
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

My bro is going to be a SAHD...I got him this diaper bag so he and my SIL could both carry it around without feeling silly...sorry, hate to cut in here but just wanted to put it out there. The bag is from Nordstrom, retails for $60...cross-body, ergonomic, la la la.

That's a cool bag Monarch. Funny, I am on the nordstrom site right now. Man, these diaper bags are pricey eh? TGuy came home, saw my bag and exclaimed, "I'm not carrying that!" Well duh...told him no kidding, get your own bag. I might get him one as a little add on gift for his birthday coming up, but he has a messenger bag he already likes and that would probably work.
wth, does TG just not like the bag? Er, I''m sort of, if my brother (who''s this macho, big chopper, truck driver guy, likes it...LOL)
Ahh, whatever. I totally understand. To each his own, obiously..I just thought it was a cool bag, and actually the one I posted was not the one I actually sent them...there''s had a dragon igsignia down the front and they thankfully both liked it.

Sorry, bags are hard to find as far as unisex versions. Mwauh! I just wish you both the absolute best.
Date: 1/12/2008 3:43:27 AM
Author: monarch64
wth, does TG just not like the bag? Er, I''m sort of, if my brother (who''s this macho, big chopper, truck driver guy, likes it...LOL)
Ahh, whatever. I totally understand. To each his own, obiously..I just thought it was a cool bag, and actually the one I posted was not the one I actually sent them...there''s had a dragon igsignia down the front and they thankfully both liked it.

Sorry, bags are hard to find as far as unisex versions. Mwauh! I just wish you both the absolute best.
Mon, not sure if I am understanding you correctly, but the bag you posted is NOT the one that TGuy refuses to carry. Go back a page...and you''ll see the froofy thing I got today (because it was a steal) that he refuses to touch.
Sorry, I think I just assumed some and TGuy are doing quite well at this whole thing.

Dammit! Ive screwed up again! Bwah! TG, come meet me some day in Chicago...bring your man and small child! LOL!

ETA: wine, wine, and more wondeful wine. Sorry...we're just terrible. LOL
Had a bit to drink Mon?
haha--a drunken post on the pregnancy thread--now that has to be a first here
LOL! Did someone say drink?? I''m craving 20 cigarettes and a gin and tonic! Not pickles, or icecream or anything...
Date: 1/11/2008 12:47:06 PM
Author: curlygirl
Diver, Delaney is just precious!!! What a cutie pie--great smile too!!!

Jas12, I think I was able to wear my rings right up until the end! I always take mine off at night so I went to the hospital with no jewelry at all. I only had problems after giving birth. I guess I was retaining some water so it definitely took a while before I could wear my rings again--I would say maybe 2 months or so...

Mrs Mitchell, I just wanted to comment on your question on the baby names thread without hijacking that thread. I kept my last name when I got married--I''m very attached to it and couldn''t imagine changing it at 35 years old. Plus, there are no boys in my family to carry it on. Anyway, when it came time to naming Lily, I was pretty confused about the whole thing. Honestly, I wanted her to just take my last name because DH has had absolutely NO contact with his father for 30 years so why should my daughter carry on his last name?! But I knew that was slightly irrational.
So as a compromise for me, her full name is Lily Marian My Last Name His Last Name! Totally long and not hyphenated. When we filled out her birth certificate form, we listed her middle name as Marian My Last Name. So for day to day use, I figure she would just be Lily Marian His Last Name but for legal purposes, she''ll have both of our names! I feel like nobody really uses middle names on a daily basis anyway so it''s not a big deal. But it certainly does look long on her Social Security card and passport! I don''t care if she hates me for it one day. I had to get my name in there somehow!!!!!
Thanks for taking the time to post this - I''m glad I''m not the only one confused by the whole thing lol! We decided in the end (well, ok 23 weeks into my pregnancy) to give the baby my last name. Partly because DH already has two children from his first marriage who have his name and like you, there aren''t any boys in my family. I expect it will cause endless comment and annoyance with my family (who completely disregard the fact that I didn''t change my name and address mail etc to me as though I did). I can''t imagine why it annoys me so much, but oh does it ever! Ah well.
Monnie, really cool diaper bag! Your bro will love it!

