
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Oh, I know! My belly is not public property! I feel like it will only get worse
I am still getting the "you don''t look pregnant yet" comments which I kind of like but I FEEL pregnant (aka sick, dizzy, crappy!) I have only gained 1 lb but my belly is bigger/swollen/bloated. DH was talking to a woman on his flight who was 30 weeks and she said she felt bad until 12 weeks (eek! so close!) I think it was cute DH was investigating for me! He does feel bad. We leave for Vegas on Monday but I wish you all the luck at your appointment! I hope it is painfree and ALL good news!
Date: 4/7/2007 5:02:37 PM
Author: divergrrl
mmm...Newman''s Own Limeade....

Tacori: I don''t get my belly rubbed, but I hate it when people comment on my body. My MIL asked me today if I was ''fat yet''. I was like...ummm...well I''ve gained 7lbs.... (I''m 16 weeks). It''s hard enough to have your body change on you (and I feel like I''ve put on 50lbs...I feel puffy all over) but to have people comment on it (and she''s not the only one---I know a few folks who have said ''oh you''re getting fat now!'' like its funny or something)

You NEVER comment on any woman''s any point in her life. Why does being pregnant make you public property? It''s not like we''re sensitive or anything.

Anyhoo...monday is my 4pm PST...I''ll post how it went & if we were able to see if its a boy or girl on the ultrasound *fingers crossed* that day! Wish us luck!

More limeade.......mmmmmm......lime popsicle..mmmm...

Jeannine aka divergrrl
Just wait until you have the baby. Everyone will ask you if your nursing and if you are producing enough milk etc.
that one always drove me nuts! It''s like my boobs have become a public issue!!
Momma, people have ALREADY asked if I planned to nurse! Not sure how it is anyone''s business. People really need to think before they speak. I also get a lot of questions about how long it took, etc....l really don''t mind these types of questions from friends who are trying to concieve but virtually strangers? Kind of wierd.
Speaking of rude pregnancy questions!!! There''s a 7 year age difference between my second and third children. One rude lady asked me if my last baby was an accident!!!! ACCIDENT!!!!!!?????????? No child is an accident!!! Unplanned? Maybe. Surprise? Perhaps. Accident? Never! It was none of her freaking business anyway! I wanted to say, "Lady, how would you like it if someone called you an accident."
Date: 4/8/2007 7:24:52 PM
Author: Miranda
Speaking of rude pregnancy questions!!! There's a 7 year age difference between my second and third children. One rude lady asked me if my last baby was an accident!!!! ACCIDENT!!!!!!?????????? No child is an accident!!! Unplanned? Maybe. Surprise? Perhaps. Accident? Never! It was none of her freaking business anyway! I wanted to say, 'Lady, how would you like it if someone called you an accident.'
OMG, that's terrible.
I know when I was pregnant with my son I was carrying very low and was tiny all over. Gained the same amount with my daughter as I did with my son, but carried diffently. I was asked by a woman, if everything was ok with my pregnancy!!! I'm like yeah, everything is fine, THank you very much. This a total stranger. People need to learn to keep their traps shut. He was 3 weeks early and weighed a whopping 7 pounds!
Date: 4/8/2007 7:49:52 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 4/8/2007 7:24:52 PM
Author: Miranda
Speaking of rude pregnancy questions!!! There''s a 7 year age difference between my second and third children. One rude lady asked me if my last baby was an accident!!!! ACCIDENT!!!!!!?????????? No child is an accident!!! Unplanned? Maybe. Surprise? Perhaps. Accident? Never! It was none of her freaking business anyway! I wanted to say, ''Lady, how would you like it if someone called you an accident.''
OMG, that''s terrible.
I know when I was pregnant with my son I was carrying very low and was tiny all over. Gained the same amount with my daughter as I did with my son, but carried diffently. I was asked by a woman, if everything was ok with my pregnancy!!! I''m like yeah, everything is fine, THank you very much. This a total stranger. People need to learn to keep their traps shut. He was 3 weeks early and weighed a whopping 7 pounds!
Oh Kaleigh, I had that, too! I was tiny tiny with all three of my kids...Their birthweights were 7 lbs. 10 ozs., 8 lbs. 1 oz. and 6 lbs. 4 oz. (my girl was and is still tiny - at the same ages she and I were/are the same height and weight...I hope she grows up to be bigger than I am now) Anyway, the point is that small bellies can still produce a healthy baby. My MIL told me that there was no way I could deliver a healthy baby because I was so small. My sister''s MIL told me that there must be something wrong with me because my belly was just too small. Grrrrrrrrr!!!! I could go on with the irritating overgeneralizations and pregnancy stereotypes....I cannot believe some people!
Date: 4/8/2007 8:02:14 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 4/8/2007 7:49:52 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 4/8/2007 7:24:52 PM
Author: Miranda
Speaking of rude pregnancy questions!!! There''s a 7 year age difference between my second and third children. One rude lady asked me if my last baby was an accident!!!! ACCIDENT!!!!!!?????????? No child is an accident!!! Unplanned? Maybe. Surprise? Perhaps. Accident? Never! It was none of her freaking business anyway! I wanted to say, ''Lady, how would you like it if someone called you an accident.''
OMG, that''s terrible.
I know when I was pregnant with my son I was carrying very low and was tiny all over. Gained the same amount with my daughter as I did with my son, but carried diffently. I was asked by a woman, if everything was ok with my pregnancy!!! I''m like yeah, everything is fine, THank you very much. This a total stranger. People need to learn to keep their traps shut. He was 3 weeks early and weighed a whopping 7 pounds!
Oh Kaleigh, I had that, too! I was tiny tiny with all three of my kids...Their birthweights were 7 lbs. 10 ozs., 8 lbs. 1 oz. and 6 lbs. 4 oz. (my girl was and is still tiny - at the same ages she and I were/are the same height and weight...I hope she grows up to be bigger than I am now) Anyway, the point is that small bellies can still produce a healthy baby. My MIL told me that there was no way I could deliver a healthy baby because I was so small. My sister''s MIL told me that there must be something wrong with me because my belly was just too small. Grrrrrrrrr!!!! I could go on with the irritating overgeneralizations and pregnancy stereotypes....I cannot believe some people!
I know!! My best friend from high school is a labor and delivery nurse. She is tiny too. She got the same comments we got. What she told me, was wise. It''s not what''s on the outside, it''s what''s in the inside that counts.
I was so young, 26 and 28 when I had my kids and wasn''t as outspoken as I am now. Today if someone said something rude, well they''d be sorry, haha.
Miranda/Tacori/Kaleigh: Yeah people crack me MIL told me that I needed to ask for a disabled permit for my car so I wouldn''t have to walk far when pregnant. I was like ARE YOU KIDDING WOMAN? I''m taking spinning classes, teaching yoga, lifting weights, and teaching 2 salsa dance classes this month alone! Walking is GOOD for us pregos with healthy pregnancies....she was flabbergasted to say the least. Oh well...

