
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

amc80|1422818155|3825587 said:
Hey guys! Tucker is 6 days old now. I originally reported he was 19.5" but my husband thought they shorted him a bit. He was re measured at his doc appt on friday and he's actually 21.5". Oops.

Things are going well. Going from 1 to 2 is definitely more than twice the work. B is doing fairly well with T. He wants to be helpful but also doesn't want a whole lot to do with him.

Recovery is also doing well. Having had a vaginal birth and now a CS, I can definitely say I preferred the cs. The recovery has been longer and more painful, but I didn't feel like such a complete mess on the first days after the birth. I remember with B being so drained that I didn't have the energy or desire to care for a new born. I think that made it much harder for me to bond with him early on. This time, I had a baby with zero effort on my part, so when he was here it was a completely different feeling.

T is sleeping pretty well. He does at least 3 hour stretches at night, which is far better than B ever did at this stage.

I'm hoping you ladies join me soon! I can't even express how happy i am to not be pregnant anymore.

I'm glad you're doing OK. I know the first few are pretty terrible, so glad to hear you're hanging in well..

I'm still trucking along.
Riley arrived on Feb 1, 2015 just in time to see the horrible pass play call made by the Seahawks. She was 8 lbs 4 ozs and 19.75" long. She's awfully cute and I don't think I will have any problems loving her.

(Long story follows)
I went into labor at 2am on my due date (Jan 31) and thought she would be right on time.

I labored at home for like 13 hrs before I called my doula because I wanted a natural birth. A hot bath was really relaxing and I must have stayed in the tub for hours. My doula came over around 4pm and we decided to head over to the hospital around 4:30pm when the contractions were 3 minutes apart. To be honest, I wasn't sure I was in labor since the contractions weren't always very strong or long.

I got to triage around 5pm and much to everyone's surprise, I was already at 6cm so I got admitted right away.

I labored away naturally in my room with the help of DH, my doula, and the L&D nurse. They have bathtubs with jets in the hospital that I delivered at and it did help relieve the pain. My doula was very helpful at suggesting positions to relieve the pressure from the contractions and I was very grateful she was there. It took me until midnight to go from 6 to 9cm so things kind of took awhile. The doctor broke my water at midnight because she thought that might things go faster. I was pretty tired at this point and the contractions got significantly stronger after my water broke.

My L&D nurse reminded me it was not too late to get an epidural. My doula told me to consider it since it was 2am and once I got to 10cm, I'd have to push and it would take a lot of energy. At this point, I'd been in labor for 24 hrs, and I was pretty tired. I didn't think I'd have the energy to push if I didn't get some rest beforehand. So I got the epidural.

Best decision ever. In my delirium, I even asked my anesthesiologist his name and then told him I was sorry I couldn't think of any girl names that could be made out of "Ian."

The epidural gave me hours of relief where I could sleep. The doctor came and checked on me every two hours and it took me 4 hours (until 6am) to get to 10cm but the baby still hadn't descended low enough for me to start pushing (I had been at 0 station the entire time). So they let me sleep until 8am hoping that my body would just keep nudging the baby down. I was surprised that it took me so long to get to 10cm since all the books seem to say the transition period is intense but is over quickly.

At 8am, baby still hadn't descended any further, so they made me start pushing anyways. I always thought pushing would be painful but it was not that bad. I pushed for 2 hours but the baby barely moved. The doctor gave me some Pitocin to speed up my contractions, and allowed me to push for another hour (I was terrified of getting a cesarean and she knew it). One hour later, the baby had still barely moved (she was at +2 station and she needed to get to +5 or something). At this point, the dr said that I should strongly consider a cesarean as there were no other way to get her out if pushing didn't work (she was too high up for them to use a vacuum) but she was going to give me one more try. I had never considered I would need a c-section so I opted for more pushing. The dr told me to lay off the pushing for 30 minutes while we waited for extra Pitocin to kick in and hopefully for the baby to descend more and I could start pushing again. Well, I pushed for another 30 minutes after that with no luck, and my husband and I knew that we didn't have any choice but to accept the c-section.

I've never had any type of surgery before so I found the c-section kind of scary, especially since you're awake for the entire process and feel pressure and intensity, even if there's no pain. I knew I'd be fine and I was in good hands with all the people in the room, but it's hard not to be nervous. The extra drugs they gave me also gave me the shakes (not the most reassuring side effect, but extremely normal).