TGal, if you really want to save money have DH use the plain black one they will give you when you leave the hospital. Funny how DH said he had no problem carrying my Vera Bradley around
Guess he is in touch with his feminine side. Haha!

Penn, I think every parent goes through that guilt. You want to be home for your children but you also love your independence and working. Just take it one day at a time. Remember how much childcare for twins would be
You will always be able to get a teaching job. Don''t worry about that.
Tacori, I was thinking about the same thing re: the free bag that the hospital gives you. TGuy is a blokey bloke, and although I think he would cave, I don''t want to force him to feel fem!
Oh GD test just came back high

Guess I'll have to take the extended test.
Wish me luck.
Jas, I pronounced Mira in my head the way you hoped it to be pronounced. I think it''s pretty. I have a niece named Marah. I think that''s a lovely name too. And I like JCrow''s suggestion on Colin Matthew! Very cute.
Date: 1/12/2008 5:36:18 PM
Author: lili
Oh GD test just came back high

Guess I''ll have to take the extended test.

Wish me luck.

good luck lili..when do you take the extended test? i will do my GD test on wed.

penn- i agree with tacori, it''s hard making the decision to work or not work etc. even harder once you''re holding the little baby/babies you might have to leave during the day. i wouldn''t worry too much about it yet, plan ahead yes, but not worry. you''ll know whats going to work and be right for you once you have the babies. I happen to love staying at home full time, but I have friends the work and like the break they get from their kids. everyone is different and it''s individual based on personal and financial needs etc. all will work out, i promise.
lili, I hope the 3 hour test comes back ok!!! What a PITA!
Good luck with the 3 hour test, hoping it comes out ok for you!!!
MrsS, Tacori, Lisa--
Thanks, I''ll need it.
I don''t yet if the doctor will order the 3-hour test or consider me as diabetic.
It is sort of marginal right now.

I''ll hear back from him within a day or two.
So I''ll let you know then.
TGal: congrats on finding the bag with the features you want (if not the colors!)

Tacori: Sorry to hear Tessa had a bad nite
hopefully things will start to get better

Lili: Good luck and keep us posted with the results

Penn: the parenting thing is very personal to be honest..I want to be a STAM when i have my second child, but i love working too so I am not sure how I will be able to handle it. There is a great thread here somewhere where they talk about the differen emotions on being a STAP and provides some very valuable insight on the whole situation

Jas: I wore my rings al the way thru my pregnancy. luckily my fingers never got swollen. I gained about 35 pounds by the time i delivered and lost 26 pounds in the first 2 weeks. luckily i also had no stretch marks ..but i did slather my belly, thighs and ribs/chest area with palmer''s coco butter religously through out my pregnancy..not sure if that helped or not, but it did make my skin feel nice and moist :)
My fingers are swelling already! Week 23 and my rings are getting tight.

I suddenly feel pregnant, too. If that makes any sense!

I just wanted to chime in with a suggestion for Penn. You mentioned wanting to be a stay at home dad but also wanting to work. I''m a teacher and I wonder about this myself (we''re not married yet so kids are still a ways off). From what I''ve heard in my own school and others, it''s easier to find another teaching job if you stay current on the research than say, if you hadn''t kept up with it at all but then wanted to return to the classroom. I know that the best teaching happens from being in the classroom, not just reading about it, but at least if you continue to learn from educational mags, articles, etc., you''ll be ahead of the game somewhat. I just wanted to throw that idea out there.

For example, a question I''ve always been asked in interviews (and have asked myself when I''ve been on interview committees) is where do I see research heading. I''m speaking of reading, specifically, although that could apply to other areas. It does involve a bit of name dropping but it''s worked, for me at least. If I could rattle off what certain educators, professors, gurus in reading research (Richard Allington, Pat Cunningham, etc.) believe and where education is heading, I was much better off.

