
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

monkeyprincess|1430787331|3872204 said:
Anybody else dealing with lots of Braxton Hicks? I've been getting them irregularly for several weeks, but in the past week, I've been getting tons of them throughout the day. On Friday night, I was debating whether I needed to call or go in to be monitored because I was having so many. The nurses at the MFM always tell me to let them know if I'm getting more than 4 an hour after guzzling tons of water and laying on my left side. I was getting them every few minutes, so I took a warm bath and benadryl, and that slowed them down. But I'm still getting a lot of them. It doesn't feel like they're doing anything, but I will get another cervix check I assume when they check my fluid again tomorrow. Work is busy these next couple of weeks, so it's just stressful having to keep worrying about these. I'm so paranoid about preterm labor due to the twin factor.

I can not speak to the twin factor and I know it is hard not to worry. Yes, I get them all the time. I had a stomach bug this weekend and they were even worse. I just try and keep my fluid levels up. I'm on my feet for work all day so they do seem to get worse because of that but they usually die down at night when I'm home and not as active. I recognize that doesn't help you. I do hope that it will help relieve some anxiety. I got a cervix check yesterday and while the baby is in the correct position, my cervix is still long. I can't say that I've ever counted how many I get per hour. If you are really worried about it than go in. Your peace of mind is important.
Hi, MP! I haven't had time to post in a while but I check in every now and then (can't believe you're about to have two babies!!). I had a ton of Braxton Hicks with both my boys and they started before the third trimester and continued almost daily up until I delivered. I actually had two really quick labors but the running joke in my family and at work was that I actually had been in labor for 3 months. :lol: All jokes aside, I know how stressful it can be. I know everyone is different but even though my BH were frequent and sometimes felt regular, each time I was in labor it was very clear that it was labor and not BH. One of the main differences for me is the contrax wouldn't stop or slow down after lying down or drinking water or, my last resort - which was a warm bath.

I don't know about my last pregnancy because my cervix wasn't checked until much later but, with my first son, I was dilated 2-3cm at 32 weeks and I went full term (almost 39 weeks). I have no idea if my BH contrax and my early dilation were related though.

Hope you get some reassuring news tomorrow that'll give you some confidence that the babies will keep baking away!
MP, sorry to hear you are having Braxton Hicks so frequently. Though I have not had them, I understand your concern on preterm labor, so it is definitely hard not to worry. Hope your appointment today goes well - fluid level back to normal and your cervix still long and thick. Hang in there! Will you be working all the way until you deliver? Try to get as much rest as you can.

I'm not sure if I am paranoid, but somehow I feel that my baby is moving less now than a month ago. Previously I can feel distinct kicks and jabs but lately all I feel is just light taps and pushing. I would have thought with a growing foetus, the movements will be more pronounced due to the lack of space. I will be seeing my doctor this Saturday and will ask for a growth scan to be scheduled. Hope she's growing well inside. Sigh, there are just so many things to worry about!
Thanks Puppmom, good to hear from you! Hope all is well!

I had an ultrasound this afternoon to check the fluid (they didn't end up doing transvaginal today, so I didn't get a check on my cervix today). The good news is that Baby A (boy) had a normal amount of fluid this time. Yay! The bad news is that baby girl's fluid has gone up slightly, so now she has even more. The doctor I saw today gave her a detailed check and thinks she looks healthy and is moving like crazy ALL THE TIME, so he thinks there is a very good chance it is just idiopathic and not do to any abnormality. His big concern is that in addition to carrying two babies, I'm carrying A LOT of fluid, which puts me at a greater risk of preterm labor. And he also thinks that's why I'm having so many BHs, and he really wants me to pay attention to them because with twins, things can change quickly and progress into labor. He repeated that I should definitely call if I get more than 4-6 an hour for two hours in a row. Pretty sure that's happening many evenings already though.... The other issue is that she is breech again and has so much fluid that she can move around as much as she wants. Hoping she decides to stay head down someday soon!

Happybear, I'm sure all is well, but definitely ask about the decreased in movement thing at your appointment. I wonder if your baby has shifted positions and the limbs are facing your back or something, and that's why you're not feeling it as much. I agree that it always seems like there is something to worry about. Pregnancy really brings out the hypochondriac in me.

