
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

More later, but have to say, Diver, I agree with you on the cost of the Dysons. When I bought ours, I was sick at the thought of the cost. But then I realized I could get it with points, so I returned it, used our bank points, and it ended up costing us about $7.
Diver--i think you are spot-on about the attitude = experience, when it comes to anything in life, and maybe especially so in the early days of being a first time mom. I think that is why I am so curious about how I''ll react. I am truly a happy person and yet I am also somewhat pesimistic and always seem to plan/expect the worse, I am critical of most things and like to over analyse...i don''t have a clue what type of mom i''ll be.
For all you moms, do you surprise yourself over how you react/don''t react to aspects of parenting?

Also Diver--I attended an early evening shower that was lovely--everyone got dressed up semi formal.
What about an elegant Tapas-themed shower, you could have it catered or DIY and serve a selection of nice wines and mocktails (virgin martinis etc.) along with the Tapas. I would skip the games and such and keep it elegant. For a shower I helped organize I just did keepsake-like novelties (like a nice box filled with cards that contained parenting words of wisdom from each guest) and for favors I bought fancy truffle bars and recovered the outside of the chocolate bars with labels I designed that stated the date/occassion on them (they were a big hit).

MsFlutter--i don''t have any symptoms of diabetes at all--it was just a routine blood test, but my sister is type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetic--which has absolutely nothing to do with my developing GD as far as I know, but i guess my Dr. just wanted to do the test--she is test happy.
Q for you--do you like the co-sleeper ? I am planning on getting one...the biggest complaint I hear about them is that they are hard to take apart and re-assemble.
Must be exciting and a little sad to move Ian to the crib eh? Another little milestone.
Diver, it''s my favorite picture of her. BTW did Boppy send you your replacement yet? I hear ya on the high cost of dysons. My MIL bought ours as a wedding gift. Speaking of bling, I found a beautiful pink and white diamond band
It is more than I wanted to spend for my push present. I was telling diamondseeker makes me think for that amount I should upgrade my studs or get a diamond pendant. Oh what to do, what to do....
Date: 1/15/2008 4:45:53 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Thanks for the support ladies. I noticed the area on one side of my nipple is pink (and hot). I am guessing that is where the pain is starting (though it kind of radiates down). I can''t feel a lump though. I am going to see how it looks/feels tomorrow. I did go for one lactation visit when she was 5 days old and it was helpful. I am not opposed to it. I really, really DON''T want to give up. Even though this is my third situation (not counting still using the shield) I really do like it (when I am not in pain). It is so easy and fast. No clean up. Better nutrition, etc....I don''t think formula is evil and if this continues I probably will have to think about my decision. Speaking of which the monster is hungry again. I''ll be back later

Tacori -- I just want you to know that I feel your pain...literally and figuratively. There were many times in the first few months that I was THIS CLOSE to quitting. I''ve had mastitis, clogged ducts, blood blisters, and thrush. It sucked, but somehow I kept going and, at 14 months, she''s still breastfeeding! All of this is to say that you are doing an AWESOME job and I totally understand how unsettling "boob problems" are. Everytime I get another plugged duct or random shooting pain, I think, Here we go again! I HATE it and it freaks me out, but it does get easier and the benefits are amazing. It really is one of my greatest accomplishments. I''m not here to encourage you to keep going if it doesn''t feel right to you, only to tell you that I really and truly understand what it''s like when it''s not going well. You''ve given her a GREAT start and your dedication to her well-being is clear to anyone who''s ever read this thread. I don''t really know what I''m trying to say -- I guess I just really relate to what you''re going through and want you to know that there''s a breastfeeding mom out here how has your back, whatever you decide.
Date: 1/15/2008 7:55:38 PM
Author: divergrrl
Tacori: Tessa''s mouth is shaped just like Delaney''s. A little cupids bow. Your avatar cracks me up everytime I see it. Love it.

Tgal: I was going to ask you about your Dyson Slim, but I was doing some research online & the Bissell Hepa Pet Hair Eraser Upright bagless kicked butt in the vacuum department. AWesome user reviews. And for $142, I was like...I''ll try it! OMG....the stuff it sucked up was unreal. Soooo grody! I have a a german shepherd & a long haired cat, and after I vacuum normally, I still have hair on my carpet...this got it ALL. I sat down in black pants & black sweater on my carpet after vacuuming & got back up...CLEAN! not a single hair. Love it!

I''m so glad I got it, because D is now rolling around on my carpet, which was new when Jake was born, but I think the thing sucked up 3 years of old vacuum sucked. I just could NOT shell out $500 for a Dyson Animal. Not when Whiteflash makes such great earring jackets. ARgh...I emailed Bob for a quote, oh temptation, I hate thee!!! You think DH would buy it if I said my studs were cold this winter & needed jackets? LOL. Actually if I spend $$ on anything, I need to get my earrings switched out from white gold with nickel to platinum or palladium or something. WF can do it, but I procrastinated so long that metal prices are sky high. ARgh.

