
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Jeannine, I was going to say Gymboree but I didn''t want to turn you into an addict!!!! They have the most adorable things--I''ve gone insane with their stuff and they have great sales!! I''m so jealous you have an outlet near you--I need one of those!!!

I''m in the 2 week wait right now--38 weeks! It''s getting really close and I''m super anxious but I''m not getting my hopes up for an "on time" delivery! My doctor won''t talk induction until 41 weeks but I really hope I won''t have to wait that long! I''m actually still feeling great besides the hot flashes and heartburn but I''m just DYING to see this baby and as shallow as it may sound, I really want to get my body back! I''m a teeny girl and I''ve remained active this whole time--still going to the gym and walking--but I''ve gained 25 lbs and it''s all in my belly and it''s really starting to bug me! But it''s a small price to pay for having a child and I''m not going to obsess over it!

How''s everyone else feeling?
Curly: its not shallow to want your body back...but you should watch out for flying objects!! (me throwing a pillow at your head!) Only 25lbs? All belly? I hate you!
Currently my face is pregnant, my upper arms are pregnant, my butt is pregnant and my thighs too! 18 weeks and already up 12lbs. Oh well. I gained 34 with my son in 2004...I was padded all over AND a belly
(and I was working out/walking/dancing). Plus I only lost half of it afterwards even though I was working out/teaching cycling/yoga/salsa classes. Part of it was hormones (over 35....body hangs on to fat) and the other part was that the baby just made me too tired to get back into lifting & running seriously like I did pre-baby. My husband travels for work, so I''m constantly tired from being the sole caregiver 24/7 even though my kid is and was a champ sleeper..(thru the night from the 2nd week) I usually opt for a nap instead of a workout.

I''m hoping to have a little more motivation next time around, but its really hard when you are so tired. (I actually MADE my OB run bloodwork when my son was 16months because i was so exhausted. nothing...perfectly healthy..then I made DH buy me the nicest mattress we could help...I swear, I''d love for my dh not to travel...its soooo hard).

Good news for you is, that naturally "teeny" women generally bounce back fast, while the rest of us have to kill ourselves. I''m soooo JEALOUS! LOL! Oh well, I didn''t get stretch marks, so I guess I''ll shut my trap now. hee hee....

OH FYI.....breastfeeding keeps weight on you in the beginning until your supply comes in & even then, it hangs on to that last 10lbs for reserves. I didn''t start losing until I weaned my son. I think it really takes the weight off if you do it for 9 months or longer...At least thats a trend I noticed in my friends. No science to back that up, just purely anecdotal.

Speaking of a nap....I could use one now...hey at least I hit the gym this morning before dh left.

Diver, what exciting news!
I am so happy for you. My next appointment (at 16 weeks) is when I decide if I want to do an AFP test. I am torn on what to do. I guess I should see if my insurance covers it. At least it is just a blood test. My doctor is very cool and said either way there was no pressure. Since I am younger it is not routine. He said false positives are rare but I still hear about them. Argggg.....don''t know what to do!

Curly, you are such a little thing! I remember seeing your wedding pics. I am sure with time you will look great. 2 weeks is such a short wait! She will be here any day now! Do you have everything ready?

I am starting to feel better now. I have only gained a few lbs but I feel like I look like I have gained 20! I already feel huge. I am looking forward to looking more pregnant and less fat. I got to hear the heartbeat again at my last visit (160) and my doctor said everything looks/sounds/feels perfect (which is always nice to hear!) I am still sooooo tired. I am excited to complete my first trimester and move into the second. Everyone thinks I am having a girl. It will be interesting to see. I spent some time at my parents sorting out old toys and books. I always *loved* playing with my mom''s old dolls so hopefully my daughter someday (if we have one) will enjoy playing with mine.
Tacori: ooooooh...160? Sounds like a girl (insert wives tale here). Delaneys hb has always been 153 to 160. Tell me what you''re craving, we''ll have fun guessing until the time comes. (are you going for the Big Surprise or finding out at the ultrasound?)

