
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Out of town currently and haven''t caught up on today''s reading, but wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAS!
You are suppose to dress the baby who you dress yourself. I don''t like taking Tessa out if it is too cold. I am sure she would be fine but I just don''t feel comfortable. I purposely am waiting until spring to visit my parents in WI. Too cold for a little baby IMHO. They say overheating is linked with SIDS so I am very careful at night.

My mom is coming tomorrow for the long weekend!
She hasn''t seen her since Tessa was 3 weeks so I am sure she will be amazed by all the changes (in her personality by that I mean she actually has one now). Ella I meant to mention Tessa seems to amuse herself. She loves staring at the netting on her travel swing, or the mobile on her big swing (yes she has two
) Or playing with her hands, trying to suck her thumb, staring at our faces, cooing to herself, etc...I think they get enough stimulation at this age without any help from us.
ella, my climate is pretty much the same as yours since we''re both on the east coast! Lily is obviously a bit older and she''s a hot baby but I''ll tell you what she generally wears: a onesie (short or long sleeves), pants of some sort (leggings, jeans, etc.), sweater over the onesie (cardigan or pullover), socks, shoes (I''m always worried about cold feet so it''s not like she NEEDS them but they are usually part of the fashion statement too!), hat, coat with hood pulled over the hat. Then I put her in the Bundle Me in the stroller and for very cold or windy days, I use the plastic rain cover thing to block out the elements. She never seems too hot or too cold. She doesn''t love mittens but if it''s realllllly freezing, I try to put them on her because she always takes her hands out from under the Bundle Me! I usually end up sweating because like Diver said, pushing the stroller is like a workout so make sure you dress warmly but know that you''re going to be a sweaty mess as soon as you stop walking!
This is how she usually looks before leaving the house--MISERABLE!!! Plus, I take photos every day so the poor thing has to deal with being all bundled up and then has to sit for a photo shoot!!

Hi All!

Just popping in to say hello and to ask a question (I normally lurk on this thread since I''m working up to TTC mode).
BTW - I love following all of you through your pregnancies and afterwards - it''s VERY educational!

I asked this question in the TTC thread, but thought I''d try here to - has anyone ever heard of or used Pre-Seed? I just heard about this last night while doing some research on fertility. I was reading TONS of reviews on the stuff and found that it really worked for a lot of women.

The reason I''m asking is because I''m concerned about my EWCM (I know, TMI...LOL!) and I want to ensure my DH''s little swimmers have a good shot!

Anyway, just curious...
Curly- She is so precious! I could just eat her up!! That cupcake outfit is adorable...although they have come leaps and bounds in the cuteness of boy clothes, there is just something about little girl outfits!
Date: 1/18/2008 11:00:21 AM
Author: curlygirl
This is how she usually looks before leaving the house--MISERABLE!!! Plus, I take photos every day so the poor thing has to deal with being all bundled up and then has to sit for a photo shoot!!
curly, she''s so cute! Adorable!

msflutter, I agree about girls clothes! So much cuter!
UPDATE!! I had another ultrasound today @13 weeks for the first trimester screening and everything is great. Baby''s heartbeat was in the 160''s (healthy and normal) and the little bean was sucking it''s thumb! The bean was moving and flipping all around so we got a good show
Kinda looks like Skeletor though, but sooo cute nonetheless. It''s amazing how much you can love such a tiny being so early!

I''ve been feeling better since last week when my m/s really hit. I''ve taken to letting hubby get the pugs in the a.m. so I can eat breakfast in bed and really take my time getting ready for work. I did get a prescription for some Zofran and that seems to help if I''m at work and really feeling miserable. Today though, I feel great. I even went out to lunch with a co-worker with no gagging or other unpleasantries.

On the TMI note, I had my first real case of the pregnancy constipation last night. Ugh ugh ugh. I was stuck on the toilet for probably about a half hour! Methinks it''s time to up the fiber in my diet!
Glad to hear everything is fine from the scan - it''s amazing and just a little scary! My 12 week scan was the first time I really believed I was actually pregnant!

