
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Diver, Ella, Tacori -- Goodness, those are some gorgeous babies! Good thing I''m already pregnant, or my uterus would start singing a siren song. Beauties!

Nothing really new to report. Still don''t feel pregnant, other than being super-tired. And the positive HPT.

For the last day, I have felt a weird, every-so-often twing right by where I think my ovaries are. However, it''s more crampy than pain, it''s not regular, consistent, rhymic, and there is no blood, fever, headache, nausea, or anything, so either I''m just gonna assume it''s normal twingies of my innards reorganizing themselves. I also have a fibroid, so I''m sure there''s a giant struggle for supremacy going on in there. Naturally, I''ll keep an eye on it but I refuse to borrow trouble at this point.

I am hoping to get the trans-vag ultrasound on the 11th -- not just cuz that would be super cool, but who knows what sorts of ideas it''ll give DH.

Off to get the house ready for a dinner guest and also for the massive party for all.

Looking forward to feeling pregnant -- just for a little bit. I know I may regret saying that come September!!!
jackiejas, sometimes there is slight cramping when the embryo is implanting so as long as there is no spotting etc. there isn''t anything to worry about. I hope they do and ultrasound for you on the 11th too. it really does make everything seem real b/c normally up until that point, like you are currently feeling, you don''t FEEL preggo. I really hope for you and all the other 1st trimester mom''s that you can skip the morning sickness. I didn''t have any really with my first, a little with my second but got a whopping dose with this one and that''s the kind of pregnant I assure you, you don''t want to *feel*. Glad you''re doing well...have a fun dinner party..

tacori, i can''t believe how big tessa is already. they just grow sooooo fast!! she''s a princess for sure....
Thanks MrsS. I know she is almost 3 months! I still remember announcing my pregnancy.

Jackie, I cramped the whole 1st trimester. I was told as long as there was no bleeding (which there never was) it was normal. All the stretching and growing HURTS sometimes. I had some cramping scattered throughout my whole pregnancy.
Oooohh...look at all those cutie pies!!

I can''t believe how fast they are all growing.

I swear, D has the rosiest and kissable cheeks.
Love the new smiley shot of her.

Lily is too cute for words all bundled up in her outting outfit.

Tessa is one happy baby.
Looks like she''s still got blue eyes.
Has her spitting subsided?

Your twins are so big now.
K is such a sweetie. Love her little lips

Sorry to hear that she''s got colic too. I hope it passes soon.

More pictures please.
I can''t get enough of them.
Lili, she still spits a lot and now she has started to drool too
Poor girl. Her eyes are still the slate blue she was born with. I have NO idea if they will change or not. DH has VERY blue eyes, I have dark brown. I will be surprise if her hair doesn''t lighten up a but more.

We watched the video we have taken of her this far (30 mins worth) and it was so fun. One segment was when we were in the hospital and she was sleeping (and snorting). The last was when she was cooing up a storm. I can''t wait to show her them one day.
Questions to mommies of girls.
Are you ladies going to pierce their ears?
Date: 1/22/2008 3:16:23 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Lili, she still spits a lot and now she has started to drool too
Poor girl. Her eyes are still the slate blue she was born with. I have NO idea if they will change or not. DH has VERY blue eyes, I have dark brown. I will be surprise if her hair doesn''t lighten up a but more.
We watched the video we have taken of her this far (30 mins worth) and it was so fun. One segment was when we were in the hospital and she was sleeping (and snorting). The last was when she was cooing up a storm. I can''t wait to show her them one day.

Awee....poor thing.
Don''t tell me she''s teething already?
I know some babies get their first 2 teeth pretty early.
lili, I don''t think she is teething. I don''t know though. Her mouth is just a waterfall. Between the spit and saliva she ALWAYS needs a bib (except for our photo sessions). Part of it is b/c she is really trying to suck her thumb. She ends up doing more licking and drooling than sucking.

How are you feeling?
OK, had a chance to read through the last few pages ...

Thanks everyone for the "what babies should wear in cold weather" tips. I know that one time we had the babies in the car with the fleecy heavy BundleMes on them, and the poor things were melting in there so now I worry about overheating them. But I guess that was a greenhouse effect going on there with the sun heating up the car, whereas if we''re outside, they''ll obviously need the protection more from the cold and wind. I just realized that I don''t even have coats for them -- do they even make winter coats for such little babies?! (Is that a dumb question?)