I was wheeled in around 12:45pm and baby was out at exactly 1pm. We took one look at her and decided she was a keeper. She had handled the whole long labor and delivery like a champ - the only reason I was allowed to push past 2 hrs was because she performed so beautifully (no distress). I was stitched up, rolled back into my labor and delivery room, and I got to nurse her for a full hour. I was drifting in and out because of the drugs so I could barely pay attention to anything.

They wheeled me over to the recovery room where I've been for the past 2 days. I've had some unpleasant (thought normal) c-section recovery issues that I'm still working through. Riley's been eating and sleeping and pooping like a champ though so I can't complain. My OB had estimated her to be in the "high sixes or low sevens" in terms of weight so 8+ lbs was completely unexpected especially since I never looked that big. They told me the reason she never descended was probably because she was too big to fit through the inner part of my pelvis. Contrary to popular belief, visual evidence of "good birthing hips" means nothing! My future children will likely be delivered via c-sections too since subsequent children are generally larger.

My husband and I are completely satisfied with the decisions we made at each step of the way. I thought I would be really disappointed if my birth didn't go according to plan, but I am surprisingly ok with it. Obviously, if I had known the final outcome, I probably wouldn't have put myself through 35 hrs of labor or tried to go natural through most of it, but hindsight is always 20/20. What's most important is that Riley is here and healthy and I'm here and happy.

Hope the rest of you still pregnant ride out pregnancy, labor, and delivery smoothly!

Smc she is so precious I just want to eat those cheeks!

Congrats on a healthy delivery, even if it didn't go quite as planned sounds like you did a great job.
Congrats, SMC! What a cutie. I love that you ended up using Riley after all. Be sure to stay on top of your pain. I got a bit too lazy with my pain meds and really regretted it.

Neil, just waiting on you! :)
Congrats SMC!!! and welcome Riley. Wow you are one tough mama! Take care of yourself during the recovery. I had a very similar labor, just a couple hours longer, and thankfully my son made it out with an alleged vaccum assist and an episiotomy (they tried to use the vaccum but it wouldn't stick b/c he had so much hair :lol: ) but I remember how utterly exhausted I was after the whole ordeal.
Congratulations AMC and SMC! I chuckled at your conversation with the anesthesiologist :D What and alert, beautiful baby you have. AMC, I'm glad your birth went much better this time. I remember how traumatized you were before :)

AFM, Hello everyone, I'm 18, 19 weekish with my second baby. I had my anatomy scan today, and everything looks great. Four chamber heart, attached placenta, closed and long cervix, plenty of fluid, and good brain measurement :appl: I have been super worried about everything for this pregnancy, but I'm going to relax a little and join this thread.

By my O date, the due date should be July 2. My first ultrasound (NT scan) said June 28, so the doctor went with that. Today the baby's measurement put the due date on July 4. They aren't concerned about shifting due dates as long as the baby is growing well at each interval. DS was born 5 days early, so I don't think we'll have a holiday baby, but I thought that would be interesting! I'll personally consider the due date as July 2.
choro72|1423002973|3826842 said:
Congratulations AMC and SMC! I chuckled at your conversation with the anesthesiologist :D What and alert, beautiful baby you have. AMC, I'm glad your birth went much better this time. I remember how traumatized you were before :)

AFM, Hello everyone, I'm 18, 19 weekish with my second baby. I had my anatomy scan today, and everything looks great. Four chamber heart, attached placenta, closed and long cervix, plenty of fluid, and good brain measurement :appl: I have been super worried about everything for this pregnancy, but I'm going to relax a little and join this thread.

By my O date, the due date should be July 2. My first ultrasound (NT scan) said June 28, so the doctor went with that. Today the baby's measurement put the due date on July 4. They aren't concerned about shifting due dates as long as the baby is growing well at each interval. DS was born 5 days early, so I don't think we'll have a holiday baby, but I thought that would be interesting! I'll personally consider the due date as July 2.

Ah I'm glad you came, I'm all by myself here!

Did you find if its a boy or a girl??

AFM. I couldn't take it anymore, I had to start my leave now. I was like there's no way I'll make it to Monday, and I don't think I'll mind going back 3 days sooner if need be when my maternity leave is over.

