
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

So nice to see you over here LP! Welcome Niel, AMC, and SMC!

Anchor- I feel you on the lack of quality sleep and swelling! I hope the dinner your in laws are putting together is nice (and that you get a little help with baby #2 prep!)!

Pancake- :appl: that all the renovations are nearly done! I think that it makes sense that preparing for #2 really means getting S organized and settled in the new space. I think that will make things so much easier with the arrival of #2.

Had my 38 week (and change) appointment yesterday. Finally got to (re)meet the last OB in my practice. Of course she was running an hour behind already at 945 am. This woman needs some serious help with the computer and her practice needs to stop scheduling 15 min appointment slots for her when she clearly takes 20+ minutes per patient. They really should just let her take notes on paper and then transcribe. Anyway, people online had complained a bit about her bedside manner but I found her to be just fine. She's nerdy and a little off-beat but I got along great with her. She checked me and didn't mention if I am at all effaced but she said I was still not dilated at all. She could feel the baby's head down on my bladder so he has dropped, as I suspected. That explains why I'm up so often during the night. So now we are in thumb-twiddling mode around here. 17 days max until I would be induced.

DH normally is an avid baseball watcher but his team (Phillies) have been terrible this season. He pays for MLB TV (so he can watch all the games out in CA) and I wonder if he will actually watch any baseball when he is on leave for 3 weeks. The Phils are actually playing the SF Giants the weekend of my due date and DH's best friend and his new wife are going to be out here for the games. If I am still not showing any signs of impending labor next weekend we may just go to a game with them. Let's hope we don't end up with a Bay Bridge Baby. Something tells me it will be worth paying for VIP parking so we have a swift exit if needed.
So I'm freaking out just a little...

I had some spotting today. Light, brown, hardly noticeable. But there none the less.

We hasn't had sex, so I can't use that as an excuse. I've been cramping a little but I was certain it was bathroom troubles because I've been a little backed up. But now it's got me freaking out.

Only in the last week I've started to feel kicking. I'm in my 15th week. I have an appointment on the 15th so that will be good but pregnancy in general always has me stressed out. Like every little thing makes me think something bad will happen. I dunno. sorry I'd this was tmi, my heads just spinning.
Aw, Niel, don't freak out. Spotting can happen after constipation episodes, it happened to me a few times. I know it's easy to worry about everything, though!
anchor31|1407675499|3729645 said:
Aw, Niel, don't freak out. Spotting can happen after constipation episodes, it happened to me a few times. I know it's easy to worry about everything, though!
Thanks. That's helpful. I'm just one of those people that worries about everything always.
Popping in to offer a huge CONGRATS to meg and dragonfly on the births of Sadie and Wyatt! Enjoy those beautiful babies!

Sorry I haven't kept up with everyone. We are a bit busy here! Holy crap babies are a lot of work. Norah has some GI issues we are still trying to figure out and is a pretty fussy little thing at the moment, so I don't get a lot of time to play online. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. Just hoping the fussy stage will be over soon! Can't believe she is already almost 6 weeks old. Still can't believe I have a baby, really. I feel like this is the longest babysitting job I've ever had, lol. Keep waiting for the parents to come pick her up (and pay me, haha!). It's just so unbelievable that she is mine. I have a daughter! It's a crazy, exhausting, wonderful ride, and I can't wait to see where it takes us.
We had our gender u/s on Saturday with our parents. FIL was freaked out by it and told us the night before he didn't want to go, but we sort of made him and he ended up really enjoying himself. DH and I saw the boy parts before the tech pointed them out (she whispered to me that she saw them but wanted to get a better pic). I had told her this would be an easy scan, as both the NT scan and MaterniT21 had given us the same gender. Sure enough, he's still very much a boy...and a very unshy (made that up I think) one at that. Everyone was very excited.

I'm having a lot of pain in my pubic region. It sort of feels like I am being kicked right there, and it's sore to the touch. I'm guessing it has something to do with the round ligaments connecting right there. My belly has definitely popped over the past week and I really am looking pregnant. I know that baby is still pretty far down, but he's pushed everything up. Hope everyone is doing well!
Amc80 - Congrats on team blue! Here's to a healthy baby boy.

AFM - I had my 36w+ appointment today. My regular OB in on holiday so I met another from the practice. She was really nice and took the time to chat about the baby with my 4-year-old, which I thought was sweet. Despite the painful contractions, it looks like bébé Ben is snug as a bug and in no hurry after all. I haven't progressed at all, I'm still at 1cm and long. My blood pressure is good, baby's heartbeat is strong and she collected the sample for the strep test. In short: all is well, see you next week.