Date: 1/17/2008 3:00:32 PM
Author: jas
See -- this is why I love this thread! Thanks to all of you for the workout information. I did look it up further today and you are all correct (not surprised! This is the smartest darned place on the web.)

I was in the process of really getting into rather good shape before getting knocked up...and the ''lighter'' workouts did nothing for me. But, as always, the ''listen to the body'' approach is best. I will keep the weights down on the Bowflex though, as time goes on. More reps, lighter weights, but yeah, it would be nice to get off the elliptical and actually feel like I did something other than take a stroll.

Happy Birthday JAS12! Whoo! And OF COURSE the prenatal exercise will mean we will snap back into shape. It had better...I don''t just want to do it for my health. Pffft.

Mrs. Mitchell -- congrats on the heartbeat! That must have been so exciting for you! Please remind me, when are you due again?

Mrssalvo, you get the pinprick prize for the day. Here''s to maintaining good delivery trends!

Tacori -- Love ''em both -- ya can''t go wrong! (I personally would jump on the second one, but that''s me).

And Kaleigh I also need to add my thanks for starting this thread. It''s rather comforting! Y''all are the only one I share this stuff with, at least until we drop the big bomb in March on our families.

All right, I have to get ready for my Second City class. Bringing on the more day before I''m done with work! Yea!
Thank you! Due date is the 20th May, though from what I''ve heard, that''s probably the least likely day in the whole year for it to actually happen lol!
Date: 1/18/2008 12:30:21 PM
Author: blushingbride
Hi All!

Just popping in to say hello and to ask a question (I normally lurk on this thread since I''m working up to TTC mode).
BTW - I love following all of you through your pregnancies and afterwards - it''s VERY educational!

I asked this question in the TTC thread, but thought I''d try here to - has anyone ever heard of or used Pre-Seed? I just heard about this last night while doing some research on fertility. I was reading TONS of reviews on the stuff and found that it really worked for a lot of women.

The reason I''m asking is because I''m concerned about my EWCM (I know, TMI...LOL!) and I want to ensure my DH''s little swimmers have a good shot!

Anyway, just curious...

I briefly looked in to pre-seed (when I thought it would take awhile to conceive). I guess it is worth a try but it is expensive (if I remember correctly) so I would try a few months w/o it. We actually conceived using KY. It was before I heard we weren''t suppose to use it so it just goes to show you that if his swimmers want in, they''ll find their way
My doc suggested veg. oil if you need lube (gross I know). You''ll never know if they would have conceived w/o the pre-seed. There are SO many variables I think there is NO sure fire way. Good luck though.
Curly, she is SO cute!

MsF, I was at BRU tonight and noticed all the cute boy''s stuff!

Diva, congrats on a great u/s. Fun huh?

Mrs M, I think it is something like 3% actually deleiver on their due date. Most first time moms are late.

So I should really work for BabyTrend. I sold two people on snap ''n gos at BRU tonight. I actually talked to this one couple for 20 mins giving all my suggestions. I *think* they liked it. They might have thought I was crazy but frankly I wish someone had told ME this stuff. Better go. Monster woke up and is screaming.
Hi mommies!!! tacori---don''t worry about Tessa hating tummy time. my son HATED it and when he was ready, he just crawled. my dh was worried he''d never do it because of how much he hated the tummy time. now he''s running all over the i love
the pink diamonds in the rose gold. if its going to be an heirloom
go for it. both are beautiful though.

