
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Huff, if I remember correctly, you are pretty small in terms of weight - maybe tall and skinny? That might be enough reason for your doctor to be on board for a scheduled c-section. I would ask. Tell him you know that you are likely going to have a big baby and you are so thin/small that you would prefer a scheduled c-section. Some doctors are more open to c-sections than others.
Huff26|1424195735|3833906 said:
To be honest… I don't really know. They have been checking my cervix every two weeks and say he is measuring right on target. It's not that I don't believe them, it's just that he already takes up so much room. My husband can see him kicking on the lower left sick of my abdomen but then on the upper right side see he pushing out at the same time. Maybe that's normal?
I guess I will bring up my concerns at the next appointment. They had to use forceps to get me out and I had the cord wrapped around my neck so I would be very afraid of that happening to G.
Did any of you experience these same fears or have a similar talk with your dr?

The feeling I'd your kid having no room is normal, I do believe.
Both of my kids were 9lb8oz when they were born. My daughter we had to use the suction to get out (and a episiotomy) , my son was an emergency c section. Neither time did my doctors have any idea of the size. Both times they assured me they were "normal sized".
I knew after M that my second was going to be just as taxing, but my doctor was not open to a c section at all. Of course with W I had one anyways. :rolleyes:

Conversely, a friend of mine was certain she was having a huge baby. I remember her concern at maybe 35 weeks or so " its already measuring at 5lbs!" Or something. Her child was born only a bit over 8lbs. I know many say that those anatomy scans are very accurate and that they often measure "exactly" how big the baby will be, but I did not find that to be the case.

Either way they will get that baby out of you, and if its rough then you can hold it over your kids head for the rest of his/her life ;)

You know your body. If you really think this child will be huge push for an ultra sound closer to your due date, at least.
Thank you Niel and JGator. I appreciate you responding to me and trying to alleviate my labor fears :)

To answer your question JGator, yes I am fairly small boned. I haven't had any opportunity to put on a lot of weight/recoup muscle since losing 15 lbs from the hyperemesis, so I know I look like one of the "lucky" ones who barely gained weight. But the truth is I would rather be at a healthier weight because I still feel just so drained all the time from our little guy. I will be bringing up the c-section at my next appointment. My Dr is very by the book so I don't know how she will feel about it. I really don't even like my practice because I feel like it's a baby mill.

Niel, I'm excited for him to be in my arms either way. I think I was just seeking some solace because it feels like our little guy has literally been sucking the life out of me. I am just so darn uncomfortable and can't imagine 11 more weeks. :(sad
Huff, I'm sorry you're feeling so drained and uncomfortable already. I've never had a problem gaining weight during pregnancy (I gained nearly 35 pounds with my son, and I'm already up 15 or so pounds at 18 weeks), but I'm still exhausted. There are just so many changes your body goes through. I do think it's normal to be feeling movements all over at this point. The baby still has enough room to stretch out at this point, but later on, he'll be all squished and the movements will be different. I'm guessing your doctor will reassess how things are looking as far as the baby's size and your ability to deliver later on in the pregnancy. My doctor freaked out a few days shy of my due date thinking my kid was going to huge and had me do an ultrasound to estimate his size. It came back that he was about 9 pounds, and she pretty much insisted that I get induced on my due date. My little guy weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz and was 21.5 inches tall. He certainly wasn't a small baby, but he not alarmingly big either. Hang in there! I know it doesn't feel like it now, but he'll be here before you know it and you'll have your body back!

