
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Bella_mezzo|1427302394|3852292 said:
HUff-Congrats on your little boy's arrival and I hope his stay in the NICU is short. There have been some strong little fighters born at 32 weeks to other Pricescopers. Maybe some of them will chime in with their experiences.

Congrats, Huff!

BTW, I'm a 32 weeker :) I was 3lbs and 16 inches...I've made up for it.
Here's my HDBD pic for the week. I took this last Saturday at 19+4. Also, a pic of the squish. She really wasn't very cooperative yesterday. Today I can feel her moving quite a bit. I texted my DH and said I was feeling his child a lot today. His response? Definitely a girl. Uncooperative yesterday, good to go today.

I'm almost scared for what we're in for......

ETA: I can't get my pic to rotate correctly. So frustrating!


April20|1427296900|3852247 said:
MuffDog|1427296486|3852244 said:
April20|1427291598|3852208 said:
We had our 20 week anatomy scan today. Halfway thru my husband decided he couldn't not know the sex. So we now know it's a little girl! I really didn't need to know but he did. She looks good and weighs 12 oz. I'm lobbying hard for Eliza for her name.

Hope everyone else is doing okay. Huff, I'm thinking of you and your little boy.

Congrats on the little girl!! That is super exciting. I, for one, LOVE Eliza!!! I couldn't get my hubby on board with it either. You could see if he likes Elizabeth and then Eliza for short?

I think he will get on board. He's not opposed we just hadn't discussed any girl names. My middle name is Elizabeth so I really prefer Eliza just so it's not so matchy to my name. Plus Eliza is like #200 on the SS list and Elizabeth is in the top 10 (I think). We will see where we land!

I was so convinced this baby was a boy. The intuition stuff regarding sex is crap!

Truth! I think you get what you're suppose to :)

Eliza is a lovely name! But I would fully support you naming her after yourself too, I LOVE when women do that.
The difference between Eliza and Elizabeth is essentially she doesn't get to pick her nickname. Elizabeth has one million nicknames. Betsy (i never knew knew!) Ellie, Eliza, beth. Eliza only has the one. I'm not saying one is better, just something to think about.
April, congrats on a good ultrasound and your girl news! She has the sweetest little profile. My children have been completely uncooperative despite the many ultrasound I have, and I only manage to get cute pictures of their feet. Never their little faces. I also really like Eliza. I can't use it though because it's my niece's middle name and a good friend's daughter's name. Oh, and your bump is looking great too!
Question. Is anyone else dealing with nose bleeds? I understand there are increased capillaries and blood flow, but these nose bleeds are making me nuts! I wake up every morning stuffy and when I blow my nose, it's bloody. It was so bad this morning, it got onto my white sheets. So not fun!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Huff- still thinking about you and your little boy. I hope he's doing well in the NICU.
April, I haven't had an actual nose bleed, but I have been very congested since early on, and when I blow my nose in the morning it is often bloody. Definitely seems like a common pregnancy thing. I have been snoring according to my husband, which I blame on the fact I can barely breathe out of my nose these days.

I had another ultrasound this morning and both babies are measuring above average. Baby girl has borderline high fluid around here, so I guess we just have to watch that. He said in most cases no particular reason is found, or it could be a sign of gestational diabetes or in rare cases a birth defect. Anybody else have polyhydramnious? I'm guessing that's why my belly has gotten even rounder at the top recently!
monkeyprincess|1427728526|3854515 said:
April, I haven't had an actual nose bleed, but I have been very congested since early on, and when I blow my nose in the morning it is often bloody. Definitely seems like a common pregnancy thing. I have been snoring according to my husband, which I blame on the fact I can barely breathe out of my nose these days.

I had another ultrasound this morning and both babies are measuring above average. Baby girl has borderline high fluid around here, so I guess we just have to watch that. He said in most cases no particular reason is found, or it could be a sign of gestational diabetes or in rare cases a birth defect. Anybody else have polyhydramnious? I'm guessing that's why my belly has gotten even rounder at the top recently!

