
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks, gongjoo, for the information. I appreciate that. I'm so sorry to hear you might also be dealing with a heart defect. I hope everything turns out okay for you and your baby. It's very scary to hear something might be/is wrong with your baby.

Happybear, I hope your appointment went well, and I hope your baby stays put at least a little while longer, although, your baby will likely fare very well whenever she is born now that she has made it this far. Hang in there! Trust me, I understand the difficulty getting comfortable at night. My belly is just so large and round these days, so I have to be on my side or else I can't breathe and start getting BHs, but I also need to stay propped up because my acid reflux is pretty bad. It's not easy, but we are getting closer to the end!

JGator, so glad to see you over here!

Lavender, welcome to you too!
Monkeyprincess- so, I haven't been on Ps in probably 2 years, but a friend alerted me to what's going on with your baby girl, so I wanted to offer my support and chime in!
Waaaaay back when, almost 4 yrs ago, my little sweetheart Aubrey was born, and her story is documented somewhere on this thread. She had a large VSD, pulmonary stenosis, ASD, PFO, and PDA...lots of little CHD's to make for one silly little heart that needed OHS. Her surgery was done at 3 months, and she kicked major butt. She was out in 6 days and hasn't looked back. No restrictions- she actually plays soccer and does horseback riding.
OH- and she has DiGeorge Syndrome. :)
It's a scary diagnosis, but there are huge amounts of support there. I've met the most amazing people, and even though things are a little different, I feel like my life is so much more fulfilled thanks to that amazing little girl. I don't know if we can somehow get in touch; in friends offline with a number of PSer's. I'd love to offer any support I can provide as you go through this as another momma who has been there. I will send positive thoughts that everything is ok. Most CHD's are isolated cases; we were shocked to find out Aubrey had a genetic condition. DiGeorge (or 22q) is only thought to occur in 1:2000 births. But just know that if she DOES end up with a genetic diagnosis, the Internet can be a very scary place. My daughter lives a totally normal, happy life, CHD scar down her chest and all! She's the cutest little thing and is very proud of her heart boo boo scar.
Charbie, thank you so much for taking the time to write to me. I really appreciate it! I feel like not a lot of people can relate to what I'm going through, so it helps a lot to hear somebody who has been through similar issues and come out the other side and doing well. I'm so glad to hear your daughter is doing well. We've been told by most of the people we talked to that they don't think our baby's heart condition is due to any other genetic issue, but really, until she's born and has some testing, I'm trying to prepare myself for that possibility. It's hard to think about your baby facing additional challenges beyond the heart condition and surgery, but like I said before, it really helps to hear that your daughter is happy and living a fulfilling life. And if we do find out we are are facing a similar diagnosis, I'd love to try to connect with you. It was very sweet of you to give me your support!

AFM, I had my weekly appointment today, and we met with the surgeon the other day who will most likely be doing our baby's surgery. The shock is wearing off, and I think we're coming to terms with everything as much as we can, although I still get very emotional and anxious whenever I think about it. Baby girl had another little surprise today in that she decided to turn breech again, making a c-section more likely. I don't think I want the added risk of doing a breech extraction on top of everything else we're going to be facing when the babies are born, but I also worry it's going to be a lot to deal with having to take care of one newborn, having another newborn who needs surgery and recovering from a c-section. There are also all sorts of complications and unknowns. The surgeon we met with and think is the best guy for the job is going to be away June 29-July 4, and there's a real possibliity the babies could come around then. Also, there's uncertainty with when baby boy and I will be released or transferred to hospital adjacent to the children's hospital. They don't do deliveries at that hospital or the adjacent one, and if baby boy doesn't need to be in the NICU, neither hospital has general newborn care, so baby boy and I may need to stay at the hospital I'm delivering at until he's discharged. If he does need the NICU, then he would be transferred there. It's all just a mess. I guess I'm being taught a major lesson in all of this, that is all beyond my control, and I just have to trust everything will work out. Thanks for the letting me vent.

