
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Hope this starts a trend for you April! :lol:

Anyone interested in reviving/starting a new nursery thread? I'm doing a complete strip down-turn around- rearrange-paint bonanza and I'm taking lots of pics :D
Baby girl is here!
I finally agreed to break my water bag on 22 June. It's been a blessing she continued baking inside for a good 2.5 weeks even though I'm 5cm dilated. Labour was fast! My water bag was broken at 10am and was given oxytocin to kick start the contractions. At 10.30am I could feel the contractions and it was coming every 2 minutes. By 10.50am I'm fully dilated and she's out at 1101 hours! She weighs 3 kg and measures 48cm.
We were discharged from the hospital the next day. However on Day 4 her jaundice level was very high and she's back in the hospital for phototherapy to get her jaundice level down. Hopefully she can be well enough to be discharged by Saturday.

Hope you ladies are doing well!
Congratulations, HappyBear! I'm so glad things went well for you and Baby Girl! I thought you might have a super fast labor- you are a super dialator!

Is there an option to take a billi light home with you to continue to manage the jaundice? Hoping she can come home tomorrow!
Congrats HappyBear! That was a super fast labor! I hope the jaundice clears quickly and your little girl can come home.
Here's my Friday pic. It's been so hot here I am wearing the smallest amount of clothing I can get away with.

Happybear, congratulations! I hope she is able to come home for good very soon!]

I had another growth ultrasound yesterday at 36.5 weeks, and both babies are estimated to be around 6.5 pounds (although it is getting very difficult for them to get accurate measurements because the babies are all crammed in now, so I'm not sure how accurate that is). They both apparently have quite a bit of hair too, which is kind of bizarre to see on the ultrasound. They seem quite content to stay put, and there's no sign that they are planning to come before my scheduled c-section on July 7. I know that's best for them, but even going 11 more days seems unimaginable at this point. I'm just so big and so over being pregnant, and I wake up feeling like I'm on Groundhog Day every morning. At the same time, I'm nervous for them to arrive, and know it is a lot easier carrying them inside, but I'm anxious to meet them.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
11 days! MP, I know it's seems a lifetime right now, but it's going to go very quickly! How exciting, I'll be thinking of all 5 (!!!) of your family!
11 days MP! That's so close. You can do this! And those are great weights for twins (even if the u/s is off a little bit).
Thanks, Aviastar and April. I know I'm in the homestretch and 11 days isn't that much. I've just been the size of and feeling the symptoms of a full-term pregnancy for several weeks now, and my doctors all along said they'd be surprised if I made it beyond 35/36 weeks because of all the extra fluid I'm carrying (in addition to about 13 pounds of babies). I think I've just hit the mental and physical wall at this point. Very relieved the end is in sight, but also very thankful I've been able to carry them this long without complication (other than the heart issue).

Here's my latest picture from this morning. I can't believe the ability of our bodies to accomodate to multiple pregnancy. It's freaky but amazing!

MP you look great. It is amazing what our bodies can do. I know how I feel with one so I can only imagine how you feel with two. I will be counting down with you!
MP, you can do it! 11 days will be here before you know it. Wishing you the best and hoping all goes well with the delivery and subsequent surgery for baby girl.
MP, I just popped by to check if you'd popped yet and I am sorry to read the update about your baby girl. If it helps at all I met quite a few babies during our stay in the NICU with the same issue and they all recovered quickly. It seems like you have a good team of doctors working with you as well. Wishing you all the best, well done for keeping them in this long! I can't wait to hear the good news soon.

I'm happy to see everyone else if going well as well. There are some beautiful bellies on here :love: Wishing you all tons of good luck!
Happy Bear - Congratulations!! I'm glad to hear that all went well! I remember when you first posted in the Just Barely thread, and I am so happy that your drs were able to manage your pregnancy so well. Well done, mama!

