
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

S&I, four months already? How did that happen? I hope having two little ones is going well! Thanks for the good info. Interesting that you ended up being diagnosed with IUGR, but it at least sounds like she was a decent size for being a couple weeks early.

Aviastar, cute little bump you're starting to get! I'm just so darn happy for you that things are going well! Very sweet about your DH and his friends. You'll find that it is just the most amazing thing to watch your DH become a daddy :)

AFM, I took the three hour test today. It wasn't fun, but I survived. And even better, I just talked to a nurse (because I couldn't handle potentially having to wait the whole weekend), and she said I passed! The results hadn't been run by my doctor yet, so I don't know if there will be any follow-up or suggestions, but I'm definitely going to pay extra attentoin to my diet and possibly follow some of the GD diet guidelines just in case.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
My waters broke Saturday at 9.30am. By the time we made it to the hospital and they did an internal check I was 5cm dilated and the midwife could see baby girl's black hair.

I was originally on some drug to stop labour but they have decided to change courses and let it be. But the good news is that since I arrived there has been no change to my cervix, both babies are not showing any sign of distress, so hopefully I can hold them in for another 12-24 hours so they can get their second shot of steroids for their lungs before they come.

It is now 5am Sunday morning. Have only managed a few hours sleep and am instead googling long term problems of 29 weekers. For some reason I really thought I could make it to 32 weeks. Guess these two had other plans and we will be seeing them very soon....
tbaus|1429391707|3864207 said:
My waters broke Saturday at 9.30am. By the time we made it to the hospital and they did an internal check I was 5cm dilated and the midwife could see baby girl's black hair.

I was originally on some drug to stop labour but they have decided to change courses and let it be. But the good news is that since I arrived there has been no change to my cervix, both babies are not showing any sign of distress, so hopefully I can hold them in for another 12-24 hours so they can get their second shot of steroids for their lungs before they come.

It is now 5am Sunday morning. Have only managed a few hours sleep and am instead googling long term problems of 29 weekers. For some reason I really thought I could make it to 32 weeks. Guess these two had other plans and we will be seeing them very soon....
My thoughts are with you and you little peanuts.

Good luck
Tbaus, thoughts and prayers for you and the twins. Hopefully, the steroids will help and they'll both be strong little fighters! Take good care and keep us posted when you get a chance.
Dust for you and the babies! A good friend of mine delivered her baby girl at 28 weeks and she's a little over 3 months now and doing beautifully. Dust dust dust!
Tbaus - thinking of you guys!! Hope they stayed in long enough to get the extra steroid shot. Keep us posted!
Thinking of you and the babes, Tbaus! My mom works at the hospital where I will deliver (not in L&D) and she was telling me about a 25 week baby that is doing beautifully now as a toddler! Modern medicine is a miracle and your babies are going to thrive!
Tbaus- thinking of you and hoping your little ones stay long enough for the steroid shot.
tbaus, thinking of you!!! please keep us posted when you can.
Wishing you and your babies all the good luck and health in the world tbaus!! You'll all be fine! You've done an awesome job bringing them this far, you're an amazing strong mummy. Thinking of you x
Hugs, Tbaus. Thinking of you and your precious twins.
Tbaus, thinking of you and your precious babies. I hope all is well. Provide an update when you can. Hugs!
Thinking of you, Tbaus - sending hugs and good wishes to you and your sweet babies.
Tbaus- still thinking of you and your babies. I hope all is going well.
Tbaus, keeping you, your twins & your dh in my thoughts and prayers.
Tbaus, hope everything is going okay with you and the babies. I'm sure you're swamped with so many things right now, but just know we're all thinking of you and hoping for good news soon!

Hope everybody else is doing okay! Countdown is on for Muff and LV!
How scary tbaus! But 29 weeks sounds hopeful. Thinking about you. Hope you get that shot!!
I had my 24 week appointment today. I'm measuring 26 weeks. And I retook the 1-hr glucose test. I fasted. And I failed. Cut off is 135 and I was 157. So now I get to do the 3 hour test. Yay. NOT. The doctor says he thinks I will pass the 3 hour test. With my luck I won't. He said the nurses would call me to set it up for either Friday or Monday. I'm going to push for Friday. I just want it out of the way.