AFP blood test. Well one thing to keep in mind, is that it''s a statistical test, it is NOT diagnostic. So there really isn''t a true "false positive" or true negative answer. If your AFP levels are high it **might** indicate a probability for a neural tube (like spina bifida) defect. If your AFP levels are low, it ***might*** indicate a probability for Down''s Syndrome. There is no way to tell from the blood test, but your numbers are fed into a computer program & its spits out your "probability" of having a child with a defect. Then if your numbers are kinda scary (like 1:27 for downs instead of 1:13,000), you can opt to have a diagnostic test (amniocentisis) performed that IS diagnostic and can tell you whether or not your child has an issue.

What they call ''false positives'' is the high rate of tests that come back with high odds of having a child with a defect. All of my reading has indicated the false positive rate is about 60%. In fact it is so high, that my OB will not even do it for patients over 35--if we want to know, we go straight to amnio. ( a few of my friends AFP tests came back with 1:13 odds or 1;20 & the amnio revealed a baby that was just fine...that''s how it goes most of the time--because that dang AFP is so squirrely)

Now, you are young--so you''ve got time on your side....when I had ds at 34, I opted for no tests & just waited until my 20 week ultrasound to see if he was cookin'' good. (and he was)

Another great thing to keep in mind: less than 3% of babies are born with any defect at all, so your likelihood is super low.

One thing that drives me bonkers is that 10 different OBs can say 20 different things and there is too much information out there.

I just wanted to share with you what I''ve learned about pre-natal testing since I''ve been in the frying pan quite a bit recently. :-)

Hope this helped some.. . are you feeling???????

Diver (full of too much...information???? LOL)
Diver, I kind of feel like I am having a girl too. I haven''t really had any cravings yet (or strong cravings) besides popcorn. We want the "big surprise" so y''all will find out in October with us
I will be happy with either. I am such a girly girl that I really hope someday I have a daughter (if not with this time, the next). I think my husband wants a boy but I *KNOW* she''ll be such a daddy''s girl and he will obviously be happy with either as well. My Doc did tell me the test just puts me in the "high risk" or "normal" and they will do more testing 2D U/S and amnio if it comes back positive. Would I terminate if we found something out? I honestly do not know what we would do. It is a hard decision for sure! I will be 27 when I deliver so I know I do have that on my side. I have 3 weeks to decide. I like how my doc isn''t pressuring me one way or the other. He is very laid-back.

My mom is coming down this weekend and we are going to begin my registry (I know, so early! But my first shower is June 2nd and I want her help) Any must haves from the mommies out there! I have only been told to get a swing that swings with front/back and side/side. That''s all I know so far. I already know it will be overwhelming!
Tacori: Try not to sweat the tests too much, and don''t do it if you don''t want to. No matter what, its just a best guess, so don''t freak...ultrasounds can tell a lot. You sound blessed with a healthy pregnancy, which is good!!

I admire your ability to wait. I am too impatient. As soon as I knew she was "for sure" a girl, I ordered her bedding. I''m so weak. LOL

Well, its almost 10 here, I need to is having a party in there and she''s cracking me up..

Congrats Diver on the good news for the amnio and the confirmation you''re having a girl..Yay for girls

Tacori, I was 28 when I was pregnant with my first and had the AFP test. I got a false positive and my doc. said it was less than a 1% chance she had downs but I was still very upset, so upset that hubby actually came home from work the day I got the call. I decided to not do any further testing b/c it wouldn''t have changed my decision to have the baby so I just had to wait it out. It really was a hard mental battle. She was born 100% heathly though. Hubby didn''t want me to do the testing with our 2nd but it was routine and I just decided to do it. My levels were normal with her so it did bring some peace just knowing that. either way, you do what you feel comfortable with, there isn''t a right or wrong answer.
Date: 4/24/2007 12:27:07 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Diver, I kind of feel like I am having a girl too. I haven''t really had any cravings yet (or strong cravings) besides popcorn. We want the ''big surprise'' so y''all will find out in October with us
I will be happy with either. I am such a girly girl that I really hope someday I have a daughter (if not with this time, the next). I think my husband wants a boy but I *KNOW* she''ll be such a daddy''s girl and he will obviously be happy with either as well. My Doc did tell me the test just puts me in the ''high risk'' or ''normal'' and they will do more testing 2D U/S and amnio if it comes back positive. Would I terminate if we found something out? I honestly do not know what we would do. It is a hard decision for sure! I will be 27 when I deliver so I know I do have that on my side. I have 3 weeks to decide. I like how my doc isn''t pressuring me one way or the other. He is very laid-back.