Doctors appointment tomorrow. She isn't my normal doc, though so I don't know what shell suggest. I still don't want an induction, but then again, if I get to the weekend???
Congrats SMC!! Riley is a beauty!!! Sorry the birth didn't go as planned, but it sounds like you tried everything!

Also, congrats to AMC - I was on holiday and missed your announcement! Love the name choice as well.

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Induction tomorrow. :blackeye:

Having anxiety about it.

Still dont have a name but I think we've narrowed it down to two so that's something.
Hi everyone! Sorry for being MIA for so long, it's just been a whirlwind ever since our new LITTLEST man arrived! Nathan (Nate) Emmett arrived on 11 /1/14, 7.4 lbs, and is just a sweet little guy! Unfortunately, just a few days after we brought him home, L, my older son, got sick with the croup. Ped recommended keeping the kids separate, so I ended up going to my parents house and living there for a week. L had a bit of a difficult time adjusting to being a big brother. He is only 27 months, so there have been jealousy issues..things are getting better though in that dept. Then, around New Years, L got sick again with a cold, and then the baby ended up getting very sick, and needed to be hospitalized with bronchiolitis for 3 days. It was a nightmare! It was just one thing after another, and there were plenty of times that both my husband and I felt like we were just going to have a nervous breakdown!

So, now we are slowly trying to adjust still to being a family of 4. L is doing a lot better, and has accepted his little brother into the family. We still have to watch him like a hawk, because he is very impulsive, but it is definitely better. Ever since the kids have been sick, we've basically been hibernating bc I'm so paranoid about them getting sick again, so we all have cabin fever. Can't wait till spring!

Going from one to two kids has been a difficult adjustment for the both of us, but we are trying to deal. I'm going back to work in 3 weeks, which makes me so sad everytime I think about it, but it has to be done. My Mom will still watch the kids for two half days while I work, but we had to hire a babysitter for the third day. She came highly recommended to us by a friend, and she seems very sweet. She's a graduate student, and we are hoping it works out.. She will start when I go back to work at the beginning of March, and I'm so nervous. I know Im a bit of a control freak, so it really difficult for me to let go. Im so anxious about it....I think of all the things that could possibly go wrong when Im not there and it just kills me. Sigh.

Congratulations to all the mama's that delivered! I haven't been on here in so long so it's so nice to see that everyone is doing so well! Also, congrats to MP and the other newly pregnant mamas! I never thought I would actually say this, but I actually miss being pregnant so much! My pregnancy with N, besides the gestational diabetes, was so great and nothing compared to my first pregnancy where I was uncomfortable all the time.I am very lucky that I had two very easy c sections, my surgeries and recoveries has been wonderful.

Anyway,glad to be back! :appl:
Choro, I'm going to jump on over here with you now that I'm 16 weeks. So happy to hear all went well with baby girl's anatomy scan, and I hope you are finally able to relax a bit after everything you've gone through so far!

SMC, your daughter is so darling! Congrats!

Dani, glad to see you report back. Sorry to hear your adjustment to two hasn't been the easiest, but it sounds like you are hitting your stride now. The illness risk is one thing that scares me about having newborns with a toddler. Toddlers are just complete germ factories! Good luck with your transition back to work. I always think the anticipation and anxiety is worse than the actual transition.

Niel, good luck tomorrow! I was induced with my son, and while I didn't love the intensity and lack of spacing between pitocin contractions (although I have nothing to compare them too), everything went relatively smoothly. Good luck on choosing the name. Once you've name him, it will be his name, and I'm sure you won't look back.

AFM, I'm 16 weeks with twins, and I just found out yesterday that we are having a boy and a girl! Both babies are looking healthy so far and both are measuring 5 days ahead. Yikes! I haven't done much planning yet because I've been so nervous, but I guess we better start talking about what we need to buy and what we are going to need two of. My two-year old son is still in his crib, so we may end up just getting two more convertible cribs. And I suppose it's time to start brainstorming names. I think I'm still in denial they will actually be here in 5 months or less!
MP, that's so great....congratulations!! You are def going to be busy!!! Its so hard to prevent newborns from getting sick if they have older siblings. L doesn't even go to daycare, and he ended up getting sick and then getting the baby super sick. The one great thing is that your will not be having these babies during the height of flu season or in the winter, which is excellent! If we ever have another baby, I'm planning for a spring or summer baby for sure! It really makes a difference.
monkeyprincess|1423069918|3827257 said:
Choro, I'm going to jump on over here with you now that I'm 16 weeks. So happy to hear all went well with baby girl's anatomy scan, and I hope you are finally able to relax a bit after everything you've gone through so far!