Ok..''nuff bling talk on the baby thread.

Oohhh...if anyone has ELEGANT shower ideas....hit me with them. My bff is expecting her 1st, and I am in charge of her shower here. She is a tall, cool, drink of water. Beautiful woman, who does everything beautifully (including my showers) and I want to make sure she has something lovely. I''m a terrible party planner, but for her, I''ll bring my A game.

me too!!! i still have some time to go (i will probably throw her shower sometime in may/june) but i would love to hear ideas as well!!
Tacori--the pink/diamond band you found sounds soooo divine--I am a bad influence but i''d spend the extra and get it if you totally love it--you certainly deserve it after all the stuff you''ve been through in the last weeks. Think of it as extra compensation for BF pain you''ve had to endure
....i can find ways to justify the bling hehe

So i am really disappointed this morning--I posted earlier how I was hoping for a midwife and have been on a local waiting list for 6 months now. 2 months ago I heard of another midwife-- out of town-- and left a message with all my ''stats'' at her request --it was looking promising. I waited and waited to hear from her. Well I missed her call and got a msg this morning stating that it was too late for her to take me on, March is very busy for births in our area and she has several to attend already and that I should have called sooner (I didn''t know about her so that is the only reason I didn''t contact her earlier). I was so upset. I was making breakfast on the stove, left for work and then got to work thinking "did I turn off the burner"?? grrr--I had to go all the way back home to check and of course I did turn it off--but i kept thinking ''pregnancy brain'' , better be safe than sorry.
Not the best way to start the morning....
Ya know, I really need to be careful what I wish for-- I was telling DH just last night that I don''t feel pregnant, no swollen BBs, no nausea, nada.

So today I wake up with a gigantic zit on my face. The kind people can''t help but stare at in person. This thing needs its own zip code (zit code?) It''s painful and the cystic kind that probably won''t ever come to a head but will just sit and distort my entire cheek for about three weeks. I feel so damned pretty. The only thing that would make me feel more attractive is if the pregnancy toots arrived.

So I have to have a new routine in the morning. I used to just have a cup of coffee and do my elliptical training. I have modified the elliptical training so that my heart rate stays fairly low and it''s more like a long stroll than an intense workout (little-to-no resistance, lots of water, keepin'' it like a low-impact walk). Today I had to stop because my stomach hurt. I realized that it was hunger. Real honest-to-goodness hunger pain. Yeowch! I ate something and felt much better. Note to self -- Eat!

Tacori -- feel better!
Diver -- can you give a little more information on the shower -- do you have a place? Do you have an idea of how many people with be there? Time of day? Location? If not, that''s cool, but I love throwing parties so I''d be happy to give you my two cents (which is worth just that, by the way).
Jas12 -- so sorry about the midwife
The stove thing...heh...I do that with keys now, so I imagine that I am going to have to leave checklists for myself in a few months!
Jas12, regarding your question about parenting, I think I''m a lot like Diver even though I''m a first timer. I''m really just myself around my baby. I definitely got lucky that I had an easy pregnancy, easy labor and delivery and easy baby--she was sleeping 6 hours/night at 4 weeks and now at 8 months, she sleeps about 10 hours straight, sometimes longer! She has a very happy go lucky personality and overall, she''s pretty mellow like me. Yes, she has meltdowns from time to time but she''s a baby so she''s allowed to do that! I didn''t breastfeed at all--it just wasn''t for me--and while I support any and all decisions about that, for me it has made MY life so much easier which in turn has made my life with Lily much better.

I did some reading about parenting styles and I would have to say that mine is very laid back/intuitive rather than regimented and dependent on scheduling. I''ve learned to read her signals rather than looking at the clock to decide what she needs. I just sort of go with the flow and it works for us. I want her to be adaptable to all situations too so not having her so "programmed" is important to me. So while I''m pretty much on her schedule, it is one that works perfectly for me too (I''m sure I had some influence on her schedule but not by design) so I''m not going to rock the boat and try to get her to do things at set times. For example, she normally wakes up between 7 and 7:30 in the morning. For some reason, this morning she slept until 8:15. Fine with me. DH and I still did our usual morning routines until she got up and we still left the house on time to get to work/daycare.

On the other hand, I also lean towards some aspects of attachment parenting. I don''t let her cry it out and I will bring her into our bed if she''s having a rough night (teething, etc.). These are things that I was sure I would NEVER do before I had a baby but you just have to do what works for you! I always thought I could be tough and let her cry herself to sleep in her crib but the first time I tried it for 5 minutes, I was in tears by minute 3 and as soon as that 5 minutes was up I went running to get her and decided I couldn''t do it again! So she usually falls asleep in my arms after a bottle and then I put her down. I''m sure many people will disagree with this method and say that it''s a bad habit but it works for me and that''s all that matters. And yes, she has slept in our bed. Not every night and not all night but there are times when the comfort of mom and dad is all that will soothe her. I don''t think I''ve created a monster yet because she''ll still sleep in her crib but if she''s really uncomfortable, I LOVE having her in bed with us!