Hope everyone else is doing well and has some more light-hearted things to talk about!
Monkey-That is a lot to deal with! I am so sorry that you are going through this right now. I hope that baby girl flips head down soon and that you can have a smooth vaginal delivery. Are there any other hospital options for delivery that would definitely let you all be in the same place? I hear you re things being out of your control and hope that you are able to find a measure of peace in that. Best wishes and I am thinking about you often.
MP: You are dealing with so much. I cannot even begin to imagine what this must all be like. I really hope that things work out so that you have the least amount of stress possible for the situation. Hopefully in a couple years this will all just be a distant memory.

AFM: My feet were swollen so badly while we were gone. They were still swollen, though not as bad, after we got home. I went to the gym yesterday and did the treadmill for 30 mins. I barely got my shoes on and when I did, they hurt! But guess what!?! Last night, my feet were *almost* normal!!! Needless to say, I'm dragging myself no matter what as apparently not going is much worse!\

Hope everyone's week is going well.
How is everyone? It's hard to believe I'm having another baby in a few weeks! So far so good here. Just counting down the days. We are still undecided on boy names. Seriously this is the hardest. We have so many girl names but no boys. Any suggestions are appreciated. I hope everyone is doing well.
emeraldlover1|1433461528|3885316 said:
How is everyone? It's hard to believe I'm having another baby in a few weeks! So far so good here. Just counting down the days. We are still undecided on boy names. Seriously this is the hardest. We have so many girl names but no boys. Any suggestions are appreciated. I hope everyone is doing well.
Pop over to the baby name thread and post some info about the Lind of names you like, the length,style, initial, and maybe a hint towards what your last name sounds like or rhymes with and I'd be happy to suggest some. It was really hard for me with W but I'm so happy with the end result. I love helping with names!
MP, do they have to do the surgery immediately after birth or can they wait if you have the babies while the cardiologist is on vacation? I hope Baby Girl moves out of breech for you. If she doesn't though, a c-section is okay. I was surprisingly very mobile after mine when K was breech. I think you may just have to tag team though and have DH stay with baby girl while you stay with baby boy if you have to be separated. How far apart are the two hospitals? Will you have family who can help you immediately so that you can spend time at the hospital with baby girl? I think you should just come up with Plan A, B, and C and then go with whatever happens - I'm sure everyone will pull through well, and baby girl will do great with her surgery. Good luck and keep baking those babies. I had a prenatal massage this week and the lady used a pregnancy pillow and a bunch of folded towels wedged in multiple spots like between legs/knees/arms- maybe that would help you sleep better? I cannot imagine how uncomfortable you must be. Can you look into pepcid for your acid reflux - my MFM suggested it twice a day and it's helping me. I got mine from Costco - their brand.

April, so treadmill helped your ankles unswell? Good to know!

Emerald, good luck with names. We decided our daughter's name a few mins before my c-section. I hope we don't come down to that again, but I think it's likely!

AFM, not much new. Counting down the days till my 20w anatomy scan. I am officially 19 weeks today, and the scan is on June 17th so 12 days away. Feels like a long time. I am taking pepcid for my acid reflux twice a day and that is helping when I remember to take it. We told our immediate family members about the pregnancy, but waiting on the detailed anatomy scan to tell the rest of the world. Have a great weekend everyone.
JGator, I can't believe you're already 19 weeks. I'm betting the second half of your pregnancy is going to fly by. I hope everything on your anatomy scan looks just perfect. Thanks for sharing your c-section experience. I've seen a lot of people on here say that it wasn't nearly as bad as they thought. But for some reason the people I know IRL always say how hard the recovery was and they preferred vaginal birth. I knew it was a 50/50 proposition I'd need one with twins anyway, and I've pretty much come around to just accepting it and sort of being relieved to know that is the likely plan. DH has family in town, and they should be able to take care of Ev whenever I go into labor, and then my mom, who lives about 7 hours away, is planning to head here and stay with us for however long we need her after the babies are born. I'm sure everything will work out. I just hope I can stay strong and not go through the same baby blues/anxiety I had after Ev was born because I was a bit of a mess from the lack of sleep and frustration with nursing, etc.

April, for some reason, I'm the opposite. I'm way to big and exhausted for actually working out at a gym or anything, but when I do go on a walk or am on my feet for a long time, my ankles get swollen. My feet are just generally puffier though, and the only shoes that are comfortable for long periods of time are sandals and flip-flops, so I've definitely been bending my work dress code the past few weeks. I dare anyone to challenge me on it!