but this is my second child, and I had a lot of people ask about nursing last time. Also, I hated questions about my delivery. I live in an area where natural childbirth is incredibly popular, and we have tons of midwives/doulas here, so getting an epidural (like me) is considered "wimpy". But lucky for me, I''ve never cared one whit what other people think.

My favorite comments were from people who had opinions on my son once he turned about 6 months..."when are you having another?". OMG...I just had the one...leave me alone! But when he hit 1, it got REALLY bad. People would tell me it was my DUTY to have another kid. Rude. And a couple of times I had women from my gym just going on and on about how I really needed to "get started on #2"....and wouldn''t drop it....I shut one particularly rude woman up by telling her I had just suffered yet ANOTHER miscarriage (true) and in the future, she should keep her comments to herself, because you never know what the other person is going through. She looked like she wanted to crawl under a rock....hahahaha...I''m pretty sassy that way.

cool thing for today: I think I''m feeling the baby!! Cool!!!! 16 weeks!

Tacori: how are you feeling?
Date: 4/8/2007 8:33:09 PM
Author: divergrrl
Miranda/Tacori/Kaleigh: Yeah people crack me MIL told me that I needed to ask for a disabled permit for my car so I wouldn''t have to walk far when pregnant. I was like ARE YOU KIDDING WOMAN? I''m taking spinning classes, teaching yoga, lifting weights, and teaching 2 salsa dance classes this month alone! Walking is GOOD for us pregos with healthy pregnancies....she was flabbergasted to say the least. Oh well...

but this is my second child, and I had a lot of people ask about nursing last time. Also, I hated questions about my delivery. I live in an area where natural childbirth is incredibly popular, and we have tons of midwives/doulas here, so getting an epidural (like me) is considered ''wimpy''. But lucky for me, I''ve never cared one whit what other people think.