I had excess fluid when W was born. I personally think it had something to do with my blood clot but no one ever said that. Lol.

Only thing my doctor ever mentioned about it was that when my water broke it would be "a real gusher" :knockout:
I'm super stuffy too, with occasional bloody nose blows. Inhaling some peppermint oil clears it up for a few minutes, but doesn't last long. My best result are to drop some peppermint and eucalyptus oil in the shower and let it steam and diffuse while I'm in there; not all day results but I'll take any relief I can from the whistle in my nose and the serious dry mouth breathing! :) :lol:
Thanks, Niel. I was induced with my son, and I remember them commenting that there was A LOT of fluid when they broke my water, and then I kept having huge gushes throughout the day (TMI), and I did get really big in the last few weeks of pregnancy, so maybe I had it with him too? This time, I've had so many ultrasouds and the babies have looked normal, so I'm hoping it's nothing and stays mild. I made the mistake of googling it, which was mostly reassuring, but some of the stuff I saw was not so reassuring.I guess this also puts me at a higher risk of preterm delivery because my uterus is already that much bigger with twins, but so far my cervix has been looking great, so I hope it holds up. Ugh, always something to worry about.
Hey girls - happy Monday ;)

I had a lot of gushing bloody noses with my first -t his time it is more a dry nose constantly that bleeds when I blow it. Totally normal and annoying.

MP - glad the two babes are above average!! That is good news that they are growing and developing. Hope the extra fluid ends up being a nothing. Keep us posted!

AFM - 35 weeks now. Spent the weekend washing and organizing clothes (which is WAY harder when you have a toddler who insists on sleeping in the nursery still!). I ordered a new crib mattress since Luca has demolished his and it is likely not safe for an infant. That will arrive in a month or so. Hopefully Luca will have decided by then that his big boy bed is awesome. Crossing my fingers.

How is everyone else? Have all of your 'stuff' organized yet? Anything still left to buy?
monkeyprincess|1427736170|3854582 said:
Thanks, Niel. I was induced with my son, and I remember them commenting that there was A LOT of fluid when they broke my water, and then I kept having huge gushes throughout the day (TMI), and I did get really big in the last few weeks of pregnancy, so maybe I had it with him too? This time, I've had so many ultrasouds and the babies have looked normal, so I'm hoping it's nothing and stays mild. I made the mistake of googling it, which was mostly reassuring, but some of the stuff I saw was not so reassuring.I guess this also puts me at a higher risk of preterm delivery because my uterus is already that much bigger with twins, but so far my cervix has been looking great, so I hope it holds up. Ugh, always something to worry about.

Yeah, my water was broken for W and they didn't get it fully, they were going to try again and the doctor told them sense I had so much fluid it would be better to let it release slowly , so it was terrible lol.

When I had my blood clot I made the mistake of consulting Dr Google and it scared the crap out of me. I had a lot of ultrasounds too but they really only focused in Ws growth and my blood clot so they didn't mention my fluid until about my 37 week US. So I didn't have time to google what extra fluid might mean, but I know my Dr wasn't at all concerned.
I hope it doesn't worry you too much. I feel like every slight condition you could have with your pregnancy can result in something bad if you look at google long enough.
So I should probably introduce myself for those that don't follow the 6months+ thread since I skipped the JBP thread...

We've been trying for almost two years now and this is my second pregnancy; I miscarried last summer. Hence the skipping of the JPB thread- I couldn't be really confidant until I was out of the first trimester and I couldn't face having to tell anyone I miscarried again.

So now I'm 13w1d today and we got the results of our panorama blood test (like materniti21)- and we are low risk and were having a BOY! He's due Oct. 4.

Enough about me...

Muff- yay for 35 weeks! Did you revamp the nursery at all or just sticking with it? Good luck with transitioning to the big boy bed! One of the ladies at work has a two year old granddaughter and a brand new grandson. Granddaughter loves her "pretty room" and will deign to sleep in it but refuses to have her diaper changed in there! :lol: there are such funny little people- I'd love to know the logic behind that one...