Nothing too exciting going on with me. I'm 18 weeks as of today. I'm finally feeling little movements once in awhile now. I would've thought I would have have felt them earlier because there's two of them and I knew what to look for this time. For now I'm just enjoying the fact that I'm not super uncomfortable yet and still able to get pretty decent sleep, other than getting up 3-4 times a night to use the bathroom. But I'm really starting to pop. I think I am the size now that I was at 24 weeks or so last time. I'm going to be huge! I have appointments and ultrasound every two weeks, so I should get a quick peek at them tomorrow. My detailed scan isn't for another two weeks.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Huff, I feel your pain. I was just so huge this time around and looked full term by the time I was 30 weeks or so. I'm "lucky" in that I wanted a CS and was carrying a baby big enough to warrant it. Heck, even the perinatologist supported doing it at 38 weeks. I was one of those whose growth scans were right on. At 36w, he was measuring 8lbs4oz. They gain about half a pound a week at that point, and he was 9lbs2oz 11 days later. I am so thankful I didn't 1) have to go to 40 weeks, and 2) have a vaginal birth. You are your own advocate so really make sure your doc understands your concerns.
MP - Good to see you over here! Wow to having to get up so many times per night!! Are you able to fall right back to sleep? I've had some trouble lately getting back to sleep.

Huff - Definitely a good idea to have that discussion. Maybe there is a different practice to which you could transfer if you are not too happy with your current practice otherwise? Or it sounds like a large practice -- can you switch to one of the other drs there if your current dr is not amenable to considering a c-section?

AFM, I have not updated in some time. Will be 28 weeks tomorrow. Had my 1 hr glucose test which came back at 139. If 140, they would have required the 3 hour. The midwife nevertheless recommended a modified diet (above a certain number they always do.) She did not suggest, but I asked for the 3 hour test, which she agreed wouldn't be a bad idea -- would just give us more info. After I left the office, I questioned whether I should do the 3 hour test. It is arduous! I did it for my first pregnancy because the 1 hr must have been OVER 140. The midwife's advice will not change. She will still suggest the modified diet, which is interesting because with my first, being over the limit, but still being ok after the 3 hr, the ob did not suggest any diet modifications. The only difference if the 3 hr did show an issue would be that I would have to monitor blood glucose levels at home. So being overly-cautious as I am, I will probably do the 3 hr test just to be sure we are ok. Thoughts?
LV- I barely failed the one hour test- I got a 143. I passed the three hour. Personally, I'd probably skip the three hour test just because it really sucks.
LV - its up to you, but I'm sure there's already a buffer built into that 140 number. If 139 was at all dangerous, it would be the cut off, I bet
LV- I think the since the advice wouldn't change- you would just be eating a modified diet- that you should skip the three hour. It would give you more information but I think since you are planning on changing eating habits anyways it's not something you need to do. Would anything change in your mind if you go the test?

MP- I have a feeling those scans are a good bit of guesswork! I know I was large and I know my husband was almost 10lbs so I think it's just something I need to bring up with them. Hopefully they will be understanding. I want what's best for Gray but I also don't want to be as traumatized as some of the ladies I am friends with are about their birth. Maybe that's selfish of me? :confused:

amc80- Thank you! Yes people are asking me if I going to deliver soon. :( I think it's just because I look so tired and my bump just looks so out of proportion! I have gotten the twin thing a few times now :angryfire:

It's freezing outside here today. Our old little bungalow is struggling to keep warm so I'm buried in blankets working from home. What's everyone else up to in this cold weather?
Huff, that's not at all selfish to hope to avoid a traumatic birth experience, so I hope my comment didn't suggest that I think that. C-sections are certainly the necessary/better way to go for many situations, and having a baby that is too big for your frame is one of them. My sister's second child was just under 10 pounds, so that had me a bit rattled when my doctor started assuming my baby was going to be really big. I'm thankful he ended up being in the 8 pound range, but delivering him certainly wasn't an easy process. If he had been much bigger, I'm pretty sure I would've ended up with a c-section. I think you should definitely bring it up with your doctor. At this point, it might be too early to know how big he'll end up, and you don't even know what position he is ultimately going to settle into or whether he'll come early, so a lot is still up in the air, but I think it's important to discuss your concerns with your doctor. Take good care of yourself!