LV, are you 39 weeks now? Hoping you don't have too much longer to go!
MP - Do they have any suggestions for you? Would anything lessen the BH contractions? I guess I am wondering if you are a candidate for bed rest? Not sure what goes into making that decision/recommendation, but I'm curious?? It also seems like the fluid levels can vary a lot by the day. Is baby girl's level now too high, or still within range?

Going back a few posts -- yes, my daughter is really looking forward to being a big sister! She is so so proud of herself. It is really beyond adorable!!!!!!! She's 4 now, not sure if I mentioned that earlier.

Will answer more below.

Aviastar - Re: photos, I am looking for very natural photos without a ton of props. They will be in-studio, but no funny hats, haha. I really like the idea of outdoor family shots too. I did newborn photos with my daughter, and there are some real gems. I have one in my office at work, and it just makes me smile. Newborns are so perfect!!!

Happybear - I find that the movements really vary so much. I'm almost 39 weeks, and I never feel jabs, but I do feel these vast graceful movements, like turning from side to side. I am sure you are fine and hope your dr is reassuring to your concerns.

I will be 39 weeks on Thursday. Last week, I started going for NSTs due to age. I think at age 40, they start sending you for NSTs at 38 weeks, including fluid level checks. If anything were off, they would recommend inducing same day (I think??) All checked out ok. Then, on Saturday, a car backed into mine while I was at a stop light. Very minor, but I called, so they sent me to the hospital for monitoring for 3 hours. Second minor accident this pregnancy. I shouldn't complain because both were fairly minor. This week, I had my regular weekly appointment, and they want me to come back on Thurs (at 39 weeks) to see how my cervix is doing. I will go for another NST right after that appointment. Would be great if baby came soon. I feel tremendous pressure at times, but no contractions.
MP, glad that baby A fluid is back to normal. As for baby B, your doctor doesn't think there is any cause for concern, so that is reassuring. I agree with LV though, perhaps you may want to keep your feet off the ground for awhile until the BH eases. In the FB group I am in for ladies with cervical incompetence, many have vouched that bedrest helps in prolonging the pregnancy and keeping preterm labor at bay.

LV, your daughter is so sweet! She'll be such a great big sister! Glad you are ok from the minor accident... although it is so scary. Having 2 accidents in just a few months! Wish the other drivers can be more careful. Thanks for sharing with me about baby movements. I will definitely check with my doctor this Saturday.

Does your groin area hurts when you walk? Mine is worse after I've been sitting in the office for a couple of hours. I need to take small and slow initial steps because I get sharp pain when I walk. The pain doesn't go away completely but it does subside a little after awhile. I've checked with my doctor before and he said it is normal. I hope it's just the muscles and ligaments that are being stretched and doesn't do any harm.
Oh, one more thing. They are now recommending TDAP during the third trimester, before 36 weeks, during every pregnancy, even if mom has had the vaccine before. I did not receive this info until Monday, and just received the vaccination again yesterday. They think some immunity will pass to baby, which would occur two weeks after receiving vaccination, which is why they suggest before 36 weeks.
happybear|1430895317|3872830 said:
Does your groin area hurts when you walk? Mine is worse after I've been sitting in the office for a couple of hours. I need to take small and slow initial steps because I get sharp pain when I walk. The pain doesn't go away completely but it does subside a little after awhile. I've checked with my doctor before and he said it is normal. I hope it's just the muscles and ligaments that are being stretched and doesn't do any harm.

Yesssssssssssssss! Often I have this after driving for a while, or after sitting at my desk for a while. It's a little shocking, isn't it? I usually find that after walking a bit, it eases up, but still!
LV, glad you found out about the TDAP vaccination. I had mine last week at 28 weeks. Hopefully, you will still pass some of the immunity on to your little guy in the next week or so. I agree that newborn photos capture them at that very sweet time. I also agree on trying to avoid the excessive props and hats; babies are just so beautiful without all that. Although because my son was an October baby, we did do a pumpkin hat picture, which turned out absolutely adorable. And my gosh, what bad luck to have another accident. So glad they were both minor at least.