MP - so glad things are looking great! And I can I even tell you how excited I am that we get to be preggo together? :appl: how's the shopping for two going? I went to a big baby yard sale thing last weekend put on by a local mothers of multiples club- it was awesome! Amazing prices and all sorts of double and triple strollers and matching high chair sets. I was only looking for singleton stuff but I made out! Anything like that around where you are?

April- congrats on your girl! And boo to the bloody noses!

Huff- hope you are both doing well!
Yay, Aviastar! Great to see you here. Glad to hear things are going so well, and congrats on your boy news! That's so exciting!

Muff, you're getting closer and closer. The only thing I've done is buy crib sheets, mattress pads and another changing pad. I am keeping the nursery simple and just doing an aqua theme and trying to keep it gender neutral. Still need cribs and mattresses and a dresser for the babies' room. My sister has a 9 month old and is letting us borrow their infant carseat and bases, so at least I won't need to get another one of those. Oh, and I ordered a bunch of newborn/0-3 months onesies and sleepers for the little girl (I completely made rash decisions and did it at like 3 in the morning when I couldn't sleep, so hopefully, I don't have to return it all when it arrives!). Eventually, I'll have to go through all of Ev's baby clothes and figure out what kind of shape we are in for use by baby boy.

Niel, I did kind of freak myself out a bit yesterday, but after getting a good night sleep, I feel less concerned about the extra fluid. Just something we'll have to watch, and I really hope it doesn't get worse. I can't imagine carrying a lot more fluid than necessary when I've already got two good-sized babies in there!

Hope everyone else is doing well!
monkeyprincess|1427815280|3855052 said:
Yay, Aviastar! Great to see you here. Glad to hear things are going so well, and congrats on your boy news! That's so exciting!

Muff, you're getting closer and closer. The only thing I've done is buy crib sheets, mattress pads and another changing pad. I am keeping the nursery simple and just doing an aqua theme and trying to keep it gender neutral. Still need cribs and mattresses and a dresser for the babies' room. My sister has a 9 month old and is letting us borrow their infant carseat and bases, so at least I won't need to get another one of those. Oh, and I ordered a bunch of newborn/0-3 months onesies and sleepers for the little girl (I completely made rash decisions and did it at like 3 in the morning when I couldn't sleep, so hopefully, I don't have to return it all when it arrives!). Eventually, I'll have to go through all of Ev's baby clothes and figure out what kind of shape we are in for use by baby boy.

Niel, I did kind of freak myself out a bit yesterday, but after getting a good night sleep, I feel less concerned about the extra fluid. Just something we'll have to watch, and I really hope it doesn't get worse. I can't imagine carrying a lot more fluid than necessary when I've already got two good-sized babies in there!

Hope everyone else is doing well!

ha! well hopefuly it doesnt get you too uncomfortable!
monkeyprincess|1427815280|3855052 said:
Yay, Aviastar! Great to see you here. Glad to hear things are going so well, and congrats on your boy news! That's so exciting!

Muff, you're getting closer and closer. The only thing I've done is buy crib sheets, mattress pads and another changing pad. I am keeping the nursery simple and just doing an aqua theme and trying to keep it gender neutral. Still need cribs and mattresses and a dresser for the babies' room. My sister has a 9 month old and is letting us borrow their infant carseat and bases, so at least I won't need to get another one of those. Oh, and I ordered a bunch of newborn/0-3 months onesies and sleepers for the little girl (I completely made rash decisions and did it at like 3 in the morning when I couldn't sleep, so hopefully, I don't have to return it all when it arrives!). Eventually, I'll have to go through all of Ev's baby clothes and figure out what kind of shape we are in for use by baby boy.

Niel, I did kind of freak myself out a bit yesterday, but after getting a good night sleep, I feel less concerned about the extra fluid. Just something we'll have to watch, and I really hope it doesn't get worse. I can't imagine carrying a lot more fluid than necessary when I've already got two good-sized babies in there!

Hope everyone else is doing well!

MP - Do you know what you are doing for cribs? I love twin nurserys with painted cribs...just saw one recently. Let me see if I can find a pic for you. I think staying simple and mostly neutral is a good idea!!