LV, argh, frustrating to be right on the border. Is there a way you can try the diet modifications and then do another one hour test after a few weeks? I passed the 1 hour test last time, so I have no idea what's involved in the three hour test or why it's so much worse. I do agree with Niel that they set the limit at 140 for a reason, and if 139 was a big concern, the limit would be lower. But you have to trust your gut on this and do what you think is best. Hope you are doing well otherwise.
Huff, good luck with asking your doc for the c-section. I was 8 lbs 11 oz, and I thought K was going to be over 8 lbs. The ultrasound techs all said she will be at least 8lbs, and she was exactly 7lbs with a small head (30%). So, I don't really buy into the accuracy of the scan measurements. But, I think with both you and DH being large babies, plus you having a small frame, you have a good case. And, in my case, the c-section I had was a breeze - K was breech so I didn't have a choice, but I was afraid of labor, and I was also relieved that I didn't have to go through it. You do have to be your advocate. Hang in there. I also felt a bit claustrophobic with my pregnancy, and I found that prenatal yoga and stretching a lot really helped my anxiety.
Thanks everyone for your advice. I guess the reason why I would want to do the longer test is to see if there really is an issue - in which case, I would and should be doing the checks at home. I think you test your blood after you eat, not sure it is every time, to make sure glucose level does not get too high?

The only reason the midwife agreed that I could and maybe should do the 3 hour is that I had already expressed concern about not getting enough protein (I do not eat meat, and the only fish I eat is salmon (Alaskan), which I am afraid to eat more than 1x per week due to mercury content.) AND, my first baby was 9 lbs 9.5 oz, which somehow indicates I may have had some blood sugar issue back then. I kind of don't get why babies are larger with moms who have gestational diabetes though. I haven't had time to research and didn't really ask yesterday. From what I read, the babies are forced to produce more insulin . . . but not really sure how that results in bigger baby. Also, I worry about what other variables come into play . . . what if I had eaten something different beforehand and then the test would have been higher or lower.

Of course, my daughter was perfect! She was long too, and perfectly proportioned when she finally came out. So, I am not sure if anyone takes into account her length or why I even think this is relevant to mention this at the moment.

MP - the reason why the 3 hr test is so much worse is because: (1) it's fasting, and (2) you have to drink the drink 3 times over a course of 3 hours, and they draw your blood (which you know I'm a pro at having done by now!) 4X. I got really uncomfortable/dizzy-ish by the end of it. I bring work with me on such occasions, and it is really super hard to focus, so it's a huge time drain too.
My doc had me do the 1hr test at my 12 week appt. I came back at 135 and they sent me a message saying my results were "abnormal" and I needed to do the 3 hour. I read through what was involved and then did a little googling that indicated 140 as the cut off (though some docs say 135). I'm basically refusing to do the 3 hr until they either give me a retest on the 1 hr (I had a sprite and a chocolate protein bar literally right before they sprang the test on me) or have a solid reason as to why 135 is not acceptable. I've been irritated about it for three weeks.
MP- No not at all! As a FTM I think a lot of me is just unsure about so many things. I want my baby to be happy and healthy, like everyone does! I don't want him or me to have a traumatic birth and there are just so many opinions about c-sections that I wanted to be careful I didn't offend anyone who was wanting to go natural. You are right in that it's still pretty early to be trying to guess his size and where he'll end up. I just wasn't sure when or where to start bringing it up with the dr.

JGator- Thank you for the luck! I will try some yoga and stretching to try and eliminate some of my claustrophobia. I think I am just getting to that nervous point and we are still so undecided on everything. :roll:

LV- That really is a hard choice. On one hand you are being very proactive about your health and the baby's-making sure there is nothing you should be doing differently. But on the other you did pass the test so you maybe putting yourself through undue misery-especially considering your last little one was so perfect. I don't have any advice for you because I don't know all the factors but I do wish you luck :)