My mom is coming down this weekend and we are going to begin my registry (I know, so early! But my first shower is June 2nd and I want her help) Any must haves from the mommies out there! I have only been told to get a swing that swings with front/back and side/side. That''s all I know so far. I already know it will be overwhelming!
Here are the must haves for each of my three: #1 - the swing. #2 - his own thumb. #3 - THE BIJORN!!!!!! Most important being the Baby Bijorn...She literally lived in that thing.
Date: 4/24/2007 11:05:59 AM
Author: Miranda

Date: 4/24/2007 12:27:07 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Diver, I kind of feel like I am having a girl too. I haven''t really had any cravings yet (or strong cravings) besides popcorn. We want the ''big surprise'' so y''all will find out in October with us
I will be happy with either. I am such a girly girl that I really hope someday I have a daughter (if not with this time, the next). I think my husband wants a boy but I *KNOW* she''ll be such a daddy''s girl and he will obviously be happy with either as well. My Doc did tell me the test just puts me in the ''high risk'' or ''normal'' and they will do more testing 2D U/S and amnio if it comes back positive. Would I terminate if we found something out? I honestly do not know what we would do. It is a hard decision for sure! I will be 27 when I deliver so I know I do have that on my side. I have 3 weeks to decide. I like how my doc isn''t pressuring me one way or the other. He is very laid-back.

My mom is coming down this weekend and we are going to begin my registry (I know, so early! But my first shower is June 2nd and I want her help) Any must haves from the mommies out there! I have only been told to get a swing that swings with front/back and side/side. That''s all I know so far. I already know it will be overwhelming!
Here are the must haves for each of my three: #1 - the swing. #2 - his own thumb. #3 - THE BIJORN!!!!!! Most important being the Baby Bijorn...She literally lived in that thing.
True dat Miranda! A friend of mine has my Bjorn & I''m not speaking to her anymore...I hope I get it back. (she''s weird & always has to insult me & my dh to make herself feel better...I just don''t have time for insecure, fairweather friends) She also has my jumperoo (the freestanding one--it was $65!) so I hope I get that back too. I''ll have to call her & ask if I can have them back as soon as she''s done with them. (I lent them when she had her 3rd baby last sept.) At least I got my Baby Einstein playmat back. (another lifesaver).

I want this sling...I''ve seen it in action a few times & just love it. it comes in all colors & is not hot or anything (as long as you don''t live in Phoenix or Texas...)

Well, I''m off to get some blood drawn (Tay-sachs & Cystic Fibrosis...I have a 1/2 Jewish husband) but I feel like its dumb to do...oh well, its next to the only Old Navy in town that has a maternity section, and I need some casual wear. I hate maternity clothes. I spent a small fortune on cute going out wear at Mimi, but I''d rather buy things for the baby & save my $$ than buy maternity clothes. So unlike me, since I am very particular about my appearance normally, but oh well....I have 4 or 5 great outfits for going out, now I just need kick back wear. I''ve been wearing my pre-pregnancy longer tops, and now they are riding up. God, everything is so ugly out there. (and if it is cute, its like $100 or more for a top---I just can''t do that anymore, I''d rather buy Delaney her chandelier, layette clothing, etc).

Date: 4/24/2007 12:04:33 PM
Author: divergrrl

God, everything is so ugly out there. (and if it is cute, its like $100 or more for a top---I just can''t do that anymore, I''d rather buy Delaney her chandelier, layette clothing, etc).
Amen! I also have the added misery of needing long things since I am so tall. Luckily I have been able to squeek by with some larger than normal pants and my regular shirts. Those days are quickly coming to an end though! So glad your test turned out okay and yea for 100% girl!!!

I had a checkup this morning and everything is good! Heart rate was 158 (165 previously), so cant wait to see if the old wives tale is true! I keep reading its not reliable. We will be finding out the sex and I made my appt this morning for May 17th... I cant wait! I havent had any ultrasounds yet, so this will be our one and only peek! DH of course wants a boy and I am happy either way.

