
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

MP, I would totally do the Materniti21. One blood draw and possibly some more clarity, no additional risk, not even any pain at the appointment? I'd do it. And if it's inconclusive, well, that's not any different that where you currently are, but at least you'll know you did what you could at the lowest risk possible.

I had my 20 week scan yesterday- baby is still a boy ( :lol: ), quite unabashedly, and everything looks good. He's measuring in the 70% percentile, but I don't know if that means anything at this point or not. We bought paint for the nursery, and the mass rearranging of the whole damn house is going well, it feels great to be making progress there. Hopefully, we will paint next week. The floors are going to be repainted- they are currently painted wood- and we are trying to time it so we can paint right before we leave to visit family for the 4th of July. Old house, no hallways, no way to avoid the floors being painted while they cure and dry, especially with the pups. Generally feeling good and making progress!
MP, I'm glad the cell free test is still an option. I would have suggested that, but I thought it was too late. I would go that route if you can to get a potential answer. Good luck. Thinking of you often.
Thanks, JGator, I especially appreciate your thoughts on this given your current situation and background with your sister and nephew. And right back at you - thinking of you lots and so, so, so hoping for good news and a reason to celebrate.

Aviastar, yay for 20 weeks and a nice-sized baby boy! Thank you also for what you said yesterday. It meant a lot. If our baby girl is dealing with additional challenges, I really hope I'm up for the task. My entire focus changed pretty much overnight. Before I was mainly worried about me and wondering how I was going to handle all the sleep deprivation and challenges of two newborns and a toddler, and now all of that seems petty. I'm thankful for modern medicine that will hopefully give this little baby a chance at a long, fulfilling life. And it's comforting to know she'll have two brothers protecting her.

April, the TDAP shot caused my arm to be really stiff for like 4-5 days. That happened last time I got it too. Move it around as much as you can today. Glad to hear all is well with you. Third trimester!
LV, congratulations!!!! I completely forgot about the cute newborn sounds until you mentioned it :love:

mp, hugs and I hope the heart issue will resolve itself. I hear that it's quite common for it to heal naturally, but I can't imagine the stress you must be going through when you're actually faced with it. I agree that I would not do the amnio at this point. I had it done because we still considered terminating as an option. I wouldn't do a Maternit21 blood draw either because it gave us a false positive for turner syndrome. However, our genetic counselor told us that these blood draws are very accurate for DS (not anything else, especially TS) so if you can simply trust their result, It may be a good choice for you. Personally, if I get a positive on M21 I would want an amnio to confirm it, so it's sort of pointless to me.
MP - I am so sorry for all the stress. It really is such a personal decision and you are due so soon now anyway that it probably is the most practical to wait unless you have overwhelming anxiety about it. I don't know what I would do if I were in your shoes and I wish I had better advice.

AFM - I am counting down the days. Is anyone else due in June? Besides being Team Green, our baby's head is always blocked by my anterior placenta this time so we have no idea what this baby looks like. I really have no complaints with this pregnancy. I am still walking around pretty well forgetting sometimes that I have this huge belly. Perhaps its because I have been pregnant more than not pregnant in the last three years.
Emerald, that's great your pregnancy is going smoothly. I sometimes forget just how pregnant I am until I catch a profile view in the mirror. Yowser. I'm technically due in July, but there's a good chance my babies will arrive in June. I *think* Choro is also due in June.

Choro, I had forgotten about all your drama from your genetic testing. So very happy it all turned out well for you though. Hope things are going well. When are you due again?

Tbaus, if you're still checking in, I hope your little ones are getting stronger and stronger!

Muff and LV, hope your little ones are doing well and your families are adjusting.

Hi to everyone else!

I had another appointment with the MFM this morning. They did a BPP and apparently will every week now. Of course baby boy didn't want to be outdone by his sister's drama, so he decided to be stubborn and sleepy and wouldn't let them catch him practice breathing for a whole half hour. The sonographer was going to get us set up on a monitor because of it, but the doctor came in and said he saw him try to breathe and he looked fine, so it wasn't necessary. We talked about whether to do MaterniT21 and he wasn't encouraging it and said I should only do it if I'm so stressed out it's keeping me up at night. It is causing me anxiety, but no more than wondering about her heart and wondering when and how they are going to arrive and how everything is going to be. I opted not to do the test today because I just think it's going to stress me out waiting on results, and I kind of don't want to know if it is positive. I guess I'd rather just meet her and deal with it then if it turns out she does have Down Syndrome. The doctor said based on his gut feeling and our earlier bloodwork, he is almost 99% sure she does not have DS. I hope it doesn't make DH and I sound like bad people that we are concerned about this. Obviously, our primary concern is how serious her heart condition is, and we are going to love her and take the best care we can of her no matter what (and I know many people say it turns out to be a blessing for their family).
monkeyprincess|1432234774|3879776 said:
Emerald, that's great your pregnancy is going smoothly. I sometimes forget just how pregnant I am until I catch a profile view in the mirror. Yowser. I'm technically due in July, but there's a good chance my babies will arrive in June. I *think* Choro is also due in June.