Happybear, how are you doing? Any progress?

Hope everyone else is doing well. I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow, which is apparently another big milestone in terms of fetal development and long term prognosis, so I'm glad to have gotten to this point. My belly is something else, and I'm running out of things to wear. I'm kind of avoiding going out as much as I can at this point because I just feel awkward. I want the babies to stay put as long as they can for their sake, but I am definitely ready to not feel this ginormous and have some semblance of my old body back, although I'm sure it will take awhile to snap back from twins.
Quick drop by.

I was out running errands this afternoon and two different ladies in two different places looked at me and said "You look like you're going to go any day now.". The second one helpfully added, "Like within a couple hours.". Seriously, I look quite pregnant, but I am not ridiculously huge. It's just what you want to hear when you have two months left......
My appointment with my OB last week showed I'm already 4cm dilated so on 4th June my cerclage was removed. My OB wanted to induce me thereafter but since I was only 34 weeks along and not having any active contractions, I chose to wait instead. I've been in the hospital for almost a week now and is dilated to 5cm with no active contractions. I'm glad my baby is still growing inside. Hope she'll stay safely inside for another week or so.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
April20|1433877901|3887010 said:
Quick drop by.

I was out running errands this afternoon and two different ladies in two different places looked at me and said "You look like you're going to go any day now.". The second one helpfully added, "Like within a couple hours.". Seriously, I look quite pregnant, but I am not ridiculously huge. It's just what you want to hear when you have two months left......

Hugs! I'm sorry. I actually have been getting this since 20 weeks. I gained a lot less weight this time than I did with my daughter and every day someone tells me my belly is huge. I just try and look at the positive that at least this time its all in my belly. When this was happening to me a few months ago, I would say something like...well, I hope not as I still have awhile to go. Now I say, well I hope so!

Hang in there. :-)
April, me too. Just this morning when I walked into work, some lady said to me, "Oh honey, please tell me you are about to have that baby." I said, "Well, it's twins, so not quite yet." And she was like, "Oh. thank goodness, I was worried about you." Yeah, right she was. Kind of pissed me off. I know I'm huge and look ridiculous in pretty much anything I wear, but I don't know how people think those comments are are helpful or appropriate. Hang in there!

Happybear, glad to hear baby girl is still hanging in there. You've done an awesome job getting to this point, and every extra day will be a bonus. I probably said this already, so forgive me if I have, but my SIL's son was born at 34 weeks, and he did really well and barely needed NICU time (only until he learned to control his body temperature). Take care!
Happy, I'm so glad things are still hanging in there for you and bub! You really are out of the scariest preemie zones, although I know it's still so nerve wracking. Keep us updated, hopefully your enthusiastic cervix is a good omen for a fast and easy labor- in several weeks, of course!

J- I can't believe you are 19 weeks! I felt like the first 20 weeks just flew by- but things are starting to drag now, I'm like there's STILL how long to go? :lol: But hopefully you can just enjoy the remaining weeks, worry free! And man, K is just the cutest!

MP, it's great that you are going to have family around to help out. I know some people just want to cacoon in with their nuclear family, but I'm really looking forward to having some help- my mom, MIL, and SIL are all within about 20 mins and I'm hoping that means I'll actually get to shower on a semi-regular basis! But in your case it's going to be especially helpful and important, I think- a village, indeed!

34 weeks with twins is so great! And I hear you on the shoes- I've found one pair of leather sandals that I'm wearing every day at this point, my feet just feel better in them than anything else. I'm starting to get a little puffiness if I'm up and around all day, but it's mild and manageable, so it's not on my current list of woes :cheeky: I am sorry about the clothes issue though- not much longer! Can you pick up some mummus- I mean, maxi dresses- on the cheap at the thrift store just to get you through? Comfort is king!

April- it's already started for me too! People are just oblivious! And rude! But I have just decided to believe that most of them are simply trying to express interest in my life and the happiness of a new baby, albeit clumsily, so I'm attempting to just roll with it. We'll see how long into the third trimester that actually lasts!