My favorite comments were from people who had opinions on my son once he turned about 6 months...''when are you having another?''. OMG...I just had the one...leave me alone! But when he hit 1, it got REALLY bad. People would tell me it was my DUTY to have another kid. Rude. And a couple of times I had women from my gym just going on and on about how I really needed to ''get started on #2''....and wouldn''t drop it....I shut one particularly rude woman up by telling her I had just suffered yet ANOTHER miscarriage (true) and in the future, she should keep her comments to herself, because you never know what the other person is going through. She looked like she wanted to crawl under a rock....hahahaha...I''m pretty sassy that way.

cool thing for today: I think I''m feeling the baby!! Cool!!!! 16 weeks!

Tacori: how are you feeling?
MIL''s are so silly, a handicapped parking sticker??
Pregnancy isn''t an illness for heavens sakes. Old mind sets are hard to change huh?? Any way, good luck with the genetic counseling, amnio and ultra sound tomorrow. Report back to us and let us know how it goes!!! Good luck!!!
Date: 4/8/2007 8:33:09 PM
Author: divergrrl
Miranda/Tacori/Kaleigh: Yeah people crack me MIL told me that I needed to ask for a disabled permit for my car so I wouldn''t have to walk far when pregnant. I was like ARE YOU KIDDING WOMAN? I''m taking spinning classes, teaching yoga, lifting weights, and teaching 2 salsa dance classes this month alone! Walking is GOOD for us pregos with healthy pregnancies....she was flabbergasted to say the least. Oh well...

but this is my second child, and I had a lot of people ask about nursing last time. Also, I hated questions about my delivery. I live in an area where natural childbirth is incredibly popular, and we have tons of midwives/doulas here, so getting an epidural (like me) is considered ''wimpy''. But lucky for me, I''ve never cared one whit what other people think.

My favorite comments were from people who had opinions on my son once he turned about 6 months...''when are you having another?''. OMG...I just had the one...leave me alone! But when he hit 1, it got REALLY bad. People would tell me it was my DUTY to have another kid. Rude. And a couple of times I had women from my gym just going on and on about how I really needed to ''get started on #2''....and wouldn''t drop it....I shut one particularly rude woman up by telling her I had just suffered yet ANOTHER miscarriage (true) and in the future, she should keep her comments to herself, because you never know what the other person is going through. She looked like she wanted to crawl under a rock....hahahaha...I''m pretty sassy that way.

cool thing for today: I think I''m feeling the baby!! Cool!!!! 16 weeks!

Tacori: how are you feeling?
hahaha---my son just turned 8 months and i''m already getting the whens the next one coming comments...i said give me a break--isn''t 1 enough for now? plus i''m still getting over the torture of labor and delivery.
my husband told his dad, as a joke, at dinner that we were having another and then everyone got excited---i wanted to kick his living @ss
Date: 4/7/2007 5:02:37 PM
Author: divergrrl
mmm...Newman''s Own Limeade....

Tacori: I don''t get my belly rubbed, but I hate it when people comment on my body. My MIL asked me today if I was ''fat yet''. I was like...ummm...well I''ve gained 7lbs.... (I''m 16 weeks). It''s hard enough to have your body change on you (and I feel like I''ve put on 50lbs...I feel puffy all over) but to have people comment on it (and she''s not the only one---I know a few folks who have said ''oh you''re getting fat now!'' like its funny or something)

You NEVER comment on any woman''s any point in her life. Why does being pregnant make you public property? It''s not like we''re sensitive or anything.

Anyhoo...monday is my 4pm PST...I''ll post how it went & if we were able to see if its a boy or girl on the ultrasound *fingers crossed* that day! Wish us luck!

More limeade.......mmmmmm......lime popsicle..mmmm...

