
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Woohoo!!! *happy dance*

I got my monitor!!! I got it for $97.75 US including shipping, that''s about $112.00 Cdn.. I saved about $170.00Cdn!!
so far. We''ll have to see if there will be any duty on it when I get it. Oh.. I can''t wait.

eBay is good for something just not for DIAMONDS.
Date: 6/27/2006 6:32:53 PM
Author: cutey TT
I bought mine on ebay. It was brand new and came with a box of test sticks as well. You might want to check out They sell the monitor and sticks for a slightly discounted price.
Mine didn''t come with any sticks but that''s okay. I still lucked out on my savings. I''m just going to buy the sticks here in Canada.
Good luck on all those trying to conceive. I''m another one of those that had no problem, 1st one when 34 a couple months after trying, the second one the first month! of trying (I''m 38). So I don''t think age is the primary determining factor. I''m due last week in August, 1st week of September. I''m another one of those weird ones that actually enjoy being pregnant. No, its not that I didn''t have morning sickness, (or now achey hip joints), but the overall experience is amazing.

For me, for all the education and preparation one gets about pregancy and labor, the one thing that one is not warned/prepared for is the extreme sleep deprivation after the baby gets here (plus, having zero personal time for oneself - having a 10 minute shower becomes a treat!). I was intent the first time around to exclusively breast feed, but as my baby was a night baby it took alot out of me. This time I''m definitely not going to be so rigid, so the baby can get a bottle at least once during the night so I can get more than 2 1/2 hours of uninterruped sleep at a time. We were also so attached to her we really didn''t use any baby sitters, really for the first couple years, but I think it would be healthy for us once new baby is here and grown a little to spring for a babysitter once a month.
Here are my get pregnant tips:

Check out Ebay for the monitors. I think (this may be different now) you are better off trying to buy an unused one since it ''learns'' your cycle and using a used one could cause it to take longer to unlearn the other person''s cycle. I sold a brand new one that I never had to use so you can find them easily. If you are using OPK''s, use them TWICE a day..6 a.m and 6 p.m. (or whatever times work for you). Line all of them up side by side in order as the time progresses and stand back to see the trends. Then, and this might sound obvious, have sex a lot. On fertilityfriend, where you can see people charts, it was amazing how few times some people did it (and how far from when they were ovulating) and they couldn''t figure out why they couldn''t conceive. Some people think you should do it every OTHER day but we did it every day both times (both daughters) and it worked pretty quickly.

Once you get preggers, I have lots of mommy tips too. :)
Date: 6/27/2006 6:14:56 PM
Author: KristyDarling
I too highly recommend the Clearblue fertility monitor. It''s VERY accurate. I know because I used it concurrently with monitoring via ultrasound at my doctor''s office (I was undergoing fertility treatment -- used injectables) and the Clearblue monitor was always right in terms of indicating low, medium, and peak fertility. Expensive, but worth it especially if you have somewhat unpredictable cycles. I believe your cycle needs to be between 21 and 42 days long in order for it to work, and you should wait at least 2 menstrual cycles after stopping hormonal contraception before using it.
LMAO...I highly recommend it too!! Why am I laughing about that??? 5 months after I had my daughter I decided I''d go off the pill and use my highly effective fertility monitor as my means of birth control (note to everyone...the fertility monitor is not a substitute for birth control LOL). Well my cycle was all screwed up after going off the pill. I had my AF then 2 weeks later I had what I thought was my period again so I reset the fertility monitor. 4 weeks and one high fertility/ovulation sign later I didn''t get my period. I had no idea what was going on. I never got the surge until right before my period was suppose to start so I couldn''t have ovulated so there was no way I was pregnant...WRONG!!! 4 days late I went and bought a test. POSITIVE. I took 3 more tests and even went and bought the test that says ''pregnant/not pregnant''. I was in utter shock. My baby was now just 6 mos old, and I found myself pregnant with another. It was a blessing although that was not my feeling through my whole pregnancy. I am the proud mother of a 2 yo girl and a 16 mo old boy. They are truly wonderful and watching them together is amazing! The fertility monitor helped me with my wanted pregnancy and gave me a wonderful surprise LOL.