Because of the strong contractions we thought Ben might come a bit early, so everything's ready at home, plans are in place to have Jacob watched while we're in the hospital and the hospital bag is packed. All I have left to do is wait!

I hope everyone is having a good week and staying cool. Jacob and I are spending a lot of time at the splash park!
Niel, I hope (and think) everything is ok. Definitely call your OB if you're worried!

amc, congrats on the boy (again)!

anchor, good luck with the next few weeks. I'm so jealous as I have 25 more weeks to go!

AFM, I'm still grappling with nausea. I threw up after dinner yesterday - I'm in my 15th week, so I thought that it would be all over by now. Also, still not showing yet but it's my first, so muscles are still pretty tight. I don't really feel like I've gotten any bigger since last week, but I guess there will be one day not too far away when, all of the sudden, everything shows. I'm a little down because I'm "so over" being pregnant, but there is still so much time left before it's actually over.

Have started an Amazon registry. They really seem to suck you in with all their suggestions. 30 minutes in, I had almost 100 items on there. I guess I will go back and prune when I have more time/energy.
SMC|1407793886|3730433 said:
AFM, I'm still grappling with nausea. I threw up after dinner yesterday - I'm in my 15th week, so I thought that it would be all over by now. Also, still not showing yet but it's my first, so muscles are still pretty tight. I don't really feel like I've gotten any bigger since last week, but I guess there will be one day not too far away when, all of the sudden, everything shows. I'm a little down because I'm "so over" being pregnant, but there is still so much time left before it's actually over.

Ditto. I threw up the other night but it was hours after I ate, so all that came up was water and stomach acid. Awful.

Hang in there. The fun stuff is coming up. Another month and you'll be feeling baby move. I remember feeling like I had a little buddy with me all the time, it was a neat feeling.
AMC, so exciting to do the gender reveal! We're team green, so hopefully they don't accidentally spill the beans at our anatomy scan next month.

SMC, boo for still being sick! I'm not showing yet either--must be a ftm thing.

Anchor, so exciting to be so close!

Neil, hope everything is ok!

Clairitek, no bridge babies allowed!

AFM, had an appt with the midwife today. I brought up that I was a little worried that I haven't started gaining weight yet and she said not to worry about it--just keep eating healthy. She also told me I'm likely a little hypoglycemic (have had a couple of dizziness episodes related to low blood sugar), so make sure to keep snacks on me. The baby's heart sounded strong and she found it right away which was awesome. It was my day off, so spent the afternoon at the river with my sister. Got to rock my bikini while I still can! :P
Lisa, it's so great to see you! Thanks for popping in. We're pretty excited too.

Blacksand, I'm glad all is going well with your little one.

C-tek, wow, I can't believe you're up next! Time flies, eh? Your nursery looks gorgeous! Great job! It sounds like you & your DH have gotten your ducks in a row quite nicely. Are you feeling ready?
I've been pretty fortunate that this summer hasn't been too horribly hot (yet). Keeping my fingers crossed that the milder weather continues.

Pancake, I'm glad your trip went well. That must've been so exhausting!
How exciting that your renovations are nearly finished. You're in the home stretch now. I'm sorry the pregnancy related discomforts have been ramping up lately. They have been for me too. I guess they'll probably get worse before they get better!

Anchor, how was the dinner for Ben? I hope you had a nice time. Sorry about the painful contractions, but I'm glad all went well at your appointment. Not much longer now!

Dani, I'm sorry you failed your one hour glucose test. That sucks. I failed my one hour test, but passed my 3 hour test (which was not fun, but not as bad as I dreaded.) At my 3 hour test, there was a little room where I could hang out & read or nap between blood draws. That made it a lot easier to pass the time. I hope you pass your 3 hour test! My OB told me that of the women who fail the one hour test, only 30% of them wind up having GD.

Welcome to all of the new ladies!

Amc, great to see you over here & congrats on your little boy! Sorry about the round ligament pain. I hope it passes soon.

Niel, so sorry about the spotting. It's definitely not uncommon in pregnancy (my SIL spotted from week 20 on & just had a healthy baby girl) but distressing nonetheless. And I hear ya on the constant worry.

LP, sorry about the dizziness. I had that too, especially in first & early second trimester (actually fainted a couple of times). I hope the snacks help. Also try to avoid standing on your feet for a long period of time. I'm glad your appointment went well.

