
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Huff, definitely time to start getting the essentials. Sounds like you are getting some great deals. I used to have BRU coupons all the time, but I'm not getting them anymore. I better start accumulating them before we make our big purchases. I need to get two cribs, a dresser, one carseat, and another stroller! Glad you will be talking to your doctor about your concerns. Hang in there!

Muff, good luck with the transition. My son will be 2.5 next month, and he's still in his crib. We might just leave him in there until after the babies come because I'm not sure I'm ready to tackle the transition yet, plus he seems ro really like sleeping in his crib and makes no attempt to get out. And I always think the same about other people's pregnancies. They seem to fly by. Actually, I have to agree with you that it seems like time is going pretty quickly for me this time too, especially because with twins, average gestation is like 35-36 weeks, so they'll most likely come early. I'm not anywhere near prepared.

LV, wow, only just now looking pregnant? I'm jealous. You must be one of those that have a build/frame that carries it well. I'm painfully obviously pregnant at 21 weeks! I have a short torso, and there is nowhere for it go but straight out! And yes, DH and are completely immature and uncomfortable with role playing type things or watching others take it too seriously :) I was also induced with my son, so I have no idea what it would be like to go into labor on my own. With twins, it all depends on how they end up position-wise and whether I'll need a c-sectoin, but I would love to go into labor on my own this time and not have to deal with the pitocin. My son is only 2.5, but it feels so long ago that I went through all of that or had to care for a new baby. I feel like I've forgotten everything!
I really wish I could leave him in the crib. However...he is changing rooms and to buy a temporary crib would make my husband crazy. If Luca were younger, I would definitely insist on it, but my sleep specialist that I used for him said 3 is the magic number. We'll see!!

Okay - HDBD is here! Here's me - 32w2d:

MuffDog|1426003438|3844933 said:
LV - I'm on the two week schedule now. So yeah - I'm annoyed every two weeks. :-) What strollers are you looking at?

April20 - I'm always impressed by the team green people. If your DH is concerned about the colour of the gifts, what about telling ppl no gifts until after the baby is born? Also - unless you have a massive clothing shower, most of the gifts would be 'stuff' that neutral works for right? Stay strong - my sister was team green and seeing her husband run down the hall shouting "IT'S A GIRL!!!" was awesome - I can only imagine how exciting it was for them!!

MP - I can't believe you are already at anatomy scan time!! Jeez - my pregnancy is dragging on and yours is SUPER FAST. Funny how that works!! I down a lot of tums every day. I like how they tasted and how immediate they are.

We spent the weekend starting to put together Luca's big boy room. The bed is assembled with sheets/etc and he seems to think it is cool. Just need to figure out the rest of the furniture layout and get rid of the junk that is in there (all my junk of course). I'd like it finished by the end of the month so he has about a month to transition in.

Any tips from moms who have done the transition to a big boy bed?

Do ypu have the kind of crib that has the removable sides?

My dd was crawling out of her crib at maybe 2? Maybe even before. Anyways, we weren't ready to move her to a normal bed yet as we were going to do it when we moved her to her new room. Anyways, we just removed the front of the crib, that way she could come and go as she pleased. Stuffed a pool noodle under her sheets to prevent her from rolling off. She took to it really easily. Then when the new baby was about here and we had to move her to her big girl bed she had absolutely no problems. She didn't fight it.
Looking so great, Muff! I think you're smart to make the transition now. We're probably crazy for buying two more cribs (I'm guessing we'll try to find a less expensive option than we did for the other one), but since my son's crib is convertible, we figure he'll be able use it as a toddler bed for a couple more years, and if we really want to, we can convert it to a full bed. Good luck with the transition!

Niel, great suggestion on how to transition. Maybe I should consider trying that and seeing how he does. He has a habit of waking up in the middle of the night once a week or so, standing up in his crib, and saying "Mommy, Daddy, Mommy, Daddy." Right now, we're able to just get on the baby monitor and say, "Lay down. Night night time," and he'll go right back to sleep. I'm afraid of what will happen if he's not contained in a crib on those nights. We're so lucky he hasn't figured out that he could try to climb out of the crib yet. He's never been much of a climber.
You look great Muff!

I don't know anything about the crib transitioning thing, but it sort of sounds challenging. I hope all of you get it worked out!

