
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tbaus, I am so happy to see your update. Your little ones seem to be doing quite well and they are BEAUTIFUL. Wishing them a short and sweet hospital stay and that you have them both at home with you soon. I cannot even imagine the strain of having two little ones in the NICU is having on you and your husband. You are both very strong!
Hey ladies, I hope everyone is doing well. I could use a few thoughts and prayers if you have any to spare. Our ultrasound this morning showed a probable defect in baby girl's heart. We need to follow up with a pediatric cardiologist later this month to get more information about the extent of the condition and treatment. Hoping it is something that can be surgically repaired after birth and not something more serious. I googled and found out the condition is a marker for Down Syndrome as well, so that is a little worrisome, which we will handle if we have to of course. It was just shocking news after we thought everything was looking so good. I've had a rough day.
mp, I'm sorry to hear the news. You have my thoughts and prayers. *hugs* Hopefully the pediatric cardiologist will be able to shed more light on this new discovery and is just a minor issue that will correct itself as your girl grows. I'm not sure what the defect is, but I have heard of babies born with a hole in the heart and the hole just closes by itself after some time. When will you see the pediatric cardiologist?
MP-thinking of you and your precious little girl. Hope all is well and any hole is easily fixed and/or will close on its own. Also hoping for answers re Downs markers so that you can best prepare for your little girl's arrival.
Thanks so much for the support, Happybear and Bella. The problem right now is that we don't know the full extent of the defect. There is definitely a VSD (which is a hole in the wall separating the two lower chambers of the heart). Although these can sometimes repair themselves, he thought it was pronounced enough that it was likely surgery will be necessary. He also thought he might have seen another potential abnormality but couldn't tell because of her position and she was too squirmy. I was too upset at that point to pay attention to what he was saying and was doing my best to not let my tears turn into outright bawling. He didn't want to speculate too much to the extent of the issue or treatment plan until we see the pediatric cardiologist for a fetal echo. Right now that is scheduled for two weeks from today, but he was going to see if they could get us in any earlier. He did reassure us that he sees this defect not infrequently (he's an MFM, so he deals with high risk patients al the time) and that the prognosis is usually good. I was in too much shock and trying hard not to completely lose it to really pay attention to everything he said. DH called him yesterday afternoon with more questions, and he thought the chance of Down Syndrome was low, using our NT results, he came up with a 1/800 chance when the VSD was added into the equation (I started out at 1/6,000-something based on the NT measurement and blood work). But I of course did my own research and found VSD and polyhydramnios, which she also has, are both sometimes indicative of Down Syndrome. At this point, I'm not sure it's worth it to have an amnio other than to either get peace of mind or to get more information on what we can expect if she does have it. I stayed home again from work today because I'm still crying at the drop of a hat and I look and feel like crap. DH and I are strong and we'll get through whatever comes our way and love this little baby no matter what.

On a happier note, here's a picture of our sweet girl's face. She looks a lot like her big brother did in his 3D ultrasound :)

MP, sorry for the uncertainty. I know how emotional the pregnancy roller coaster can be - especially after a loss - and adding some unexpected potential health issues into the mix must really be tough. I'm glad your doctor is hopeful about baby girl's prognosis.

PS- that is seriously the cutest little ultrasound face I've ever seen!
MP-she is absolutely adorable!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

I am so sorry that things are uncertain and scary right now. I would be emotional too (and when combined with pregnancy hormones...times two...bring on the water works!)

Glad that you have a great medical team and I am really hopeful that they will help you figure out the best course of treatment, whatever the future may hold.

In the meantime, just keep loving your precious babies and letting them bake just a little longer. You are an amazing mama. :appl: :appl: :appl:
MP, i am sorry you are going through this stress and anxiety now. My 5-year old nephew who does have DS had a hole in his heart and had surgery when he turned 1 to repair it. All is well with him now. I think your odds of DS are really low with your age, and also they should have found something earlier with the nasal bone or nuchal fold if she did have it. My thoughts and prayers are with you. She is beautiful too! Thanks for sharing her sweet face.
tbaus - I was so happy to see your post the other day. Thank you for sharing photos of Quinn and Zoe. They are gorgeous and are lucky to have such devoted parents as you and your DH. Please keep us updated.