Smc, sorry you're still dealing with nausea. I hope it gets better soon! I didn't show for quite a while either (probably 20w+). I guess that's a ftm thing. I was a little bummed about it at the time, but enjoy your waist while you still have it!!

Afm, 34+ weeks here & the third trimester discomforts are starting to settle in. Sleeping is getting difficult as I usually can fall asleep ok, but then wake up to pee & can't get back to sleep.
I'm also finding it really hard to find a comfortable position on the couch at night since my right side is usually in pain by the evening. I've also started having some shooting crotch pain that's not very enjoyable. Other than that, I'm doing ok & just plugging along.

My inlaws threw me a shower last weekend that was really lovely. We have a lot of the items we'll need (& tons of clothes!) but will have to pick up some remaining things (including a diaper bag--any recommendations?) in the next month or so.
We're making good progress on the nursery & hoping to have it together & presentable before we have a little party at our place this Saturday. We also have our infant CPR class next week. This is all starting to feel very real (& a bit intimidating!)
blacksand Norah is coming up to the natural peak of fussiness and crying - usually around the 8 week mark. It will then predictably settle gradually over the following month - this is one of the laws of babies/nature, so don't despair, things will improve (even if you "did" nothing!)!

brightspot goodness you're deep in the 3rd tri already - it has absolutely flown!

anchor hello preggy buddy! Sounds like you are going well :) I am having a lot of strong BH contractions as well but I also had them last time so I don't really give them much thought any more (apart from when they are super-uncomfortable!).

New additions to the thread - such an exciting time!

AFM - 36+ weeks here, had an appointment yesterday, nothing interesting happening. Still working, cut back to 3 shorter days/week and no more clinical commitments. Baby is happy in there, high and cephalic, very active. My pelvis has been no worse this week - I think cutting back on work has definitely made a difference already. I plan to go in a few short days next week and then stop altogether. My sleep is awful but otherwise things are pretty good apart from a bit of swelling, which has come on a bit later than last pregnancy thank goodness!

Finishing touches on our renovation are being done now - some tiling patching being done tomorrow (where the footprint of some cabinetry changed), glass splashback went in to the kitchen today, last bits of plumbing to be done on Friday. Big clean (organised by the construction company thank goodness) should be early next week. Meanwhile, we've also ordered a new lounge (to arrive in October - made to order hence the delay) and I'm thinking about how else I'd like to refurnish our living room. New blinds going in in about a fortnight or whenever they are ready. Hopefully before bub comes. It's all a work in progress and i need to keep reminding myself that I don't need to finish everything BEFORE the baby comes - the way I'm going on you'd think that life stops when the baby arrives! But I know that it certainly does NOT, and so trying to relax a little with all the interiors decision-making. Think that's my version of nesting for this time - last time I was up on stepladders at 39+ weeks painting the nursery. This time I'm revamping my house, lol.

Next time I'll probably buy a new house and move whilst heavily pregnant, haha!
Hi all!!! :wavey:

Gosh, Bright, I can't believe you are 34 wks already!!! So so thrilled for you, you must be getting so excited!!! What a beautiful time! Hope that you're feeling well, not too much longer to go now!!

C-tek- you're next, girl!! Can't believe it!! Hope you're feeling well!!

Pancake- hope you're doing well!! Best of luck with your reno!! I'm sure it's going to look so great when its done!!

Afm, well......I failed my 3 hr gtt. I was completely shocked!! Even more annoying, was that I only failed 2 values by a couple of points, literally. But, I guess the bottom line is....I failed. I know things could be worse, but geez, now I truly have empathy for diabetics. Blood glucose testing 4 x a day is the pits. I have to go for a growth ultrasound and diabetic teaching next week at the perinatologist. Bottom line, it just sucks. But I will get through it. :blackeye: wah, wah.....
Dani, so sorry to hear the news! It seems like GD really strikes when you least expect it. One of my friends had it, she was underweight to begin with, underweight throughout the whole pregnancy, and still! Her baby ended up being born right on her due date and was still under 7 lbs. She did well with the carb control after she found out about her GD. Best of luck dealing with yours!

pancake, DH and I are also tentatively exploring the real estate market as we're looking for a better home for a baby. We currently live in a townhome and the master bedroom is 2 floors above the other bedrooms. I can't imagine having to climb up and down 2 flights of stairs to get the baby, but I guess we will manage if it comes down to it (right now, I'm thinking the baby will go in a bassinet in our room until it's around 6 mos old).

Brightspot, only a few more weeks! How exciting!

