
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Haha Tacori--i am with ya, if one gets preggo on the very first try like a few of us did, how much more fertile can you get?--we better not LOOK at the thing

Curly--I know you are still digesting, but CONGRATS! I think it is great news--must have happened for a reason. You''ll be a busy bee for a few years, but at least it will be all at once right? You can do it.!!!

Reminds me of women I used to work for years ago when i was in highschool. She had just had a baby and was under the (wrong) assumption that she could not get pregnant while BF and following the rythmn method....well several months passed after the birth of her baby and she didn''t think anything of the fact that she didn''t have a normal period....then she began to wonder why her belly looked more and more like it did while pregnant instead of getting smaller and smaller---she went to her Dr. to get a check-up and well, you guessed it, she was several months (i think 4) pregnant!!! It happened within weeks of the birth! She was utterly shocked!!!

MFlutter-urrgh, sorry to hear about your back. Be super careful and pamper yourself, backs are so fragile. I hope you feel better soon
Jas, I am shocked she was having sex weeks after the birth!!!

Question for all the mommies (don''t answer if it is too personal) for those who had VB when does the pain during sex disappear? My doc said it was b/c of scar tissue (I did have stitches).
Tacori-- I hope the pain stops!! It hasnt as of 4 months...I also had stitches. I am actually going to an OB next week to see if the pain is from the birth or if the IUD is in wrong! Dont need the IUD if sex keeps feeling this way!
diver, I think it sounds like she''s ready. the only reason I kept my girls in our room for as long as I did was b/c I was nursing and just to lazy to go upstairs to their room in the middle of the night. Once they were heavy enough to last through the night and I could get them down to one or even no nursing in the night, off to their own room they went. since D is sleeping so well and you have the Angel monitor, I''d try it out.

msf-sorry about the back trouble, that is not fun..

Curly, CONGRATS!!!! you know, when I first found out I was pregnant with Lily, I cried. serioulsy. although we knew we wanted two, sooner than later, I just didn''t expect to get pregnant so quickly. I had just weaned my oldest from nursing and she wasn''t even one yet. After the shock set in I really did start to get excited and I must say I love how close they are now. they play ALL the time and life is pretty easy on me. it was hard in the beginning b/c 2 in diapers is no picnic,but you''ll make it. we''ll all be here for you too for any support or advice you need...congrats again!!

tacori, how''s nursing going for you and tessa?
Congrats!!! Having them so close in age is a plus, at least for me it was. It''s going to be fine!!!!
Congrats, Curly!!! I am SO HAPPY for you!!! How exciting!!! Best wishes for a happy and healthy 9 months!!!!! YAY!!!!!
MsF, let me know what the doc says. I am just glad I have such a sweet and understanding husband!

MrsS, nursing is going good...this week...haha
I got another clogged milk duct last week but with some major heat therapy, massage, and lots of nursing it cleared up. I mentioned before I finally tried my "soothies"
wish I tried them sooner. They really help with soreness (is it normal to still get sore sometimes?). And of course I am still using the shield but I am 1/2 way done (I gave myself a 6 months goal and then I will decide what to do) so I am not going to beat myself up about using the shield. I have nursed without it but it *really* hurts after and Tessa gets frusterated b/c she is used to this HUGE nipple. I really do love BFing. It is an amazing experience. I am grateful that I can. She is 10.5 lbs (doesn''t that seem little for almost 3 months) and I CANNOT wait until the magical 11 lbs. Sleep....I need sleep!