SMC, your daughter is so darling! Congrats!

Dani, glad to see you report back. Sorry to hear your adjustment to two hasn't been the easiest, but it sounds like you are hitting your stride now. The illness risk is one thing that scares me about having newborns with a toddler. Toddlers are just complete germ factories! Good luck with your transition back to work. I always think the anticipation and anxiety is worse than the actual transition.

Niel, good luck tomorrow! I was induced with my son, and while I didn't love the intensity and lack of spacing between pitocin contractions (although I have nothing to compare them too), everything went relatively smoothly. Good luck on choosing the name. Once you've name him, it will be his name, and I'm sure you won't look back.

AFM, I'm 16 weeks with twins, and I just found out yesterday that we are having a boy and a girl! Both babies are looking healthy so far and both are measuring 5 days ahead. Yikes! I haven't done much planning yet because I've been so nervous, but I guess we better start talking about what we need to buy and what we are going to need two of. My two-year old son is still in his crib, so we may end up just getting two more convertible cribs. And I suppose it's time to start brainstorming names. I think I'm still in denial they will actually be here in 5 months or less!

Thanks. I was induced with M and it was terrible. So that's what's got me anxious
Ahh I have to catch up on this thread.

First congrats to all the new mama's and their gorgeous little ones. So happy for you guys SMC and AMC! :clap: I will be coming to you in about 3-ish months as I am scared out of my mind for giving birth.

Secondly Niel- I am sorry you are nervous about tomorrow. All I can say is that hopefully you will have a little one in your arms tomorrow and that everything will go smoothly.

Hi MuffDog :wavey: I think you and I are next on this band wagon… when are you due again!

Also hi choro and monkeyprincess! It's nice to see you both over on this thread… I remember how inspiring your stories were and I am so happy you guys made it over here!

AFM have my gestational test this Friday… I am not looking forward to it. I'm also super uncomfortable already… mostly because my back is killing me. He feels so big already I don't know where he is supposed to go after this point.
he is here. As I write this, still no name though. Fing finally

Long story short, about 10 hours of pitocin and 1 hours of pushing sans epi led to an emergency c section. Forgive me I'd my math is wrong I'm still a bit out of it. Baby boy born 10:25 at 9lb 8oz 21.5 inch...

Full story?
Yesterday we were scheduled around 8am for induction. This meant waking up at 6 to make sure we didn't get bumped and leaving around 645 to meet our 7:00 check in time. Check in was fine. Due to the lack of pitocin in the morning my drip didn't actually start till 9.
I was very concerned about the epi making the labor take longer,so I was not at all interested in getting one. I did not want a 30+ hour labor again. Plus, my doc and nurses were saying that I'd have to get the epi the same time they broke my water- if they were going to do that themselves, as "your body knows what its doing, it'll probably go very quickly once your water breaks, I don't want you to miss your window".
Due to a delivery they broke my water at 2pm rather than their planned noon.
I labored away until about 7 or 8 at which point my contractions were quick. Two close together than a break. I guess that means the baby isn't in the right position? Any who, they made me try all sorts of wacky positions. I was having a hard time but managed until about 9? My contractions were so bad I just had to push.
They had me push a few times, they could see the babies head... Then all of a sudden, you couldn't. Next time they wanted me to push they saw nothing. Checked my cervix and (forgive me I forget the term) it still hasn't fully dilated. I had a " lip" or something they kept saying around the front and back of the babies head. This meant no more pushing.
This did not sit well for my body. The contractions were basically constant for about a half hour or so where the nurses and the doctors just sat and watched, then checked to see if any chance was made on my cervix. I was screaming like a banchy at this point. I do feel badly for the new mother's in the other rooms having to listen to me curse while they we're planning their natural miricle of birth.
At one point I'm sure I was begging them to let me push and the doctor said they were concerned that something had prevented the baby from descending. This had happen with M, and so I was not surprised. I wanted the vacuum like last time but this doctor refused, I don't know why, I think because of a concern about a cervix tear? Any who they wheeled me off. It was hard to get the drugs for the CS as my contractions were strong and pretty much constant, but you have to stay still so there you go.
The c section took longer than I anticipated. They always say once they decide to do that it goes "pretty quick" but I reel like all the fluids and IVs and drugs I had to get took 10-15 minutes or maybe longer. My sense of time then wasn't great.
Threw up on the operating table from the drugs.....
Baby is healthy, like I said 9lb8oz. 21.5 lbs. He hasn't much hair but what he has is blonde. He looks nothing like a Marshall so we will see what we to with. We haven't told anyone yet as we don't want to announce without a name.
I'm genuinely annoyed at the way the l&d went down in some respects. The doctors kept saying "you've done this once your body will know what to do".... Yeah well, it didn't know what to do last time, and I clearly voiced my concerns about size vs my dilating fully and expressed my want for a scheduled c section. But I guess what can you do they don't like to give those out. Other than that I guess I can't complain. Healthy baby, happy husband. I can't wait to see my daughter I miss her like crazy.

