
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

SMC|1418764793|3802473 said:
amc80|1418758487|3802383 said:
SMC|1418757532|3802379 said:
Interesting treatment, drinking extra water seems counter intuitive to me but I guess putting more water in your body causes it to retain less? My friend had low amniotic fluid and she was prescribed the same exact treatment as you.

My guess is that dehydration can cause contractions, and since I'm already at a higher risk for early contractions she wants to avoid it as much as possible? Dr. Google tells me there's nothing I can do about the fluid, so I'm guessing that's it. Unlike when there's not enough fluid and drinking tons of water will help.

Geez, I guess I really need to start doing some prep for this baby. I have no clothes washed, the car seat (and everything else) is in storage, bottles are *somewhere*, etc.

Oh, she did tell me that I can use benedryl cream or hydrocortizone on my stomach to help with the itchiness, so that's a win.
Don't worry about the preparation. My friend is due with her second a few weeks before me and she's in the exact same boat as you. It's hard when you're working FT and have a toddler to keep up with! I'd get the car seat out (so you can take the baby home), and stock up on some diapers, and that's probably good enough if you're going to be BF'ing.

Hope everything goes well and your baby stays in there!

I was just going to add I know dehydration can cause labor. When I was due with m we had a heat wave... They had me scheduled for induction a few times but they kept rescheduling me. It was slike105? Anyways my doctor said they had to reschedule me because of the heat women were dehydrated, going into labor and taking up all the spots from non necessary patients.

Also I've done like zero prep for this baby too haha! We moved m into her new bed and room, that'll free up babys room. We got the car seat out but I have to clean it.... Need new bottles and boy clothes. And of course all our unisex clothes are for a summer newborn,not a winter one.

I asked for Como tomo bottles for Christmas. They are suppose to be really easy to clean and feel like skin. I'm pretty excited about those- actually.
How is everyone doing?

I have heartburn like its my job. It wakes me up almost every morning! This little guy better come out with Edward Cullen hair to make this worth it. lol
Hey everyone!

Sorry to hear about your heartburn, Niel! I've never had heartburn so am quite unfamiliar with it. Is there anything you can take for it?

21 weeks today. Had a bit of a scare this morning. Have been noticing a watery discharge but didn't think anything of it. Somehow I ended up on the internet where women were discussing discharge. Apparently clear discharge could be leaking amniotic fluid, so of course I panicked. Phoned the nurse at my GP's rooms (OB has gone on leave, and he's 90 minutes away anyway) and explained what had happened. She told me to come in at 17h00 today, then called back a few minutes later and told me to come in in 45 minutes. Naturally by this stage I was a complete mess... Rushed off to the doctor, only to wait there for another 45 minutes. My GP eventually examined me and it wasn't amniotic fluid. What a relief!

Please tell me that one worries less with a second pregnancy?

Other than that, I'm fine. DH and I took a 55 minute walk this evening because I overate all day. I'm slowly gaining back the weight I lost in the first trimester (by magic - I honestly wasn't trying, and I didn't have morning sickness or anything) but the amount of food I'm eating to gain back that weight is making me SO uncomfortable! I was hoping the walk would, uhm, get things going, if you know what I mean, but no such luck. On the plus side, I'm now only 2kg/4.4lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight. I've resolved to eat normally for the next couple of days - I need to save some room for our mammoth Christmas lunch!

How is everyone else doing?
Niel|1419262445|3805716 said:
How is everyone doing?

I have heartburn like its my job. It wakes me up almost every morning! This little guy better come out with Edward Cullen hair to make this worth it. lol
Oh gosh - poor you!! I had bad heartburn with my first (a boy) and it was the pits. If I wasn't near a bottle of tums, I was actively searching for a drug store to buy some. It was awful.

Trekkie - that is both scary and funny!! I would have reacted the same way though - so no worries there. Totally a normal reaction. I only say funny because it was nothing and maybe you were just peeing yourself ;-) (Easy for me to say though - I pee myself on the regular these days!). Glad it was a big fat nothing. These babies though - like to keep us on our toes eh?