Happybear, sorry to hear about the groin pain. I haven't really had that, but I hear it is pretty common. Do you think it is SPD? I've heard of using pregnancy belts or possibly getting some physical therapy for that.

And yes, it does seem like the fluid levels are somewhat, um, fluid. I'm guessing the extra monitoring sometimes causese more worrying than necessary. They measure the largest vertical pocket of fluid they can find on the ultrasound, which is somewhat subjective and can depend on babies' positions (especially when there are two of them pressing up against each other). Normal range is 2-8. Baby boy was right at 2 last time, but this time, he was in the 3s and 4s. Before, baby girl was always measuring between 8-9. This time she was in the 11s, so it is more elevated now. So, we are just going to watch it with weekly ultrasounds from here on out. They checked for possible anatomical causes, but they don't see any signs of that.

As for bedrest, my cervix has thus far been pretty long (at least 4-5 cm), so I guess they just don't think bedrest would do anything for me. The weird part is that I get most of my BHs at night when I am sitting or lying down. I also think that is the time of day when my belly is the most stretched out and bloated. Also, my work is pretty sedentary. I'm in my office at my desk unless I'm using the restroom or have to go to a meeting or something, so it's not like I'm on my feet a lot. I do my best to sit and relax when I'm at home and let DH do most of the toddler chasing.
MP - I'm not opposed to all hats and agree some are quite cute! haha. Interesting about the fluid check -- when they checked mine on Thurs and Saturday, they looked for 3 pockets and did an average. I am guessing it differs at a later stage in pregnancy??? Yeah, I wanted to mention the TDAP here in case anyone else's practitioners were less than informative on the topic! When I was pregnant with my daughter, we discussed Pertussis extensively on here! Interesting about the bed rest -- I guess I never really understood under what conditions it would be ordered. I just knew women who were put on bed rest, but maybe never fully understood why.


I just have to say that my feet are noticeably swollen right now. This has NEVER happened to me before during pregnancy. Everything is so different and how random that it just starts at 39 weeks . . . . I'm also itchy - tops of hands and feet.
LV - 39 weeks!! Almost there mama!! Put your feet up - swelling is no joke and will probably only get worse during/after labour so take care now! Can't wait to hear the exciting news!

This TDAP discussion is interesting - it isn't something that was offered or even mentioned to me (I'm in Canada though).

Happy bear - I had the groin pain too. Sucks, eh? It didn't last the whole pregnancy for me - mostly in the second tri and then better in the third until the end when I was huge.

AFM - first few days at home have gone well. I forgot about the sleepy stage of newborns - pretty much eat, diaper, eat again (sometimes) and then nap. Last night she got up to eat and didn't want to go back to bed (she was grunting and crying like her tummy was sore) and I looked at my husband and said "I can't remember what I"m supposed to doooooooo". Parts of it have come back naturally to me, but some parts I'm just clueless about!

Our son has been pretty great too (so far) - loves giving Ivy kisses and showing her off to anyone who stops by. It is adorable. I'm not sure if it will last, so I'm enjoying it while we have it!
LV, ask your doctor about cholestasis with the itchy hands/feet. I am being tested for it next week. Good luck with the rest of pregnancy.
Muff - So adorable about your son and Ivy! I hope it continues!! Funny what you said about not knowing what to do. I fully anticipate that will be the case with some things with me as well. It's been such a long time since my little girl was a newborn!!

JGator - How bad is your itching? I recall you mentioned it in your other thread. Good luck with the testing. I hope you don't have it. I don't think I do, but I will mention it at my apptmt today. Mine is more fleeting. Happens for a little bit and then seems to just go away.

So, officially 39 weeks today. Didn't sleep well last night, mostly because I am drinking tons and tons of water. Anyway, I woke up at one point and was relieved to realize that labor had started. Today was the day! And, then, I fell back asleep. Labor hadn't started at all. Haha. Crazy times.
LV - I went through that for about a week as well - waking up in the middle of the night thinking "This is it!" and then nothing. It is hard knowing you are so close but have no control over the exact 'when' of it all. Good luck!!
LV, mine is not that bad now. I used to have to take Benadryl to sleep. Now it comes and goes - I get it on head, feet, ankles, underarms, various places. My new doc said I can't' get it tested till 15 weeks, and it has to be fasting. It's some sort of liver related blood test. Good luck.
LV, thinking about you a lot and hope this baby decides to make his appearance soon. Maybe last night means things are starting to rev up a bit and you go into labor on your own this time. He's still got a good couple of weeks before they start talking induction, right? Sorry to hear about the itching. Yuck!