Jeannine aka divergrrl
How did it go jeannine?? Were they able to tell if it''s a boy or a girl??
Sorry I didn''t post y''day. My amnio was HORRIBLE. The perinatologist was a total Jack-youknowwaht and a 60second procedure took him 6 minutes!!! It was the single mose scary/painful thing I''ve ever had to endure. At one point he "lost the needle tip". I about died....I got jabbed a good 4 or 5 was pure hell. I was not expecting that, so I was really shaken.

The ultrsound tech wasn''t able to figure out the sex either.

Middle of the night I woke up and just sobbed my eyes out, my tummy hurt & I was afraid the baby was in my OB had me in first thing this morning, and we are all healthy & fine. THANK GOD!

And his u/s tech (who is a godsend and an absolute angel, she''s been with me through so much, I love her!) popped me on the table, and we just watched the baby kick around & be adorable for about 20 minutes...and she confirmed I''m having a


I am in much better spirits now & am resting in bed for the rest of today.

back later..

jeannine, I was thinking of you yesterday and wondered how it went. I''m so sorry it was horrible but am so excited for you that your are having a girl!!! i have 2 and just LOVE being a girl mommy, altough boys can be cool too
any, glad your resting and hope everything is smooth sailing for you here on out.

i think it''s great you are so active. i taught 3 spinning classes a week up until 2 weeks b/f i delived my first and up to about a month b/f my second. it was great and I really do think it made a difference in my delivery and how quickly my body recovered and went back into shape after.
Diver - I am sorry about all the trouble with the amnio (makes me happy I dont need one!), but congratulations on your baby GIRL!!!!
Oh geez, so sorry about the guy who did your amnio, that sounds terrible. I''m so glad your mind was put at ease this morning and to find out your having a GIRL?? That''s awesome!!!
popping in to say congratulations to all the new mothers and mothers-to-be!
Oh Jeannine, I''m so sorry you had such a horrible amnio experience. Wow. I''ve never heard of anyone having to be stuck 4 or 5 times. It really shouldn''t have been so bad--I feel terrible for you that you had to go through that.

But the good news is you''re having a girl!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! I''m so excited for you--you''ll have one of each which is fantastic! I told you all that citrus was a sign!

Rest up today and start thinking about all those adorable girl clothes you get to buy. It''s seriously dangerous--the stuff is so cute! I hope you get good results from the amnio. Keep us posted....

You guys are so sweet...thank you so much....I appreciate the kind words.

I''m feeling better..tired. I''m in bed resting (gotta love laptops & wireless internet) and getting ready to watch a movie & dh is bringing me lunch in bed.

So at least I get spoiled for a day or two.

Curly girl, you were right! I had a feeling all that citrus was a sign. LOL. Funny.

Ok...I''m out for awhile...gotta eat/rest

Date: 4/8/2007 8:29:42 PM
Author: Kaleigh
Date: 4/8/2007 8:02:14 PM

Author: Miranda

Date: 4/8/2007 7:49:52 PM

Author: Kaleigh

Date: 4/8/2007 7:24:52 PM

Author: Miranda

Speaking of rude pregnancy questions!!! There''s a 7 year age difference between my second and third children. One rude lady asked me if my last baby was an accident!!!! ACCIDENT!!!!!!?????????? No child is an accident!!! Unplanned? Maybe. Surprise? Perhaps. Accident? Never! It was none of her freaking business anyway! I wanted to say, ''Lady, how would you like it if someone called you an accident.''
OMG, that''s terrible.
I know when I was pregnant with my son I was carrying very low and was tiny all over. Gained the same amount with my daughter as I did with my son, but carried diffently. I was asked by a woman, if everything was ok with my pregnancy!!! I''m like yeah, everything is fine, THank you very much. This a total stranger. People need to learn to keep their traps shut. He was 3 weeks early and weighed a whopping 7 pounds!
Oh Kaleigh, I had that, too! I was tiny tiny with all three of my kids...Their birthweights were 7 lbs. 10 ozs., 8 lbs. 1 oz. and 6 lbs. 4 oz. (my girl was and is still tiny - at the same ages she and I were/are the same height and weight...I hope she grows up to be bigger than I am now) Anyway, the point is that small bellies can still produce a healthy baby. My MIL told me that there was no way I could deliver a healthy baby because I was so small. My sister''s MIL told me that there must be something wrong with me because my belly was just too small. Grrrrrrrrr!!!! I could go on with the irritating overgeneralizations and pregnancy stereotypes....I cannot believe some people!
I know!! My best friend from high school is a labor and delivery nurse. She is tiny too. She got the same comments we got. What she told me, was wise. It''s not what''s on the outside, it''s what''s in the inside that counts.
I was so young, 26 and 28 when I had my kids and wasn''t as outspoken as I am now. Today if someone said something rude, well they''d be sorry, haha.