Hope everyone's Wednesday was good.
Tbaus - Hope you and the babies are all doing well. We are all thinking of you and your little ones.

April - Grrr about the three hour. Hope you pass and it all becomes a distant memory.

Muff - How are you doing? Will you stop working early, or work up until your due date?

MP - How are you doing? I think you look pretty awesome in that photo you posted. You are very fit! You really do look great and your body is doing some really amazing work!!

AFM - Will be 37 weeks tomorrow. I took a one-day birthing class and now feel much more equipped to birth this baby! It was a really informative class, so I'm glad I went, though by the end of day (at the hospital tour), I was sure that I was in labor, haha. I think I just wasn't drinking my usual amount of water that day. And, sometimes the baby moves in such a way that is really painful, but I guess with second babies, my midwife explained, baby can feel much lower than he is. I was 1 cm when they checked a week ago, which I was thrilled to hear because with my first, I never reached any cm's on my own, so this gives me hope that baby may come on his own. I've declined further checks because I know it doesn't really mean anything. Planning to work up to my due date and possibly beyond (from home at that point.)
I am so beyond annoyed right now.

The message from my doc last night regarding the need for the 3 hour test said that the nurses would be calling me and that he'd like me to do it Friday or Monday. I'd like to do it Friday, so when I hadn't heard from them by 11:30 I put a call in. Finally got a nurse and explained the situation and that I'd like to get the test done Friday, what did I need to do? She says I need an appointment. I told her that was fine and she put me on hold. She comes back and says "You already have an appointment for May 19. Are you saying you need one before then". I tell her that May 19 is my 28 week appointment. I just need to do the 3 hour glucose test on Friday or Monday per my doc. She then tells me that there's absolutely no availability Friday and that the only opening is Monday with a different doc at 11:15. I say fine. Then I'm thinking about it afterwards. Why do I need a formal appointment for this? All I need is the nasty drink and then wait for blood draws at the lab. And I have to fast after midnight. An 11:15 appt to start a 3 hour glucose test is completely unrealistic. I emailed my doc and I'm waiting to hear back but I AM BEYOND ANNOYED.

ETA: Annoyance over. My doc emailed me back. I do not need an appt!!! He's just going to leave the lab slip for me at the front desk. I knew it made no sense to need an appt!
April20 - that is super annoying (even if it did get worked out later). Sometimes the administration of ob/midwife offices can be the worst.As IF she didn't know that glucose tests don't require an appointment. Upside is that your doctor actually emails you!! My first OB would never have even phoned me back if I left him a message. haha

LV - I'm done work now! Took 2 weeks of holidays prior to the due date. I'm on day 3 of my holiday now :-) A little bored if I'm honest but I do have lots of stuff to accomplish (hospital bag, laundry, etc). And you? 37 weeks?! EEK! Glad you are feeling more prepared! Hope the last few weeks are fast and comfortable for ya!

Tbaus - still thinking of you guys! My gf had her little peanut at 24 weeks and he is a happy great 2.5 year old now! Keep us posted!

AFM - 38w3d now. Midwife said the baby is lower and I can tell too. My pants don't fit and walking is getting much less comfortable. I'm off work now and am almost at the point where I'm just waiting. A few more days of prep work and then I'm as prepped as I'm going to get!
Dipping my toes in here, as I reached 28 weeks today. :wavey:

Tbaus, lots of dust to you! Hope everything is well with you and your babies.

Muffdog, I had my son at 38weeks 4 days a couple years ago, so it's really anytime now! All the best!

April20, hope all goes well with your glucose test. I've heard of many cases whereby they fail the 1-hour test but pass the 3-hour. Hope it's the same with you.

LV, 37 weeks! So exciting! The countdown begins...

MP, how are things going for you? Glad you passed the 3-hour glucose test. Phew.... Our babies seem to be of similar age. My son is 2.5yo now and I'm expecting a girl this time round. It's so cool that you will be having a boy AND a girl!

