
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Does anyone else still have really sore nipples? I don't remember this with my last pregnancy.
amc80|1410545678|3749797 said:
Does anyone else still have really sore nipples? I don't remember this with my last pregnancy.
Nope. My boobs have gotten a couple sizes bigger though. Wondering how many more sizes they'll go up. I haven't bought any new bras yet, though I might cave and buy a couple this weekend or next.
SMC|1410555446|3749935 said:
amc80|1410545678|3749797 said:
Does anyone else still have really sore nipples? I don't remember this with my last pregnancy.
Nope. My boobs have gotten a couple sizes bigger though. Wondering how many more sizes they'll go up. I haven't bought any new bras yet, though I might cave and buy a couple this weekend or next.

Mine didn't grow past the first trimester with B. Maybe another little spurt right at the end, but that's about it. I really need to get some new bras, though. So I'll probably be doing that this weekend as well. Ugh, one of my least favorite items to shop for.
AMC, Yes to the sore nips! Especially if I get cold at all...ouch!

Bright, sorry about the foot pain--exciting to be so close, though! Hadn't even heard of belly bandits--I'll have to check it out.

SMC, totally understandable why you'd want to know. This will be the first baby in the family, so no hand me downs here. That's awesome you can get stuff from your family!

Niel, have fun at your scan!

Scans all came back clean! 1/10,000 for chromosomal issues and 1/6,000 for neural tube defects. Now I'm counting down the days until out anatomy scan so I can see the baby again!
Hi all! Thanks mia for updating the thread about the arrival of our son. I changed my PS password just before giving birth and couldn't remember it! Finally got to a real computer today to write my birth story down and update my password so I could share it with you guys. I've been reading along a bit here and there and wanted to congratulate Pancake and Anchor on the arrival of their little ones as well! Bright- you're next! So wonderful!

So here's my story. It's long and pretty detailed. I apologize for the novel! The short version is that I was in labor for 32ish hours, had an epidural for about 15 of them and pushed for 2.5 to deliver my 8 lb 13 oz son Declan.


I had originally been scheduled for an induction on Monday night but due to limited space my induction was put off until Tuesday evening. Then I woke up at about 1 am feeling a little off, went to the bathroom, and returned to sleep. I continued to sleep and wake every 10-15 minutes for an hour until I realized that I may be in labor and experiencing contractions. At 2 am I woke up enough to start timing contractions and decided that I was in labor for sure. For the next three hours Eavan and I timed contractions, showered, and bounced on the ball. When the pain started to get pretty tough to bear and contractions were steadily 3-5 minutes apart for an hour we called the doctor and hospital and arrived at the hospital at about 530. They checked me and I was only about 1 cm dilated so they had us walk the halls for an hour and a half to try and get things progressing faster. After 90 minutes of doing laps around labor and delivery I was checked again and was only at 2 cm. By this point I had also thrown up from the pain of the contractions. One of the doctors from my OB practice stopped in and told me to go home, take a Benedryl (to sleep) and to come back in Tuesday evening. By now it was nearly 8 am and I was in a lot of pain.

We drove home and any time I tried to eat or drink anything I threw up. The Benedryl pills were not staying down. Eventually I got into the shower to labor for an hour. The hot water on my lower back helped a lot with the labor pains but after an hour my arms were shaking from weakness and I was worried I would pass out or fall down in the shower. Eavan called the doctor and we were told to go into the hospital again. This time they admitted me. I was given an injection of phenegren and morphine for nausea and pain which allowed me to get some rest. They also started a very very slow Pitocin drip since I wasn’t really progressing on my own after nearly 12 hours of labor. After about 3 hours that wore off and I started to get the flashes of nausea again with each contraction and they became increasingly more challenging to work through. The labor pains were almost exclusively in my back, which is why I think I was having such a hard time managing the pain.