Do you have names picked out for your little man? Sorry if you already mentioned them. Are you feeling good? When did your girls''s eyes change to hazel?
Date: 1/24/2008 9:24:24 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Do you have names picked out for your little man? Sorry if you already mentioned them. Are you feeling good? When did your girls''s eyes change to hazel?

i''m glad things are going better for you. 6 months is an awesome goal and accomplishment if you can get there...

we are 99.9% sure he''s going to be Jake. not sure about a middle name and I want Jake and not Jacob so it''s been a challenge finding a middle that flows the way I''d like. I''m feeling good, just getting bigger. i''m up 30 lbs so far and the heartburn this time is horrible. sleeping is difficult too b/c my legs tend to loose circulation. I did get a prenatal massage this week which was awesome and I highly recommend one to all preggo mommies. You know, i''m not really sure when the girl''s eyes started to change. they were never bright blue light my hubby''s, always had some grey in them but I would say they were probalby 6 months or more b/f they really lost the blue.
MrsS, Tessa''s are a gray/blue too. I guess we all have to stay turn to see
I figure 6 months is good since she can only have formula/milk anyways. She does get maybe 2 formula bottles a week. I really only give it to her when it is easy for me. Like when we are around lots of people or out in public. I have been using some sample cans (8 oz of powder) we got in the mail but it is only good for a month and we don''t use it all. So I bought those single serve ones. They are more expensive but I figure I will save money in the long run.

Love the name Jake! So cute. You''ll find a perfect middle name. We didn''t decide on Tessa''s until right before her birth. Oh I meant to mention I am afraid Tessa is becoming popular. "27 dresses" and "Fool''s Gold" both have characters named Tess
Hopefully it won''t catch on!
Date: 1/24/2008 6:37:19 PM
Author: divergrrl
Litigator chick...well my son IS friggin'' brilliant and he is a coffee baby. My daughter rolled over way early (3 mos) so perhaps it WAS the coffee that gave them superpowers? LOL

Speaking of my 4 month old holy roller daughter I need help:

Should I move Delaney to her crib? (which is upstairs in her room, she sleeps in a bassinet by my bed) She''s getting to be quite the mover & groover at night & has hit the weight limit on the bassinet. Part of me wants to, but part of me doesn''t. I think she''d sleep better in her own room. Not that she sleeps bad...but....she should get used to it, and it is SO beautiful up there. The packnplay is so large, I can barely get by my side of the bed to the bathroom & sometimes I like to watch the Daily Show in bed...but I won''t turn it on if she''s alseep.

But part of me wants to be so close to her. However, we both pass out at night, so its not even like I know she''s there, and if she wakes up early, I can do like I used to with Jake & bring her to bed with me for morning snuggly time. I have an angel care monitor, so I feel good about her breathing, etc.

Argh...I am such a wuss

RadiantGirl: feeling better today?

Hmmmmmm.... I think we are onto something here, Divergrrl. Preggo plus coffee equals super baby. Mine is incredibly brilliant too. I had thought it was the hair colouring products for sure, but coffee makes more sense!!!
Date: 1/24/2008 9:38:03 PM
Author: mrssalvo

Date: 1/24/2008 9:24:24 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Do you have names picked out for your little man? Sorry if you already mentioned them. Are you feeling good? When did your girls''s eyes change to hazel?

i''m glad things are going better for you. 6 months is an awesome goal and accomplishment if you can get there...

we are 99.9% sure he''s going to be Jake. not sure about a middle name and I want Jake and not Jacob so it''s been a challenge finding a middle that flows the way I''d like. I''m feeling good, just getting bigger. i''m up 30 lbs so far and the heartburn this time is horrible. sleeping is difficult too b/c my legs tend to loose circulation. I did get a prenatal massage this week which was awesome and I highly recommend one to all preggo mommies. You know, i''m not really sure when the girl''s eyes started to change. they were never bright blue light my hubby''s, always had some grey in them but I would say they were probalby 6 months or more b/f they really lost the blue.
Jake is such a great name. My cousin has a Jake, and he''s a cutie. Sorry about the heartburn, I had it bad with Ash. Do you sleep upright? Or propped up? That helped me, I know a PITA...
YEA Curly! Congratulations! I'm so glad you'll be contributing as both a been-there-done-thater and a goer-througher again! Whoo!