Curly, you''re so funny with your daily photo shoots of Lily!! She must be the best dressed kid in daycare

Ha ha, Jess, yes, we''ve all had those "Aggh, my baby looks like Skeletor!!" ultrasounds! But don''t worry, they DO get cuter
Sorry about your m/s and other fun preggo problems. What type of prenatals do you take? A lot of them have stool softeners in them apparently, so if yours doesn''t, you should look for one that does. You''ll have enough aches and pains later on that you can''t control, so you should def. try to fix the ones that you can!

Jas12 and Lili, I remember signing up for all those classes too -- just be sure to take them before you get too far along in your 3rd trimester and are too tired/uncomfortable to enjoy them! I didn''t get around to taking a BF class, but I did take a childbirth class, a parenting class, and CPR. My childbirth class was informative but somewhat usless in the long run, which is sort of what I figured it would be. As long as the dr. knows what s/he is doing, then I''m OK with being clueless about what''s taking place! The CPR and parenting classes were great though, and I''d def. recommend taking those. Oh and Jas, where''s that belly pic, woman?? And are you really 31 weeks already?! OMG!

Diver, LOL at your poop experience! Gabe deposited a lovely booger on my boob this morning when he was nursing, so I relate, sister! Ahhh, babies aren''t known for their manners, are they?
If you come to Boston, let me know -- we''re about 40 minutes outside of the city now, but if we could possibly find a babysitter, I''d love to meet up with you! (I want to hear more about this tap dancing troupe that you were with. I took dance lessons when I was a kid/teenager and I looooved tap and keep thinking about taking an adult tap class ... mabye help lose some of this baby weight too!)

Tacori, thanks, I''ll have to check out that web site. We do use the white noise on the swing, and if we BLAST it, that seems to soothe her somewhat. We have a bunch of the Swaddle Mes, and I don''t like them either. We got a Miracle Blanket as a gift, and even though it''s a PITA to wrap (it goes around them like three times), it''s way better than the Swaddle Mes. Sometimes though, we still wake up to find Gabe with his arms all bent up inside the blanket, and that freaks me out and makes me think that there''s going to be a whole generation of people with messed up arms from being swaddled when they were babies!
Love the new Tessa photos too!! Oh the cuties here! I''m jealous that you''ve got video of Tessa as a baby. I did just start baby books for the twins though, so at least that''s something! I feel so out of it though b/c I honestly couldn''t fill in half the questions on the "Current Events" page -- bestselling books? Popular actors? Hit movies? Ummm ...

Lili, I personally don''t like earrings on babies (is that blasphemy to say on a jewelry forum?) and don''t plan on getting K''s ears pierced till she''s much older (if she even wants it) -- 8-10 years old, I''d guess.
Tessa and Delaney are sooooooo cute. I just love their beautiful smiles.
Date: 1/22/2008 3:20:23 PM
Author: lili
Questions to mommies of girls.
Are you ladies going to pierce their ears?
lili, we will probably have her ears pierced but not until later. Our pediatrician recommends doing it around 3 years old unless you feel you have to do it earlier for cultural reasons. I wanted to do it early just so she''d look more like a girl but apparently it can be a choking hazard. I had mine done when I was 4 or 5 and it was MY choice to do it--my mom took me to get it done at the mall!! I thought it would be smarter to do it when they are really young, like before they even know they have ears! But I guess we''ll wait...
Lili, we will when she asks and is old enough to take care of them. I was in middle school and think that is a good age.

Ella, oh we have to blast the CD too. I bought one of those mother bear things that makes white noise and womb noises and it was not loud enough (not even close). The louder the better. Don't forget they are used to noise. It's noisy in our bodies. I think babies have always been swaddled so I wouldn't worry about any long lasting effects
Love your new AV.

Lisa, thanks. Gummy smiles are the best.

ETA: Ella, now is a perfect example. Tessa is all cranky b/c she is over tired (rubbing her eyes, hasn't napped in awhile). so I put her in her swing. Still fussy so I turned on the CD on very loud and I could see her start to relax. Now her eyes are closed and she looks like she is sleeping so I turned down the CD on low. I wait maybe 5-10 mins and then turn it off. If I turn it off too soon the change in noise levels wakes her up (I got one sensitive baby). "The Happiest Baby on the Block" really helped us to understand how to soothe her.
Date: 1/22/2008 3:20:23 PM
Author: lili
Questions to mommies of girls.

Are you ladies going to pierce their ears?