AMC you were absolutely right. A c section is bad, but you feel less like you've died vs a long vaginal birth of a large baby. I do feel more connected to this little guy right away.
Niel!! Congratulations on the arrival of Mr. Nonameyet!!! Sounds like the delivery experience was a little annoying, especially since the end result was what you were asking for all along (minus the 10 hours of drugs and contractions!). However, the memory of that will fade over time at least. I'm so glad your healthy little guy is here.

PS this comment was my favourite: "A c section is bad, but you feel less like you've died vs a long vaginal birth of a large baby."

Hope the recovery goes smoothly for you!!
Huff26|1423085701|3827394 said:
Ahh I have to catch up on this thread.

First congrats to all the new mama's and their gorgeous little ones. So happy for you guys SMC and AMC! :clap: I will be coming to you in about 3-ish months as I am scared out of my mind for giving birth.

Secondly Niel- I am sorry you are nervous about tomorrow. All I can say is that hopefully you will have a little one in your arms tomorrow and that everything will go smoothly.

Hi MuffDog :wavey: I think you and I are next on this band wagon… when are you due again!

Also hi choro and monkeyprincess! It's nice to see you both over on this thread… I remember how inspiring your stories were and I am so happy you guys made it over here!

AFM have my gestational test this Friday… I am not looking forward to it. I'm also super uncomfortable already… mostly because my back is killing me. He feels so big already I don't know where he is supposed to go after this point.

HI Huff! I'm due May 4th - so just over 12 weeks to go I think! I have my GD test on Monday. I am feeling really tired and have a lot of pelvic girdle pain so I'm hobbling around which is painful and annoying. None of my clothes fit and I'm too cheap/lazy to go buy any more. It is a bit of a problem, actually. Hahaha.

The baby is moving around a lot which is comforting. We are still stuck on a name. We went on a short babymoon and did a bit of a round robin with my big list and got it down to a few (Mila, Parker, Serafina, Willa, Sloane) but I'm still having issues committing. Middle name is up in the air but "June" is a strong contender.

How is everyone else doing?
Congrats niel, (and AMC--sorry I missed your news earlier!)

MUff-Just popping in to say that I think Willa June is an elegant and adorable name. That gets my vote :love:
Just popped in the say we decided on Walter Francis. He looks a lot like M and a lot like a Wally, so for now he's wally. When he's old, if he continues to look like M, Walt will fit him perfectly
Niel|1423240539|3828325 said:
Just popped in the say we decided on Walter Francis. He looks a lot like M and a lot like a Wally, so for now he's wally. When he's old, if he continues to look like M, Walt will fit him perfectly
Niel, congrats on the baby boy and picking out a name! I'm sorry that your birth didn't go as planned and you were disappointed with the way that your doctors handled it, but at least the process is over and you can focus on being a family of 4.

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone! My family is finally home after a couple extra days in the hospital. Still trying to get this whole breastfeeding thing figured out and am getting some very sore nipples in the process.

I guess it's time for me to move over to one of the mommy threads now! Congrats to all the new posters who've popped up. May your pregnancies be smooth and uneventful and your babies happy and healthy.
Niel- Congrats! Sorry that the birth didn't go as smoothly as you would have liked. How is your recovery going? It's definitely interesting how method of birth can affect baby bonding. Glad to know I'm not crazy on that front.