Congrats to all your preggos out there. Enjoy your pregnancy and sleep as it all goes by so fast and sleep comes at a premium when your new baby arrives.
Best of luck to those ttc. Be patient. It doesn''t always happen when you want it to (I had 2 miscarriages in 2002 and then got lucky in 2003 and 2004) but when it''s your time it''ll happen and it''s a true miracle.
Can you feel when you are ovulating? I never noticed before I read "Taking Charge of your fetrility" but now I notice that on the same day mid cycle on each month I feel a cramp on one side which I believe is ovulation. Since it''s the same day every month, I havn''t needed to try the OPKits or fertility monitors yet.
I could feel a slight twitch or pull on one side of my ovaries every month, however i feel it for a few days but when I chart my temp, it doesn''t correspond to my supposed O date. This is why I will use OPK''s. Have you been successful with just going with the O pains?

Now that we''re ttcing, I notice a whole lot more with what''s going on with my body than ever. It is worse when I''m in the 2ww. That''s the dreadful part. I overanalyze every twinge and feeling, I get really obsessive. Then I get the BFN and AF.
Nope. No success yet, but we''ve only been ttc for 2 months, so I figure I''ll give it another try. What is BFN and AF?
BFN = Big Fat Negative (for pregnancy tests)
AF = Aunt Flow (monthly "visitor"/moon flow)
lol all these analogies are cracking me up.

it''s like the AGS0, HCA, H&A, GOG, WF of fertility!!

Here is a bunch of Acronyms that you may come across when ttcing

AF - Aunt Flo (menstrual period)
AFNW – Aunt Flo Not Wanted
AFSA - Aunt Flo Stay Away
BD - Baby Dancing (intercourse)
BM - Bowel Movement
BBT - Basal Body Temperature (For use when charting your cycles)
BCP - Birth Control Pills
BFP- Big Fat Positive
BFN- Big Fat Negative
BPM - Beats Per Minute (heart rate of the baby)
BTW - By The Way
C# or Cy# - Amount of cycles you have TTC (e.g. C#2 – Cycle 2)
CB - Cycle Buddy (someone who shares a similar cycle as you)
CD - Cycle Day (CD1 is the 1st day of AF)
CF- Cervical Fluid (also known as CM)
CM - Cervical Mucous (also known as CF)
CP - Cervical Position
D&C - Dilation and Curettage (A procedure that scrapes the lining from the uterus after miscarriage)
DG (or Dx) - Diagnosed or Diagnosis
DPO - Days Past Ovulation
EDD - Estimated Due Date
EPO - Evening Primrose Oil
EWCM - Egg White Cervical Mucous (Most Fertile, Resembles Egg Whites)
FAM - Fertility Awareness Method (Charting BBT, CF, & CP to achieve PG)
FM - Fertility Monitor
FP - Follicular Phase - The first half of your cycle from CD1 to Ovulation
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
HSG – Hysterosalpingogram (Test for infertility and recurrent miscarriage that evaluates the fallopian tubes and uterus)
IUI – Intra-Uterine Insemination
IVF- In Vitro Fertilization
LP - Luteal Phase - length of time from O to CD1
LPD - Luteal Phase Defect (A LP generally less than 10 days in length)
MB - Mercy Boink
M/C - Miscarriage
MD - Medical Doctor
NFP - Natural Family Planning
O - Ovulation
OC - Ovulation Calculator
OPK - Ovulation Prediction Kit
OPT - Ovulation Prediction Test
POAS- Pee On A Stick (pregnancy test)
PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
PCOD - Polycystic Ovarian Disease
PG – Pregnant, Pregnancy
RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist
Rx - Prescription
SA - Sperm Analysis
SAHD - Stay-at-Home Dad
SAHM - Stay-at-Home Mom
Spot – Prelude to AF or possibly implantation spotting
TAB - Taking a Break from TTC
TTC - Trying To Conceive
TCOYF - Taking Charge of Your Fertility (Book by Toni Weschler)
TWW – Two Week Wait (aka 2ww)
U/S - Ultrasound
UTI- Urinary Tract Infection
WTT - Waiting to Test
WTTC – Waiting to TTC
Wow CdnBlinggal, you really know your stuff! Lol, one night I was reading TCOYF and DH was watching Scrubs. Carla had been ttc and she was on the bed surrounded by fertility books. She phoned hubby to tell him to rush home because her "cervical mucus was peaking." DH got a shocked look on his face and said "Oh my God, that''s going to be you!"