Aviastar - congrats and welcome!! Hopefully you can relax a little now that you've made it to the second tri but we're here if you want to have a minor freakout :-) I didn't revamp the nursery at all. It just didn't make sense to me. Just the new mattress and some girly clothes in the dresser. That's it :-)

AFM - Sooo....Luca slept in his new bed/room last night!!!! He seemed kind of cuddly after stories, so I just laid with him for a while. He never fell asleep, but I could hear that he relaxed and was starting to breath a bit deeper. Of course, by this time, I had to pee and had jumpy legs so I told him I was going to go pee and that i'd be back. (not the first lie I've ever told him).

He woke up twice - once for me to find his blankie and once to go pee. All in all it was a good experience. Sure...I bribed him with a donut and I couldn't fall back asleep after the 2:30 am pee break, but I'm so proud of the little guy!!
Avistar- Welcome and congrats on the low risk and your boy! I hope your remaining weeks are uneventful in a good way.

Muff- yay for your son sleeping in his new room. I have zero experience with that, but I've heard it can be a real challenge.

MP: Hope you and the twins are doing well!

LV: How are things for you?

Here's my HDBD pic for this week- 21+1. I took it in the dressing room of the consignment shop. It's 75 here today and I was burning up. I realized that I only have two skirts that fit and that's just not going to cut it with how hot it gets here. I found two skirts and a pair of cargo shorts, so I call that a win for today.

I stitched it next to my 15w4d pic- the bump has really grown in 6 weeks! I'm a little scared for what this means for the thick of summer and how huge I will be then.

Oh, and I started my cloth diaper stash. They're sooo cute. I have nine one size pockets and one one size cover and one newborn cover thus far. I'm waiting on three more newborn and three more one size covers. After that I'm going to start focusing on prefolds, flats and inserts.

Huff - I hope all is going well with your baby boy.

Aviastar - :wavey:

MP - How are you feeling?

MuffDog - Yay for getting organized. I feel like I don't have anything yet. I ordered a replacement mattress for our co-sleeper, but probably won't order a crib mattress for a few weeks. Too many to consider! I started a help me find things thread in hang-out because I am kind of waffling on everything for the nursery. Still have to buy a swing. Bought some cute clothes at Carter's today, though. Clothes are easy!

April - Cute pics and nice progression! What brands of cloth diapers did you buy? So much fun!!

I will be 35 weeks tomorrow. I am feeling great still, a little soreness by the end of the day. I felt my first rib kick yesterday! Kind of neat, haha. My daughter never did that. I had a midwife appointment today. She confirmed baby is in correct position. We talked a little about how much support she or the other midwives would provide during labor, and it seems there is no guarantee they will be spending a lot of time with me, so I am now considering a doula again, or perhaps I will just hope to have a good supportive nurse. Maybe if I'm not induced I will deal better on my own this time. I was having a hard time emotionally a few weeks back, which I attribute in part to severe lack of sleep. We ordered and now have our new mattress, I've been getting weekly massages and started seeing a therapist weekly, which has been hugely helpful. Work was really stressing me out, so he encouraged me to ask for outside help, which was absolutely needed and management agreed immediately. So, now I am feeling much better and am sleeping better too!!
LV, glad to hear you have found ways to reduce your stress. Probably okay to have your work start transitioning for your maternity leave anyway. Not too much longer for you! Hoping you get the birth experience you'd like this time!

April, looking good! It's amazing how much change your body is capable of. At the end of the pregnancy, you'll look back at these pictures and think you looked small!

Muff, I do like the painted cribs. I saw some cute blue ones online, but DH is a no go on that. We'll probably stick with white furniture as it will coordinate with the stuff we have from my sons room. Still have no clue which cribs we're getting though, but I think we're going to do some furniture shopping this week.

Tbaus, haven't heard from you in awhile, but I hope everything is going great for you and the babies!

Hi to everyone else!