April20- Woah! My office was super strict about everything for the test. They said not to eat anything carb-y or sugary within 12 hours of and the morning of I had two boiled eggs and held off on anything but water. And then during my test they also made me fast. That doesn't seem right at all because adding in the sugary drink and the sprite and chocolate protein bar would skew most people's results.
I know, right? They just sprung it on me at the appt and never even asked what I had eaten or had to drink. I KNOW my results are skewed. I have my 16 week appt next Tuesday. It's at a different clinic location and a different doctor but I'm going to bring it up. When I read that you have to carb load like 150 grams of carbs a day for four days for the 3 hr test, I was like HELL NO.
Interesting, April. So, just so we are clear -- you did an early glucose test, and there will be another one at 26 (possibly 25)-28 weeks. I intentionally went really close to 28 weeks because I didn't want to develop an issue AND have it turn up later and then be missed. I also did the early glucose test (at my place, they do them routinely for age 40+) and passed. They do the early tests to try and catch any outliers, I think. And, no one has ever told me what to eat or not eat for any of these, so I just try to stick with what I eat typically figuring that would give the most accurate result?

Huff - Yes, my daughter was perfect, but I think a little smaller would be ok too! Oh, and another thing people don't take into account is that she was 11 days past due date, so had that additional time to grow too. Grrr. If there's a way to overthink things, I will find it!!

As to your question, I remember having the same concerns (I was really concerned about shoulder dystocia given some prior reading I had done on that) and so asked one of my drs pretty early on whether he thought I could manage, and how do they deal with shoulder dystocia. I have been more on the natural side of things (for myself personally), but the more birth stories I have read over the years, I have to say, if you want a c-section and have reasonable concerns, as you do, then it is your right to at the very least have a conversation with your doctor about it, and depending upon her response, to seek alternate care if you think that is best for you. When is your next appointment?
LV, they didn't tell me if you take it again. They wanted me to do it at my very first appointment, but I didn't have the time, especially since there was no advance notice. I just really think my numbers are skewed with what I ate literally 20 mins beforehand. I was really feeling icky that day hence the Sprite and the chocolate peanut butter protein bar. Not my normal diet for sure! I'm also not so pleased that they're using a 135 cut off. And honestly, I kind of figured that if it was really critical, I would have gotten phone call rather than a computer generated message. I will see what happens on Tuesday. I am definitely going to ask for a re-test before I put myself through the three hour test if it comes to that.
Hi everyone! I'm jumping over from the Just Barely Pregnant thread. I'm 21 weeks today with boy/girl twins. They have in the last few days really started kicking up a storm in there, though the boy does seem slightly more active than the girl. This week they have all of a sudden started to feel so heavy, and I find myself walking in to a room and immediately scanning to find where I can sit down. I think I've gotten to the point where there is no denying I am pregnant, so I am enjoying the perks that come with that (people offering me their seat on the train, carrying boxes to my car etc). I could get used to this!

My tummy seems to get very tight and rock hard at night, and I can't possibly imagine how two babies are hanging out in there and still have so much growing to do. Poor little squished bubbas. Eeek!

I look forward to getting to know you all! :wavey:
tbaus|1424421831|3835260 said:
Hi everyone! I'm jumping over from the Just Barely Pregnant thread. I'm 21 weeks today with boy/girl twins. They have in the last few days really started kicking up a storm in there, though the boy does seem slightly more active than the girl. This week they have all of a sudden started to feel so heavy, and I find myself walking in to a room and immediately scanning to find where I can sit down. I think I've gotten to the point where there is no denying I am pregnant, so I am enjoying the perks that come with that (people offering me their seat on the train, carrying boxes to my car etc). I could get used to this!

My tummy seems to get very tight and rock hard at night, and I can't possibly imagine how two babies are hanging out in there and still have so much growing to do. Poor little squished bubbas. Eeek!

I look forward to getting to know you all! :wavey:

People are offering up their seats for you? Lucky. No one did that doe me.
Welcome tbaus! :wavey: Glad to know you are being treated well and are enjoying the perks of pregnancy! I think it's amazing you are having twins… it's always been a secret dream of mine. But now that I am carrying my little boy I am realizing that with my husband's genes they would never both fit!!

April20: I think that the whole test should just be thrown out. It sounds like they were just trying to get the test over for you for whatever reason- they definitely didn't follow protocol in my opinion. I hope they listen to you when you stick up for yourself.