Anyway, all this babbling is just to say that however you choose to raise your child is the right way because it works for you. People can be very judgemental about this stuff, it''s just like the whole breastfeeding vs. formula feeding debate. I have a friend who just had a baby and she is the exact opposite of me--everything is very scheduled. I just listen to her when she tells me what she''s doing from hour to hour and while it''s not the way I would do things, it works for her so I can''t knock it. You just have to trust yourself that you''re doing what''s best for your child, regardless of how you do it.

Regarding the GD test, I failed the first one too by a couple of points. I should have eaten something before it but I didn''t! I went back and did the 3 hour one and passed with flying colors. Hope you have the same results!

Tacori, I hope things are getting better with the boobs. How''s Miss Tessa''s poop situation?!

Diver, I love you and that''s all I can say about that!

msflutter, we moved Lily out of our room at 12 weeks exactly and while it was tough, it was also much better for my own sleeping! She was a snorting, farting, grunting ball of cuteness that would wake me up with all her sound effects and I would laugh so much that I couldn''t get back to sleep!! Sounds like you''re doing great. Don''t beat yourself up about the weight loss. It takes time...

mrssalvo, how are you feeling??

Lisa (Kaleigh), I have to agree with the other ladies. I can''t thank you enough for starting this thread. It''s so wonderful to have a place to share all of our experiences and it''s exciting to see the new preggos joining us.

Hope everyone is feeling great!
jas12: ahh pg brain, i remember it fondly............NOT!!!!


the shower...

at a swanky hotel in the city...45 couples.....afternoon dessert or tea thing. Since its a couple shower, I don''t think games would be appropriate. I do think that the keepsake ideas & truffle bars that Jas listed might be really neat. Please explain the keepsake box again? I was also thinking of getting her a pretty (perhaps handmade) scrapbook & having guests write down parenting pearls of wisdom or wishes and then mounting them in the book for her. Oooh, I could drape the table in pearls. (totally her style). Ok, I wrote those down in my idea file....and what kind of truffle bars did you get & where did you get your labels printed?

i was thinking tapas/sangria/mock sangria, but given the guest list, i think her dh (who''s helping out costwise) wants something more simple/elegant. I might do an elaborate dessert bar with champagne. There MUST be booze. LOL. Only one not drinking is mom-to-be. Of course, I had a nice glass of champagne at my showers, but I''m a rebel like that.

I also have help from our other 2 girlfriends. This is one of my bff''s/sorority sister from college. There are 4 of us who stayed "together" over the last 17 years. My chicas.

Can you guys tell when I put Delaney down & have 2 hands to type with? My caps aren''t all screwed up.

Tacori: Boppy sent me the envelope to return my cover, but I had already tossed it in the garbage like an idiot. I was not thinking. So I just went to BRU and bought another one. It was only $9 (cotton cover). Hmmm, I''d be torn on the bling decision too. Here''s the reason I''d get the pink/white diamond band. You want to commemorate Tessa''s arrival right? Is this a band you would give to Tessa someday? Of course a new pendant would be divine.

Demelza: You rock. Where were you when I was having my bfing probs? I totally think the problems with bfing difficulties stem from women not having the support they used to have when there was no other option (family women helping to get it right). Also mothers "back in the day" weren''t as displaced from family, so there were mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, etc to help out with the family. Now we have to "do it all". From friends I know who''ve gone to LLL meetings, its a good place to find that support. I love your doggie avatar. I have a weakness for g.sheps.

My girl was UPSET last night. She was in the basement barking her BIG bark at the door..(daylight basement). So I went downstairs & the door was unlocked. Hmmm...I actually went down with my pepper spray & alarm panic button because I haven''t heard her bark like that since the drug dealers next door moved out a few years ago. I let her outside & she was hopping mad all around the backyard, just P!$$ED as hell. I forgot how *tough* she is, because you know, she''s my furry snuggle girl who loves to kiss my kids & lets my son feed her by hand. So she finished doing her recon & came to bed, but was wired, if you know what I mean. For all I know, it was a raccoon, but she doesn''t bust out THAT bark very often.

Oh...helpful hint. Don''t rub your eyes after unlocking the safety on a pepperspray nozzle. I got pepperspray in my eyes. OW!!!! And in my mouth . D''oh!!!

Here is my other baby, Sascha...

Date: 1/16/2008 11:36:04 AM
Author: curlygirl

Anyway, all this babbling is just to say that however you choose to raise your child is the right way because it works for you. People can be very judgemental about this stuff, it's just like the whole breastfeeding vs. formula feeding debate.