Emerald- countdown time! How exciting! Good luck with names; we thought it was going to be a real struggle but our front runner (which we aren't sharing until it's official, much to my mother's dismay!) just happened one night at dinner and we're both really happy with it. Do you have a short list you can take to the hospital with you and wait until you meet Baby Emerald?

Ok, ladies let's talk weight. I had my 23/24 week appointment yesterday and it's the first time a doc has mentioned weight at all. I've gained about 20 lbs, which she said was fine but borderline and I should "maybe watch that" in the third trimester. But I gained fast in my first trimester then slowed to only 6 lbs the second month of my 2nd trimester and this last 4 weeks I've only gained 2lbs. I don't feel like I can be overeating if I've only gained 2 lbs in the last 4 weeks. Anyway, just a small vent- if I was gaining too fast earlier on I wish someone would have mentioned that before the Whoa, Nelly! Now you're giant and cranky and uncomfortable and you're not allowed any more ice cream stage! I've even asked a few times and been assured that I'm "fine!"

But seriously, I've feel very lucky- no heartburn, morning sickness was manageable and over quickly, all healthy scans, no headaches, no acne, very minor body aches- if a big belly popping out of my short abdomen and 35 lbs instead of 30 are the tradeoffs for a great, healthy much desired pregnancy, I'll take it and be grateful! We're about halfway through the painting for the nursery and the house reorganizing is finally starting to look like progress instead of defeat. I guess I have to start picking a pediatrician and booking the hospital tour and stuff :errrr: Glucose test is next appointment, they do it late in this office, but I have my delicious and nutritious drink chilling in the fridge in anticipation!
Just delurking to say "where are those beautiful big baby bumps?" :naughty: I remember when I was on this thread Friday used to be 'Belly Bump Day". Is it still? Anyone care to humour me? MP....I know you're feeling huge, but I would love to see a pic before you deliver those babies! I've been following your story and really hope that everything goes well with your delivery and your daughter's surgery too.

So....'Bump Pics'...anyone? :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
Oy, my appointment today was a bit more eventful than I anticipated. They are doing weekly biophysical profiles on the babies now, which means they do an ultrasound to watch for movement and practice breathing and a few other things. Baby girl was taking a nap and didn't want to practice breathing in the allotted half hour, so they put me on a monitor to watch their heartbeats. The nurse seemed a bit incompetent, and the monitor kept slipping off of baby girl and/or picking up baby boy's heartrate (so they were both the same rate), and my doctor wasn't able to see sufficient reactiveness (although he said it was just out of an abundance of caution because she looked just fine on ultrasound and was practicing breathing when he checked). So I had to go to labor and delivery in the adjoining hospital and be monitored for an hour where everything was completely perfect with both babies. I also booked my C-section for July 7, which is 38 weeks if I make it that long. Can't imagine another nearly 4 weeks of this!!!

Sha, thanks so much for the good wishes. I really appreciate it. It certainly isn't a situation I ever wanted to be in, but I'm just hoping in the long run it will be a minor bump in the road for baby girl, and I'm just going to be so relieved when the surgery is over and boht babies are home with us. Hope you are well. I'll indulge your request for a pic for sheer comedic relief, and I hope others will join in. One thing I know for sure, I have you all beat by a mile in resemblance to a whale!

_31038.jpg look fab. My belly is just as big with 1 at 38 weeks. Less than 12 days left here. Baby flipped breech due to my high water levels again. So it looks like baby will be here on the 23rd via csection unless something happens before then.

I'll play! Here's my bump, which I feel is large for 23w5d, but I'm rockin it as best I can!image_3622.jpg
I can't sleep. Story of my life. I was sleeping blissfully until I had to pee..... I will take a picture tomorrow when I have daylight and post it.

In the meantime, cheesecake at 1 am is totally cool, right?
Totally cool.
Emerald, you look great! I can only imagine what I'll look like if I actually make it to 38 weeks. I sort of have a feeling I will because I've been contracting like crazy for months, but it's not doing anything and babies seem perfectly content. We shall see. Wow, not too much longer for you no matter what! My little girl also has extra fluid, so she was somehow able to turn last week and she looks like she is staying put as of yesterday.