LV: How did you manage??? I think that is one of my worst fears… going past my due date. I'm just not very good at being pregnant so the thought of two more weeks after my due date brings me to tears. Bless you for you patience.

AFM same story, different day. I'm mixing in some insomnia with everything else though so I am even more fun to deal with. :naughty: At least this weekend it is looking like we may finally get to go look at the house we having been waiting to be put for short sale on the market. Maybe if all goes well we could even have a nursery set up for G when he comes!
Tbaus- that's awesome that you're really feeling them! Maybe a dumb question but how can you tell which one is which when they kick? I'm assuming they perhaps stay in the same area or can they switch sides?

Huff, I hear you on the insomnia. I get it a bit already so I can only imagine it gets worse. I hope you get in to see the short sale house. We've never bought a short sale but we have purchased two foreclosures. I hear you need some patience with a short sale.

AFM: I hit the thrift and consignment stores today to try and find some more clothes. I ended up finding a jean skirt for $5 in one shop and two dresses (motherhood brand that look brand new) and a nice short sleeve sweater top (Gap) for $30 in the second shop. I also got an online order I placed - a top and a dress for $20. They're both good enough so I feel like I have some more basics now. I have a couple more skirts coming from Kohls and if they work I am really set, at least for now.

I took a pic today in the dressing room when I tried on the jean skirt because I was like holy crap how do I look like this at 15+4. I really didn't look like this 2.5 weeks ago. I'm attaching the pic for grins 'n giggles. Excuse my pants on the floor!

Huff - I started my maternity leave at 40 weeks, or maybe a few days prior. I rested A LOT, haha. I hope things go differently this time. I super-hope you don't go past your due date. Were you able to see the house?

April - You're adorable! Good for you for finding cute stuff while thrifting. I definitely need to buy more, but might just go up in sizes for some basics and hope for the best.

Tbaus - I wondered the same thing re: how can you tell which is which??


AFM - I spent 3 hours at the blood draw place yesterday. There were a group of pregos doing one hour tests, and they were quite chatty, so they helped pass the time. I really just want to be sure to rule out any issues, and let my potential worry make the decision. The tech thought I was CRAZY for doing the 3 hour test. Oh, and MP, I mis-recalled -- for the 3 hour, you only drink the drink 1X, and then you get your blood drawn when you first arrive (before the drink) and then each hour thereafter. You just really start to fade toward the end. I had wheat crackers, cottage cheese and water waiting for me in the car. Sooo good. Haha.

Anyone working on nurseries yet? Anyone getting (or have) a mamaroo? I go back and forth on whether I should get one of those or just get a swing. My daughter loved the swing.

28.5 weeks! :bigsmile:
Niel, that sucks no one ever offered you a seat on the train! Over here the walls are plastered with signs telling people to offer their seats to pregnant/elderly/people with babies. Doesn't mean it happens all the time, but believe me if someone was sitting in one of these priority seats and I had to stand they would be getting a big old belly shoved into their face for the entire trip!

Huff, thanks for the welcome! I had insomnia all of my last pregnancy, what a pain. Have you tried one of those relaxing CDs you can get? It seemed to help me. Good luck with the house. I can't imagine moving while pregnant but it seems quite common!

April- Cute bump! What a great idea to search the consignment stores for maternity wear. At the moment I have only bought a few pieces from Target. Today I wore a very stretchy skirt that I had pre-preg and what was once a loose floaty linen top- not any more! It definitely made me realise though that I will have to go on a clothing mission soon, but secretly I am hoping to get away with some super stretch dresses for another 5 weeks until I finish up at work. As for yours and LV's question about how I can tell which baby is which: Well, really I am just assuming at this point. :oops: Every scan I've had the boy has been on the right, girl on the left. All the doctors seem to be fairly certain that they won't swap places due to the the position they are in. So I guess every time I feel a kick in the bottom left I assume it's baby girl, bottom right I assume is baby boy. Since last time baby girl has piped up a bit more though.