My girls got their ears pierced when one was 4 and the other was 2. the 4 year old did great. She wanted to do it and asked so I said why not. She let me clean them, turn them etc. and never messed with them. my 2 year old at the time, another story..long saga in this thread:

If i had it to do over, I definitely would have waited on Lily, probably Chloe too, although they are VERY cute now. It''s just no fun having to watch the ears as you pull shirts over their heads etc. Chloe is almost 6 and does a great job, but they are only allowed studs, no dangles etc. until they are much older. I do know plenty of babies that have had it done with no problems so like most things in this thread, it''s a personal decision.
I had DD''s ears pierced when she was 5. Looking back, I wish I had waited till she was 10 or so.
Date: 1/22/2008 3:20:23 PM
Author: lili
Questions to mommies of girls.
Are you ladies going to pierce their ears?
I was over at the 1st trimester board on thenestbaby, and piercing baby girls' ears was a really constroversial topic and got heated over there. There's people who said it was trashy and tacky, then there were worries about choking hazards, and there's a cultural/regional background to doing it. People were offensive and offended.

If we have a girl, I will wait til she asks for her ears pierced. I want it to be a learning experience, and for her to understand that it's a responsibility where it has to be cleaned and turned.

Tacori - Tess is so adorable.

Ella - Your twins are so big now. They are so sweet.

Ladies, when did you start buying necessities for the baby? I am 12wks now and it's too early, but I already started researching. The thing is I think we should spread out the big ticket purchases (strollers, carseats, crib, etc), so we are not hit with them all at once. We are going to register for some stuffs, but we can't register for the stuffs we need right away since I won't have a baby shower. We are going to have a "Red Egg and Ginger Party" when the baby is 1 mo (it's Chinese tradition) and the registry will be used for the party. So I am trying to decide when I should start buying stuffs. Around 30wks?
Date: 1/22/2008 3:20:23 PM
Author: lili
Questions to mommies of girls.
Are you ladies going to pierce their ears?
I had mine pierced at 5, and it was a PITA for many years. I kept catching them (simple gold studs) on things and they always got infected.

I love pierced ears, but I think I''ll wait until Delaney wants it done. That way I have something big she''ll want that I''ll say yes to. I''ll be cool mom on that one.

But I''m not one for much adornment on girls. I LOATHE baby headbands. I mean, what''s the point, baby''s got no hair, you aren''t fooling anyone. All babies are sort of gender neutral looking anway...

My exception is if a baby has a TON of hair, then its cute. But bows, barrettes and headbands on bald baby girl heads creep me the hell out.

Now hats...I go ga ga for hats. Delaney hates hats in general except for the one in the pic I posted. TG she loves that one, cuz I can''t get enough of her in it!

I also don''t like D in clothes that are too foofy. Who was it on here who told me not to buy so much pink clothing ? You weren''t kidding. Half her wardrobe resembles a Pepto Bismol bottle. Sick of it. I''ve been putting her in chocolate brown, a lot of ivory, denim, red, and I want to buy some blues for spring. She has a style a lot like mommy....she looks good in simple clothes, jeans, and skirts. LOL. Nothing too busy.

Tacori: Tessa is getting so big. What a beautiful girl! Have you tried running an humidifier in her room at night for white noise you don''t have to reset in the middle of the night? Bonus, it helps keep their mucosal membranes moist, reducing the risk of catching colds, etc. Get a cool mist one. Works like a charm.

Ella: love your new avatar. Precious! I''m so sorry baby girl has colic, but wow, those pics of them makes me melt. J''adore your twinsies...

Well its naptime around here...think I''m gonna get some things done. Have to print off pics for MIL.

Q, you don't need that much the first month. If you think lots will get bought during your party I would hold off on everything you can! The baby just needs a car seat and somewhere to sleep at first. Not sure if you noticed my swing bargain alert but I would jump on that deal! Tessa has been in a swing since birth. She was in one when I visited her in the hospital's nursery. So cute.

Diver, Tessa's head is too small for hats. They look so silly on her
Our humidifier is not loud enough. Good suggestion though. Really the CD/boom box is a life saver. Even if it doesn't always cause her to fall asleep it relaxes and calms her. You have no idea how jealous I am with your sleeping babes. I keep wondering when it will happen for little Miss Tess. I am tired!!! She is still in our room but I think I will move her in her nursery when we get back from our Tucson trip (2/10). She'll be just over 3 months and I am sure over 11 lbs so there is really no excuse. Tough love.

I hear ya on the pink. EVERYONE bought her pink. I like baby clothes that look like big girl clothes (like size 8). I hate anything too cheesy. Love browns, teals, grays and even hot pinks. We got her the sweetest navy blue sun dress for this summer.
Thanks ladies for the responses regarding the ear piercing.
It looks like the general consensus is to wait until she''s old enough.
Hubby will be glad to hear that since he believes that we shouldn''t make that choice for her

I don''t know, I''ve just seen so many little girls crying with pain when they get their ears pierced later on.
All the girls in my family had it done at a mere age of one month old (very young I know).
It is not a religious or cultural thing.
I just figured that it''s better to have it done when they can''t remember the pain.
Plus they''ll be young enough not to be tugging and scratching at it.