Tacori - I dont think you are starting your registry too soon and I totally understand wanting your mom to help! How exciting you have a shower in June! I have nothing planned yet... my brother is trying to throw together a wedding for July, so the fam has been a little preoccupied with that! They asked me today if I wanted the AFP test and I said no. We havent done any testing yet, so why start now? I wouldnt terminate, so I would rather not stress over false positives. On the other hand, if there were something wrong, it would be nice to be prepared. Oh well, its a gamble either way!
Diver, please post a picture of Delaney''s bedding!

njc, what a bummer you only get one u/s. Of course you couldn''t see anything but a blob at my 6 week one. I still am undecided. We haven''t had any testing done yet either and really didn''t plan to. My MIL is a HUGE planner so she was the one who organized my June shower. She wanted it early for me (if I have to fly). Also we drive up to Ohio every July so this way we can drive everything back. I am feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff we need to buy. Even though products are so different now than when my mom had her babies I need the support and know DH will be USELESS. He didn''t help me register for our wedding so I doubt this would be different.

So future mommies, are you going to get a "pushing present"?
Spill the beans!!!
Ha! DH was such a PITA about registering. We picked out china, sheets and towels together and then I picked the rest on my own. I cant wait to register for the baby...

I doubt I get a sparkly push present. It would be nice, but dont think we have the money for it! I''d be happy with flowers.
Date: 4/23/2007 7:52:21 PM
Author: divergrrl
Curly: its not shallow to want your body back...but you should watch out for flying objects!! (me throwing a pillow at your head!) Only 25lbs? All belly? I hate you!
diver, you are too funny!!! I feel huge these days because she's dropping and it just looks like this huge watermelon sticking out where my flat tummy used to be. Even maternity tops are starting to look like midriff-baring shirts--it's horrible and I refuse to buy anything else so I'm just toughing it out for these last few weeks! Check out Gap maternity online. I've had a lot of success with their pants and tops and there are always things on sale. I refuse to pay full price for temporary clothes!

Tacori, I'm older than you are (35 when I first got pg, 36 now), so I've taken every test under the sun! The one that "forced" me to have an amnio was the AFP. To me, it's useless. I mean, I had considered the amnio anyway due to my advanced maternal age
but when I got the AFP results that weren't so great (1/250 odds), I got all freaked out and had the amnio to ease the unnecessary fear that the AFP had caused. My results came back perfect from the amnio and I'm glad I had it done because as Jeannine said, the amnio and CVS are the only diagnostic tests. All these other things are just screenings and don't give you real answers--and often they scare you with the "false positives". So to make a long story short, I don't think it's a bad idea to opt out of the AFP. You'll learn a heck of a lot more from the 20 week ultrasound and if there are any issues at that point, you can decide how to proceed.

I just had my shower last weekend (yes, my superstitious family waited until I was 37 weeks preg to give me a shower!) and I'm happy to say that I got a Baby Bjorn and a really cute FP Baby Papasan swing. So I guess I'm set, as long as my baby has thumbs!!! Amongst other things, I also got 2 Miracle Blankets which I've been told are just the best for swaddling. All of our big ticket items were purchased too, which is nice--pack n play, co-sleeper, monitor, etc. And DH's aunt and uncle made a little certificate for us saying they would be purchasing all of our diapers for the first 6 months!! Gotta love that!!!

njc, glad you are doing well. I wish I could say the heart rate thing is true but it wasn't for me! This baby was consistently around 130-140 and she's a girl! But you never know!! You'll be finding out soon enough!

Hmmm...push presents. DH isn't so smart when it comes to this stuff so I had emailed him a link to the SP maternity rings a few months ago. I know, I'm so subtle!! I don't know if he'll remember but I better get SOMETHING!!!!
I have been hinting about a "push present" before we were even married. Everytime a friend had a baby I would comment "I wonder what he got her." I think he thinks they are normal! As I have said before I take the wear down approach with my husband
If done correctly he thinks it is his idea. I guess I don''t feel too bad b/c besides my wedding set he has never bought be any expensive jewelry (over $250) over 6 years. Right now I want a SP maternity band but I may change my mind.