At 3 I asked about getting an epidural. Thankfully at this point I was at 4 cm and in a good place to think about one. Both of the L&D anesthesiologists were in c-sections but they managed to get a doctor from another part of the hospital. By 4 I was all set with an epidural. I had been really nervous about getting one but it was nearly painless and pretty well centered. I had to spend a lot of time lying on my left side because it was a little less numb than my right side. I labored from 4 pm on Tuesday until 630 am on Wednesday on the epidural. They ramped up my Pitocin drop over time and I was in and out of sleep and feeling like I had just the right amount of cocktails to maintain a nice buzz. Every time I woke up my husband and mom were just sitting there staring at me. A few times they had me on oxygen because the baby’s heartbeat wasn’t accelerating with the contractions the way they wanted it to. They were keeping a very very close eye on both of us.

At 630 (approx. 29 hours after I went into labor initially) I was finally ready to push. They turned down my epidural drip so I could be a little less numb. Pushing didn’t hurt until he started to crown and of course I had forgotten to have someone hit the top-up button on the epidural so I was essentially without pain meds at this point. I pushed for 2.5 hours total with the doctor down there for the last 30 minutes. There had been meconium in my water (which they broke at 4 cm after my epidural) so they had two pediatric people in there, my L&D nurse, the doctor, and 1-2 additional nurses. The last 6 pushes it took to get his head all the way out and then his body were excruciating and I felt like I was screaming at the top of my lungs. My husband and mother claim I wasn’t. He didn’t cry when he initially came out and was discolored from the meconium. I thought he looked blue and oxygen deprived and was freaking out about him. They suctioned out his airway and thankfully he hadn’t aspirated any meconium. He started to cry just after that and after they trimmed down his umbiical cord stump some more he was placed on my chest. By then the ob was working on delivering my placenta, which she said was 30-40% larger than normal and a bit calcified (I ended up being 9 days total overdue). Learning about my aging placenta made me feel better about the fact that they were going to induce me at 41w originally. On Sunday night before my intended induction I was having a really hard time emotionally with being induced. But going into labor on my own, needing Pitocin anyway, and having such a positive overall experience with the Pitocin really made me realize that I was right in the first place to trust my care providers.

Congrats Clairitek! Seems like you didn't have the easiest time but your son is here! And I'm sure that he'll be worth all that effort.

That's a nice name too!
The throwing up really truly sucked. I didn't have ms at all while I was pregnant and I've definitely never thrown up from pain before. But it's over and I'll likely never do it again! We've always planned to be a one and done. While I had a pretty easy pregnancy I don't wish to repeat the experience.

I realized that my photos never attached to the previous post! Here's my little guy at one day old, five days old, and then two weeks (in the car seat).



Hello Clairitek! So lovely to see you posting and Declan is BEAUTIFUL, congratulations again! It sounds like labour was quite the ordeal for you - how mentally and physically exhausting! Great that you went into spontaneous labour in the end, I know how conflicted you were feeling about induction. Hope you are all loving being a little family xxx
He's so precious, congratulations and great job Momma! :appl:
C-tek, great to see you! I'm sorry your labor was such an ordeal (how frustrating about forgetting to top off your epidural for the actual delivery!) but you've gotten quite a lovely reward. Declan is just gorgeous!! I hope your healing is going smoothly & that you're enjoying your time as a family of 3. So happy for you!

SMC, congrats on deciding on a name. I love the name Riley--so cute!
Thanks for sharing your SIL & friend's experiences with the belly bandit. Sounds like it's worth a try. I imagine the support post partum would be helpful & if it helps things shrink faster, all the better!

LP, congrats on great test results! You're going to love the anatomy scan. It's so neat to see such detailed images of baby. Hopefully you'll get some nice pics too. Eat it up because it might be your last chance to see baby for a while!

Amc, I hope bra shopping is going well! I've had sore bbs on & off (currently on!) but it hasn't really been localized to the nipples.

Jgator, thanks for checking in on me. I know, I can't believe it's almost time! It's still kinda crazy to know there's an actual baby in there.
And, yes, we did decide to use my dear Gran's name (with a slight change) for our daughter. Thanks for remembering.

DandiAndi, thanks so much for sharing your experience with the belly bandit type device. Which one did you use? I've heard it's especially helpful for c-section mamas. I always love seeing your cutie pie's smiling face!