Choro, I had forgotten about all your drama from your genetic testing. So very happy it all turned out well for you though. Hope things are going well. When are you due again?

Tbaus, if you're still checking in, I hope your little ones are getting stronger and stronger!

Muff and LV, hope your little ones are doing well and your families are adjusting.

Hi to everyone else!

I had another appointment with the MFM this morning. They did a BPP and apparently will every week now. Of course baby boy didn't want to be outdone by his sister's drama, so he decided to be stubborn and sleepy and wouldn't let them catch him practice breathing for a whole half hour. The sonographer was going to get us set up on a monitor because of it, but the doctor came in and said he saw him try to breathe and he looked fine, so it wasn't necessary. We talked about whether to do MaterniT21 and he wasn't encouraging it and said I should only do it if I'm so stressed out it's keeping me up at night. It is causing me anxiety, but no more than wondering about her heart and wondering when and how they are going to arrive and how everything is going to be. I opted not to do the test today because I just think it's going to stress me out waiting on results, and I kind of don't want to know if it is positive. I guess I'd rather just meet her and deal with it then if it turns out she does have Down Syndrome. The doctor said based on his gut feeling and our earlier bloodwork, he is almost 99% sure she does not have DS. I hope it doesn't make DH and I sound like bad people that we are concerned about this. Obviously, our primary concern is how serious her heart condition is, and we are going to love her and take the best care we can of her no matter what (and I know many people say it turns out to be a blessing for their family).

It doesn't make you a bad person, it makes you human for wanting to your daughter to not have challenges. That said, the heart issues are the most pressing. If she does have will love her and do everything you would in your power for your children that don't have it.

You will most likely have your babies before me! My first one had to be forced out so this one will come on the 23rd and I'm not holding my breath I will go into labor before then.
mp, I think I'm due the same time you are. Technically 7/2 because I'm fairly sure of the conception date, but the first ultrasound dated 6/28. 34 weeks today!
You are not a bad person. We know you will love your child like crazy, but ds is a huge commitment. Most people understand that. FX that everything works out for you too!
MP, just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and I'm so sorry about baby girl's heart defect. I know it must be overwhelming coping with that news, but the unknown around any other potential issues must be very tough, too. The worry is constant. I am feeling confident for you as I believe there are 5 DS markers they look for and our doc always said that we should not worry if there is only 1 or even 2. When both C and K had markers (thankfully they were minor), we also opted not to do the amnio. If it were early in your pregnancy, I would probably say it might be nice to do the MaterniT21 so you'd have time to mentally prepare if it were positive, but honestly you will likely have your babies in your arms in the next month and it would take at least another week for results, anyway, so I think waiting is the best thing to do right now. It sounds like your doc is pretty confident that DD does not have DS, but I also understand the niggling worry.

My cousin had a baby boy last week who was born with a reversed valve in his heart and he required open heart surgery the day he was born. The surgery went well and he's recovering beautifully--I think he's going home this week. The doc said that heart surgeries on a newborn are very successful and the babies recover very quickly and go on to lead perfectly normal lives. I wish you the best and will keep following your story!
MP, you are an amazing Mommy, and you will do great with whatever life throws at you like you always do. I am proud of you. I know things will work out. When is your cardiologist appt - next week? I think you will feel much better after that. These heart conditions are very treatable, and babies are so resilient and strong. I think your odds are very low for DS, and you should take your doctor's advice and put it out of your mind. Focus on getting those babies nice and fat for their birth in a few weeks! Hugs to you.
Quick update...
Woke up on Thursday with some spotting. Went to the hospital and was admitted for observation. Cervical length measuring 1.8cm and seems to have funnelled to the stitch.
Discharged on Friday after getting a dose of steroid shot since I was not having any contractions. Going to get the 2nd dose on Saturday as my OB thinks I may go in labour in the next week or so. Hopefully baby will keep baking until I reach 34 weeks at least. That's 2 weeks' time...
Thinking of you, happybear. I hope the baby stays put as long as possible. The good news is that the baby has already reached some important milestones by making it this far, and the prognosis should be very good, especially with the steroids. Take care of yourself and rest a much as you can. Keep us posted.
Thanks, mp. Really appreciate your thoughts.
Got my 2nd shot of steroid on Sat but my OB checked and found I'm already 1cm dilated then. :(sad
He'll see me again on Wednesday and if I've dilate further to 2 cm, he'll have to remove my stitch and get ready for labor to start...
I'm trying to rest as much as possible right now.
Thinking of you Happy! Are you 32 weeks? I know it's a shock and not ideal, but outcomes are great for 32 weekers- you and baby will rock this no matter what happens!
Thinking of you HappyBear and praying your LO keeps baking. My 32 weeker is about 2.5 months right now. If you need anyone to talk to about the NICU we are all here to support you.
Huff! How are you all doing? We've all been thinking about you!
Happybear, thinking of you and hope everything is going okay!