Curly, you are lucky she will have a great birthstone either way. I am not too crazy about Opals. Oh well!
curlygirl: hey! Another 36 yo momma on here! yay us...see, my OB didn't even want to futz with that AFP for the very reason of what you went through. Apparently, when you're over 35, the insurance pays for the amnio, so he was like...just do it if you want. I remember the last month I was pg with Jake, I had to buy more mat wear. Ticked me off, but it was the holidays & nothing was fitting. I was irked. My friend is lending me her baby papasan vibrating chair, & another one is lending me her baby papasan swing. I have 2 swings (one full size--but it clicks a lot) and a takealong, but I like the look of the FP papasan ones, so I said 'yes! when they offered to let me borrow them)

njc: how fun for your ultrasound! That 20 week one is a great deal of fun. I drank a sugary drink right before (a can of coke) so that the baby was active during mine. I loooove ultrasounds...prepare to say hi to your little one! Old wives tales crack me up...I think they are fun for guessing but put no faith whatsoever in them. Although, I am a walking wives tales...both of my kids heartrates were accurate for sex, my cravings were (steak for my son, citrus for this girl) dead on, and the chinese calendars were right too. I also had heartburn really bad & my son had tons of hair. I'm getting it now again with Delaney. :-) Watch her come out bald as a cue ball. hee hee

Push Present? I wish...I have this stupid house that needs so much work. (no really, I love my house...but sometimes) I'm having the last of the pine walls painted antique white (I have to have it done, since the special primer & paint is oil based & has to be sprayed on) so its beyond my painting guy will probably charge me about $450 for the halls, stairway, and Delaney's ceiling (which is wood w/exposed beams--they are white in Jakes room & it looks tres cool). Plus I'm just going to have him paint her walls & repaint Jake's room .. plus DH is putting in all new moulding & chair-rail in their rooms, so I figure any extra fun $$ will go towards the cosmetic remodeling upstairs.

I did find some cute sapphire stack rings via Pricescope from another poster that I have bookmarked...I'd like a pink one & a blue one. I'd also like a vintage diamond eternity band from fay cullen to put between them. I might ask for the pink one for Delaney's b-day (its only $200 or so) and then the blue one for our anniversary/xmas (which is almost Jake's bday). Then maybe I can swing the diamond one for v-day.

I didn't get a push present with Jake, but I came home on xmas eve, so I had a pile of xmas presents from dh under the tree. Uggs..that's right, he got me Uggs. LOL!

Ok...I have 41 designer baby boy outifts & 16 pairs of shoes to list on ebay. (I goodwill-ed all his other stuff, but the adorable high end stuff was in such pristine shape, I want to see if I can make any "Delaney fun money" from it. Whatever doesn't sell will go to friends or Goodwill.

Wish me luck...I'll be listing stuff all night!

Tacori: Here''s her bedding!!

(I got it all except the bumper...I even got the curtains & a tiny pink pillow sham) I registered for the big girl bedding version of this, since I''m in love with this pattern...


delaneys crib.jpg
Diver, it is so cute!!! She''ll be a little princess.
Tacori: what are you going to do in your nursery?

Date: 4/25/2007 12:31:24 AM
Author: divergrrl
Tacori: what are you going to do in your nursery?


Arggg...I have NO idea! The one problem (to me) of not finding out the sex is the bedding. I am having a hard time finding modern, gender neutral bedding (in my budget). I know I really want a black crib but I might go with an ebony instead (depending on if the bedding has brown in it) My aunt gave me the cutest baby outfit and it had a bow which would be perfect colors for a nursery. It was a butter yellow, a light limey green, and a dark reddish-orange. I thought they would be adorable in there. But it all goes back to bedding. I am tempted just to get a white fitted sheet and be done with it!
Date: 4/24/2007 9:45:24 PM
Author: divergrrl
Tacori: Here's her bedding!!

(I got it all except the bumper...I even got the curtains & a tiny pink pillow sham) I registered for the big girl bedding version of this, since I'm in love with this pattern...


Really cute set Diver :)

Target sells breatheable crib bumpers if SIDS is a concern, I bought one myself. It's good to have something there to keep baby's arms & legs in the crib. They have it in white & blue as well.
Vegas Angel...that''s exactly what I need! Good idea!

Tacori: BRU used to have this set called was cream with cream wonderful. Jake''s set is kind of unisex...It''s called "Dream With Me" by Glenna Jean. It''s yellow & sage green, but deeper spice colors rather than light.

Wendy Bellissimo at BRU has a few yellow themed nursery collections...there is one with bees that has a little black and looks GREAT in a black crib.

Well I''m relegated to my couch today .I was at Chuck E Cheese with my girlfriend and our toddlers (oy vey , I know, but it was so fun for them) and I got sooo won''t go away. So I call my OB & he says go home & lay down on my side, its from my uterus pressing on my arteries in my legs & making me dizzy.