Aviastar, you also look great and look about right for 23/24 weeks! Glad to hear your pregnancy has been pretty much smooth-sailing.

April, I've lost the ability to eat much of anything after 5 or 6 at night otherwise it all comes back up after I've been sleeping a couple of hours due to my stupid acid reflux. So, I say enjoy that cheesecake if you can! I'm kind of bummed because the only things I seem to be able to get down lately is yogurt and protein shakes, everything just sits in my stomach and makes me feel awful. Hopefully, the protein is keeping these babies growing.

Happybear, thinking of you!

Hi everyone else!
Ahhhh.... you girls look great!! :appl: Thanks for sharing!! I think there's really nothing more beautiful than carrying a little life/lives inside of's such an honour. I always get jealous of pregnant ladies because of that. So rock on with your beautiful bellies! :appl:

MP - you look great!! Even with your beautiful twin bump, you're actually quite slim. I'm amazed that you manage to do that! I would truly be 'whale like' if that was me.
MP: You look great! I hate that you can't eat much, but I hope those babies are baking and getting all the time they need.

Emerald Lover: You are so darn close- the 23rd is right around the corner! I am super jealous you are so close. Seriously, you get the rest of summer to be not pregnant!

Aviastar: Nice 23 week bump! It looks like it's all in the front. It's so nice when it really looks like a bump and not just Cheetos. Ha ha.

Here's my contribution for the week. 31w3d. My youngest sister is getting married tomorrow at noon. Outside. In 90 degree weather. The rehearsal dinner is tonight at a fancy schmancy restaurant so I had to find not one, but TWO dresses to wear. I really hope I don't look as awful as I'm anticipating. My feet are going to look like blimps, I already know.

Oh, and my brother and SIL had their baby yesterday. Little boy, 8.5 lbs/ 20". He has a head full of dark hair and even has hair on his shoulders. We're going to drive up and meet him next week. I can't wait!

ETA: Why, oh why, do pictures I take with my phone that look completely normal rotate when I add them here???

I'm loving seeing all of these beautiful bellies!! You all look great!

MP, yours especially had me grinning from ear to ear. (And you're totally tiny everywhere else!)
I'm so very sorry that baby girl's heart condition is serious & will require surgery. That must be so scary for you & your hubby.
Did I tell you about my niece that had CCAM? She had to have half of one of her lungs removed & did just beautifully. She healed amazingly quickly & leads a completely normal life.
(I don't know if stories like this are comforting to you or not but I hope so.)
That's great that you have a plan in place for her & your family. You will all be in my thoughts & prayers.
Brightspot, thanks! Really appreciate the good thoughts and prayers. Now that the shock has worn off, I'm feeling better about things, but if I think about it too long, I get weepy. It's a tough situation to be in, but I'm just so thankful we found out in advance and that there is so much that can be done to fix baby's hearts. I hope you are doing well with your sweet little girl!

April, looking good! Congrats on your nephew, and I hope the wedding went well. Eventful week for your family!

Thinking of everyone else and hoping everyone is doing well!

Do we have many people following that have experienced scheduled c-sections? I'm finding myself reluctant to read too much about what to expect regarding recovery, which is very uncharacteristic of me, but I'm thinking I better start preparing myself. I am just overwhelmed at the idea of everything we'll be dealing with after the birth of these babies. I know that little girl and I will most likely be separated for a few days, which kills me, but I'll also have my baby boy to care for, and DH will most likely be spending most of his time at the other hospital with baby girl. I just have no clue how I'm going to care for myself and baby boy, but hoping I'll get a lot of help from the nurses. My mom will be in town, but she will also be helping to care for my toddler at home, although she can probably help out during the day while he is at daycare. I just hope my recovery goes as smooth as possible, so I'm able to be with my daughter as much as possible and still care for baby boy.
MP, I know there are some c-section recovery threads floating around if you're up for reading them. I remember starting one before having Katie and I want to say that amc started one, too. Let me see if I can find them...

amc's: [URL=''][/URL]
mine: [URL=''][/URL]

I had a scheduled c-section with both kiddos. Because I'm a planner (and I know you are, too), I admit that I really liked having a date the second time around so I could have a plan in place for caring for Katie. I planned Cora's due date around what would be most convenient for Katie--I kept Katie in daycare the week I had Cora so her schedule would be less disrupted. Of course, I knew I could go before the c-section date, but having the date made me feel better.

