontaneous labor will start creeping in. I'm already worried that, like last time, I'll show zero signs and be faced with an induction at 42 weeks.
Well, the benefits of jetlag - we were up at 2:45am and couldn't fall back asleep. However, we did spend a good 2+ hours discussing baby names in bed. We've been discussing gender-neutral names for the past few weeks. We finally narrowed the list to Peyton, Skyler, Quinn, Riley, and Casey. The only name on the list that I really didn't like was Skyler (negative connotations due to someone I knew with that name). DH really liked Skyler but he didn't think Peyton went well with our last name. I really liked Quinn but DH said it was his least favorite from our list (actually, I think he used the term "hate" to describe his feelings). Finally, our 5 year-old niece pooed-pooed Casey ("it sounds like an airplane case for when you travel") - so Riley it is! It's not the top choice for either of us, but I think that it's starting to grow on both of us. And we really needed to compromise as he was not having "Mia" (my previous #1) and I was not going to stand one more minute of "Caitlin" (his #1).

We still might change since we have 20 more weeks and we have yet to meet her, but I do feel like this is it. Glad that is settled and we can refer to our baby by name!

PPM - one of my friends did the HypnoBabies course and she had like the perfect natural, unmedicated childbirth. She actually fell asleep until it was time to push. She did practice very diligently in the weeks leading up to the birth though. I don't know if I have the discipline to do it on my own, so that's why I enrolled in a class.
SMC- I love Riley!
amc80|1410302111|3748033 said:
SMC- I love Riley!
Thank you! I remember you mentioned it in this or the Name thread too. It's getting quite popular for little girls, but none of our close friends have used it so we don't really care. :)
Hi all! We welcomed Lisette into the world on Friday after a really really uneventful and calm labour - much bigger than her older sister at 8lb 9.5oz, 21 inches, and just utterly lovely :)

As far as a birth story goes, there is honestly not much to tell! I went into spontaneous labour at home at about 1:30am, had a trickle which was in hindsight a hindwater leak, progressed to 4-6 minutely contractions over a couple of hours. My mum came over at about 4am and we headed to hospital, I got an epidural within an hour and then essentially rested until it was time to push. At 7am I was 4cm dilated, my obstetrician ruptured my forewaters and predicted a baby by mid-morning; I was fully dilated at 9:30, they gave me another half hour for the head to descend, then I pushed for about 40 minutes. Had an episiotomy along my previous scar - given that L's head circumference was above the 95th centile at birth I am thankful for that! - and my epidural block was really optimal as I was pain-free throughout except at the very end, when I could feel L's head descending (pressure etc) and I had SOME pain (which was helpful) but not enough to be distressing :)

Recovery has been good and we've been home since yesterday. I'm totally emotional and hormonal but it's wonderful to be home with S (who is so far taking it in her stride) and my husband is taking this and next week off so it's a pretty special time :)
pancake|1410345628|3748270 said:
Hi all! We welcomed Lisette into the world on Friday after a really really uneventful and calm labour - much bigger than her older sister at 8lb 9.5oz, 21 inches, and just utterly lovely :)

As far as a birth story goes, there is honestly not much to tell! I went into spontaneous labour at home at about 1:30am, had a trickle which was in hindsight a hindwater leak, progressed to 4-6 minutely contractions over a couple of hours. My mum came over at about 4am and we headed to hospital, I got an epidural within an hour and then essentially rested until it was time to push. At 7am I was 4cm dilated, my obstetrician ruptured my forewaters and predicted a baby by mid-morning; I was fully dilated at 9:30, they gave me another half hour for the head to descend, then I pushed for about 40 minutes. Had an episiotomy along my previous scar - given that L's head circumference was above the 95th centile at birth I am thankful for that! - and my epidural block was really optimal as I was pain-free throughout except at the very end, when I could feel L's head descending (pressure etc) and I had SOME pain (which was helpful) but not enough to be distressing :)

Recovery has been good and we've been home since yesterday. I'm totally emotional and hormonal but it's wonderful to be home with S (who is so far taking it in her stride) and my husband is taking this and next week off so it's a pretty special time :)

Lizette is an absolutely lovely name!

My M had a 95th percentile head and I will never let her live it down!
I'm glad everything went well :dance:
Congratulations, Pancake!! So glad all is well, and I love her name!!:)
pancake|1410345628|3748270 said:
Hi all! We welcomed Lisette into the world on Friday after a really really uneventful and calm labour - much bigger than her older sister at 8lb 9.5oz, 21 inches, and just utterly lovely :)

As far as a birth story goes, there is honestly not much to tell! I went into spontaneous labour at home at about 1:30am, had a trickle which was in hindsight a hindwater leak, progressed to 4-6 minutely contractions over a couple of hours. My mum came over at about 4am and we headed to hospital, I got an epidural within an hour and then essentially rested until it was time to push. At 7am I was 4cm dilated, my obstetrician ruptured my forewaters and predicted a baby by mid-morning; I was fully dilated at 9:30, they gave me another half hour for the head to descend, then I pushed for about 40 minutes. Had an episiotomy along my previous scar - given that L's head circumference was above the 95th centile at birth I am thankful for that! - and my epidural block was really optimal as I was pain-free throughout except at the very end, when I could feel L's head descending (pressure etc) and I had SOME pain (which was helpful) but not enough to be distressing :)

Recovery has been good and we've been home since yesterday. I'm totally emotional and hormonal but it's wonderful to be home with S (who is so far taking it in her stride) and my husband is taking this and next week off so it's a pretty special time :)
Congratulations! "Uneventful and calm" makes for the best birth stories.