AFM - nothing new here. 21 weeks and now that I've passed the anatomy scan, there isn't really a big something to look forward to. I like feeling the baby kick though it still is infrequent ( a few times a day at most). Getting ready for Christmas...trying to find something to know. The usual ;=)

We've also been talking about names. Stuck between a "cool" name that is maybe too cool, and a pretty name that is maybe too pretty. haha.
Niel, I have heartburn too, but I think my back pain is my top ailment right now. It hurts whenever I wake up, but then it loosens up over the day, before getting worse at night. I've been seeing a chiropractor for regular adjustments, which seems to help. Hope your heartburn eases up and your son is born with a full head of hair! Have you decided on the name yet?

Trekkie, I'm glad it was just a false alarm! Seems scary, but definitely good news that all is well with the baby.

MuffDog, if you don't mind revealing, what are the names you are deciding between?

AFM, I'm 34w2d now. I've reached the point where people see me in the office and say "Wow! You're still here?" Then I have to let them down by saying that I'm here for 6 more weeks. People keep asking if I'm going to have a New Year's baby too, so I feel like I must look huge. This past weekend has been filled with baby classes (which second time parents are lucky enough to avoid). I thought the classes were pretty interesting, but I don't think anything can really prepare me for giving birth and taking care of a child!
SMC|1419284573|3806014 said:
Niel, I have heartburn too, but I think my back pain is my top ailment right now. It hurts whenever I wake up, but then it loosens up over the day, before getting worse at night. I've been seeing a chiropractor for regular adjustments, which seems to help. Hope your heartburn eases up and your son is born with a full head of hair! Have you decided on the name yet?

Trekkie, I'm glad it was just a false alarm! Seems scary, but definitely good news that all is well with the baby.

MuffDog, if you don't mind revealing, what are the names you are deciding between?

AFM, I'm 34w2d now. I've reached the point where people see me in the office and say "Wow! You're still here?" Then I have to let them down by saying that I'm here for 6 more weeks. People keep asking if I'm going to have a New Year's baby too, so I feel like I must look huge. This past weekend has been filled with baby classes (which second time parents are lucky enough to avoid). I thought the classes were pretty interesting, but I don't think anything can really prepare me for giving birth and taking care of a child!

People have no idea how long someone's pregnancy is. I feel like people loose track of time and eventually are like "she's been pregnancy a while, must be done soon"

I've been getting the "you look like you're ready to pop!" Comments all the time now. But last time I was hugest at 8 months, and went down a bit from 8-9.

My back is killing me too. The arch part. I feel like I need my back to crack all the time, but it won't.
Thanks everyone! I'm a lot calmer now and even able to see the humour in it all!

MuffDog, yessss! The glamorous world of peeing yourself. Somehow people neglect to mention these things when you have baby fever or when you're TTC! I'm also 21 weeks and I hear you on having nothing to wear. Luckily I'm on holiday, so I can get away with track suit pants and tshirts. DH bought me some maternity clothes as a Christmas present but I don't get to see what he bought until Christmas, boo.

SMC, you're nearly there! I agree with Niel, people just don't keep track the way we pregnant people do. Must be annoying to be on the receiving end though!

Niel, it sounds like you need a massage! Your poor back! Between your heartburn and your sore back it sounds like you're having a dreadful time. I hope you feel better soon!

I can't believe I'm 21 weeks already. Where has the time gone?! Oh, here's a gratuitous bump pic, taken yesterday at exactly 21 weeks. Anyone else care to share a bump pic? :)

SMC|1419284573|3806014 said:
Niel, I have heartburn too, but I think my back pain is my top ailment right now. It hurts whenever I wake up, but then it loosens up over the day, before getting worse at night. I've been seeing a chiropractor for regular adjustments, which seems to help. Hope your heartburn eases up and your son is born with a full head of hair! Have you decided on the name yet?

Trekkie, I'm glad it was just a false alarm! Seems scary, but definitely good news that all is well with the baby.

MuffDog, if you don't mind revealing, what are the names you are deciding between?

AFM, I'm 34w2d now. I've reached the point where people see me in the office and say "Wow! You're still here?" Then I have to let them down by saying that I'm here for 6 more weeks. People keep asking if I'm going to have a New Year's baby too, so I feel like I must look huge. This past weekend has been filled with baby classes (which second time parents are lucky enough to avoid). I thought the classes were pretty interesting, but I don't think anything can really prepare me for giving birth and taking care of a child!

SMC - we are between Sloan(e) and Serafina (nn Sera or Fina).
Trekkie, you look great!

MuffDog, that's a hard decision! At least you have some time to decide.