Hi all! Still pregnant, although at almost six weeks, the only thing that makes me certain I'm preggers is that I haven't gotten my period. I even took an extra HPT today (silly, I know). Even the BBs aren't really sore, although I wear really good bras. No morning sickness, no cravings, nothing (except mega-zit and it's staff of thousands.) It's weird. I want to insert a little glass-bottom boat window into my belly just so I can see what's going on there!

Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled there's been no m/s!

DH is going into early nesting. He's already taking brokerage classes so that he can further his real estate career, and he's got "plans" in place. Financial plans, housing plans, five-year plans, six month plans. Plans plans plans. It's very sweet when he explains them to my tummy (he is convinced we're having twins.) Tonight on the way to Improv Class he told me to "giggle for the babies." Which is cute.

Me, on the other hand, no plans. No nesting. Not yet. I know it'll kick in at some point before the little one pops outta me. Everything just feels rather far away right now. In a way it's very cool how nature gives us a lot of time to prepare, at least minimally, for this sort of thing. Or it gives us license to be in major denial until a foot kicks us from inside!

I'm rambling. Sorry about that. We're going to start the tummy picture project this weekend after the party. I've been told by an ob/gyn in the past that due to the fibroid I already look a "little" pregnant. Please note that he is no longer my ob/gyn. I'll share the pictures once there is some sort of progression.

Have a lovely night. Kiss all those delicious babies!

ETA: Mrssalvo, I think the name Jake is wonderful!!!
Congratulations curlygirl!!! It is a wonderful blessing and I am so happy for you and your husband!
Tacori--I know, I couldn''t imagine ''getting it on'' a couple of weeks after birth--although i have heard stories from other friends who did--that''s not going to be me. I find intimacy in the 3rd Tri hard enough. The desire is mostly there but my body--not so much!

Jas--great to hear you are feeling so well. I was lucky as well and didn''t get major MS but instead a queasy feeling that lasted several hours of the day (mostly in the aft and evening). I think it started around 8 or 10 weeks. So i hate to tell you, you''re not in the clear yet--but every passing day without a sign is a good day! And some women don''t get any. Lucky gals!
You''ll start to feel more pregnant when you belly pops, the kicks start and you begin to prep your house. I worried that i didn''t feel a bond or feel overly thrilled early in my pregnancy even though it was planned--but it''s hard to when the baby is still just an abstract concept in your mind--it takes time!

MsS, Lili and Tgal--how y''all holding up? What are your major complaints, if any?? I have days when i generally feel really good and think "2 months--that''s nothing''
and then other days when I think OMG 2 more months!!
I don''t know why some days are so much easier than others. I just about died at step class last night--vowed that it was my last one--but on Monday I felt great doing the same thing ????
I am starting to wake up every hour at night and notice that my mind is always busy busy with thoughts. I must be getting anxious about the birth, nervous about becoming a mom etc. etc. --as if i need something else--in addition to sore hip, peeing, lack of comfort--to keep me up at night. I shouldn''t complain, we''re all in the same boat--but it makes me feel better to vent a little

MrsS.--i really like the name Jake!!
CURLYGIRL!! WOOOOHOOOOOOO! Congratulations! I am so excited for you!

I have to run but I''ll be back on at naptime to talk about it.
OMG, CONGRATS CURLY!!! What a crazy wonderful surprise!
Can you believe that little baby Lily will be a big sister??

We put the babies in their room last week, but they''re still sharing a crib. The cosleeper just didnt work very well for us -- these guys are LOUD sleepers -- so having them in another room with a monitor is better for us. I thought for sure that we''d have the babies in our room for like three months or so, but nope!

