
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Huff, so glad to see your update! Good work keeping it all together and I'm so happy you can all be home together now! Please keep us updated on how both of you are doing!

April, yay for passing! Ah, names! We have a front runner, too, but have decided not to share for a few reasons. A) I just don't want any commentary; DH and I will make this decision and I don't want people have an opinion on the name before it's attached to the child and B) it's a front runner, but I know so many people who changed their minds at the hospital, so it's not a decision until we meet him. As we all know, pregnancy and boundaries rarely go hand in hand; an old teacher of mine who is friends with my MIL emailed her a list of name suggestions! I mean, I'm not even related to this woman! My MIL, who is awesome, simply emailed her back and said, thanks but Son and DIL are very good at making decisions on their own!

AFM, I had an easy peasy appointment last week and scheduled my 20 week anatomy scan for May 18. I'm starting to feel what I think may be little movements, so that's exciting. Not much else to report here, just chugging along!
Aviastar, glad things are going well and you are starting to feel movements. It's so crazy, isn't it?

April, great news! I too was so relieved when I passed just because being monitored so closely and having to watch everything you eat must be a big pain.

I also do not share names (other than bouncing a few ideas off my sisters, but they don't count because we tell each other everything) before the babies arrive. My MIL and SIL are driving me a bit crazy because every time I see them they ask if we have decided on names, and when I say we haven't, which is true, they always act shocked and ask if we are at least thinking about it. Oy. Apparently can't take a hint that I don't want to discuss it with them. I just have a general aversion to talking about most pregnancy related things with them just because of some comments they make and always wanting more details. I suppose that makes me not the best daughter/sister-in-law, but I just am not that close to them and prefer not to have my pregnancy be an endless topic of conversation with them.

Anyway, speaking of names, we are having the hardest time figuring out what we are going to call these children. I suggested names for them awhile back, and DH said he'd think about it. He hasn't okayed them, but he also hasn't come up with any other options, and nothing else sounds right to me, so they may end up being our names by default. I'm not in love with our default names, but I feel like I have too many relatives and friends that have taken all of the possible names I'd conside, and I guess I'm just picky. I feel like I need to decide on names to feel a bit more bonded to them or to actually not be in denial they will be here in probably 10 weeks or less.
Huff! Thanks for the update. I'm so sorry that you guys all had to go through that but thank goodness your little guy is home with you guys now. How have things been since you got home?
amc80|1429902376|3867252 said:
April20|1429897168|3867228 said:
Please share in my excitement.

I just got a message from my doctor. He didn't have results from the last draw, but he said my results were "so normal" that the last number wouldn't make any difference. He said I can keep eating what I'm eating and doing what I'm doing. I am so excited!!!!!

Nice job! I failed my second number, but my first and last were fine. Really glad I passed that test...because carbs are yummy.

I was really afraid this meant I was going to have to break up with Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream but thankfully our relationship is safe. Or it was until they recalled it all voluntarily and closed all stores until they can guarantee there's no listeria!!! I will just have to revert to my love of tortilla chips and guacamole......
Oh. Side note. I swear my MIL has the ability to push my buttons more than anyone else. She's really not bad but I get annoyed so easily. DH texts her I passed my test and do they want to meet for dinner. I tell him she has no idea I was taking it. I don't feel the need to inform her of these things. She calls him and needs all the details and then proceeds to quiz him on why I didn't pass the first one. Hell, I didn't pass because I didn't pass. We don't know why. No one knows why. I didn't pass because 35% of women don't! I mean really, what did she expect, some magic answer? I should know better. This is the same woman that asked me if the doctors figured out why I m/c'd my first pregnancy the instant we told her about this baby.
Tbaus, thinking of you and checking-back for updates. hope all is well! Much love, Bella
Hi Everyone. 32 weeks here. Second time C-section and scheduled for June 23rd. Still team green. Nothing really significant to report. This pregnancy has been relatively easy. I passed my glucose test on the first shot. Other than not knowing the gender, I have an anterior placenta so I haven't been able to get a good shot of the baby's face this go round. So it looks like we are in for a bunch of surprises on the 23rd.