AMC and LP, seems like we're all trucking along. Went in for my 2nd tri blood draw on Monday and will get the results by the end of the week. Dr says she doesn't expect my numbers to change significantly, so we'd probably opt out of doing the amnio (but aren't 100% sure). Otherwise, nothing new to report on my end. Still nauseous, still hopeful.
Brightspot, sorry you dealt with the lightheaded/fainting stuff as well! Good to know it gets better as the pregnancy progresses. Glad you got most of your stuff at the shower. I'm so useless when it comes to purses--no idea about a diaper bag, other than looking at reviews on amazon.

Pancake, I can't believe you're doing major renovations pregnant! You are a superwoman. Glad you could cut back on work, it sounds like it was the best choice.

Dani, that sucks about the glucose test! It sounds like it's borderline, so hopefully controlling it won't be too bad.

SMC, fingers crossed for your second tri blood test. I'm supposed to go get mine drawn in a couple of weeks. I hope the nausea clears up asap!

AFM, I think I may have felt flutters last night, but I'm not sure if it was that or gas. LOL. They're really subtle at this point. I can't wait to feel them more definitely! I start harvest on Monday, so I'm about to enter my crazy busy time of year. The next two months will just fly by! I'm hoping I don't get too big around before November so it doesn't interfere too much with my job.
Just had a random thought--AMC, you have a tall DH, right? Mine is 6'7" and I'm 5'9", so we're anticipating super tall babies (especially because both of us were also really tall as kids). Did that affect which infant car seat you went with? I'm afraid that no matter what we go with, they're only going to be able to use it for a few months before they get too tall.
ladypirate|1407969281|3731814 said:
Just had a random thought--AMC, you have a tall DH, right? Mine is 6'7" and I'm 5'9", so we're anticipating super tall babies (especially because both of us were also really tall as kids). Did that affect which infant car seat you went with? I'm afraid that no matter what we go with, they're only going to be able to use it for a few months before they get too tall.

Good question. It probably should have affected our decision, but didn't. We went with the Baby Trend Expedition because I wanted a jogging stroller and didn't want to buy two separate strollers. The infant seat that comes with that system has a 30" height limit, which B outgrew by 5-6 months. At that time, we bought a convertible seat and had him rear facing in it until he was 1. I figured we would have to buy a convertible seat anyway, so it really didn't matter if I bought it at 5 months or 10 months or whatever.

The only downfall to my theory is that a 5-6 month baby is just starting to sit up unassisted. This meant that if we went to a store, we'd have to put him in a shopping cart and sort of prop him up a bit to keep him from falling over to his side. It wasn't a huge issue because he is has always been pretty early in hitting his motor skill milestones, but if you have a late sitter it could be annoying. Luckily, bigger kids tend to hit those milestones sooner anyway :)

On a side note, DH and I were expecting an average sized kid. Both of us were really late growers and figured any kid we had would be the same. Theory fail.
Just wanted to pop in and wish C-tek, Pancake and the rest of the ladies due in the next couple of weeks, good luck! I've been thinking of you all a lot lately and hope you are all resting up and preparing for the big day!!
Hi Tbaus, just popping in to say I've been thinking a lot about you in the past few months and hoped you would check in to PS again. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Tbaus, it's so good to see you post. I, too, have been thinking about you a lot. Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers as well.
So I woke up this morning with lots of bleeding. Not spotting this time.

Went to the docs, they couldn't find a heart beat for a good minite- had me go to the bathroom and try again. Found it. Heart rate was 156 and it was moving. They seemed happy with that but had no idea where the bleeding was coming from, so currently in the OB office for an ultrasound.
Niel|1408042083|3732448 said:
So I woke up this morning with lots of bleeding. Not spotting this time.

Went to the docs, they couldn't find a heart beat for a good minite- had me go to the bathroom and try again. Found it. Heart rate was 156 and it was moving. They seemed happy with that but had no idea where the bleeding was coming from, so currently in the OB office for an ultrasound.

Oh geez, thinking about you! How scary.
amc80|1408042792|3732455 said:
Niel|1408042083|3732448 said:
So I woke up this morning with lots of bleeding. Not spotting this time.

Went to the docs, they couldn't find a heart beat for a good minite- had me go to the bathroom and try again. Found it. Heart rate was 156 and it was moving. They seemed happy with that but had no idea where the bleeding was coming from, so currently in the OB office for an ultrasound.