Niel, are you still deciding between your top 2 names?
SMC|1419368900|3806683 said:
Trekkie, you look great!

MuffDog, that's a hard decision! At least you have some time to decide.

Niel, are you still deciding between your top 2 names?
Oh sorry, I saw you ask that and I could have sworn I answered haha.

Nope. No closer to a decision. :blackeye:
Niel, I think I remember you saying elsewhere that you're not the type to wait and see which name suits baby better, but perhaps in this case it's an option?
Trekkie|1419428459|3807224 said:
Niel, I think I remember you saying elsewhere that you're not the type to wait and see which name suits baby better, but perhaps in this case it's an option?
I sure don't want to do that. But if it doesn't have a name when it comes out I guess I have to :?
Hi all! I'm in SoCal for the week for Christmas. We found out the day before leaving that B had both Influenza and an ear infection. Then, once we got down here, I got (have) a really bad cold. Fun fun!

I'm getting asked daily if I'm having a Christmas baby or if it's twins. One lady asked me if it was twins because she had twins and that's how she looked. Other than that I'm fine. Sleeping is hard and my body hurts a lot, but I know it's just part of the process.

I just took this pic- 33w4d. My shirts are all getting too short...

Still lurking here because I LOVE NEW BABIES and pregnancies are exciting when they're other people's :P

muffdog not that I have any sway whatsoever, lol, but I think Serafina is a beautiful match for Luca, those names are made for one another!

amc80 that is one well-nourished 32 weeker you've got on board!!!

niel we went into labour with #1 with 2 names on our shortlist, of equal standing for both me and my DH. A few minutes after S was born, I asked DH if he knew which name he wanted to choose? He said yes but didn't want to say in case it was different from my choice. As it was, it was unanimous and then the other name that had been shortlisted quickly faded away into mediocrity in our minds and didn't get a shortlist guernsey when #2 (also a girl) came around!

Re heartburn, omeprazole (Losec/equivalent) is now known to be safe in pregnancy. It changed my life. Seriously.
pancake|1419655657|3808208 said:
Still lurking here because I LOVE NEW BABIES and pregnancies are exciting when they're other people's :P

muffdog not that I have any sway whatsoever, lol, but I think Serafina is a beautiful match for Luca, those names are made for one another!

amc80 that is one well-nourished 32 weeker you've got on board!!!

niel we went into labour with #1 with 2 names on our shortlist, of equal standing for both me and my DH. A few minutes after S was born, I asked DH if he knew which name he wanted to choose? He said yes but didn't want to say in case it was different from my choice. As it was, it was unanimous and then the other name that had been shortlisted quickly faded away into mediocrity in our minds and didn't get a shortlist guernsey when #2 (also a girl) came around!

Re heartburn, omeprazole (Losec/equivalent) is now known to be safe in pregnancy. It changed my life. Seriously.

Thanks pancake!
My fear is the opposite would happen. I don't want to ask my DH, "what name do you think it is" and he not tell me because he wants to hear mine first...then I say the one he wasn't considering. Believe me, whatever name I said he'd be like " that's the one I was thinking too!" :doh:
I just want to make sure he likes it for the right reasons. Not just gives into me because I'm all emotional. With that said last night we were buying some baby clothes and typically we call the baby by both our name choices (example: "should I buy this for Marshall Walter?" ) but he was just calling it by one. So,good sign I guess. I asked him if that was the baby's name. He said "probably"... :lol:

As for the heartburn I really try not to take anything besides vitamins just because I prefer to do it that way, but I think I may break down and get some tumbs. I woke up on Christmas at like 5 and it was unbearable
niel, I get what you mean - both of us hesitated to actually say which name we thought was the right one for fear of the other disagreeing!! But think of it like this: you have two gorgeous names, and within about 10 minutes of naming your beautiful son, the other name will fade into total insignificance. Within days your little boy will just always have been [name], and you won't be able to imagine it any other way. And as he grows up, he will become the little person he is to be, with that name attached to him, the person and the name will be inexorably linked, and all this worry about it will be long gone water under the bridge :)
Niel, if it makes you feel any better, we decided our DD's name 10 mins before my c-section. My DH never wanted to talk about baby names until a few days before the c-section when he sprung on me that he wanted a first name from his origin where I wanted a first name that was American. So, eventually I found a compromise name - pronouncable/familiar for both families which he wasn't sold on. 10 mins before the birth, he said - do you want to name her K - and I said yes, and she had a name! Now, I can't imagine anything else for her. It's a name that originates from a few countries, and we did the spelling that matches his home country We didn't decide her middle name (American) until the day the birth certificate people showed up in our hospital room 3 or 4 days after she was born. Good luck!!!
JGator|1419784181|3808742 said:
Niel, if it makes you feel any better, we decided our DD's name 10 mins before my c-section. My DH never wanted to talk about baby names until a few days before the c-section when he sprung on me that he wanted a first name from his origin where I wanted a first name that was American. So, eventually I found a compromise name - pronouncable/familiar for both families which he wasn't sold on. 10 mins before the birth, he said - do you want to name her K - and I said yes, and she had a name! Now, I can't imagine anything else for her. It's a name that originates from a few countries, and we did the spelling that matches his home country We didn't decide her middle name (American) until the day the birth certificate people showed up in our hospital room 3 or 4 days after she was born. Good luck!!!

Thanks! I know it's totally acceptable and normal to hold off until right before/ after the baby is born... I just didn't want to do that lol.

I'm sure whatever we pick will fit him, part of me feel like his hair color will decide it. :/
Niel|1419793123|3808788 said:
JGator|1419784181|3808742 said:
Niel, if it makes you feel any better, we decided our DD's name 10 mins before my c-section. My DH never wanted to talk about baby names until a few days before the c-section when he sprung on me that he wanted a first name from his origin where I wanted a first name that was American. So, eventually I found a compromise name - pronouncable/familiar for both families which he wasn't sold on. 10 mins before the birth, he said - do you want to name her K - and I said yes, and she had a name! Now, I can't imagine anything else for her. It's a name that originates from a few countries, and we did the spelling that matches his home country We didn't decide her middle name (American) until the day the birth certificate people showed up in our hospital room 3 or 4 days after she was born. Good luck!!!

Thanks! I know it's totally acceptable and normal to hold off until right before/ after the baby is born... I just didn't want to do that lol.

I'm sure whatever we pick will fit him, part of me feel like his hair color will decide it. :/
Can your daughter be the tiebreaker?
SMC|1419876453|3809171 said:
Niel|1419793123|3808788 said:
JGator|1419784181|3808742 said:
Niel, if it makes you feel any better, we decided our DD's name 10 mins before my c-section. My DH never wanted to talk about baby names until a few days before the c-section when he sprung on me that he wanted a first name from his origin where I wanted a first name that was American. So, eventually I found a compromise name - pronouncable/familiar for both families which he wasn't sold on. 10 mins before the birth, he said - do you want to name her K - and I said yes, and she had a name! Now, I can't imagine anything else for her. It's a name that originates from a few countries, and we did the spelling that matches his home country We didn't decide her middle name (American) until the day the birth certificate people showed up in our hospital room 3 or 4 days after she was born. Good luck!!!

Thanks! I know it's totally acceptable and normal to hold off until right before/ after the baby is born... I just didn't want to do that lol.

I'm sure whatever we pick will fit him, part of me feel like his hair color will decide it. :/
Can your daughter be the tiebreaker?

My daughter has a speech delay. She wouldn't ve able to answer that question for us.
So, I'm in L&D right now. I started having a few contractions yesterday and they didn't let up. Nothing crazy, but definitely there. I went in and 1) sure enough, I was having regular contractions about two minutes apart, and 2) my BP was high, like 140/90. It's been about 24 hours and my BP is better but I'm still having contractions. The good news is they aren't dilating me...but they are softening my cervix so it's only a matter of time before I'm in real labor. They are doing a 24 hour urine collection which ends around 10pm. Assuming those results are okay, I will be released in the morning. I have to be on bed rest until 36 weeks and stay on meds until then as well, to try to stop the contractions. Good news is baby is fine and not in distress, we just need him to cook a little while longer. The general consensus is I will probably have him in the 36-37 week range.
amc80|1419987045|3809799 said:
So, I'm in L&D right now. I started having a few contractions yesterday and they didn't let up. Nothing crazy, but definitely there. I went in and 1) sure enough, I was having regular contractions about two minutes apart, and 2) my BP was high, like 140/90. It's been about 24 hours and my BP is better but I'm still having contractions. The good news is they aren't dilating me...but they are softening my cervix so it's only a matter of time before I'm in real labor. They are doing a 24 hour urine collection which ends around 10pm. Assuming those results are okay, I will be released in the morning. I have to be on bed rest until 36 weeks and stay on meds until then as well, to try to stop the contractions. Good news is baby is fine and not in distress, we just need him to cook a little while longer. The general consensus is I will probably have him in the 36-37 week range.