I hope everyone else is doing well. :-)

I have been back here lately trying to do some research on colored stones. I'd like to work on a jewelry item to celebrate both of my babies but I'm not feeling very inspired. Their birth months are June and October. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd gladly take them. I'm even thinking about eternity bands to compliment my e-ring but I haven't had much luck in finding something I like in that scenario either.
Hi emeraldlover1! How far along will you be on June 23rd? I'm sorry if I am asking a silly question, but what happens if you go into labour before June 23rd? Anyway, it is wonderful that you have had an easy pregnancy!

Huff, so happy to read your update! Glad your baby is home with you now. You must had a tough time in the hospital. <Hugs>

April20, Congrats on passing your 3-hour test! That must have been quite a relief.

Speaking of names, hubby and I haven't really sat down to think about it. Now that I am approaching 29 weeks, we should start talking about it soon.

Anyway, I feel like a beached whale the past few days. I am at my heaviest that I have ever been. Doesn't help that I didn't lose much weight after having my boy 2.5 years ago. On the other hand, I am glad that baby is still baking inside me and is fattening up nicely.
Other than that, I have nothing much to update.
Hi girls. Still here. 39w1d today.

I generally feel fine but I guess I'm just anxious about delivery. I was so naive going into the first one - no thoughts of 'what ifs' etc and this time I'm worried about the pain and how I can handle it etc. Ugh.

Doesn't help that my midwife had to reschedule today's appointment because she was at a birth last night...which is fair but come on! I'm 39 friggin weeks pregnant. Don't they realize I'm on the edge!?!! ;-)

It is much nicer being off work now. Generally feel pretty good other than waking up 6 times a night to pee.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Yay for 39+1. How many midwives in your practice? How did your first birth go? Early, late, on-time? Will you have cervical checks done?
Loves Vintage|1430228790|3868961 said:
Yay for 39+1. How many midwives in your practice? How did your first birth go? Early, late, on-time? Will you have cervical checks done?

There are quite a few, but in general, they don't just sub in someone else for an appointment. I have a back up midwife for the birth, and if my MW was, say, sick for a week, they would put me with the back up but I guess just for a reschedule, they keep me with my primary. It is still annoying though.

First birth was 39+1d! :-) I keep thinking that it will happen the same, but so far there are no symptoms!
Muff, thinking of you and hoping that you don't have too much longer to wait!

LV, hope all is well with you. Are getting close to being prepared? Or as close as you ever can be? I'm so unprepared (mentally and otherwise), but I hope I still have several more weeks.

Happybear, I hope you are feeling more and more confident the farther you get. And I totally sympathize with feeling like a beached whale. Last night, I had a minor meltdown when I went on a walk with my husband and son because I felt so out of breath whenever we went up a slight hill or incline. I look and feel like I'm full term and I'm only 28 weeks. It's hard, but at least it is only temporary.

Emeraldlover, I had my first in October and it's possible I'll have my twins in June (unless they decide to come earlier or I end up getting close to my due date). So if you get any good jewelry ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Tbaus, still thinking about you a lot. I'm sure you're super busy and too busy to get on here, but just so you know, you have many good thoughts headed your way!

AFM, I had another growth scan yesterday at 28 weeks. The good news is that both babies are head down (for now) and they are measuring nearly identical in weight at 3 lbs and 3 lbs, 1 oz, which my doctor was very happy about. Good-sized babies. But the not so good news is that in addition to baby girl having slightly high amniotic fluid around her (which is not really a concern anymore because it's staying steady and she looks good), baby boy now has borderline low fluid. The doctor wasn't too concerned because he said it was still within normal range, just the very bottom of normal, but he is having me come in again in another week to monitor the fluid. I just hope the situation turns around and doesn't get worse because I'm counting on these babies staying put for several more weeks.
MP - Sorry to hear about the somewhat low fluid, but it sounds like it is likely nothing and they are just having you come back to be extra-sure you are ok. How many weeks are you now?