You know how hard it is to type lying down on your side? I have my laptop on my coffee table pulled up to my couch...eeek.



Hope you feel better! I get those nasty dizzy spells too. My mom is coming this weekend and we will start my registry at BRU so I will check those out.
One of my friends just had a shower and is not finding out the sex...she registered for the BRU yellow/bee pattern and it is so lovely, would definitely look great with a black crib/furniture, just wanted to chime in here and say that I loved what she chose! It is so much fun to read this thread, thank you ladies!
Date: 4/26/2007 12:45:06 AM
Author: monarch64
One of my friends just had a shower and is not finding out the sex...she registered for the BRU yellow/bee pattern and it is so lovely, would definitely look great with a black crib/furniture, just wanted to chime in here and say that I loved what she chose! It is so much fun to read this thread, thank you ladies!

Thanks Mon! I''ll check it out this weekend! Hopefully we are giving you lots of useful information so when your time comes you know what to expect!
Hey preggies & is everyone today? Hmmmm??? I''m EXHAUSTED...gonna nap, but just wanted to say howdeee...

do we still have curlygirl or has she gone on to have a curlybabe yet?

I''m still here! Seven days till my due date but who''s counting?!?! I''m getting verrrrry anxious! Had a few contractions the other night but they were very irregular and inconsistent and finally went away so I guess it was just "practice". Going to the doctor tomorrow and I hope there is some kind of progress. I feel great but I just want to meet this baby!

How''s everyone else feeling?
I have been feeling a little sick still. I am 14 weeks so I am hoping all that will quickly fade. I tried on a maternity bathing suit at Old Navy (bought lots of cute stuff and they have these really cute shirts in the women's that work great for us preggos! Cheap too, under $15. I bought three different colors) and I wanted to shoot myself. I looked so gross! I have barely gained 3 lbs but I look like I gained 20 lbs. Very depressing. PLUS I am only in the begining. I never thought I was that vain or obsessed with my weight but it is so hard watching my body changing.

My mom is making dinner tonight! I am so excited!
We went to BRU to start my resgistry. Whoa! Very overwhleming. We got about half of it done and we both we so tired. We picked out a stroller/car seat (the sales people know SOOO much and are very helpful). Bottle brand (who knew there were so many choices), she said to rent a pump from the hospital to make sure your body produces enough milk, crib, and a bunch of smaller things. I was not terribly impressed with their unisex clothes so I only picked out a few stuff but my mom and I went overboard at Old Navy. They have the CUTEST baby clothes there. There is this whole lion collection and she basically bought everything (lion toy, socks, sleeper, shirt, and blanket...) all matching. their little girl stuff is SOOOO sweet. You ladies should go check it out!

Curly good luck if you don't make it back on before her birth. I wish you a PAINFREE and FAST delivery! Give her a kiss from her PS extended family. We can't wait to see her picture!

Date: 4/29/2007 6:24:20 PM
Author: curlygirl
I'm still here! Seven days till my due date but who's counting?!?! I'm getting verrrrry anxious! Had a few contractions the other night but they were very irregular and inconsistent and finally went away so I guess it was just 'practice'. Going to the doctor tomorrow and I hope there is some kind of progress. I feel great but I just want to meet this baby!

How's everyone else feeling?

Good luck, Curlygirl!! If you need anything let me know!!! I have been anxiously following this thread waiting for your good news!!! You are going to be just fine- hope it goes quickly and painlessly !!!!! Just remember to have patience...the first ones usually take FOREVER and a day to come....So bring a deck of cards, some magazines, etc (will you get an epidural?)....It will all be worth it in the end!!!!
I'll be thinking about you and sending you good luck vibes from over here....
Date: 4/29/2007 6:24:20 PM
Author: curlygirl
I'm still here! Seven days till my due date but who's counting?!?! I'm getting verrrrry anxious! Had a few contractions the other night but they were very irregular and inconsistent and finally went away so I guess it was just 'practice'. Going to the doctor tomorrow and I hope there is some kind of progress. I feel great but I just want to meet this baby!

How's everyone else feeling?

Wow, that is sooooo EXCITING
Glad you feel great!!! Best wishes for an easy delivery
Good vibes here too!!!!