AFM- I am pretty sure I've torn a suture and it is now infected. I'm going into the doc today. I talked to her on Wednesday and she put me on antibiotics- said if it wasn't better by this morning to call, so I did. It sucks because I was feeling pretty darn good until this happened.
AMC - did you get some meds for the infection? Feeling any better?

I had my GD test yesterday. Am I the only one who loves that orange drink? haha Of course it threw me into a brutal headache that I still have (24 hours later) and I want to chop my head off. How is it possible that tylenol is THAT ineffective for me?! I was up most of the night with it and now I'm really suffering.

My midwife appt went well. I'm 28 weeks and my uterus is measuring about on track (27.5 or something) so that is good news. I finally broke it to the midwife that I am likely going to want an epidural haha. In Toronto, it is really hard to get midwife care, so when I called in and asked for it, I said that I wanted a home birth because I was told they were more likely to accept me that way. I was accepted two days later. Of course now I'm having a hospital birth with an epi, but it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind, right?!

How are you guys all doing? Maybe everyone can pipe in with their EDD so we can get a sense of who is next/etc.??
Hi Everyone! I know it has been forever since I posted but I still see some familiar names. I have been browsing...congrats to the new mamas! My daughter is now 16 months and we are expecting #2 in June. They will be 21 months apart. This time we are not finding out the gender. In general, I feel good now that my morning sickness has resolved. Our biggest issue this time around is not being able to agree on any boy names. Suggestions appreciated!

I hope to stick around a little more this pregnancy.
Hiya EmeraldLover1 :wavey: :wavey:

Congrats on baby #2!! I'm glad the morning sickness has improved for you. That is such a rough time eh? Anyway - welcome!
Checking back in...needed a break after some stressful scans and screening results. Good news is, everything appears to be a-okay now.

Babies, babies, babies! Congrats to everyone's new bundles of joy.

AFM, 24 weeks, feeling mentally great but physically tired. Doing lots of swimming (laps and aquafit) which makes me feel awesome and sleep well. Still not decided on middle names for a boy or a girl...
I'm going to jump over here from the JBP thread. I'm 14w2d and well, I look pregnant. Enough to get called out by people. Plus I think everyone else jumped over too and I don't want to be lonely over there!

I will try and catch up with everyone when I have more time, but I hope everyone is having a great day!
Yay for a baby boom! Huge congratulations to Amc, SMC & niel!

Good luck to the rest of the mamas!

And yeah, I agree about delivery affecting bonding. Mine was rough (20+ hour labor followed by emergency csection) & I was pretty shell shocked after & in a lot of pain. (My incision still hurts 4.5 months postpartum). It took me a while to feel competent as a mom (& a human) after that experience.
Hi everybody!

Congrats again to all the new mamas… I can't wait to join you. This little boy is so active and big. I feel like a completely different person since I have been pregnant! He's started to kick by my ribs which is always a bit shocking.

Had my GD test done and everything looks good, which is a huge relief. Also had an u/s this week due to a little bleeding. Everything is fine and baby boy is even practicing breathing already!

Starting to get really nervous about labor. My husband was a huge baby and I was a huge baby… and I am not going to lie being torn from stem to stern doesn't sound appealing. I find myself wishing to do a c-section very badly. :(sad

How is everybody else?
Huff26|1423841587|3831865 said:
Hi everybody!

Congrats again to all the new mamas… I can't wait to join you. This little boy is so active and big. I feel like a completely different person since I have been pregnant! He's started to kick by my ribs which is always a bit shocking.

Had my GD test done and everything looks good, which is a huge relief. Also had an u/s this week due to a little bleeding. Everything is fine and baby boy is even practicing breathing already!

Starting to get really nervous about labor. My husband was a huge baby and I was a huge baby… and I am not going to lie being torn from stem to stern doesn't sound appealing. I find myself wishing to do a c-section very badly. :(sad

How is everybody else?

Will they be doing an ultrasound to gauge the size ?
To be honest… I don't really know. They have been checking my cervix every two weeks and say he is measuring right on target. It's not that I don't believe them, it's just that he already takes up so much room. My husband can see him kicking on the lower left sick of my abdomen but then on the upper right side see he pushing out at the same time. Maybe that's normal?
I guess I will bring up my concerns at the next appointment. They had to use forceps to get me out and I had the cord wrapped around my neck so I would be very afraid of that happening to G.
Did any of you experience these same fears or have a similar talk with your dr?