Niel, good luck with your u/s. I'd think it would be an anatomy scan too but it's possible that has to be done at a separate facility. (Mine was at the hospital, not my OB's office.) Are you still on bed rest? I hope the tear has mended & all looks great!

PPM, how are things going with the house? I hope all is moving along nicely. And I hear ya about the induction fears. I'm afraid the same will happen with me.
Regarding family expectations, I'm having stress about visitors post birth. My family made it clear they want to be there at the hospital & they always expect to stay with us when they visit. I had to tell them they could stay while we were in the hospital but needed to find alternate arrangements when we get home since we're short on space & we'll need time to bond with baby & figure each other out (& their visits are usually at least somewhat stressful). I feel like I'm also likely to be overly stressed or stringent about visitors, especially in the beginning. Any tips on handling family (& keeping sanity) early on?

Dani & mia, how are you doing?

Afm, I can't believe I'm due on Wednesday. I had a doctors appointment on Friday & everything looked fine, but there were no changes from the previous week. They scheduled an induction for me on the 27th if I don't go into labor beforehand & I'm starting to worry I'll need it!
My foot pain continues (along with leg swelling, insomnia & baby on bladder syndrome). I'm trying to be better about wearing supportive shoes & putting my feet up when I can, but I'm not loving this. I'm also hoping this problem doesn't stick around for too long after delivery!
I'm still going to the gym, but it's taking a lot more out of me than it used to.

Other than that, DH & I have been trying to do fun, couple things we might not be able to do for a while once baby arrives. And we did a maternity photo shoot too, which was a lot of fun!
BrightSpot|1410725081|3750945 said:
C-tek, great to see you! I'm sorry your labor was such an ordeal (how frustrating about forgetting to top off your epidural for the actual delivery!) but you've gotten quite a lovely reward. Declan is just gorgeous!! I hope your healing is going smoothly & that you're enjoying your time as a family of 3. So happy for you!

SMC, congrats on deciding on a name. I love the name Riley--so cute!
Thanks for sharing your SIL & friend's experiences with the belly bandit. Sounds like it's worth a try. I imagine the support post partum would be helpful & if it helps things shrink faster, all the better!

LP, congrats on great test results! You're going to love the anatomy scan. It's so neat to see such detailed images of baby. Hopefully you'll get some nice pics too. Eat it up because it might be your last chance to see baby for a while!

Amc, I hope bra shopping is going well! I've had sore bbs on & off (currently on!) but it hasn't really been localized to the nipples.

Jgator, thanks for checking in on me. I know, I can't believe it's almost time! It's still kinda crazy to know there's an actual baby in there.
And, yes, we did decide to use my dear Gran's name (with a slight change) for our daughter. Thanks for remembering.

DandiAndi, thanks so much for sharing your experience with the belly bandit type device. Which one did you use? I've heard it's especially helpful for c-section mamas. I always love seeing your cutie pie's smiling face!

Niel, good luck with your u/s. I'd think it would be an anatomy scan too but it's possible that has to be done at a separate facility. (Mine was at the hospital, not my OB's office.) Are you still on bed rest? I hope the tear has mended & all looks great!

PPM, how are things going with the house? I hope all is moving along nicely. And I hear ya about the induction fears. I'm afraid the same will happen with me.
Regarding family expectations, I'm having stress about visitors post birth. My family made it clear they want to be there at the hospital & they always expect to stay with us when they visit. I had to tell them they could stay while we were in the hospital but needed to find alternate arrangements when we get home since we're short on space & we'll need time to bond with baby & figure each other out (& their visits are usually at least somewhat stressful). I feel like I'm also likely to be overly stressed or stringent about visitors, especially in the beginning. Any tips on handling family (& keeping sanity) early on?

Dani & mia, how are you doing?

Afm, I can't believe I'm due on Wednesday. I had a doctors appointment on Friday & everything looked fine, but there were no changes from the previous week. They scheduled an induction for me on the 27th if I don't go into labor beforehand & I'm starting to worry I'll need it!
My foot pain continues (along with leg swelling, insomnia & baby on bladder syndrome). I'm trying to be better about wearing supportive shoes & putting my feet up when I can, but I'm not loving this. I'm also hoping this problem doesn't stick around for too long after delivery!
I'm still going to the gym, but it's taking a lot more out of me than it used to.