As for dtd ... hubby was Xing off the days on his calendar till I was six weeks postpartum so he could get some action. So I tried to do my "wifely duty" but ... well, it didn''t really work as planned. Even with a c-section, it HURT!! I did not expect that at all. I had a dr. appt. a few days later and the dr. told me that YES, it hurts even after a c-section b/c the vaginal walls are still thinned out and everything is dry down there. So now between the pain, the tiredness/lack of energy, and - let''s face it - lack of interest, I don''t know when it''ll happen again. I really miss being close with him, but I just really am not feeling overly in the mood. I''ve got a saggy jelly belly, leaky boobs, stretch marks, etc. Not exactly a milf! (ha ha) so yeah, i''m curious too -- when do you get that lovin'' feelin'' back?
I have one word that my doula gave me for postpartum sex - astroglide. Get some. Use it liberally.
Postpartum Pain: who asked this? After Jake (2nd degree episiotomy) I had pain for about 8 months whenever we DTD. With Delaney, I just tore at my old epi 2nd degree again with stitches & I waited until she was 10 weeks & had no pain at all. With Jake, it took me 2 years to get my libido back, with Delaney it took 3 months. DH is MUCH happier this time around. but bless him he is a patient man. Not one complaint.

But now, I think I have damage to my pelvic floor, or my fibroids have grown because I have a lot of pressure/pain in my lower abdomen. My tubes are tied, so I''m not preggie...I have an appt with my OB on tuesday to check it out. I swear, if my tumors are growing, I''m going to talk to him about a hysterectomy. I have had a long, arduous battle with fibroids, and had 2 surgeries to remove them before I could conceive, and now more are back. They cause a lot of bleeding (for example....I''ll bleed really heavy for 15 to 55 days in a row...I had to change docs 4 times before I found one who would take 55 days of super heavy bleeding seriously..can you believe that? When I finally got an ultrasound I was like HA!! I KNEW IT WASN''T IN MY HEAD....sometimes docs piss me off). But the midcycle spotting has started again, so I''ll have to have some heavy talks with my physician.

LitigatorChick: Ok...soooo....I think we ARE onto something...But I don''t think its just coffee making our superbabies. I too had haircoloring. So perhaps its coffee+hair coloring=superbaby. (I also had a glass of wine or two....antioxidants...LOL)

Moving VitaminD: Not gonna happen. I spoke with DH about it & he thinks she needs to be near us for a few more months. She used to be a noisy sleeper (Ella) snorting, burping and farting all night long (didn''t TAcori say it was like sleeping in a frat house?) I was so happy. I thought he wanted her out, he was hte one who pushed for it with Jake at this age, but he thinks she is "needier" than Jake. Daddy''s girl much? LOL.

I am making a point of having her hang out in her crib while I get Jake up in the mornings, and from naps. She loves rolling around in her crib...soon I''ll start naps up there so she''s used to the room. Its such a nice room, I think she''ll really enjoy it soon. Heck, i like it! I also figure that when I read, I can sit in her rocking chair & lay her down in her crib so we can hang out together. She is needier than Jake. She really loves to be in my arms or right next to me. Right now, we are on the floor & she has her feet on me & she''s smiling at me and dog.

I love it when DH makes decisions for me. I tend to overthink things.
Ella, I wouldn't have guessed it would hurt with a c-sec but makes sense. Yeah, we have only tried it once and I had to stop DH...too painful. We used KY but it was just too much for me to handle at that moment (lack of sleep, etc...). Poor DH. Luckily there are other things he enjoys just as much

Diver, I feel the same way about T's nursery. I love it and think it is beautiful. Someday she will be in there. Did you see my question about the angel care monitor? I hope all goes well with your health! You have been through so much. I cannot imagine no one taking 55 days of bleeding seriously

So seriously, how do entertain a baby all day?

ETA: what is considered a 2nd degree episiotomy?
Date: 1/25/2008 8:34:04 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Ella, I wouldn''t have guessed it would hurt with a c-sec but makes sense. Yeah, we have only tried it once and I had to stop DH...too painful. We used KY but it was just too much for me to handle at that moment (lack of sleep, etc...). Poor DH. Luckily there are other things he enjoys just as much

Diver, I feel the same way about T''s nursery. I love it and think it is beautiful. Someday she will be in there. Did you see my question about the angel care monitor? I hope all goes well with your health! You have been through so much. I cannot imagine no one taking 55 days of bleeding seriously

So seriously, how do entertain a baby all day?