I just got home from a road trip. My g-father is in ICU so I drove up to my home city yesterday. He was stable after surgery, so I really just went to cheer him up and support my g-mother. They ended up ventilating him overnight to try and keep things at bay (not actually a breathing problem but him hacking away was causing other issues). I think they're doing surgery AGAIN over the weekend to try and get a better fix. I was only planning an overnight, so needless to say, I drove back home today to take care of some work and get more clothes. I'm going to drive back up Friday and probably stay until Monday. DH might go with me, but if he does, we will have to take two cars since I want/need to stay longer than he can. It's only a 4 hour drive, but still, I'm tired!

I don't have a HDBD pic, but my mom tells me this morning that I look bigger than she expected. That I look bigger than my SIL (who's 8 weeks ahead of me). Then she said, "but yours is all belly. She's chunkier than you are". Um, thanks I guess? Moms.
monkeyprincess|1426106781|3845726 said:
Looking so great, Muff! I think you're smart to make the transition now. We're probably crazy for buying two more cribs (I'm guessing we'll try to find a less expensive option than we did for the other one), but since my son's crib is convertible, we figure he'll be able use it as a toddler bed for a couple more years, and if we really want to, we can convert it to a full bed. Good luck with the transition!

Niel, great suggestion on how to transition. Maybe I should consider trying that and seeing how he does. He has a habit of waking up in the middle of the night once a week or so, standing up in his crib, and saying "Mommy, Daddy, Mommy, Daddy." Right now, we're able to just get on the baby monitor and say, "Lay down. Night night time," and he'll go right back to sleep. I'm afraid of what will happen if he's not contained in a crib on those nights. We're so lucky he hasn't figured out that he could try to climb out of the crib yet. He's never been much of a climber.

Yeah my dd gets up at night and comes into bed so I get your concern. I tell her to go back to bed, and as long as ita nighttime, she does.

Problem is now I'm so sleepy she wakes up in the mornings and goes about her business. Today I woke up she had dropped an egg out of the refrigerator. :rolleyes:
Its my fault though, she comes to my room first to try and wake me up but the baby has me up all night so ita hard to wakeup at 6 when she comes calling lol.
Catching up on this thread- loving all the baby bump pics! You all look amazing.

Muff, you look great for 32 weeks! Gosh, it is so hard to not compare myself to others now, I really am feeling huge but trying to embrace it. And I love the name Luca by the way. How frustrating that your appointments keep getting cancelled. Good idea on requesting a new back up midwife.

Huff, it sounds like you can get some great bargains over there! Ausssies are not big on coupons and the like. We are on the hunt for a double stroller at the moment and it is actually so much cheaper in the states that I am considering buying one from over there and getting it shipped over to me. It would still be cheaper!

LV, glad your GTT came back normal. I can't believe how far along you are and only starting to show! Not long to go now!!

MP, your DH sounds exactly like mine. His smart little comments is one of the reasons I am hesitant to book in a class. Three kids in cribs, wow! Have you looked at ikea? I know they are not the best looking cribs but from the research I've done people seem to be happy with them. The room we have assigned for the babies is quite small so we don't really have many options in terms of furniture. I think we will be able to fit two ikea cribs side by side as they seem to be slightly shorter than the others we have looked at. And a bonus is saving on the actual crib means we can spend more on the mattresses, which is more important I think. Oh, and I'm so happy to hear everything went well at your anatomy scan!

April, not long to wait for your anatomy scan! And those kicks will be coming thick and fast before you know it. Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can, I say! A four hour drive would tire me out pre-pregnancy! Glad to hear your grandfather is okay.

I hope I didn't miss anyone??

AFM, 23+6 today. I have had a busy two weeks with work which has totally drained me. I also turned 30 last week and so we had a few late nights celebrating both DH and my birthday, which are within 10 days of each other. During this time I also was dealing with some unexpected feelings that I did not prepare for with these babies officially surpassing the gestational age of our first baby who we had last year at 21w6d. I honestly wasn't expecting to react in the way I did, and so it was like being hit by a truck and totally blindsided me. It also made it feel more real for both DH and I, as we had both held William in our arms it was hard two imagine TWO babies the same size growing inside of me. It was really rough.