Here is a recent conversation I had with Dh:

Me ( on the toilet): Ewwww......
Dh: What? What''s wrong?
Me: I''m fertile
Dh: What?
Me: I have this gooey egg white cervical mucus.
Dh: So, what does that mean?
Me: I''m fertile (men, they don''t listen, did I not say I was fertile?)
Dh:Why don''t you just come out and say it''s baby making time, I don''t want to know what''s coming out of you. That''s just gross.

Me: rolling eyes... I''m just telling you (in a whiny tone)

SquareCut: Oh I''ve been reading up on all sorts of baby sites and you really have to know what people are talking about since they''re using all this baby stuff lingo.
LOL I'm with your DH..that's just gross!!
Greg also never wants to know about 'womanly things' as he calls them. Boys..
Date: 6/29/2006 7:58:10 PM
Author: Mara
LOL I''m with your DH..that''s just gross!!
Greg also never wants to know about ''womanly things'' as he calls them. Boys..
Yeah my husband is the same. I remember using the fertility monitor and he was like "I really don''t want to know about that stuff just tell me let''s go."
Men... It was much better for him the second time when our son was a surprise telling him when to go it just happened
CDbling, thank you so much for the definitions of all those acronyms! Seriously, it would''ve taken me forever to figure out all of I can refer back to this thread when I have a question instead of feeling like a D.A. (dumbass)! Thanks again also to Kaleigh for starting this thread! When we embark on our conception journey in the near future I know this will be a major help!
I am well past any baby making, I wanted to wish all of you well with your quest. If I could sprinkle some "get preggo quick" dust on you all you wish to be pregnant, I would.

Years ago when I was having my kids, I had a young woman come up to me at a social function with church who asked me if what I would suggest to help her conceive. She was so sad and had been trying for awhile so as awkward as it may have been for others to listen in and hear this, I just gave her a big hug and told her to enjoy every moment of the "act". I tried to emphasize to her to not just focus on getting pregnant, but to keep her mind on her sweet husband and how wonderfully patient he was being in their situation. I wanted her to make their intimate time as special as it was and not just become mechanical for the sake of getting pregnant.

She later contacted me and said that my advice to her really helped her to look at things differently. This young couple recommitted to each other to try for a child, but if it didn''t happen, to make peace with that and adopt. It took some time--like another 10 months or so--but they did conceive and had a baby. They also went on to adopt a child. This young mom told me that she had focused so much on her feelings of inadequacey that she hadn''t fully heard or considered her sweet husband''s. When they talked, they were able to relax, move forward in other areas of their lives and a baby came. She did have to have a little medical intervention, but they learned how to be a stronger couple as a result which I was thrilled to know I played a small part.

I was one of those women who was told early on that due to some anatomical design I would struggle to get pregnant...erh, I beg to differ! I did have 9 kids, yes, but I had my share of miscarriages but along the way we found out I have an immune disorder that affected those miscarriages. So, in a weird twisted manner, I am blessed to be a mom.

Despite me using the pill to regulate my period, despite using an IUD and other methods of BC, I still ended up with alot of kids. Believe me, it is HARD...but it is so worth it. After meeting each of my kids and getting to know them, in all honesty, I do not know how I could choose not to have birthed.

I wish you the best!
Love this thread!!! Do you think we could start a whole "Pregnancy" forum on PS? Isn''t it funny how diamonds lead to the proposal and the LIW forums, then the wedding forum, and isn''t it just natural to go into a pregnancy forum?

TigerBear--I''m so excited for you hearing the heartbeat!! I think I am going to follow in your tracks every step of the way.

CurlyGirl--don''t worry! Us 35 year olds can get preggo too!! We did it in our second month trying. (Granted, I''m not taking anything for granted, I''m just thrilled that we can conceive so that THAT''S not a barrier but anything else can happen along the way.)

I have to go back and read all the posts. I''m just so excited after being away from a computer for 5 days!

Oh, and I JUST found out (on June 23) that I''m pregnant. But I don''t feel sickness, no exhaustion (well, I''m always ready for a nap but no more now than before), but my boobs are sore! My first dr. appt is July 18.
congrats selflove..that''s wonderful news..
Curlygirl--I went to the website, actually I think I registered there about 2 weeks ago before I even knew I was pregnant. For the life of me I can''t find the pricing for paid memberships and it won''t let me access the message boards with the free 30-day VIP trial.