Curly, I couldnt agree with you more. Women are so judgemental about the whole birthing/raising children thing. I went on a walk with a friend yesterday and we talked about this. I had an easy pregnancy, she didnt. I had a natural birth, she had a c-section. She is a champ at BFing...I'm not. Ian sleeps through the night and her Jenna does not. None of these things should make either of us feel bad/inferior. Nor are they things people should judge us for. But thats not the way it works. And I'm sure it only gets worse as they get bigger.

As for parenting style. I'm pretty laid back, but i think it helps that I have a mellow baby.

I dont remember who asked, but I loved the co-sleeper. I have the full size one and it worked perfectly. It was big enough for him (even now at 25inches and 15lbs) and it is so nice to have him safely there right next to you. It wasnt too hard to put together, took me a few tries, but once you do it you should be good. It isnt something you take apart a million times. I will probably bring it over to the IL's now and use it as a playpen for his nap times over there!.

Diver- I think I had a pretty elegant shower, except it was themed (usually wouldnt like but it was done so well). There were beautiful floral arrangements, a 3 course served lunch (soup, fruit, entree salad) and a cute cake. I should post pics one of these days. But it was so long ago! What kind of ideas are you looking for? I had a book that everyone filled out why the baby was so lucky to have us as parents. We had a punch and passed wine.

Tacori- I love the idea of a welcome party. i bet that was so much fun!

Jas, I'm sorry about the midwife. It is sad that there arent more of them where you live. Have you looked into a doula to help you with birth? I cant remember, are you going to try to go natural?

Mentioning my lack of weight loss (i'm down 25 of 35...its just these stubborn 10...arrggg!) has anyone seen the new cover of US, its trista sutter in a bikini with her 5 month old son....I hate her!
Curly: You are so you too girlie! Hey you know what is weird? I''m a different mom on some things with Delaney than with Jake. I don''t know if its a last baby thing, or a girl thing, but I doubt I could let her CIO either. I let Jake cry when he hit about 9 months. Only had to do it 2 nights, but they were tear filled evenings (for me too). I also had no problem letting him stay overnight at my mom''s when he was 3 months old. Of course now I don''t have that relationship anymore, maybe that has something to do with it. But DH keeps pressuring me to go on vacation & leave the kids with my dad & stepmom (who are awesome with them, so thats not it) and I can''t/don''t want to do it. I''ve turned down 3 trips so far. I just CAN''T leave them. Maybe its because I realize how fast it goes. Jake was so little and now all of a sudden he''s 3 and singing Hot In Herre by Nelly. What happened? I just feel like Delaney is growing so fast, and its all a blur. I also just want to enjoy Jake''s innocence while it lasts. My babies.

I hear you on the intuitive parenting thing. I was like that with Jake until he gave me his schedule. There was some turning point in toddlerhood where he needed his naps or he got all wonky. So I guess it''s still the intuitive parenting style, because I''m reading him, but it was interesting to see how he settled into a routine and how much it affected him if we deviated too much. He can go with the flow though, so a late night out or a missed nap won''t completely derail him.

Ok...I REALLY should go work out. I have a home gym....and its equipped with toys/playroom. I just can''t use the treadmill/spinning bikes if Jake is down there, don''t want him getting his fingers caught or getting hurt. But I can do yoga/core work on the ball & dancing. Jake likes the dancing. Mommy loves hip/hop so he''s getting some fly moves. He''s got a mean downward dog too. LOL.
Demelza, Thank you so much. Your support and encouragement means so much. Today I am feeling much better. I did some major heat therapy (heating pad, hot wash cloth, hot showers), massage, kept feeding....seems to have worked. It is only *slightly* sore today not like the pain I was in yesterday (ohh, that was horrible). The redness has faded too. Tessa nursed w/o the shield last night but my nips were SOOO sore afterwards. I tried out my "soothies." Really liked them and suggest them for all the new mommies who are going to BF. I got mine online. They are reusable for up to 3 weeks and do seem to "calm" things down. You are an inspiration! You should be proud of yourself that you hung in there. Please post pics of your daughter (if you feel comfortable). I am sure she is a cutie!

Jas12, the ring is sooooo pretty. Arggg...I wish it wasn''t an eternity. It also is more than I wanted DH to spend....are you getting a "push present"? Hope things work out with a midwife. Are the OBs in Canada not good? I loved my OB. He was so encouraging, gentle (as much as you can be). My L&D nurse was awesome as I have said before. I really lucked out seeing how she was with me for the whole time.

Jas, my skin was SOOOO bad when I was preggo (it still is!) I didn''t feel preggo until 6-7 weeks. That''s when my "hung over" began
. Enjoy feeling good while it lasts!