There was a photo spread a year (or two?? three?!?) or so ago in Cosmo or some other women''s magazine showing the natural variation in carrying size in three women who were all 8 months pregnant. One woman was teensy tiny, she barely looked pregnant, and another was huge, like she was about to pop. All 3 women worked at the magazine and had healthy normal-weight (6-8 lbs) babies within a couple weeks of each other. Some women just carry their pregnancy farther back in their abdomen than others!
Congrats Jeannine! Sorry about the experience though.
How is everyone this morning???? Feeling good? Not too nauseated I hope! Well I need I''m outta here!

I''m still feeling good but getting really anxious now with only 3 weeks to go. Every little twinge I feel makes me go, "Is something happening? Was that a contraction?!" I mean, I''m sure I''ll figure it out when they start happening for real but I''m just getting antsy. And of course, I''m up 3-4 times a night to go to the bathroom and every time I get up, DH says, "Are you ok? Is it time?" It''s pretty funny.

At my appointment this week, the doctor said the baby is head down but not engaged yet and I''m not dilated at all--cervix is soft but closed. She doesn''t think I''ll go early but said to have my bag packed anyway for peace of mind! I''m just so fascinated by this whole process--it''s very surreal for me! And I''ve really loved being pregnant so even though I''m so ready to meet my little girl and be with her on the outside, I think I''ll probably miss the actual pregnancy and feeling her on the inside, kind of like my little secret will be shared with the world! Yeah, I''m hormonal!!!

Hope everyone else is feeling great! I know it may feel like time is standing still but it really does fly by so try to enjoy every moment! Looking forward to everyone''s updates, I think Tacori is in Vegas--hope she''s having a good time!
Date: 4/12/2007 2:46:34 PM
Author: curlygirl
I''m still feeling good but getting really anxious now with only 3 weeks to go. Every little twinge I feel makes me go, ''Is something happening? Was that a contraction?!'' I mean, I''m sure I''ll figure it out when they start happening for real but I''m just getting antsy. And of course, I''m up 3-4 times a night to go to the bathroom and every time I get up, DH says, ''Are you ok? Is it time?'' It''s pretty funny.

At my appointment this week, the doctor said the baby is head down but not engaged yet and I''m not dilated at all--cervix is soft but closed. She doesn''t think I''ll go early but said to have my bag packed anyway for peace of mind! I''m just so fascinated by this whole process--it''s very surreal for me! And I''ve really loved being pregnant so even though I''m so ready to meet my little girl and be with her on the outside, I think I''ll probably miss the actual pregnancy and feeling her on the inside, kind of like my little secret will be shared with the world! Yeah, I''m hormonal!!!

Hope everyone else is feeling great! I know it may feel like time is standing still but it really does fly by so try to enjoy every moment! Looking forward to everyone''s updates, I think Tacori is in Vegas--hope she''s having a good time!
Oh how exciting curlygirl, 3 weeks to go!!!! You''ll now it when it happens. Have you had lots of braxton hicks?? My water broke first with my daughter. Contractions came right after. Good luck and keep us posted!!!!
curlygirl!! i can''t believe that it''s nearly time
i''m sure that you have everything ready and perfect. you and your husband sound like you''ll be just terrific parents!
Good luck, Curlygirl!!! I know you will be just fine!! On a side note, did you know I am a labor and delivery nurse?? I work at a very busy hospital in NJ...we deliver about 8K babies a I am used to dealing with preggos all day!!
I wish you the best of luck , I know everything will go well!!
Jeannine, I am doing okay, thanks for asking! We just got back from Vegas. There were some m/s moments and the small of my back/tailbone was KILLING me. I am not sure if it was something I did on the plane but it was so painful. Besides tiring very early we had a great time. We went with another couple and saw a show every night. The flight was okay but I had to pee so often which was annoying. I really feel like my tummy got HUGE over night. I am just finishing my 12th week so I feel like I shouldn''t be showing so early. Of course I haven''t weighed myself since before I left (I am scared) but I was only up to a 1lb weight gain. I don''t feel my uterus bludge yet. Maybe next week. Did you ever notice bloody noses during your 1st trimester? Nothing serious but kind of a strange symptom. I feel so hormonal too! I cried at the RADIO the other day. I felt so silly. We are going to visit my family next week which I am really excited about. I need my mommy fix (which my own mom). Congrats on having a little GIRL! Girls are so sweet and so precious! You are going to have a blast shopping for her. There is so much cute girly stuff out there. Now you can really think of names.