Huff, I would also like to hear how you are all doing? Hoping things are going well.

Aviastar, how are things with you?

Hope everyone else is doing well. I think there are a few of us who are do on or around the end of June/beginning of July.

AFM, I go in for a fetal echo tomorrow to check on baby girl's heart, so I'm very anxious about that and hoping we get better, and not worse, news than we expect. We had an ultrasound this morning with my MFM, and the babies are measuring 4lbs 10oz and 4lbs 11oz, so they are still tracking well together and are good sized babies (both had heads over the 95%, which is just, yikes, if I end up making it close to term and not needing a c-section). I'm carrying nearly 9.5 lbs of baby already! Other than our obvious concern over the heart defect, the babies are looking good. I feel like I kind of hit a wall when I reached 32 weeks earlier this week. I am just getting more and more uncomfortable and feeling exhausted and not able to sleep that well. I want to keep these babies in as long as possible, but the idea of going 6 more weeks or so is terrifying. I'm larger than I was full-term with my 8.5 lb baby, so nothing fits, and I just feel like I make people uncomfortable just by looking at me.

ETA: One more pic of baby girl. Looking at her pictures helps me stay positive and try to connect with her and not just think of her as "broken." Baby boy's head is way too low to get anything other than sort of scary pictures, so I won't post any of those (but he's just as loved as his sister of course).

MP, glad to hear the twins are growing nicely - great job fattening them up! Baby girl is so sweet and does look like Ev. Good luck tomorrow. Will be thinking of you and checking religiously for an update here.
LV, congrats on your baby boy!! Hope to see a pic of that cutie soon & I hope you're recovering well & settling in as a family.

Happy, I hope your babes stay put as long as possible!

Huff, so glad to hear your little one is doing well!

MP, sorry I'm so late in chiming in but I wanted to say how sorry I am about your little girl's heart defect. I hope it's not as bad as the docs think & easily correctable. I have a friend whose son had a heart defect (but was otherwise completely healthy). He had 2 surgeries, I believe & it was definitely a tough time for him & his parents but he's doing beautifully now.
As for the downs risk, I certainly understand your worry but it does sound like all other tests on this front were reassuring. Hoping all is ok! You're a wonderful mom & this little girl is lucky to have you. Good luck tomorrow. I'll be checking on you. Big hugs to you.

Avia, I'm always so happy to see your posts here! Glad all is going well.

Wishing the rest of you a safe, pleasant journey to meet your little ones!
Hi everyone! :wavey:

It's so dead over in newborn to 12 months- no one ever posts!

Gray is doing great, up to almost 10lbs and 2.5 months old. He is growing so well for a preemie! He doesn't seem to have any permanent health issues as of now, which is such a relief. He is hitting his milestones so far but he is still in newborn clothes. Hopefully in the next two weeks he will grown out of those and move into the next size up.

I will say with having preemies- they just can't handle sleeping for long periods. The most he can last is 4 hours and he has to be exhausted. Otherwise it's 3 hours and any where between 2-3 oz. He is awake and able to play for maybe 6-ish hours a day.

MP I really hope everything is ok with your little girl. I know you have to be so uncomfortable. Are they worried about you going into early labor?

Thank you for your kind words BrightSpot and Aviastar! Hope you both are doing well as well!
MP, I know I don't post much these days, but I just want to let you know that I've been following your story and I am really hoping for the best for you and the babies! You are in my prayers today!
Thanks for the good wishes. After a long appointment yesterday, we found out more information. Definite large VSD (hole), a narrowing of the aorta (coarctation of the aorta), and likely issue with aortic valve. She'll be transferred to the local Children's Hospital shortly after birth, and baby boy and I will likely follow later. The first two conditions will need to be addressed by open heart surgery, likely within the first few days after birth. If all goes well, she'd be in the hospital for a few weeks after surgery. It's all very scary and stressful, and hard to imagine, but I'm thankful we at least found out about it before she was born and that it can be treated with good outcomes. A couple possible genetic issues associated with this are DiGeorge and Turner syndrome, but he also thought it was most likely isolated. That's my update. Again, I appreciate your good thoughts and prayers. This all feels like a bad dream, and I haven't really shared much other than with family and a few friends.
Oh, MP, I am sorry to hear of the serious nature of Baby Girl's heart condition, but I am glad you have an answer, a treatment plan, and a very high probability of good outcomes!