AFM, I am more prepared now that I was say a month ago, haha, but still have some things to do (like finish packing hospital bag). Nursery is not set yet, but it's getting there. I got my daughter one of those pouf type "chairs" for the nursery, and she was very happy about it yesterday. I am thinking of making one of those cute tents for a corner of the room, but really, when is that going to happen? Oh, and my daughter did the cutest thing ever. I had all of baby's clothes washed and folded and put them in crib. She went in the room, on her own, no one asked her to, and she put all of his clothes away in the dresser. I thought that was just so amazing and sweet!!!

Finally found a newborn photographer. Also, confirmed that a breast pump is covered by my insurance, but then saw 4 choices and had to walk away for now! There were two new brands I've never heard of, but will likely just get the medela because they have more established customer service. I plan to rent a hospital grade pump for at least the first month. I have another medela here too, and will likely keep one at work. I am just rambling now . . . oh, and I asked for another cervical check on Monday (even though I said I wasn't going to) and I am at 2 cm. Again, could walk around like this for weeks, but I am feeling more confident that I will go into labor on my own. I go for an NST tomorrow, which is standard for my age at 38 weeks, apparently.

Muff - How are things today??? Hopefully your labor starts before 40 weeks so you don't have to keep waiting! Sounds like my MW practice is the opposite of yours. There is always a midwife at the hospital and always at least one in the office, so you never miss an apptmt, but you could have any of the mws in the practice at your birth.
LV- thanks again for bumping the cloth diaper thread! I'm re-reading it from page one and it makes so much more sense now that I've done some serious research!

That is just the cutest thing I have ever heard with your DD putting away all the baby clothes, she is going to be such a great big sister! I'm glad things are coming together; do you have any specific plans for your newborn shoot? I'd like to keep it pretty simple, like a family portrait rather than the fancy ones with props and costumes, but I'm hoping the October weather cooperates and we can be outside. I'm not doing any maternity pics, are you?

MP- I'm sorry the fluid levels continue to be worrisome. I know as close to full term is best, obviously, but has your doctor discussed any kind of hopeful minimum should the levels prove to be any more troublesome? It's great the babes are of an equal size and growing really well!

I'm due in October, so I'm also thinking about birthstones like you and Emerald. I'm looking at black opals; I think if I had June to add in the mix I'd look at black opal with a seed pearl halo or accents. I'd love a long and lean black opal oval in a simple ring, personally.

Muff- so are you certain to see 'your' midwife for your birth, then? She will be called out of her appointments if you go into labor? My office works the same way LV's does- I meet everyone throughout the pregnancy and get whoever happens to be on call the day I go in. So I never have to reschedule appointments either, cause they don't take appointments for the doc who is on hospital call that day. I love the idea of getting to know a provider over the 9 months and being sure to get them for delivery, but I'm not sure my work schedule would be conducive to all the changed appointments! In any case, you're getting so close now you won't have to worry about it for too much longer!

Happy- names are serious business! We have a front runner, but we're not announcing until it's official- too much time to change our minds in between! Do you have a list or are you starting from scratch?

And I have a question, if it's too personal, please tell me so- but how does the cervical stitch work when you get closer to labor? Can you still dilate on our own or will you be induced in order to manage the removal of the stitch?

Staying in a baking full term is certainly a good thing! Even though it comes with the additional weight and the aches and pains, I keep hearing it's all worth it :praise:

Emerald- glad it's been uneventful so far! The best kind of pregnancy!

April- glad to see you over in the CD thread! Some people just know how to push our buttons and I have to wonder if they know it or if they are truly oblivious. One I can forgive...the other not so much :lol:

Just chugging along over here, not much to report. A friend gave us a ton of baby clothes and a rock n' play and I was sorting and washing it all when DH got home one evening. His eyes got all wide-- haha, Sh*t just got real- there's actual baby paraphernalia in the house! I'm 17w3d today, so enjoying this phase a lot! Had to buy new bras, though- seriously the boobage is out. of. control. around here!
happybear|1430190720|3868799 said:
Hi emeraldlover1! How far along will you be on June 23rd? I'm sorry if I am asking a silly question, but what happens if you go into labour before June 23rd? Anyway, it is wonderful that you have had an easy pregnancy!