Curly, I was 3 weeks early so you never know! How excited you are going to meet your daughter so soon (and maybe a diamond birthstone?!? Lucky girl!
Curlygirl: oooooh exciting!!! I can''t believe you are so close! Wow....I know that "hanging on every twinge feeling". Check in often so we don''t wonder about you. Do you know what you are having, or do you prefer the big surprise?

Tacori: Ugh..I remember those nosebleeds, I didn''t get them this time, but I did with Jake. Freaked me out, but according to my biggie. Ouchie on your tailbone pain, that sounds less than pleasant. How far was your flight from Vegas? Its a 2hr flight from Portland.

Dani: I will never forget how amazed I was by the labor & delivery nurses when I had my son. First off, I was under the impression the DOCTOR delivered my baby. Yeah, right, he showed up at the last round after I''d been pushing for awhile & was in and out of there in 45 minutes (I was lucky....not a lot of pushing). But my nurses? Yeah...that''s who helped me labor all those hours. Rockstars. And then the way you folks handle the first I was like "wait! He''s not a football" but then we realized the nurses were just used to handling new babies. Unlike me, I couldn''t even do his first bath at 10 days because I was afraid I''d drop him.
Seems like a fun job. Do you like it?????

ooohhh baby rolling around in this part the best.

later ladies...I''m off to make yet ANOTHER salad (with citrus vinaigrette of course).

The flight was 5 hours!
This week we are going to visit my family which is a 2 hour flight (much better!) but we are driving a u-haul back 14 hours. Why do I put myself through this torture!?! They aren''t full fledge nose bleeds. I only notice the blood when I blow my nose (which I have been doing a lot of lately). So strange. I am glad you had them too! Makes them seem more normal. I miss eating salad. I gag everytime I try lately. I have another DR''s appointment on Wednesday. I am hoping we can hear the heartbeat again.
Hi everyone, just checking in!

Kaleigh, I'm not really sure about the Braxton Hicks thing! I don't think I've had any--I guess I would know so I don't think I've had them!

Lulu, you are very sweet, thank you! DH and I are super excited but also nervous about the whole parenting thing. I hope we figure it out!

Dani, I think I remember you saying you are an L&D nurse. You've obviously seen it all and I give you a ton of credit! I've heard that the nurses do all the work anyway, except actually delivering the baby. We actually took an infant care class with one of the nurses from our hospital and she was just so great and gave us a lot of confidence. I may be asking you for advice!!! Will you come into the City and be my nurse?!?!

Tacori, glad you made it back safely. I had to use a few pillows on the plane to get comfy when I flew, especially in the lower back and butt area. I've also had tons of blood coming out of my nose throughout this pregnancy. Like every time I blow it. It was the worst in the 2nd trimester because they say your body is making more blood and fluids. My sinuses have been a wreck this whole time too--very snotty and sniffly! I'll be looking forward to that coming to an end. That and the heartburn have been the worst things I've endured so all in all, it's been a very easy time. I wish the same for you! Good luck at your appointment this week. You should be hearing the heartbeat at every appointment now. It's such a delicious sound!!!

Jeannine, hope you're feeling better. We are having a girl. I thought I wanted to be surprised but there's no way I would have survived all these months without knowing! The fun part is that we haven't told anyone else (except everybody on here) so our friends and family will be surprised--they don't know that we already know! I'll make sure to keep everyone posted on my progress. I hope there actually is some progress this week!
I hope there is some progress this week. Ask your doc about the Braxton Hicks, you may have had some and not even noticed them. But the real contractions, you won''t miss. Good luck, it won''t be long now... Yay!!!