Other than that, DH & I have been trying to do fun, couple things we might not be able to do for a while once baby arrives. And we did a maternity photo shoot too, which was a lot of fun!

I dont know if i mentioned this, but I was soooo convinced it was the 17th, but its Monday. Baby brain I guess. They had better be give me that Anatomy scan, I dont want to have to pay for two UTs. If i remember correctly (which lord only knows, i probably dont) they said this high risk place was taking over UTs until further notice.

Fingers crossed they are able to tell. If so, im going to ask them to write it on a pic and an envelope so i can open it with my hubby.

Also fingers crossed everything is fixed and I can get off bed rest.
Back from the dr. As I assumed it was an anatomy scan, as well as to check my clot. The clot is still pretty large in size, its only reduced about 25%. They wont take me off bed rest as though currently fine, they fear it could prompt early labor, or an infection.

Baby is normal. The UT tec said "perfect' about a bajillion times. So baby is healthy, moms the problem lol. She gave me an envelope with the sex in it but im waiting for DH to get home to open it. Im dying waiting!!
Brightspot, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts over the coming week! Hoping that little baby decides to come before the 27th. So happy for you!

Congratulations, Clairitek and Pancake, on your little ones as well.
Bright - good luck! You're inching closer and closer to your due date. I'm excited for you to meet your little girl. Update us when you can!

Niel - glad that the baby is ok but I'm sorry that you're still on bed rest. What's the next step? When do you get another doctor's visit to (hopefully) clear you? It's so exciting that you'll find out sex tonight too! Keep us updated (if you want)!

AFM, I had my 20w anatomy ultrasound today and everything looks good. Baby measures right at 20w. Her arm bones were a few days behind but they told me that's still well within the normal range as ultrasound measurements aren't that precise. I'm short too (5'3) and my husband is not tall (5'10) so I think this is also partly genetics. I still have an anterior placenta but am in no danger of previa, so vaginal delivery is possible. Baby is confirmed to be a girl and we saw all the girl bits. DH is very excited and insisted on carrying one of the U/S pictures around in his breast pocket.

I'm also thinking of hiring a postpartum doula to help with the baby, breastfeeding, and cooking for the month after the baby is born. Has anyone else used one? Thoughts?
ugh well its a boy :doh:

Im upset. I was so sure it was a girl. And we already have the most perfect girl name, and a stalemate for boy names. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I'm all emotional. I feel bad that Im not happier about it. Everybody wants one of each, so I should be happy.

Ill be happy about it in a day or two, or when we have a name. but now I guess im resolved to be disappointed. My husband feels about the way I do.

We wont be telling friends and family.
Niel|1410813655|3751420 said:
ugh well its a boy :doh:

Im upset. I was so sure it was a girl. And we already have the most perfect girl name, and a stalemate for boy names. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I'm all emotional. I feel bad that Im not happier about it. Everybody wants one of each, so I should be happy.

Ill be happy about it in a day or two, or when we have a name. but now I guess im resolved to be disappointed. My husband feels about the way I do.

We wont be telling friends and family.
Niel, I also experienced some gender disappointment. From what I've read, it's completely normal. As long as you acknowledge your feelings and process it accordingly (and it sounds like you are), I'm sure you will be ok. It took me a few days and now I am completely excited to have a little girl. Still terrified of raising her (and any child), but I'm excited to have a daughter.

Anyway, best of luck to you. I hope the other pregnancy-related issues will resolve themselves too!
SMC|1410814284|3751429 said:
Niel|1410813655|3751420 said:
ugh well its a boy :doh:

Im upset. I was so sure it was a girl. And we already have the most perfect girl name, and a stalemate for boy names. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I'm all emotional. I feel bad that Im not happier about it. Everybody wants one of each, so I should be happy.

Ill be happy about it in a day or two, or when we have a name. but now I guess im resolved to be disappointed. My husband feels about the way I do.