To me, if I were on an interview committee, it would show that someone is still keeping tabs on best practices, which is huge.

It is a tough decision to make, and you''ll make the right one for your family. I hope this helps.
In answer to my own question a few days ago, apparently a really hard to ignore early sign of pregnancy is a positive HPT!

Hope there''s room for another JAS on this board...

I can''t tell anyone (except DH) in real life for a few months, so I need to make it real and tell y''all here that apparently I am with child.

DH has been grinning goofily for the last 24 hours. It''s awesome. We''re terrified and excited and all that good stuff!

Now I have to plow through 135 (!??!!!) pages of posts to get the best of the best of your knowledge.


Jackie (i.e. the other Jas)
Welcome "other jas"

and many, many congrats on the exciting news--it is so great to have a community of moms to talk to, esp when you haven''t spread the news yet and are itchin to talk pregnancy.
I jumped onto this thread about 60 pgs in and did a quick scan to get caught up, you''ll be in the thick of things in no time!

So i am working on the nursery today--i am having so much trouble finding art work/decor for the walls that is a) affordable and b) not cheesy.
I was thinking of buying a copy of one of my favourite classic children''s book and framing some of the pics. The room has a bit of a vintage feel in keeping with the rest of the 100 yr old house--so this makes it tough, i need an older book--any ideas?
I''ll post pics soon--along with my 30 week belly (if i get up the courage)--i think i have dropped a little--i don''t seem to be quite as high, but my goodness have i gotten big in the last 3 weeks or so. So many women commented at the gym this morning to confirm this--tight clothing tells all!
Welcome "other" Jas!!!! Congrats!! I think you''ll find this thread most helpful.
Jas, just wanted to say cogratulations to you and your DH! I did so on the WWTer thread but wanted to make sure you'll see it. What wonderful news for the two of you and it will give you material for your classes at SC (and here of course)
Jas, that is just wonderful news..congrats to you and your hubby.
CONGRATULATIONS! How exciting for you both. Delighted for you and looking forward to ''getting to know you'' here!
Wonderful news!
Congratulations to you and your hubby, Jas!!! How exciting!

Best wishes for a happy and healthy 9 months!!!!
Date: 1/13/2008 12:19:26 PM
Author: jas
In answer to my own question a few days ago, apparently a really hard to ignore early sign of pregnancy is a positive HPT!

Hope there's room for another JAS on this board...

I can't tell anyone (except DH) in real life for a few months, so I need to make it real and tell y'all here that apparently I am with child.

DH has been grinning goofily for the last 24 hours. It's awesome. We're terrified and excited and all that good stuff!

Now I have to plow through 135 (!??!!!) pages of posts to get the best of the best of your knowledge.


Jackie (i.e. the other Jas)
Jackie, I wanted to ask if you were preggo back a few pages when you posted but wanted to respect your privacy. I have been wondering and excitedly waiting for you to announce it!!! Jackie, that is Wonderful news; I wish I could give you a big ole hug in real life but this will have to do.
Congrats to you and your sweet hubby; I love that he has a goofy grin, that is too cute! hehee

Monnie, your post made me lol, you are so cute! hehe
Jackie, Congratulations to you and your husband! What exciting news!

I''m wondering, when did most of you get your BFP HPT? Did you wait till you''re a week late to take a test?
Just doing a drive by. I have to go wake up the monster to nurse in a min.

Jackie, congrats! That is wonderful news. We did not wait to the 2nd trimester to tell our family/friends. But it is a personal choice. We told our families the night we found out and our friends after my 6 week u/s (heard the heart beat so I felt very positive).

snlee, I was late not sure how late b/c I was having irregular periods. I got 3 negatives before my 3 positives. Just hang in there. Waiting to test is the WORST!

Lili, hope they have you take the longer test since you are on the border and it comes back ok.

Poop question, so miss Tessa has not had a BM since thursday night! She doesn''t seem to be in pain and I talked to the nurse with some suggestions today. Warm bath, rectal temp and moving her legs around (plus more nursing)....anyone else have any thoughts?