Muff, so glad to hear your little boy is responding well to the new baby. I hope he keeps it up. I worry a lot about how my son is going to react. I think he gets that babies are coming, or at least has a vague notion of it, but I also think he expects it to be 9 month old babies like his cousins that are cute and playful. Just really hoping he has a mostly positive reaction. And oh my gosh, I am going to be the exact same way. I feel like I can't remember all the little newborn things, so I'm hoping some of its starts to come back once they are here.

My biggest complaint right now, other than heartburn/acid reflux, feeling full term at 29 weeks and having to go to the bathroom 4-5 times a night, is that I have the weirdest pain near my belly button. I can't tell if it is skin irritation or the muscle separating or what, but I have this one really sore spot that just hurts, and it is so annoying. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
LV_thinking of you and hoping your son is here soon:-)

Tbaus-still thinking of you and hoping all is well.
mp, I had the exact same thing when was pregnant with DS. A really tight, sensitive patch to the right of my navel. So annoying! I moisturised my tummy and used bio oil on it every day, it helped a bit, but I'm hearing you on that one! Such a pill.
Hope everyone is doing well! I'm a bit behind on this thread.

Nothing much exciting happening on my end. 27 weeks today.

In yet another thrilling installment of my MIL makes me crazy.... We mentioned a while back that the baby will have either green eyes or blue eyes since I have blue and DH has green. It's basic genetics. She texts me last night to ask our eye colors (again). I tell her. She says "Doesn't DH have hazel eyes like grandma?" I tell her no, they're not hazel. They're definitely green and will go blue-ish if he's wearing blue. She texts me later and says "according to my research, our granddaughter will definitely have hazel eyes". WTH? That's not even possible. This is typical of her. It's a progression. She goes from asking a question about something, to thinking something is a certain way, to KNOWING something is a certain way. Regardless of facts on the subject or the absence of facts. IT. MAKES. ME. CRAZY. At any rate, I texted back that that didn't make sense to me and then I sent her a link to a baby eye color predictor chart that was already set with our eye colors to show possible baby eye colors. No response. Why do I let this junk bother me so much?
LV, good luck! I hope Benjamin is here and that you are both doing well.

Tbaus, I keep thinking of you, and I really hope all is well with you and the babies. Please post an update soon.
Hi everyone,

Thank you all so much for keeping us all in your thoughts and prayers. It means so much to us all.

Zoe Davis and Quinton Andrew were born on Sunday 19th April at 18:05 and 18:10 respectively. Zoe weighed 1294 grams and Quinn was 1464 grams. My body somehow managed to hold off long enough for the second steroid shot, and after that everyone seemed to relax and become more optimistic. Our doctor came in to check in periodically on Sunday, and said if there was no progression overnight I would be induced Monday morning at 8am as they didn't want to wait too long after my waters had broken and increase the risk of infection. DH joked that he would like them to wait until the local football game finished that day at 17:00. Doctor came in at 16:50, watched the final minutes of the game with us, and made sure that I was still comfortable and not in any pain. About 5 minutes later I went to the bathroom and noticed some blood when I wiped, the midwife didn't seem worried. Within the next 20 minutes I became more and more uncomfortable. It wasn't traditional labour pains, but I began to feel definite pressure. They called for the doctor at 17:30, by this time I was writhing in pain and crying. She did an internal check and I was 10cm dilated and ready to go! They made the quick decision for me to birth in theatre, I was given a spinal block just in case since Baby Boy was still breech. Zoe was delivered with the help of forceps and sounded like a little crying kitten. Five minutes later Quinton was pulled out by his right leg which the Doctor had to reach up and find :shock:. His cry was not as loud. They were quickly checked and I was able to stroke their little foreheads before they were whisked off with DH in tow.