Curly, you are another lucky mama with Lily sleeping so well! Where did I go wrong? DH and I LOOOOOOVE sleeping. Guess it is not rubbing off.
At least she has ONE 4-5 hour stretch a night. Pure bliss. Plus she is good at putting herself back to sleep. I only pick her up out of bed if it is time to eat or if she is crying. Whining, moaning, talking, I just let her be. Tessa''s poop is runny now (but at least it is there!) Her gas is really smelly too. Not like before. So strange.

Diver, I sent my cover back. I also went out and bought a new one. It''s still annoying. You are right about the band. I DO want to give it to her one day so something I would only upgrade with time would not work. Plus I love the idea of stack bands (and get more with any future children *evil laugh*) Have you decided on what you are going to get? Spill it!

MsF, the welcome parties are fun. It''s nice for miss Tessa to meet everyone. I saw Trista on TV and thought the SAME thing! Though she started out thinner than me and I gained 200 lbs
My doc said my line might not even fade until 6 months. How does she look so good in a bikini! I hate her too. Haha!

Curly, MsFlutter, Diver--thanks for all your parenting pearls of wisdom. I luv hearing your stories. I am usually one for researching everything. but parenting books don''t interest me so I think i will fall somewhere in the ''intuitive mothering'' category, maybe it is b/c i have been around kids so much, my profession etc. but i much rather just read about your experiences and ask Q''s as they arise.

Diver--The truffle bars I bought were from a local chocolate shop--but here is how I did it: Find a bar that is wrapped in gold/silver foil and then labeled with a paper label (so the paper portion can be removed and the foil wrapping stays in place). I made my own labels on a print program (just b/c I am crafty with this kind of stuff and picky about graphics/colors etc.--didn''t want anything cheesy). I printed the labels on thin glossy paper (any paper will work) and re-wrapped them as per the original packaging and adhered them with a bit of invisible glue. They were affordable and everyone thought they were specially ordered.
As for the box, I bought a small antique box to go in the baby''s room and made up cards on heavy stock paper that had a quote on the top about parenting (again a DIY project so the graphics/fonts etc. matched the tone of the shower) and once the cards were filled out they were arranged in the box.
Your scrap-book idea would be great b/c then they are not loose.
The hotel idea sounds wonderful and very elegant--i would be thrilled if I had that sort of shower--and I totally agree--alcohol is in order

MsFluttter--thanks for the co-sleeper review--good to know, i am going to order my shortly--can''t get them in canada for some reason so I have to pay stupid shipping charges--grr.
As for the birth--i really do want to go natural if possible--i have thought about a doula but they are not paid for by our health care system and I just spent a lot on registration for cord-blood banking so i don''t know if I can afford it right now

Ella--how''s it going? How are K & G?
Thanks ladies for the vote. I think it will have to be Skye. When I polled my friends, it was unanimous - they all loved Skye. Now I need to break the news to TGuy...he''d better not change his mind about liking the name!

Jackie, great to see you so excited. It is surreal making that first appointment. Even more surreal sitting in the waiting room with all the preggos and thinking, am I really gonna look like THAT? Yup, you will!

MrsS, I totally feel huge. I went to a baby shower over the weekend and the gal is 4 weeks ahead of me. This is her third child and she is TINY. I look like I ate her baby AND her. Nothing like standing next to a tiny, further ahead, pregnant woman to make you feel like a monster! But I was twice her size when we started this, so I figure it''s safe to assume that I''ll end up being twice her size. And I know I am not small because NO ONE has said "oh, you''re so small." Instead, they all say, "Oh, you''re not that big."

Tacori...yay (?) for tears? Aw...poor lil Tessa. And boy, I am so sorry about your boob problems. My friend had a lot and she said she would be in cold sweats and near tears about 30 minutes before feeding time. I got cold sweats just hearing her story! Hang in there!

Jas, I have not had a soda in nearly 5 years, so it was definitely disgusting. But not as bad as I thought it would be. Hope yours comes back great! And I am sorry about your midwife situation. I am not having one, but I always thought it was a great idea.

TTot freaks me out because s/he moves SO much. I wonder if it''s crying out SOS in there. And now I can find body parts and poke them to make them move. A couple of nights ago, I was feeling around and think I found a limb. Mostly when I poke, it moves/pushes/kicks. But this one felt like an arm twisting and turning away. It was such a freaky feeling I said "eek!" and pulled away.

Re: parenting. I think I am going to be a more regimented parent, but who knows. My friend was very regimented...sleep trained and the kids got set naps and went to bed at 5:30pm when they were babies and woke up at 6am. It was just awesome to watch. She was extremely discplined and the kids just knew that she meant what she said. From all my friends, her kids seemed the best behaved and well adjusted, so I am leaning to going the same way she did. Problem is that I am generally more laid back than she is, so we''ll see.