AFM, this pregnancy has been a rollercoaster ride. As some of you would have read in the Barely Pregnant thread, I have cervical incompetence and therefore is considered high risk. Just before I reached 13 weeks my OB stitched up my cervix and it has been holding up rather well until now *fingers crossed*.

Do you ladies find it difficult to sleep as your belly grows bigger? My son still co-sleeps with me and he likes to snuggle close to me, which doesn't help at all! Almost every night I will wake up around 3am and have trouble sleeping back afterwards. And I have to get up by 6am to prepare to go to work. Sigh....
Hi, Happybear! Glad to hear things are going well for you. 28 weeks is a big milestone, and hopefully your baby girl will stay put for several more weeks. Yes, it does sound like our kiddos are all the same ages. I have to admit I'm more than a slightly terrified about going straight from 1 to 3 kids!

April, I'm glad you were able to get everything sorted out. Much better to get it out of the way on Friday, so you can put it behind you if you pass or start making modifications if it turns out you do have GD. I think my one-hour result was 149 or 150, but I passed the three-hour easily, so you just never know. I would take it as early as you can because they had me fast for 12 hours beforehand, and then I could only have a few sips of water until it was done. I felt a little icky in the first hour or so after having the drink, but I started to feel better after that, but I was definitely ready for lunch and to move around when I was done. They wanted me to be very sedentary during the three hours. DH surprised me by showing up with his laptop to work from the hospital, so I didn't have to sit alone the whole three hours, so that helped pass the time. Otherwise, make sure you bring work or a book or tablet or something because the time kind of drags! Good luck!

LV, glad to hear you are making a little progress this time. Hoping you go into labor on your own this time around. I too plan to work as long as I can, and hopefully up until the end. Not too much longer for you! How are your preparations coming?

Muff, yeah, you're in the homestretch. Hopefully, you can take this time to relax and rest and mentally prepare. Will your son stay in daycare or will he be home with you when the baby comes?

Hi to everyone else! Still keeping you in my thoughts, Tbaus!
monkeyprincess|1429797022|3866399 said:
April, I'm glad you were able to get everything sorted out. Much better to get it out of the way on Friday, so you can put it behind you if you pass or start making modifications if it turns out you do have GD. I think my one-hour result was 149 or 150, but I passed the three-hour easily, so you just never know. I would take it as early as you can because they had me fast for 12 hours beforehand, and then I could only have a few sips of water until it was done. I felt a little icky in the first hour or so after having the drink, but I started to feel better after that, but I was definitely ready for lunch and to move around when I was done. They wanted me to be very sedentary during the three hours. DH surprised me by showing up with his laptop to work from the hospital, so I didn't have to sit alone the whole three hours, so that helped pass the time. Otherwise, make sure you bring work or a book or tablet or something because the time kind of drags! Good luck!

My doc told me to show up at 8, so bright and early! I know I will be ready for lunch afterwards. I'm planning to bring my ipad (there's free wifi) and the sweater I'm knitting for the baby. Hopefully that will pass the time. I'm not thrilled about all that time in the lab, but what can you do?
Happy Bear- so nice to see you on this thread! I hope your cervix continues to hold with the cerclage and that the baby gets to bake as long as possible!

LV and Muff: you guys are so close!!

It's a day late but here's my HDBD pic. 24+2.

ETA: ugh. Sideways again. It's what I get for posting from my phone. Oh well.