AFM, things are going pretty well. I'm 25 weeks now and just really BIG! I've gotten a few comments recently from random people in elevators, etc., asking me how much longer, which is lovely to hear this early on :) Otherwise feeling pretty good, although I noticed that after we spent a couple hours at the zoo with my son this weekend, I was exhausted and sore and getting Braxton hicks. Good reminder that I need to start taking it easy from here on out.
I've been lax in my contribution to HDBD for the last bit so here is one from today - 36w3d

Hope you guys are all doing well!!

Hope everyone is doing well!

We started Bradley classes last night. It seems pretty straightforward, now I just need to remember to do the exercises.

I got on the scale this morning. UGH. I am up 18 lbs at 23 weeks. I was really trying to keep total weight gain to 25 lbs. This seems less and less likely. I'm not eating like a crazy person, but there are things I know I could cut. I am going to the gym at least five times a week and treadmilling it for 45 mins. I hope that helps at least some. At the end of the day, I know my body is going to do what my body is going to do, but I do not look forward to all the un-doing I'm going to face come August......
Hey April, your weight gain doesn't sound unreasonable. It sucks seeing the pounds add on, but I agree that everybody's body handles it differently. Don't beat yourself up about it. I started this pregnancy heavier than I started my first, and I've gained nearly 30 pounds already, so I pretty much weigh as much as I did at full term with my son, and I'm only 26 weeks! Ugh.

Muff, looking great as usual. Hope things are going well! How much longer for you?

I took the glucose test this morning, and I just found I failed by about 10 points. Bummer! He said there's a good chance I'll pass the three hour test and that is pretty common to fail the one hour with twins, but I still feel kind of guilty about it for some reason. I think I'll take the three hour test on Friday and just hope for the best, but even if I pass, I think I need to start watching my carbs and sweets. Between Easter and family birthdays, I haven't been very disciplined recently. Good wake up call if nothing else.

Hope everyone else is doing well!
For anyone who has had to do the three-hour glucose test, do you drink the same drink or is it a more concentrated verison or larger quantity or what? I was just looking at the cut-offs they use, and the 2nd and 3rd draws are higher than they number they use for the one hour screening, so I assume you must have to drink a different amount of the glucose, right???
Hi MP - Yes, you drink more of the same drink. I believe it is the entire bottle, but memory is a little foggy on that already. If you have had a flavor that was tolerable in the past, I would re-request that one. For me, orange was tolerable. Red was much worse - that's what I had for the 3 hour. And, I wish they would all refrigerate them!!

I hope your three hour shows you have no issues!!
monkeyprincess|1429029345|3861730 said:
Hey April, your weight gain doesn't sound unreasonable. It sucks seeing the pounds add on, but I agree that everybody's body handles it differently. Don't beat yourself up about it. I started this pregnancy heavier than I started my first, and I've gained nearly 30 pounds already, so I pretty much weigh as much as I did at full term with my son, and I'm only 26 weeks! Ugh.

Muff, looking great as usual. Hope things are going well! How much longer for you?

I took the glucose test this morning, and I just found I failed by about 10 points. Bummer! He said there's a good chance I'll pass the three hour test and that is pretty common to fail the one hour with twins, but I still feel kind of guilty about it for some reason. I think I'll take the three hour test on Friday and just hope for the best, but even if I pass, I think I need to start watching my carbs and sweets. Between Easter and family birthdays, I haven't been very disciplined recently. Good wake up call if nothing else.

Hope everyone else is doing well!

MP - I'm 37w1d today. EEK!!
monkeyprincess|1429041073|3861829 said:
For anyone who has had to do the three-hour glucose test, do you drink the same drink or is it a more concentrated verison or larger quantity or what? I was just looking at the cut-offs they use, and the 2nd and 3rd draws are higher than they number they use for the one hour screening, so I assume you must have to drink a different amount of the glucose, right???

MP, just wanted to chime in here. The 1-hr drink is a 50g sugar/carb load, while the 3-hr drink is a 100g sugar/carb load. They are both the same amount of liquid though (10oz I think?). There's also a 2-hr drink that's a 75g sugar/carb load that you repeat at your 6w postpartum visit if you do end up having GD.