I totally agree with msflutter that mothers can be SO judgmental. Heck, before I was preggo, I was judgmental about parenting in general. It''s sort of human nature, I think. We all figure "we can do it better" and so far our kids don''t seem like terrorists so we must be doing something right. I think TTot is going to be payback for all those judgments I had!!!
Diver, quick question....

Which infant carseat do you use with your BOB? I am trying to decide between snugride and safeseat, but remember hearing somewhere that the safeseats fits better. Any insight?
tgal....snugride fits kinda wonky, safe, but crooked.....i''ll see if i can find user reviews for me. you gave me an idea...i want a black ppb diaper bag. i sold mine cuz it was before the improvements (better strap placement & velcro) so it bugged me& i never carried it. my bff lives in l.a. i may try to find one close to her house & have ger grab it for me. u r right about sales of stuff like that there.
Date: 1/16/2008 4:25:43 PM
Author: divergrrl
tgal....snugride fits kinda wonky, safe, but crooked.....i''ll see if i can find user reviews for me. you gave me an idea...i want a black ppb diaper bag. i sold mine cuz it was before the improvements (better strap placement & velcro) so it bugged me& i never carried it. my bff lives in l.a. i may try to find one close to her house & have ger grab it for me. u r right about sales of stuff like that there.
Thanks Diver...that''s what I heard. I''ll try the safeseat because I think it may fit a bit better. I''ve heard you can stuff something under (or around) the snugride to make it fit a bit more evenly.

I''ll keep an eye out for you for the PPB bag. I am seeing a few on craigslist right now but they are pretty beat up, not to mention the wrong color.
Trying to avoid this thread since it makes my already-rampant baby fever even worse, but I just wanted to jump in and tell TG that I love Amelia Skye. I think having a solid first name like Amelia tones down the "trendiness" of Skye as a middle name, while keeping the uniqueness... love it.
If you wanted to downplay the trendiness even more, you could do Amelia Sky, minus the e..... just a thought.

Congrats to all the newly pregnant people... hoping to join this thread myself sometime in 2008!!

Oh and as for nursery decorating ideas based on children''s books, I love the drawings for the Beatrix Potter stories and also the ones in the original Velveteen Rabbit.... such a great idea for a nursery... can''t wait to see the finished result!
Tgal: I roll up a sweatshirt and stuff it underneath it. Helps a TON. You have to almost completely dissasemble the BOB to get the stupid carseat adaptor thing on. I swear, it requires an engineering degree. If you have a store that will do install for you take them up on it. I am very handy, and really competent at that kind of thing & it had me swearing.

I think the peg perego fit the best. The safeseat is by graco, right? I think the safeseat is a longer/bigger version of the to check for you.

Thanks for looking, I want a newer Black Orchid Boxy Backpack. Oh, I may just have the new baby boutique here order it for me. I have a $10 off coupon for them. She can just special order the black. But I am saving up $$ right now, so if you find one between now & then holler at me. My bff lives in between downtown & Pasadena. She used to live in Marina Del Rey, but they had to go into a different area to afford a bigger house.
Tacori--how does your DH feel about the pricer band? If he is okay with it, well then...

I am not sure if i am getting a ''push present'' (ick, don''t like the term but the idea is fine by me) I haven''t asked for one but DH knows they exist. I still look at my e-ring every day so i am in no need for more bling right now, but won''t refuse if it should happen to come my way.!!
As for OB''s--i am sure they are great around here--i just don''t really want one. I don''t like the idea of someone i may have never met popping in and out of my hospital suite and ''helping'' me make decisions during labor. I may est. a good relationship with my OB b/w now and birth, but if he is off call come the birth, I just get one of the other 2 in our city. I don''t know if that is typical but we live in a small city that is somewhat isolated so not many specialists to go around. With a midwife I''d get constant support and that appeals to me. Oh well, i have to let it go and be positive! I hope I get a good one like you, I am sure i am worrying for nothing!

Tgal--yep, the baby activity is reaching new levels over here too! So squirmy, less kicky--when u are laying down try tapping two fingers in different spots on your belly--spaces with fluid will resonate and places full of baby will of course not--kinda neat to help locate the head or maybe back. Sometimes i wish i could just peer in there and see what''s up--hard to believe a 3lb being fits into that space--makes me marvel at moms of multiples--esp triplets, quads etc. Eeeks!
You honestly looked small in your last pic so your friend must be super petite in general--the word ''monster'' didn''t come to mind honey--slight exaggeration much?!

Off to ski-coach tonight--soo cold, i am going to get my students organized with the other coach and stay off the hill!!! Sometimes I heart pregnancy (*sometimes*)
Date: 1/16/2008 5:04:22 PM
Author: Jas12
Tacori--how does your DH feel about the pricer band? If he is okay with it, well then...

I am not sure if i am getting a ''push present'' (ick, don''t like the term but the idea is fine by me) I haven''t asked for one but DH knows they exist. I still look at my e-ring every day so i am in no need for more bling right now, but won''t refuse if it should happen to come my way.!!