I know this will be a very stressful end of your pregnancy; it's terrifying to be unable to do anything to help fix things. Please try to take care of yourself, and those bebe beans, vent here when you need to- you'll be in many people's thoughts and prayers, including mine!
And just for a little levity- I will be 22 weeks tomorrow, and I was asked "should we start boiling some water?" "are you sure there's only 1 in there?", told I shouldn't be drinking a soda, and offered a beer in a bar. All in the same night.

Let the second half shenanigans begin! :lol:
Thanks, Aviastar! Ugh, sorry you're already getting so many lovely comments. It comes with the territory I'm afraid. Sometimes I wish I could walk around with a sign saying that I'm having twins because I get a lot of looks everywhere I go since my belly sticks so far out these days. One guy at work jokingly said, "I heard it's triplets now." A lot of the other people are surprised to learn it's twins (I didn't make any huge announcement, so only people I deal with regularly or specifically told know that), so I guess they just think I'm having a huge baby?
Jumping in here from the other thread... :wavey: I keep waiting for this mysterious moment where I suddenly *feel* ready to be in the "big girl" thread, but I realized I'm now 17 weeks (+2 days), so I guess it's about time! I just don't really feel like this is actually happening - I still feel so different from my first pregnancy with my son, so I keep thinking something will either happen, or maybe it's not real, or something - but now I'm starting to feel tiny movements and we've basically told all our family and friends, so I can't deny something is in there! So just saying hi, and hope everyone is feeling good!! :appl:
MP, i just saw your update on baby girl's heart condition. I'm glad they will treat her right away, and that they think this is an isolated condition for now. I'm sorry you have more anxiety and worry though. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm sure she will be a fighter and pull through the surgery with flying colors. Babies are really resilient, and the good thing is she won't remember any of it. She also should heal really well being less mobile as an infant. My nephew was 1 when he had his heart surgery, and his rib cage had a hard time healing properly because he was crawling and putting weight/pressure on the incision area shortly after surgery. My thoughts are with you and will be with you as you go through the next several weeks. Hugs, MP.

Avia, I cannot believe those comments! Some people!

Lavender, I am having a hard time believing this is really happening too. Telling people is making it more real though!

AFM, I think I will officially join over here now. I'm 18.5 weeks with a boy. We have been through a roller coaster of testing and possible issues, but our recent amnio results have us breathing a huge sigh of relief. I'm due on 10/30 but will have a scheduled C-section on 10/23 if all goes well between now and then. My next appt is June 17 for the detailed anatomy scan. I think it will feel more real after that appointment.
JGator, so happy to read your update in the other thread. I'm glad the amnio results can finally put your mind at ease now and let you enjoy this pregnancy.

mp, I'm sorry the hole in baby girl's heart is rather big. At least you found out early so she can get the best treatment at the earliest possible time, reducing complications and making her recovery much faster. Hang in there!

Huff, thank you for your kind words. It's very reassuring to hear preemies doing well after birth. How much did Gray weigh when he was born? How long was he in NICU before you could bring him home?

AFM, I'm still pregnant. 33 weeks and 4 days today. Will be seeing my OB tomorrow again to see if I have dilated further. Sleeping at night is getting more and more difficult. I can't seemed to find a position I am comfortable! Last night baby decided to do some stretching and I can feel her pushing so hard, it hurts! oh, and I get all anxious when she doesn't move and when she does, I can't sleep. It's exhausting. Though I am really really glad she is still baking inside me. Hope she will stay in for a couple more weeks.
MP: I'm so sorry to hear that the heart issue with your daughter is as serious as it is. I'm glad they've found it now so that they could plan the appropriate course of action when she's born. I'll be thinking of you guys over the next few weeks.

I hope everyone else is doing well. Welcome to everyone that's jumped over to the thread!

We've been gone since the Friday before Memorial Day. We went up to visit my family and for baby shower #1 MD weekend, came home that Monday and then flew to Vegas the next day. We just got back from Vegas/Grand Canyon/ Phoenix last night. So needless to say I'm way behind on this thread and way behind on work!
Hi MP,
I don't post much but have been following your pregnancy and I thought of you when I saw this article about pediatric cardiology hospitals.

Thought you'd be interested in looking up your hospital. I just looked up mine since my baby may have a heart defect as well.

Hope everything continues to go well with your pregnancy!