On a more positive note, I know that these two are alive and kicking now because they move around so much. DH can feel them (though they do seem to get shy every time he puts his hands on my belly) and a few times I have even seen the movement. Any time I start to worry that I haven't felt them I just drink a glass of iced water and wait for the party to begin. Oh and I have also decided to stop working in 3 weeks time!! I will be 27 weeks by then, and after the two week school break I would be 29 weeks so it just doesn't make much sense to work any more, especially since I would have to leave mid-term which doesn't seem fair to the kids or my employer.
I forgot to post my bump pic.

tbaus - you look fantastic! Great shaped bump :-) I can't believe there are two in there!!! Hey - so for your stroller, depending on the brand, I'd suggest just buying it locally. I bought my stroller from the US (I'm in Canada) because it was much cheaper, but it is a hassle for warranty purposes. For example, my stoller (an Uppababy) had something funny about the canopy, and Uppababy was happy to send a new one, but would only send it to the US because that is where I bought it. That is fine for non urgent stuff as my dad has a place in the US in the winter, but if it were something more serious, it would be a massive pain.

Given how much you will use the stroller, I'd just payfor the local one.

And to those of you who are looking at Ikea cribs, many designers SWEAR by them!! A Canadian designer (Sarah Richardson) uses them all the time in her nurseries. The Gulliver I think.

Niel - that is a concern of mine - I'm so used to not worrying about L at night that once the baby comes, I can't imagine having to wake up for TWO of them!

MP - I've also heard that starting the transition with naps can work. I'm going to do that but first need to finish the room (well, the basics) so that we have black out blinds in there etc. I'm actually dreading it - he is SUCH a good sleeper in his crib.

Sniff sniff...I guess he had to grow up some time!!

April20 - I hope your grandfather responds well to the treatment/surgery and recovers well. It is nice that you are able to go spend time with him and your grandmother too...but you have to take care of yourself!! Don't push yourself too hard and make sure you take breaks when you are driving. PS why are moms SO COMFORTABLE making comments like that?! My MIL does it all the time and compares me and my SIL (so both daughers-in-law to her). I remember with my first pregnancy she kept asking me how much weight I'd gained. Um....F off, thank you very much.
April, OMG, my mom hasn't seen me (other than on Facetime) since Christmas, but I know if she did, I would be getting comments too. Last time I was pregnant, she came to visit when I was like 31-32 weeks or so, and she kept saying, "That is going to be one big baby" or comments like that, and she had no idea why that would offend me. She was like, I didn't say you were big, it's all the baby, you're skinny everywhere else. Not sure how they forget that the last thing a pregnant person wants to hear is how big she looks or how big the baby is going to be! Best wishes for your grandfather!

Tbaus, you look awesome! Seriously! You appear to have a longer torso than I do, so you are carrying it much more attactively. I'm carrying kind of high, so there is no separation between my massive chest and belly anymore! That's great you do not have to work too much longer. I'm sure the rest will do you good. And I can imagine why you would be having all sorts of mixed emotions about your babies passing William's age. You're grateful they are both thriving, but it doesn't take away the loss of your first baby, and I'm sure you'd do anything to have all three of them. Big hugs to you. My twins are big movers and shakers too, particularly my little girl who is on top of her brother right now. I literally saw her to do a somersault or something crazy last night, I saw the big bulge form and felt her flip over or something. It was crazy, and I can also already feel some of the kicks on the outside. She's very active at night. I can feel the little guy when I'm sitting at my desk at work squirming around and tickling my hip bone. I do wonder what it's like in there with two growing babies fighting for space, and to think of how much bigger they are going to get!
Not to be all about MuffDog right now but i just got back from my midwife appointment and they've determined the baby is transverse. Going for an ultrasound tomorrow to confirm.

Anyone have any experience with this or with moving a baby from a 'bad' position to a 'good' one?
MuffDog - How did your u/s go? Did your midwife provide any guidance re: helpful exercises? I am in a similar boat -- midwife thinks baby is breech. This site seems useful: My midwife basically suggested the knee-chest position and lots of stairs, walking and lunges to get the baby to move, and we'll see where we are in two weeks. My concern is that I really can't tell what this baby is doing. He moves a lot, and I do feel like he rotates A LOT, but perhaps he is not doing somersaults?!? I don't know. What if he moves into the correct position, I keep lunging, and then he moves again.

Anyway, curious how you are doing and what has been recommended?

Oh, and strollers -- I think I want a Bob, but then there are so many models, and then when I go on amazon, I start seeing strollers like this one that seem so cool: Would this be ok on gravel? I don't know, I just feel like I have so much less time to research this time around!! We have a Bumbleride Indie, which seems to have fallen out of fashion? That's not why I want to replace it, though. I would still use it, but for the fact that the braking is compromised, which happened when I backed over the stroller in our driveway! Baby was in the car already!! And, frankly, I do want to get some new stuff too. I think I am past the mamaroo, though, which is good, and will just get a swing, which my daughter used to LOVE.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I hope to post more later.