As for OB''s--i am sure they are great around here--i just don''t really want one. I don''t like the idea of someone i may have never met popping in and out of my hospital suite and ''helping'' me make decisions during labor. I may est. a good relationship with my OB b/w now and birth, but if he is off call come the birth, I just get one of the other 2 in our city. I don''t know if that is typical but we live in a small city that is somewhat isolated so not many specialists to go around. With a midwife I''d get constant support and that appeals to me. Oh well, i have to let it go and be positive! I hope I get a good one like you, I am sure i am worrying for nothing!

I don''t think he is excited about it
DH is not really into buying me jewelry (though I did get beautiful pave hoops for x-mas and he has said he wants to get me a rolex one day. He loves watches). But it could be a combo mother''s day/birthday gift. OR I thought I could pay the difference. It is twice the amount that he told me I could spend
Opps. Hehe!
We''ll see...maybe after he sells a few more houses. Of course HE just bought a new jet ski so maybe I can guilt him. Oh and he knows all about my BFing stress and tells me what a great job I am doing so maybe, just maybe...

Well I hope it all works out for you. I know we had different versions of our perfect labor
I do think it takes a very special person to be a L&D nurse. Honestly all I wanted was a healthy baby and since I did have complications I was so grateful I was in a hospital, with my doc, with a peds team, etc...But I only saw him towards the end and have seen him 3 times since the birth so we have a bond according to my DH. If he is still around he will deliver my next baby. He even said he will probably induce me at 39 weeks next time
All this talk of baby activity, kicking and hiccups makes me miss being preggers! Good thing that IUD is firmly in place!

TGal- I dont use my BOB all that often (i have the stroller strides version), but I have a snug ride and I agree it could be better fit. But with the strap I feel pretty safe with it! And I go jogging up on the cliffs with it. Isnt the safe seat heavier? Might be a thought because the car seats get super heavy as the babies grow!! I will have to try Divers suggestion of stuffing something under it.

Also, I''m not sure if I was judgemental. But i hated crying babies. I was the rude person rolling eyes at the grocery store and on the airplane. I''m sure that will come back to bite me!!

I feel so fortunate. I just came back from a mommy and me group in hermosa. A girl at the mommy and me aerobics class yesterday invited me. Then tomorrow Ian has our parenting class at the adult school. I think I may have more friends/outings with Ian than I ever did before he was born. I''m lucky there are so many mommy groups around here. It really makes me feel less alone!

jas- have fun on the mountain! AND BE CAREFUL!!!
OK Diver, I will keep an eye out for that pattern. I am on craiglist every other day just for fun...I love that site. Also, yes, the safeseat is bigger, longer, heavier. I have read that it is easier to install, and I like the idea of keeping it longer.

Jas, I know how to take a semi-flattering photo.
For the longest time I thought I just looked kind of gut-ty, not preggo, but then it happened. Trust me, I am not small. I''m not of enormous mind boggling proportions but NO ONE is going to say I am a cute preggo. Front photos are far more telling than the side, and of course we have 10 more weeks to go. In maternity bottoms now I am definitely going into a large, if that tells you anything!
Date: 1/16/2008 5:29:47 PM
Author: msflutter
All this talk of baby activity, kicking and hiccups makes me miss being preggers! Good thing that IUD is firmly in place!

TGal- I dont use my BOB all that often (i have the stroller strides version), but I have a snug ride and I agree it could be better fit. But with the strap I feel pretty safe with it! And I go jogging up on the cliffs with it. Isnt the safe seat heavier? Might be a thought because the car seats get super heavy as the babies grow!! I will have to try Divers suggestion of stuffing something under it.

Also, I''m not sure if I was judgemental. But i hated crying babies. I was the rude person rolling eyes at the grocery store and on the airplane. I''m sure that will come back to bite me!!

I feel so fortunate. I just came back from a mommy and me group in hermosa. A girl at the mommy and me aerobics class yesterday invited me. Then tomorrow Ian has our parenting class at the adult school. I think I may have more friends/outings with Ian than I ever did before he was born. I''m lucky there are so many mommy groups around here. It really makes me feel less alone!

jas- have fun on the mountain! AND BE CAREFUL!!!
Ms Flutter, thanks for the info. Yes, the safe seat is two pounds. The way I see it, car seats are going to end of feelings heavy. I don''t plan to carry it much when TTot gets bigger, but we''ll see. People seem to like the safeseat, with the exception of the weight.

I was thinking of taking a stroller strides class when the baby is old enough to be in the jogger. Have you (or anyone else) taken it? I am going to be on maternity leave for 18 weeks...I''m very happy about that.