Ah exciting! Are they going to still give you a c section? For some reason I thought our due dates were the same. I'm 36 weeks tomorrow, when are you??
Niel said:
Ah exciting! Are they going to still give you a c section? For some reason I thought our due dates were the same. I'm 36 weeks tomorrow, when are you??

Yes, that's the plan. I'm 34w2d- my due date is 2/7 but my c-section is supposed to be 2/2. It is exciting but man, I'm so sick of these contractions!
amc80|1419998517|3809893 said:
Niel said:
Ah exciting! Are they going to still give you a c section? For some reason I thought our due dates were the same. I'm 36 weeks tomorrow, when are you??

Yes, that's the plan. I'm 34w2d- my due date is 2/7 but my c-section is supposed to be 2/2. It is exciting but man, I'm so sick of these contractions!
Oh OK, that's why I thought it was the same.
Good luck I'll be thinking of you.
I'm getting discharged. I did fail my 24 hour per test but my BP has been fine. Cervix is still closed, which is very surprising considering the number of painful contractions I've had. But baby looks good and I will be happy to be home!
amc80|1420039362|3809983 said:
I'm getting discharged. I did fail my 24 hour per test but my BP has been fine. Cervix is still closed, which is very surprising considering the number of painful contractions I've had. But baby looks good and I will be happy to be home!
That's good news! Will you still be on bed rest until 36w? Best of luck with everything!
SMC said:
That's good news! Will you still be on bed rest until 36w? Best of luck with everything!

Yep! Luckily that's only a little over a week away!
Someone told me yesterday that my new years resolution should be to lose my baby weight. :angryfire:

One, f you! Two, I barely have "baby weight" as I look pretty much like myself with a beach ball shoved down my shirt. Plus im 8 fing months pregnant. Its not like ive been caring around baby weight for years. Im currently f'ing doing it! He has no idea how I lose weight after a baby, or really how anyone does for that matter. I was ready to punch him in the face so hard.
Neil, seriously? I don't know how you didn't punch them in the throat. Seriously.

I just had my 34w appointment. They want me to redo the 24 hour pee hold (ugh). I am now officially measuring 40 weeks, so I guess I can't get mad when people ask if I'm due today. They will likely move up my Cs to 37 weeks, since by that point I'll be measuring like 3 weeks overdue. Kind of scary since that's only 2 weeks from now (35w tomorrow)! But my contractions are pretty much constant (and painful) at this point, so, on the other hand, 2 weeks sounds like a really really long time. I honestly think my water will break before that point though. My goal for this weekend is to pack hospital bags. It's all getting very real.
amc80|1420226786|3810966 said:
Neil, seriously? I don't know how you didn't punch them in the throat. Seriously.

I just had my 34w appointment. They want me to redo the 24 hour pee hold (ugh). I am now officially measuring 40 weeks, so I guess I can't get mad when people ask if I'm due today. They will likely move up my Cs to 37 weeks, since by that point I'll be measuring like 3 weeks overdue. Kind of scary since that's only 2 weeks from now (35w tomorrow)! But my contractions are pretty much constant (and painful) at this point, so, on the other hand, 2 weeks sounds like a really really long time. I honestly think my water will break before that point though. My goal for this weekend is to pack hospital bags. It's all getting very real.
What's the 24h pee hold?

I had my dr appt today. I'll be 36w tmw, baby is measuring 35w but dr says that's completely normal. She says baby will be in the "sixes" but I'm pretty sure that baby will be at least 7.5lbs, possibly pushing 8 lbs. Dr didn't check my cervix yet but I think things are still closed and tight as I haven't felt any contractions (that I know of).

Feet and fingers are getting swollen and I've stopped wearing my rings. I've started seeing a chiropractor and getting biweekly massages for some short-term relief of my back pain.

My BFF just had her baby 2 weeks early on 1/1. Baby was still relatively large at almost 9 lbs! She was born 16 minutes after she got to the hospital - so jealous of the easy births second-time moms go through! Such an awesome birthday! I can't wait to no longer be pregnant!