MP - I am so sorry to read of the recent concerns with your little girl. She is beautiful. That's a remarkable u/s photo. I hope the fetal echo provides more clarity. Do they check fluid levels regularly? I am sure the mfm took the excess fluid level into account when determining the risk, right? You have had more than your fair share of worries. I really hope everything turns out to be ok.

AFM, baby boy is making adorable newborn noises while napping next to me. He arrived Saturday morning. My water broke (at home, thankfully!) on Friday afternoon. Labor did not start on its own, so midwife recommended misoprostol to start induction. It is administered in very low doses. About an hour after the third dose, I started having mild contractions, which abruptly turned into uncontrollably difficult contractions. Labor was maybe 2 hours. I definitely yelled for an epidural on more than one occasion, but apparently everyone knew I was already in transition (except for me! I thought I was just 4 cms at that point, but had reached 9 very quickly.) I pushed for only 9 minutes -- it was crazy.

And then, my placenta would not detach. It was manually removed, which was more painful than labor, I think! I was really freaking out while it was happening. I was able to use nitrous oxide during the procedure, but I am not sure how much it helped. I was screaming at everyone with the mask on my face!! The alternative would have been surgery, so I had no choice but to be grateful to the doctor who removed it AFTER she was done.

Baby boy was 9 lbs 4 oz, 20.5 inches with a full head of hair. He looks EXACTLY like his sister as a newborn! Super cute!! Oh, and he is really strong! Both of the pedis who have seen him have commented when they put him on his tummy and he lifts himself up a tiny bit and even tries to move forward. I also see that he rolls himself onto his side while sleeping. It is exactly what I used to feel inside when I felt like he was rotating!!
Omg, CONGRATS LV!!! I am so happy for you! Another big baby, wow! Great job! :appl: What a special Mother's Day surprise, right?!

MP, very sorry about baby girl's heart. Hoping it will end up being a small thing.
LV, congratulations! So glad to hear your little guy is here and doing well. And wow, an unexpected natural birth. Way to go! Enjoy that little man of yours. I hope you are all adjusting well.

And thanks for the support, ladies. It means a lot.
Oh my goodness tbaus, your babies are beautiful!!! Thinking of you often and hoping that they continue to thrive, and that you manage a bit more sleep from here. So happy to hear from you. Zoe and Quinn (LOVE the names!!) are just scrumptious.

mp I'm so sorry this has happened. You poor thing, how nerve racking. I hope it turns out to be a minor issue that is easily resolved. Much love to you all.

Congratulations LV!! You clever mama you!! What a big boy!
MP: I'm been completely out of the loop the last few days. I hope that the issue with your daughter's heart is something that will be easy to resolve. I am so sorry you are being hit with this so late in the game. I hope the fetal echo in a couple weeks gives you better clarity as to what course of action needs to happen. It sounds like you are in good hands, though I cannot even begin to imagine the stress you are feeling at this point. I am so sorry you are going through this. The 3D pic you posted of her is adorable. I love her nose.

LV: Congrats on the birth of your son! It sounds like it was a very fast labor- I'm so glad that everything went smoothly for you.
Congrats LV!

MP I'm hoping for the best possible results when you consult with the cardiologist, such a beautiful baby girl!
I'm just a pre-TTC tourist, but couldn't help posting congratulations to LV and tbaus for their new little ones!