In terms of recovery, mine was very easy with both. Was up and walking the day of c-section. Took a shower by myself every morning in the hospital. Didn't take many meds at home. When Cora was born, I put her in the Ergo and took Katie to the indoor playground the day I got home from the hospital. I have nothing to compare it to, but I honestly can't complain. But it's also one of those things that is impossible to plan for. Some do have a tough time, so I was grateful I didn't.

I think it's good that you've already been through the newborn phase, so you know what to expect. Obviously this will be different given that you have twins this time and baby girl will stay in the hospital for surgery, but it's still nice that a lot of it will be familiar to you (it all comes back quickly). On the flip side, you can't devote 100% of your energy to the twins since Ev will still need attention. But Ev's at a good age because he can play on his own while you nurse, etc.

I feel like you're going to do really well. I always think the anticipation is the worst part. I was a bit of a mess the week before Cora was born, but once she arrived it was wonderful. And it keeps getting better. I'm thinking about you a ton and I think you look absolutely fabulous.
Hi MP!
I had a C-section with my twins, because boy twin was transverse. I knew I would most likely be having one, but it wasn't scheduled since my water broke at 36w5d. My pain was very manageable. I was off prescription painkillers after the second day, and I just relied on extra strength tylenol or advil. My DH took 3 weeks off from work, because with the twins I had 4 kids to care for, and would not have been able to do it alone. By the time he went back to work, I felt great and was completely mobile and recovered. I think you will be fine. I am sorry to hear about baby girl, but hopefully she will be in great hands and she will pull through her heart surgery like a champ. When you are caring for baby boy in the hospital, just have the nurses do as much as they can because you will be sore and drowsy at first. The crazy thing is I actually preferred my C-section delivery!
MP, I had K via scheduled c-section. Her delivery was on a Monday AM, and I was discharged on Friday PM so the hospital stay was 4 nights. K lost a lot of weight so we were worried about her and asked to stay an extra night and the insurance/doctor had no issues with it. I would say stay as long as you can in the hospital to get the extra help/rest and send the baby to the nursery at night if you want so you can sleep. I recovered very quickly as well. Just take it easy on stairs - slowly - not totally avoiding them when you do get home. I also didn't need the stronger meds and felt fine with regular Tylenol. I know you will be fine. I also took showers daily by myself at the hospital and was up pretty quickly the day of the surgery to walk to/from the bathroom. You will feel much more like yourself the day after the c-section as far as walking goes.
MP: I obviously don't know a thing about scheduled c-sections and recovery, but my SIL had one for my new nephew and she seems to be recovering beautifully. I know every person is different, but I hope you are one of the ones with an "easy" recovery.

I just got baby a pediatrician today. I don't really have friends with small children on this side of town to ask for recommendations and I didn't want to drive far so I looked for the closest ones I could find as a starting point. Turns out there's a very nice practice less than a mile from my house down in the little village where we spend way too much money eating out (seriously, there are SIX restaurants). I called last week and was told there was a waiting list and I'd get a call back on Thursday. I didn't get a call so I called today. We got lucky. They had ONE opening for an August newborn. So here's to hoping they turn out to be as good a fit as I hope they are!
Thanks for the info everyone. I'm glad to hear that you all had decent recoveries, and I really hope I am the same way. My mom had a hysterectomy due to large fibroids and my younger sister had to have an ovary removed due to a large cyst, and both basically required the same type of incision as a c-section, and I remembered they were both miserable for awhile after the surgery, but maybe it's different when it's a c-section and you have a baby(ies) to care for. The things that stress me out the most are driving restrictions (I'll be needing to go back and forth between the hospital with a NICU baby), stairs, and not being able to pick up my toddler. DH works for himself, which gives him a flexible schedule, but it's not like he can just take weeks off at a time. I'm guessing my mom will have to drive me around and to the hospital. Anyway, thanks for posting links to those threads, NEL. I'll take a look and do my best to prepare. This too shall pass!