Was there a reason why the pediatrician recommend that it not be done until they are 3?

I hear you on the headband and clips for girly heads with little hair.

I don''t like adornments either, but there''s just something about little girls with earrings that is so cute.
I hear you on the pink wardrobes too. Can''t really blame people for getting them in pink since most baby girl clothes come in that color.
You can bet that my girl will get her fair share of pink outfits.
I'd hold out until the last trimester to get the stuff needed, but then again, I'm the procrastinator type and I hate to shop

I'm about 29 wk and still have yet to research on items to get.
If you are concern about having a huge hit in your wallet purchasing the big items stuff at the last minute,
you can always start setting aside the fund for them right now.
Date: 1/22/2008 3:36:31 PM
Author: ellaila
Oh and Jas, where's that belly pic, woman?? And are you really 31 weeks already?! OMG!

I want to see too

I promise to post mine if you post yours

And MrsS and TGal, how about you ladies?
Whose footsies are those?
Sooooo cute
ive been quite busy recently, so haven''t had a chance to read thru all the thread, but i had to come in here and comment about all the baby pics!!!

Curly: ur daughter is just so adorable!! i agree that she must be the best dressed girl in day care!!

Tacori: Tessa is just the cutest thing ever!! i love the color of her eyes!!

Diver: Vitamin D is just wat we need!! totally adorable...

Ella: ur angels are just too sweet...i love the pic of ur baby girl sleeping..
Oh my! If my baby is even half as cute as the Pricescope Kids I''ll be delighted! They are all adorable. Tessa has such a cheery, happy smile and now I''m just longing for twins too lol!

Thanks for the pics.

Lili--i personally can see the pros and cons of ear piercing at different ages, but haven't given it much thought either way. When I do see a young baby with little studs I must admit I find it cute but don't know if i could do it myself--have to wait and see on that one (if I have a girl that is !)

Q--i was researching stuff early as well and bought little things here and there--like you I wanted to absorb the costs over the pregnancy and I may not have a shower till after baby is born so I wanted to get the necessities. Another issue: I really like to pick out my own stuff so for items I find important I bought on my own.

About the belly pic--don't know if i am brave enough to post the bare one, but maybe DH can take a 'covered' shot tonight for me....all you other peggies have to play too

Gotta go get some water--I have been 24/7 parched lately despite constant water intake--it's weird, i feel so dehydrated alll the time it's awful. I need an IV i think!

Oh ya, got my GD test back and all is well--i was actually a little below the normal range--and I only gained 1 lb in just over 2 weeks so that made me happy!
I just wanted to throw an idea in for the moms contemplating ear piercing for an infant: ears grow. My good friend's parents had her ears pierced as an infant, and now, her holes are halfway up her lobe. Imagine getting not your "first" or even "second" holes, but just your "third" holes done as an adult (am I making sense?), and that's what hers look like. Not so great.

If we have a daughter, DH says 18. LOL. I say around 10 or 11.
Sorry if this is TMI, but yesterday I had some really light brown spotting when I went to the restroom, and a bit of cramping. The spotting stopped, but I continue to have some mild cramping. Is this normal? I am beginning to worry and hopefully it''s nothing. I am 5 weeks today. I left a message for the doctor and waiting to have someone call me back by today. I am also nauseous today for the first time.

Thanks ladies!
Radiantgirl--TMI for PS??--nah! That''s nothing

Don''t panic, spotting/cramping is normal for some women--esp in the first tri and often at different times during pregnancy
(full-out bleeding is different and a concern of course)
and I would guess that if you are feeling nauseous this is a good thing--welcome to the wonderful world of Trimester #1

P.S. it never hurts to get checked anyway--but don''t stress too much, it''ll only make you feel worse
Jas12 - Thanks so much for the reply and link. The doctor''s office called me back and told me it''s nothing to worry about unless it''s full red bleeding. I mentioned to her about my cramping, and she told me to take Tylenol for it. She said I should be fine unless the cramping is so severe. I wish February 12th could come sooner, so I can have everything checked out and give me piece of mind. I heard so many people miscarrying, that I fear that would happen to me as well. I know stress doesn''t help, so I am going to try not to think about it anymore.
I had light spotting in the beginning, and some cramping. It''s very common, so hang in there.