dh is beginning to think about wanting another baby. i''m not ready yet, but maybe next summer when ds will be 3, as oppossed to this summer when he''ll be 2. i can''t imagine the 1st trimester when you are sooooo exhausted chasing after a 2 year
when did you guys begin to think about having a second child after the first?
Date: 1/19/2008 7:21:33 AM
Author: NYCsparkle

my hubby is 8 years older than me and we knew we wanted a least 2 kids. so, our first was almost 1 when we started agreed to start trying for baby #2. I thought it might take a while though for some reason and in my head I thought I might be preggo by dec. (we had our conversation in the beg. of march). well 2 weeks later, I was preggo. I had a BABY by girls are 19 months apart. It was very tough at first (2 in diapers etc.) , but I can honestly say, I love how close they are now. they are the best of friends most of the time and play together all the time.
NYC, thanks! I am glad tummy time doesn''t mean everything. She has always had good head control. Just need to work on her upper body strength. I think we''ll start trying for a second the Jan. after her second birthday. That way they will be 3 years apart.

So Old Navy is having a 75% off sale. You ALL must go! Such cute stuff so cheap (like $1.50-$5.00) so my mom and I went a little crazy. We bought all larger sizes 6-12, 12-18 and even a sweater in 2T. Her entire closet is FULL of clothes (and it is a decent sized closet). Again at Old Navy this preggo woman asked me about my snap ''n go....Talked to her for at least 15 mins. Her mom started talking about how painful her childbirth was...thought that should be a no no. No preggo wants to hear horror stories. Anyways she was really nice. How sad I want to be friends with every random preggo I meet.

Mommies having boys or have boys they have the CUTEST turtle stuff. Oh...I wanted a boy for a second (or a nephew)
Happy weekend

Curly--which a gorgeous pic!!!!

Question for moms: did you take a lamase course (or something similar)? If yes, did you find it really beneficial?
I spent the day in pre-natal/hospital tour ''class''--it was alright, not much info that i haven''t read before, but it was nice to hear again anyway. Got to watch videos from the 80''s of various vag. births--i think that really brought it home for DH. He made some comment about never expecting to see another woman''s ''parts'' that up-close-ha
The tour was ick--our hospital is so small and old and although all the equipment is new (the birthing beds are pretty wild--those things do everything!)
I feel it''s not a pleasant place to give birth
for being such a small ward it serves a big population (all the outlying tiny communities around my city) and so there is a chance we would have to go to overflow rooms which are tiny and awful. Ah well--temp. accomodations only, right.
Wondering now if i should take any other classes. The only reason why i really want to is to meet and get to know other parents over several weeks.
Date: 1/18/2008 11:10:49 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Curly, she is SO cute!

MsF, I was at BRU tonight and noticed all the cute boy''s stuff!

Diva, congrats on a great u/s. Fun huh?

Mrs M, I think it is something like 3% actually deleiver on their due date. Most first time moms are late.

So I should really work for BabyTrend. I sold two people on snap ''n gos at BRU tonight. I actually talked to this one couple for 20 mins giving all my suggestions. I *think* they liked it. They might have thought I was crazy but frankly I wish someone had told ME this stuff. Better go. Monster woke up and is screaming.
I''m pretty much counting on not being one of the 3% Tacori, because I have my final degree exam on the day of my due date! Not the best planning in the world!

Jas, I don''t know where you live, but in the UK there is a company called Baby Gurus who will do tailored programme of ante natal classes, covering whatever areas you feel you want to know about. They also do BF ''training'' and support afterwards. Might be something similar near you? I''ve booked a couple of days for DH and I two months before my due date and a day (flexible date!) after delivery.

Sorry you''re not so taken with the hospital ward - I really hope you don''t have to use the overspill.

Jas, i only did the weekend childbirth class they offer at my hospital.
Hi ladies! I''ve been reading everyone''s stories and thanks so much for sharing your experiences. I love seeing all of the beautiful babies. Just got our BFP on Thursday with 3 tests, and my EDD is September 24, 2008. My husband and I are super excited and anxious about our first doctor''s appointment. I posted my story on the TTC thread in case anyone is interested in reading about it.
OMG, Radiantgirl!!! Where have you been?? I''ve missed you around here!!!