ETA: MP re: my not looking pregnant -- I tend to wear a lot of open cardigans with long tops underneath. Then I wore a true maternity top to work (with the whole empire cinching at the top) and people were like -- whoa, you finally look pregnant! haha. I certainly think I look pregnant, and my daughter thinks it's hilarious when I show her my profile and tell her to look. She is like - that is a big BIG belly. Soooooooo cute!
LV- well I went to the ultrasound and of course the baby had moved to head down. haha. Since then she has moved back transverse, but at least I know she can still do some flips in there!!

I was told to go onto Spinning Babies website and do the exercises. The one I did the night before the U/S was the inversion - basically on your knees on the couch, and lean forward until your forearms are on the floor. Hold for 30s-1m. 3 times a day. However there are different moves for breech so check it out.

For the stroller, we have an Uppababy vista and that thing is a bit of a tank. Sometimes I wish that I had something a bit smaller, like a Bugaboo for getting around the city/in stores/etc, but after the past winter we had with all the snow, I'm glad I had something a bit sturdier.
Muff - Well that's great that she moved to head down! How do you know she is back to transverse? That's what I'm worried about. He can correct himself, but then what if he moves again!! And, I can't tell . . . he moves SOOOO much, and it's not like little kicks or jabs, there's a lot of turning! Thanks for that link!!
New question -- anyone planning to do newborn photos? We did for my daughter. Prices seem to have gone up!! I think I found my ideal photographer, however. Just emailed her.

My boy twin (twin B) was transverse at 35 weeks. They did not think he would flip so late in the game, so I did have a C section. I have had both types of deliveries and I actually preferred the C.

Hi to everyone else! You all look fantastic!
LV and Muff, hope your babies stay (or get in) head down position! I have no clue what my little monkeys are doing right now but I figure they still have plenty of time.

Laila, interesting to hear your perspective on c-sections. This whole time I've been really worried I'll end up needing one because it seems more common with twins and I worry it would be challenging to try to heal with twins. But it's good to know it might not be the worst thing in the world.

Hope everyone else is doing well! Nothing new with me. I have my next appointment tomorrow, and I'm anxious to see the babies again.
It's official - my rings no longer fit comfortably. And given that they are mostly eternity bands, I decided that they have to come off now (because I'd be close to wanting to chop my finger off before cutting a ring!).

Sad day ;-)

I just gorged at lunch (oops). Wanted KFC (it is my constant craving) but decided to be smart and go to a buffet place to get a chicken and avocado wrap. While it was being toasted, I looked over to the buffet and saw they had fried chicken. So I got a drumstick to go with my wrap.

And then I ate a billion mini eggs.

And 3 tums.

Most of the baby's development is done by now right? I'm not stunting her growth - just adding to my own layer of fat? ;-)
Hope everyone is having a great Saturday.

I just had to pop in and share this. I've been looking for a glider on Craigslist. I found an ad for a closeout warehouse that had gotten a shipment of furniture and they seemed to have several all in the $100-150 range with the ottomans and they were all brand new. So I convince DH to stop by today. Yeah. We get there and it's an industrial strip mall. The place has no signage, but they thankfully put the suite number in the listing. There's a garage sale sign taped to the open door. It is WALL TO WALL JUNK. DH said it looked like a hoarder's house. BUT, I got a brand new white glider with dark gray cushions that was in the box for $100 less than I would have been online or in the regular stores. I took a pic of one side of the place. You have to see it to believe it. You don't go to this place to browse. You better know exactly what you're there for!

April- that's crazy! What a mess. Glad you got a good deal, though.

Speaking of good deals- if anyone is planning to formula feed, have you heard of the Baby Brezza Formula Pro? It's an amazing little machine that dispenses mixed water and formula, heated to the perfect temp. Anyway, it's normally $159 but is on sale for $99 on Baby Brezza's website.
April - That is crazy! But, I totally respect efforts at finding a good deal!

MuffDog - Have you had any more midwife appointments? In which direction do you think baby is today?


I am so tired today. I feel like I never complain during pregnancy, but I just find it so hard to concentrate at work on little sleep (4 hours). My daughter had a rough night sleeping, so I got up when she woke me up and could not fall back asleep. I have had a hard time sleeping for a few months now. NOT my norm. I ordered a new mattress (from a local manufacturer - so neat!) They are making it right now, and it should arrive by end of week. I also scheduled a pregnancy massage with a specialist who is supposed to be wonderful. I may go weekly if she can help me sleep!! I am serious about my sleep!!