I like the name too! :)
Congrats, Pancake! Sounds like a nice, uneventful birth!

SMC- Yes, Riley is a name DH and I both love...but he wants Ryleigh and I refuse. So it's off the list.

PPM- I was induced a week early with B and he was 8lbs11oz and 22" long. He was actually really skinny for his height. I remember the nurse was feeling around on my belly after checking my progress and said "well, he's all the way down, but his butt is still way up here....he's going to be around 22" long." She was spot on. It was sort of funny, everyone kept telling me I hadn't dropped yet but really he was just taking up every possible inch inside me.
Congratulations pancake! Hurray for uneventful births!!
Congrats Pancake!

I feel like I've been MIA, but I've been thinking about you guys--it's just that harvest has started so I'm super busy.

Still not really showing but I'm feeling the baby move which is comforting. Got my second trimester bloodwork done last week but haven't gotten the results yet. I called the practice and they're in but I have to wait for the nurse to call me back. This is the second time that's happened with bloodwork results, which is frustrating. I understand they want to explain them over the phone, but just put them online so I can see them in the meantime!

Our anatomy scan is a week from Monday. Looking forward to it, but we're still team green!

I'll try to pop in later to check in and actually respond to everyone!
ladypirate said:
Congrats Pancake!

I feel like I've been MIA, but I've been thinking about you guys--it's just that harvest has started so I'm super busy.

Still not really showing but I'm feeling the baby move which is comforting. Got my second trimester bloodwork done last week but haven't gotten the results yet. I called the practice and they're in but I have to wait for the nurse to call me back. This is the second time that's happened with bloodwork results, which is frustrating. I understand they want to explain them over the phone, but just put them online so I can see them in the meantime!

Our anatomy scan is a week from Monday. Looking forward to it, but we're still team green!

I'll try to pop in later to check in and actually respond to everyone!
How fun to be team green. We aren't going to tell other people, but I want to know. In entirely too inpatient.

I have an UT next week. Being in my 20th week it should be an anatomy scan, but technically its to check the progress of my tear. I can't see why they wouldnt do both though.
Niel|1410442381|3748969 said:
ladypirate said:
Congrats Pancake!

I feel like I've been MIA, but I've been thinking about you guys--it's just that harvest has started so I'm super busy.

Still not really showing but I'm feeling the baby move which is comforting. Got my second trimester bloodwork done last week but haven't gotten the results yet. I called the practice and they're in but I have to wait for the nurse to call me back. This is the second time that's happened with bloodwork results, which is frustrating. I understand they want to explain them over the phone, but just put them online so I can see them in the meantime!

Our anatomy scan is a week from Monday. Looking forward to it, but we're still team green!

I'll try to pop in later to check in and actually respond to everyone!
How fun to be team green. We aren't going to tell other people, but I want to know. In entirely too inpatient.

I have an UT next week. Being in my 20th week it should be an anatomy scan, but technically its to check the progress of my tear. I can't see why they wouldnt do both though.
I wanted to know purely for practical reasons. We have 5 older nieces and nephews and I wanted to know so I could get the gender-appropriate hand-me-downs.

My baby shower invite just went out yesterday. My shower will be in early November. I'm excited - this is getting more real by the day!
Congratulations, Pancake!! I'm so glad all went smoothly & hope you're enjoying your lovely Lisette.

I guess I'm next--due on Wednesday! All good here for the most part except for some annoying heel pain (plantar fascitis?)

Has anyone used or considered using a belly bandit post partum? Their website had some pretty amazing testimonials but I wonder if it really works.

Hope all you ladies are doing well!
BrightSpot|1410475394|3749304 said:
Congratulations, Pancake!! I'm so glad all went smoothly & hope you're enjoying your lovely Lisette.

I guess I'm next--due on Wednesday! All good here for the most part except for some annoying heel pain (plantar fascitis?)

Has anyone used or considered using a belly bandit post partum? Their website had some pretty amazing testimonials but I wonder if it really works.

Hope all you ladies are doing well!
My SIL used one after each of her 3 kids and she says it really helps. She passed me hers as a hand-me-down. I have to say that my SIL is my postpartum role model as she's been able to bounce back very quickly after each birth (and she had all 3 kids after 35). I have a friend who used it and she also got into shape pretty quickly. She said that the belly bandit helped.

I think that even if it doesn't help, it likely won't hurt to give it a try, so that's what I'm going to do.
Just deluking to send a huge congratulations to pancake, on the arrival of beautiful Lisette! Her name is gorgeous. I hope you are recovering well mama, and that those emotions settle quickly, they're a doozy. Enjoy your beautiful family!

Bright, I used a belly bandit type thing after having my son, and I felt it helped a lot, even just with feeling supported (I had an emergency caesarean and once Oscar was out and everything was pretty jiggly, my tummy was quite tender when moving around). I'd definitely use one again. So excited for you mama!!
Pancake, Congratulations on Lisette. It's a beautiful name and goes perfectly with Sylvie. I hope all is well, and post pics of your 2 beauties when you can.

Bright, Wednesday! How did that happen so quickly! Good luck to you. I'm sure everything will go well, and before you know it you will have your baby girl in your arms. Do you have a name yet? is your beloved grandmother's name going to be used? Can't wait to see your beautiful girl.