We wont be telling friends and family.
Niel, I also experienced some gender disappointment. From what I've read, it's completely normal. As long as you acknowledge your feelings and process it accordingly (and it sounds like you are), I'm sure you will be ok. It took me a few days and now I am completely excited to have a little girl. Still terrified of raising her (and any child), but I'm excited to have a daughter.

Anyway, best of luck to you. I hope the other pregnancy-related issues will resolve themselves too!

Echoing SMC on this. I wasn't sure I could even have a baby and my husband seemed to really, really, really want a boy. We had picked out a perfect boy name years ago and told no one about it. We have no idea what to name a girl. I'm not sure I want to be pregnant again into my 40s, so for his sake (and a bit for mine), I was disappointed at first that it was a girl, and I felt awful about it.

I'm definitely past the initial disappointment and diving headfirst into being a mom to a girl. It's going to rock, but honestly, it would have been awesome either way. :)
My favorite picture from my ultrasound today - baby feet! Her face still looks like an alien so not as thrilled about those. ;)

Niel, ditto SMC & LtP! Once you get past the initial disappointment I'm sure you'll be super excited.

LtP, I'm so excited for you guys. That'll be one lucky little lady to inherit your collection!

SMC, awesome about the anatomy scan! Love the feet pic-- adorable! Mine's next week and I can't wait.

Brightspot, you're so close! Sorry about the stressful family situation.

Clairitek, so so thrilled for you guys! Declan is so cute.

AFM, 19 weeks as of yesterday and still no discernible bump! When I tell people I'm pregnant I get reactions like "you don't look it!" I know they're trying to be nice, but it's still kind of annoying.

On the plus side, my jeans still fit and it's not really impacting my balance, which is good since I go up and down ladders a lot at work.

I'm up about 4-5 lbs at this point but I'm thinking the scale will show more at the doctor's office this afternoon since it's an afternoon apt instead of a morning one. I always go up 2-3 lbs during the day. Plus I always gain a few pounds of muscle during harvest anyhow. Oh well.

Here's my belly shot from this morning--as I said, not much to write home about. My mom keeps asking if I'm eating enough. I can't help my long torso!

ladypirate|1410820179|3751495 said:
Niel, ditto SMC & LtP! Once you get past the initial disappointment I'm sure you'll be super excited.

LtP, I'm so excited for you guys. That'll be one lucky little lady to inherit your collection!

SMC, awesome about the anatomy scan! Love the feet pic-- adorable! Mine's next week and I can't wait.

Brightspot, you're so close! Sorry about the stressful family situation.

Clairitek, so so thrilled for you guys! Declan is so cute.

AFM, 19 weeks as of yesterday and still no discernible bump! When I tell people I'm pregnant I get reactions like "you don't look it!" I know they're trying to be nice, but it's still kind of annoying.

On the plus side, my jeans still fit and it's not really impacting my balance, which is good since I go up and down ladders a lot at work.

I'm up about 4-5 lbs at this point but I'm thinking the scale will show more at the doctor's office this afternoon since it's an afternoon apt instead of a morning one. I always go up 2-3 lbs during the day. Plus I always gain a few pounds of muscle during harvest anyhow. Oh well.

Here's my belly shot from this morning--as I said, not much to write home about. My mom keeps asking if I'm eating enough. I can't help my long torso!
LP, I look like that after I've eaten half a burrito, pre-pregnancy. It's good that you're in such great shape! There will be plenty of time for you to show.
LP, I think I hate you a little :) You look great! I have a friend who is built like you and she could have easily hidden her pregnancy when she was full term.

SMC, I'm cracking up at your burrito comment, haha!

Niel, yay for little boys! I understand the disappointment, but I think what you are feeling is normal. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Hi ladies! I have been avoiding this thread until we announced to family and friends, because I know several PSers IRL and felt guilty about them knowing before my in laws! :lol: I am due with our first baby on March 15... Can't wait!

I am so glad to be out of the first trimester. I was sick as a dog and lost 10 pounds. I'm feeling much better, but still not 100%.