ETA: what is considered a 2nd degree episiotomy?
Tacori: I personally LOVE the Angel Care Monitor. I do not worry about SIDS as much with it. It went off 1x with Jake & he appeared to noa t be breathing. I frantically picked him up & jostled him gently & he gasped & woke up. I have no idea if he really stopped breathing or what, but it was a really scary event.

You need to have a sheet of plywood or something under the mattress to place the sensor on. FYI. I have it under the pack n play bassinet mattress. Yup. I''m that anal. I cut a teeny hole in the mesh of the bassinet insert to pass the cord through. I got mad skillz.

Once he turned 18 mos I took it out...he used to curl up in the corner of his crib & it''d go off cuz he was too far from the sensor.

Video monitors are will stare at it all the time & its kind of maddening. I returned mine. I''d rather know if my child stops breathing, since you can''t monitor that with any other monitor during the night while you are sleeping. 20 seconds is enough time to get them to wake up & start breathing again with no damage.

Entertain a baby: Hmm...stick her in her Ocean Wonders Aquarium bouncy seat...sometimes I turn on music & dance & sing to her. She loves that and kicks her legs like mad. When I''m doing chores, I bring her seat around with me and narrate my activities in a sing song voice. Lay on a blanket with her and tickle her feet and show her different things and tell her what they are. Take her on walks, go to starbucks, go shopping...I get out of the house at least 1x a day. Usually 2x a day. Read to them....Jake is her fave toy...she can watch her brother endlessly...but can let her get a little bored/entertain don''t have to be entertaining 24/7....I believe when kids are given time to just hang out...their imaginations kids r pretty content to play quietly on their own, so long as I am in eyesight....but that is their friends w/ hi-need kids r always so jealous. I did read that you can start teaching them to be content on their own by starting out w/small increments of time....5 mins where you lay her down next to you w a rattle or something she likes while you read next to her. If she fusses, tell her its ok...its "quiet time" and in 5 mins you will cuddle. Then build the time up until she learns to entertain herself. Some babies are just needier than others. Delaney is a lot needier than Jake was, she needs to be held a lot more than he ever did, which is fine by me. She''s so warm & sweet. He is Mr. Independent. I''m always grabbing him and pulling him up my lap. But now he''s figured out its fun to play WITH others, so he says "play puzzle with you mama?" or "play playdough with you mama?". I love that. I''m excited for when he likes to play boardgames/cards...I love that stuff.

But D can play on her own..she has this doggie head gym thing she kicks...she LOVES it. Kicks the heck out of it and it plays music. But she needs to be able to know we are near. I''m always right there anyway...making sure she doesn''t get stepped on by brother or dog or whatever. LOL.

2nd degree tear..really minor. I''d have to google it.

Personally I think attempting sex before 3 or 4 months is crazy.
Thanks Diver! Tessa actually seems fine on her own (on her playmat, in her swing...) sometimes she just talks to''s cute. I do prop her up on the boppy and talk to her, make faces, sing. She seems to think that is hilarious. I just want to make sure she is getting enough stimulation.

Anyone have a mobile they love?

An episiotomy is graded according to degree (extent of damage to the vagina/perineal area). A second degree epis is an episiotomy that extends midway between the vagina and the anus....very common, unfortunately, especially with the 1st baby....
Date: 1/26/2008 12:54:00 AM
Author: Dani

An episiotomy is graded according to degree (extent of damage to the vagina/perineal area). A second degree epis is an episiotomy that extends midway between the vagina and the anus....very common, unfortunately, especially with the 1st baby....