Congratulations to you and your hubby!! That is just so great!! Best of luck for a happy & healthy 9 months!!!
Hi Dani! Thanks for the congrats! I haven''t posted much, but I still do lurk every so often. I''m on the nest babies on the brain forum more, but will be posting here more now.

How are things going for you??? Congrats on your wedding!! Our baby is due really close to your anniversary date, right? I''ve read that you are a L&D nurse? That''s so awesome! My friend''s mom is one at a local hospital, and I would be so lucky for have her as my nurse. I am currently looking for a new doctor because my gyno is going to be on maternity leave pretty soon and she doesn''t deliver at the hospitals I am looking into to have our baby there.

Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!
Date: 1/20/2008 5:50:03 PM
Author: radiantgirl
Hi Dani! Thanks for the congrats! I haven't posted much, but I still do lurk every so often. I'm on the nest babies on the brain forum more, but will be posting here more now.

How are things going for you??? Congrats on your wedding!! Our baby is due really close to your anniversary date, right? I've read that you are a L&D nurse? That's so awesome! My friend's mom is one at a local hospital, and I would be so lucky for have her as my nurse. I am currently looking for a new doctor because my gyno is going to be on maternity leave pretty soon and she doesn't deliver at the hospitals I am looking into to have our baby there.

Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

Hi Radiantgirl!!!

Thanks so much for the congrats too!!! Things are going well here- married life is great!! I am very lucky...

Yes, I read that your babe is due 9/24, 4 days before MH and I's 1 year anniversary!! That's so awesome!!!

I have been an L& D nurse (at a major medical center about 20 miles outside of NYC) for about 8 yrs now....I am also a women's health nurse practitoner, but I am still working as a staff RN as of now. I love my job, and I read and contribute to this thread often, so if you need anything, please let me know, and I will help out in any way I can!!!

Best of luck!!!
Congrats radiantgirl!!!! That''s soooo exciting!!!
How are you feeling??
radiant, congrats! I am sure you will find this thread as helpful as I have (and still do!)

MrsM, hope for your case you are late then!
Can you make up the exam if you do go early?

Jas, sorry it didn''t seem that nice. Just remember in the long run it doesn''t matter. As long as they are can take care of your baby and you the rest is really unimportant (fancy rooms etc...) We took a bunch of classes. We took "prepared childbirth" that went over how to time contrax, went to come to the hospital, what will happen, what to expect etc...she did some simple breathing exercises but I never planned on NOT having drugs so I didn''t need anything extreme. My L&D nurse reminded me how to breathe through the pain anyways. Then we took a BFing class. It was EXTREMELY helpful! I would suggest that. Also "Taking care of baby" (like how to give a bath. It was a short 1 hour class) and "infant CPR" which is another must IMHO.
Congrats Radiantgirl! That''s great news...hope you are feeling great!

Tacori--you are right, decor etc, really doesn''t matter too much--it would just be nicer to have a warmer, more homey enviro to give birth in. A hopsital is a hospital, but I guess I''ve watched too many baby story episodes featuring somewhat nice---not 100+ yr old--mat wards. I used to volunteer in that hospital so I should have known already, but funny how things look different when you put yourself in the position of ''patient''
I would really like to take a BF feeding course and the CPR--i''ll have to look into that. Thanks for the input

Ms. Mitchell--I am almost 100% sure there are no tailored courses offered around here
That would be great if there were, what a good idea!--i live in a small, somewhat isolated city (northern canada) so we just have the basics...but i will have a nurse making home visits a week postpartum . She''ll help with any issues which is a nice service offered by the government that i didn''t even know about until last week.
congrats and hope you have a healthy pregnancy.
you are just as quick as tgal :)
you are so petite, i bet you''ll have such a cute little belly.