I''m not sure I''d join a mommy group though...never thought about it and it''s probably not for me. I am glad you are enjoying it though, as I know you are not originally from here.
TGal, I had the opposite problem. From the front I didn''t look that big but my side view
whoa....of course the last few weeks I looked big everywhere even in the dark. Looked like I had a watermelon strapped to my belly.
Date: 1/16/2008 5:45:40 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
TGal, I had the opposite problem. From the front I didn't look that big but my side view
whoa....of course the last few weeks I looked big everywhere even in the dark. Looked like I had a watermelon strapped to my belly.

Hehe, that's what I was thinking too.
Oh no, I did't mean you look like you had a watermelon Tacori.
I mean, we are more pregnant from the side than from the front.

Anyway, TGal, you certainly do not look big in that photo.
In fact, you are a cute preggo.
I have to agree with Jas12, I think we preggos tend to have a warped image of ourselves--thinking that we are bigger than we actually are.
How would we not especially when we are constantly reminded of how many pounds we've put on every month.
TGal, you might want to go somewhere like USA baby and try the carseats in your car. I have a SAAB and when i had my carseat installed (out of fear and incompetency i had it professionally installed) the lady said it was a good thing that I got the snugride, because any other car seat I would have to put the carseat on the side instead of the middle. I just went and tried out convertible car seats because I want one that will hold him till 70 pounds....but the point is, who would have thought they wouldnt fit?!?

I havent tried stroller strides. I have been so busy, and I was going to wait till he could be in the stroller w/o the carseat. Spectrum offers a class and I heard it wasnt as challenging as the one in Redondo. I have a free week of classes so I was going to check it out, but I havent yet. I didnt think I would want this much social time, but its been good for me so I''m going with it. And seriously, how much fun are 6 babies at Good Stuff!?!

Tacori- I was the same way. seriously looked fake the belly was huge!!!
Sorry to hear about your midwife.
Perhaps someone will go into labor early and a spot opens up for you?

Yay on the Tessa poo front.
And your sapphire and diamond eternity band sounds divine.
I think it'd be a perfect "push present" especially since you are thinking about giving to Tessa later on.

How are G and K?
We are waiting for updated pix of those cuties.
Date: 1/16/2008 5:55:21 PM
Author: msflutter
TGal, you might want to go somewhere like USA baby and try the carseats in your car. I have a SAAB and when i had my carseat installed (out of fear and incompetency i had it professionally installed) the lady said it was a good thing that I got the snugride, because any other car seat I would have to put the carseat on the side instead of the middle. I just went and tried out convertible car seats because I want one that will hold him till 70 pounds....but the point is, who would have thought they wouldnt fit?!?

I havent tried stroller strides. I have been so busy, and I was going to wait till he could be in the stroller w/o the carseat. Spectrum offers a class and I heard it wasnt as challenging as the one in Redondo. I have a free week of classes so I was going to check it out, but I havent yet. I didnt think I would want this much social time, but its been good for me so I''m going with it. And seriously, how much fun are 6 babies at Good Stuff!?!

Tacori- I was the same way. seriously looked fake the belly was huge!!!
msflutter, where did you get your seat installed? I checked online for listings and I think there is a guy who does them in Torrance on Hawthorne.

That''s a good tip about USA Baby, I will do that. I believe it will fit in our Freestyle, but you can never know for sure.

How old is your boy again? I read somewhere that people are taking babies as young as 6 weeks to those classes. I will want to wait a bit longer. And 6 babies at good stuff? Wow, that''s a lot of tots at one table!

Tacori, I think I am going to blow past watermelon and go straight to beach ball!

lili, yeah...we probably do. But I am pretty good, healthy image wise, so I think I am on the mark with how I look. Not crazy big, but nowhere near small. So I guess that puts me somewhere in the middle, which is fine by me. I''m just carrying all over. Sides, front, up, down, etc. So it''s not really a cute basketball look.

So, anyone else finding stretchmarks yet? None here, but 10 weeks to go, so I am not holding my breath. I am so bad...have not put ANYTHING on my belly since the two days I tried at week 16 or so...
TGal-- there is a woman in marina that has a carseat class. You meet privately with her for an hour and she explains everything you could possibly want to know about carseat safety. Installs it, has you and DH practice putting it in and out and exactly how to properly put your child in. I didnt think we could possibly need an hour worth of instruction, but when you think 90% of people install improperly it made sense. I think its called kidseatz--google it! There is a follow up appointment included and we just did ours last week, and she adjusted it to fit. Ian will be 4 months next week, and is quite the little chunker!!

Tacori- I love the idea of a saphire band. I have talked about getting one...but I''m not sure if its in the budget right now. Especially what i really want is a diamond trinity ring!! You definitely deserve it--and tessa would appreciate it!

I lucked out and didnt get stretchmarks. I just got a belly of blubber instead
A friend who got quite a few of them said they showed up right after labor. Everyone is different and I hear they are in the genes, so if your mom got them....