I've heard it's quite common to get GD with multiples since it's that much harder on your body. Either way though, good luck with the 3-hr and make sure you bring a snack so you can eat it right after that last blood draw so you don't pass out. I'm still so happy that you're having twins!!!
Hi everyone! My apologies, it has been a while. Life has been hectic.

Huff, what a scary thing to happen. Please update us soon. I have been doing lot of research on premature babies and hopefully besides a short stay in NICU you will have your little guy home and healthy very soon.

Muff, I can't believe you are almost at the finish line! You are looking amazing as well. Hope all the last minute preparations are going well.

April, love the progression shot. I am due to take another photo soon- I may have to try the same thing. Regarding the nosebleeds, have you tried a humidifier in your room? I have never used one before I got pregnant but I am finding it is really helping me deal with the stuffiness I have been having. And a girl- yay!


LV, those all sound like great ways to reduce your stress. And hooray for sleep! I will go into my sleep issues below but needless to say I totally feel your pain on the lack of sleep/ emotional hardship correlation. When will you be finishing up work?

MP, what a bummer you have to go in for the 3 hour test. Yes from what I was told you have a much higher chance of developing GD with twins on board. Have you had any more scans? Is baby girl still floating around in more fluid? And excellent news that they are both above average (Ha! Every time someone says that to me I say good for them, but not for me! I'm the one carrying around all this extra weight)!

I think that is everyone. So sorry if I missed you.

AFM, 28+5 weeks. These last few weeks have flown by. I finished up work on April 3rd, and it feels like as soon as I stopped my body just let itself go and I am really feeling this pregnancy now. My worst symptoms now include SPD (which comes and goes curiously), carpal tunnel that causes my fingers and joints to swell up and wake up with hands that are stiff and look like "the claw", and heartburn. A few weeks ago DH decided that our one and only bathroom needed to be renovated, and since I can't live there without a toilet we had to rush and time it with my MIL going away so we could stay at her place. Thankfully it is almost finished and we should be back in by this weekend. Just a whole load of cleaning to do and then we can finally start on the nursery!

It has been a rough week. This Sunday just gone was the anniversary of my son William's birth day. I knew it was coming and we had planned things to do to commemorate it but I was still a sobbing mess for most of the day. Combining that with the stress of being up and down overseeing the bathroom renovation, as well as moving from our own king size bed down to a queen at my MIL's (and the lack of sleep from that) resulted in a late night hospital visit last night after I found streaks of blood on my underwear. I was monitored for a few hours and sent home just after midnight. Thankfully everything looked ok, both babies heartbeats were fine and they were still moving around a lot. They couldn't find the source of the bleeding so I just got the talk about slowing down and relaxing. Today I had a sleep in and have just made the most of the sunshine before winter officially starts down here. It has definitely given me a kick in the pants though and I have decided to start packing my hospital bag this weekend once we move back home.
Thanks for chiming in S&I. How's your new little one doing? So did you have to take the 4 hour test and pass or did you end with GD? I just have a gut instinct I'm going to fail just based on a few things about how I've been feeling lately. I've been lucky and have never had to be super careful about what I eat, so I'm afraid this may be a rude awakening, but I'll do what I need to do for the babies!

LV, thanks for the info as well. I've been given orange both times I've done the 1 hour, so hopefully, I'll get that again. It's, like you said, tolerable. But the idea of either drinking twice as much or twice as concentrated just grosses me out. Thanks for the good wishes. I hope I pass too, but I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst. I started stressing about it last night and needed DH to talk me off the ledge. Feeling much more rational this morning.

Tbaus, glad to see you update. I was hoping all was going well and you were just busy with life. How are things going with your twins? Are they both on target and still looking great? I hope so! I have scans every two weeks. They do growth scans every 4 weeks, and then the ones in between are just to check my cervix and fluid around the babies. I had another scan yesterday and the fluid levels were pretty much the same. I saw a different doctor than my usual one, and he was pretty reassuring about the extra fluid. He said, she looks very healthy with good movement and tone and has no visible signs (although they can't 100% rule it out) of any swallowing issues or neurological issues or anything. Sorry to hear you've got a lot of not so fun side effects and hoping the time off will let you rest as much as possible. And I'm also sorry you had a bit of a scare, but so glad everything is looking good. Crazy to be thinking about packing a bag already! Finally, I'm sorry Sunday was a hard day for you. I can only imagine :(

Muff, that's crazy! You're getting so close. Was your son early or late or on-time?