Had a midwife apptmt yesterday. She thinks baby has corrected his position, which I am very happy about!
Hi everyone-

Just wanted to to give you guys a quick update. I am sorry for not posting. Last Tuesday, on St.Patty's day, I had my little boy eight weeks early. I had a placental abruption and almost bled out. I spent two days trying to hold back contractions so that we could get the steroid shots to give our little boy some extra help with his lungs. I had him c-section and they immediately took him to the ICU NICU.

I guess I am no longer pregnant so I am not sure if this is the right place to be posting. I was released from the hospital Sunday but I spend my days and nights in the NICU. Maybe I will start a new thread to talk about it.

I hope you ladies are all doing well.
I'm so sorry to hear of your situation, how stressful. My thoughts are with your son an I hope he gets to go home soon. Its hard to imagine going home without your new baby, so I hope you are doing as well as you can.
Huff, oh no, that's so scary! I hope you are recovering well and that your little guy is doing as best as can be expected. At least you made it to 32 weeks, so hopefully, he will be a little fighter and get to come home soon. It must be so hard not to have him with you all the time. Please keep us posted on how you are both doing. Thinking of you!

LV, I'm normally a horrible sleeper, and pregnancy only makes it worse. DH and I definitely need a new bed, but it hasn't been at the top of our priority list with all the baby stuff we need and we still have a lot of furnishing to do in the house we moved into about a year and a half ago (and we still haven't checked much off our list yet). My MFM okayed benadryl and unisom (doxylamine succinate) to help me sleep. Have you asked about that?

April, glad you found a good deal, but yikes, that does look a little sketchy! Hope you're doing well!

Muff and everyone else, hope you're doing well!
Huff, oh my goodness, how incredibly scary! I hope his stay it the NICU is short.
Huff - that must have been (and I"m sure continues to be) so scary. I had a friend who had a placental abruption at 24 weeks and everything happens so fast. I'm glad he was at 32 weeks at least - hopefully most of the work left to do is just fatten up!

However, that aside - congratulations on your little guy!!!! I hope that he shows the NICU who's boss and that his stay there is short and sweet. You can of course start a new thread, but don't feel like you have to! We are more than happy to have you stay here longer!

LV - had an appt today and she thinks the baby is head down, but facing the wrong way. I have to start sitting differently or something to encourage her to flip over. Naughty girl.
We had our 20 week anatomy scan today. Halfway thru my husband decided he couldn't not know the sex. So we now know it's a little girl! I really didn't need to know but he did. She looks good and weighs 12 oz. I'm lobbying hard for Eliza for her name.

Hope everyone else is doing okay. Huff, I'm thinking of you and your little boy.
April20|1427291598|3852208 said:
We had our 20 week anatomy scan today. Halfway thru my husband decided he couldn't not know the sex. So we now know it's a little girl! I really didn't need to know but he did. She looks good and weighs 12 oz. I'm lobbying hard for Eliza for her name.

Hope everyone else is doing okay. Huff, I'm thinking of you and your little boy.

Congrats on the little girl!! That is super exciting. I, for one, LOVE Eliza!!! I couldn't get my hubby on board with it either. You could see if he likes Elizabeth and then Eliza for short?
MuffDog|1427296486|3852244 said:
April20|1427291598|3852208 said:
We had our 20 week anatomy scan today. Halfway thru my husband decided he couldn't not know the sex. So we now know it's a little girl! I really didn't need to know but he did. She looks good and weighs 12 oz. I'm lobbying hard for Eliza for her name.

Hope everyone else is doing okay. Huff, I'm thinking of you and your little boy.

Congrats on the little girl!! That is super exciting. I, for one, LOVE Eliza!!! I couldn't get my hubby on board with it either. You could see if he likes Elizabeth and then Eliza for short?

I think he will get on board. He's not opposed we just hadn't discussed any girl names. My middle name is Elizabeth so I really prefer Eliza just so it's not so matchy to my name. Plus Eliza is like #200 on the SS list and Elizabeth is in the top 10 (I think). We will see where we land!

I was so convinced this baby was a boy. The intuition stuff regarding sex is crap!
HUff-Congrats on your little boy's arrival and I hope his stay in the NICU is short. There have been some strong little fighters born at 32 weeks to other Pricescopers. Maybe some of them will chime in with their experiences.