I won't say that my experience in the post labour ward was the best. I think my midwife may have been pregnant as even after I was able to show her all the movement in my legs that indicated I was ready to be moved to a wheelchair and go and see the babies she kept stalling and saying if I fell she wouldn't be able to catch me. Same thing when I wanted a shower, she made me wait for shift change the following morning. Oh, and she dropped the colostrum I expressed on the floor as well, with no apology! I finally demanded to be taken down at 2am in the morning, 8 hours after they were born. They were both on CPAP with minimal oxygen. Within a few days they were both off CPAP, Zoe had been moved from NICU to the Special Care Unit and for the last 1.5 weeks they have both lived in the level 1 care nursery- the last stop before they come home. There are still many tests to be done, but it looks like it might be a "feed and grow" situation. They are 3 weeks old now, or 32 weeks corrected and they continue to amaze me with how much stronger and bigger they get every day. To say I am proud of them is an understatement.

For now my life revolves around expressing every three hours, eating A TON of food, hours at the hospital and a little bit of sleep. DH had the week after they were born off work, but went back after that to try and save his leave for when they come home. He comes to the hospital every morning before work to quickly check on them and then for a few hours after work for cuddles and to practice his nappy changing skills. It has quickly become our new normal, but there are still days when we are both absolutely shattered and are asleep before our heads even hits the pillow. I will try and post some photos below.
I'm so happy to read your update! Really glad that Zoe and Quinton are doing so well. You and DH must be exhausted shuttling back and forth the hospital everyday. <Hugs!> Hopefully in a couple of weeks your babies will be able to go home. Sorry your post labour experience was so lousy. And dropping the colostrum! I would have screamed at her. Colostrum is so so precious! Especially at the beginning when the milk hasn't kick in yet and it is oh so difficult to express even 5ml. Do drink plenty of water and get as much rest as you can. Look forward to your update again!

LV, thinking of you...

AFM, saw my doctor last Saturday and told him about the lack of movement. He did a scan and wasn't too concerned as he could see the baby is growing well and the heartbeat is normal. Good thing is these past 2 days I can feel her moving more. Maybe like MP said, it was just her position that made her movements not so obvious to me.
I hope this works. Zoe 2 days old

Quinn 3 days old:

Zoe in humidicrib at 2 weeks old. They have both been out in open air cots since last Friday!

Quinn in humidicrib at 2 weeks old:




Tbaus, thanks so much for the update. Q and Z are so precious! I know this is not how you envisioned things, but I'm so happy to hear they are thriving. So happy for you that they are doing so well despite their early arrival. My doctor told me last time that 28 weeks is a huge milestone for avoiding most long-term side effects. Soon, you'll all be home together, but in the meantime, I'm keeping you all in my thoughts. Do your best to rest when you can.

Happybear, glad to hear all is well!

April, my MIL likes to predict things about my babies as well. I just grin and bear it. Wait till the baby gets here. According to my MIL, my son takes completely after my DH and her side of the family in looks and personality and everything else :-)

LV, hope all is well!

Hi everyone else!
:love: :love: :love: :love: TBaus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy to hear that Zoe and Quinn arrived safely and are growing and thriving. So, so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very sorry to hear re the midwife, that sounds awful. I would have been furious. I can only imagine how intense the past few weeks have been and hope that you are all home together soon!
Tbaus, congratulations on Zoe and Quinn! Love the names, and they are so precious and beautiful :love: . Try to get as much sleep as you can and great job keeping up the expressing every 3 hours. I would have been livid about the colostrum spillage. That is liquid gold!
Tbaus! So wonderful to hear this update! I'm so glad things seem to progressing well, even if it is just the tired-est, scariest, time ever. The moment of joy must also be so amazing!

And such beautiful names for such tough little fighters!
Congratulations tbaus!!! They are so precious! I'm glad they are out safely at the end. I hope you write a scathing review for the midwife!
Many congratulations Tbaus! They are gorgeous and will be home before you know it :appl:
Tbaus, they are so, so precious!! Grow babies, grow! So adorable. Congratulations! Keep up the great work, I know pumping is tiring and it takes so much time. You are doing an awesome job.