MP - You look great!! Are you still working in the office? How long will you be able to take off? I am so happy that you will be able to meet your babies soon. It has been a long road, but you will finally be able to meet your babies soon!! I am sorry about baby girl's heart, but it is a gift that you know in advance and her medical care can be managed with some planning in advance. I am sorry too about the logistical concerns. I was glad for you when you wrote that your mom will be helping you. I am sure you will appreciate her support in the early weeks! Good luck, MP!!

April20 - You look great too! Are those pants/gauchos or a skirt? Very cute!

Aviastar - How many weeks are you?

JGator - :wavey:

Hoping to post an update soon in the newborn thread. All I can say is that I LOVE babies and wish I had started having them sooner in my life. My little boy is so sweet. It is a dream to be with him and to watch him change, little by little, each day. Knowing what I have to look forward to in the next few years, having watched my little girl grow, just brings tears to my eyes. Such amazing sweetness every day. I love being a mom!!
Tbaus, how are your little ones doing? Are they home with you yet? I really hope everything is going well with your whole family. Thanks for the good wishes. I'm surprised I've been able to carry them this long without too much trouble. I'm guessing a lot of it just comes down to luck and doesn't have a whole lot to do with what I'm doing, but I'm hopeful that the longer I go the better condition baby girl will be in when she's born, which should hopefully help her recover from surgery.

LV, I've been wondering how things are going with you. So glad that you are enjoying your son so much. Once baby girl is home and we all get settled in, I really hope I am able to take it all in and enjoy the early days despite how chaotic it will likely be, knowing all too well how quickly they pass. To answer your question, yes, I am still working, although for the past couple of weeks, I've been reducing my already reduced hours and working from home a couple days a week. Every time I'm gone, everybody apparently assumes I've had the babies, so I get a lot of, "You're still here?" questions every day I'm in the office. Thursday should be my last day, other than checking emails on Friday and next Monday.

Aviastar, have fun working on your nursery. I took the easy way out this time and haven't really done a whole lot. The walls in our entire house (we've lived here 1.5 years but haven't gotten around to repainting anything yet) are a yellowy/beige color, and I decided to leave them as is for now. We have white cribs and furniture, and I used coordinated aqua blue bedding and accents to try to keep it pretty gender neutral. I have all of the baby equipment from my older son cluttering up the room right now, so it's not worth taking a photo, but I'm happy with the way it turned out, even though it's really simple and basic.

JGator and April and everyone else, hope all is well with you!
How ya feeling, MP? Marching ever closer...

I am having fun with the nursery! I can see it all in my head, so hopefully I can make it all translate!

LV, I am so in love with your update! How wonderful! I am 26w2d, thanks for asking!

J- how are things going now that everyone knows and you have a bit of peace?

April, you look great!

I had my first bout of truly swollen feet yesterday, I kept checking my eye sockets to make sure I wasn't swelling in a pre-e kinda way, but overnight and a dip in the pool this morning and everything is back to normal. We head out of town this weekend, to celebrate the Fourth with DH's extended family. By the time our boy arrives in October he will be the 5th baby born to this group of cousins in a one year span! I'm looking forward to lounging in the lake, eating good food, and meeting all the new babies!

Happy Fourth!
I had my 34 week appointment today. Baby girl is still head down, chilling out mostly on my right side, which is cool. What isn't cool is that I've gained NINE pounds since my 32 week appointment. The doctor came in and the first thing she did was look at my feet. I told her that i knew they were awful, the treadmill is not as effective as it was and I haven't been able to go as much (mainly because of pelvic pressure and the fact that it takes ten minutes for me to put on my socks and shoes). That's when she broke the nine pounds news. I refuse to look at the scale. She knows it's water retention and she told me to drink even more water and then more still. So the good news is the nine pounds is likely not cake. The bad news is it's nine more pounds I have to lug around. No wonder my back is killing me.

Hope everyone is doing well!