LV- Here in Australia they have scrapped the 1 hour glucose test because apparently too many people were failing it. So now we have a 2 hour test and, failing that, the three hour test. I went for an early glucose test last week at 20 weeks since I am higher risk for GD (history of PCOS, insulin resistance, having twins and a father with type 1 diabetes). They told me if I pass this one then I will still have to do it again at 28 weeks. Well, I was just the biggest baby because I was so hungry from the moment I woke up, and then drinking that sugar stuff just made me feel even more sick. I messaged my husband and said I hope I do fail it just so I don't have to go and do the test again in a few weeks time! When do you get your results? And no, we haven't started our nursery yet because we need to clear all the junk out of their room first.

AFM, we had quite a productive weekend. Thursday was DH's 30th birthday so we had dinner with both our families. Other than that I all of a sudden had a burst of energy and had DH helping me clean out the pantry, the fridge, wipe out all the kitchen cupboards and start on the linen closet and the two spare rooms. This was on top of all the regular weekly cleaning. We also got a new king size bed which feels like a dream, although DH complains that between the size of the bed, and my pregnancy sleeping pillow he can't get anywhere close to me! It is obviously doing some good for me though, last night I slept all the way through! No toilet breaks at all for me! Hurray!! :dance:
Loves Vintage|1424628548|3836492 said:
Huff - I started my maternity leave at 40 weeks, or maybe a few days prior. I rested A LOT, haha. I hope things go differently this time. I super-hope you don't go past your due date. Were you able to see the house?

April - You're adorable! Good for you for finding cute stuff while thrifting. I definitely need to buy more, but might just go up in sizes for some basics and hope for the best.

Tbaus - I wondered the same thing re: how can you tell which is which??


AFM - I spent 3 hours at the blood draw place yesterday. There were a group of pregos doing one hour tests, and they were quite chatty, so they helped pass the time. I really just want to be sure to rule out any issues, and let my potential worry make the decision. The tech thought I was CRAZY for doing the 3 hour test. Oh, and MP, I mis-recalled -- for the 3 hour, you only drink the drink 1X, and then you get your blood drawn when you first arrive (before the drink) and then each hour thereafter. You just really start to fade toward the end. I had wheat crackers, cottage cheese and water waiting for me in the car. Sooo good. Haha.

Anyone working on nurseries yet? Anyone getting (or have) a mamaroo? I go back and forth on whether I should get one of those or just get a swing. My daughter loved the swing.

28.5 weeks! :bigsmile:

Hey LV - We are not doing a new nursery for this LO - just re-using our son's. It is a little boy-ish but I'm not about to reinvent the wheel you know? As for the mamaroo - I think it depends what you are looking for. If you are using it as a place to put the baby while you are busy making dinner, fine. If you are looking for something that will help your fussy baby go to sleep, I think you should go with the swing. The mamaroo just doesn't go fast enough IMO.

We are starting on my son's 'big boy' room next weekend though. It is sad because it means that I lose my dressing room (we have storage issues so I turned a bedroom into a walk in closet). I was hoping to put off the tear down until later, but I've started to feel the third trimester anxiety about preparation so we are just going to get moving on it.

Girls - the first time I was preggo, this thread did a pretty active HDBD (hump day bump day) where everyone showed belly pics on Wednesday. Anyone interested? You can cut off your face in the pic if you want! Let me know :-)
LV, well, better safe than sorry, and I'm sure you feel better having done the test. When will you get your results? I hope they are reassuring. I'm still not that far along at a day shy of 19 weeks, so I've done very little planning. I couldn't sleep the other night and was looking at baby sites for bedding ideas. Can't decide if I'll do matching gender neutral bedding or try to find boy and girl bedding that would blend together. I found some cute pink/blue bedding on Land of Nod that at's that the top of my list right now (attached). I think we'll keep babies in the same room if possible to keep our guestroom, but who knows how that will all play out. Is it just me or are any of you other second time moms, just not as into planning this time around? I feel like I worried about all the little details last time, and nothing quite went as expected, and we just did what we had to survive. I'm also not one to get too carried away with nursery decorating and prefer to keep the room pretty basic with cute little touches rather than a whole themed room.