I really want to find a good message board forum (like exactly the format of PS, it''s just the easiest message board ever invented, anywhere!) for pregnancy. The site has great info and it''s very active, I just find the postings hard on the eyes.
Selflove, on the FF website menu, go to where it says "order". If you click on that, it should give you all the prices for the VIP membership. I did the 90 days for $16.95 but you can do it month by month or a whole year at once. It gives you access to all their message boards, etc. For me, the VIP status is very helpful as it tells me when I should start using OPKs, potential fertile days, etc. I''m actually quite fascinated by the temping thing. You really can plan your life around it--when your temp goes up, you''ve ovulated and when it drops, AF is on the way. I''ve learned so much about myself!! Lucky you, you don''t have to worry about that stuff
! Congratulations, by the way--you must be so excited!! I''m looking forward to hearing all your updates!
Congratulations selflove! Happy and Healthy 9 months.
Selflove, has very active pregnancy boards. There is an "expecting club" for each month. I think even March is already up. It''s great to meet people who are due the same time your are. Unfortunately, without paying a fee the board only shows you one post at time in a thread. Another drawback - at times during my first trimester it was actually anxiety provoking for me to read there since people frequently posted about problems with their pregnancies. Otherwise, I definitely recommend the site.
Hi everyone,

Firstly, I want to extend my congratulations to selflove and demezla for the wonderful news.

Okay, now to my questions.
How many of you ladies who are pregnant or were pregnant were considered underweight?
If you were, did you have to get your weight up before you can conceived?
Also, I was wondering if any one of you ladies tried the fertility drug called FertilAid (for women) and FertiAid (for mem)?

Thanks in advance.
I love this thread!!! I wish it was around when I was expecting my daughter 3 yrs. ago! A few sites I visited when I was preggers were (VERY graphic birth photos) and If anyone was as paranoid as I was I highly recommend renting a baby beat (sweetbeat is another company). I loved hearing her heartbeat every day. My boys loved hearing it, also, as they were frequently in school during my doctor''s appts.

Congrats to all of the expecting moms and good luck to all of the folks trying to be!
random Q but does anyone know what is recommended for working out while you are pregnant?

there is a gal in my kickboxing class who appears to be about 4-5 months pregnant from her belly, it's not big and it's not small, it's kind of in between and she goes to class seemingly at least every other day (though i have seen her on consecutive days)'s a lot of bouncing and kicking and punching...i would assume it's okay since i doubt she'd not have checked first...but what is typically 'allowed' or the norm?? i always somehow thought you weren't supposed to be THAT active at that point?
I never looked on the web for information... well that was about 10 years ago... was dealing with dail up..UGH..

But regardless of the negative things that might have been said about the book "What to Expect when you are Expecting." I LOVE IT.. it was my pregnany bible..
Date: 7/7/2006 6:20:31 PM
Author: Mara
random Q but does anyone know what is recommended for working out while you are pregnant?

there is a gal in my kickboxing class who appears to be about 4-5 months pregnant from her belly, it''s not big and it''s not small, it''s kind of in between and she goes to class seemingly at least every other day (though i have seen her on consecutive days)''s a lot of bouncing and kicking and punching...i would assume it''s okay since i doubt she''d not have checked first...but what is typically ''allowed'' or the norm?? i always somehow thought you weren''t supposed to be THAT active at that point?
I recall rfrom my pregnancies LOW impact and keeping your heart rate under 130...but it has been a few years. You have to constantly check your pulse and not overheat. Staying hydrated and not working out in the extreme heat is also key. Some women are so obsessed about their bodies and gaining weight that they do go overboard and it is really silly. Brisk walking or swimming are the best exercises when pregnant, in mho.
I just want to say (if it is not in the thread already) that even while you are trying to concieve the prenatal vitamins, with the high folic acid, are very important. they protect against neural tube defects like spina bifida and a crucial time is right in the beginning, when you may not even be aware you are pregnant. taking the vitamins all during the time you are trying is a good thing, plus as long into the pregnancy as your doctor recommends...
My doctor advised against strenuous exercises during the first trimester. I do yoga and pilates, and my instructors gets me to sit out the ones involving leg extensions and tummy bits. After awhile, I got sick of sitting out most of my pilates class because it involves mainly tummy stuff, so I stopped, but I am still doing yoga, albeit a more gentle form of pregnancy yoga.