i''ve signed up for most of the classes they are offering (child basic care, breastfeeding, infant cpr, hospital tour, labor and delivery, and lamaze).
i''ve gotten mixed review about the lamaze class, but like curly said, everyone seem to like the fact that they can interact with other couples expecting around the same time.
i''m hoping that i can get into the lamaze class that starts tomorrow.
jas- One of the reason i picked my hospital is their great birthing suites. I got to the hospital at 8cm and all the suites were full. I was in triage intil 10cm''s when they moved me into an operating room that they had brought a birthing bed into! And do you know what? I could have cared less!!! I spent all the homey experience at home and then went to the hospital. So it didnt matter at all that they had great birthing suites!!

as for the classes. we were in a 10 week Bradley class and we learned so much. However, we were totally annoyed with all the couples in the class. I was hoping there would be at least one cool couple...NOPE!
Date: 1/20/2008 10:36:52 PM
Author: Jas12
Congrats Radiantgirl! That''s great news...hope you are feeling great!

Tacori--you are right, decor etc, really doesn''t matter too much--it would just be nicer to have a warmer, more homey enviro to give birth in. A hopsital is a hospital, but I guess I''ve watched too many baby story episodes featuring somewhat nice---not 100+ yr old--mat wards. I used to volunteer in that hospital so I should have known already, but funny how things look different when you put yourself in the position of ''patient''
I would really like to take a BF feeding course and the CPR--i''ll have to look into that. Thanks for the input

Ms. Mitchell--I am almost 100% sure there are no tailored courses offered around here
That would be great if there were, what a good idea!--i live in a small, somewhat isolated city (northern canada) so we just have the basics...but i will have a nurse making home visits a week postpartum . She''ll help with any issues which is a nice service offered by the government that i didn''t even know about until last week.

The home visits are really helpful. My best friend has a 6 month old baby boy and she said it was the nurse / health visitor that kept her sane in the early days after delivery! The course I''ve booked is run by a company in London (I''m in Scotland) but they travel all over the UK - not exactly cheap but way better than any of the local alternatives. We''re in a less than cosmopolitan area too! I hope you find something that suits you.

Tacori - if I miss the exam, I can''t graduate with the rest of my class since it''s a final, so I''m just really hoping not to go early! Last year, someone sat this exam in hospital the day after her csection, so that''s always an option (not one that appeals to me much, right enough!). When I did my first degree, I remember one of my classmates having her baby minutes after the end of the last exam - she''d been in labour for a while but was in denial until the end of the exam. I don''t think I could be that brave and stoical about the whole thing!
Dani - Isn''t married life great? You''re so lucky to have such an awesome and rewarding job! I will definitely be on this board more often, and I''m sure I will have many questions along the way. Thanks so much again!!!

Kaleigh, Tacori E-ring, Jas12, Lili - Thank you so much ladies! I am actually feeling well. No different than I have been before. The only difference is that I am tired all the time, especially in the evening times and during the afternoons at work, and I have sore bbs. I''ve been reading 2 books, Pregnancy Countdown and the Mayo Clinic Guide to Healthy Pregnancy. Do you guys recommend any other books? I love researching and reading, so adding more books to my list would be great.
Yea RadiantGirl! So happy for you!!! We''re almost date twins (according to the oh-so-precise online calculators, I''m due 9/21)

It''s so great to have someone to go through this with, step by step! Yea!

We just read through Dr. Alan Greene''s From First Kicks to First Steps and loved it. He''s got a great writing style, full of some beautiful imagery. He also has just enough sciency-geeky items to keep the DH interested. My Charlie particularly liked the analogy between the womb and the little space craft Superman was in as a baby flying to Earth. Rock on!

So my giant zit now has a little junior zit right next to it. Now my acne is so big it needs a staff?

We''re having our huge annual bash this weekend (over 100 people) and we''ll be fluttering around getting ready for that. I''m planning on holding onto my glass of cranberry juice and seltzer; no one should be the wiser!

Ugh -- Mrs Mitchell -- I cannot imagine taking any sort of exam whilst in labor. Sheesh!

Off to clean up the house!