Holy crap!!!! That does not sound like any fun - glad I didn''t have one of those!!!
Mine wasnt an epistomy it was a 2nd degree tear but OUCH! The stitching of that sucker up hurt a little more than labor! At least it wasnt a 4th degree (the whole way to the anus---OUCH!) And I will just say that at 4 months intimacy is not comfortable at all, I hope it gets better (well as soon as my back is better!) I am beginning to wonder if its the IUD and not the scar!
Vaginal/perineal lacerations are also graded by degree of severity (how much damage to the vagina/surrounding/ underlying tissues). Like epis's, lacerations are graded from first degree (least invasve) to 4th degree (most severe- laceration is down through the anal sphincter). Most of the time (depending on the dr and if its done correctly) it takes LONGER to repair a 4th degree laceration than to do a c-section from start to finish!!!!! Its crazy!!!!

Being a L&D nurse, you really see it all. Having a 4th degree is one of my worst personal fears!!!!
Date: 1/26/2008 12:54:00 AM
Author: Dani

An episiotomy is graded according to degree (extent of damage to the vagina/perineal area). A second degree epis is an episiotomy that extends midway between the vagina and the anus....very common, unfortunately, especially with the 1st baby....

No one told me any details about mine. *shrug* Seemed like he was stitching forever though.
Wow! I had no idea about this stitches/tearing thing. I guess I was lucky - I had no tearing and no stitches.
Kaleigh, qtiekiki, tacori e-ring, lili, divergrrl, mrs mitchell - Thank you ladies for chiming in and giving me some advice. The spotting was only that one Tuesday, and it stopped. I still have mild cramping on and off, but I''ve read that it''s normal, so I''m not too worried about it. I feel much better now. I noticed that I get nauseous if I''m hungry, so I try to eat in between meals. Other than that, no m/s as of yet. I''m getting really anxious of my first prenatal appointment and I will be 7 weeks and 6 days. They will do a vaginal ultrasound and will be able to see the heartbeat on the screen. I just hope everything is okay and the baby is healthy. m/c with no symptoms really scare me too. It happened to my co-worker 2 times already. The baby stopped growing at 6 weeks for both pregnancies. That really scares me, but I know that there is nothing I can, but pray for the best.

qtiekiki - I bet you look really cute with your belly pics. I will post mine on here too once I start showing. I do notice that my appetite is much bigger now and I down water like I''ve never drank any before.

lili - congrats on passing your gd test. My friend told me that wasn''t a very pleasant thing because they make you drink what seems like pure sugar.

I saw the news coverage on the link between caffeine and miscarriages. It''s alarming, but luckily, I don''t drink coffee ever, but just the occasional green tea at a Japanese restaurant.

Jas12 - my husband thinks I''m crazy with all the forums I visit on a daily basis. He knows that I love information and research on topics that interest me most at the moment.

Curlygirl - OMG! Congrats! Your due date is just 3 days after mine. I would love for my kids to be close in age. I prefer that actually. Your second baby will be gorgeous just like your little girl right now. I''m so happy that we get to go through it together! Keep us posted on your progress!

mrssalvo - I love the name Jake! My friend named her son that with the middle name Austin (because she went to school at University of Texas in Austin and love the city), so his name is Jake Austin. I think that flows really well. She also doesn''t like it when people ask her if it''s short for Jacob because she named him Jake. What middle names were you thinking?

My biggest fear is not the labor itself, but the episiotomy and tearing. One of my friends had 2 kids, both with no episiotomy or tearing. Lucky her. Her first baby was 5 lbs, 9 ounces, and her second was 6 lbs, 2 ounces. They were small, but both very healthy.
LitigatorChick - Wow, you were lucky to not have any of that. How big was your baby?
7 pounds 2 ounces, 20 inches long. But a biggish noggin''.

I think I did not tear because I 1) had a doula; 2) was drug free, and 3) so the delivery part was a bit more gradual so I could stretch and not tear. But I''m a litigator, not a doc/nurse, so I am just making this up. But I do recommend the doula.