MP: I know you're counting down and I'm still counting with you!!!!
April, just popping in to suggest a maternity support belt for that pelvic pressure. I started using it around 32 weeks with my first and it helped tremendously with mobility by reducing back pain and pelvic pressure. I was able to take long walks all through delivery day.
Hi all! It's been hectic here but I wanted to drop by and let you know we were blessed to welcome a baby boy on June 23rd!! He was 8lbs 11oz and 21 inches long. We were stunned to have a boy and it took 48 hours to officially name him. I'll be back in a couple weeks once the family has departed. Happy 4th of July!
Congrats on your boy, Emerald Lover! Good size baby.

SFM: 37 days. Not that I'm counting......
Hi everyone! I haven't been posting much but I've been following. How are you MP? Your babies are almost here! :love: :love: Congratulations EL :appl: Can't wait to hear your birth story. JGator, do you have more ultrasound lined up?

AFM, our daughter was born 7/3! Short version, I labored at home for too long and delivered her naturally within 10 minutes of arriving the hospital. I was screaming for the last hour like they typically do in movies. If I deliver again I'm embracing the epidural.

Long version. When I had ds his heart rate was all over the place and I was shaking uncontrollably. I've always thought this was because of the cervidill and epidural. Because of this I wanted to deliver the next one naturally.
7/3 I woke up losing my mucus plug and having contractions. Since they fizzled after drinking lots of water we stuck to our plan of visiting IL. Unlike my previous contractions, I realized these contractions never went away. They were just not as intense compared to when I was dehydrated.
I had dh drop me off at the mall nearby IL, and I shopped for a few hours. The contractions were becoming intense and I had to stop to breathe through them. But my app told me it wasn't exactly 511 yet.

After I finished running errands, dh took me to IL where they started started yelling at each other as usual. Our original plan was to have IL watch DS while I'm delivering, but we decided we can't leave ds there so we went home together. We arrived home at about 5PM. I couldn't speak through the contractions anymore. I've always wanted to try laboring in the tub, so dh cleaned the bath tub and filled it up. Contrary to what I've been told, as soon as I got in the tub the contractions became worse but super regular (unlike before tub) . I was having a hard time focusing on my breathing. They were almost 2 minutes long and 4 minutes apart. I was stupidly taking the 511 seriously and waited until it lasted an hour. After about 45 minutes in the tub (7PM) the pain became too much and I started banging my fists on the bathtub. Dh rushed in and realized there was blood in the tub.

I thought I was hemorrhaging and sobbed for the baby while I got dressed. The pain intensified and I screamed through the contractions. Dh was telling me that the baby was going to be okay. He was packing his cables and electronics of course. Through my screams I told him I was calling the ambulance if he doesn't start driving now.

Dh drove like a street racer and I was screaming and sobbing in the car. Ds was surprisingly calm and nonchalant about the entire thing. Dh dropped me off at the entrance, and I collapsed asking for help. The valet attendant wheeled me in as I sobbed in the elevator.
The triage didn't bother with the admission paperwork. I said "I'm bleeding, heartbeat? Waaaaaaaaaaaa" The on call doctor checked me and of course I was ready to push. They wheeled my bed to l&d as I screamed down the hallway. Dh and ds ran in, and the nurses told me to move to another bed. They told me to stop screaming and breathe, but that wasn't happening. All in a sudden my body started pushing and later dh told me he saw the head trying to come out. The doctor told me again to not scream and push. First push, her head was out. Her body slipped out while I was beginning my second push, 7:50PM.

Ds was there for the entire thing! Not sure if it was appropriate but he wasn't traumatized. He jumped up and down with excitement yelling "you did it!!"
Because her heart rate was 80, they had dh cut her cord without delayed clamping. I had a second degree tear just like with ds. I was shaking and shivering uncontrollably while the doctor stitched me up, again, just like with DS. They suctioned her mouth and she immediately started crying. I'm just grateful that she is alright. She had all the complications that ds had, so now I feel like I went through natural delivery for no reason at all. I probably scared everyone on the L&D floor.