Tbaus, thank you for sharing pictures of your twins - especially seeing them with their little CPAPs on. I work with George Gregory, the doctor who first used CPAP on newborns (he's got to be north of 80, but still comes in at least once a week to teach anesthesia residents, even though he isn't working clinically any more!). Even though he's a pretty gruff person (I've only ever seen him smile when he's thinking about tiny babies), he still gets teary-eyed thinking about the newborns he took care of in the 1970s back when NICU care was completely different than it is today. So glad to see your adorable feeders-and-growers! <3

LV, you tough cookie for doing it unmedicated -- it's so amazing what the body can do! Too bad your placenta wouldn't let go (but sounds like it worked awesome for 9 months and I suppose we can give it credit for that!) -- I have heard from many laboring women and new moms that nitrous doesn't so much help pain not hurt, but for some women it helps you not care quite as much about the pain you're having. Glad you were able to put up with the pain of the manual extraction, and thrilled that you got through it with a healthy, beautiful baby boy!

MP, hang in there. Finding out that something's "wrong" -- especially without having all the information yet -- is so incredibly hard, and waiting to get all the information before scaring yourself with what's out there on the internet is basically impossible... It's great to hear that you and your DH are in it together and we're all pulling for you, too! Much happy heart dust to you and your bean (what a gorgeous face she has!)!
Congrats LV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a what would you do in my position question. As much as I wish I could just make the the problem away, we know now one of our babies has a heart defect. We have to wait until next Friday for the fetal echo and to meet with the pediatric cardiologist, and there's really nothing but wait to hear what he has to say about prognosis and treatment and hope and pray it will be as uncomplicated of a defect as possible.

In the meantime, I'm pretty stressed and anxious wondering if the baby might also have Down Syndrome, as heart defects are much more common in children with DS. Our NT scan and bloodwork at 13 weeks came back low risk (like 1/6000) and apparently even given the VSD, the risk is something like 1/800, so still pretty low, but I just have this gut instinct (or maybe it's just that I tend to jump to the worst conclusion) that the baby might have DS. If you were me, would you do an amnio to find out now, even though we are 31 weeks into the pregnancy (and likely won't go more than 7 weeks more max)? Or would you just wait until delivery? It obviously doesn't change anything. She either has it or she doesn't, and we will love her and give her the best life possible no matter what, but the idea of not knowing, given the stress we are already under worrying about her heart and also worrying about delivering twins and caring for them, feels like it is just going to be such a heavy weight over the next several weeks. Then again, waiting on test results and possibly having our fears confirmed makes me really stressed out too. DH talked to a geneticist earlier today, but she didn't really give us any information we don't already have and obviously can't tell us what to do. Just curious if anyone has any thoughts on what you think you'd do in our situation.
Monkeyprincess - IVF increases the chance of heart defects. When I had my NT scan and anatomy scan, the perinatologist took extra time to get a good look at the baby's heart for that reason. Since your odds are so low, the heart defect could be due to IVF. I hope this info helps you make your decision.

LV - Congratulations on your little boy!
MP you are in such a difficult situation. Hugs for your family. Given the risks with preterm labor for twins and the fact that the amnio wouldn't change anything for you I wouldn't do it. At this point the most important thing for your babies is to bake as long as possible so I would just try and focus on that. FWIW I really don't think she has Downs (just a feeling). There were no other "soft markers" for Downs correct?
MP-I am so sorry that you are going through this! it must be so stressful. I would not get the amnio personally. I would be concerned about the slight risks of infection and early labor, especially since you are carrying twins; but I can totally understand why the decision to have it now could be the right choice (stress can cause early labor, being prepared for delivery medically and emotionally, etc.)
MP, I have been thinking about you this week. I would not get the amnio. I don't actually think you will worry less if you know for sure either way- you will just move on to worrying about other things. Given that the worry is going to be a real feature of your life for the next few weeks and the risks with the amnio, especially I would think for Baby Boy, ie preterm labor, I would skip it and try to come to a zen place. Try being the operative and highly difficult word here.