ETA - I was prescribed iron supplements yesterday because my iron was borderline low. I guess pretty much every twin mom ends up being somewhat anemic, so they prescribed them to keep it from getting worse. I took one this morning, and I felt sick and had to lie down for awhile. They say it is best on an empty stomach and with something citrus, but I'm thinking I will not be able to take them unless I eat something when I take them. Anyone else taking iron?
And for a laugh, here's me at just over 26 weeks. That's right 26 weeks! It hurts to imagine what I'll look like 10-12 weeks from now if I"m still pregnant :) I am huge and carrying really high because of the way baby girl is positioned on top of her brother. I apologize for the messy mirror. My 2.5 year old brushes his teeth with me in the morning, and he splashes all over, and I forgot to wipe it down before taking the pictures. Also, I apologize for the outfit. I promise I put a shirt over the tank before I left the house this morning!

MP, you look great! Glad to hear things are going well with the babes and the extra fluid isn't a major concern. I'm sorry you have to take the iron pills, but glad they caught it early while it's still mild! Luckily on the GD front, you are over halfway so you are on the downward slope of having to watch what you eat.

Tbaus- so good to hear from you! I'm sorry Sunday was so difficult, I imagine that this will be a hard day forever, but by this time next year you will have baby snuggles to help you through the day. Good news on the bathroom, though! It will be wonderful to get back in your own home, own bed with a new and improved bathroom. Is there anything you can do for the carpal tunnel? Probably a good call on packing your bag- if you pack it early you won't need it early!

MuffDog- 37weeks ?!?! So close!

April- 18lbs sounds great, actually! All that working out and you might be adding muscle, lady! I'm happy if I get a walk with the dogs in every day, so you are a rock star! The drs. all talk like we have the ultimate control over weight gain, but I think it's weighted (ha!) with a heavy dose of genetics and just plain ol' luck. I don't actually know how much I've gained, my doc just says I'm consistent and leaves it at that; we haven't even talked about goals for gaining, which I am very grateful for.

AFM, I'm 15w3d and feeling good. I have my 15/16 week appointment tomorrow, I anticipate it will be a quick urine and heartbeat check. We've told our friends, so cat's out of the bag, and that's fun. The really adorable part is all DH's friends have started calling; some have little ones, one is expecting a few months before we are, some don't have any kids, but it's wonderful to see they are just as excited for him as my girlfriends are for me. DH got off the phone with one and came to me and was like, 'Um, do we need to sign up for classes? Buddy says we have to take classes and they'll tell us like what we have to have for baby to come home.' :love: I said, 'Well, we will preregister at the hospital and take a tour and we'll see what they offer, but I'm pretty sure I have a pretty good handle on what baby needs to come home.' 'oh, good, cause I have no freakin' idea!' He's such a cutie!

I remembered to take a HDBD pic this morning! 15 weeks:

MP, my daughter is doing well, thanks for asking! I can't believe she'll already be 4 months old next week. I did end up failing the 3-hr test (the 1-hr and the 2-he blood draws), even though I failed the 1-hr test by 4 points. Mine was completely controlled through diet changes, mainly just avoiding carbs. The weird thing is that they are usually worried about baby getting too big with GD mamas, but I got diagnosed with IUGR at 28w because she was too small. Everything turned out okay though, and she was 6lbs4oz when she came out at 37w+5d.

When are you going in for your 3-hr test? I think I had the lemon/lime one for that, and it tasted like super sweet flat sprite. I also found out that my sugar had dropped to 55 by the 3-hr blood draw, which would explain why I was shaking by that time. Hope yours goes smoothly though! Your bump looks adorable!