Hi Everyone-

Sorry it has taken me so long to update. Our sweet baby boy just came home a few days ago and life before that was honestly insane. But I thought I would write about it a little.
So after he was born he went to the more serious ICU NICU. In our hospital there are two floors with one being for more mundane stuff and babies that are stable vs the other floor. He was on the other floor for about a week and a half. He was on lights for jonditis, a cpak breathing machine, and a feeding tube. It's a completely different experience. We couldn't hold him for more than 10 or 15 minutes at a time with his stats dropping and having to put him back in his incubator.
The entire time we were there, we had to ask permission to hold our son. Being around him too much actually stressed him out in the beginning and even through the end we had to be careful not to stimulate him too much. I still hear the beeping machines at night and feel the dread from waking up at a 3 am call to say they had to up his oxygen or such and such test came back. He was on nasal cannula, a feeding tube, and monitors up until late last week. They slowly started weaning him off and then we took him home after he was able to take all 8 bottles he needed to a day.
Obviously there is much more to it but it's hard to talk about. It was the worse experience of my life and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I remember feeling so much envy at the ladies who got to bring their little babies home right after.
We also got my placenta report back. Based on levels, my placental abruption, and symptoms- she guessed that I had actually been on and off in preterm labor for a couple weeks. My cervix never dilated due to my scar tissue from surgery on my cervical cancer. That was why my back pain was so bad-I was actually having real labor pains.
But the most scary part of all is that I had a hyper twisted umbilical cord- which is pretty rare I have come to find. It also commonly results in a still birth late in the 3rd trimester. None of the other complications were related. All I can say is that Gray is meant to be here. I am utterly happy and thankful he is with us and home.

I hope you ladies are all doing well and I wish you extra long baking time.
April, you look great! I hope your 3-hour test goes well today. Are you able to get the results today, or will you have to wait?

Huff, I'm so glad you reported in again. I'm relieved to hear that Gray is home with you now, and I hope the adjustment is going well. It does sound like it might have been a blessing in disguise for him to arrive early, but I'm so sorry you had to go through so much waiting for him to come home though. I feel so sorry for parents who don't get to come home with their new babies right away and have to go through all the stress and worry, although I'm well aware it is a real possibility for me this time due to the twin factor. I hope you are able to make up for lost time over the next few weeks and put the scary experience behind you.
Huff, I am so happy to see this update from you. I am so sorry it was the experience it was, but am so so happy to hear your little one is home now! I hope the road is smoother going forward.

I did the 3 hour test today. It wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. The drink was 100g of glucose and was disgustingly sweet. UGH. I didn't realize I would be having four blood draws. I was thinking it was three. The techs were good though and I really only felt one. I brought my knitting and worked on that for the first 2.5 hours. Then I read for the last half hour. I didn't even get hungry, which surprised me, though I did grab some lunch on the way home. I am not sure when I get results. I'm hoping the doc will call me tonight. The suspense will kill me over the weekend if I don't hear.

Oh, side note on names. I've convinced DH not to share the name until the baby is born. Y'all don't count in this black out. I have him 99.9% on board for naming her Eliza. He called her that last night, so I'm pretty sure we're set. But his parents may make me crazy. They know we're not sharing. But asked what we liked. My MIL then said something about "cute" names. I said "cute" names really aren't my style. I told them that I like names that don't "age" and that without meeting the person you wouldn't know if the person was 2, 22, 82 or 102. Her reaction? "OH MY GOD. We're going to have to come up with a nickname to call this child. What kind of name do you mean? Bernice? Mary? (insert any other name in the same vein you can imagine)". etc, etc, etc It was all I could do not to ask her why she suddenly thinks I have bad taste and will give this child a horrible name. They then proceeded to suggest all these names that they think would be good. Yeah, all the names are in the top 25. They didn't believe me when I said those were popular names, which we are trying to avoid. I ended up pulling the social security list to show them. At the end of the day, it wasn't that big of a deal, but it annoyed me to no end anyway. Probably hormones!!
Please share in my excitement.

I just got a message from my doctor. He didn't have results from the last draw, but he said my results were "so normal" that the last number wouldn't make any difference. He said I can keep eating what I'm eating and doing what I'm doing. I am so excited!!!!!
April20|1429897168|3867228 said:
Please share in my excitement.

I just got a message from my doctor. He didn't have results from the last draw, but he said my results were "so normal" that the last number wouldn't make any difference. He said I can keep eating what I'm eating and doing what I'm doing. I am so excited!!!!!

Nice job! I failed my second number, but my first and last were fine. Really glad I passed that test...because carbs are yummy.