Anywho, I'm excited to be a part of this thread with all of you!
OUpeargirl|1410842815|3751660 said:
Hi ladies! I have been avoiding this thread until we announced to family and friends, because I know several PSers IRL and felt guilty about them knowing before my in laws! :lol: I am due with our first baby on March 15... Can't wait!

I am so glad to be out of the first trimester. I was sick as a dog and lost 10 pounds. I'm feeling much better, but still not 100%.

Anywho, I'm excited to be a part of this thread with all of you!
Hi OUpeargirl! Sorry that your first trimester sucked, but hopefully it'll be smooth(er) sailing from here!
Bright, thinking of you on this very special day! Your little girl will be making her appearance ANY.DAY.NOW! Yay!!!

LP, we’re all different…me, I gain 10lbs within days of a positive test! I agree that it’s awesome that you’re in such great shape. A strong body will really help throughout your pregnancy and post-partum period. I can see how it could get annoying that people make comments.
Hi everyone!!!!

I just want to say I was on a few days ago and wrote a very long post with individualized comments to everyone, but my computer ate it up. And then I said I would come back later and redo it, but I don't have the energy so I'm just going to start fresh!

First off, Bright!!! today is your due date! Maybe you've had that baby already, but if not try hard to enjoy these last days. I know how it feels to pass the due date, at least it was hard for me even though I had prepared myself that FTMs usually go past. But really try to soak up every last minute of just you and DH and get as much sleep as possible. Especially since you never know when it's going to happen and you want be as rested as possible for delivery! But try not to fret over every twinge and cramp, that just kept me up all night and exhausted by the time I actually went in labor. You know you'll be holding your baby by the 28th!! I am just so excited for you, as I'm sure a lot of PSers who have followed your journey are!

Pancake- Lisette is such a beautiful name! It's not very common here, is it more common there? Now that you are finished with your "uneventful" delivery, can you send some of that dust my way? I would love to have that this time! I am kind of hoping to not go into labor and just have the repeat c-section for that reason.

Clairetek- OMG! I want to eat your baby up! How freakin cute is he?! I just love that you went into labor on your own the night you were supposed to be induced. And isn't it great to feel confident that your doctor was making the right decision for you after all? Enjoy that little guy, he's the cutest!!!

Niel- My thing gender disappointment is that I think everyone has it to some extent. For our first, DH and I truly had no preference, and we were team green. When my doc slipped up and told us it was a boy, I had this feeling of "OMG, I might never have a daughter!" I went out to my car and just had a moment of grief over the fact that I was having a boy and even kind of wished it was a girl. Then I had an ultrasound to confirm my doc's mistake and sure enough, it was a girl. But the same thing happened to me again, I went out to my car and just felt sadness that I may never have a son! And this was my first and I really thought I didn't care either way.

Before having DD, I always said I wanted "one of each," who doesn't? But after DD, I had a slight preference for it to be a girl again. I just thought everything would be easier with another girl. And we are having a boy. It definitely took some getting used to. It sounds corny, but what I think what has gotten me a little excited is that every time I am in public with DD and someone asks what I am having and I say boy their face lights up like I have won a jackpot. It's pretty funny. I'm not devastated to have a boy, but clearly not as excited as these other people are about having one of each! It reminds me to be grateful for all the experiences that I will have with my kids that are tied to each gender (not that I'm big on gender roles, but because of society I know my kids experiences will be somewhat different).

AMC- I was still breastfeeding when I got pregnant, so for a while I never had sore nipples (one of my first symptoms with DD). But in the second trimester the sore nipples came on in full effect! They really hurt for a long time and even now 3 weeks from my DD, they are still a little sore. So weird, they definitely weren't sore past the first trimester with DD.

LTP- Welcome!!!! I'm so excited for you!!! As I said above to Niel, I was also initially a little disappointed about having a girl, but then again I guess I would have been a little disappointed either way. But having a DD has been so awesome! I really try to not push gender roles on my kids, and I think that's a lot easier to do with girls. Girls can really do anything boys can, so I never felt like we would miss out on anything by having just daughters. Boys are a little more tricky because of society (DD brings her toy cars everywhere and no one says anything, but my nephew gets comments every day when he brings his doll in public). We are really going to challenge ourselves to give our son the same freedoms to be his self that we give DD. I think you are going to love being a mom to a little girl, we've enjoyed it so much!