Baby Girls risk is low for Downs, but if you are entrusted with one of these very special souls it is because God knows you can handle the challenges. Trust yourself, trust your own strength, and remember to just keep breathing. And know that we all here love you and are thinking about you and your family!
mp, hugs to you. I can relate to what you are going through right now. Personally, I would not do the amnio. My early bloodworks results actually indicated my baby has a high risk of having DS due to my low Hepp-A and beta-HCG hormone levels, although the NT scan made the combined probability slightly lower but she was still at high risk. The counsellor advised we go for an amnio then but DH and I discussed about it and decided against it as it has risks which we are not willing to take. However, having said that, even though we have decided that come what may we will love and give our best care to her, it doen't stop me from wondering does she has DS or doesn't she many, many times the past few months. Try to distract yourself in the meantime. It is easier said than done, but you are already so close to term and knowing now vs a few weeks later wouldn't make any significant change.
MP - I'm so sorry that you (and your little girl) are dealing with this. Hopefully it ends up being something that is easily dealt with by the doctors once she arrives. As for your amnio question, I don't think I'd bother at this point. To be honest, the heart issue is enough to worry about/deal with, and I'm not sure you'd want to add anything to that. Just my two cents - but I think that whatever you decide is totally understandable.

LV - Congrats lady! That is a fast labour! Hope you are settling in at home and that things are going well.
MP, I would want to know now definitively if I were you. I have a nephew with DS - my sister found out at birth as she declined all prenatal testing on her 4th child to avoid unnecessary worry. I think she would have been better off if she had time to prepare and research DS before birth. I completely support whatever you decide to do, but I think you will find out she doesn't have it and then you can just focus on the heart defect and learning what you need to before birth for what she does have vs. 2 different potential issues to worry and learn about. I hate uncertainty too as my life is currently in limbo waiting on amnio results so I'm sure my opinion is colored by my current situation. What does your DH want to do?
LV, congrats on baby B! Good job!!!
Thanks everyone for your feedback. We are leaning toward not doing an amnio due to any potential risk. We are far enough along that the risk is a bit different, but we both think it's important to make sure these babies stay put as long as they can to make sure they are strong as possible when they are born. I assume the bigger the baby girl is when she is born the better she will fare if she needs surgery immediately.

However, JGator, I'm with you that I really would like to have some more definitive information because the worry and wondering is really a heavy burden right now. They suggested the MaterniT21 test as a compromise. However, we are pretty far along (31 weeks) and it's usually marketed for early pregnancy (although it is supposedly accurate any time after 10 weeks), plus we are expecting twins, and that is not backed up as much with studies as singletons. DH spoke with their lab, and they were pretty confident it would be accurate if it comes back positive, but they did cannot make as strong of claims regarding the rate of false negatives in twin pregnancies (although they came as close as they could to saying, they are confident it would be accurate). I guess we'll decide by our next appointment on Thursday whether to do MaterniT21.

Sorry to be a thread hog. Please go back to your happy pregnancy talk! I hope everyone is doing well!
MP, I saw your post early this morning but didn't have time to respond before my dr's appt.

I completely get wanting to know if your little girl has DS before she's born simply from the standpoint of being able to prepare in the best possible manner. At the same time, I would be concerned that the risk of pre-term labor at this stage might strongly outweigh the benefits of knowing conclusively from the test. It seems that you might have already come to a similar conclusion. Whatever you decide, I hope all works out for you. Not knowing is sometimes the hardest thing.

AFM: I had my 28 week appt today. Everything looks good. I got my TDAP and rhogam shots. The TDAP didn't hurt but my arm is sore. The rhogam stung like a mother! I was terribly disappointed that I didn't get a lollipop for my bravery.
Coming out of TTC lurkdom - April, they're saving the lolli for L&D. ;)
MP and JG_Just wanted to send you both huge hugs during this time of waiting and uncertainty!
ladyciel|1432049548|3878478 said:
Coming out of TTC lurkdom - April, they're saving the lolli for L&D. ;)

Oh, I'm going to need more than a lollipop for that! My husband has promised to pack me a flask of Jack Daniels!