Hi. My due date is the 26th so I'll be 39 weeks and a few days. Well, if I go into labor before hand we will see how far I progress before making a decision on the csection. With my first I was 5 days over due with no water left and had to be induced. After a failed 24hr induction and only progressing to 4cm we proceeded to a section. I won't go down that route again. I hope that answers your question.
emeraldlover1, thanks for answering my question. I asked because where I am most doctors would perform the elective C - sec around 38 weeks. So I was rather surprised you can schedule yours so near the 40-week mark. In any case, I'm sure you are in good hands!

aviastar, my OB is checking me every time I see him to make sure I have not dilated prematurely. I suppose because the stitch was placed before 13 weeks when my cervix was still relatively long and thick, if my cervix dilate it will thin out and thus he can still notice. If there is any sign of dilation, he needs to remove the stitch before I dilate further, otherwise the stitch will rip my cervix. I'm actually terrified of this happening! But my OB says I would know before that occurs and told me to go straight to l&d once there is any spotting. If I don't dilate prematurely, my OB will remove the stitch when i reach 36+ weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Mp, I get breathless even when I'm seated sometimes! And I'm only carrying 1, so you're in a much better shape than I am.

AFM, no progress on the names selection yet. We will have to start from scratch. For my son it was my hubby who came up with the name, since he's the more creative one between us. So we'll see how it goes...
emeraldlover1|1430409212|3870091 said:
happybear|1430190720|3868799 said:
Hi emeraldlover1! How far along will you be on June 23rd? I'm sorry if I am asking a silly question, but what happens if you go into labour before June 23rd? Anyway, it is wonderful that you have had an easy pregnancy!


Hi. My due date is the 26th so I'll be 39 weeks and a few days. Well, if I go into labor before hand we will see how far I progress before making a decision on the csection. With my first I was 5 days over due with no water left and had to be induced. After a failed 24hr induction and only progressing to 4cm we proceeded to a section. I won't go down that route again. I hope that answers your question.

Induction is always the worst! Glad you have a doctor that supports your birth plan :)
Still pregnant.


I will be 40 weeks on Monday. My MW said she will offer me a stretch next week (40w1d) and induction at 41 weeks. I have a feeling it won't come to that but it is nice to know what her plan is.

For names we have finally (I think haha) narrowed it down to two - Willa or Ivy. I have a feeling we'll go with Ivy but who knows!

The wait is excruciating. I'm not in a RUSH, but the underlying anxiety of wondering if today is the day, or if *this* time when I get up to pee at night, is my water going to break? is tiring.

Hope you are all doing well!
Muff, hang in there! Those of us who have made it to our due dates or gone past know exactly how you are feeling. At least you know it will not be too much longer now. And I think both of your names are very sweet. Can't wait to hear what you decide on and to "meet" your little girl!

Happybear, names are so hard. DH and I are having a heck of a time figuring out what to name our babies. In my case, DH has pretty much been zero help thus far, and for some reason, it's almost awkward discussing names with him. There's a baby naming thread if you want to check that out.