LadyPirate- Congrats on healthy scans! Hope the time flies to the next time you get to see the baby! Sorry about the comments from people! Unfortunately you will get it either way from people. You are either going to be too small or too big. People are going to give their "expert medical opinions" constantly, and it just sucks. On the bright side you do look great and as long as baby is growing well, you just have to say eff them! So funny with my first, I couldn't wait to be showing! I have pics like yours (although waaay before 19 weeks haha!) where I was so sure I was showing, but like someone else said, it looked like I just ate a burrito! With my second pregnancy I would have loved to not be showing so soon! As someone who works out a lot, pregnancy is such a trip because you have zero control over how you are going to carry or gain. But yet you constantly have to endure comments from others as if you do. It really trips me out!

SMC- My friend's mom (who I also consider a friend) is a doula, both pre and postpartum. I think if you can afford it, why not?! They are really great. It is awesome to have an expert in your home helping with the baby and IMO waaay better than a family member or friend because they are your employee and therefore you get the final say on things (less drama). And their experience is going to be way more broad than "that's the way we did it and you turned out fine". From my experience as a nanny I would say it would be good to have a thorough interview process and check references. Not only because this person will be in your home caring for the most precious thing in your life, but also you really need someone who will gel with your personality and parenting style. You are going to need someone who you will feel very comfortable being yourself with because you will be at your most vulnerable (sleep deprived, hormonal, and just getting to know your baby). But oh having help is just so nice in recovering from delivery and starting out with a newborn!

That is such a cute pic from your scan! I've never seen both feet together like that! So cute!

OUPearGirl- Congrats and welcome!!! How many weeks are you? With both of my pregnancies I was sick for 16 weeks, so a little into the second trimest and then I felt great. Hopefully you will get back to 100% soon. Second trimester is the best!

AFM, 36w5d. Still doing my weekly BPPs (NST and ultrasound). Each time baby looks great! Baby is moving well, heart rate is good, fluid is normal. I am feeling like this baby is posterior again which a huge bummer because I think that really contributed to me needing a c-section last time. I think it might actually be something with my anatomy. I guess we will see how it goes. Not much else going on. Just feeling like my due date is so close and so far away at the same time! My braxton hicks are a little on the painful/crampy side this time so of course I am getting a little anxious when I have a lot that maybe something is starting. But I can't imagine this baby coming before 39 weeks, so I'm trying to be patient.
Okay, LP and I are exactly one day apart. One. I'm truly fascinated how people carry differently and the difference between a first baby and second. I think this baby is really high as well. I will be interested to see what my fundal height is next week.

AMC- Cute bump! So are you carrying differently than last time? You do seem to be a little high, were you lower last time? I think I'm carrying about the same as last time, funny because everyone says they can tell I'm having a boy from the way I am carrying. Everyone said that last time too, but at least this time they are right and they don't argue with me about how the ultrasound must be wrong! :rolleyes:
mia1181 said:
AMC- Cute bump! So are you carrying differently than last time? You do seem to be a little high, were you lower last time? I think I'm carrying about the same as last time, funny because everyone says they can tell I'm having a boy from the way I am carrying. Everyone said that last time too, but at least this time they are right and they don't argue with me about how the ultrasound must be wrong! :rolleyes:

I'm definitely carrying higher compared to this point in my last pregnancy. But I think I was high last time too.
Congratulations to Claritek and Pancake! It is really interesting to read about different people's birthing experiences. Hope you are all adjusting to be being a new family of three or four.

Bright I can't believe you are next!!! Ahhh, I get all teary thinking about it. You deserve it lady. Send you loads of dust!

Ladypirate, you lucky thing!! You'll show soon enough. Btw, thanks for your message weeks ago, I did read them all but didn't have time to respond.

Good luck to the rest of the ladies in this thread! I hope to be here again soon.
I'll play! I'm due Jan 29, so what 21w1d?