Oh geez, thinking about you! How scary.

thanks. Uterus bleed. Now I'm on bed rest, could be 4 weeks (probably) could be the rest of this pregnancy. '

Kinda freaking out, as they said it could cause me to go into early labor, but the doc said usually when she sees this it doesn't lead to a miscarraige, but it could.

I feel terrible for my husband he seems really concerned and i don't know how to help, if there was some way I could have kept this to myself i totally would have. Worrying if this will or won't be ok is the worst. Wish i could just carry that for him
Niel|1408045525|3732500 said:
amc80|1408042792|3732455 said:
Niel|1408042083|3732448 said:
So I woke up this morning with lots of bleeding. Not spotting this time.

Went to the docs, they couldn't find a heart beat for a good minite- had me go to the bathroom and try again. Found it. Heart rate was 156 and it was moving. They seemed happy with that but had no idea where the bleeding was coming from, so currently in the OB office for an ultrasound.

Oh geez, thinking about you! How scary.

thanks. Uterus bleed. Now I'm on bed rest, could be 4 weeks (probably) could be the rest of this pregnancy. '

Kinda freaking out, as they said it could cause me to go into early labor, but the doc said usually when she sees this it doesn't lead to a miscarraige, but it could.

I feel terrible for my husband he seems really concerned and i don't know how to help, if there was some way I could have kept this to myself i totally would have. Worrying if this will or won't be ok is the worst. Wish i could just carry that for him
Niel, so sorry this is happening so early on the pregnancy. Hope your bed rest is short and things get back to normal (or as normal as pregnancy can ever be)! Will be sending you positive thoughts.
Niel, I'm so sorry. I hope everything is ok & that this resolves quickly & with a minimum of bed rest.
Sending you a big hug.

I'm a bit freaked out myself. I just had my 35w appointment with my OB & they did a fetal non stress test (apparently standard procedure since I'm over 35) & my doc was concerned since I was having contractions (unbeknownst to me) & the fetal heartrate dipped during each contraction. She sent me right over to labor & delivery to get my fluid checked. She was trying not to freak me out & said worst case scenario they induce me today. :eek:
Hoping everything's ok with our little girl.
BrightSpot|1408048760|3732542 said:
Niel, I'm so sorry. I hope everything is ok & that this resolves quickly & with a minimum of bed rest.
Sending you a big hug.

I'm a bit freaked out myself. I just had my 35w appointment with my OB & they did a fetal non stress test (apparently standard procedure since I'm over 35) & my doc was concerned since I was having contractions (unbeknownst to me) & the fetal heartrate dipped during each contraction. She sent me right over to labor & delivery to get my fluid checked. She was trying not to freak me out & said worst case scenario they induce me today. :eek:
Hoping everything's ok with our little girl.

So you're getting your fluids checked now??

At least your really far along! Dust to you though I hope its all OK!
BrightSpot|1408048760|3732542 said:
Niel, I'm so sorry. I hope everything is ok & that this resolves quickly & with a minimum of bed rest.
Sending you a big hug.

I'm a bit freaked out myself. I just had my 35w appointment with my OB & they did a fetal non stress test (apparently standard procedure since I'm over 35) & my doc was concerned since I was having contractions (unbeknownst to me) & the fetal heartrate dipped during each contraction. She sent me right over to labor & delivery to get my fluid checked. She was trying not to freak me out & said worst case scenario they induce me today. :eek:
Hoping everything's ok with our little girl.

Oh no, Bright! I guess on a positive note, it's a good thing you are 35 weeks and not earlier. Even if you were induced I'm guessing everything would be fine. Are you in L&D right now?

Niel- hugs to you. Hopefully your uterus will fix itself (um, if that is what happens) and your bed rest won't last the rest of your pregnancy!

ETA- Niel, you and I cross posted. Sort of funny that we said the exact same thing!
BrightSpot|1408048760|3732542 said:
Niel, I'm so sorry. I hope everything is ok & that this resolves quickly & with a minimum of bed rest.
Sending you a big hug.

I'm a bit freaked out myself. I just had my 35w appointment with my OB & they did a fetal non stress test (apparently standard procedure since I'm over 35) & my doc was concerned since I was having contractions (unbeknownst to me) & the fetal heartrate dipped during each contraction. She sent me right over to labor & delivery to get my fluid checked. She was trying not to freak me out & said worst case scenario they induce me today. :eek:
Hoping everything's ok with our little girl.
BrightSpot, I hope everything is ok with you and the baby! Seems like they have you in good hands over there. Best wishes.
tbaus, thank you so much xxx I still think of you guys often.
Bright, please let us know how you and Baby Bright are doing. Thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way.