Muff, I remember your nursery situation from last time. You were on a decorating show or something right? That's too bad you have to lose your dressing room!

Tbaus, how are you still fitting into normal clothing? Maybe it's just the way I carry, but everything is so round (actually more oddly blockish shaped) and out in the front already. I could probably squeeze into some normal shirts, but I feel like the maternity ones have much better stretch that is so much flattering on me and makes me look pregnant and not just fat, because it actually gives distinction between my chest (which grew so much bigger and faster this time around) and my belly. It's too cold for dresses here right now, but I'm hoping that will be a good option come spring/summer.

Oh, and on the movement thing. I know what you're talking about. I'm still not feeling tons of movement, but based on what they've pointed out to me at ultrasounds, the boy is down low by my cervix and the girls is above him. If I feel kicks down low, I assume it's the boy, and up high, the girl. At the ultrasounds, the boy has been much more chill, and the girl is frantically kicking and moving all over the place. I don't think she likes being poked and prodded much :)

You're looking great, April! Sounds like you found some good deals!

Huff, I hear you on the insomnia. I don't seem to have any trouble falling asleep, but I wake up to go to the bathroom a lot and am having trouble gearing back down, or I'll wake up at 4 or so and not be able to fall asleep, and then I'm dragging all day. I have chronic insomnia though, so it's nothing new for me. My doctor has told me I can take unisom when I need it.

Okay, that got way longer than I intended. But how are people coming on names? DH is incapable of having a serious name discussion, so I'm pretty sure we won't have names picked out until the end. I'm stuck on a set of names I have in my head, and I can't really imagine using anything else, but DH is not really on board yet, or at least says he needs to think about it, which means he doesn't love them. We had it easy with my son because it was a family name that we both loved and just assumed we'd use.

April20: You look great! Your bump is very pretty if you don't mind me saying so! Mine is very lumpy and has a strange shape to it. :roll: I went to a couple of thrift stores around here but they didn't really have very much. I wound up buying a couple of pieces on Ann Taylor Loft's 60% off sale to try and get me through. Otherwise it's mostly pjs and I still haven't gotten maternity jeans. I think I am going to go to Old Navy and just get a pair though. How are you feeling this week?

LV: I just can't even comprehend going past my due date. :shock: I would just…. I just… no?!? But in all seriousness I only get 4 weeks of paid maternity leave and then up to three weeks of personal vacation. I don't want to use all of my personal vacation so I will probably only take a week. I work from home and so does DH so I am desperately hoping we will be able to manage for a few months. Right now every cent I make is going towards savings and baby/house stuff so I am trying to work for as long as possible.
I'm glad you got your test done just to be on the safe side. The anxiety is no fun and it will hopefully make you feel so much better. We haven't started on Gray's nursery yet just because we are not sure about where we are going to be living. I did order his crib over the weekend and we have a dresser but that's about it.

Tbaus: I haven't tried any cd's for my insomnia just taking Benadryl on the nights I know I really need the rest. That's awesome that you got a new bed! I am so jealous!!! I have a good friend that works at a mattress place and we bought a king size last year. The space is amazing but I hate how hard it is. Oh well, my husband sleeps well and he honestly gets way more grumpy than I do when he doesn't get sleep!

MP: We kinda had Gray's name picked out before he was born. He will have my husband's middle name but I got to pick the first name. It's weird but I think I have four names or so picked out (2 boys, 2 girls) that I love and we will use if ever have more. Though not the middle names!!! Who knows though our minds may change.

AFM: We did get to see the house this weekend!! YAY! And it's pretty much what we hoped for. The house is a short sale though so I am not sure how long it will take. It needs some drywall patching (the owner had a hot temper and punched some holes in the wall... :? ) and desperately needs some work in the kitchen too. But all of it is very manageable once we can get in it. I am a little frightened after googling short sales though and seeing them take 4-5 months. I can't imagine be able to stay at our current place with an infant. The main problem being that again we work from home so noise separation when the baby is crying might be a real issue. Oh well… hopefully we will have the magic dust and be able to get the house before May.