Aviastar, so fun to start actually accumulating baby stuff. You're farther along than me if you started washing things. We have boxes and boxes of clothes Ev has outgrown in our guestroom (soon to be nursery) closet that I need to start going through to see what I have and what I need to get. Poor baby boy is probably going to be the only one who has to wear hand-me-downs because Ev got all new stuff and baby girl will get mostly new stuff :)

LV, I'm 28.5 weeks, so at least I'm getting closer and closer to a point where if these babies come early, their prognosis will be good. I'm really hoping it's nothing to worry about and we just caught him at a low fluid moment earlier this week. So sweet about your little girl taking it upon herself to put away her brother's clothes. She's probably at the perfect age to get what is going on. I can't tell how much Ev understands. He was with us when we bought their cribs, and we talk about his brother and sister a lot, but I'm still not sure how much is sinking in. The past few days, he has been so sweet and he will ask me to "open my belly" which means lift my shirt up, so he can hug his brother and sister, and he rests his head on my belly. Last night, he asked, "Is your belly button broken? It's not like mine." I don't quite have an outie at this point, but it is stretched to the max and looks odd :)
Muff- not much longer for you I hope! I love your name options. You cannot go wrong with either one, they're wonderful.

LV: You are so close too! I can't remember if it was on this thread or the baby name thread where I read your little boy's name but wanted to tell you I love that name. My friend had a baby in December (her 4th!) and that's his name too.

MP: I hope the low fluid doesn't present any issues for you. You're getting close to a decent milestone if they were to be born early, so I'm sure that's some relief, though I imagine you want them to "cook" as long as possible.

AFM: I made DH go into Babies R Us today to finish up our registry. I'd done everything online thus far, but i needed him to choose a stroller. That's done, so I can mark that off my list. While we were in there, he asked me if my ankles/feet were swollen or if it just looked like it. I looked down and sure enough my feet are sausages. I'm guzzling water but wonder if the heat contributes. It's warming up here and will just continue to get hotter. This summer should be fun.

Happy Sunday everyone!
Well - baby Ivy has arrived!! Our little full moon baby was born at 1:07 pm on the 3rd after a long labour and a short delivery. She was posterior for most of the labour so that was painful (and apparently prolonged my labour because her head wasn't pushing down on the cervix properly). She turned in time for ten minutes of pushing!

She is lovely - 7lbs1oz and 20 inches long. Heading home from the hospital now! image_3455.jpg
Muff, Ivy is lovely indeed! Congratulations!!
happybear|1430444007|3870366 said:
emeraldlover1, thanks for answering my question. I asked because where I am most doctors would perform the elective C - sec around 38 weeks. So I was rather surprised you can schedule yours so near the 40-week mark. In any case, I'm sure you are in good hands!

Well, that would be nice and I am sure I could have pushed him to do it sooner however, the "rule" so was told at my hospital (NYU) is 39 weeks. From that point, you are at the mercy of your doctors surgical day which in my case is a Tuesday. So, 39 weeks is a Friday for me so the earliest they would do it was the 23rd. I didn't push it because I would really like to go as close to my due date as possible and unfortunately, with a busy hospital, they don't seem to be that flexible.
gorgeous baby, Muff! Congratulations.
Congratulations, Muff! She is beautiful!
Congratulations, Muff!!! She is beautiful! Hope you're feeling well!!
Congrats, Muff! Ivy is gorgeous! Hope your recovery is going well.

MP, so very glad you passed your 3 hour GTT. I can't wait to "meet" your sweet twins.

Tbaus, thinking of you & hope all is ok with your family. Hugs.

Following along with the rest of you ladies too!
Muff - Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful Ivy! I love those scrunched up little newborn hands!!!

Will post more later. Nothing new here, haha.
Muff, congratulations!! Ivy is beautiful! :love:
Wish you a speedy recovery.
Anybody else dealing with lots of Braxton Hicks? I've been getting them irregularly for several weeks, but in the past week, I've been getting tons of them throughout the day. On Friday night, I was debating whether I needed to call or go in to be monitored because I was having so many. The nurses at the MFM always tell me to let them know if I'm getting more than 4 an hour after guzzling tons of water and laying on my left side. I was getting them every few minutes, so I took a warm bath and benadryl, and that slowed them down. But I'm still getting a lot of them. It doesn't feel like they're doing anything, but I will get another cervix check I assume when they check my fluid again tomorrow. Work is busy these next couple of weeks, so it's just stressful having to keep worrying about these. I'm so paranoid about preterm labor due to the twin factor.