They admitted me after delivery, and asked me stuff like "are you pregnant". I probably delivered within 10 minutes of arriving to the hospital so my OB never made it. During the day I thought it would be fun if my labor lasted passed midnight and her birthday was July 4. That didn't work out, but we had an ocean view hospital room so we were able to see the fireworks from there.
Choro, wow this has been one roller coaster pregnancy! I hope your new baby is nice and calm and balances out the drama you have had so far! Congrats on baby girl!!! We need pictures!

MP, you are almost there if you haven't already delivered. 1 more day!!!! Thinking of you! Please keep us posted on everything if you can.

Emerald, congrats!

April, 37 days to go! Almost there!

Avia, hope your swelliing has subsided and that you had a great trip to the lake.

AFM, I am in nesting mode. I bought some Pottery Barn crib bedding and a truck shaped rug off Craigslist last week for a steal and also we bought a red lazboy recliner. We're going with primary colors and a cars/trucks theme after getting the bedding hence the red recliner. I want to paint the room a grey and also paint some other rooms in our house - so either DH will do it or we'll hire someone. I feel like he's going to attempt to do it, but I would prefer to hire someone to get it done faster! Right now, he's fixing our bathroom shower grout and also trying to take down the floral wallpaper border in the new baby's room. Wallpaper is a beast - you would think a border wouldn't be so difficult! Our daughter's room has pink/blue floral print straight out of the 80s but she doesn't care/notice so I think one day we'll tackle that too, but not right away! Not much else is new - waiting on next appt in about 10 days. Oh, my MIL is sick with cancer so my husband is likely going to go there for a few weeks next month to help out. We debated having the in laws come here for treatment, but they are in Europe and we feel their out of pocket will be a lot less there and the treatment will be the same so it's hard for DH to be remote, but hopefully it will go smoothly. Chemo will be every 3 weeks until November and then surgery after that. It's stage 2 breast so it is considered very treatable, just another worry and stressor for everyone. We got the news about MIL 3 days after we got the all clear on our baby's heart ekg. Oh, if anyone is planning to paint - there is a sale going on now at Sherwin Williams (30% off), Home Depot ($10 off per gallon) and Lowe's also $10 off per gallon. The sales are all ending early this week - hope to determine some final colors before the sales end.
MP, thinking of you today. Hope all goes smoothly for you and the babies. Best of luck!
Thinking of and praying for you today, MP!
MP-thinking of you and the babies today and hoping that things go as smoothly as possible for all of you and baby girl especially.
MP, hope all went well and you are home with healthy babies soon.
Hi all, quick update. My babies arrived on July 2 after doctor decided to bump up csection. Baby Boy 0 was 7-4 lbs and Baby Girl was 6-3 lbs. Baby girl had surgery yesterday, and so far it seems it was successful. Still a long road ahead. It's hard wanting to be in 2 places at once, and I feel like I haven't gotten enough time to bond with either of my babies, and I have overdone it physically after the csection, so I'm really worn out. I probably won't update much for awhile, but just wanted to let you all know, do you weren't wondering. Best wishes to you all in the meantime.
Yay! Congratulations, Mama! Utilize your help, don't worry about posting and we'll all keep a' thinkin' and a' prayin'!
Congrats MP!! :appl:
Congrats MP. Way to go baking those babies for so long, that is 13 1/2 lbs of baby!!!

So glad that baby girl's surgery went well and things are looking good so far.

I can only imagine how torn you must feel between all three of your children and their very different needs at this time.

Please take care of yourself physically and emotionally right now. You are a supermama, but even supermamas need a nap sometimes:-)

Take advantage of every offer of help and support system you can so that you can heal and spend time with your amazing children.

Know that we are sending you lots of love and prayers. Of course we love updates, but totally understand that your time is very limited:-) Do what is best for you and your family!

Congrats on your babies, MP. Those are great birth weights for twins!! I will be thinking about you in the weeks to come and hope everything goes smoothly with your daughter. I know you have a lot on your plate right now, we are all rooting for you and your family!