Oh and is anyone thinking of getting a glider/or purchased one? I am so unsure of what to get. On one hand, I want to get a good one that will last and I love the look of PB. On the other hand, it's PB and paying 1k plus for a rocker just seems crazy. Has anyone tried or owned one of the ones from BRU or Target? Or does anyone have any recommendations?

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Names: My DH pretty much won't have a serious discussion. He keeps throwing suggestions out that are just ridiculous. I'm also still trying to talk him into not finding out the sex, so at this point, I've decided that talking about names is pointless. I'm also not keen on sharing them, so if we don't have a decision, we don't have anything to share. Sometimes I'm evil like that.

Glider: I want one, but I'm cheap. So I'm going to go the Craigslist route. I took a peek around online the other day and new they're $300 and up. On CL, they're like $100. I don't see using a glider for the long haul, so I really don't want to put a ton of money in it.

We're not doing a nursery either (remember that cheap thing I was talking about?). We just redid the guest room last summer and I purposely did it so that a crib would fit right in without having the change anything yet. It's got gray walls, white furniture and yellow/black/gray accents. I figure if it's a girl, I can get away with never changing a thing. If it's a boy, eventually I would probably change the curtains and sew some new accent pillow covers.

Happy Monday- hope everyone is doing well today!
MP, my boobs haven't grown at all! I am already a DD though so I'm not complaining. I did lose a fair bit of weight before I got pregnant the first time around and I never really got around to updating my wardrobe since ideally I would like to lose more. So now I am fitting into some of my bigger clothes. I do agree that the maternity dresses are more flattering, but I guess I'm just being too cheap to go and get some more. I'll try and post the photo of what I wore yesterday and you can see what I mean about the loose linen floaty top not being very loose or floaty anymore. I used to save this particular top for really hot days like we are having this week (40 degrees celcius). I guess you could say I'm in denial, because sometimes I really don't realise exactly how big I am!

As for names, we have a few we have thrown around but nothing concrete yet. I think we'll end up going in with a few boys and girls names and hopefully one stands out once we meet them. I am irrationally angry though that my surname starts with B, and so one of my favourite boy names (Benjamin) is out of the question.

Huff, could you maybe get a mattress topper for your bed to make it less hard? They re fairly inexpensive here. We actually bought a latex topper for our old bed last year to tide us over until we had saved up enough for a totally new mattress and it made a world of difference. I've always liked a firm mattress but I think our last was too firm. This one we've just bought is quite a bit softer, but I really really look forward to bed time these days. Since everyone says as I get bigger I will find it harder to sleep I am really enjoying my full nights rest atm!

Hope everyone is having an enjoyable start to the week!
Trying to attach photo of me at 21+4 with twins in what was pre-pregnancy a loose and floaty top :errrr:

This was after work, so excuse the unavoidable creases in my linen top. It was a hot and sweaty day!

Muff, I guess I'm a day early posting my hump day photo? It is Tuesday afternoon here already, so I hope I'm forgiven :saint:

Tbaus: You look great!

Okay, so I had my 16 week appt today. I saw a different doc (and I loooooved him). He pulls up my records and goes, "So, what did you eat right before that glucose test. Your number is right at the cut off. You had to have eaten something to get that number". So I told him I wasn't expecting to take the test and that I had had a chocolate covered protein bar and a Sprite like immediately before. He started laughing. He told me to come see him for my 24 week appt and to fast so we get an accurate number. I feel really vindicated! He also said if I had any questions to email him directly and skip calling the nurses or using the patient portal. He was really chill and just kind of cool. I'm going to try and make all my appts that I can with him, though who delivers is a total crap-shoot. Also, they found the HB immediately with the doppler, so that made me feel good too.

Happy Tuesday everyone!